Newspaper Page Text
i irufcfi]
«U» Mao Dcadwyler.
Mr. Dow Donahue, of MaysviUe
suited here Tueaday. ^
IMr. and Mrs. ®. o. Marlow, of
Mayaville, spent Tuesday in the
L ” r - * n . d . Mre - Jame8 E. Wood
U>® congratulations
. r / r,endR “Pot tho Mrth of
d *'if ,,tor ’ M:lrch 7th - who
ley* ^ caed K,Ule rtne McKin-
Mr. i, D. Tracy. of Atlanta, was
* • ecem visitor to Mrs. F -
Tracy.- - '
Col. Archibald^ Blackzhoar,’ of*
arrived Tuesday night to
•visit his mother, Mra. K. M Blkck
shear and Miss Laura* Blackshear. i
Mi*s Tomlinson, of Abanin, who '
jHJ. been .L n ' lhe c,ty ,or aoveral,
r a l th ,f su S 8t for two«ays of .
Mrs. A. E. Crawford and Miss An-
Tuesaay‘ Wtor d. returnta * homo
Mrs. Jesate Bray, fcf Crawford,
spent Tuesday In tho city.
Mrs. H. C-. Banister and Mrs.
James Gordon, of Ila. were In tho
Bfunnon, president Ninth District slop's neat meting on March is. 1
Press Association. (It was contended by ‘Cnatrman
Reading of Minutes of Last Meet | Swift, of the commlslon. that Mr.
Ing I Stark has removed his residence
Payment of dues to sevrotary-treas- from, the county, docs not attend
the moetlnga and that this situa-
New Business [Uon, c ® u P l «‘ l with the iUncss or an-
•stew Business, w „m,„ °ther member, made it'Impossible
• Modern Journalism as a, 'Yomani ouorum.
»«• E - W Clrron 0, A,h -| The commlslon Is formal t^nan-
«>*• „ „ . . -die' the proceeds of a $200,000 bond
■‘J4o\v the l*r.Ms Can Beirt ^o-ogn ji | - u 0 the county for good voads.
ate With the Farmer. —Dr. J. Fniv^ portico 0 f the money hmi already
Campbefl, bt*u» QpUft; °**" A * rlcu . l *|b«en spent in/Conjunction wltn
tore. ’federal alt^ funds.
Introduction of County Afonts and ^ gtarlc. who appeared In per-
llome Domonsi tatlon Agents. neforo the governor, doetuiyd
Hound'Table discussion ot news; thal there WS(I B dispute as to the
paper subscription problems - ^ expenditure of the road raohtey
Adjourirfnrnt. which had created an lrrcconctyftie
j Earnest iCnniprpf presi- <j wu |iock,'~and that all memoers
dent ft 1 W fclgnth J)IftrlcCWftai?- wero Bt ayin* away from the mee«-
kecnly the irreimrablojo
she sweetly sleeps to
Resurrection morn.
TO MY 81 ST ^ ft
True friend, and sister, mother,
She was j*" r ,t these—and
fui lire amfT iiom
Seems sacrificed to us who cut wot
s we know
await tbe
With wind and cloud, and chanc
ing skies; •
I hear the rushing of the blast.
That through the snowy valley
Ah, passing f?w are they who
Wild, stormy month, in praise
ot thee.
Yet though the winds are loud
and bleak.
Thou art a welcome month to
. me.
For thou, to northern lands, again,
Tbe glad nod glorioup sun doth,
bring, .
And thou hath joined the gentle
r train.
And tvear'st the gentle name of
Swallow slowly sms
—tub well over the
Office 1201—By MRS. ALICE ADAMS—Residence 832.
The ways of our Father In setting
her free,
And taking her borne with BIm to
And to her all peace and rest to
I .
The marriage ot Miss Lola Ba-
lii tto Wrath and EUgene Obor-
ilorfer. Jr., which will take place
Tuesday evening. March 27, at the
temple Is of wide Interest In this
city. ■■ i .
The ceremony will be performed
l>v Italibl Marx.
The maid of honor will be Miss
Evelyn Hirsch. the sister.of the
Pride, who will enter tho temple
with her father, Joseph Hirsch.
The bridesmaids will be Miss
Sylvia Montag and ^tlss Beatrice
Hirsch and Miss Mazte Ferst, both
cousins of the bride; Miss Flora
.Margaret Rosenthal, ot Indianapo
lis. fnd., and. Miss Dorothy Haver,
of Cleveland, Ohio,; Miss-.MtkJred
Albert, of New York, and Miss
Joanna Eckstein, of Seattle, Wash.
Ia’on Levy. Julian Loeb, Gabriel
Schoen, David Marx. Sidney Ger-
shon, Henry Hirsch and Frank
K rest will be the groomsmen.
Mr. Odegflorfer will have as best
man his brother, Donald Oberdort-
Flve little cousins of the brldo
will lie thp flower girls. They, are
Marion Snltz, 'Elizabeth Llllenthal,
hleauor Kemper, Lala Llllenthal
and IJctty Wiseberg.
The. uslpsrs will - be • Stanley -El-
Van. at Macon; ‘Henry Rosenbaum
Ben Joel, Harry Gcrshon, Eugene
Zai Iparias ond Morris .Hirsch. the
hriile’d cousin, arid Abram Leftrcr,
the groom’s cousin. -
A hRiilant reception at the
Standard Club follows tho cere
mony. Tfg> bride and groom will
go for a^Jinneymoon trip to the
Greenbrier!’ White Sulphur. W. Va.
Miss Hirsch Is the lovely daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hirsch
and has countless friends In At
She Is a graduate o£ Gouehor
| college. She comes of a family
I Identified with th% growth and life
I of Atlanta in every way. Her
J grandfather, Joseph Hlrach, was
I one* of the founders of Grady hospl
i tal and was'known and esteemed
for h|a philanthropy. I . .
' Captalnr 'ObordorferHz the eldest
son of Mr.-and Mrs.. Eugene Ober-
dorfer arid ranks Iri the front of
business and social activities tn
this city. He Is a native Atlantan
and fl graduate of the University
of Georgia, immediately after uis
graduation he answered President
Wllsoh's call for voluitfcers on the
i Mexican border and enlisted, serv
ing on tbv border as nrst lieuten
ant, later he became military In
structor and during tho war won
the rank of captain, serving until
the armistice was signed. Cantaln
Oberdoifer Is a member of the
Gate city guards, former president
of the junior chamber of commerce
and past commander ot post No.
1 ot the American legion.-Constltu
At the home of Mrs. John 1C
While Monday morning Circle No.
Ill of the Woman's auxiliary tlie
First Presbyterian churci. ..-u. a
very Interesting and lovely me
morial service S'.-r Mr*. Coke Tnl-
mnake. whose untimely dentn. u
few days ago cast a gloom over tne
entire eoiHtuunlly. Mr*. Talmucgu
was a member of the circle, and
Mrs. A. E. Crawford a* leader ul
tho circle arranged the benutlrui
program despite her 111 health and
It was fully In keeping wltn nor
lofty ideals and tender itffectlona
for the departed one. Many frlcncs
gathered to |iay fovlng tribute to
Mrs. Tnlmadgc. Dr. E. I* IfUl u|>en-
ed tho^ service with tho retuliiig of
scrlptTFro and prayer, fallowed l.y
tho reading of a prayer in verse by
Mr*.' T. I*. Stanley. Mrs. Janies
While read the exquisite poem
read “The Tapestry Weavers."
“Sometime." Miss Arinio Linton,
ono of tho most beautiful poems
ever written. Mr*. Rosa p. Hull
read a lovely poem Loved and Los::
Mr*. T. P. Stanley and Mrs. C. M.
Stanley smlg the wondorfuly ten
der Scotch ballad "My Ain Coun
tree,'" wltlcV was one of the s\yec:
eat and moat touching numbers cc
tlio program. On a nf tlio ktost
heart to hoart,/ and appealing
poems, an original contribution
completed the beautiful services,
nnd la published below by rtpccpil
a-entieHt. Each poem selected was
Tull of the ten.forest love, portray
ing Che wisdom ‘T pm- fathor'd tu^.
iiensation In doing all tilings Well, i
Bat Lucy’s spirit hovers near.
And guards all those stio held ^su
And watches with a tender care.
To he’ii them with their Cross to
■ The governor had bon ndvtsed by
.the attorney-general that he is em-
ipowered to remove a member or n
.{county bond commission tor Just
-cause and replaco him-with nnutn-
And In thy reign of blast and siorm
Smiles many a long,’ bright, sun
ny day.
When the chafeged winds are soft
and warm.
And heaven puts on the blue of
May. . ,
Then sing aloud the gushing rills
In Joy that they again are free.
And, brightly leaping down the
Renew their journey to the sea.
The year’s departing beauty hides
Of wintry storms, the sullen
But In thy sternest frown abides
A look of kindly promise yet
Thou bring’st the hope ot those
calm skies. . .
And that soft time' of many show
When the wide, bloom, on earth
that lies.
Seems ot a brighter world than
—William Cullen Bryant.
Entertaining the Home Ee- no-
mtes classes land 10 at dinner Wed
nesday night afl the Agricultural
College Catfeteria. Miss Rhea C.
Scott will majee it tbe occasion for
jlSn and give you
Tonic and Blood Enri
VAN-Nll^ Satisfies
Thn sting from a hum v.
Tho |)ii|j]Ih of Mrn. John Morrto'!
violin c1«h will give a recital*
Thursday evening in the Ihue par
lors of Lucy Cobb at 8:15. The
public is cordially Invited. FoKnw-
lng is tho program:
1—Walts, Strubc, Elizabeth Cotiu-
ell. , ,
2— Air 'Witji Variations, Paplne,
Lora Lawrence.
3— LoAg. long ago. Minnie Cut
4— Nocturnes. I*eybach, Leila Mae
—IH r d Song, Strube, Justine
•—March. liaeh. Stanton Forbes.
Mae Rullock
7— Aucassln anti Xlcollette,
Krclsler, Clara Mae ftullocx
8— Sonata So. 2. 1st Movement,
I lay da, Rose Lewi:; and Lora Law
.Meditation from Thais, Mas-
saret, Sarah McCudy Morris. Lortrn
Lawrence and Lizzie Lou Lockup,
at the piano.
Recital will l»e held in the Blue
Parlors. ” Lucy Cobb institute
Thursday 8:15 P. M.
Public cordialy invited.
' -vB — -
I The following missionary circles
of the l*rlnce Avp, Baptist enuren
will meet Thursday afternoon.
Circle I with Mrs. W. H. RuliocX
207 Boulevard at 3:30.
Circle II with Mrs. Porter 1050
Hancock Ave. at :30.
Circle III with Mrs. Haralson o:»
Springdale, at 3:30.
Circle IV with Mrs. Brooks o;;
Jackson street at 3 li'cloc::.
•Circle V meets next week.
Arguments from both side* upon
a petition asking him to remove
A. Stark from the bond commission
of Elbert county, and to appoini un-
other man t'j fill the place, were
heard Tuesday by Governor Harc-
Tho sting from u had. burn will
often be ^alleviated by tho applica
tion of kerosene.
, —“I •*». wore 1U UIU
city shopping Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephan* and
Mra. Chandler ^Stephens, of Sandy
Cross, spent Tuesday In the city.
VAN-NIL Never Disappoints
The Store Good Goods Made Popular
------ u.. B «sncii aim .lint.
Charles Rrlgbtwoll, of Maxeys/
were visitors here Tuesday.
Mra. W. W-r Berry, of Crawf .d,
wm among tho visitors here Tucs-
' day.
’ Mr. Harry Stillwell Edwards of
Macon, was tho guest of Mr. nnd
Mrs.' Roosevelt Walker at Lucas
Hall during his visit In the city.
Miss Elizabeth Tate Williams
is visiting relatives and friends in
Atlanta and at Tate, Ga:
Tomorrows ^Mid-Week Sale
of Spring Styles, at
a Washington Birthday party. The
favors and decorations will carry
out the national color scheme.
Guests will be: Misses Sarah
Maddux, ot Culloden. Winifred
Davis, of Atriens, Annie Laurie
Wier, of Athens, Bessie Parr, of
Allanta, Jim'Turner, of Elbertoh,
Genevieve Tucker, of Williamson,
S. C., Annie Sasnett. of Atlanta,
Sarah Tarragano, of Atlanta, Polly
Sure Relief
The values
are excep*
tional at
this sale
price, *'• • •
Ruth Bowers, of Atlanta-
Each girl will Invite a hoy
friend as her guest and the oc
casion will be quite Informal. Af
ter dinner there wlU be dancing.
. m
The Senior Christian, Endeavor
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Su » Relief
2S« and 75« Packages fWvwt^rt
W. D. Ellis, Jr., ig improving
Piter a serious illness at bis home
on East Fifteenth street.—Constltu
JD combine alluringly la
these styles—
There are fine milans, com*
binations, timbo, straw-
braids, ngals, In superb
i no ouuiur uurisuiui. Ezuucuvor
Society ot the Central Presbyteri
an Church will hold Its regular
monthly social at the home%f. Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Keener, 150 KThg
avenue, next Saturday, evening at
eight o’clock, r
The program will consist of
readings and Instrumental and co-
cal music by members ot the So-,
clety. All members are urged to
attend and Join In the entertain
ment and fellowship of tho eVen-
shades of almOnd, pearl,
orchid, lavender, mountain
haze, and black, sand, navy,
Trims of ribbon, flower*, fruit,
and charming novelties adorn
Thursday and Friday
Mr. and Mr*. Lee Morris have
Issued Invitations to the marriage
of their daughter Joan Linda to
Mr. Harry Maurice Radon on Wed
nesday evening, -March the twen-
ty-flrat, at half after eight o’clock
at tbe Synagogue, Athena Gerirgla.
which Will be a brilliant social
•tent of state-wide Interest, .and
one of the loveliest ot the spring
A Sale of Exceptional Importance!
. "Addres» of Welcome—-Dr. J. C. Wll-
kInaon.pastor First Baptist church,
of Athens,
Reaifcmse for Eighth Istrlct—E. A
ion’s Biggest
-The Lumpkin afreet needle work
club win meet with Mra. J. 8.
Hawke* Friday afternoon at 1
O’clock, assembling the members
for a meet enjoyable and informal
Are you getting over a cold or
aii'y Jnf' / I ' WyH■ find yourself a victim of backache? Are
tajMWBs you suffering lieadaches, too, dizzy spells,
i Jfj:'%wEBmvMj: a dulf, tired worn-out feeling and annoying
ilK‘ kidney irregularities! Then don’t delay!
'very Picture ‘ * Physicians agree that a vast number of the
7efl» a Star/’ ? worst cases of kidney trouble arerthe result
' ' r of gehn diseases. In every infectious dis-
ise the system is alive with poisonous germs and bacteria. The kidneys are overwhelmed with •
Ik rush of new work; they break down, become congested, inflamed and diseased. Too often the
real trouble is lost sight of until some dangerous kidney ailment sets in. If your kidneys are fall
ing behind, don’t wait for serious trouble. Begin using Dpan’s Kidney Pills today. Doan’s have
helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor! > ' • '
Read How These Athens Folks Found Relief:
H. A. FULLER, blacktmlth, 540
Oconee St, say*: - "My kidney* were
Irregular In action am) the excre
tion* were ecaaty* la passage and
Oiled w!.Jr sediment. My back hurt
and became io atlff f could hardly
move. I had catches of pain through
my hack when 1 stooped. Sharp
catches of pain like n knits stabbing
into me caught me through my back.
Ono box of Doan’s Kidney Pill* which
I got at Smith’s Drug Store made my
kidneys act normally nnd rid tne en
tirely of all (he trouble with my
Broad 8t., saya; "When I swept !
bad terrible pains through my bririd
and to lift anything wair hard as my
beck Was so weak and 'sore. I be
came dlssy and black specks dar.-ed
before my eyes, blurring my sight
I became weak and ran down and the'
slightest work made s' wrack of me.
My kidneys were Irregular In action.
1 used Doan's Kidney Pills from
Smith Bra*. Drw Store. Doan’s re
lieved me of all the trouble and regu
lated mr kidneys."
Bute St., say*:. "I suffered with
sharp baths- through my back whllo
about .my housework. WHenovcr I
stooped, a sharp twinge of pain
caught me thrdugh my back and t
could hardly straighten np. Dizzi
ness came over me and buck specks
jumped before my eyes. My kldnoys
didn’t act right! at all. I got a box
of Doan’s Kidney Pills at PalmcFa
Drag Store and Uuy soon brought
Milfsnf Tarn Knvan rtf TVxnn’m rr»<l
Mrs. Frank Hardy has return*
ed from Atlanta; where tbe spent
several dgys.
Mr. W. H. Braaelton. of Braaet-
ton, was a visitor here Tuesday.
Mr* ‘George E. CranneR of
Titusville. Fla., u spending sev
eral week* with Mr* 8. T. Tracy.
Mr. and Mr* R. W. Anthony and
little daughter have returned to
Wintervtll* after * visit to Ur*
Children under ^12 years
ullage, 10c, Friday, Mat
inee. Bring the kiddies.
H. C. Hunter.
a’sJjUdney Pills
oh... -II ” . * 59e 49
' Mr* M. E. Bolton la vSittti
B. P. Hal*, of Wintervtlle.
mm €<►., Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y.