Newspaper Page Text
Ova 17 MlMon Jan Ui*4 Yeeriy
^Michael c Brdthers
for Pull Information Inquire At
Our Art Goods Section About
the Fleishdr Yarns
0 in Cash Prizes
Office ItOt—Be MBS. ALICE ADAMS—Residence 832.
York and Atlanta. The trip north
was made by train. Upon their re
turn to Atlanta, Dr. Goldsmith will
have an office on Peachtree street
$2000 First Prize
9 Other Prizes of *500 to $ 25
for the Most Beautiful Knitted Garments
Just whiffle a bit If the day is
dark „
And the sky is overcast.
If mute be the voice of the piping
lark. of The university
Why, pipe your own small blast Cosmopolitan club of the Univer-
And tt> wonderful how o'er the sity, which has been • known as
gray sky track, j“The League of the Nations,"
The truant warbler comes stealing * among the students, is one of the
back. I liveliest and best clubs in the
But why need he come? for your j UuIveiutJy. Its members consist of
soul’s at rest, , stud *"'* * —**—"
And Dhe song In the heart—ab, *i p8
that is the befet. Chancellor David C. Barrow,
Dr. Andrew M. Soule, Mr. C.
MRS HUGH ROWE | Crook und Mr. CJ A, Rowland are
HONORS MI88 JULIA the honorary members of the club.
ROGERS i Tlie new* officers for this tern
‘are as follows:
Wednesday at noon Mrs. Hugh] President, C. C. Hsa.
t wo enteityained at an elegant j Secretary, \V\ C. Tbourn.
ncheon in honor of Miss Julia' Trensnrcr. .Miss Sallie Fannie
Rogers a lovely bride-elect, jvhose Daniel,
marriage to Mr. Wlllian. Guthrie ! —OH—
Frederick will be a brilliant social, LUCY COBB ALUMNAE
event on the evening of April 3d. i TO MEET THURSDAY
The guests Included a group of I An iihiiortant meeting of the ex
friends of the popular honorte end 1 ccutive board of the Lucy Cobb
was one of the most charmingly [ Alumnae will be held with Mrs.
planned parties complimenting j May Hodgson Lipscomb Thursday
Miss Rogers. •* ii-fternoon at 4 o’clock. Every mem-
An exquisite color note of green her of the board Is asked to be
and white was beautifully empha- J present to make plans for corn-
sited In -.ihe great ( sprays of Dog- , raencement.
wood blossoms and Raster lilies, j The following memers are pres-
decorating the lower floor. Thd 1 ent and past officers:
. handsomely appointed table was Mrs. Helen Newton Carlton, Mrs.
j centered with a silver vase of tho Nellie Stovall Phinisy, Miss M.
lilies around which green taitars Rutherford, Miss Anne W. Brum-
In silver candlesticks alternated by. Mrs. Maggie Morton Stanley,
with the bon-bons. ! Mrs. May Hodgson Lipscomb. Mrs.
8evera! delicious courses were ; Helen Carltofi OPell, Miss Baslllno
sorved and the usual happy hos- Prince.
vitality of u<ho homo was very cor- • Elected for one year: Miss MU
The community club at Fowlers
school met with Mrs. A. J. Lester,
Monday afternoon, April 18, 1923,
with nine ladles in attendance, in
cluding Mrs. Annie Mae Wood Bry-
at. home demonstration agent, who
gave a most Interesting, but short
narative of her visit to New Or
leans, which was thoroughly en-
oyed by all present.
After which the business affairs
^ _ of the club, were taken up, cou-
students 'front difierent national!-1 M.tlnr«f collecting due, and plan
ning a Tacky Party to be given by
the club at Fowlers sell o. rriaay
night. April 27. The program for
the party will be announced later.
iMts. Hugh Huggins has returned
from a visit to Houston, Tessa,
and New Orleans, La.
Mrs. Toombs Du Bose has return
ed front At^anla where she has
been visiting Mrs. Marlon Allen.
Mrs. Billups Ptynlxy returned
Tuesday (rom Atlanta aftsr a visit t
to Mrs. Hughes Spalding.
Lottie Ware
Fast Color '
For children and
misses, in sizes 2 to 19
years. Sold in Athens
only at
These lovely dresses
f guaranteed fast
color Ginghams come
beautiful patterns
and colorings. The
styles are smart, girl
ish and charming.
$3.50 to! $5.50
BOYS’ B. V. D.’s
Made Just Like Dad’s
89 cents
In sizes 2 to 16 years. Made of fine check Mus
lin into'union suits that give freedom of move
ment and long wear.
Summer Weight
98 cents
In sizes 2'to 16 years. Fink for sleeping porch
I s well as bed room. Made of good quality checked
Muslin. - f ,
The fashionable girdle
introduced by American
Lady. The smartest and
most comfortable corset
idea you have ever heard
of. They are designed for
every type of figure, _of
the finest materials.
$1.25 to $5.00
0 be wora wito 0£ yrithputjrtprqpk Hooking
fron ^pr,»nra!^is»b!6wpteif
MICHAEL’S-Second Floor
rlally extended.
MR. T. W. REEd'
Tuesday evening, Mr. T. W. Reed
entertained tho Senior Round
Table and Mm Faculty members nt
a beauUfully appointed course din
ner at hi, hospitable home on tho
Unlveralty Campus. Covers were
placed for twenty guests jvho en
joyed very much the delightful oc
casion. The rooms Were artistically
decorated with gorgeous spring
flowers grown by Mrs. Reed, a
wealtlp of exquisite lilacs, snow
balls and purple Iris made an at
tractive aettlng against which
gleamed white waxen taper, in
silver candlesticks. The handsome
ly appointed table carried the samo
effective color note, and several
delicious cdbrsei were served.
The lovely dinner wa, quite In
formal and one of the notable so
cial, events of the week.
NEW YORK, April 14.—On the
Astor register yesterday share ap- !
peared the names -Dr. and Mrs. L.
H. Goldsmith. Atlanta." But that
doesn't tell the story. The new Aa-
lanta arrivals era honeymoonera,
and before their marriage st Ath
ena Uw other day, the bride was
Mias Ofcrgaret Rowe, of Athena,
daughter of a well-known news
paper man.
The young couple put In a buiy
day here yesterday, with the list
of events Including a trip to the
FolUes and a visit to The Journal's
Now York office. They will leave
today for Boston and after s stay,,
there will begin an autopioblle tuor
that will take them to many parts
of New England, and back through 1
all the country lying between New j
dred MHI. Mrs. Hope Linton
Green, Miss Susie Gerdlne, Mrs.
Florrle Carr Orr, Mrs. Rosetta
Thomas Wler, Miss Sarah Hunter
Moss, Mrs. Annie Mao Wood Bry-
und Mrs. Anno B. Phlnlsy John
son, Miss Jennie Smith.
Tho executive board of tho Wo
man’s club will meet Friday morn
ing at eleven o'clock at the dub
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
id 759 Package* Everywhere
dyes and
in one’qperation
31 beauiiful
colors 10*
the ingredients printed
on the label of your bak
ing powder fin include
Cream of Tartar—your
cakes, biscuits and other
foods willbemorehealth-
fol and have a finer, tex-t
tore and taste.
That is one of the rea
sons why thoughtful
women insist on
Baking Powder
77m ONLY nationally distrib
uted Cream of Tartar
• • Baking Powder
Contains No Alum—Leaves
No Utter Taste
All who have not paid, their State and
County Taxes for last year, please hurry set
tlement to me at once.
Levies will be made as fast as the Sheriff
and Bailiffs can make them. .
W. A. MALLORY, Tax Collector
Dr. D. Lee Peacock has retome,I
to the city after an abi
several weeks.
Judge r. If. Brand went ever to
Atlanta Wednesday afternoor' Iff a
short vlrlL •
■ 1 B ■
The friends of Mr. 8. B. Hinton
will be pleased to learn he la Im
proving from an ( l!lness of sev
eral days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kills of At
lanta spetfj the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lipscomb.
Miss Louise Hanna returns to
her home In Logansvllle Thursday
after taking a course at the Busi
ness College.
Mrs. lyoula Trousdale has return
ed from a delightful visit to (Mgs.
Claire Hcldler of Atlanta.
Mr. Louis Camak has relumed
from a visit to Augusta and (hr
lumbla county.
Mrs. Ben Tuck~and Ben. Jr., are
expected home from Atlanta the
latter part of the week where they
are visiting Mrs. Claire Heldlsr.
Mr. Dick Russell of Macon, an
old Georgia hoy Is the guest of Mr.
Will King Meadow.
Mrs. Lamar Rucker goes to At
lanta. next week for Grand Opera,
and wilt e the guest or her sister,
Mrs. John McDongald.
Mrs, Harrison Heldlsr will
among the Athenians going to At
lanta for Grand Opera next week
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Disk who
ha re been guests or Mrs. R O.
Fsmbrough on Mllledge Circle, are
In Winder, visiting Dr. Barnes, bnt
will return soon to maks Athens
their home after an absence of
several month*.
>Ml>s Helen Burt of Atlanta la
visiting her stater Mr*. 8am Bln
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Alford o
Hartwell are guests of Mr. sad
Mrs. L. L. Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Able N. David and
children of Atlanta and Mrs. W. O.
Hayes of Commerce are guests of
Mrs. V. M. David.
The friend, of Uflas Bessie Pains
will be pleased to team she Is
doing nicely following an opera
tion Monday st the General Hos
1 Ital.
tin. E. B. Cohen will return
from Macon the latter part of the
week where she Is visiting Mrs.
Goals Fellow.
Mr. John Wade has returned
from Marahallvllle where he spent
the week-end with hie mother.
Mrs. Gordon Carson of Savannah
■pent last week with her mother,
Mrs. Rosa D. Hull.
—33 —
The. friends of lUle Miss Hasel
Martin will he pies sod to learn
of her satisfactory condition fol
lowing an acute appendicitis op
eration at St Mary's Hospital Sat
** ' -*»-
Mias Jewell Marable has return
ed from a week-end visit to friends
In Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanna of Bu
ford and Mr. Jsaae HadUn of
Hartwell were week-end guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Dick Burch.
Dr. A. M. Soule and Mr. T. W.
Hood will spend Wednesday In At'
lanta on University business.
Miss Virginia Bradberry and Mr.
I Jen Atchlnson of Atlanta wars'
week-end guests of Miss Sarah
Mrs. Howard^Waff of Norfolk.
Va., la the guest of her sister, Mrs.
E. B. Hodgson. Jr., and will be
joined by Mr. Waff the latter part
of the week.
Chancellor Barrow le In Atlanta
attending'the Educational Confer
The frlenda oir Mrs. J. V. Caritb-
ere will regret to learn of bar Ill
ness at the General Hospital.
Me. George .Gaddy of Rlchn
Va.iepent the week end. Mm*
' Mr. 'Lamar Scott was Jw»ifot*d
home from a business trip to At
lanta Tuesday afternoon.
\ *•**'*
PRtstHTto bY jtasr Lasted
The Seasons Most Gorgeous Novelty
The friends of Miss Dorothy | Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Goss and
Rowland, the talented yonng Mr. T. P. Vincent of Atlanta span-
daughter of iMr. and Mrs. Albert the week-end with' Mr. nnd Mrs.
O. Rowland aro congratulating her; George Scott, and Miss Ruth Jack-
npon the high honor paid her class e «n.
In Domestic Science, bath cooking
and sewing In the Winder school
st the Pth District mast held, there
last week In winning first place
over many competitor*. j ■
The University Women’* clnb
will not hold Its regular meetlntg
on Friday afternoon at the Wo
men's Building on the csmpns. An
other day for this meeting will be
announced soon.
Mr: and Mrs. Marion Bleakley of
Columbia. & C., wax* expeqted
Tuesday to visit Mrs. Cochran at
her farm In Greene county. *
Mrs. Harris Dews went to Atlan
ta Tuesday for the Educations!,
Mrs. Annie Mae Wood BiVantl
baa returned from Gulf Port, Miss., I
-tut* she sant to see her brother
Mr. Billups Wood who continues
quite l|l. Her mother, Mrs. W. L.
Wood, who accompanied hor will
prolong her vista
gg '
Dance given by 10-A clnb, Geor
gian Hotel, Friday ovenlng, April
20, 9 to 12.
Read Herald
Want Ads.
Volume and
efficiency traduce
25-cent quality for
20 Years
Don’t say that is impossible. Mil
lions of women look 20 years younger
than their mothers at their age.
It is merely a question of care, and
largely the care of complexion.
We tell you here of the factor that
has done more for youth extension
than anything else in the world.
Millions of women now. use it—
beauties of every race.
. Used 3,000 yean
Palmolive Soap is based on palm and olive oil*.
Since ancient times those oils'have been the world’s
supreme cosmetics. But modern science has found
ways to give them multiplied effect.
The soap ii made by experts, who have devoted
their lives to the study of facial
soaps.They have perfected a soap
which, all the world over, holds
the leading place in this line.
Palmolive Soap is a cleanser.
It goes to the depths of the pores.
That is essential. To a clogged
skin, beauty is impossible. ,
Then it fosters the skin—feeds
and softens the skin—with its
palm and olive oil blend.
A very large percentage of Women know the
unique results. They know (he youthful bloom
that comes *nd stays.
There are many facial soaps. Some claim high
prices for their good effects. But you can buy for
ten cents the purest soap in the world for the
akin and the complexion.
Palm and olive oils
—nothint else—rriwxM
nature's ttetn color
to Palmolive Soap.