Newspaper Page Text
■gsDAV MARCH Miawat ii.Ais* .U .f
Around Athens
church cf,fiIubop. The corporation
has do capital stock and it la nof
organised - for pecuniary gain.
'IIAI<TWELL.*—Betrides a persist
ant fight on the boil weevil. Hart*
is making an effort to feed herself
and ruise a surplus for othet sec-
_ W. L. Pierce, grandson of Lovie ! tions. ,
Pierce, has quit the presiding elder- I W. C. McCoy, poultry expert has j
ship of the Blberton circuit to ac-j been for two Jays in Hart. Pure j
cept the pastorate of St. Johns'bred and baby chicks are coming by
church ut Augusta. I the' thousands now\ and next fall \
The Women's club of Bowinun»Hart expects to be able to ship a j
■Santa to
Athens Neighbors
operate, a grocery store,in the
city, la building a nice residence
on the Boulevard. Quite a building
boom will strike Athens now that
spring has arrived.
Oh# morning dad heard tbs fame
illar pounding, and looking out ho —
saw Bobby busily banging away—....
his little ulster Mary beside him, ""
apparently looking on.
'•Haven't I- told you, Bobby, that
you will mash your Ungers It yow-*-
drive nails V the father asked.
“Yes, I know, dad, but Mary',' “
holding the nail."
Drive Here For Funds
Begins in a Few Days
and Success Seems As
sured in Advance.
beautified If other cltisens living
on residence streets would emu
late the example of Mrs. Henry
Palmer, and Mrs. John Caine, on
Hancotjc avenue, and plant the
sidewalks in front of their prop
erty In' flowers and ornamental
shrubbery. It does not require
much work or cost to have a flow
er garden on the brdad sidewalk
In front of your lot
. For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Twa new teams or workers in be-
1 half of the tsalvutlim Army Home
Service. Appeal to be held April 5th
to Tth were appointed yesterday,
according to' formal notice received
by if. O. Michael, president of the
Advisory Board. The following com
mittee w.-.r appointed by the Cham
ber of Commerce: Dr. J. D. Apple-
white. chairman: Carl C. Ashworth,
W. H. Benson, Arthur Booth, H. L.
Cofer, L. B. Cooper. Hurry W.
Deivs, K. «. Dorsey. Jit, H. I*.
Lawrence. K. H. l’utut. J. E. Sekl-
ton. E. D. Sledge, H Tutwlter. Van
Noy YVler, it. J. Maynard. Athena
IsulKc No. 700, II. l>. o. R. will
be represented by the following
committee: Arthur Flutau, chair-
mlin; Carl !•'. Crosaley, Unspur,
Palmlsonu, John L. Booth, W. II.
Knox's bridge and captured the
copper, ten gallons of boose and
I three men.
I The Hartwell bank deposits have
gained $190,000 over this time last
year. Every community In the coun
ty Is represented.
Mnny fanners my they wilt not
use any poison this year. Farmcrd
are buying a higher grade of fer-
from a oar and hts collar bono
The condition of Dr. Pope Ebcr-
hart. whq Is In an Atlanta hns-
pltul. Is critical, and ull hope for
his recovery is abandoned. He hus
relatives in Athens. His family hus
been called to his bedside.
Ben. the 11-year-old son of Mr.
B. H. Willis, had an eye removed. It
Is hoped the other eye can be saved.
The Confederate Veterans >vlll
meet In Elberton the first Tuesday
In April. .
LAST TUESDAY the Piedmont
Market had lead through the
streets, a 1.500 pound steer, bear
ing a card with the Inquiry: “Who
Says Georgia Cannot Do It?” The
steer was seal fat and came from
We are surely
tilfzer tfils season. Over 1,500 acres
have been signed up for the Farm
ers' Cotton Club.
The manager of the campground
expects to have ono of the biggest
meetings this summer ever held.
Several new tents are being built.
The Hartwell school children have
Joined the poultry club and ordered
over 1,000 baby chicks.
Barrow county,
getting there when It comes to
stock raising.
‘j/A Still Better Runabout
f Nothing like the present low price for
/ the Ford Runabout has ever been
I known. And for a Ford of even
greater merit, with slanting wind-
shield, one-man top, additional carry-
ing space in the rear and distinct
improvements in chassis construction.
I Salesmen accept thisFord model as an
} essential part of their selling equip
ment; business houses buy it for their
representatives and hundreds of
thousands of other users will find
\ a more attractive purchase
1 than ever.
L Immediate orders are necessary if you
^ are to get your Ford this Spring. A
small down payment and the hainn™
on easy terms.
y\ **^**”*—awurtmuagAw
containing 17(1 acres, located 15
miles out of town, for $8,600, ami
a seven-room house on Virginia
avenue for $5,500. The real estato
[business Is beginning to pick/up
and tbe demand for farming lands
Is Increasing.
Truitt is doing splendid work among WINDER—Mrs. Sarah A. Well-
the boys and glrle of Oconee, or- born died nt the home of her son
ganisng dubs. He la also urging Oconee canty. She was over
school and athletic sports. The field J 89 years old. she Was a great niece
day In Oconee Is expected to be of Jeono Mercer, and graduated at
largely attended. I the Mercer University when it was
Mrs. F. A. Gillen of Watklnsvlle, located nt Penfleld.
was made chairman of the alumni Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith will
association of the Normal School, to move to Montezuma. Ga, where Mr.
make an effort for the Interest of a Smith will have charge of a large
ereader Normal
now sells for $3 per bushel. With
thirty cents for the lint and $3 per
The Winder National Bank In
educating farmers about growing
I bushel for seed our farmers can I maintenance and relief work In this
afford to buy poison and light the 1 V"', ‘“phasls
(boll wecvIL The seed alone from i?V if ,hp l«xil branch
r ■ (,.1. m.111 .aw h-in. mAM mnnav I sufficient funds at It a disposal
Ifh^ onee^ate ,hcrc w " uld •» »<• necessity of urn
1 ?.?Tni thl f0rlun ""’ m P ,htr " advertising their
I Med and lint This shows the I babies for adoption, ns the Salva-
I Importance of planting Improved I tion Army has homes especially for
cotton. I the purpose ot taking care of Just
I such case* where the children are
THE RIVER STREET BRIDGE given expert care by graduate
Is one of the finest steel structnres I nurses, given un education, are
In the country- The bridge Is now I looked after In every possible man-
complete and the work of filling In I ncr us carefully as .a mother, and
tbe abutments nearly done. Travel | ere returned to their parents when-
lers are pnalous to have this I e }f er th*y uro desired. Or In case
bridge In twe, as they say, the up- I “ orphans homes aro found for
per bridge, now used, Is a very In- them, wtih desirable foster parents. |
convenient and dangerous route A tklneon ■•“ted that there are
and serious accidents may occur «“*«*«» clamoring at the
at any time In the winding streets | Suteation Army
anfl onnwwAhM | needing assistance, but which can- I
and approaches. I not be handled due to lock of funds.
rnTTnv prop ftP 1022 The ,6cal °. ff;cer * Puttlnr forth
tathl rfnnar.? riSS! !I* r/ V °** lble effort With the limlt-
according to the tinners report, I ed means at their disposal, and are I
If 9,727,048 bales. In the list Of | constantly at work throughout the I
enttAn MNiwInv Qfntoa flAnrffin Irlfv . . . . . . I
All the schools n the county will The Barrow county schools wl
participate In the annual athletic hold an athletic contest at Sathai
and literary oonteets in Watkins- April 6th.
vllle On April (th. The Winder News says farmei
Five Oconee boye Joined the army In that section will not abando
during the past week. Sorry they cotton os their chief money crop.
did not elect to Join the force of ' m
farmer boys to take the place of MOIRE POPULAR.
“n Moire is a most popular fabri
Notice Is given of application for in Paris, sometftnes shot with me
a charter for the First Christian al threads that make ■ pattern.
russell Motor Co,
10,000 bales and which will | TH uiS l BAv
difficult with the wholesale exodus 7cKJJSsL lrwl .
I Of iKxrmr. I . ’-Ommltteea of ladles present at
I of negroes. _ » . the tea received their definite as-
Athens Is extending all the time. wol . k „ Mlm , of 1 Lmber The
There are prosperous suburban following organisation, had ranr.
stores at the lntersecUon of the .enta.ive* pra*7“: ii?nlt25^r£TuiS'
I Lexington-WtntervlllA road, at the tera of the Confederacy. Daughters
I Normal School statton,*nd at the lot the American Revolution, Athens
River street bridge. And retail I Woman* Club, American Legion
stores are scattered all over the | Auxiliary v nd Parent Teachers As-
dty. soclatlon, Mlu Millie Rutherford
I president of the United Daughters
MONDAY AFTERNOON MISS I of ‘be Confederacy, made an Inter-
MILLIE RUTHERFORD delivered I talk on the work of the Sal-
la beautiful alfd Instructive lecture J* Uo " * rmy * m witnessed Ly her
to the Missionary 8odety of the |™ n « ® h * "toted that there
First Baptist church. During: b*r I "'•"‘“‘J®"
Ulk she told of her visit to Jernsa “" c ' t “ du -'' th ® , cta “ of
lem and some of the remains of w"r” r "n -rau^ in^.M."* th . e
the works of Solomon. Mtn Mil- %£*** *" 7 h b ““*"*
lie is one of the most gifted ladles I Army, and thu't she teit Slina* 0 '?
of our Southland, and whatever , he of Athens
she says or writes Is Interestiaglapond one hundred Vr cent slrote I
and Instructive. | to the annual home service anneal I
— I next week, e«|ieclaUy when thev I
MR. W. M, SPENCE, a pragma- realised the fact that the fun*, I
live fanner of Jackson county, were being raised for use in Ath-
near Stolls, wss in the city yester- *n* and nowhere else,
day. Mr. Spence ssys he last year I Announcement was made that the I
raised about 4,000 bushels of sweet I 'l«t meeting for reports of work- I
[iotatoes, of' a new. variety, named wl" held at a luncheon
the Key of the Weet They are a ™™'' , £ A l ,r l | Mh. at the Chris-1
red potato, a bright yellow Inside, Uo " chu ^;
md of delicious flavor. Ho says ,
le can grow from one to two hun- CaOltl*e Removal
lied bushel* on one acre and they I “ w *»CIIIUVCU
hi not take much work. Mr. Spence —
vlll bed 300 bushels this spring F '»ri Lady lells of Result* in 3 I
ind sell the allps. Oar farmers ' Weeks,
ire finding other money crops to geo. Dicslrc, 2211 Lyman I
rest cotton. ' ,,nt » Michigan, says if |
1 °u can t come to see me, writ* 11
MR. W. M. 8PENCE, of Jackson wl '* tell how my neck was |
ounty says that last year he kept IS?**?, 6 J nch “ end the. relief I |
There’s nobody else
exactly like you. Your
looks, your tastes, ideas,
manners and ambitions
areexclusively your own.
The Calcium Arsenate Product
Boll-We-Go Only Costs 15c a Gallon.
For approximately $3. to $4. per acre, per season, You
should keep your cotton field* clear of the weevil with
<t> on IT /STAYS ON—BOLL-WE-GO withstands rain
»nd winds—under the action of dews and heavy atmos
pheric conditions Boll-We-Go Is available for the wtevll
to drink—When ha drinks he dies.
Write for literature tailing all about BOLL-WI-GO.
M ' Auburn, Georgia
■j|| Dlatr’butora'-in this County.
^43’North Pryor SL, Atlanta, Ga-
sectlon and thorn la a groat scar-
• Ity or labor.
that up to the middle of March
last year. In tbe State of Georgia,
only 178.000 tons of fertlllxore
were sold. To the same data this
E reports * from all -over the
I show that 438,000 tons of
Users have been sold. This
Is a surd pointer to the, faot.llfct.
farmers aro getting over the Mtofc
caused by Ike boll weevil,; . j
CAPT. to. .a .YANCEY, a fonur
citizen ot Athens and secrttary'oT
the Georgia Prison Commlsxlda,
Don’t SuffeTl^?
E VERY young man is, or ought
to be, ambitious. There is no
permanent success in - business
without .intelligent handling of
money. Every young man should
have right banking connections.
Let this bank serve you.
\y *An
Investment in
Qood Appearance
Commercial Dank of oAthe
Member Federal Reserve System
*Ask Our Depositors
Corner Broad and Jackson Sts, ,,,
1 : pittingb«A