Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 91
Human Fly Was to Gef 1DI PARTY
Such a Move As This
Would Mean. Economy[
and Efficiency, It
Brought Out.
Not More Than"$100, -and That Not Paid ih Ad-
. vance Was to Be Paid For Man
" -Who Fell to His Death.
Was Fast Worker.
y ORK—Not more than Young waa creeping swiftly up the
5100 and according to
Baiteriologist and Phy
sician May Be Combined.
Proposed Changes Are
Placing the Civil Service Com-
mission under direct control of
City Council as a measure of
(tommy and efficiency was dis
tuned by council in its prelimi
nary meeting: Monday night.
Amendment of the charter so as
tu provide for one city physician
only and consolidate this office
with that of bacteriologist was al
so recommended to save money
"and," as Alderman Heywood ex
pressed it, “afford better service
to citizens who need the advice
of the city physicians.”
one story .wall at a pace faster than a hod
only $50 was the fee Harry 1.1 curler, employs going up a lad-
Young, a "human fly" contracted * der. Young had nothing but three-
to receive for the stunt whlcn yea- l Inch spaces Into which he stuck his
terday. ended In his death when ne' toes and fingers. Comments and ob-
fell three-fourths up the front wall servers bore out reports that he
of the. Hotel Martinque and crasn-
ed on the pavement below.' Tne
money' Avas not paid in advance.
Newspaper reporters and pnoto-
graphers In the big throng wno saw
(be • stunt 'man fall to his death
during the noon rush hour is one
of tile most congested shopping
districts in the world. Greeley
Square, said today that of the Hu
man .flita they have seen wont.
Ydpnv worked the 1 tastes-.. ~
Though the w'alls wore slippery
because of the moisture laden air.
had a premonition before ne start
chance to rjsk his life for a small
sum for his young widow, a twenty
yeur old bride of a few montns,
whose home -was in Wllkesbarre,
Pa., said he had not worked all
winter. So needy was he for money
that, she said, he was perfecting an
unhenrd of stunt, "upside down
rot* walking."
He planned'to Introduce it over
Niagra Faljs.
Man Thrills Populace
Which Feared Suicide
Special Train Carrying. Miss Annfe Laurie Wil
Executive Party on Vac
ation Passes Near Sav.
annah, Ga.
Hams, Shot Four Times
Sunday A. M.* In Critical
Condition. , I
Waite* Bray, White,; Rescued From 18 Inch Plank
. 90 Feet Above River. He Had Removed
Clothes and Waved Farewell.
' Fined $15.75.
Police were , called to the Sea- Tuesday morning he faced Recor-
board Air Line railroad bridge late der Thornton on a charge of drunke
! Monday afternoon where a crowd ness and was fined $15.75.
GUCT TrtAI n '.°f people bad assembled to wafleb I Bray insisted Tuesday morning
anablUJll, tlEtliU, the movements of Walter Bray, a Uhe la^ thing he remembered he
REFUSES TO TALK whlte men whom the spectator* was haullng some dirt wHh a negro
thought was about to. commit aul- man. He said he had a little whls
Young apparently jumped at «ne jfa M()nday ^ Stop . Man fo Case WaS DrUnk^^hen the police arrived./bow- teAWSKS&SE
ned At Rockv Mount,! or Drugged When "Ar- ever, Bray had been reached from 1 ed to the middle of the trestle
’| • agtit-j-a. an eighteen-inch platform where I where, ninety-feet above the wster
■Former Strike Center, rested. Was .in IVllllGQgG- he finally decided to recline after of the Oconee river, he lay down
Conditions Now Okey-
VANNAH, Ga.—-The visions of
rest and freedom from (official
I duties which. President Harding
Boy Was One of Three to
has had for months today become
I The chief executive with Mrs.
I Harding and more than half a
dozen friends awoke Tuesday
morning nearing the border of
Florida where for a. month he
will endeavor to find relaxation
after a year of steady attention to
the International and ' domestic
The civil service suggestion and
recommendation that tne office of
city bacteriologist and physician |
bt combined was not formally put
before the council. Alderman Hen
ry Culp from the Flra t Ward
brought up the question of plac
ing the civil service commission
under direct control of council. He
asked the opinion of members of
council, one or two of whom agreed
with him while others said they
\ ould require more time to con
sider the proposition.
Daughter of Wealth is problems of the nation.
HoldUp Bank Federal Married to Youngest, Jt3&1S»S , -CS k S
Warrant May Be Served Son of Late Cornelius'the vacation have been apparent
STUART, Fla. — E. Middleton, j NEW i^ORK—Fifty relative?.
youth, faced trial here Tuesday , and intimate friends had gath-
on a* charge of robbing the bank ered Monday for the wedding
of Stuart pn, May 12, 1922, when Tuesday afternoon of Miss Gloria
!Morgan, daughter of Harry Hays
$8,133.14 was obtained by three . ji organ( counsel general to Bnts-
!*• Preparations
most of the vacation began early {manager for T. 0. Brown and Son,
Tuesday, golf dubs were brought 'local contractors, who built Camp
* ’ ‘ After the
young men In a daylight bold un 7,™%, forward and the conversation turn- Hancock here in 1917.
y l fSSS. 'itiSf the relative merit, rtf the camp was erected Shelton suffer
ed n breakdown, according to his
Middleton waa indicted on this nald C. Vanderbilt.. youngest son
charge joinlfy" with Hanford Mob-|2, f u the late Corneliua Vanderbilt.
anii Rnu w.Hiiauia r The ctremony was arraigned for
ley and Roy Mattheivs, the later .the Park avenue home of Mr. and
two being still at large since their ,Urs. Glenn Stewart’
escape from the Broward countyI The bridal pair planned to leave
Jail December 14 last Immediately afterward* for New
While Middleton also could have M r . B vin’ d « b i'!t’s?e.Utest's™
with tL”iMyor*3uS! i broken J>11 * ith hls alleged com ‘ ' Point f “ rm - / Tb e y will sail on
aaidhe-ifra/not con-1 ^ nl0M ln tte J* 11 «■»»«* he vWt **"
ch would be best, ap- Derred to reman behind and stand „ rld * * P a rents, Their
Alderman Culp would have-, the
hgislature amend the civil ser-
"ice act making the civil service
board composed of three member*
of council **■ ' ' ’
ran. He
vinced which would 1m best, ap
(Turn to Page Five) J trial.
; In addition to the charge of
i bank robbery lodged against Mob-
| ley, Sheriff R. C. Baker is said to
I be prepared to serve a Federal
warrant upon him on a piracy
charge in event of his capture.
Acoording to Deputy Field Mar-
1 shals, the British government also
.Is anxious to see the later war-
waa announced last month.
■ I rant served on Mobley, tn connec-
C. E. Story of Augusta to wth the stealing of a boat
n T tilt- r\. „ airily which officers say Mobley later
rave Little Over a irllle returned to the owners and which
on Danielsville Route.'
Finish Bridges.
Contract for the construction of
one and seven tenths miles of hard
surface road on the Bankhead
highway out of Athens On .the
DantelsvlUe Road has been awarded
Hy the county through the State
llikhway department to C. E. Story,
of Augusta. The cost of this pru-
jttc is to be $47,750,000 and work
will begin on it at once. .
Already the county and city
* uletlug the bridge across tne
Oconee river at River street and
Tuesday morning began laying the
concrete floor to the structure. The
lull beyond on Madison avenue is
being graded and the 'entire pro-
J' ci when completed will include a
neiv steel bridge and a hardsufface
loud from the river to a distance
"f nearly two miles from the city
This entire project, should bo
completed by Jun. first and will af
ford an easy outlet to all traffic
i" the north over the Bankhead
highway. Federal aid has been cs*
oure i for tbe paving to be done
outside the city limit, and the
flute Highway department with
b' olquarMrs here under engineer
" W. Darden will supervise the
"orb along with county engineer
ll K. Nicholson.
This road was made possible by
th" bonds voted In th. county ror
roods and bridge* last year.
Fr. Wilhelm Mayo Sue
British officials of wes end Ba
hama Islands, 80 mile* distant de
scribe In affidavits as having been
used by Mobley and two others to
make a trip to the Bahamas in.
Robberies 'we|re sttoged iti liquor
establshments and $5,000 obtained
in holdups, the British officers de
Shortly afterward, In West end,
the motor schooner William A
Albury was held up between Nas
sau and Gunkey and the command
er. Captain Edgecombe shot and
killed when he resisted, the otfl-
cors charge.
Two days after the robery of
the bank Mobley and Middleton
were taken at Plant City. Fla., and
a greater portion of the nesting
bank funds recovered while Mat
thews was captured at) Griffn, Ga„
Superintendent of* Anti
Saloon League Confesses
Giving Cash to “Wet”
to those of his party ever since
the departure yesterday at noon'
from Washington. As the special
drew near Ormond, the first stop
ping place on the trip, eagerness
dicardlag part of bit clothing and i upon a platform only eighteen
I waving a "good-bye” to some work Inches wide. Police declare it was
attpttota —Minn Annie m «P 00 the hHl nearby. a miracle he didn’t fall off, while
t w-n- ’ i • « .-utMi ■ ivas lodged ln the police 'Bray, when told of his escapade
Uaurie Williams is in a Critical j a ll where he spent Monday night.., Tuesday morning, shuddi
condition and may n;t recover, ac- i ' -
cording to a statement made'
Tuesday morning, at ths hospital
here Where the girl w*s earned
Sunday morning after being shot
four times.* R. K. Shelton, for
merly a local contractor, but ttew
a resident - of Atlaflta, admits
ehooting the girl, according to the
Albert G. Ingram, assistant so
licitor of the Superior court, said
Tuesday morning that he Would
visit the hospital today for the
J iurpose of securing a statement
rom Miss Williams ' concerning
the shooting.
Shelton, held at the county
jail here without bond, will not
discuss the affair. When seen by
reporters he was in a nervous con
dition. Police here say v he was
either drugged or under the in-
„ fiuence of whiskey when arrested,
for making the (For several years Shelton was
golf courses in half a dozen or
note Florida East Coast resorts
where the presidential party waa
to stop.
Awaiting the executive and his
th the exception of tho
of War and Mrs. Weeks;
who plan to leave the train at S',.
Augustine, was the houseboat of
Edward B. McLean, the Washing-
Lean will act as hosts during the
trip down the Indian and Halifax
(Turn to Page Five) '
NEW YORK—W. H. Anderson,
state superintendent of the Anti-
Saloon league, has admitted that
he paid cash to employes of “wet”
newspapers nays a statement made
public today by acting district at
torney i'ecora, who Is having a
grand Jury Investigation of the ex-
pendure of $24,700 by Anderson foi
publicity In behalf of the- League.
Mr. Pecora quoted Mr. Anderson
ns having paid In a report to tne
league directors concerning tne
“A considerable part of this bus
iness Was so confidential that It
would have defeated Its purpose’
if any ot It had become public, and
would have embarrased men whose
two week* laer, being arrested on personal sympathies were with us
a minor charge, and Georgia off l
cors developing his alleged connec
tkra with the Florida bank rob
ery. V ’
friends and was sendt to a sana-
tarium ah'Milledgeville for treat
ment. He returned here from
Milledgevillo and operated a con
tracting business of his own. A
few months ago ho moved to At-
Miss Wiliams, who lived with
her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown,
in this-city,. waz .formerly em
ployed by Shelton as a stenograph
er, according to Mrs. Brown, but
the girl’s sister said .Miss Williams
BdWard is. McLean, the Washing-
ton publisher, who with Mrs. Me- *!» d not been in touch with Shelton
» n. - . — u - -. ■ • for many months.
ciated Press).—Queen Alexandria
has undergbne a rather sorios ab-
omlnal' operation which proved
successful, ssys' n - official bulle-
;tin issued Monday. The patient’s
condition, it is added is satisfac
tory in view of the circumstances.
Hop . For Jacksonville
on Third Leg of Trip
Is Prepared For. Repairs
MONTGOMERY, Ala.—Final in-
spcctloh of the six DeHaviland
army airplanes enroute to the
West Indies was announced for
Tuesday proceeding their hop-off
for. Jacksonville on the third leg
of their journey which began at
$an anion io last Friday.
The fliers arriving in Mont
gomery Sunday afternoon had to
remain over here until Tuesday
for repairs to their machines. The
routing from here via Arcadia,
Fla., was abandoned because of
name* were ever known.-
M * PeccrA said 'further in state*
’ forced
Comprehensive Inquiry
to Be Conducted By U.
S. Coal Commission
BIRMINGHAM^ Ala.—The coal
mining' Industry In the Alaoaroa
field will be the penter « a co.-n-
Venslve Inqury beginning Wed-
lay ■ by three : members of tne
United Htntes coal comralsMon.
Members making, , tbe inqultw.
scheduled to nrrlve here topl;;ht
ments to him and Anderson had
said that the league propagandlata
were working for' newspapers
might have been embarraaaed
their Standing with their <
■tapers it It had become known they
were in the employ of the league.
<eu sections endangering- any
.! landing, the officers said. This
test flight, conducted by the gov
ernment is said to be the longest
ever attempted by a squadron of
army planes. '
Harrison, newspaper man formerly
of Pittsburgh, Pa., died here Tun-
day after a brief lllben He was
about forty-five years old and at'
one, time waa managing editor t of
the Larke Worth Herald. His body
Is being held here while efforts are
made to 1 locate relatives.
which kept Babe Ruth, premier
slugger, indoors all of Monday and
»)—Dr. Wilhelm Mayer, Ger-
ambaaaadhr to, France naa
• ■I here as the result ot general
iknese It was ahoounced Tuea-
"r. Muyer was recalled by bis
- "•■i iiment-from Parle St the be-'
-‘•'•lug of the Ruhr occupation
Of." by France and Bellgfum.
1 - ling to Munich! He was 111 at
''''" lime,,,?* hi*, departure
' ‘' It*, traveling against t*-
■i i-i- physician and Me
- Hy afterward
The meeting recently In our
Chamber of Commerce of tbe
Sweel Potato and chicken Cluha,
and the effecting ot a permanent
organization by these Bodies, is a
start In the right direction and a'
pointer to a great movement for
our city. Athens Is ’the natural
and legitimate business center for
all of that fine belt ot country ex
tending from- Wilkes and Lincoln
counties to the Savannah river on
the east; Rabun and Towns on
the North, and Gwinnett, Barrow
and Walton on bnr West . We also
go aonth and take In Morgan, Jas
per and Hancock. In this territory
no other place can compete or
measure with Athens as a bust
■■ ■ . _ , ^ ness point, a financial center 3
Information, ft ta understood that * The very first 1«Uy> he rcuehez market for all-manner
UMiqtrr-reWZed subjects of mm-1 New' OrleMK R.itlr« dectatek', he " — r
lag-, tronsportldg and marketing twill don a oniform ««fd get n regu-
srtn he Inquired Into thoroughly. lar workout. Mr,
cumbs As Result otirS «SSt-
What is Called “Genera! ««■ TcSStSSSi
Weakness/*— g- SXgTSgg&SSSEES.
ng the commission who araven
.jere yesterday. The full nature o$
the Inquiry has not been Coade pun-
Uc. An Informal notice sent dpeja-
tors and miners Indfcated that Tilt
clouds and relief- from his unwill
ing imprisonment before noon.
Fully, recovered from the attack
’ ‘ ‘ ' "* 11 batsman
tnferutatlon made available forttne of flu which sent the bii
comndaalon must be specific; m [to bed last Frid*y, 8uUt Was vet
Character. The Alkbama field ta tne [obedient to the instructions of his
first to he visited by members of careful physician and avoided any
the commission-tor the first hand exporore yeatorday.
‘“ * - *' airat '(
3,000 Patrol Men in Chi
cago Are to Aid in War
on Immorality Under
Way There.
CHICAGO—Stamping our com
mercialized vice under what was
said to have been the most drastic
police order ever drawn in Chicago
may claim- the entire attention of
3,0Q0 of the city's available 4,5TB
patrol men. Charles C. Fltzmorrts.
chief of police, Mohday .night di
rected police captains te place uni
formed "patrolmen at the front and
back ddors of every known disor
derly house. Ketarm leaders nave
asserted that more than 5uo auen
places are operating here.
Chief Fltimorls refused to com
ment on the order other than, to
bay th'ht It “speaks for Itself.”/He
Informed the police Captains tnat
“no excuse* - will.' be acepted tor
failure to Comply with this order"
and that If stationing the men re
duced tne' effectives /St- any pre
cinct station to an unworkable
minimum, patrolmen would tm
tranefered from other precincts pot
so hard hit.
The chiefs order came within
four Ituurs utter chief justice Mc
Kinley. of the criminal courts' had!
Annual Income of Cham-
‘ber of Commerce Has
Been Increased By; 300
Percent., *
Workers’ Meeting Late
Tuesday. $9,456 a Year; 3
Assured. Officials Are
Pleased. „ . raS
Increasing the annual inconle of
the Chamber of Commerce over
per cent and enrolling one of
the largest memberships for a
city of this aixe in the South, the f
community wide drive is scheduled
to close at 5 p. m. Tuesday at a
meeting of the workers at the
Georgian hotel. .
. At the close of Monday’s lpnch-
|con, the pledges signed up for the
Party Searches For Miss-^f^r^
ing Members. Arrest years. The workere met agath
Made of a Suspect Wit
FRANKLINTON, 'La.—Believing
that two members of his force were
killed while-conducting a raid on a
moonshine still located In a
swampy section eight miles, east or
here, Sheriff Bateman of YYasn-
Ington Parish, assisted by court of
ficials and a large portion of the working capital pledges which
male population of F^mkllnton the installation period
male population
continued a search
Tuesday for
Monday morning at 10 o'clock-at
the campaign headquarters to
start the final day’s drive. There
was no luncheon Tuesday but a
G o’clock meeting instead. It lit
expected that the $10,000 mark
will be exceeded. This was the
minimum goal of the campaign,
and there is much satisfaction ex
pressed over assurances that it
-would be attained. ’Ihere are man/
large out-of-town firms yet to bo
heard from, and a number ^
■ work is over, which will be
Borne trace ot Wesley Crain and about a month, it is expected that
Weyley Pierce deputy sherlfts ,the pledges will be nearly $12,000
missing since las!.. Friday wjten
they went to the scene of the stllll
Four men* suspected by tne au
thorities 6t having ’knowleape pt
the- disappearance of, the two mem
were nrrested'Monday and are ,«n
Jail here. ,
Ai soon as the men were,taken
Into custody, Judge Carter ad
journed district court and announc
ed that he and court attaches would
aasit the authorities In aearening
for the missing deputies.
The Sheriff'said he was Inform
indicated the March grand Jury led by the wife of a farmer living
would pt required to renew the m- a mile from the location of the still
vestlgution into alleged vice cpndl-1 that she heard seven shots rirea
(Ions. ' in that direction last Saturday
Athens Merchant De
dares He Has Not Been
in' Bankruptcy Severa
Times As Said.
LONDON— Maxim Gorky, the
Russian writer, has enough of the
revolution. He Is In a sanatorium
near Berlin recovering, he says
'“from overexposure to Russian
communism” If revolution breaks
out In Germany he wil move to
Prague, he recently told. a news
paper correspondent. Gdrky hopes
to become editor and publisher of
a world review devoted to an and
Science ln which politics will find
no place. 1
Flat denial ot the etatement* re
ported that he liua been ln bank
ruptcy four or five time* waa made
Tuesday by M. Link, who was ex
amined uh a bankrupt in tho court
of Judge Howe!! Cobb Saturday.
Mr. Link issued* n* signed
ment Tuenduy in which he declare*
he-has been in hankrupty one time
only und not four <r five tlmen a*
attorney* examining him Saturday
■ought to prove before Judge Coblx
The examination of the banxrup*
required an entire . day anfl wan,
followed by. sale of the mock foi j p Wf i fryTw>fpd
$10,17*, purchased by Marten. Levy ^1OWU J!jXpeCieCL
and Joieph of.New York, Augusta
D. H. McFarkvnd, camp, .
■mnnajjer of tho American Cit;
bureau, is to. have his final mee
ing with tho workers at the eve
ning meting of the team organi-
(Turn to Page Five)
Other Canldidat^s Jtt
Popularity Race Are
Polling Big Number of
At Council Session,
Voting in tho White Way I
ularity contest which closes A
4 wbcn'tlte big opening of
bright light .area is staged here,
Rucker Urges City to is becoming brisker with euclt
Continue It’s Appropria
tion of $250;
Adnt** 1-if.tii n of the affair* •>!
the local clvuir of the Ited Crass
hid'*/ l-"lined Monds. niRltt
when AMt.vt ;n J. If. Ru.-Ri r •c-
ommen t«d that .he city (wptliue
Consolidation of votes at two
or three polling places Tuesday
Its apjj-op'tu* it of *2 - J per tnontt-,
to the ahtva rsa-.K-*i.*ti u. t-ld :n
Harry Stillwell Edwards
Speaks At Seney-Stoval
At 8 O’clock Tonight
County Fair is Assured
Trees Should Be Trim
med. Abattoir is Doing
d»ce ; . We - ought <p. have
quarter* heps tor every mad
(Turn to Page'Five)
and Nashville. Directly after tne
Hifle B. Goldwasser, c-f Atlanta, but
formerly of Athens, cltargea a
“frame up" and fullure to carry out
ah.agreement on the part of the
succesafdl bidder." Mr. Goldwasser
told Judge Cobb he, was Induced
to stop bidding by u representa
tive of Marks, Very ;and Josepn
a promise to "split the profits rrom
tbe stock" and that in view c-f the
fact that th«u agreement was not
completed confirmation of the aale
should be set aside.
Mr. \jnk’s statement denying.! ^
was in bankruptcy Tour or five
times follow*:
’ “There seeme to lisve been a
great deal of publicity concerning
the Insolvency of M. Link and it
In defense of same that this
statement la requested. "
*M. Mnk was placed In bank
ruptcy twenty-five years ego end
this In the only time and nut ftnir
or five times as previously stated
by your paper. Furthermore f have
accounted for every .cent concern
ing my business rondltioqn, -atnrc
my asseth It turned Into the origi
nal cost would far surpass my tta-
Very few Athenians who love
a good evening of entertainment
will fail to hear Harry Stillwell
Edwards at Seney-Stovall chapel
Tuesday night at 8 o’clock.
Mr. Edwards will give a reading 1
of one of hit most recent stories.
The money derived from sale ot
tickets will be used in .defraying
expense ot ‘treatment of a young
. . — - - - — - - • * {„
girl afflicted with tuberculosis
Asheville, N- C., and to fuht that
[malady in this county where it Is
'causing ten percent of the' deaths.
Harry Stillwell Edwards is one
gifted southerners whose
of the southland have won
bn- fame in all pdria of the coun
try. Hls story entitled “Sons and
Fathety” was awarded the first
(Prize of $10,000 in the Chicago
Record’s t30fi00 Author’s Compe
tition a few yean ago.
Among hU other stories U the
famous “Aneas Africanus,” a
story with a laugh on every page.
Others^- are “Shadow"; “Just
Sweethearts”; "Two Runaways”.
Mr. Edwards it in addition to be
ing an author of repute, former
postmaster at Macon, .candidate
for the United States Senate, and
Even were he not coming in so
charttv wu.-*(.
“Your coot *i t te has investiga'ed
the' record of the Red Cross' be
gan Captain Rucker. “We found
that Miss Phillips is keeping a per
fect record*and Is efficiency itself.
We take pleasure In recommending
that the city continue its charity
work appropriation to »the “Red fmid.
Cross. 1 ■ r . f
Ths committee from council *uqa mums
pointed out that MlraPhllllps, Red STILLLEADS.
or three polling places Tuesday
morning showed that Miss Mollie
Whitehead, Miss Erlino Wilder,
Miss Bessie Jackson are drawing
closer to MUa Lt.vie Jowers and
Miss Laura Hamond who have
been the leaders in the race from
the jump. -
MUs Bessie Jackson was an-
noMCed Tuesday as the choice of
the Athens Shrinere Club and
those gentlemen are pulling forth
the pennies to moke their candi
date successful. Four prizes are
teing offered, Ford coupe; $100
in gold; $50 in gold and $20 in
gold.. Surplus from the sale of
go to the playground
Cross executive secretary, receives.,
her salary from the national head- (•
quarters and ums the appropriation
from the city for charity work In
the city alone.
IB Wl/ UIUJIC. . _ . ,»
A daily record of charity whrk or conducting campaign ar
— ”ive)
wilt be filed with tbe police head
quarters and an office assistant*,
provided for Mias, Phillips, It was
Fox Trot Reford
Made'As Couple
Dance 9 1-2 Hours
Friends of the various candi
dates are Iready preparing to
stake "something unique” in the
f conducting campaign and
(Turn to Page Five!
Yeu Bet You’rq Buiy But You'vs
to Make More MBney.
s claimed to be a new World’s
non stop fox trotting record was
established by Edgkr Van Ollefen
and Miss Ollie'Finerty, who danced
ninb and one half boors without
pause. Neither took food during
the ong period on the floor and
both finished comparatively fgeth.
Their performance beats by an
hour the record set up in Glasgow
Saturday by two Scotch dancers,
this in turn having outranked two
other records recently of seven and
one half and seven and three-quar
•T regret that this eng' baa tak- good a cause at that sponsored by
iMBanamt'wteHxhejaMiSfabtpunri the Anti-tuberculosis assodation
c tn .loo* Otfjfhis Iitattee>•*'.>*- of the Cqmmunity Council Scncy-
— - ‘ tiStpvall chapel would no doubt ‘
• packed-
Charles. Ray will present hls
model of the Mayflower to the ;Loe
Angeles Muaeua when he ehm-
I plates "The Courtehip ot
I Rtandlsh.”
j;?* ,,
''Every man think* he'e shout
the builett of all. Even an editor
hat days when he modestly be.
llevee—but we won't brag.
The Big point jutt now It:
Is your busy-'nera of tho’ money,
winning brand of activity? -i
A lot of It Is concerned with
routine—with etoreV. maintenance
—with money-holding.
This Is necetaary and Inevitable.
Ite keeps buslnets going.
But It lin't the brand of busy,
nee* that builds builneee—new
Time given to new (tore policies
or methods Is creative.
Time given to making ths ttors
more attractive, to better diepley^
to uraimng .....people.; I. ere-
1L „, .. "Time given to the creation or
Mile.* vigorous, clean-cut' advertising Is
creative. ./ '