Newspaper Page Text
Jtnu ,197/ta'
the dining room in loVefr
Following tha interesting game
delicious refreshments were served
The guests included Mrs. Wil-
tins, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. W.
M. Burson, Mrs. George Save, Mrs.
W. C. Burkhart, and MrsTft. W.
I uni, what a change within >s one
short hour > r
short hour
icnt in Thy presence will avail
to make! *
What "fieaVy bttfderirf 'fj-orh"’ 0 ui
bosoms take;
U hat parched crowds refresh,^*f
We liribet fend all'around us 1 scents
to lower;
•tat we aro ever overborne with
That we should ever weaker heart*
less be,
young peof ,
Tuesday afternoon Mrs.
Toesday afternoon Mrs. Frank
Hardy, Mrs. Dennis Penny and
Anxious or troubled, when with u. lUmT’ Huime Homebrew
ah.i J? l^eyer. . . . |jojnt hostess in compliment to the
, And joy snd strength and
< are with Thee?
.•ill —Archbishop
>• risp, and all the distent: fend S52SKS CRICK AT FOWLERS
the near w 18CHOOL\ MARCH NINTH,
amis forth in —»"— I The Woman’s Community Coun
‘ “ school will
— missionary* circle of
[etlwdiat church at the
Hardy on Waddell
i'ands forth in sunny outline! .The Woman’a
rbtfcVe and defer! " ;•» ‘l ci * «t Fowler’s
Wo kntci, how weak! Hrep&J how I * e f ? t lr ," A «“ n -S 1
full of power! ;, ?*?,! Crick”, n 1 rura
[home of
street. ,
Spring flowers gave a fragrant
touch of beauty to the attractive
™° m *- .After an enjoyable pro-
. gram delicious refreshment* were
pre-1 *enrcd.
a renewal of thfe drive to commit
the United States to participation
In the League of Nations, has de
cided fo prepare against that time
by getting a little first-hand in
formation on European conditons.
He's going to epend his Senate
vacation abroad.
Heretofore all Hiram's anti-
European speeches have been sec
ond-hand. so to speak. nev
er baa been In Furope. This will
be his first time over.
Wherefore considerable Interest
baa been indicated tn what he may
s fli
I — Jotth W\ apikmion.
editor ot the Commerce News, wtu
respond from the 9tb district. I
Tbo meeting convenes at 10:30,
ins nail ms
sue mi
. aw esdesaa—owe so
H. R. Palmec 4 Son
B xgre
begyn to bloom in different sections
of Jones County
Hll.y Belles. They ore several
days' Inter .than they wero last year
having bloomed out by the”jSth"of
February last year. The prospect Is
food for a good crop.
ass Dcen maicatea in wnat ne may i Interest in the White Way Con-
learn or unlearn by his first-hand l"** 1 . » increasing every day. The
contact Whitevar the effect of jShrme Club under the leadership
Us sojourn abroad mar be on bis l<* Mr. W. A. Capps, has begun
views, however; we will have to [actively to back their representa-
Wa'it for h!m,to tell us after tihe ,|v *> 'Mist Bessie Jacksoh, in the
Senate convanee next December. The Shrinera nm *m_
book committee of
i— ICLT t «uui Jhe book Committee of the Ed-
Th;7in‘ 0m i th ! n ® r . to c catioMl Department of the Wo-
in h ® m? 8 u e Jiu playcd by Mrs. man a club are to moot at the
. Me 'J idcr *_ » crooked I«>“b House Friday morning to sort
speculator, by lbs. Parham. A r* 16 books and distribute them
mysteriousyounfc man, Mrs. Les- *f®hnd the rural schools,
wj"- . An Oklahoma widow, Mrs. I This is just to remind those
,£?**’, , L * v *" dar makes a [friends who have books and magn
ify.™. *f*F F irI , nnd Mist Tolbert [*•"** to give for this most worth-
act ^,ii° M , ! mP T? 0U . i ™ t ^ e third wMe cause to please have tbemat
LUtle Shf R “gg 8 s KptKg* *T “ P -S^ y “ P ° MibIc
n hc Jt otel , quests are Misset [VIRGINIA SEWING CLUB
I??’ 1 ®’ i?*^ ey ’r- Ho , Ui £’ ®°S“e»iore, MEETS FRIDAY WITH °
I Sims, Fowfer, Fant, Stoniker, Wal^ MRS. GOLDEN MICHABL.
For he has served notice to thb
effect. '
T ant n°t doing to do any writ
ing. I am not going to make any
speeches. I am not going to bo
Interviewed in Eurono, nor when
I return.”
As a good American, Johnson
will salt on the Shippng Board In-
er George Washington leaving New
York March 10.
Tbs nsures one commentator re
marks. that the trip over “will be
high and dry.”
Johnson's trip to Europe, how
ever. Is causing less speculation
than the coming visit of Senator
Borah to Russia.
Borah Is less likely to be reti
cent in regard to his opinions, both
w,hle abroad and when he gets
home. A more vgoroua fight by
• Eidairda O • nd mn,,c foL C A*i wiM * d *Hgh$Sly ^Jta,?
Th? n.a < i r f h !f tra ; ... rV‘ ined py Mrs- Golden Micfiael Fri-!
•tie Jnll P . ,a ^, ,reCted b * Mto «atr y f" crnon * O’clock which
• t*e_Julia Nichols. promises to be a delightfully in
formal social event. ‘ '
Whether you have suffered
for years or are experiencing
rheumatic pain for the first
time—Sloan's Liniment will
bring you quick, sure relief.
Apf>Ty Sloan’s to those ’
stiff, sbre joints. Its tingling,
penetrating warmth brings
comfort immediately. Be
fore yqu realize it the pain
Sloan’s Liniment will make you
realize Ikiw unnecessary it is to '
rheumatic pain today.
The. tnft Stubborn and chronic
cases yield to Sloan's.
— r .ay
Itie Julia Nichols.
Place—Fowlers' Sehool.
Sfatlnee, 3 o’clock. Admission
children 10c; adults 26c.
Evening g o’clock,. 26c.
Friday, March 9th.
no. uuluen MICHAEL. n more vgoroua ngnt ny
The Virginia avenue Sewino . botl1 for recognition of Rns-
:iub will ha Waiio4ifV.«ii» I sla and for an International econo-
* I mlc and srmamen'j conference may
reasonably be expected when Con
gress convenes again.
The Auxiliary t> the Joe
Joe Brown Connally Chapter of
po*tponeo UNTIL NEXT
Owing to unfavorable circum
stances the Y. w. Cltlsenn Class
wl l not meet this week, but next
Friday evening. March lGth ot the
usual hour.
“I never have been able ho un
derstand the ahivering fear which
some people In this country en
tertain toward Russia,” Borah building'
says. “Isn’t It time ta take some ~
The Shriners are cn-
— about the opening of
*S d are de ‘«rrained
that the first pfito shall be won
by .their representative. The con- i
if** b * t !T® en th o various organize-}
Hons •will be watched with intar- •
rot, and the president of the Shrine
SilLf* y *a f 1 ** the Shriners sro
a *° ,ce t0 •hat their
candidate doea not lag in this con-
Miss Jackson is particularly
well known among the younger set
In Athens, and the Shriners arc
determ.ned not only to back her
ara m ^fi V |“ *5 th “ c * m P»‘frn, but
V? t“Wng her many friends tc
Join with them to tliat they mai
htr'blhVlf 1 thei, ‘ cndc «vors il
Voiture Locale
Hold Meeting
■■ SM
New Shoes for Spring
wear are arriving
' fevery day.
the Holman
in Winnie Davis Hall Saturday —ffl— *
mm I ^m n h2 :30 ' , wi , ve * of oul I .*?*?** Vcra ■ nd Hvabel Milner
* | “ wme among I ^ Alania arrive Friday
themselves and will bo entertained spend the week-end with:
& ® by student* I Hudson.
Chih f “« fb« Glee ■ ' ■ _ -ffl- ' ..
Club. Afternoon tea wfll The friends of™Mias Mary Cum-
chL h ren“o b ? b,W ’ * nd the othertaThom^ o'^S. Boul,"
children of our men are to
m # ' v "* ** # I Honor Gucstg" and there will hr i - nn
Sloan , fi,Lini|nent-^7&paint. for u»m a party at theL Mrs- w - R- -tackson and Mrs
. JLfl ui?! 0 ' ,P > "if,’,f uxUi * r 7 mem-l E - W. Copeland of Greensboro
the children and a new ^ot Wednesday in the city.
member, Saturday afternoon — *
Winnio Davis Hall.
^TKRl’AINS CHILDS Mrs. R. E. wffllama of Atlanta of state *’ whlch w “
STREET P. T. A. arrived Thuraday tovislt frteiS 4,8 Houso 8 » rt y 'n this
Wednesday afternoon Mrs J F for the week-end. fr,end * Congreta-ln May. 1921.
Tibbetts opened her lovely * hnmr I —ffl— •> lu^F° r a ^ thought he’d
Mr*. Jwquta S N«r York ««»Uy he-ma..,
Childs Street P. T. A. which *£?
steps to ro-establlsh friendly rela
ttons among naSons? If, by re
cognition of Russia we can hold our
frendahlp apd deal with her In a
friendly way. It may be the means
' Sf. obapter wan recenUj
^**? 1 “^ 8d °" d the charier applied
£ r .£ y biombera of the local pov
° f M the M A r. ri “ n Legion.
_ , M. N. Tutwiler was elected Chef
by which the' conditions which no* is* A?L£i T ’ t S d# 'Ghef do Train
threaten war can lio averted.” I' a Go^epondent, A
s? n, ? i, * aire Intandent.
.w. T. Bav, ConductoUr. T. H. Me
Hatton. Gardes de la Pcrte.
brings l ^ou the:
keen enjoyment
of piii;e honey '
and sugar—at a
reasonable price."
‘Suteienil with Domino'
Tablet. Powdered.. • I
Confectioners, Brown: I
infectioners. Brown: '\
, 'Golden Syrup: , 'I
Cinnamon and Sugar: I
Sukar-Honey; Molaur- ^
Congressional animosities pro
bably never reached a higher
stage of bitterness than at the
close of this session. What with
an antl-admlnlatratlon bloc in the
Senate tying up the president’s pet
measures and with the Senate fili
buster Insuring the, loss of many
bills already favorably acted on
by the House, tempers in both
bodies are close to the breaking
point Here’s a case In point.
I asked Congressman Edward C.
Llttlo of Kansas about the status
of his bill recodifying the status
of the United States, which was
'■■•“'-a ue ui rcrie
by^c£fr&£ waib * ca,w
By Cousins
‘<EUG{JQ” the New Cousins Creation is
largely responsible for the tremendous
'vogue that now exists for Grey Footwear.
It is # combination pump of Patent leath
er and Suede—Beautifully shaped with a
medium Spanish Heel. For either street
or Dress wear\
Shoe Section—‘Mean Floor.
— the bright decorations
ban&i in artistic SISEgjSS? I/ 11 ™' * Braswell si
Tb° tad table handsomely appoint- l d * jr t i 5 Atlanta and w[
cd was centered vith . I pan led home FrM.v I
as the gunt of her s*sta?^Mta f i: "'IV*.!! Dp by the of a ta * • uton ' ,,bll « »hii. n v
°’ Jake Joel at the Genr«l?nl'.. ' bl “ nk . 8t J r * hIann »«natortal moron T*® ware ago hr waa
^ I turned home. ° Wan ^ re ", ‘» "Port It put 6t committee. And county . UI H»rior
^ J jig 'too"** 11 <,Ud ' 10 “ 8 *° tb,t effect, | sentenced for aiaallng «
ino tea laDio handsomely appoint-1 j and wil * be accom-
•J troa centered with a silver baa-1P*’’*®** bom* Friday by her slater
ket of the feorgeoua flowers, with ®'. °J Montgomery
handsome sliver service complet-| A * a "’ whq wil1 be her guest,
jng the perfect details. Veryde- Mr . . ~®~
licious and elaborate refreshments I.Aycock and Misses Be.-
were served. Mrs. '1L S *• end Hennie Aycock spent 8a;.
and Mrs. S. W. IIurfv S# «^J2l urd * y ln AthcnsWiiIton News.
14 S?”' I Which, as you may see, Indicates
•ccorn- a state of most extreme and lov
ing friendliness between follow
and Mrs. S. W.
cpffee and tea.
I Frances Forbes.
Ussory pourfed .
wan Ml.. I mum ’ r <l, i < ’ ™ n ' Hache Burton and
wereJMiss-IMIss Lois Burton, of Athens, were
Tft.bett. thc guest, of retauve. ;.ero
'day. Walton News.
CIRCLE No. IL * I ^ra..Artle SmaU and children nt
' P»rsonage Circle No. IL of Oco-,
nee street church meets Friday af- L Mr ‘ ° ua B* 11 will represent t-:e
ternomi wfth Mrs. Hal Wright at If' A ' ?■ ffaternlty of the!
tatnU° Ck s,V h8r i??* on fetnta 2L“i«* bnn « u ° t *" Atlanta £1
street. All members urged to be I “ y * venln g-
I present. A social hour will fol-| , —ffl—
.low the business meeting. L,T b *„ fr, ,*,! lda ° r Mra - Eustace
i _ . —Ill - I ®tay*ns win regret to learn of her
•BEAUTIFUL ROOK PARTY [continued ilneae with Bronchitis
i FOR MRS. WILLIAMS .. — ffl—
OF OHIO. , Mr. Alonsa Whlteheuc be AUan.
. feiSJS hta
!or of Mrsf^ni/talS!™f >< Ohio, I, the|c M |'™thl , "i:~[ > ^'h 0f Abbcv "®' 8 -
guest of Mrs. A. G. G. Richard! I Van *Noy 9E °' "" * la,er ’
• son. An artistic color note of gold V
Ibrlght deAnstlons P *Grea?ctetarsIlantu**Friday* « «» At-
k&S 8 - a -
Mct’ariv* ’’"tt'C With the poll™. Kre.1
.„T b “'2?', ,0 " ner Athena realdent. waa
arrested In Greenville. 8. c. Wednes
day and brought back to lAnlclavllle
where he facee a chain snug nentenee
for mealing automobiles.
McCarty was formerly on employee
of a local harbor .hop. He waa ar
rented at laaat two Ilmen for steal
tagautomoblles nhlle living h»re.
triod lu the
court ami
_ uutomobllca.
Ho broks out of Jail by sawing
through ono of the Iron bars.
Eighth and Ninth Dis
trict Members of
"Fourth Estate" Here
on Friday.
••tea; r.t p>h«.V of ef.'cira of •!.-
Eighth and Ninth district will meet
lu ASena Friday for the Initial
meeting of 1MI. In addition to Ue
editors the demonstration ana
h °me economics agents- of me
counties have also been Invited to
com. here for the session.
The meeting will be held In the
special headquarters of tba Cham
ber of Commerce In the Ocorgtao
hotel. Ernest Camp, editor of the
Wulttn Tribune, will preside na
president of the Itb district or
Hold Man and Wife
From Fitzgerald'in
Theft of Automobile
Authorities from Pltsgemld, Os.
enrao to Athens Wednesday and
took Into custody Stanley Curtis
and his wife who were arrested In
BarbervlUe late Tuesday and held
in the city jail suspected of steal
ing thq auto In which they Wero
Curtis, who 1s on parole from a
reformatory, admitted he stole tho
car, a new one, In Fltxgerald to
continue a journey to Ohio where
ho Dves. Ho marriod In Florida a
few weeks ago where be was at
work packing oranges, he says.
Council Gives
Y. W. C. A. $150
City council Wednesday night ap
propriated 9180 to the Young Wrt-
men'a Christian Association for thla
year. Council alab confirmed Its ac
tion of Monday night appropriating
9250 per iboeU^' for charity work
through Him Red Cross.
For Friday Only
No Phone Orders or C. 0. D.’sPleasel
VAN-NIL Never Disappoints
-XO.1.,1': .vV
fO QC Just receivetjl,'3iiM>ther ship- <
m«it of . oup- hundred. fine
trimmed hats for. a, special sale Frit
Saturday—mostly'flower and ribbon
lots of the poke and short back styles. All the
new shades . including black, navy and
$-7qQC brown. Values to 96.50 — tfQ nr
sniat Special $3.95. «P*>**'d
'-jr— r— ——
|1.5p ; Shower Proof Umbrellas a $1.00
$3.p0 Slip-On Sweaters $1.95
$1.50 Lace Silk Hose ...l $1.00
$7.50 Wool Velour Capes ...'.
$3.50 Pongee Waists
mm •*,^liENRY
Read This—^
WASHINOTN — Tho most won
derful pipe that has found Its-way
Into Washington in recent timea Is
th# blackened and fire-charred
briar with which Senator David
A Rood of Pennslyvanlfe eases
tbo taonawny of the flUbniter do
th* thick and n-rid
i . 7T J*rise when Reed Oroi
[Op Ufa dfitlent smoke producer,
the fbg of wordg>- In the Senate
chamber le an Invigorating stlmn-
lant When ha lights un. there-
lant When he lighta up, there
fore, the Republican i.loakroom at
I once lose* Its charm for Ms fellow
senators, all of whom suddenly
seem to aoqnlre nn engaging in
terest on what Is happening on the
Why this Is so you may sense
when yon hear that iReed’a pet
pipe ta 27 years old and has seen
steady and consistent, service thru
all'Hut period. Only a man tarn
Pittsburg, probably could rp. un
it For beside it even the cscoius
les of coke ovens, -last fi„-
as and similar amok* producer*
of . hls naUve city .beam*:igdntle-
and Invigorating perfd*n*j-n.; I
Hiram Johnson, Irreconcilable
of r-ntanglinR aWnnre*
Recovery by Use of Lydia LPink-
_ tan's Vegetable Compound
- j’s Vege-
. , Compound
I art gaining ev-
my work with more
Stoma ch Trouble
day and can do ny . w .u, un,.
-—® than I bare for five or six years.
I owe it aft to your great medicine.”
When women who are between the
SEASM!* «•
neant with such annoying symptom*
“ nerwuanesa, irritability, ration-
of suffocation, they should take Lydia
fig rootsqrat»*a.ggSS
no harmful jrafiqe MWpticg:
free copy of Lvdin I?, f
Private T ext-Boik for Wd
VAN-NIL Satitfies
$1.16 Azurea, Sale..........89c
50c Djerkiss, Sale ...... .. .38c
50c Nadine, Sale 38c
$1.00 Mary Garden, Sale... .89c
60c Ben Levy’s La Blanche. .49c
60c Mavia, Sale ,38c
50c Luxor, Salp 38c
$125 Coty’s, Sale .89c
$1.15 Flora Mye, Sale ... .89c
$1.25 Manon Lescault ..... ,98c
25c Mavis, Sale ....19c
25c Mennen's, Sale 19c
$1.00 Quelque Fleurs, Sale.. .89c
26c Palm Oliver Sale J9c
25c Djer Kiss, Sale 19c
35c Qutex’ Sale 29c.
25c Johnson Baby Talcum.. 19c
25c Amolin Deodorizing ... .19c
$1.00 Karess Gold Box, Sale 89c
25c Orange Blossom, Sale... 19c
25cLazell Talc, Sale . v ..... ,19c
26c Dr. Lyon's Paste, S*le .. .19c
60c Fdrhaoa, Sa^e' v■; 49c '
60c Pebeco, Sale 38c
60c Pepsodent, Sale ...38c
30c Kolynos, Sale ..........24c
45c Prophylactic, Sale ..... .34c
$1.8flbDjer Kiss, Sale .... ..$1-59
$2J25 Azurea and Floraraye $158
$1.25 Mary Garden, Sale ... .98c
$1.00Orange Blossom, Sale . ,89c
$1.00 Mavis, Sale 89c
$1.25 Lilas Vegital, Sale ., .$1.09
25c Pears, Scented, Sale ... .19c
16c Pears, Unscented, Sale, .lie
25c Resinftl, Sale .# 19 C
26c Packer’s Tar- Sale 19c
166c Castile, Sale n c
10c Ivofy Soap 714
25c Cuticura, Sale .....'...19c
26c Woodbury's, Sale 19c
16c Sayman’s, Sale ll c
12c Physicians and Surgeons 10c
15c Bon Ami, Sale n c
15c Lux, Sale n c
26c Household Ammonia ...19c
' 60c Djer Kiss, Sale 38c
36c Pond’s Vanishing and
Cold, Sale r .......29c
16c White Vaseline, Sale ... ,11c
16c Camphor Ice, Sale He
26c Mentholatum,Sale 19c
60c Nadine, Sale 38c
60c Mary Garden, Sale 39c
60c Woodbury’s Talcum
Cream. Sale ............. ,39c
35c Daggett $ Ramsdell’s...29c
25c Witch Hazel, Sale 19c
25c Listesine, Sale ;.i9c
$1.00 Odorono, Sale 79c
60c Odorono. Sale 49c
36c Odorono, Sale 29c
50c Djer Kiss- Sale .38c
60c Arnold’sDorins, Sale ... .42c
$1.00 Metal Compacts, Sale. .59c
256 Powder Puffs, Sale ... .19c
60c Pjer Kiss 38c
255c Mary Garden 19c
25cBourjois 19 C
Guaranteed Electric Curling
Irons *168
«nNe WJ# hipment novelty ear rings just received, including the nlost popular
r’-'-’J' Egyptian Jewelry.