Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 91
investigate Today!
To Regular Subscriber* of
} 1,030 Accident Polley Free.
Henry Wall, 45 is Held
For Killing Clyde Miller,
16 Other Arrests
Quarrell at Still Which
Sylvester Miller Says is
Farmer Finds $2,600
in Coffee Pot"Bank
Bill Drake Who Last Week Thought He Had Lost
$5,500, on Second Visit Finds Part
of Stipend Returned.
. - • LEXINGTON, Ga.—Bill Drake,
ATQ Oglethorpe county planter who sev
eral days ago lout $5,000.00 In his
coffee pot ••hank." which consisted
of a peculator hidden in a pile of
cotton seed In an outhouse of his
farm ytfrd, came to town last week
and reported that he wasn't our as
much luck as he first thought. Be
He says on another visit, which
ills, Isead to Fatal Shoot-
discovered that the person or per
sona who took his hard earned cash
became repentant and “ro-dcposlt-
ed” half of It or to be exact. $2800.00.
Mr. Drake had previously accused
members cf Ills own family of ”rqT>-
(Special to Dartner-Herald)
WIN OKU, Ga.—Clyde Miller, 16
v,.n- mM s 'n of Sylvester- Miller
, Killed In a shooting affray ai j
l„s father’* whiskey distillery In
Ibnrow county late Saturday night. .
Tii. young man was shot by Henry I
Wall a man forty-five years of I
aK «. w quarrel with Bose Sells |
i- .said to have brought on tne J
h!hwiting Is reported.
Wall was arrested Saturday night
.„„l i onflned In the Barrow county
j.iil at Winder. Arrest or other
mrii near the still is expected moui-
rntarily. It was learned here Mon
According to Sheriff Camp of
Harrow county were gath*
• red about the distillery which Syi-
voter Miller claim* belonged to
him. They had been drinking beer
whin Sells and Wall are said tu
have began quarreling. Wall claims
Selin hit hlrn in the hea<l with a
{ and began firing a stray bul
let hitting young Miller causing his
death almost instantly.
The distillery of Sylvester Miller
l.s located within a few yards of his
home in the Ben Smith district of
Harrow county, five mile*-front Win
blng”’ him and is said to have caus
ed the urrest of two of them and
then later releused them wttn in
structions that they never "tuy
foot” on his place again.
Mr. Drake did not divulge any In
formation as to * whether Me had
changed his place of deposit or not.
Banks over the couhtry have selxed
upon his sad plight to shesg the fol
ly of no/t putting one's coin In their
strong boxes and the general com
ment here Is to the effect that if ne
really lost any money through tne
weakness of his "coffee pot" bank
and recovered it luter that tnat
that vesel of the kitchen family will
be restored to }ts place aUsg with
the pots and pans and that mime
time lock will not guard his casn.
New Joint Body to Fight
Prohibition Repeal,
Gambling, Sunday En
Funeral ncvlce» for the young via*
were to, have 1 been he|d Monday.
New Becomes New
Postmaster; Work
Takes Interior Post
who completed a six year term «*
United States Senator from Indi
ana Sunday tock the-oath of of-
Monday as'the 49th postmaster
_ iral of the United States. He
succeeded Hubert Work of Colo-
Irado, who was promoted by Presi-
. dent Harding to be Secretary of
in place of Albert B.
Mexico, resigned.
. witnesses the swesr-
gg.ling in of the new postmaster gen-
jersl. then,went immediately to the
I department of the Interior where
I he was sworn in as bead of that
department. He is the 28th sec
retary of the Interior..
THK1K PLA Y liKlHJ IN Ui At the war department Dwight
tF. Davis of St. Louis was formal-
Tkio Tnnr its Firqt Time industced into office as assist-
ims lour is first ximt5 ;jmt secretary an( , „ fhort time
Mrs Harding Has Been before Secretary Weeks left for a
Out Since September. ‘hree weeks at
List Given.
WASHINGTON—President and
Mre. Harding, accompanied by
a party of friends, left Wash
ington Monday on a special
train for Florida where they will
taka a vacation houseboat trip
of more then a month.
With Congress Adjourned;^ interior in t
and the Executive’s Desk! F ^.°work W wit
Cleared, Trip
gun. •
NEW YORK—Three of the
country’s oldest and most sub-
stantlal reform organizations have
pooled their financial resorces and
mapped a plan of campaign
against prohibition repeal, race
track gambling, prize fights, ma-
lacious literature, Sunday theatri
cal performance and traffic in
narcotics, the New York World
declared Monday.
The new organization,, accord. .... . , - . ,
Ing to newspapers, Is to 'be known i 8 8°od, and compared theif
as the International Reform Bu- ' if ,® wha t he said was Mr. Rock-
- — -- feller’s.
“John D. Rockefeller, who has
World’s Richest Man
Called “Abject Pauper
Serving a Sentence At
CHICAGO—John D. Rockefeller
“is an abject paupbtjerving n life
sentence in a castle at Tarrytown”
Eugene Debs told socialists here
Sunday in the opening speech of
his campaign' for William Cun-
ncau, lawyer and Socialist candi
date for mayor.
He pictured socialism as an as
sociation of men working for each
reau of the- World Temperanee
Foundation. The affilliated bodies
I bodies *re said to -the Intornaton-
'al Reform Bureau, founded more
then 30 ycars.agp.teihn.Jato "
Wilbur F. Crafts,, tte World
hibitlon foundation, 'and the Na-
Uonal Temperance society.
Headquarters are said to be
planned in Washington. The or-
Famous Novelist, States' Ration,, raid the World,' will
man Hnd Lover Of have more than 3300,000 with
Science v „SWW««^l|5f l 'S
Tuesday Night 8 0 clock dent of the World Prohibition, ir
1 said to have been elected Genera)
secretary. •
In addition to hearing the Inlmltl
table Harry Stillwell Edwards In
one of his latest readings, Atbenl*
ans who attend tbs recital at
Si-ncy-Stovsll chapel Tuesday
nlclit at 8 o'clock will be helping
Drill the dread dlseass of society-
A few months ago Athens and
rtarko county were 'startled with
announcement of the largo percen-
tare of tuberculosis esses and
deaths here eachftresr.- The Com
munity Council 'began work to
raise a fund.for employing an ex*
i*rt nurse, to help flght the malady
in Clarke. -The nuysa la assured
but additional funds are ..ended
lo make the work More effective.
Floyd Smith Pays D6ath
Toll For Taking the
Ltffe of His Infant Off
the most dollars of any man in the „w.v worW t0 »Y way of thinking, is
Jato.Ra«.< .»!> *!y® e t P«upqr,” -Mr. Debs said,
orld not a prlsotier in Atlanta,
•but is serving a life sentence in
a castle at Tarrytown, N. Y.
“This caitlft is provided with a
lighting system through which,
by pressing % single button, the
entire building and grounds wiH
become immediately flooded with'
light That is to protect the rich
est man in the world from assas*
He never -sleeps peacefully be
cause he does not know at what
moment he may bo blown into eter
“When two capitalists meet and
shake hands it is like a couple
of cold liver sausages coming in
to contact. But when a couple of
socialists shake hands there is a
thrill in the clasp which comes
only through the association of
men who are working for each
other’s good.”
BELLFONTE, Pa.—Floyd Smith
fit Bradford county, was electro
cuted at thb Rockvlew penitentiary
for the slayinggof his -infant child
! In South Waverly in April; 1920.
from the ticket „ # Wfu led t „ the cha f r >t 7;08
a. m. and was pronounced dead at
7:17 by Dr. Robert M. Campbell,
the prison physician after three
The child Smith was accused of
killing was born a few months af
ter his marriage. According to
Smith he started out at night to
abandon it. Near a farm house
in the vicinity of his home, he
said, a dog barked and in attempt
ing to run awav he fell upon the
child, crushing it to death. Fear
ing he would be charged with mur
der, Smith said he placed the body
in a creek in South Waverly. He
was arrested at Bi^hampton,. N.
The proceeds
'.ik the admission price will be
’mall, will be divided between Mr.
Edwards and the Clarks County
anti-tuberculosis association. Mr.
Edwards will send his to Asheville
X- l\. where U will be used In de
fraying expenses of- treatment! of a
young girl afflicted with the dl-
wane whom he lent to the moun
tain rity. The remainder will be
mod m lighting thd malady in this
raunty. .’
Hurry Edwards ip famed through
out the country for Ms delightful
’lories and novels.
One of the Weirdest stories ever
written by Harry Stillwell Ed
wards appears under the title of
How. 8*1 Came Through."
W'clni. yet at the'same time end
ing in o slde-spUttlng climax. The
pathos In the first halt of this
’lory is almost unbearable and
’o true to life than any of the old-
>r generation will be moved to
I an.'over 1L The story Is unique
in that it contains almost every
'motion of the human heart. But
[I is the kind of story that cannot
k nnulyzed in advance without
robbing the reader. * , _ , _ , TT
The scene of this story was also' and Palm Garden Have
hi the little iog clureh among the Others Are
WASHINGTON — President
Harding looked forward to 1iis first
vacation in nearly a year -Mon
day in leaving Washington with
Mrs. Harding and a party of
friends, to spend a month in FloT-
i<ia. Although no itoniary had
been made public, much of the va-
cation will be spent, it was under
stood, in a leisurely houseboat
cruise down the Halifax and In
dian rivers, with occasional stops
at Florida coast resorts where the
party will go ashore for golf.
For. Mrs. Harding, the trip
means more than a change of scene
and climate, for her departure
from the White House Monday to
board the special train marks the
first time, she has gone outside
the executive grounds since she
became ill last September. Mrs.
Harding was looking forward to
the benefit expected from the trip
toward restoring her health, which
has shown steady improvement for
several weeks.
The adjournment of Congress
with a prospect of no session un- I
Prominent and Wealthy
N. Y- Couple Marry ir.
67th Congress Adjourned
Sine Die Sunday Noon,
After a Last Minute Fili
99 ‘ Other Bills Signed.
M^ny Swan Songs Heard
Senators and Represen
tatives Leave D. C.
Monday faced the unaccustomed
prosepet of nine months without
a session of congres. The 67th
congress had passed into history
and incidentally, with its four
sessions set a record for future
congresses-to shoot at in the ex
tent of time actually spent in the
legislative halls. The exodus of
members and former members of
Pari». Honeymoon' in S«l5US"L ,l S..Kr»; ,, h,
Italy. I full swing Monday, while Wash-
j ington was trying to accustom it-
I self ti the comparatively drab and
PARIS,. (By the A'ociated • prosiac life ahead.
Press)—Miss Marie Horton, j Sine die adjournment came Sun
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheri-' day with the bang of the senate
dan S. Horton, of New York, and i gavel sharply at non and that' of
Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney will' the house six minutes later after
be married this afternoon' ir. Holy a brief final session conspicious-
Trinity church. Only n few; ly lacking in the thrills of pre-
friends will attend the ceremony, adjournment hours of som* other
The couple will visit Italy on I '■nngressss. The closing in the
their honeymoon. house, howeevr, had the usual
[colorful qualities of song and sen-
$1 A Gallon For Auto Fuel
Is Prospect, Accordm-
ing to Senate .Commit^
$10,000 is
Bold Bandit Takes Both
Theatre Cashier and All
Its Money on Sunday
few additional judgeships, left
only a few recess appointments
On the house boat cruise in,
Florida waters the presidents 'U uota
Testimony of Alleged
Masked Activities and
2.Deaths Goes to Grand
. BASTROP, La.—Attorney Gen
eral A. V. Coco, was here Monday
to personally present to tho More
house Parian grand jury the tes
timony gathered by the state al
the open hearing here in January
in connection with the series oi
- oin - t : : f amous Atnens rnysi-l t he Farm Credits bill, gyring the SfcSEfaR J!. 0 ?? 1 !!?!! SffS!
ot' •hrfair in Capitol Hall
of a T7! re coving his signature after his v i-i n itv
timcntal informalities with a sec
tion of the marine band on hand
to fill out the program. The
rendition of old favorites by the
impromptu quartet of members
warmed .the whole house and most
of the spectators in .the crowded
galleries to a lusty swelling of the
On the business side of the pro-
tii December, found the president’s Propose to Pl»<!e BuSt of.S'am while Resident Harding
desk virtually clear. Disposal of : p 1 AtWq Pfcvqi- 6 - iBn - “ *°- 1 9 ? ■” lls - in . cludi ! 1 K
all the more important appoint- - f amous AineiVS Oiysi
•ments during the last days of V C1E0T HI Capitol Hall ofi
1th the exception of a{ p ame [re ^ving hi 1 signs
MS arrival at the capjtol about
— ' i half tin hour before 1 adjournment,
An even ono 'hundred, dollare Is [ little was accAmptished by .either
needed to comploto Clarke county’s | senate or house on the last day.
the Crawford W. Lon* ] After hearing “swan songs”
party will be guests of Mr. and!“ 8t to , b «. P'« ced ln * h ® h “ 11 , rpeeches by Senators Frelinghuy
Mrs Edward B7 McLean of Wash- fum * Bt Washington. 1>. C. isen, republican, New Jersey and
imrt’on Secretary and Mrs. Weeks i Those who are interested in this Sutherland, republican, West Vlr-
however who were amoiig the.' Q1,d ln thl * cu, "’'- v ore esprelniiy . Kinia and a tribute to Senate Wil-
nartv leaving herd Monday, will I anxtou * that the entire amount uc liams, democrat, Mississippi by his
Kff? * nt Aiimi.iinn'wubacribed. Athena was the home!colleague Senator Harmon, of
Sliie former Senator and ? Mrs. jof ,h l a _/ a in 0 u’' hoc'rar. Hlu ramiiy Miusisslppi, the Senate tried vain-
Freiinghuysmi, of Itow Jereeyal- I mere js'any bounty thatVhouTd not
,aI1 down ,n thc entire amount it; buster by S
nt will board their, own private 1, 8 clarke . lf 20 „i e wlll | “X®
connections live l'.ere
nnd It, ran | n t 0
fifteen minute fill-
fiftoe nminute fili-
Senator Dial, democrat,
house bast on the coasL Others - ’i ,1° ',' eop , South Carolina, which was termi-
fecd°Vn 1 p>«‘- b * * h « ■djournement gavel.
theatre in the downtown district
here, was robbed Sunday night of i. n # or
about $10,000 by a bandit, who kid
napped Guy S .Eyesell .the cash
Witnesses arid that Eyesell and
the robber came out of the of
fice on the second floor of the
building. The. cashier was carry
ing a satchel and the bandit ap
peared to be guarding him with
a revolver concealed under hit
coat. The bandit was last seen
walking south with Eyecell.
Order of 1911 Which Wa3 .
to Have Broken Up B:
Trust Said to
Daugherty, Lasker,
Payne, Who Planned to
Leave Monday For Fla.
Are Hold,
WASHINGTON—Subpoenas re-
torney General Daugherty, Sec
retary Davis, Senator Hale o<
Maine; John Barton Payne, chair
man of the American Red Cross;
Brig. General Charles E. Sawyer
and Chairman Lasker of the ship
ping board. Other guests of the
McLeans are expected to join tho
party in Florida.
Young Man in
English Commons
LONDON—(By the Associated
Press.)—Harcourt Johnstone, who
Saturday surprised the country
by defeating Col. G. F. Stanley,
under secretary of Home Affairs
'in the Bye election for the east
division of WiHesden is one if
the youngest members of the
House of Commons but is half
American. His mother the wife
Boscawen Loses
Cabinet Place
LONDON—(By the Associated
Press.)—Sir Arthur Griffit Bos
cawen, minister ot health in the
Bonar Law cabinet has been de-
K4 w t r!»'!i’ , wlhSeS!!«W2S~ *»'V — ’-.O'- ■*-. «■* “» <•""
Moidi; ******
General Daughsity, Chairman Gownm?
Rotarians, Kiwanians,
u w nwuiiswii i ., l i
y with Pifesident Harding icampaign.
for Florida .were issued by tho |
United. States (Marshall Monday
morning at the reqdest of Charles
W. Morse, the shipbuilder.
The subpoenas were issued in
connection with the government’s
case against Mr. Morse and his
former associates charging fraud
R connection with war time ship-
g-contracts. Trial of thtf case
let for Wednesday'andt-William
rue's counsel asked that the
three men named, among others,
be brought into court as witnesses
for the defense.
each It would be complete.
Will ycu be one of the hundred:
i Will you be one of the twenty?
Send check* at once^to Mia. (Tu*
Hus Talmudge or to the lianner*
Herald. h
Airmen to Hop
Off Monday P. M.
MONTGOMERY, Ala —Twelve '
officers of the nir service flying
six DeHaviland airplanes from
San Antonio. Texas, to San Juan
Porto Rico to hop off frdm Max
well field here csriy Monday nf-
temon for Arcadia, Fla., next leg
of the 2,860 mile trip.
Capitol Jokes
U. S.
‘Inc* out at Holly Bluff.
Ruhr Protest
Session Fails
N'KW YORK—Neither Preal-
! "-i Harding nor Senator Borah
■'ill know officially tbs feeling
'•f i crowd of men and women who
friwi the Community Church for-
"r> Sunday night at a meeting rail-
protest the occupation of
the Ruhr by th* French. The
feting broke up with a resolu-
t: " n b-‘ing considered but it was
’ ■a nut to a .vote for hecklers in
"w uudieucycause.! the chairman
1,1 di-miss th.- crowd before the
C business
to Enter.
With the Klwanls club sponsor
ing Miss Harriet Stephens of the
Slade Normal School and the Ro-
tartans sponsoring Miss Laura Mae
Hammond or the Athens Railway
ft Electric Co., the Palm Oarden
Hlaa Lovie Jowers and other or
ganisations getting reedy to put
forth a candidate interest In tbs
contest Is becoming more sad more
Intense. , .. ' , „
The Rotarians declare Miss Ham
Senate Reporter’s t
Record Lauded
WASHINGTON—A record for
congressional service was estab
lished by Theodora Shuey, civil
war veteran and dean of the Sen
ate short hand reporters, with the
adjournment Sunday of congress.
It was the 27th congress whose
adjournment was ■ witnessed by
Mr. Shuey, who Is 78 years of age
and began at work in the senate
in 1868. Senator Harrison, demo
crat Mississippi, in the closing
hours of iths asasiOft,.'Called thy
aeaato’s atteatioa to Mr.' Shuey’*
record and paid'* tribute to the
“pothook” expert who still daily
reports the senate's proceeding*.
Representative From Ohio,
( Ninth District
* ARLY risers al
ways are very
proud of them-
• selves.
! Two farmers
i were boasting
of their achieve
ments in that
particular, t and
one of them re
solved to show
up the other.
So he rose one
morning about
2 o’clock, went
over to
house and
knocked on the dor. The neigh
bor’s wife called out:
“Who’s there?”
“It’s Jim Place,” replied the vis
itor. “I’m looking for your hus
band. Where is he?”
.’tknpw” .she an-
Kiwanis Club
Miss Harriett Stephens,
and Says She’ll -Cop
First Prize.
Miss Harriet Stephens of the
State Norma] Schol, will be spon
sored by the Kiwanis Club Ip tho
White Way Popularity Contest, it
was announced Monday.
bliss Stephens was nominated
Saturday and Started off with
1105 votes. Her standing ad
vanced considerably over Sunday,
Kiwanians Monday were casting COL BROWN
their votes for Miss Stephens and. APPRECIATIVE
every day until April 4, the “We
Boila” boys will spend their pen
nies buying votes for Mis Stoph-
The first orize is a Ford
-.IThd iflMWsHwsf'wlMw tUW ,
wiH nbt be'sattefled with Anything 1 Cot.
but the first prize for ’Miss Steph-
Truck Farming is Becom*
•ing Very Profitable. Use
|of Poison Explained in
FYicnds from Mndl^on the other
day told me about the sacrifice
beliiK made of farming lands tn
their county when forced on the
market. One farm not far from
Comer sold during boom t|meo for
$X5 per acre, recently. sold at pun-
tic outcry and cniy brpught IIS per
ucre. Another valuable 'furmof aosie
300 nrrcea was sold to satisfy n
morlguae only brought IS an acre
The runner owner bad cut off tne
tlmbfcr, but It wua a very great
sacrifice, a* It was a good farm. It
seemo that the exoduatlng of ne
groes hus frightened people fAxiui
land and when force It is
Isucrlfieed. But there la no rmaon
Tor this ns lands in this section will
always be In demand. White peo
ple will soon move In, our children
grow up to take the prace of those
negroes. But thin depression: In
price does not apply all over our
Iseett .n. Only lust week a farm near
j Athens sold for 1160 an acre and a
Clnnnenfa' party who started out to look for
plfutlnira a small farm says he could find
no cut In prices for he wat net of
fered any place under $100. an acre.
that recent cash Miles of
acre farm In Greene county
limderait $10 an acre. Thoae
who lie# now buying farming lands
in this section will soon double or
treblde I heir money. Children are
being born every day but they are
not making any more such soil ell
mate, water and healthful places ns
are found combined In the Piedmont
and which Is a atrip of county ex
tending about 125 miles south of the
Blue Ridge.
vicinity last summer, which th«
state charges resujted ln the slay
ing of two Mer Rougo men, Watt
Daniel and T. F. Richard.
Mr. Coco, accompanied by
.George Seth Guyon, assistant at
torney general arrived here Sunday
for New Orleans and immediately
began preparations to subpiit the
state’s case. He will be joined
lator in the week by other mem
bers of his staff.
District Judge Odum has pre
pared in writing his charge to the
jury which he intimated would
contain every phase of the kid
napping cases.
City Council will hold its regu
lar monthly preliminary meeting
Monday night at 8 t o’cI<*k. .
den Rintr, 72 years old, for 30
ears a United States Judge for
NGTON—A dollar a
rasoline is the p
held up for the consumer
report of the LaFolIctto Oil inves
tigating commission to the sonato
unless means aro A <ken to break
what the report declares to be a
complete domination and control of
the oil industry by the Standard
companies. If a few great oil
companies are permitted to “ma
nipulate prices” during the next
few years as they have I
ing since 1920, the report y
t'd Sunday said, the people
country must be prepared
long to pay “at least” that
The result of a three month’s in
quiry into conditions in the in
dustry the report declared tho
Standard companies, in violation
of tho 1911 dissolution decree of
the supreme court, cxcrciso 1
alleged control in such a ma:
to "fix the price which the
ducer of crude oil receives at
well, the price which the refiner
receives for his gasolino and kero
sene us well ns tho retail price to I
the consumer." / ■
Asserting that the "more
tl*’’ methods of such control
th* industry and tho public
more completely at the mercy
tho Standard oil interests” tl
before the supreme court dccri
(Turn-to Page Two)
Those Hurt Early Mo:
day At Mizell’s StST
Carried to Columbus
COLUMBUS, Ga.—Twenty pco-
f )le were injured Monday morning
n a wreck of passenger train No.
8 on the Central of i
from Macon to Bin
According to an
made at th* local office of t
Central a number of the injured
have been brought to Columbus
where their injuries are
years a United Statei Judge for .treated, in* numoer sari
[Wyoming and at the time of his ,n J“ r * d « «* yet unknown,
retirement a year ago, the oldeet
Federal judge in the United
States of point of service died,
here Sunday. He was appointed
when Wyoming was admitted to
th* Union.
The number seriously
ns vet unknown.
note that Col. B. T. Brown a
fo-nier resident'of out city appro-
H* luu Invested, lo
;recently about llZS.-
thf) .marked femur*
raSqMtar many i yaus
n lived In Athens and
practiced-law her*. At on* time he
(Turn to Page Three)
Gala Day in Athens
April 4th Eagerly An
ticipated By All North
east Ga.
Interest in the White way celebra
tion scheduled tor Athena April 4th
la increasing doily now slid every
Indication is that tho biggest day in
Athena' history wilt bo celebrated
when the bright lights are turned
on that night.
Details of the program aro now
being worked out by the adnlmlttces
while the “popularity contest”
gaining Impetus.
This feature carries with It tour
handsome prises as follows: (
First prise. Ford coupe.
Itecond prize, $100.00 in gold
Third prize, $54.00 in goto. j
Fourth prize, $20.00 in gold. ■
The yuung women enured In this
contest are receiving the active sup-
pirt of their friends aim Uio com
mittee hopes to raise by this con
test not only enough money to Uko
cur* of the coat of the prize* but al
so to rols* enough to have a sum
tor ths playgrounds also.
Every person in Athens should en
ter into this contest. Tbs votes are'
but a penny apiece and for every
penny npent Athena will receive
many tlmen double that amount in
advertising, in trad* and boosting
while overy penny given to ths play-
gronnd fund wlll help make the kid
dies of the city happy when enough
meaty to raised! to eqnlp a series or
playgrounds here.
Now features of the whiteway
oeiebrsllon here will be announced
The wreck occurred at _
station, about forty miles
Columbus. No details of
wreck have yet been received by
the officials of the road here but
they aro investigating and an
nounced that a report would bo
Ki.ven to the press within an hour.
WATERBURY, Conn.—Pancho
Villa, the sensational Fillipino,
who lost his American flyy
title to Frankie Genarao at
son Square Garden last wee
been signed to appear hereBl
“2 In a 12 round bout with H
"ing Murray, of Philadelphia.
timev tips isJgS
Let the clock work for you, S'*
your enemy, at you yourself ft. ' ’
your enemy, as you yourseft do- •
decide. ;
The clock works ,for yod or
toalnst you. And you yourself
decide which It shall be.
It works against you whsn the
schedule your affairs so that each
one of them geta the time It needt
to be handled rloht. ■'ZrZ
It worka for you whan .the
achedule drasa t(ll evarybody who
la Involved In It has to mtke a
perpetual atruggle to “catch up.”’
The sales department of s c°r.
poartlon with agencies In many
cltlea hat worked out a ttrlss oi l |
advertising helps for Its local repr'
reicntitlvet. Among th*
(1) Local advertising should con.
form to a definite, consistent plan.
(I) Advertising copy should be
ptocad In th* ntwepapar offices In
ample time pe that beat rm ' "
can hs«Mnln*d In putting thi
Into type.
Ths concern which gives
suceses or (allure
printed publicity. And ti rti
that espy which gets to th* <
posing room at ths last ml
’t have s fair chance to de
10O per cent reaulte.