Newspaper Page Text
Evening During the Week Except Saturday and on
Sunqay Morning by The Athene Publishing Company, Athena, Ga.
a BRASWELL Pnbllaher and General Manager
R MARTIN Managing Editor
Entarad at the Athena Postoffiw as Second Clati Mail Matter under
the Act of Congress March 8, 1879.
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the (ise for repub;
B of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise creditsv
i paper, and also the local news published therein. All'rights of
* ition of ipccial dispatches are >1k> re§erved<
Andrew C. Erwin,
. Bowdre Phlnizy,
Secretary and Treasurer.
a J. Bpwe,
Vice President
Address all Business Communications direct to the Athens Publish
injr Company, not to individuals. News articles intended for publica
tion- should be addressed to The Banner-Herald.
Athena is to, be congratulated on having attained
the goal in its Greater Chamber of Commerce drive.
Memberships, representing more than $10,000 in
dUes have been*obtained, thus insuring the chamber
adequate financial resources for the first time _ in
its history,.and, what is more important, bringing
ihto the organization 600 men and women who are
thoroughly aroused to Athens’ needs and imbued with
a determination to put Athens in the forefront of
enterprising southern cities.
But with the drive now over, only the foundation
of a Greater Chamber of Commerce has been laid;
the most important work is yet to be done, and now
is the'time to inaugurate the expansion program
whila interest and enthusiasm are still intense.
TherStore it is earnestly to be hoped that there will
bed'll arge turnout of the membership at the mass
meeting at Georgian HoteJ Friday night, when revi
sion of the constitution and by-laws will be under
taken; and when there will be group discussions of
the expansion program that is to be projected. All
the work that has been done in the drive will amount
t6' nothing without co-operative endeavor on the .part
of the members from now on. M
By signing the membership card, you have indicat
ed an'.earnest desire to aid in the unbuilding of
Athens. The next step is to give the Chamber of
Commerce the benefit of your advice relative to
various projects that should be undertaken; and
Whatever program is adopted, to £ive it your whole
hearted support.
The "hop off” will take place Friday night
Pont be a laggard, but make the start now; give
the dhamber the benefit of your advice in this discus
sion Of the program that is to be adopted.
Jf you drive ah auto, you’ve noticed that some peo
ple,-when in danger of being run over, jump more
quickly than others. At one end of the line is the
pedestrian who, caught in a tight corner of traffic, •
, has perfect control of himself; also the power of in
stantaneous decision. Th;at party knows exactly what
to do, makes up his mind quickly. The other ex
treme is the person who, suddenly trapped in a maze
■d at cdrs, loses his head and tries to jump in all direc
tions at once, so that the motorist hasn’t the slight
est ide^-which way to turn. \The speed with which
you are able to make up your mind, in emergency,
is what the brain students now call one’s “reaction
time.’’ How many seconds in your "reaction time”?
That,is, how long does it take to telegraph danger, or
the need of quick action, to you brain, then make
decision and start the body carrying out orders with
out faltering?
A‘government bulletin says; "Reaction ‘time is
the interval of time that elapses between the instant
a sign or signal is seen and the necessary action start
ed. A driver strfrts to pass another vehicle when sud
denly a third vehicle appears which may block his ‘
path. Ihe driver must decide whether to pass the ve
hicle or drop back. If his reaction time is slow he
may not realize the danger until too late to avert an
accident. -The reaction time of some people is very
slow-and undoubtedly is the cause of .many acci
dents. Does the public safety require that such peo
ple he denied drivers’ licenses? The Bureau of Pub
lic Roads is not yet ready to advocate such a policy,
but considers that it should be investigated as a pos
sible safety measure.” A very able suggestion. ‘Put
into would eliminate at least a fourth of the
auto dmera-rand the same per cent of pedestrians.
■ determines your “reaction time”? What
makes one persoh quick to reach decision and act in
emergency, while another is slower? The answer
leads us back to the body’s endocrine glands, interest
.in which has lately been eclipsed by King Tut, Coue
pnd the Chaplin-Negri incident. The adrenal glands,
Attached to the kidneys, are the regulators of "re
action time.” They rally reserve energy . in emer
gency and telegraph through blood and nerves the
command to halt activity in all parts of the body ex
cept'the parts needed to extricate the body from the
emergency. Blood is rushed to speed up the muscles
needed “in a pinch.” .,
If you would unwind the long strips of cloth and
King Tut’s mummy, you’d find a black
papyrus from
and Bhriveled corpse more like a charred tar statue
than; the remains of a man. The popular notion,
about-the marvels of ancient Egyptian embalming, is
k nine-tenths bunk. Any modern undertaker, using
rthc best methods and fluids, can excel the embalmen
of King Tut’s time.
. Hindenburg, addressing a convention of German
cannon fodder, says: “If necessary we will fight
even until "the last flag is tom to pieces and the last
sword blade shattered. It is better to perish in hon
or than to live in. disgrace.” His gulUble audience
cheered, though deep in their hearts they knew that
Hindy would keep out of bullet range, the same as
he did in the World War. The ones who talk the
most about fighting, the, ones who rnrh their coun
try into war, rarely show up on the list of killed or
wounded. In Germany—or America.
i : The wholesale price of candy eaten by Americans
in 1921 was about 314 million dollars, the Census Bu
reau announces. < This was nearly a third less than in
1919, but more than twice as much as in 1914.
Changed prices partly explain {he rise and fall.
Figure it out accurately, making allowances for B
price changes, and you’ll doubt if we’re really eating
much more candy than before prahfhitiaAA iiefiV
consumption has.increased tremendously^S||U
of the increase has gone into home-maae mnes, not <
' I am Alpha and Omtga, the be-
ginning and tha and, tha flrat and
tha laet^-Rev. R2:13.
Death border* upon our blrtli;
and our cradle etanda In our
’grave.—Bishop Hall.
A Little of Everythin* And Not Mach of Anything.
~ THURSDAY. MARCH 8, 192! -
Now that tha Chambar of
Commerce has been re-or- ‘
ganlzed and become an Impor
tant factor Jn the develop,
ment of the community, one of the
'first enterprises to bo sponsored
I by this organization should be the
I establishment of a packing bouse
for this city. Mdre cattle and
1 hogs have been raised In thlb aec-
'tlon during the paat few years
than ever before and with the
j proper encouragement and the
creation of a market the livestock
j Industry could be made one of tho
: biggest feeders to this community.
Tho people will raise more cattle
land hogs If there la some way
: provided for a ready market A
packing house would fill this tm
as readily as we can sell war, by
Banking co-operation and har
mony in communities and between
communities and between coun
tries; co-operation between capi
tal and labor; industrial peace at
home; economic peace between
naUona—these are possibilities if
advertising Is taken seriously by
big business men, Including big
Truth In advertising la the watch
word of the advertising world.
dred foreign students In schools
and colleges here have been in
vited to attend the third annual
dinner in their honor to be given
by the Chamber of Commerce
March 1.
Representatives of - 41 countries
are included In the list of Students;
to whom invitations already have
'* been sent
j portant need and every’ carcass
brought to Athens' would find a,
should be the watchword of the i ^jj known business men of
business world, and particularly Uj, city vrith their wives and
the banking world. Silence may j, ^ ^ grouped with
be golden at times, but It Is not ^ stu denta at the dinner. Men
golden today, when the world prom i„« nt | n American diplomatic
" ‘ and business circlet will address
Dcffl’t Take Calorne!! “Dodson's LiverTone” Acts Better and
Doesn’t Gripe, Salivate or Make You Sick—Don’t
’Lose a Day’s Work—Read Guarantee
Ughl Calomel makes you Tick.
needs the truth. Banking institu-
Anywhere In the South
I like the South—a lot of it—
though now and then come
spot of It
Does not exactly thrill me
through and through;
It’a horrible! Take a dose of the
dmgercftu drug tonight and to
morrow you may lost a day’s
tions that could exert a powerful ^ gathering, it is announoed by
find a,Influence for good-will among busl the Chamber Responses will be work,
ready sale at a good price. The! ness men. ambng workingmen, be- mad0 by itn d e nt». Representatives | Calomel is mercury or huicksi!-
tween employer and employee are ot esch con tj n ent will be choien ver which causes nccroeii of the
keeping silent In the midst of a |( 'bones. Calomel, when it comes in-
The plan of entertaining for-j to contact with sour bile crashes
martlet men here find It a .ifll :ult
proposition to secure enough na
tive meat for home consumption
and with the abattoir In operation
the next enterprise in Importance
Is the packing bouse. This would
not only insure ample stocks of
And in this southern latitude 1 |"I times, but it would
sure am full of gratitude , mean thousands of dollars spent
For all tho friendly thlnga that , ,n Athens every month and the
people do. ; money from, our neighboring coun
They have a joyous way with them : !* e ® kept at home. As it Is, a
that brightens up your stay farmer who raises more cattle and
with them .hogs than he can consume la forc-
And they're’not out to rob you 1 ^ toiell them here add there or
of your chink, 1 ®* ae ■Ml’ ,0 Atlanta. With a pack-
But one unkindly reference I make j lng house - Athens would soon be-
with all due deference; . c0 ® e „ an Important meat center
I wish that they'd make coffeo whlc J 1 , w 1 0U ' d n l uc . , 1 ,0 A ho com
fit to drink' merclal interests of this city.
By nil means let our new Cham
It's mukdy as their rivers are! I 1 p®* ® f Commerce sponsor a pack-
wonder what folks' livers are j “K hDUS ® an< ! a ®« '<? 11 that one
Who drink this southern coffee ' * aec “ re f and that those who are
every day- i la t e rested I" livestock or thoso
A spoon will scarcely sink‘in It. 1 ^ co “ e ! nt ® reBt ® <1 ln ,
there must be lye and Ink ln , I ** a,n * of cattle, hogs and poul
: try have some place to market
It’s strong enough to pull n thc,r products,
heavy dray.
By some infernal trickery they fill
It full of chickory
quite enough.
And then, as if that wore not
They stew It for an hour or two,
thus giving It the power to
Compete with T. N. T. as potent
Sometimes, by luck that's notable,
' you find the coffee potable,
A drink that anybody can im
But mostly it's incredible, a bever
age so dreadable
That nothing in the launguago
could describe.
Oh, southerners, you’ve treated
me superbly, and you've greet
cd me
With courtesy wherever I havo
I love you most adoringly, but still
I cry Imploringly,
“I wish you'd learn how coffeo
'Bhould bo made!”
A Puzzle A Day
great crisis. Speak the truth*.
banking men. and let the world '
"Bad or stomach sour, just trv ,
spoonful of harmless DodlL
Liver Tone tonight. '
Here’s my guarantee—Co to
““ atroe and
. -. set a bottle of
>n a Liver Tone for a few
, , . . trading in other cities. Officials when you feel that awful itausca
for protection of property, for con of y,,, chanlber of Commerce say and cramping. Jf you are slug-
~T!L !S1 “ 8 they have learned that a similar I gish and •tall knocked out," if your
" ” ” " *" liver is torpid and bowels const!
cents. Take a spoonful and if j,
doesn’t straighten you right „
washes and make you feel fine and vigor?
This is ous I want you to go back to the
te d nB ros f ™ritv ld fof thc^vuardshlD Mereha^ta^Tstluti^m wd Thd
and prosperlty, for thc w*rdshlp Boston which held such a dinner
S ^r'sofde^aSdVrULt^n;^ *?« !T ‘ hi »
... ... sciuun. Banquets for foreign
business and in human relation- ltudanta ako , wl n be held, it is
ship at home and abroad. {„ a id, in Iowa City, la., Chicago,
There remain, to be aub- jJSfeESS!* S .« ,r -‘ n * fieW ’ Mm ’”
:and South Bend, Ind.
scribed to the Crawford W.
Long memorial fund, slkty-
nine dollar, in order to reach
tho quota allotted to Athens, thu ' The liquid in which salt beef is
home city of Dr. Long. This small boiled wjll not be too salty for
■The effectiveness of adver.
tiling hat grown In the minde
of the public reaching' every
channel of commercialism,
amount should be forth coming
without delay. For the past cen
tury, other states have enjoyed
Ihe privilege and honor ot having
their distinguished sons represent-
■d intbc Hall of Fame, ln Washing
’.on. and, now that Georgia haa
been given an opportunity to hon
or one of its greatest citizens, a
man who did so much for the re
lief ot humanity certainly bla home
city should come forward with Its
full quota. If you have not con-
-.oup if you will leave two or three
carrots in it- until cold. They will
absorb the salt so that when it i>
reheated and the necessary vege
tables added the seasoning will be
just about right
churches, religious organizations trlbuted to this fund do so today,
and, now It la said that It has whether It be fifty cents or fifty
proven a great factor In winning dollars—give something and be
the war and-restoring peace. I on* of those (- ai l in li- noring the
Recently, a meeting of bankers man who deserved all the people
in New York, one of those present of this city and atate could do.
, The disagreeable odor which ac
companies the booking of cabbage
may be eliminatol by boiling n
small amount ot vinegar on *the
back of the stoYe while the vege
table is being cooked.
read a paper on advertising which
In part follows:
You need not be reminded that
advertising helped tromondously to
win tho war; that It helped tre
mendously to Induce twenty mil
lion Americans to buy Liberty
Advertising can be used jnst as
Clean all flak, fcvls ud vege
tables on » paper and turn it
Canada lead* tha world with
an annual per capita fire Iota
of, 12.73 closely followed by
the United 8tates with a lots
of 92.26. per capita. Spain ranks
third with a fire loss, per capita
ot 91.66 while the Netherlands
tops them all with only H per
This saves dizhwaching and scrub
pa ted or you havo headache, dizzi-
storo and get your money. Dod
son a Liver Tone is destryoing the
saie of calomel because it is. teal
liver medicine; entirely vecotalil*
therefore it can not salivate ’
nesa, coated tongue, if'breath is | make you sick.—(Advertisement)
\Vc specialise In 10 bales and upward.
^Margin onvday trade* »!.» per bale;'bn open account* (too per bal-
We pay telegram* BOTH WAYS on order* for S« bale* up.
Deposits to our credit left with your bank until completion of round turn*.
Qreins in lots of 1,000 bushels and up.
Listed and unlinsd Stocks bought and sold In lots of 10 bales or more sluris
Send for Our Free Booklet
fEeUbllihed 1116).
111 Broad at.. New Vork
(VAN-NIL li a synUietie nalllt of rare flavouring content, .noe-ilcohollc.)
effectively to win peace, perman- cent per capita of fire losses. It
ent peace. Wo can sell peace just Is raid that 90 per cent of the flic
, losses In this country are provent-
ublo Is suggested ’ that a
personal liability law should bo
For Belief!
passed byngfess which is believ
ed' would materially decrease this
Athens Is blessed with splsn
did physicians, high toned
gentlemen and good eltizsns,
yet-with all these quallflca-
. nasnwsrleni i
Their Soothing Inanence
i Remarkable.
• The letters
arranged so
a six-letter word
found in ths dictionary. Cut
them out if you wish, and see
you can form them into the word,
Yesterday's Answer;
If a coat costs as much as a pair
of trouser* and vcit; and the
coat and two pair of trousers
cost 982.60; and the trousers and
two vesta cost 930, the cost of
a complete suit would bo 146. The
trousers cost $16 per pair; the
vest costa 97.60, and the coat
costs $22£0.
to the 'practical Joker - who finds
time to frame up a Joke ao as (o
ln the privacy of your own homo bo i.ppllcabla to the doctors of the
pyramid 1‘IJo Suppositories give community.. Hero Is one I heard
blessed relict from Itching, bloodli—
lns a few days ago, buj 1 am not Of
~~ ! tho belief that it applies to any
of our physicians In Athena, but
since It is told of a doctor In
western town, guess that Athens
Is too^far away for it to get back
to him: .
“Dr. Jones was a practitioner In
a small Western town and was
addicted to card playing- Ono day
ht- was dragged almost by main
force out of, his home, • where he
was engag'd In a game of poker,
shoWn above can be . ' • was engag'd w a game or poker,
that they will form or protruding piles, hamorrhoMs and ind taken In the bedside of a pa-
vord that may he TV* 1 trouble*. Ana it Is a tlent. On bis arrival he found the
y comfort .to know you call or maaj>Imo , t , t Ills tasfgasp. and
ro ln tho began by feeling h's pulso with one
a Bubsti- hand, while with the other be pull-
’poekago ad out bis watch. Hi counted
dTfii to the pulse beats in an undertone*
Pyramid Wg eyeB riveted on the Minute
hand. "One, two. three, four, are,
I can havo a free trlel packoffo
r _jndlnpr name and nddrcee to
yramld Drug Ca, '
id*, Marshall, Mich.
will iteeyou/mm
Excess ot Hydrochloric
Add Is Cause of
A well-known authority states
that stomach troublo and indiges
tion are nearly always due to
aridity—add stomach—and not,
as most folks believe, form a lack
of digestive juices. He states that
in excess of hydrochloric acid in
the stomach retards digestion and
start* food fermentation; then our
meals sour like garbage in a can.
forming acrid fluid* and gau-s
which inflate the rtomach like n
toy balloon. Wo then get that
heavy, lumpy feeling in the cheat,
we eructate tour food, belch gat’
have heartburn, flatulence,
water-brash or nausea.
He tella us to lay aside all di
gestive aids and instead get from
any pharmacy four ounces of Jncl
Suits and take a tablespoonful In
a glass of water before breakfast
while it U effervescing and furth
ermore. to continue this for one
week. While relief often follown
the-first dose, it Is important to
neutralize the aciU'ty, remove fin
lou-making masu, start the liver,
stimulate the kidneys and thus
promote a free flow of pure dl-
gestige jukes.
Jad Salta i* inexpensive and is
' * * * '“'of gra] ’
six, ■oven,” he proceeded. “Eight,
niiM. ten, jack, queen, king, nee!'*
The patient bnrst Into a fit ot
laughter which saved his Ufa.”
because it is AUL 8BAN!
When health demands bran, got
Kellogg’s because it is ALL BRAN!
It is scientifically prepared ao aa to
cases. Bran sweeps tho bowel tract,
cleansing and purifying in a nat
ural way. It causes no distress or
The beat of red pepers takes the
“ouch’’ .from a sore, came back. It
can not hart you, and it certainly
ends the torture at once.
When you are suffering so you
can hardly get around, just try Red
Pepper Rub, and you will have the
quickest relief known. Nothing has
nuch concentrated, penetrating
heat as red peppers.
Just as soon as you apply Red
Pepper Rub you will feel the ting
ling heat In three minutes it
warms the sore spot through and
through. Pain and sobenezs are
Ask any druggist for a jar of
Rowiez Red Pepper Rub. Be
to get tho genuine, with the aarne!
CHICAGO—With a hpedal detail
of one hundred and forty-five po
licemen on duty. Chief of Ponce
Fitxmorria’ order to sump out
commercialized vico In Chicago
went Into effect in five police dis
tricts. (
Commanding officers In the Cl*
tricts bad requested six hundred
special police but f- eC Fltzmonfs
cut the number to J4S.
Aa the ordar Tuesday night en
tered lie first few hours of opera
tion which It waa announced as tn
tended to' place a uniformed police
give you relief that is poaible of irritation—but gives positive action
no other food. Fight constipation that will give the sufferer natural
to the last ditch and fight it with
Kellogg's Bran! Foods with a low
bran content can never give consti
pation sufferer, permanent relief 1
_ t rear of MCh Known
p __ ~ Idiaorderty house, it became known
Rowlcs on each package. —Adver- j tllnt investigators, one of
■ them Judge Daniel TruAe. of tno
Every delicious spoonful of
Kellogg’s Bran you eat—os a cereal,
sprinkled on hot or cold cereals or
cooked with hot cereals—helps rid
your system of constipation! It
helps free yon from dangerous toxic
poisons which head yon to Bright's
disease; diabetes, headaches, rheums*
tism, dulled brains; bad breath, pim
ples, etc. a ......
Bvery member of your family can
be saved from constipation by
Kellogg'* Bran. Realize what it
means to health; understand also it,
great value aa a body-building food!
(Kellogg's Bran contains ths im
portant mineral salts and many of
tho vital food elements.) You can
make up delicton, baking-batches
with Kellogg*! Bran as well aa using
it with cereals. Recipes on every
Dye Blouse Or .
Baby’s Coat In
Diamond Dyes
“Diamond Dyes” add years of
wear to worn, feded
moral* court, waa checking up on
the police vice detail.
With the putting Into erect of tne
order, oome investigators said,
many disorderly houses voluntarily
dosed their doors.
Kellogg's Bran assures . perma
nent raw HAM osten regularly—
at least two tablespoonfuls each-day;
as much with each meal in chronic,
> Kellogg’s Bran, in individual
packages, is served by leading hotels
and clubs. Aik'for it at your res
taurant All grocers sell Kellogg’s
Bran. '»'
BERLIN, N. H.—The crack dog
.. " k ' rt *> team which Arthur T. Walden, of
Seringa *'hxn^f 81 ’ i WonaUncet, drove to victory in
hangings, draperies, tke international dog race here
everything. Every package cun-|, alt ycar U broken up, the result
tains directiona so simple any of ^ much petting. Tha huskies
woman can put new, rich, fade- atood Bp un< ier the bard going, of
leas colors into her worn gar- the sn ow trail*, but when they
menta or draperies even if abc has wcre benched St a show in Boston
never dyed before. .Just buy'they developed distemper, and
Diamond Dycs-no other kind— three of -them had to he shot
then your material Win come outi The troubles that beset bis team
right, because Diamond. Dyes., arc according to Walden were .the
‘ suits
“it i4»i*Fia*;w a*-waa mt
the original ready to eat
; re- is
lr ... he U housed to.” »*id he.
. cotton or mixed goods—.“Men who knew told me that would
(Advertisement.) ■ ■' >• jhappen to my team, and it did.”
*■: AAoj 1 ii.w -iiffU.
bmbbb ami