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VOL- 91.
Associated Press Service
N. S. A. Sirv'is
Single Copies S Cents Dally. I Casta Sunday.
Oglethorpe Man, Age 97
Grows New Set of Teeth
Dr. Campbell •..Morgan,
Dr Percy Morgan, And
Dr. Len Broughton 1 To
Give the Lectures.
Rev. Claud.E. Goodwin,
Who Lead the Singing
Last Year To Have
Charge Again.
N.iXrtbeaat Georgia people will
have the opportunity of hear-
i„ K |,r..bahly the world 1 * two great-
itihle teachers It became def
initely known Saturday when dates
(„r the annual Athens Bible Con-
a rea, a were announced.
The Conference thin yenr will ne-
„i„ .tprll and end on May 4. Tho
I,.,.Hirers will be Ur. O. Campbell
Morgan and Rev. P. C. Morgan of
Athens and Dr. Len O. Broughton
„( Itirhmohd. Va. Dr. Morgan and
Hr Hroughton are Internationally
known and aa laat year their lec
tures next month will attract hun-
ilrnls of people to Athena from
kurruundlng territory.
The official perronnel of the con
ference will be as follows: Bar. 8.
j. fartledge, pastor of the Central
ITesbyterian church director: Ur.
jure M. Pound, president c< State
Norinul School chairman, and
Craves F. Stephenson secretary.
Ilev. Claude E. Goodwin, one of
the best known song dlaactors in
this country who made the music uf the outstanding features of
last year's conference here will
have charge of the music again.
Tlie conference Will open on Sun
day. The first week will b* devoted
to lecture* by Rev. P. C. Morgan
at li:30 o'clock each motnlng on
•The Sprltual Symphony of tne
Scriptures;”.'at 11 o’clock.^ by Dr.
Fourfold Testimony:- at 4 o'clock
by Ur. O. Campbell Morgan on "An
old Story Reconsidered.” Th» even-
Ini! m rvlces wlU consist of sermons
i.y the three conference lecturers
alternating. .
In the second weak Dr. Campbell
Morgan will lecture In the morn
ing on 'The Messages of Msggal oe
Ilullding AQld Ruins.'
hour Rev. l'erclval Morgan will lac-
luro on "Evolutionary Hypoheaea In
the Light of Blblloal Revealatlon”:
In the afternoon Or. Len Q. Brougn-
ton will lecture on “The Ministry of
Hie CuinmonplncS" and tna lec
turer, will again alternate In de
livering sermons In tba evening.
Athens Dentists Declare No One Has Ever Grown
Third Set of Teeth. Discuss Why Teeth Decay So
Rapidly- Man Has Lost Four As Result Of Civ*
izing Process.
Although he lacks but three
years of being one hundred years
of age the father of W. H. Lathi
in Oglethorpe county is growing
a naw set of teeth.
At least, this is tilt report re
ceived in Athens. Mr. Luthi’s sbn
who lives at Commerce, visited
him recently and found he has
six new teeth and others rooting
to push through. He has only one
of the original teeth left and finds
it necessary to have that removed
in order to make way for a new
Admitting that the above story
is "interesting” Athens dentists
smile and shake their heads in die- had thirty-six permanent tefth.
belief of its veracity. MMr. Luthi Now, we only sport thirty-two in
temporary and permanent. After
then litle pegs may stick on: but
they are not teeth. No where in
dental science has this ever oc
curred, they say. However, they
are wiling to make an X-ray of
Mr. Lnthi to see whether he is
really reproducing teeth. If he
comes to Athens this will be done
at no expense to him as discovt ly
of a new set would create a stir
i nthe tlenca. world.
Instead of growing three seta
of teeth, dentists say, man has al
ready lost four permanent teeth
as a result of civilisation, the
knife and the fork and pre-digest-
ed food. Ten thousand yean ago,
before either you or I were born,
as the story book’, say—savages
may be cuting his wisdom teeth,
but he. isn’t growing a hew set,”
say the dentists. “At that," they
assert. “Mr. Luthi couldn’t be
growing six wisdom teeth. Two
of the six reported in the story
must be supernumerary teeth—
little pegs."
And, there you are. Mr. Luthi
says his father is not only pos
sessor of six new teeth at the
age of 97, but othen are pushing
through to the surface. On the
other hand Athens dentists de-'
dare no such thing has ever hap
pened despite newspaper stories
every now and then (hat "Mr.. So-
and-So of nowhere is growing a
new set of teeth” at a ripe old
Dentists declare no animal glows
more than two sets, of teeth—the
a permanent *et.
Rich foods, cutting our food
with a knife and an un-balaneed
diet decays tho teeth. Conn*
diet exercises them. People who
ignore the conventions to the ex
tent of biting off meat, for in
stance,, instead of cutting it with
a knife, have healthier teeth.
Those who cat whole wheat flour
instead of white flour, have bet
ter teeth. Here a curious fact is
related. In MWfcilota, the great
est white flour producing state,
Present Chamber of Com*
merce Directors And
Officers Announce Res
ignation Plan.
Step Will BeJTaken When “JfJ" »»»•"«*«• L ' omm
“Greater Chamber of
Commerce” Campaign
Here Terminates.
The present officers and hoard
of directors of the Athens Cham
ber of Commerce will resign in
order that after the present cam
paign, the new members of the
body may select their own offi
cers and directors, it was an
nounced Saturday.
This move comes about, it is
said, as a step in the complete re
organization and expansion of the
local trade body into the “greater
Chamber of Commerce” for Ath-
The official announcement is
sued Saturday by the present of
ficers and directors of the Cham
ber of Commerce in , which they
clearly set forth their reasons for
taking the action mentioned fol
Luthi. Athens dentists are inter
ested in it but believe it will turn
out like tho story of the “gold
tooth baby in Atlanta.
law bars 1U sale because of its We, the officers and Board or
Injurious resolft.' Directors of the Chamber of Com-
Ct back to the story df Mr. imeree have unanimously "rated*
resign as officers and directors,
to take effect upon the election
of a new Board .after the present
campaign for membership. This
action is taken so that the hun
dreds of new members that have
signed up during the past week,
and others who are expected to
Girlie Whirlie “Frolic of 1923” With
Local Talent To Be Excellent Showgtr&SW^M!
own choice for toe controlling
; Dashing, PI
ies, New Scenery,'01
Good Laughs, Tuneful
Music In D. A. R. Shtfw.
Saving to Farmers Is Said
to Result Front Combin
ed Control. Commission
WASHINGTON—Increasing con
tract «f ihs mixed fertiliser business
11 he United State* by a few tarao
companies with the price to tne
conNumer fixed through virtually
uniform contracts placing retailers
in position of agencies was reported
m I he senate Saturday by tne Kect-
al nude commission. * I
•What promises to be hr far the
moet delightful and entertaining
Tha next 1 musical show which has ever play-
'ad in Athens is the girlie whlrlle
“Frolic of 1923” which will be
offered at the' Colonial Theatre
Monday end Tuesday - evening*,
March It and 13.
The cast for. this production
includes, the members of tbe Ath
ens debutante and sub-debutante
Hi and University of Georgia boys
Jimmie Bishop, Palace Theatre
solo organist who pot on the re
cent euccessful “Klwanls Jollies,"
is directing the production of tbe
“Frolic of 1923." and with the
excellent material that/ h* has
selected, It la sabs to predict that
this offering wilt eclipse tbe “Jol
lies 11 —and that ie saying a good
deal because it was tbs general
Concensus of opinion that! this was
the boat amateur performance
ever seen in Athens.
“The Frolic of 1923” will In
clude ail of the latest and meet
tuneful music, much of which'will
he heard In Athens for the first
time'when the curtain rises on
«ie Initial offering of this show.
In addition to the music, tnare will
be pretty' girl* 8*lore; Athens
girls known to Athenians and Uni
vuiWty students alike, and it is
said that their feminine pnlchri-
ludo win be greatly enhanced In
“The Frolic.” by the dashing and
■Sr costumes that have been
' especially for tho occnsi-
fic .< p.vt which was submiaeo
• . v nee with »• solution .toy
Senator Morris, republican Nabraa-
Senator Morris, republican
b, also yald control of three oeeon-
lial materials entering Into the
manufacture .of commercial fertll-
!». r« was highly concentrated—nl-
irate of sods by Chilean Interests,
lotnsh by German and Kronen in
terest* and sulphate of ammonia by
Hu- American coal product* ooih-
The c ommission described the
operative buying, of fertiliser as
i hr must Important factor In lower -
Inc the price. The preeldent of on*
• f the largest fertiliser companle#
a m quoted os estimating that In
I'll ro-operatlv* buying In cortaln
mi.hllewestcm sections suved farm'
.'•I that the scheme bad reacti-
"• the stage where It must be re
ar,led as a “permanent factor" tn
'a- fertiliser Industry.
Ml on OF Jill
Steve Cannon, Age 5,
Succumbs From Burns
Sustained When His
Clothes Burned. .
Steve Cannon. 5-year-old ton
of Coke Cannon, of Hart county,
was burned to death when Ms
clothing caught Are while stand
ing before an open grate, it was
learned here Saturday. *
1 The accident occurred Into Mon
day afternoon and death came ear
ly' Tuesday. The little child suf
fered Intense agony during the
hoara following the accident
In m desperate' effort to save
her son’s Ilfs Mrs. Cannon was
painfully burned about tho hands
and arms.
i Board of <ttti Chamber of Com■
election will he conducted
a democratic system coigr
prising both a primary and final
election conducted by mail. There
Will be no nominating committees,
tickets or any other such expedi
ent used in tills election. On tbe
other hand, each member will re
ceive by mail with his primary
ballot n list of the entire member-
The senate created u commission
of rive to Investigate conditions In
the gold and sliver industry during
the recess.
Cyrus B. Woods now ambassador
to Spain was nominated ambassador
to Japan and Alexander 1‘. Moore
of Pittsburgh, was named ambas
sador to Spain.
Treasury officials said Customs
receipts of t4t.tll.0fr0 In February
Indicated receipts uf nbout $525,-
000.000 for the fiscal yenr.
Senator Glass of Virxlnla declined
swmbersblp on the world war'debt
funding commission. Senator Sim
mons of North Carolina was nomi
nated In his stead.
The senate passed the house hill
requiring quotation cf the busts ofi
American standards for all cotton |
■nM In Int.ntnt* ('— f()l
Smallman Brice Construe'
tion Co. of Birmingham
Is .To Finish Campus
$182,09800 IS THE
Congress, with Its decks cleared
of major measures ploughed through
the wreckage of numerous minor
bills toward the end of Its legis
lative voyage at noon Sunday.
Attorney General Ilaugherty or
dered a final decree for separation ot
the Lehigh Valley Railroad compuny
frvm Us coul subsidiaries filed in
the United States District court
at New York.
First Step in Million Dol'
lar Building Program Is
Soon To Get Under way.
In This City.
. The contract for thecomplstlon
of the Alumni hall at the Uni
versity of Georgia was Saturday
awarded to the Smallman Brice
Construction company, of Birm-
The senate passed the Hveet bin ■ ingham, Ala., the coet to be 3132,-
increaslng the period under the wur “ was announced Saturday
risk” Insurance act In which a vet- Jlight by Harry Hodgson, m*m-
erun’s ,UL> iblihy. will he assuror,1 ber of the building committee and
to ha vs : ouulrrd* fry in ;»e*. M » •.»■*» n.-it the bOATd of trust of tho memori-
extendln? insurance prtv ‘wj* , al fund of the alumni.
Th© Mono /> voerfd 49 to t!4 ufa«nm • Work on the completion of the
proceeding with consider.-tum or u hall is to so forward immediately
' I DL tk. aarnttWlail nf tkU
Congress to End Its
67th Session at Nooi
COCO LEAVES .Mil %£?££?#
Attorney General To Give
Grand Jury Testimony
of Hdoded Activities of
Jam With Last
MEW ORLEANS. —Attorney (Jen
na A. V. Coco was to leave Sat
urday night for Bastrop to Iny be
fore Morohouae grand fury tbs te’st-
mony obtained at the states open
hearing at that place last January
Into hooded band activities which
resulted on August 24, In the slaying
of Watt Daniel and Thomas Klch-
ard, of Mer Rouge.
resolution by Senator Kiric, deino- and with the completion of this
crat Utah, to grant authority to mo building on the college campus,
president for participation In tr.e ■'he first actual work in the buiid-
Internatlcnul court of Justice
ing program of the University
made possible by the raising of a
million dollars recently by the
alumni and friends of tha univer
sity will be taken. -
A meeting was held in Athens
Thursday at which time the bids
for the completion of Alumni hall
> were canvassed, but tha award-
. Wng of the contract took place in
Atlanta today at a meeting of the
m ra T /-, . I board of trust at whicr were
Elmer Fambro Gets Ban present the following:
H «£ d Trophy !
2.000 Witness Final ttoise, Mrs. Sam Inman, both of
Fierce Contest a-ffiiSftJ/fi a uSl
son, of Savannah, Chancellor
In tbe final game of the largest:
David C. Barrow, Harry Hodgson,
Captain J. W. Barnett, and Dr. R.
_ . — nod
^rb , .id b s k fr l L« ! ^- rfTto* •^{"Locia-
mentever held in this etton of the .University,
'nil HIDE M
««- Watkins-, -
villa High .School defeated the' - ' -
team of Greensboro High School,
title holder ot 1922 In the hardest j
fought gsme ot the entire tourna
ment here Saturday night, the Anal!
score being 17 to 18.
Captain Elmer Fambro of tbe
Watklnsville team was awarded
the trophy Atven by tbe Banner-
Herald for tiie most valuable play-1
ship and from this list he wiH I er in the tournament. ; _
nominate fourteen ntsn. There The pltxiue. offered by thei Ath-! *7 gjQ p er Year For 3
ballots will bo returned in aealediena Y. M. C. A. to tho winning,v » ,(UWW1
numbered envelopes and will be j team was presented to Captain | Years Pledged. $10,0TO
(Turn to page eight) Fhmbro by Hugh H. Gordon, pro
minent Athena banker. Dr. J. C.
Wilkinson, pastor of tbe First Bap
tist Church made the presentation
speech In awarding tba Banner-
Herald trophy.
a _ 1 hbap Tho tournament drew teams was- wi.iv., ^ —
IIU DflDlll AD TV 0APr from 17 b** 11 ^'^.•.'‘iRRnitotion of tin Chamber of
III rUrUUUUll Hflut
Y. M. C. A and the Banner-Herald. ;•£ continued Tuesday also if thfr
Several players were nomtMted , ^1 j, n ot reached tomorrow,
for the individual trophy. Sheri- A biB memb ershlp rally has
.uwww.. — dan, of Jefferson High won high ^ bl . cn panned for 10 a. m. tomor-
Wnrrlofii QfpnhpnR TjltflRt 1 cois^efstlen, ns did Bell, of at the Geoigit hottL All the
Harnett) btepnens Ijatesi Brasleton, Boswell of Breensboro. 0 , d and new members, and all
Entrants, Interest In . Morris of Hartwell and Stovall of
Simmons of N. C. Decline
Place Qn Debt Comi
pion. McNary Appoint
ment Held up.
hours Saturday night of the
congress which expiree by law
day noon were troubledt with a
adjournment wrangle that gai
extraordinary' touch to tho
session of “swan eongs” and
wells to men and measures.
Night sessions ware held, by both
senate and house to clear uwuy
last real legislative business on
calenders. Sunday sessions will
gin at 10 o’clock giving A two h<
period for the final formallt
President Herding will go
aepltol to sign eleventh he
and sharply at noon the
will pass Into history.
Th* Congressional books
were closed enriy Saturday
with only on* major meosu
farm credits blU caught In the
moll and Jam of tbe closing hi
sentative Given New
Post Moore Goes to
Spain, Consider Greece.
WASHNOT{>N—Cyrus E Woods
of Pennsylvania, now ambassudor to
Spain, was was nominated by Presi
dent - Harding Saturday to be An)-
bSissudor to Japan, succeeding
at Madrid since ltl2. He resigned
Mr. Woods has been ambassador
at Madrid since 1912. He rcslhnea
as bcvwtary ot State hi Penney:•
vunm to take the post some yours
before he bad served aa mlnlsi
Pittsburgh was named ambassador
to Spain.
Mr. Moore who recently retired
from tho publishing business Is
fifty-six years old and .has been 1
Continuation of
nance Board Until March
1924 Is Thought
Report Says.
ultra wero confident
night that the Senate and
would reach an agreement on
credits legislation tn tlmo for 1
dent Harding to affix his 1
close friend of President Harding *° th » bll ‘ b » for « *lre die adjourn-
Goal Sought Lunch At
Georgian Hotel-
Fired with an enthusiasm new
helot? experienced in Athetu out
side of war time*, the hte teim or-
Misses Sara Maddux'And
. The “Frolic" Is a musical com
edy. one might any. «nd with re
ference to the tatter part of this
cognomen, there will bo laughs,
(Turn .to page eight)
it nr he
Women To Fight Tin
Cans and Trash March
15 to AP ri l 1. Mayors To
Proclaim It
Judge Howell Cobb In
Charge At Proceeding
Which. Takes A Whole
Sawing their way through the
'run bars with a .poefcfrt j»Ue
three men escaped from the Mad-
"»n county tall at Danlelsrille,
<U, Friday nGh‘.
The men am Jim Eaton, a
'■hit* man, and two negroes
Henry Jfoplc'ns and Isaac Year-
t.v. Athens police were on the
t lert for the esc:
War on trash, tin cans, rubbish
In tho street and yard* will be Ce-
clored by Athens women from
March 15 to April 1.
Next week Mayor Oeprge C.
Thomas will issue a proclamation
; setting »»ide tbe sbovs datc a.
“Clean-up Week.” and wlU cap a
meeting of tbe beads of the various
civic orgmntxationa of the city to
push the campaign.
The citric department of the wo
men’s club is sponsoring the cam
paign. During the year a great deal
of rubbish la allowed to accumulate
in various pUcee, especially m the
winter. Old tin <*n* are knowri aa
the breeding piece for mosquitoes
and those Insect* carry malaria
n*. If the trash Is destroyed and
■ In cupe- breeding pltcoo of tn-
Examlnatton of the M. Link,
bankrupt was-held .before Judge
Howell Cobb Friday, the proceed
ings requiring thfr entire day.
Attorneys for soqis of tho credi
tors sought-to show that from July
to December in 1922 Mr. Link
bought $52,000 worth of goods.
When Questioned as t otheir dis
posal and what he did with the
money Mr. Link stated bis sea.
Abe Link was handling the af
fairs. . .
The attorneys put forth evidence
to prove that Mr. Link purchased
goods from 208 creditors, 209 ot
them between July abd December
1022. They also produced a letter
.from a commercial rating concern
which stated Mr. Link gave his
assets at $102,000 above all in
debtedness in January 1022.
It was declared that Mr. Link
has been In bankruptcy four or
nrc times.
Attorneys tor the moving credi
tors are Green A Michael, while
attorneys examining tile bankrupt
jrere: West A West. R. L. J. Smith,
Commerce; W. M. Smith, Augus
ta; John a Gamble, DnPrse Hanoi
cift$v Steve Upeon and Erwin',
Erwin A Nix represented Mr. Link.
Mm. Abe Link. Abe Link. Ben
Link, Mrs. Sophie Link and M.
Link were pat on the
Macon Endsevoree are asking
tbe young people of other cities who
expect to’ attend the 11th Stats
C. a Convention to register one
avoid the rush which always comes
Catherine of, this kind ap-
■ j HOW IT
At!i«n' educational Institution!, HAPPENED
now have two candidates running
along In the front rank with tne 7^,0 thousand frantic fans lift-
nominees In the White Way Fopu- ^ the||> heiaa heavenward to
larlty Contest. ' watch p, Bria of a little leath-
ess two young ladles Mies h tf, at went M uing through
Sarah Maddux and Miss Harriet er " ne ™ - --"
the tone.
Stephens represent the University taeQ Be co' D dt ot ptay with the Wat
ofOeorgta and State Normal School MnaT ,„ a flTe waa trailing by
respectively. the new one - P° lnt - Capt Elmer Fambro
members, ___
(others interested, nave been in
vited to takn port. It will last
only a half hoar and thin wiH
be talks of much importance 00
'the movement to bring prosperity
to Athens.
A committen was appointed by
the team organization to make a
S u'ollc statement, which appears
1 this issne in advertislhf form
It was in tne last' nr- This is signed by the rattan now
*- membership) three hundred sS5
twenty-nine in number.
| for many years. HU wife wno was
LiUtan Ruasell, went abroad shortly
before ber death on a special mis
sion for th* president to Inveattrate
Immigration problem}.
Irwin & LaLughUn who entered
th* diplomatic service from Penn
sylvania In 190! and has served at
various foreign posts and in the
state department Is understood to
be under consideration for minister
to Greece, should the President de
sire to resume diplomatic relation*
with (he government at Athena
At present there Is no American
min'.ter accredited to Greece reewg-
Mllon of the present recline having
b.wn withheld by the United 'State-.
It I* known, however, that Mr. Hard-
■ng'liNS teen urged by ua: it his
advisers In foreign affair*! to exi'-nd
nccyriUui. and restore full diplo
matic rotations In case a complete
reapproachment is affected between
Grece and Turkey.
nomineM* Saturday* and* enters "Inc' ■itched th. .here, a cast from
mid-court followed, n ewish and
cast from
contest with'1106 botes to ber credit
bile Miss Maddux has toll votes. -» hj ",r~t7ltu's7^' iii
Interest In tbe contest la increas- tile moet hectic battle ever wit
Ing dally and although tbe race Is ----- ,
only mi week OM more than twenty 1 The ctoshbetween WnUdnsvIlta
fire candidates have been entered *nd Greensboro tor the champion-
for th* four prises, a Ford coupe, (Turn To Peg* Eight)
$100 In. gold. $50 In gold and $2S '
In gold.
Tbe votes are one penny each.
Ballot boxes are distributed over
(he city. The surplus money win be
put Into the playground fund.
Mia* Lovle Jowera continued to
lend Saturday with 2776 votes fol-
awed by Miss Laura Hammond.
poneocsd by tbe Rotariana.
Tbe standing Saturday was:’
Mis Jowera 2776.
Mine Hammond 224f.
Mias Nellie Oriffeth !$SS.
Mis* Stephens 1105.
Miss Elisabeth Arnold 1*10. •
Miss Erma Booth 1076.
Mias Carrie Beer 1001.
MUm Nellie Christopher 1102.
Miss Bn rah Hall 1025. .
Miss Bessie Jackson 1810. .
Miss Ethel Jackson 1002.
Miss Mable Parr loss.
Mias Martha Nlcholain 1012,
Miss Pauline Toney l*6fr.
Miss Martha McAlpIn 105a.
Mtas Katherine Ashford 1ML
Miss Katherine BredweU 10M.
Mtas Hagai ■Hodgson 1*01. I
Mias FmnCe* Holden 10*1.
Mrs W. & Paschal 1001.
Mttn Katherine Park lfrfrl.
Mtsa Mary Blma 10*1.
Mrs. Ctarencs Stone MOL
Miss Louise Upeon 1001.
Upson 1001.
At the doe* of th* third day**
campaign Friday, thorn had bona
pledged to the now organization a
total of $7,510 per year for thro*
years. The workers hnVe resolve*
•to get the minimum goal, whtat
is $10,000 a year.
The development of Opirit in the
team organisation has been as
tonishing. Each day enthusiasm
has increased. The response cs
As Soon As Angora De'
termine8 Its Attitude,
Efforts tjo Establish
Peace Will Begin
PARIS — (By the Associated
Press) — Resumption of tha Near
Eastern conference at Lausanne or
plsewbere, is expected tn French
nfflctal circles when the Angora
National assembly adopts its llnal
attitude toward the treaty which
th* Allied diplomats failod to In
duce th* Turks to sign 'at Lau-
Detenntnrd to make every possl
ble concession to attain peace In
the Near East, it Is explained In
official quarters, France aa the last
moment of the negotiations at
Lausanne surrendered In some of
the matters of vital interest to
her, but. as pence tailed sad re
newed poor parlours are necee-
tary. It Is likely tints France wilt
‘ a review of what was done
ihi ri
(Turn to page eight:
Senator King’s, Demo*
crat, Resolution For.
Consideration V o t e df
Down By 49-24 Vote.
WASHINGTON—The administra
tion pjan for American participation
In the International court organised
by th* League of Nations was
finally put on tha shelf for this
session of Congress by the senate
Saturday when It voted 49 to 21
against preceding with considera
tion of th* resolution of Senator
King. Democrat of Utah, proposing
to grant the necessary authority.
Banner-Herald Largely Responsible
For Success of Shoe Sale, Martin Bros.
the banner-herald; XTHEN8 ' QA - march *-
Gentleman: 1 • ,
W* want to congratulate yon on the enormous drawing power
of the advertisement that appeared In your paper Friday, March
2nd. W* hardly think Uwt there was ever a larger crowd gather
ed Jn * mercantile establishment In Athens during Its history!
It tr quite tree that our reputation is of the highest and. the
public realise that they can depend on nay statement made by
us; bnt wa realize that your newspaper la largely responsible
for the enormous result* that tn are receiving.
There were several hundred people outside the doors when
we opened this, morning and the sidewalk boa bean blocked
throurtoot the entire dey. ^te rervtree of two policemen were
needed to handle the rash of the crowd* . We Have decided to
continue the sale through next week to accomodate thoee of oar
patrons who were unable to get In today.
This tithe only method rt advertising that we used except
ing twp slides at the “movie” houses.
This letter Is unsolicited, but we felt that It was den yoa
realizing your responsibility for its success.
Sincerely yours.
By D. Martin. ~~
ment. Sunday.
Continuation until March 1924 of
tbo war finance corporation .iso
would be provided for.
Jeffers of Ala. Attacks
Mondell, Campbell And
Floor Leader For,
W A SHINGTON.-yAt tacks w<
made Saturday iri the house on
Representative MoijdeU gf Wyoming
the republican leader and Reprc-
1 $ Ivn Pnmnlutll,.,
sentative 1 Campbell, republican.
Kansas, chairman of the rule* com-
mllta* end Speaker pro-tern for r
failure to permit house voles
Henry Ford’s offer for
Shoals and on a resolution i
Ing government purchase and re
sale to farm tv* of $10.0*0,0
6f nitrates and calcium *r;
Representative Jeffers, d.
Alabama charged the two i
can leaders with ralsurlng th
altion. In denying n vote
Muscle Bhoals proposition” at
behest or In accordance with t
wishes and desires of the great I
terest*. such os the fertiliser power,
the Chilean nitrous lattve.te
tho Aluminum trust or this cou
-And by the way" he added ' -
In mind that your Secretary of i
Treasury l» one of the alumtn
kings who has tbo ear ot the <
ministration. 111
non ora
Girls, Club At Oeone
Heights Perfected
der Direction of
Organization of tho
Dozen” girls club at Oeone Hel
wa« perfected Saturday under
direction of Mrs. Annie Mae Wood
Bryant, homo cconosilo agent.
■ Tbo girls win learn sewmg. bread
baking, garden planning and can
ning under Instruction of Mrs.
Bryant. Miss Oliver Lyle, president;
Blanche Callaway, vice H
Bertha Lou Lavcndar. sec
Mary Helen Henry, treasurer. •
The membership Is compost
tho following besides the ofticer.:
Mlsee* Evelyn Clodfelter,
Clodfeltcr. Margaret Je:
Julia and Inez Wood. Gladys 1
- jfeFrti •