Newspaper Page Text
Wyi 1 'WIP 1 ■ '-W
■^fpsesday. march y. 1923.
t.Mivffcer you don’t need to 1
uimr if you add a- pytch
rate of soda u%en stew-
quail do not Uko or 1
boll woevIL
Winder, Ga.
The Woodruff-Howard Company
has paid $100,000 tor the site of
'a large brick or concrete build-
_ ,ing
av 1 of the 95 in every 100
for from Dandruff or some! Hon. R. L. Carithers will build
■able. just try Uahdoen, for * filling station back of hia resi-
give you perfect satisfaction, t deiice.
Is author I led to cheerfully re*
-'^yjnd Athens
la moll who ms oaioaA '
Mrs. Maggie Darnell, who was raised
In Jefferson, died In Okahoma. j
Mr. Int Thornton, a former cltisen
of Center, died in Macon. I
, th. r»*t of a 12-ox. botlb.
- Shop., OrnsiB, P.rlon,
U-l>arUSMt Stows. NoU—It',
■ iiiiTevana? '
The county track meet will be
h<ld in Stathgm on April 6th.
Ob J. C. Daniel anif family will
move front Decatur.
grebne County
• Greensboro, Ga.
Dr. John Roach Strgtton, pastor
I of tha Cavalry Baptiat church of
I New York City returned on a visit
to the scenes of his boyhood and
„ ,, _ delivered three sermons in'Greens-
I' ew €ents a Jar—Iboro.
Keeps Hsj* Glossy, Well-,
(’list >
Hillicns lAg : 'lt—Fine for li.-.l
—Net Sticky, Qrcaey or Cr--'*v
Millions Use It—Fine For Hsir
Not Sticky. Greasy or Smelly
Even lAstiliute, unruly or sham
poo.*.! l ur 'stays combed all day
Ur. C. C. Vincent says he has
seen rats in the act of eating
Mr. B. F. Strozier, one of
Greene’s finest citizens, died at
White Plains. ,
Mr. Robert Gunn of Union Point
ended his own life. He has just
finished shaving a customer when
he went in the rear of his shop and
shot himself.
Mr. Ira Thornton, a former res
ident of Greene died in Macon. His
remains were taken to Athens for
Lavonia, Ga.
itylo you like. “Hair-
Groom" is a dignified combing
mam v hidi gives that natural
oli,.? and well-groomed effect to
your had—that- final touch to
good <!r< ? both in business and on
social iwcaltoh*. /
Greiiselcss,*' stainless “Hair-
Groom" does not show on the hair
became it is absorbed by the
scalp, therefore your hair remains
,o soft and pliable and so natural
that no one can possibly tell you
used it.
treken Out Skin And Itching
Kczeitia Helped Over Night
For unsightly skin . eruptions,
rash or blotqhes on face, neck,
arms or Emily, jrou do not have to.
wait for relief front torture or, msmcnt, declares a noted
skin specialist. Apply a little Mcn-
tho-Sulphur and improvement
shows next day.
Because of its germ destroying
properties, nothing has evor boon
found to tnko the, placo of thig
sulphur preparation. The moment
Two convicts escaped from
Franklin county chain gang, both
being trusties. The, men left in
a Ford car belonging to the coun
ty. The car was found ditched
near Spartanburg, S.- C.
Mrs.- Leo Dornoch, aged (I,
at her horns in Commerce.
Monroe. Oa.
Mrs. W. E. Darker, of Rutledge,
died in and Atlanta sanitarium.
The condition of
Bowen ia much improi
co very (a, expected.
the Palace will bavj one of tbe
best reels ever exhibited in Ath-
Jens, with a full star cast. On
died these days two ex’ra fnft reels
will be shown, Charlln Chaplin
will appear In “The Pilgrim.” and
Florence Reid in “At Bay.”- You
'cannot afford to miss these pro
ductions. ' Tbe Elite will also have
on thrillers daring the week. Doth
of our moving picture theatres - . „ m _
are doing an increasing business • J 1 ®?* ** growing jJAs while, for
with dhe approach of spring. l Iady vl ' ,tOT « Athen ' never fal >
from distant town* who cornea
Athens To buy, fine goods. We m &2» C.-.ysvBU. Hangs Niimt-1 The two u*«mt> t»usa ^wefe «e-
gettlng a splendid trade from £l-
berton. ..Our merchant ail say
that business Is so much better
than they expected, and what is
best of all, it Is a cash trade.
Palm Garden says you can just
set it down as a tacJ that they will
get the White Way on Washing
ton street to the Georgian, and
they never go for anything but
they land it He says busi-
cost Trei
“It .was
waa atopplng over In u tvwn ._
which a group of bandlta made i vl,,c *' Lnlon ™ um>
to call at' the* Palm Garden.
B85.WS ywaSttiss-L-ss u.-sst'-f “
MR. T. J. EPPS, who has a I
model farm near town says he Is J
breath qf spring. Many lovely
He carried .n h.aur.nce of HtaO on growtar to oertecUon Wtrdens present
hi. .tock but the loa. waa much 52? n 5c. t0 u,?f.. ““ I trancing beatttr.
Tlic drdg atore of
Loganavtlte, .was d<
if ztfto on grnwin*“tn'’ norfcctinn i Hardens present a scene of en-
0 ' „ - .anyone can'see by examining the P°?k-is always have
„ county co-operative achool „.P*c«n X~'e df.M r. Will Beacbam.
—- -—— ? 5ft a as SfUraafs
: from grafts on hickory bushes.
An advleory board of the womeTl of
Walton county wu recently organ- , eft AtheDS depot for the nortIl .
I It seems that the exodusting move
{merit has broken out afresh. Those
who have gone North sexd darkeys
to come on. ,
A small child of Mr. and Mrs.
8. Chandler, of the Mountain district,jo'n^
waa scratched and severely bitten by 7
," ,t- .J' he anlm * 1 ”* MR. KING HOWARD says they
when ahot and kUIed expect to have the large planing
when shot and killed. , mill fD oper at|„n in
. _ ’ . thirty days. It will be.owned by
raid was made on a sUll in a the Byffgjo taunber Company,
car barn near Bold Spring. »nd found wh|ch „ aB AthS corporation,
three yopng men at the aUll and I .
aelaed the apparayua. TAX PAYERS THIS YEAR are
,, „ j said to be more backward .In set-
Mr. W B. .Nunnally will move hl. u , Bf up than m>By yea „
lady visitors. They come from
all neighboring towns and conn-
Mps cti see tbe lovely flowers and
plants. He has now tomato and
other vegetable plants large en-
oueh to aet out.
farm, even at this early season
is worth seeing. 8mall grain Is
most promising and much work
has been done toward preparing
ano.her crop. You shouljl never
come to Athens without seeing the
State farm. v
are at work beautifying their
lawns and preparing for spring.’
The finest roses and othyr flowers
are grown In Athens.
CO. Is receiving, their new spring
goods and It Js worth a visit' to
Athens to see the lovely displays
of stylish goods and other articles
in their windows. This is one of
tho old reliable dry ‘goods houses
of Georgia, and the ladies flock to
-Mrs. Pearce Floyd, aged- 65
died at Viola.
In an auto wreck in Atlanta,
Misses Julia Davis and Ethel Da
vis were' injured. They went over
from Athens for a day’s shopping
In Atlanta and the accident oc
curred after they had reached the
The five-year’-old child of Mrs.
C. D. Cannon, of Bowersville was
burned to death. The |child had
been sick in bed, but ( in the ab
sence of the mother, got up and
while standing before the fire its
clothing- caught.
Hartwell Ga.
Hart County school day, April
6th will surpass all others.
Firo destroyed the home of Mr.
Byrd C. Brown, in Mt. Zion com
munity. No insurance and very
little was savqtl
Walter W. Mnret has bought out
Ira V. vAdanja’ store.
The county expects to tell a car
load'of fat hogs in September.
family from Munroe to Orlando, Fla
„ . „ , ’ ’’ ■ .1 'MR. WEATHERLY. OF COR-
On April 10th Ilth and Utt, »S [NCUA . la , n towB aBd aaya tJiat
romen rrpraaentatlv...of the Mia-1 wheB appIe prchBrdg are , n
alonary organization, of the Oalnea- bIoom The c01int fy around Cor .
v' Ue North .Ororgm Confer-1 Bp|la ,,, vIfl |n beauty with Ja- „„„ ,
pan and cherry blossoms. Many lt nke boeg b t
, new orchards have been set out *■
Cheater Stanton, of Social Circle. and the apple business Is assum-
h . a \. J . U ^. U * C " ° K hl * ,lr * t hatehlnxl Inx large propordons. Captain
i Will Eberhart, formerly of near
'WintervlIIe was the man who or-
r-—<xed the apple business at Cor-
A LADY IN THfc CITY has 75
White Leghorn hens, and averages
66 eggs a day from them. A num
ber of our citizens will embark
in the poultry business.
“Pat," a pet' cron, is him only W. Bandivere. UtwaoUvIUc, Daw | v.t?d *•» ntvslonnry work niitr.ij-
companion. The coon wais capture^ *° n coo,l, l ,: **ra., John D. Black, while ti.» mck page waa given over
In the e warn tie of ILoulatana atx' Cun ' ml0 * y ° r * >rth "»«y; John Pey i„ the Hni .'uy Schnot n. iiOlt’cz
ton. ML Airy. Haberaham county: R The flnm-l il .lteet ahiwel n jptU collected to Marcti
hile several dollars In ekeesa
■ amount were spenL
John B. King,
• .ton. ML Airy, Haberaham county: R The fin:
1 ago. and already almoat has E A Hamby. Clayton. Rabun c an- - tj $'.z
TL h . ... 1 ty: Dr. J. F. Jolmaon. Hlawamwe lit., wh
•„ Towns, county: W. K. Candler. Blairs- ?. .nu
their headquarters. One of ne imnrrCleveland. White county: E. R. Mr CLT THIS IS WORTH
dits began to pUy with 'Pat." and Murray. Lavonia. Franklin county: J % J MONEY
not liking, the mnft's iJigs tbe own B. Skelton. Sr.. Hartwell. Hart coun- Cut oui this slip, endosoSc Mid
took a bite at his mustache. ^Tne ty. t mail it to !Foley &
greaaer grabbed hlh sword. <Ad 1' x “ • « e W Avc -- ChWago, III, writing
grubbed my gun but there v ain't' A ,1 ___ |l|f ijl, n Jt-f your name and address rfearly.
any fight for at that momen: tne^nilliGHS IVlCi lOCllSt i ‘°V W| 1 .n rotufn 1* trial
president and a aqund- of officer,, _ . . , |package containing Foley’a Honey
rode UP, and the bandit, • best :l ; Pamphlei Title gs^ST fS Kkfney
“The Athens Tyctiiodiat" tr.\ .n- Pflls for paina in sides ancf back:
title oc the seml-iiiMphie^ ,an t nny rheumatism, backache, kidney and .
et Issued . ity me Bladder ailments; and Foley.'
It wan a cHie cast,'*
noanccotnt nbeel
K«rst Mofhc dUt c ljurch «»fvrt*>r ds n* tfi&Hc Tablets, a Wholofome- .and
r»* Marcti i*tK’ 19f3. OrT'ina -irnai thoroughly cleaminff eatharttc for
um» Horn thoroi
l>agc wa-i carried a plcturv o< tne coosti]
''harch, the nnnouncofmtat^ Cor tne and _
Suqday fityicph and tho fi* mhtt>\
headaches "
■Advert isc-
of 414 chicks.
• i Madison, Oa. -
Helen the SnuUl, daughter of Mr.
and Mr*. Bruce Crisp, waa burned to
death. Sha had aome fire In a bucket
which caufht her dreaa.
Madison has two plf clubs, the
Pure ?red club and the Fat Hog club.
At the end of the season a hog sale
will be held; .
Now 1* the time to plant rape for
graslng. Chickens and hogs do well
on this crop.
Mr. W. J. Gresham says that Mor<
gsn’s $315,000 ro adodnbhrdluaqiinfw
gan's $325,000 road bond Issue was
mistake for they have only nine
mile* of hard road instead of ferty
or fifty, as expseted. " , -
It look* like Morgan will plant
heavy acreage In peanuts. ^
Mrs. G. C. Gsmbrell, of Rutledge,
recently, died. * ,
The poultry business I* on a boom
In Mortan aid ^ many people are go
relj “
Inc extensively Into it.
* Thu twelve chicken culling ,dem-
you apply it healing begins. Only ! onstrations held In the county were
host* who have had unsightly skin
ircuWes can know the delight this
Montho-Sulphur brings. Even
fiery, itching eczema is dripd right
Get a small jar of Rowles Men-
tl.o-Sulphur ffonT any good drug
gist nn<l use it 1 like cold cream.-^
attended by .at least 700 persons.
Mrs, Leonard Graham, of Eureka
is dead.
A number of farmers in
cqunty win plant tobaceo
Lexinyton, Ga.
A number of large timber deals
have recently been made and com
petition has run up the price. Mrs.
Giorgia Stevens has sold tho tim
ber on her pi^e two miles from
■ The Elberton Building and Loan As
sociation enpoyed a proeperous year
Look Young Hiring Back
Its NaturalCotor, Gloss
And Attractiveness
Common ROtilen sage browed in
to s heavy tea, with sulphur added
will turn irray, streaked and faded
hair beautifully dark and
luxuriant,. Just a few applications
vill prove a revelation if your hair
» failing; streaked or gray. Mix-
in* the Sage Tea Ind Sulphur
"cipe at home, though, in trou
blesome. An easier way Is to get
s bottle of Wyeth’s Sage and Sul
phur Compound at any drug store
all ready for uxe. This is the oid-
hme recipe improved by the ad-
®tion of other ..ingredients.
While wispy,' gray, faded nafc i»-
■“t sinful, we all desire to retain
«ur youthful- appearance and at.
traetiveness. By‘darkening your
Mir with Wyeth’s Sage and
oldest citizens in the county pass
ed, .away.
at • time: by
one small strand at a time; by
®ominp- all gray hairs have di»s
tppv.iimi, and .after another «p-'
Wkation or two, your hair bn*.
tolUttS k>auUrufly dark, glossy,
*® ft and luxuriant.—Advertise-
together with a
.lip) to Chamber-
,o„ Dm Motaew
in return a trial
ng Chamberlain’s
■or. yi.ur name and anuress
P'U nly written together with (
f’nts and tift slip)
Medicme Co.,
•oua. and receive in _ _
Park . :o containing Cbambeda!
c °url. Remedy for coughs, colds,
bronchial, “fl-*”
*«°<.| no coughs, and
«?»': Oumberlain’a
“J l.ivet Tablets . for
*'ouh! •«, indigesl
crowd the
Jnu. scalds, wounds,
“in affoetionapitheM R_
1 edicinee tor only 5
_ Phil W. Davis' contem
plates going into the tomato busl-
is' in ’Florida and is negotiating
is the
tract of land on
ind prhich he
finest tomato land
coast and which he says
Hon. T. Johnson, of Jefferson,
failed to fill his engagement for
a speech in Lexington.
the State Highway
‘ in Oglctboi
expected in Ogletborps soon on an
inspecting tour.
Mday waa the anniversary of
the big firq, in Lexington, and all
the buildinga save one .have been
put on the market. Tbe cotton
put some $200,000 in circulation.
Jtfftrsen, Oa.
Mrs. Mamie Toast*, formerly of
Jackson county, died’In Atlanta.
Daring a
C|»xk •• boro.
gambling frolic neai
n negro named Tlnnl
killed and enothe
Osirl Hopklna. ahot In (he
arm. Bob Hdhtcr did the ahootlng.
The father bt Rev. W. A. Wray,
paator ff the Baptiat church, died at
Knoxville, Tenn.
The Swine Growers’ convention tc
be hold at Elberton the 14th and IStli
of March, le an opportunity to buy
fine hoga at your own price.
The Elberton Bhriners ware tender
ed a aumptuoua banquet at tbe Pied
mont Hotel Friday nlghL t
,- wathlngton, Oa:
Twenty-four thousand dollare wae
aubaeribod to the hoeptui fund by
noon Wednesday. .
Hog ralaera In the county are ar
ranging to ahlp a carload of bogs In
Wilkes farmers hav* adopted
policy of live St home end everbody
go to work*
President of the Georgia Railway
and Power Co-. >*y a wlU coat $1W.-
eee to extend hie lines to Washington,
uka n Mr deal for hie company.
Deaths In Wilkes: Mrs- J. H. Kelly
died at Danburg; Mlee Aummta BeU.
In Vkahlngun: Mrs, John H. WaUtm
at the' homo of her daughter. 1
W. A. Prather; Mrs. Zeko L. Sam.
Mr. Sim BennetL near
Mrs. Fannie RIU.
Agricultural College are corn in
■ilk and taasel. It was planted in
piping and looks flourishing.
Messrs. Hugh Gordon and Frank
Lipscomb visited Hdr. Will Scott
to see bis fine fowls. ' He has
flock of White Plymouth Rocks
and flitter strains of birds arc not
found. •
the trees In-the beautiful groye in
froirl of his homo with a pen knr
when they were mere bushes, it
weighted down by sleet It tak.
about J5 years to grow a large
oak from an acorn, or K set' out as
a twig. It is said you can produce
a tree as -quickly by planting 'gin
acorn as setting one. out.
SELF bna not been doctored and
Ip in bad shape. It will probably
die the comipg year, if something
is not done to preserve Its life.
'Twould be a pitv to lose this in
teresting relic. Why nob get some
forestry expert from the State
Agricultural college to work on
the tree.
week you note prearatlopns being
jnade for several buildings. Mil-
ledge avenue Is fast building up.
What our city needs is more small
ooftages toy rent.
OUR DRY GOODS and clothing
stone* are doing a’ fine trade and
parties arc dally
seed to the city
Kentucky Man, Who Suf
fered With Severe Head
aches- Says He Found
lief By Taking Black-
)KU|ght *,
ouhll. doves, wild turkeys, plovers,
skunk, raccoons, minks, outer, and
wild cats ended last Thursday.
PECAN GROWERS say the hard
frosts and* low temperatures of
the middle of February have done
no damage to the crop. ^
Several citizens of thlq, immediate'
section have been appointed by Gov
ernor Hardwick as trustees of the I
Fifth and Xlntlf district A. A M.j
school. The. Fifth district achool la)
located at Monroe while the Ninth)
district school Is situated at Mad If >u
The appointments follow:
For (he Fifth district Institution;
the following trustees have bee*,
Mias Sallle Fannla Gleaton. Con
yers, Rockdale county; Mrs. W. C
Clark. Covington. Newton county
L. Carithers, Winder. Barrow
county: Mrs. George K. Bagwell.
Lawrenrevlfie, Gwinnett county; Mrs
N. H. Board well Jr.. Alparetta. Mil-
ton county: Prof. William 8. Cox,
College Park. Fulton county.
For tjie Ninth district, tho new trus
COMES ions
\. Child’s tot
Vj c if bilious.
tongue shows
A Mother’s
Even Cross, Feverish; Sick Children Love its Taste
and if Never Fail? to Empty’Little Bowels*
Hurry mother! A teaspoonful Ask your druggist for genuine
if “California’ Fig Syrtip*;today .-California Fig Syrup.” It never
.a: v%‘JfJISi3as •»"»■ njrrJ^
bilious, fretful, has cold, colic, or tions for babies and children of all
if stomach is sour, tongue coated, ages arc printed on each bottle,
breath bad, remember a good Say “California)’ or you may get
liver and bowel action i» often alf an imitation ffg syrup;—(Advor-
that i* ncccisary. } tlacmenLj
With Co6n in His Arms
P. T, H. Tressler, Cana
dian Army Veteran
Passes Through.
Health ja Vital to You, Mothers’
Birmingham, Ala.—“After -be
coming a mother, my health gave,
way. I suffered severely with
pain low down in my right
’ Wltn his
? mba .trees
T. H. Tr.
ternn of
’ With his coon t(he kind that
' v ' trees) in his arms/Sergeant
Tressler, of Austin, Texan,
tho eanndlnn Army
walked Into Athens Monday night
and left Tuesday morning to .c-
sume hts 18,000 mile hike. Sergeant
Tressler says he Is walking tor his
Wounded, gassed and burned with
liquid fire, during the war,, he was
returned to America, and In-Janu-
apv 1921. was given six months to
live. However, with but n small
,y sister-in-law, having been cui
of a bad ease of feminine trouble
by faking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription, advised me jo toko
it, which I did. I am now start,
ing on my third bottle and the
pain has left me. My husband
ly hu.
said to me the other dgy, "That
Fayorito Prescription must be a
wonderful medicine, I don't hear
"you complaining any more.’"—)
Mrs. Ruth Williamson, 4016 Flrtf
You should obtain this famous
Inscription now at your nearest
drug store,Jn tablets or liquid, of
part left of his self-imposed task write Dr. Pierce, President Inva-
of walking 20,000 miles he le 'in [lid’s Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for
perfect health,'has gained thirty I free medical
pounds and has a chest measure- [mcni.
(VAN-NIL Is a synthetic vanilla or rare flavouring content, non-alcoholic.)
Its alluring fragrance UAM fjlf Its delicious flavor
tempts a trial VrVll-lNll-i gratifies desirs
®n;Soijs fireetd
<300X> BREAD
•way . Metropolitan
Eridicott, Ky.,—Describing the
lie be used to have with
> and hbw he obtained re
lief bv taking Thedfotd’x Biack-
Jeff Jervis, of this
liter ov insin
Draught, Mr.
1 [place says: •
‘ I “I began, having severe hcad-
’ aches. I cairt tejl just how they
-It Pays to Swim with the Current”
This is about two spark plugs.
At the moment they are lying on
the sales manager’s desk in the es
tablishment of a large middle-
western hardware jobber.
day that it pays to swim with the
current of popular demand.
One spark plug bears a name
known wherever automobiles are
used, the other a name seldom
heard. . - -
“Our job,” said one jobber, “is to
supply rparkets, not create them.
Let the manufacturer make a mar
ket for hia'goods, and we will han
dle it”
•d potato
Mt the Capital City Club
In at a dinner given ‘
of New led! City.
■* IM
dent’s Triennial
of the i
Cowuld begin, but soon my head felt
.like it wou.d split open ■ nnd 1
would be so kick I felt like I wa*
" r ’‘ J f ,peroly*ed?> . I
1 .‘ ii "I would have shooting pains in
HY^jjmy neck 'jnld if I turned my head
I felt like it would crack at my
neck. My eyeballs were sore-and
I would vomit. I would be ‘torn
to pieces’ for a day or* two. I
would take headache medi.
feel so flUDer^afterwards
two-atorr wooden building nt
(Mon,’ owned by Mr. JMu Lott,
Mr. and, Mrs. E. R. Hodgson. Jr.
Mrs. A. 8. Pariw. °°“
(tucker. Meoara. John J WUklnit C
a Flanigan. J. Wwen Smith. Wol
u Erwin. D». J. D. Apptawbfto and
.Dr.' G. T. Canning: -
. Representing tbe com paw B»»
Athens were: J _ _
C. C- Ashworth. Manager. H. C
Park. Assistant Manager, and (S. If.
Speer, Agent.
feel right—I felt
was telling a neighbor and
It “Get son
he said
and take a big dose when you ftel
a headache coming on.’ I did it
and took a few doses each night
Soon I had these headaches beaded
off. Now it is very seldom I have
one at aiL I just keep Black-
Draught and use it when I need it
I don’t let myaelf get constipated.”
Draught baa
relieve many
om Psris ls • amp o« Moth <+|th» «r gAorptd lhrar. It H (m-
are good plugs. On the score'” of
quality they run neck and neck. *
“But,” he adds, “we are discon
tinuing this line”—and he holds up
the plug of unfamiliar name. “Yes,
and our discount’on it is larger,
too.” - “ :
f Said another — “Our salesmen
carry a catalog with thousands of
items in it. They haven’t the time
. to push unadvertised goods. Their
work is principally taking orders.”
If you go among these whou-
salers today to introduce a new
product in competition with mer
chandise nationally advertised, un
less the ( articlq is exceptional, you
, „ will be met everywhere by the in-
thing. It’s a good -- plug—mighty junction: “First go out«iv| get a
- gobd plug, bub—no one knows reputation for your goods through
about it It isn't advertised — the advertising.” 1
othfir is. The demand is for the;
“What’s wropg with it? Not a
vertised make. And we’ve learned'
it>pays to. swim with the ebrrent,
not against it.” * -
More and-more jobbers in every
lirife of business are learning every
The wholesaler knows by actual
cdntact with dealers how they
value speed of turnover, goods
which move with a minimum of ef
fort, goods people know about and
ask for.
Published by the Banner-Herald in cooperation with The American Association
of Advertising Agencieg
. V;