Newspaper Page Text
. • --
Easter Millinery
T. ^; « i ^ If | i *-y
Dame Fashion gftes us this season in Faster Millinery a
tan usual. All
the face and
i one seems to
\r you choose
much broader assortment of correct styles
\ shapes are favored-pokes, mud.irooms, oi
garden types, in scores of yariationsjn vyh
be more distinctive Chan the other. Which*
here will be correct in every detail,
In keening with the policy of this store:
O URgreeting to you and it’s a glad
word, it grips us with a sense of
growth—you like it, you desire it.
I To be becomingly CLOTHED is an ex
pression of your appreciation of the sea
son we love.
We have the SEASON’S hat for you, the
newest shapes and wonderful values in
straws in imported braids. z •
Ison Springs-.
- - ,, ____ , bl« .of.breaking
better fctajSbTtte
these lines than this farm.
usd From Page One.)
I «p. targe fields wUl be »l
2: ri . itif neat f*n*i houses and
art .eliiom out of sight of a
| wt. You se« fine dkttle.
JL, ,.r.d more sheep than I
LSuc'r.t hatf-'h*n left, and yards
' fni,..] with poultry. At every
I ,.,u >e<- evidence of frasperi-'
n .i iiienty. The land lies beau-
ifollj. on'l not a wash or guliy
|r in fields. Oconee is one
I If the best farming counties in
Ceore ■ andtthin Skull Shoals road
' „r t,.t» garden spots of that'
I (j^ntuntrv. It seems that plenty
t f na’ioes are left to cultivate
I .> for at several places 1
noticed ■ rowds of darkeys congre
I IM> Holman has the tKous
L„1 at i' farm at Skull ShoaU
i m-fJ ihi« year, and has done some
lod work in starting on a crop
I notir- tl he has considerable lam
for planting and fields of
I Imali /min, all. of which is e-*>-
(ire. My. predation is that Bob
*ill overcome the hoodoo l'epu-
-V * everal times written
about Watson Spring, but it is
such a beautiful and attractive re
tort that J>u <can/always find
some new delight, it matters not
how often you visit it. The im
provements cost $75,000. and ev
ery dollar was made to count. I
have visited similar resorts ir
numerous states, north and Soutl
and nownere have I seen more at
tractions combined. Here is tb
finest water in the country, bean
n i and romantic scenery, and
. t0 ad l. to enjoyment one
restfulness. The river affords
fine fish and the morning of our
arrival a ten-pound cat war
brought in. Within a short dis
tance is a dense wilderness and |!
ta stocked ■ with birds and you cai
n®re enjoy hunting an almost ex
ttnet sport.
Mr. Ralph Brightwell, who hac
.....— ,, M JL . t „ Jn — r> in
his county or section.
He is one of the largest land
owners in his county, owns a store
at Maxeyi and during the aeaaob
run* another at the spring. He
operates several farms and is also
in the lumber business. He has
as fine Duroc Jersey bogs as the
country boasts, and they are sure
beauties. Mr. Brightwell has a
smoke house filled with fine coun
try hams, of his own raising. He
has luxuriant Bermuda pastures
Prank Sheridan. Frank Wunderlee.
Mias Grace. Griswold, Miss Irma
Harrison. Herbert Butch. Percy
Carr aad Charles T. Made.
Hie producer has left nothing un
done to make the picture a real
thriller. Spooky hands, secret panels,
shadows and darting figures all
have their pluy. while Porter Strong
and MIso, Harris :n,-~ playing serv
ants, are humorous * throughout.
Just before the Identity of the mys
terious villain becomes known there
storm scene, which . Is about
• , , ,— am ** biuiiii atcnr, -i.i UUUUi
"22 r . i I Ter and “5? “ «»U him the most realistic ever produced on
practically nothing to raise meat the screen.
When the man of mystery la ex-
posed all the patron* gasp, andj qtt
will you. if you go to the Palace
Thetit rej.
A regular two reel comedy Is of*
fered In connection with .the feature
’t delay fighting constipation-
with BRAN that is ALL BRAN!
Tim constipation flashes its aig-
| tal.-of sickness into your eye* and
t ,forks; into your breath, yo«f brain
•si'll !T njliStftfcitls absolutely neecs-
p.v lint vUWed it off I Toxie poi-
I ^jniug stands close by; Bright’s dis-
sir and other dangerous diseases
| .wait iheir tuml
The remedy that nature offers is ths
I ,foiiles! and most effective—Kellogg’a
ten, rooked and krumbled, which is
jliL II it AN I And it is ALL DEAN I
It is AI.L DEAN you need when you
i rtat to (igtt’tthftipatlon. ’Yon can’t
i jford ti< daisy a minute and you Can’t
! (ford to us* half-way measure*-with
f W-. thnOohlaln a percentage of
inn! Your physician will reeom-
I . -nd Kellogg’* Bran because It is
fot only eINMM, but because it Is
ujcioim. why—you will like Its nut-
like flavor, which adds so much to any
food with which it is served.
Be certain to cat Kellogg’s Bran
regularly—at least two tablespoonfuls
doily; in chronic coses with each meal.
Kosults will prore astounding. Bo-
member that'Kellogg’s Bran is na-
tifre ’s own regulator, which operates in
nature’s way—which is the bust wsyl
Eat Kellogg’s Bran as a cereal,
sprinkled on other hot or cold cereals,
or make it up into tho best of muffins,
pancakes, raisin bread, cookies, maca
roons. Kellogg recipes are printed on
each package. ’Let the children eat
Kellogg’s Bran. It is wonderfully
beneficial. It will Improve their health
jot aa it will really and truly make-
over men and women. The value oi
Kellogg’s Bran cannot be overeat!,
mated. Sold universally by grocers
as his hogs keep in splendid con
dition on this gnat. Mr. Bright-
well runs the hotel simply 1 u a
pastime and has a delightful'place
to entertain his friends. And he
surely keeps a fine table. Our
party visited the Indian mounds
near by and did not return to the
hotel until nearly 3 o’clock. But
we found a grand dinner spread
for us. made of not only all the
good things the county market af
fords but all kinds of imported
vegetables from Florida, and each
dish was most deliciously and
temptingly prepared. Our party
certainly enjoyed that feast.
When this hotel is sold it is
hoped that Mr. Brightwell will
iurch*?c same for his manage
ment is in keeping with th* build-
mg and surroundings. If the pub
lic only knew about the Improve-
Singer Is Feature
Of Methods School
(Continued From Page One)
the wonders -of the class, which
has a nation-wide reputation.
“Eaater-Christian Endeavor Sun
day” and the Senior and Junior
Endeavor Societies of the-Christ
ian church have set a goal for
300 present dt the afternoon ses
sion and the town will be given
an invitation to attend and learn
many hew methods that Christian
Endeavorers are presenting fqi
practice. Sunday cv'ening at 7
o’clock, the Senior Society will
Meeting” and
proves that he knows It-is la ex
lstence; you cannot rebel against
something that does not exIsL”
Dr. Morgan declared that the
devil is not omnipotent, not omnis
cient. and not omnipresent
"If he were, be would be equal
with Ood," said the speaker.
‘^Whether you think of angels
fallen or untallenhe continued,
"remember that none of them are
omnipresent; they come and go.
So It is with the devil and his
angels. But the number of'them
is so great that over every assemb
ly and over every man, some wait
[flfiSierh Ytf'aot omtifsfclnril—he
Wts. fafft W6W all thlngi'-^nit be
frf far* Mote IttiM aad clever .than
man has ever bedh, although cer-
takiV’does not see the ultimate
end from the beginning. -
,'^Neither Is Jjie devil omnipotent.
Never forget that he Is spiritual
In essence. If It be true, hs Tenny
son . says, ‘Spirit with spirit can
meet.’ with reference to God, It is
equally true that the .devil Is a
sjjjflt and man as n spirit can
meet, and therein is the secret of
his power.”
The publicity committe Is hav
ing a large banner prepared, twelve
feet long and four feet wide.. This,
banner will be put in front of the
church, and will be a striking re
minder to passers-by Thursday
Dr. Morgan and Prof. Colllsson,
who are both Klwanfans, will at
tend the regular luncheon of that
club. Special arrangements are
being made to take care of the
crowds at next Sunday's services.
announced Tuseda*. Mrt Lyglap physlyfrn*
left. .Wednesday to
dutieg In the consulate to which he
has just been appointed.
Joe Longlno Is one of the- most
popular young men In Atlanta. Aft
er attendng the Boys' High School
he entered the University of Geor
gia. being graduated by that insti
tution In 192). At the university he
wue a member of the A. T. O. Frat
ernity and took an active part In nil
college events.
After his graduation he began a
tour of the world and in his own
words is "the only nun from At
lanta who ever worked IT days tor
to cents while still a free man.” He
made the trip from Australia to the
United States, agreeing to work bu
hls passage.
'l|e returned »o Atlanta after more
than u year In travel and became
connected with a bond houee.
He is prominently connected In
Atlanta, where his father has been
for many yenra one of_the leading
.... Jf
ments and service at Watson | holcT‘"A Crons
fn'lho iJifii? 01 ** wou * d PFuJred j splendid program with good speak
A *ua»Jr n l* r t tr * * nd * ln « crs wiI1 apiear. Who
-hs^fno. Sal could afford to miss it?
rhsming spot can not be found I Fof good sinking, inspiring nd-
an'auto lin* ThS 0pth * J } opc 's^rp^wl^meth^ with jSSmgV'»'»" *£'<"» ke^PK
m,auto Hrif*wlH be operated fram n 0 ^*r v ^|, onle wi „ ^ for you a! | with the Easter season, and the
Athens to the spring to give our the Christian church ever/ v ,»n e »»aite8 in soilg and. sermon will
■itizens an opportunity to viiit a nd evening March 30th through deal with the resurrection story,
'his chsrmng resort. A fa* 5Sri?Tt ^ ' - \,fl»°ugh| week wl)l A 'l>« delegation
.mad leads from Athens to “the _ week. Already themTentral Presby •
terlan and the Christian Churches I
Is prominent
l._ AI kaav <ft«>j«.l-g)MhA.fla ,
Can’t Bore For Oil *
In Church Grounds
(Continued. Prom Pa;s One)
gravea of the dead burled there.
It la thought the oil company
win nteo apply to the court for
action of tome kind, whereby they
may be permitted to resume opera
tlons. Feeling la runaiag High,
aa the oil company la aa "outside"
corporation, aad the people cf
Prarie view are determined that
no oil drilling la going 1a be car*
tied on In their churchyard .‘•urial
ground.There Is a strong possi
bility that trouble of a serious na
ture wHI occur, should toe oil com
pany try to evade tho order.
The location of the drilling op-.r
Girls’ Glee i
Appear in 1
The ale* club uf 11:
leg*' of.. UOraiiKC ‘
Winder. Wednesday r
la eald to have one of
year and a
but for th* *i
vltcd to Athena to
Penn gain* Tliureday;
VAM NIT generously good
nriN-nil Is a ayatheUe via Ills at rsrt flsvaarlng contest noa-slcoholle.)
Dauarherty Divuleres
Blackmailer Name
Tn Keenan Killing
Continue.! r.'om page one)
ipring, and the national Ughway
s now being extended to Greens
Tomorrow I will tell about a
visit to Indian mound* up the riv-
rr from Watson Springs, what was
found by dirgthg into one with
•'sharpened sticks.
Rotary Meeting
Very Successful
Continued from page one) .
expected that several hundred Ro-
^ n " S!lL?i!f?L d Inter-City acquaintance, he said, was purely of. these meetings Is different from !
S* t ....5yg!y's.f!y/LS* J iwhtol. He added that he had called I the usual emotional and senaa-
he district will have rqpresen-t,t her apartment with friends, hut tlonal .tyne of evangelistic work ’
stives here and th* day will bo I he never saw her nlone, nltb-ugh - n( , ■ visit will convince the most'
nade a red letter occasion in thej„nce he gnve her a check when she - « visit will cpnvlnee the most
listory of this city-i ! oald she was hard pressed for funds.
as not acquainted with Mitchell;
John H. Jackson, a New York at
torney. who posed as his secretary,
or. Albert El Gulmnres, a close
friend of Miss Keenan.
In sketching hie acquaintance
with the model. Daugherty told the
prosecutor be first hnd met her dur
ing the world series of 1921. Their
have promised io send delegations, j
and other Churches and blubs are
making their arrangements to take
in the meetings. Any church, club
or society desiring reservations
made on any sp$cial night can-se
cure them by telephoning Prof.
Collisson at the Campaign Head
quarters. phone 1439.
One of the larger wtores of the
city is planning ur send a good
delegation of Us sales force next
week, and other* are expecting to
fall Into line during the next two,}
or three days. The whole style}
Jt?ep Everlastingly At It j
The poultry raiser who makes hi* flock pay the year around: =
first selects his feed with care and then feeds it regularly =
and juttitlousiy. He know* that changing from one feed to another ii -C
bsd practice and that after the use of a reputable feed is once started -
better retuUs will be obtained by continuing it dally. =
E He also realise* that a laying msxbjs as necsssary ta^umnter as In 5
I— Winter for It keeps the bens at their best in health, strength, and vitality. 5
I- the shortest and best system to follow if you want to mske-your flock :
I ~ »how a profit* • -S
| ZZ Try a bag today and convince ycurstlf of RED FEATHEH MERIT* 5
The Fine|t Feed* on Earth |
The .Inst time he saw her, he
Road signs to Charlotte, Ashe
vitle, Jacksonville «nc| Mtllodge- snld, was In n restaurant last Dc
vllle hive been put up directing ;®«ntbor. Ho was with-tt party of
tourist to Athena. This is a splen- (friends and. waved lUs hand to her
"lid undertaking for the club and , at . another table. Daugherty main-
me whicHir result in M never had written the girl
Tood for the community. , ‘ J 16 not
p r> Mnslev of Daniels- InUmldated by the blnckmnll threat,
-nt fra * F guTX Club and 1 H* that he expected knowl-
tnliovAreri n mnit nlcasinff addretfe *?*** ** * acquaintance with the
Mr N H "ISsihilnw*wm initUt- rtl<Mlel would b ® mnde I ,ubllc
Mr. N- H. Neibllng eras intuit- hB hnd , h .
-d a member of the club with the
he. hnd received the telephone call.
Another development today was
the positive announcement by Mr.
Pfieora that among the contents of
tl<s glrrs safety deposit box opened
loft week were a number of letters.
Quurdlans of the vault, he s.-ild.
would not permit'taking of *n In-
yatotory because this was not called
fpv In the order issued tho girl's
lOMhcr by Surrogate O'Brien, but
detectives had seen letters In the
\thcns Police Nab (box. Mr., Peeorn said be had sug-
kUlUi.s um-e * jr , ;gested to the police that they take
Four Men AllCJIfid -Ifisal steps to gain possession of
Labor Agents Here; lh ®* "«»«*
-lassifiration of civil engineer.
Mr. C. G. Eckford addressed the
-nctnbere oh his classification,
vhich is stock and bond*, j P«
urged the members to buy Liberty
Honda in order to avoid paying the
“o+ernment income tax and the
purchase Hinton Securities ■ yo-,
•tock and get rich.
Crowds Hear Dr.
Morgan Speak on
;a “Hie Devil” Here
(Continued From Fags On*.)
.(Continued from pagg.op*>
^jc - Georgia Public Commission
hll* the others, twelr* In all Were
tom the farina of Frdd Hardlgree
• nd ‘Few LeOrand. both of Ocohe*
ounty. J- I ,
According to the negroea who mages in song and story on “Th*
cemcJ delighted that the police g* V sn Words from the Crose.” The
rtvsied the * Ten| h* —Met Friday will bo fea.
.hey got tut or Georgia, a IsAwuttfol tttrw , j, y the attendance of a large
deture of happiness and content- m .|hber of High School Students,
non: where "you reach upjn the geiU f “ r th ““ >
,lr and in^a*hv <l0 tC White men for and ■ lre * d F great Interest to being
r/_ P !L n /l.- y J u.t S8LniK ,a W*. 10 ‘ hl « «"lce.
ml Tonight
Royal Highway
of the Holy Cross”
Straight Preaching
Good Solo Work
Fine Choral Singing
Unusual Piano Playing
Conte Tonight and See /
“PC” and 'COLLIE”
in Action
Prince Avenue Baptist Church 8:00 p.m.
waa .
them „*nd
mmlns along. — —.—, - .
T.y. who (brought four of her tight
•hildren with her. "I brtiught along
ill that waa Kt home With nje.”
he negro, r _
rated by the police late Wednesday
Usht when their auapiclan* were
tf-oustd by strange setloite of the
pair. About three o'clock Thursday
[Lnorning two more cars of the
”^ar»vari*-arrlvc J in Athens loaded
«lth negroes. Trunks and all kinds
if house furniture, were strapped to
he Sidra of the automobiles.
He said In
spoke on
t was at nomo w** n me. . ”T° d eny the personality of tho
of the man, C. E. Bolles and devil as revealed In the scriptures
zro.' John Boland, were at-- to have to believe that all evil
L'llnge with which w* jar* familiar
today, and all the dark and das-
tardlv crimes of the centuries have
come out of human nature. This
the Bible doe* not teach.” Dr. Mor
gen told his hearers.'
He took bis tegt from James,
fourth .chapter, second verse: “Be
subject onto Ood, and resist the
"Ojir appeal Is made to the scrip,
tare of tnith.” said Dr. Morgan In
The four - men claim they sre
resident* of North Carollqa and
were taking the negrow hock with
henl to Work on their farms, Ho
und's brother. Qua Roland, was one
if the,negroes In th# crowd they
me takW mVsy. The former came
from qeonee county origlnallyii
was In the”emptcy of the BoUeeti,. .
•QiK. Bolleh and the negro Jlq-
ahh'Jre said to have attempts to
lure some negroes sway from ’Alb
ina lull felted. The other two men
•worked" In Oconee coonly.
County Officers Huff and Roland
Saye assisted In the afreet of C. t
Bolles. who .I* under'warrant for
operating at a labor agent without
“One Exciting Night”
Funny, Mysterious
(Continued From Page One).
Uve among the linomrtals of the
silver screen. It In one of the Iiest
photoplay*'ever shown nnd.n well
W»lF w, j*? a i^3Jf8 ,a ^ act ”'*- wt,lch
te ^ru.1, ,1 bjrHnl C-irol Dcmp
who shah-s thhhonors with Hi
Hull. The cast Includes
"It Is Itappul
of the devil.” ’
The Bible never suggests that
Sptan U selt-exlsUnt, pointed out
the speaker, end he followed this
UP hr assertlag, "Then If be It
not self-existent, he i* created.; If
WM. ihtm he U created by
"Ood creates everything good
and nothing of evil, according to
Bible teaching. Then Satan, being
not seir-exlitsnt, t, n t created, end
not created evtl by God. therefore,
created good. And If today be Is
tylh be has fallen from Me original
"Satao is never spoken of aa hav
Lift any, self and Independent exis-
Mn; JW Is never spokes of as
having sovereign dominion; the
Bible never suggesls that b* tM
successfully rast off rtho govarii- a
of God—ho 2s la rebellion
It. but Mill held by It The
- — - «-
act that the dcrll U In
anient critic of the' regular sort
of “special meetings” that these
are different The whole work be
ing done In constructive rathar
than destructive, and constitute!
iff' appeal to the reason rather
than to the emotions.
Former Well'Kn'own Uni
versity Student Leaves
For Government Post in
South America.
ATLANTA.—Joe Longlno. 23, soil
of Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Longlno, cf
of Park street has be«h appointed
vice consul at Fnntos, Brazil, It wag
bexpois ,»uniq'loib «u>, w »►.;
fnvit it ^.v(e‘tfiefew b.fs rihij*
. ill t-nnrin'l 1..T if a— )ni.-0"i!.