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VOL 91
Associated Press Service
kiwanis clubs to
Enrollment At Athens
Institution Could Be
Doubled if Dormitories
W-uld Permit
KIWANIS to start
p r . Pound and Dean
Snelling Give Facts Re'
garding College For
Ga. Girls.
Support in its effort to enlarge
ils capacity was promised the
Stall Normal School Thuraday
night i.y the Kiwanis club here.
Assuring the club 'shat its en
rollment of more than 600 could
b« easily doubled if dormitory
facilities were provided, Dr. Jere
31 Pound, president of the insti
tution gave an interesting account
„f the school’s history quoting
from a recent history of the Nor
mal School written by Dr. E. S.
Sell, member of the faculty.
At the close of the meeting it
was pointed out that a move
among Kiwanis clubs of this state
requesting Governor-elect Clifford
Walker to appoint a fact-finding
commission to study thoroughly
and recommend a revised tax sys
tem may result in larger appropri
ations for the state institutions.
Luncheon At Which Re'
ports Are to Be Read
Here Friday And Show-
N. E. A. Strv'se
Single Copies S Cuts Dafly.
Greek Cabinet Has '
Suspended Exchange
Of Prisoners Plan
Hugh Gordpn And Dr.
Wilkinson To Present
Banner-Herald And Y.
M. C " A. Trophies.
27 Northeast Georgia
ed Renewed Interest In* Teams Participate]
The "Greater, Chamber of Com
merce for Athena” drive Is pro
gressing nicely as shown by ihe
meeUng Friday afternoon with the
luncheon at the Georgian hotel
and the reports of the different
Even if the campaign docs not
result In ss big s success as it was
hoped, It Is believed that It marks
a turning point In the development
and growth ol Atheds and has
awakened a new civic Interest In
a great number ol Athena citizens
Biggest Athletic
Ever Held In Athens.
ig in
Only three sessions now remain
in the Northeast Georgia High
School Basketball Tournament at
Moss auditorium.
As the elimination proceeds in
terest and enthusiasm becomes
more- tense. Friday morning the
high school turned out to. allow the
students to cheer their team on In
the Lawrcncevllle-Athens gams.
Friday night some of the best
games of the tourney will be play
ed. Saturday morning
ATHENS — the Greek cabinet
announces that in view of the con
tinued deportation of Pontus
Greeks by the Kemsllats, It has
decided to suspend the exchange
ol Turkish civilian prisoners which
waa to have started Thursday.
This action wae taken after H.
C. Jacqutth, director of the Near
East relief at OOMfantinople bad
Informed the ministers that 2S.0W
Greek refugees wars concentrated
In .Constantinople being In Inade
quate barracks. Mr. Jacqutth said
the refugees were suffering to di
sease to such an orient that the
situation was beyond control.
The Near East relief Friday, re
bel red a telegram from Samsoun
asserting that 11,000 refugees were
gathering there and awaiting bans
porta tlon. The message added
that the Turks were insisting upon
the Immediate departure of the re
fugees because of the danger of
and will certainly result In much | U o’clock comes the semi-finals
coastrucHve work being done In
the next few years.
women and
Some action, in this line whs
urged by Dean C. M. Snelling of
the University of Georgia who
spoke on the relationship of this
community to the State Normal.
W. K. Meadows in thanking the
students for their entertainment of
the Kiwanis dub, declared that the
organization could 1 help wonder
fully in its program of aid to the
under-privileged child by eo-oper-
ating with the Normal in send
ing forth equipped teachers for
die public schools in Georgia.
the State Normal and it .cannot
continue to be “hide hound” de
clared the president. In. its 28
years of existence the State Nor
mal has sent forth 15/XX) girls
as gradutas and ma'JHculates
ninety percent of whom went In-
(Tum to Page Six)
Harding, Wilson, Senat*
ors, Governors, * and
Others Asked for March
29. Memorial Topic.
ATLANTA—National Interest is
invoked in the proposed conference
of Southern dignatariea and Na
tionally prominent leaders in At
lanta on March 29 by the invita
tions to President Harding, for
mer President Woodrow Wilson
ami his cabinet, Governors and
United States Senators of th* IS
original states of the Confederacy,
and heads of Southern Patriotic
and historic organisations, broad-
east in an address by Gution Bor-
elum, famous sculptor, represen
tative of the Stone Mountain me
morial association, bar* Thuraday
right. .
The message was sent out to tha
world over tho radio broadcasting
•W ion of the Atlanta Constitu
tion, the sculptor explaining to
his invisible audience that the
purpose of the meeting la to da-
'ermine the claim of each state
for position in the vast memorial
to the Confederacy and her heroic
leaders which wfll h# carved in
'he granite aides of Ston* Moun
Jir. Borglum in referring to ar
rangements to ba worked out by
the conference her* said that the
plans call for the grouping of
gcmmal officers of tile
as nearly as possible as
served during th* war.
Those man
fund up to noon Thursday a*e as
ollows; a total of 239:
Athens Butchers' Abettor Co.,
and Saturday tflght at 8 o'clock
the championship will be decided.
'who had Joined as member*' Saturday “tfbt go on i
subscribed to the working Costs s at 9:30 Saturday
Reserved seats for the session
sale at
Saturday. afternoon the local
5 Cents Sunday.
■ ■»
Six Members of Federal
Jury Klan Members,
But Indictment Came,
IS IN THE CASE j Bochum Fihed 36,000,000
Marks Because Ger-
Angora Will Have
Majority For Its.
Peace Plan, Thought
Violation Committed in
February 1921- Clarke
Also Faces Violation
of Prohi.’ Law.
Associated Praia) — The convic
tion la growing here that the gov
ernment at Angora will have a
majority In its favor on Its peace
plana. - -aadflf)
| The debate st Angora Is general-
mans Beat Dealers Sell- ly described as a search for middle
ing French Papers. Kround ’ wh,ch wlu bring aH e,e
ESSEN—(By The Associated
Press.)—The town of Bochum haa
, g 'been fined 33,000,000 marks because
HOUSTON, Vexr — Six members two newsdealers wire beaten by
of the Ku Klux Klao ore serving!'a*lmuu» for efcllin* French new.-
Indlcted B. Y. Clarke, former act- f*cn. where military telephones
ing Imerial wizard ol the Klan, on were cut haa been fined one mil
's charge of violating the Mann
’ acL Prior to swearing In the jury
several days ago. Judge Hutcheson
questioned each man as to bis pos-
Rmmtrpmanl Was flr'ilfpn * lb * e connection with the Klan..
-.nrapmm was siroKen :The , lx uid they wen K iansmen
Thursday But Recencir hut denied that such membership
iation Is Quickly 22“.‘heir judgment m
Brought About. | presented.
Ota together.
e army cost
LIMBURG—The French have ex-j
tended the limits ot the sone (or- I
merly occupied by the Americans I
by taking over the Flamersfleld j
l uicir juugiueui iu , nation on the Altenklrchen-Llm- j
evidence of guilt was]burg Railway, apparently with the
' Intention of erecting a customs de-
The Indictment against Clarke ' P ot - _
i yesterday gave few details concern
LOS ANGELES, Cal.-*-Pol* . ing the charges made. It was un-
Negri, motion picture tragedienne, derstood the alleged violation oc-
who Thursday night announced curred February 11. 1*31. Clarke
she bad broken off har engagement { was in New Orleans as the time
to many Charlie Chaplin, screen with Imperial Wlxxard Simmons I
coramedun. early Friday morning [ostensibly in attendance of some |
If Germany Would Pay
Regular Sum, Expenses
Could Be Payed, Say
PARIS — (By the Associated
Press) — The belief that the
United States could be easily reim
bursed for Up cost of Its Rhine
army If only Germany would pay
considerable sums regularly on tha
icparatlon account wav generally
dpi. ascii at Thursdty’s confer
ence between Elliot Wadsworth.
■ i gf
Statement Issued in
Washington Indicates
That Situation May Be
Much Worse. _ J.
German ’Government Ca n'
not Guarantee Peace in
Face of Present Devel-
opements, Note Says.
that the atmosphere of “high ten
sion" prevailing among the Ger
man population In tho
Ruhr district “may In tJM I
future lead to explosions" of dis
order was expressed' In a I
statement Issued Thursday
by tho German embassy. -i-os
Should the. population "already
severely tried, let Itself be led
acta of desperation” the statement
qalr, “the German govrnmntrdiuu
•aid," the German government will
Inot be In a.poeiUon to guarantee
the maintenance of peace' and qp* Id
Atueua nutenera noauar ,-u., Young Men's Christian AssoclaUon ; made another announcement that m eeUng of Klan chiefs. He had
Athens”Coca*'Cbla BoUllXt Co" »»• b® th ® »tag® <° T » bl * enter- i re^ncrijistion hsd ^ sffertrf.' previously been in Houston with
1 1) nrn pri|T mi yn j i xslatant secretary of the Treasury
U mn (j ELI 11 III I III ani1 th ®. financial representative of
Athens Oas Ught and Fuel Co..! tajnment to officials, members of
Athens R’y and Electric Ca, Ath- , “J* S' 0 " 0 * « lrta of th ® J-
ena Manufacturing Co.. O. Ah-; . M> c -. *• “ mp ,nd v,rit *
ney, Martin J. Abney. AmeH»n: ln * b, * b *'*®®‘*‘™ 1 - .
State Bank. D. O. Aodevsoa. An- *
dsrson Plumbing Co.. Q.'fy. ASrm- j
strong. J. D. Applewhite. Athens!
B * tUrr CO - C -; after*** picture tam.^of .Uwho
' „ : took part in the tourney at.. 4
o'clock. Teams eliminated at-
F J ML&V. Baxter, ft
Boncham, W. H. Behson. S. Bern- . ready and to be are urged to re-
. . . . Bcnl ,
“We have made .up” said Mias , wizsard Simmons when It Is al-
the Allied governments. Friday,
were examined from every point
Negri. “I believe that is what you |eged to have met the girl wbo Is ! _ . Jot view. However, the spokes
eall it here in lAreetfca. Ml In the Indictment returned : 1922 Taxes Amounted «n®“ *» France. Orest Britain, and
chief I
Chaplin cam* to my home early > Wednesday
Thusday evening and he stayed Clarke's career as Klan ......
lata. I have taken, him back and ' and organiser has been turbulent,
are are quite reconciled and sn- Charges of violation of the liquor
Ex*®® ***in. I am ao happy 11 | awa heve come up In court but
“"T& U trouble came about" | no conv,ct,on ob,alncd -
ahe conrinuyl. '[through a atate- CLARKE is CONFIDENT
newspaper 0F VINDICATION
OQC 1KQ Cairo Ra-! >UI > > cou,d not • n **®»t * way to
$204,886,168, bays Jtte I compel Oermany to pay until the
port Made By Official
Hale Holden.
Id Join in tiio good time.
ton, W. M. Bryant. J,
Blue Ribbon Shoe C
Budwine Bottling Co.,
v nmea 1 Gordon .president of the Commer-
cia, Bank and friend of athletic*
n n I end bovs In this section, will award
Blood wart h, Henry Rordenhelmer, i‘ b ® , te Y 'whIie < Dr A j C h *wnldn«on P
Zti AWrSb.'^iS' pjirat ’ BaptUt* chureh
W « Cha- ! win tender the moat useful player
r" Cli^x foolery | the xo.d b-.kMbal. given by th.
Mills, W. H. Cabanlss, Robert CaUa 2*’’’’" r -”® r * Id -
way, Campbell and Barrow. R. C.' RIVALRY
Campbell. Callaway Grocery Co.,
W. H. Cannon, R. J* cautben, R.
L. CaUaway, W. A. Capps. Pete If.
ChlUvln. M. Coata, C. & ColUn*.
. E. R Cohen, W. T. Colling*, Inc.,
A Coata, Tho*. F. Comer, C. 8.
Compton. P. M. conolly. Warren J.
(Turn to Pag* Six)
Miss Lovice Jowers Is
Still In The Lead With
Much Interest In The
L" and Davis naturally
her” he aald. “as office'
•Iv • rmy of Virginia, Jackson
lure, and zSfcoura® Pickett,
imniortal charge at Gattjra-
, r L', ordered simply by p hand-
from Lee, will ba near l*e.
A.l irt Sydney Johnson, Jeb Stew-
J", Beauregard, Forest Jossph
[•kelcston Johnson, Hood, Wads
ianipton, Gordon, Jot Whaalar,
Jongrtrect, Early and Moaby will
u ®!1 there together.”
Admiral Semmes will b® biclud-
alro he said. Two hundred feet
!" the mountain which to
'la largest single rock in the world
j* J »1 to sbotfl a sixteen story
W' The figure of Vet re-
viewing. the army on horseback
> :,t ' Dsvis and Jaeltxon Aaarj
"be over ninety feet in hi
Tbe fsoe of the mountain
i' rtl hundred feet in
Oh thousand feet in
Five more Athens girls . were
nominated In the Whits Wuy Pop
ularity Contsat Thursday and .the
race goes merrily on with Miss
Lovice Jowers still In the lead.
The new entrants with their
vote standing i follow: Lota Etn-
ridge. 1001 i Miss Nannie Eth
ridge 1001: Miss Uhlan Edward*
1030; Mlaa Fay McDorman 1001-
Mlsa Mable Park 1.060.
Votes are one penny each. The
money will be used in ijurchaelnx
Ihe four prizes. Ford coupe; 0100 in
gold; ItO in .gold and 1*0 In gold.
The winner* will be awarded the
prises on the'day the White Way
is opened, April 4. ' ,
The surplus money will be turnr
•d over to the playground fund.
Money has been seoured for one
playground ■ but two or three more
are needed to give Athene a com
plete system.
The Rotary club Is sponsoring
Mlsa Laura Mas Hammond and
and other organisations are plan
ning to sponsor one of the noml-
The standing of-^the nominees
Friday morning waa aa follows:
Mias Lovice Jowers, 3,161.
Mias Laura Hammond, 1,473.
Miss Bessie Jackson. 1.446.
mi— Martha Nicholson. 1,61*.
Mia* Nellie Grtffeth. 1.112.
Mlsa Sarah Maddux. 1.011.
Mlaa Pautlns Toney. 1.060.'
Mlea Martha McAlpIn 1.060.
Mlaa Katherine Ashford. 1.001.
Mlaa Katherine Bradwell. 1.001. ‘
Mlaa Emms Booth. 1.00*.
Mlsa Hasel Hodg»on, 1,001.
Mias Elizabeth Harts, 1.007.
Miss Frances Holden. 1,001.
Mi— Sank Hall. 1.001.
Ml— Cbloe Kemp. 1.010,
Competition throughout Oft ---
tire rounds have been unusually
• (Turn to page two) -
Senatorial Chapter of
Senate History Revolv
ing About Late Ga. Sen
ator is Ended.
tional chapter of senat* history re
volving around a charge by tho
late Senator Watson, .democrat,
Georgia that American roldiera
were executed without trial In
France waa closed Thuraday vfceu
the committee appointed to in
vestigate reported unanimously
that it hath found the charges un
The comnUtte— finding were em
bodied In one of the briefest re
ports ever submitted by an In
vestigating body. It was senreev’y
a dozen lines In length. It slated
EZV!?. 1 •!5m?rt£ n «.Zt't^ lon ' ,* oa «bt-for Invention which
2&*£i k l!S£ t i:d CO E2i t i2 P°***bl» the oresematlon of
ment published in
that Charlie hod said he waa too
aday world and h* brt. to stay
busy to keep away from emotion
al affairs and climaxes of senti
CHICAGO—Tax#* charged the
nations' railroads for 1122 Increas
ed 10 1-* per cent over 1121 and
. amounted to 8*04,316,16*. th* terg-
ATLANTA, 0*. -r While await- e st sum ever paid by th* .carters,
Ing additional Information con-!jfoJe Holdon, chairman of th*
corning warrants said to have been : western fal'.wtys' commute* m
Issued for his arrest In Houston public relatlonV and rrealdent of
county Texas, by a Federal grand j the Chicago. Burlington and
“£te of course I broke the en- jJ“ r f P urtd, r b ' m B , w, * h B*Dway announeea her*
gagement, but Thursday night violation 0 f the Mann act, E. Y. i rldny.
Charlie came to tee me. He swore ' Clarke, former acting Imperial \VI*
to me that he had never aald such «Hl °MI>* Ku Klux Klan maintain-
• thing. He said he talked fof ®d an attitude of confidence that
no newspaper at all. He said he he would be fully vindicated when
loved me and could not Uva with- that matter goes to trial,
out m*. ' The former high official of 'he
"And, so of coi
him and have
taken Mi
I believed
Klan was still at liberty early Fri
day. no warrant having been re
ceived here for hi* arrest so fnr.
“Its simply another effort to at
tempt to discredit me and through
discrediting damsxe the Knights of
the Ku Klux Klan” Mr. Clarke
“The Toll of the Sea” is
the Name of Techni*
color Reel Coming to
Athens theatre goers hav* a
Has Returned
From Funeral
i-rcrent controversies have been
settled. Meanwhile, It was point
ed out. Germany has suspended
payments to the Allies and there
to no Immediate prospect of eith
er money or goods with which the
UUlted States might be paid.
der In the occupied teritory.” "This ■
condition arises.” It was will,
"from the parallsatlon by tho
French of tha German official ap-
paratus In the Ruhr" Including tpe
order disbanding tho German se
curity police of the Urban |ond
rural district of Essen and the re
ported disarming 'of the aecunty
police at other places. Tbs atmos
phere If high tension described as
prevailing among the population
wa* sold to have been created by
tho "ever more numerous and
tal expulsions. Drastic sentem
by court-martial, pillages
treatments In the strei
through tho oppressions of the
tire towns"
Mrs. S. P. Rowe has returned
home from Boas.' Alabama, where
she attended the funeral, and Inter
ment of her husband. Mr. S. P.
Rowe, who died at in Athens hoapl
real treat to store tor them Sat- “jSJTg*. formerly Mrs.
had held hearings and Inquired
Into the allegations of Senator Wat
■on and had determined that they
were not sustained by the testi
mony. ,
urday when "The Toll of the Sea*
bring* to .Athens the first "Tech
nicolor” screen production cvef
shown here;
This picture Is tinted in various
colors and brings out distinctly
the natural tints ot the aettlnta in
which It was made. It la a high
er development of the tinted pic
tures than any that have preceded
-Martha Carter, of Clarke county,
The new $ recess by which "Th*
Toll of the Sea” haa been done to,
according ”lo authentic advance
statements of competent critics,
the fullest development of the
people aa they really appear to
actual life. ”
Th* 6 -lnr'ti.1 inventor ,nf tbs
Technicolor process la Dr. Daniel
F-. Comstock, a graduate of tbs
Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology aad foreign Institutions.
For seven years be and his eo-
All of tho committee members, workers, have given research to,
Senators Brandsgee, Connecticut; **•. P*®bto«n. and the result of.
WIUIs, Ohio; and Earnest Ken-
Itucky. republican, Ovaraudi, North
Carolina; and Shields, Tennessee,
democrats signed the. report In a
unni'i.i! rr-nnrf finnntrtP 1-
■pedal report Segator
declared upfouadqd
which came before the committee
during Its hearings that Major H.
L. Ople, of Virginia had shot his
Senator Watson’s original
charges were made In a atrtes of
senate speeches In November, 1121
during which Ae startled the coun
try by sutAlttlng photographs
which he said portrayed -alliwa
on which American soldiers bad
been hanged wtthoqt legal prices*.
He also exhibited letters be raid
he had received frpm former ser
vice men declaring that Illegal
bangings aid shootings bad taken
gymy waa in
nlicad, t,9*L
their experiments is shown to thotr
first (picture.
■von without the natural color
ing of objects. *erhe Toll of the
Baa" would still be mi aboorMng
photoplay. Its story Is based 'on -a-
Chinese legend which tolls : that
for every bit of Joy (be sea gives,-
It.glves double the amount In dls-
•anointment. A charming young
Chinese girl marries an American.
He leaves her after a while and
for several years the does not
hear from him. When he does re
turn. II la on a honeymoon trip
with his American bride. Lotus
Flower's hopes are In vain; and
•he looks tB tM sea for the end
of her unhappiness.
Morning Games
Owen***? *4: FI barton It.
xf thni **’ I - awT ® nccv ' 1 '®
ha 15; Lavonia 13.
Senator from Wisconsin
Small boy wa*
brought by bla
father to Wash
Ington and tak
en to visit
He was much
Interested 1 n
the chaplain
who always
opened -the
sessions. with
prayer., Both In
the Senate and
the House he
had , obsei
this procedure,
and Anally'asked'his father:
- “Papa, why doe* th* miniate®
cotoe In every ddji and prey, toy
Congress?” - u afrotodn
"You've got It all wrong. sont v
replied Us father. "The minister
comes in every day. looks over
Congress and then prays for the
Mr. Holden averted that 1*22
taxes webs 24 per cent greeter than
those ot 19:4 an Increme- i-f It) 1-2
per cent over the amount pal* lu'TwO
1912 nlut exceeded cash ,1lviJ«nO*
paid by uiv carters In unj rear
except 1*17. The 1**2 tax**, he aald
amounted to 2* ,per cent of the
rallrouda net earnings as compared
with 13 per cent In 1*17.
Although the railroads reduced
rates nnd cut expenses by efficient
oi eruticn notwithstanding me
shoiH-rafts "trike, Mr. Holden said,,
the "benefits that might have been
derived from these changes both
dy the railways and 'the puhllti
were ccrlously reduced by th* fmt
that taxes were largely Increased.
Western railways according to
Mr. Holden have been affected
even more during the post ten,
years by Increase In taxes then the
railways of the country as a whole,
in 1920 U.eli total taxes were leas
than 146.000,000. In 1*22 they were
almost |ll4,M0,Mt. an Ihcrease of
20* per cent.
Mr. Holdah quoted what be
termed remarks mad* In th* sen
ate by Senator Borah, Idano, aa
"It la very difficult to reduce
freight rates If we continue In tbia
country to Increase taxes upon, the
railroads aa we have in the last
four years”
"As Senator Borah said. "Mr.
Holden's statement read "th*
taxes come back upon the produc
er the shipper. These public utili
ties must collect this money from
Ithey wer* alighting from a trolley! step was designed to smooth out
car in Weat Philadelphia. Tho ! the difficulties In tho way of tho
'driver of tho machine did not slack. * m “- who have boon hampered by
ion bfs speed but rushed away as ■ atrlkes and tbs menaos of n food
Women, One Mai
Thrown 60 Feet. Wealthy
Is Held,
and a man were killed early Friday
whan an automobile, traveling at
high speed, crashed Into them as
French and Belgian Ex
perts Act As Technical
Aid For General Payot,
in Charge.
■DUBSBLDORF—By the Associ
ated Dress.—The Ruhr am-„ rrl-
Iday went ahead with plans to oi>-
Rnnkpr Cllllhmfiu Ul-linlr ®®®t* all railroad* In the Ruhr and
warmer, t^iuDman, urunK BhtaiIa— wlth e^pti-A ,.i
those In th* Cologne area. General
Payot, th* transportation chief of
Iths French mission, wfll be the
administrative officer. Ho win have'
French and Bellglan exierta aa Us
technical assistants.
J French headquarter* paid the
hfa victims were hnrlad fifty feet
from the spot where they were
Twenty minutes later Henry C.
Brock, banker, clubman and mem-
shortage. .The railroad administra
tion Is empowered to recruit us
muny as are nsedad and moat of
these will be Imported (Tom Bel
gium and Franc*. Several hundred
Germans, th* French officers as-
ber of n widely known PMhntel-
"SaSST iZSfl
the collection- of Internal revenue
tax on all tobacco and spirits sold
one source, that
la ‘those who
Will be spent In Athens stores in
tomorrow's—tsturdsy*'—w*«k end
•hopping. It Is safe to say that
a large majority of • there week
end Saturday shopping Dollars
will be guMed by the store news
and business announcements of
Athens merchant* In tenlght’e
Banner. Herald.
It win psyjyeu tejpre 1 yeu. khap t
In the eterejt-ef; Athene -te khSO-
first tonight In the columne id*—
Six Men Burned td Death
Just After Hqlbert
t Had Won Asiastic Fleet
.MANILA (By th# Associated
fres*)—It waa just after th* de-
rftreycr Hulbcrt took the Asiatic,
fleet speed tbophyjby making SS I
knots _ an hour Thursday lhat
tragedy came aboard to chill the
pride of the crew. Six enlisted
men were killed by an explosion
in the boiler room.
An investigation board haa bean
Appointed to determine the cause.
The bod top ware removed to the
Cavite Naval station where they
wfll be prepared for burial.
The Hulbcrt arrived in Manilla
last October after ceminig from
New Port News, Va, by the way
of Sues Canal.
phis family was found four block*
from the aeons of the accident
standing beside a bloods pattered
motor cor, wrecked again;t a pole.
He wae arrested by the polce in
connection with the aeddsn.
A fur neck piece worn by one
of the women waa found wedged i
between the mudguard and the
radiator ot the car. A barren waa
embodied fa the radiator. The I
dead were Mlaa Ellens O'Donnell,
tt years old, Lao O’DonnelL 29 her
son. and Mlaa Maty Murphy, II.
a friend of the O’Donnell family.
The. three were returning home
from a birthday party for Mrs.
O'Donneira daughter, Mrs. Clare
Hart Mrs. O’Donnell was a widow
and the mother ot eight children.
Miss Murphy was a high school
Brock was taken to the police
station and a police surgeon, af
ter an examination reported that
while Brock waa undoubtedly un
der the influence of liquor he waa
fully capable ot driving an automo
Ml*. A chaise ot reckless driv
ing was lodged against him.
in th* Ruhr and Rhineland. Bar-
eons who refuse to pay this will bo
arrested and their places of bu«!-
neea closed. '
Anonymous Correspond
ent of the London Times
Takes Up BaifomH
by th* MtonphWBouthS As
sociation club..
Athenians who care to take
a peep at the moon tonight be
tween nine and eleven o’clock
wilt have the opportunity ot
seeing old lady Lana some
what disarranged. Old moth
er earth la calculated to paaa
between her and the source of
her splendor and cause, a
thorty eight percent eclipse.
The greatest obscuration la
scheduled for 10:12 and the
normal condition will ba
stored at lltt*. The
(Stte will ho morf.Wipto than
young spooners basking In the
ahlmmery light Friday night.
LONDON—Ambassador Harvey's
reference to the Balfour note in
htt address at th* Pilgrim*' din
ner calls forth nnonomoyous com
munication to tbs Times relating
"with great deference nnd with all
respect te his excellency" the state
ment printed In the Times on Au
gust 2*. last.
This statement, which came front
"Authoritative British Quarters"
was to th* effect, the corespond
ent points oht that there was some
misapprehension respecting Ute
Earl of Balfour's assertion that
money had been borrowed for the
Allies. It quoted s statement made
|by Sir Robert Horn* in the II< n„
of Commons. Oct 20. 1*21, showing
hint If Great Britain had rad to
help the al'l-s she would not nave
been obliged to borrow from the
United 8tetes.
Th# Timet statement the corres
pondent continues, sold that with
the exception of *140.000,000 I oar
t» Great Britain to be Immedtap
rc-loancd to Russia for
lure In tho United Sts
whole proceeds of the
advances were applied 'to
epc-nditurcs In the.