Newspaper Page Text
merit. Fourth grade, first ™«»*i
Laura Smith, distinction; second
honor, Lois Burton, merit; Con
stance Scott merit; Paula Conolly,
Third grade, first honor. Elisa
beth Goetchius, distinction; second
first honor, of these visitors, who have been Jliss Carrie Daily has returned
f -4m -4 U- Tolmadon’g VlntYISS hCf bOHIC ill ' Atl^IltO >ftCf A
guests at Mr. Talmadgc'a home
lor several days*
— By MRS. ALICE ADAMS— Residtnc#
WA. Uomsami Mrs. T. C. Kirk will be hostess
to KniX t0 “> e p tilathea Class of the Prince
tion, Isabel Knight, distinction, a Vf>nu - n nn ti a f church this even-
Th# society news appearing
, these ' *“ “* *
it nry
column* today
under the supervision
Mits May McNser of Miami
w hc is • student in‘ the
Grady School of
r n#lism of the University.
oce party
briJK p party, nonorlw? Miss
ret Morton, Mias Louise Mor-
an<I MlNatalie Boeock^wns
iffernoon by Mrs. Wal
j one » at her pretty'home ori
^ e .i...n«ioa were combined
ere placed - in
thourghout the
of the lower floor, whieh
opened en , suite. ^ There
four tables of players,
•ty prices
>ink gladiolaa
h ferns
a wonderful message to all !
holders of low score, high score
and the honor guests.
At the conclusion of the game de
licious refreshments were served
by several friends.
The honorees are all leaving for
Eupore next week, and this .cour
tesy \vas given them as a fare
well party.
Mrs. Jack Wooten was the hos
tess at a tea dance, given at her
homo at Union Point in honor of
Miss Welden Sibley, Miss Lucy
Tato and Miss Reese Stovall, of
Marietta, who have been visiting
here. The guests, accompanied by
Mr. George Henry Keller and Mrs.
Madison Nicholson, drove to Union
Point for the occasion this week.
Miss Sibley. Miss Tate. Miss
Stovall anti Mr. Keller have re
turned to Marietta, after a brief
visit here with Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholson. Several interesting so
cial events were given for them 1
during their trip.
expectant mothers! | Miss Gladys Bunn, who
l_ 4U- t <4*i- /v-guest of Cnpt. and Mrs. r .ti,
.*“» loav «' Friday for A.he-
•whip* imssUted.
lincnt “
in this
auMnt phnieiAB,
jra. iS
“a J. Hartman,
am. ;
m M fint two
tm I had » doctor,
line, and then I
j4 to u*e i ntra-1
A but with ray lc»t
aiUrcn I oWd
ks*i Friend and hau only a nurse; we
m time to ret a doctor becaur• I Wasn't
ltk-on!y about ten or fifteen min-
Um "Mother'! Friend** as oar moth-
n4 rrsndmothers did. Don’t wait, start
L ind meanwhile write to Bradfleld
n Co.. BA 46, Atlanta, Ga.. for *
w»«r U sold by all drug starts-
the home of Miss Emma Gray.
A series of pleasing entertain
ments has been planned for Miss
Bunn during her visit In Ashe-
Second grade, first honor, Agnes
Jarnigan, distinction; second hon
or, Mary Elizabeth Nix, distinc
tion; Carolyn Chandler, merit
First grade, first honor, Ruth
Brown, distinction; second honor.
Susan Goetchius.
Distinction. Sarawill Collins,
Elizabeth Harper. Rosa Walker
Mayhe, Lucy Hall, Marisue Oliver,
Edith Conolly, Edith Hodgson;
merit, Mary Deupree Eckford,
Florence Jackson. Katherine Kraf-
ka. Louise Hodgson, Marie Scott
Eleonore McHatton; kindergarten.
Katherine buBose, Laura Walton,
Betty Miller, Anita Stewart, Ruth
Hungerford and Ann Northcutt.
Avenue Baptist church this even
ing at 8 o’clock, at her home, No.
3l»tf Pope street.
. This will be the regular month
ly business and social meeting and
an interesting program will be
presented. All members are cor
dially invited to be present.
Miss Lois Way and Miss Mildred
Lee, of Claxton, were the attractive
honor guests at an informal party
given Tuesday evening by Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Fowler at their home.
Cut flowers and ferns were pret
tily used In the decorations, and
rook was played by the guests.
At a late hour Iced tea and sand,
wlches were served by the hostess.
Miss Way and Miss Lee, who are
the house guests of Mrs. Fowler
are the recipients of several social
courtesies during their visit here.
Miss Lee will take part In the pro
gram arranged for the State School
contest this evening.
The guest list on this occasion
Included Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler, Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Bell, IMfases Lois
Mrs., Phil Davis, of Lexington,
was the guest of friends in , the
city Saturday en route home from
Demorest, where she has spent the
past few weeks. Mrs. Davis was
the honoree at the banquet given
by the Alumni Association of Pied
mont College. She gave a delight*
ful discussion on the subject,' "The
Duty of the College to the Rural
Mrs. R. M’. Goaa has returned to
her home after a pleasant visit at
various points of Interest in the
■ -ff-
MisS Frances Marlon, of Atlan
ta, is the attractive guest ot *****
Olive Marion at Soule Hall.
Miss Julia Katherine Little, of
Elberton, Miss May Everett, of At
lanta, and Miss Sarah Whitehead,
of Atlanta, have returned to their
homes after attending a delightful
house party biven by Miss Lorraine
Jarrell at her home In Cloverhurst
viilo. where she will spend several Way, Mildred Lee. Edna Potts,
Jfnkins Reduced Her Neck
Five Inches
Alio Relieved* Smothering,
Ming and Nervousenss.' Sho
Will Tell How.
OTE: It would bo Illegal to
Bah those statements if not
II. M. Jenkins, 1613 BankR
, Superioi, Wisconsin, snyr
till gladly tell or write of the
from by. lifting
ol-Quadruplo. a stainless lln-
L V' ‘ '*’***
more information from Sor
Company, Meehan ienburg,
drug stores
The public I* Invited to attend a
barbecue, which will be glvep Fri
day from 12 to 3 o’clock til
Christian church bnnement. The
ladies of the church will be host
esses o*i this occasion, and they
ht»v»* rrepared many dalniiej fer
lUoai who will be ^present.
Lottie Lylefl Zeila Mae Bell, Clara
Lee Bell, Garland Kenney, and
Ruby Fowler. Messrs. Carlylr
Dyer, Hubert and Garnet Bell, and
Roy Fowler.
Local lovers of swimming will
be glad to hear .that the Y. W. C.
A. swimming pool has again been
opened and has been repainted.
Special classes will be given for
children, and swimming parties
will always be welcomed.
Following Is the list of pupils
of the Mary Ann Lipscomb school
who have won various honors this
Seventh grade, first honor, Ern
estine Herd, distinction; second
honor. Virginia Stewart , merit.
Sixth grade, first honor, Janet
A number of enjoyable plchics
will be given at East Lake this
week by the Sunday School classes
of different churches. Friday the
school will entertain the members
and friends of the classes with ar
all-day picnic.
The Prince Avenue Baptist Sun
day school will give a picnic Sat
urday at East Lake. The members
are requested to meet and go to
the lake during the morning. Sat
urday evening at 6 o'clock the
Emanuel Episcopal Sunday school
will have a picnic. A11 members
are invited and a delightful affalt
Is promised those who attend.
Jarnigan. distinction; second hon
or, Lucy Dews, merit; Mary Louise
Henry, merit. Fifth grade. first
. , nenry, mem. ruin gra««% uni
.wprarhor* or In. honor> j amle Roberts, dis-
*' n 8 1 harmacy. -A.a- «t.inctton; second honor. Marv Bur-
A swimming party will be given
this evening at the High School
gymnasium by Mr. RobertpUter-
*on in honor of the house party
guests of Mr. Harry Tumadge.
Mias Mary Faucette, Mr. Buck
Faucette and Mias Mary Sanford,
of Chattanooga, Tenn.
This affair is one of several en
tertainments being given in honor
This will be a most unusual sale of 500 house
dresses made of good quality ginghams, with
organdie and pique collars and
cuffs, sashes. We call them
house dresses, but they may be
worn on the street just as well.
Not aprons, but regular dresses.
All sizes in the most desirable
colors. On sale tomorrow
morning at ..... . $1.29 each
Davison-Nicholson Co.
Athens’ Busiest Store
Miss Rosemary Whitaker and
Miss Mary Olive Wlhtehead will
leave May 16 for California, where
they will attend a Phi Mu Sorori
ty convention at Beverly Hills.
They expect to remain for summer
school at the University of Call*
fornla in Berkely.
Mr. and Mrs. James H, Me-
Lachlan, of Mobile. Ala., are visit
ing Mr. McLochlan’s sister, Mrs.
L. K. Johnson here.
Mr. Warren Conolly,* Jri, returned
last night from Dahlonega, where
he has attended school for the
past few months. His friends will
be pleased to hear that Mr, Conolly
received the medal for the prize
cadet drill.
Mrs. Robert Woodruff and Mrs
Bolling Jones have returned
Atlanta after a visit to Mrs. Hugh
Gordon for Lucy Cobb Alumnae
Mins Maybell Hambrlck, of Pick
ens county, who has been the 4uest
of Mrs. William J. Russell .left
Wednesday for Atlanta to vlfilt
friends en route home.
Mrs. William J. Russell and
Master William J. Russell went to
Atlanta Wednesday for a short via*
Isa Marjorie. Hodgson has re
turned from Garrison Forest school
to Athens, where she will spent
her vacation.
Mrs. Harvey Stovall has left for
Marietta, where she will visit her
sister. Mrs. R. M. Wade.
Mrs. C. A. Scudder and Mrs W.
L. Weston and young son, Warren,
left Wednesday for HfUlfax. stop
ping over In New York and Boston
on tbs way up.
Mrs. Willie Conyers Cook accom
panied by Mrs. 8am Nickerson left
Wednesday for-her home in Minne
apolis. * She has been the guest of
friends here for several days.
Mrs. H. D. Bunn has returned to
Halifax from this city. He at
tended the graduation of his charm
ing daughter, Miss Gladys Bunn.
Miss Natalie Bocock and Miss
Oley Vincent will leave next week
for an extensive trip to points of
Interest in Europe. ,
gian Hotel as guests of the Uni-
... ... versity. Visitors will find rooms
visit with relatives in at the Georgian at the special rate
of $1.00 a day. Meals may be had
at the hotel, or anv of the Cafete*»
rias. Remember there will’ be no»
turn Triday ^rom^orth Carolina, admission'"charged to any of thej A youth left^bjahome on eve;
where she has been attending a
clast reunion.
Miss Mattie Sue Gilmer and
Miss Erma Gilmer, of Winterville,
are the guests of Mrs. H. C. Hun
ter and Mrs. G: C. Johnson.
Miss Marguerite Biiihop. of Fay
etteville, N. C., Is spending two
months with relatives here.
Mr. ami Mrs. Ben Johan were
called to Winder Tuesday by the
death of Mrs. Juhan's father, Mr.
Jackson. The friends of Mrs. Jo
han and family deeply sympathize
with them in their sad bereave
A youth still In his' teens,
e was just astrlp of a boy—it
Drifting down life’s ?tream.
Mrs. G. P. Vincent and Mlftft
Olie Vincent are spending a few
days In Atlanta, where they ar<
attending the wedding of Mins
Caroyln Moritzaner and Mr- A1
fred Branch.
Mr. Madison Nicholson, Jr., and
Mr. Joe Reaves spent Tuesday in
Mr. and Mrs.* Julea Janover and
little daughter have returned to
their home in New York after
spending several weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. Van Straaten here.
Miss Mildred Boley returned
home from Columbia University,
where she has bean studying dur
ing the winter.
Eighty-Five Counties to
Be Represented Here in
Contests, Both Literary
and Athletic.
Mr*. Lauren Goldsmith returned
to Atlanta Tuendny afternoon after
ehort vlelt to her parent!, Mr.
nml Mr*. Hugh Rowe. Mm. Oold-
amtth wan a meet at the Alumnae
Day exercises at Lucy Cobb.
Friend! of Mr. L. B. Hopper will
regret to hear that he li III at St
Mary*a hoapltaj.
lira. Fred McRee, of Atlanta, la
the cueet of friend! In Athena.
She came to attend the piano re
cital ot the puptla of Ml.a Fairy
Elliott. Thla wan held In the
Woman', Club thla afternoon at
6 o'clock.
One of the blggeit event! of the
; 'car for Athena will begin
Thursday evening at 8:30 p. m..
the State High School Aaiociation
will enter upon the Sixteenth An
nual State Meet- Over eighty-
five towna from all over the atate
will be repreeented in this meet,
which ii composed of competition
in Recitation. Homo Economica.
Declamation, Athletica, Spelling,
Music, Debating and Essay Writ
ing., -
At 8:30 Thureday in the Uni
verlaty of Georgia Chapel will
be held the Recitation contest.
Thoae entering this contest are:
Mildred Lee. Claxton: Mario Bal-
, Tifton; Elizabeth Xing. Cuth-
| Eleanor Orr. Newnan; Ethel
Brown, Decatur.. Kathryn DaJKa
Thomason and Nell Sinitn. Forayth
tied winner! to be decided before
contest: Lncy Raaocr, Lafayette;
Eiixa David, Danleliville; Helen
Wood, Commerce; Ruth Moran,
Sparta; Francle Gary, Nashville;
Mary Jim Oliver, Eastman. Ad-
miaaion is free. As a special
feature to thla evening’s con
test the girls of the 1923 grad
uating claee of the Athena High
School will sing. Renumber, nt
Friday, June 8th at 9:00 a. m-
there will be the annual meeting
of the Aaiociation In Peabody
Hall,- Reports of district officers
and report of special wumnittea
to draft ngulations or.vcrning
High School Athletics. Tbs Homs
Economics. Conteat sewing under
the direction of Misa Rosalia Rath-
bone. will be held in Soule Hall
at 10:00 a. m. Competing in this
contest are: Myrtis Zetterower,
Statesboro; Gertrude Pate. Nor-
manPark; Lottie Leverette. Daw-
apn; Christine McLendon, Carrel-
ton! Rena Childs, Gray; Eva
Brewer. Hartwell; Jessie Mae Par
ker, Winder; Emogene Hodges,
Sandersville; Nettle Kenroy, Quit-
Nearly All Courses Ex
cept Languages and Nat
ural Sciences Repre
The correspondence school de
partment ia one of the newest ad
ditions to the University and the
enrollment in the courses offered
Is rapidly Increasing. So far there
are forty-nlno courses registered
for and the interest Is rapidly de
Nearly all the courses except
language and natural sciences are
ottered. One-third as much work
can be taken as Is required for a
college degree. The cost of a course
of twelve lessons ia eight dollars.
, Dean T. J. Woofter of the 8ch0o!
of Education has been made direct
or of correspondence study and Is
very optimestlc over the posslblll.
ties of this department
No Cases Called
At Police Court
The Police Court had a peaceful
era Thursday morning. During the
month of May, SI cases were tried
for speeding, S5 for bright lights
and 12 for reckless driving. These
violators of the law seem to have
made aif example ot themselves.
Which seems to have caued a new
law abiding aplrit throughout Ath.
The Board of Trusteea of the
University will hold their annual
meeting In the Library, on next
Thursday, June 14.
Preparations are under Way for
the second Summer Library School.
A large number of etudents, In fact
all that-can be posalbly caed for,
are expected to attend thla session.
Among the new books received
Is a "Hlatory ot Qeorgla In the
Jlth; century" by Hon. Orville A.
Park, of Macon.
The library is just In receipt of a j
copy of the Documents In
Spanish Archives at Seville^ deal* |
Ing with the correspondence ot the
Spaniard* of Florida with tli
English settlers coming Into Geor-j
gla. This Is one of the ipost in
teresting and Important documents I
relating facts ot the early history
of Georgia, ever received by the
Hla parting words were:
"Mother, I’ll bo home at nine,”
He spoke them calm and serene,
Not one time did the poor >boy
He woud never see her again.
Night flew by—dawn came,
Still he was away,
His mother’s heart just' seemed to
Her courage gave away;
"Where, Oh where, was, her boy,
Who had gone awayt”
Sadness now prevails;
For in those early hours of dawn,
There came this message sad:
"Your boys will never return
home again.
For he, at th,ls moment lies dead,”
Killed by prohibition officers,
Who halted his tread.
Too Late to Closilfy
taken up. by Mrs? R. X* i
193 Poplar street.. Owner can have
same by identifying. JIlc
hand repeating .33 calibre rif!*\
Phone 335 or 884. , Jio.j
FOR Conviction
parties and return of articles*
taken from Mrs. O.. D ( Arnold's, 317
Satula Ave.
Room, former heme ot Dr. 1. H.
Goss, serves three meals dally. Good' ’
things to eat. Dinner 40c. Corns and J tg
tm I* XXf tfanMUilr iua Phfiltfl..
would marry If eulted. .(fhampi'.)
Violet, Box 787. Dennison, Ohio. J7p-
8-room bunsalow. Terms. Apply
•W," oaro Banner-Herald. . JlOo
The youth now Ilea In hla grave.
Cold, silent, and dressed In gray, jiop-
Frlends, doesn't your heart in
sympathy go.
Out to this family In all of their
I will begin my summer school
Mi/ndny, Juno li, 1923. No deduc
tion. for absence.
AlHhe light In thjs home Is gone
But where la the light In youn?
Watch It and care for It,
By seeing Justice given.
To these unmerciful officers.
Who care no more for men thaa
Contributed by Aheda Boyd, «87
Pulaski RL, Athens, Oa.
WANTED — Fifty labor
ers on the Danielsville
Road. $1.50 per day for
nine hours. Nothing held
back. Pay every Saturday
at noon. Free transporta
tion. See Mr. Goodson on
the job. jlOc
10,000 yards of fine fast color Dress
Ginghams, in dainty patterns, small checks,
plaids, stripes and solid colors, in a special
sale at
23C Yard
27 Inches Wide v . j\
. Gamble. Vidalia.
The Declamation Contest will be
held in the University Chapel at
X2:00. The following are repre
sented: Ben Patterson.
Robert Stroller, Moultrie;
Stakes. Amerleus* Allen I’1
Stukes, A meric us; Allen Feel New
nan; William Bodenhainmer. De
House and Mian Lila Jcne* left
recently for Blue Ridge, N. C„ t<
attend the Y; W. C. A. student con
ference, which In being held there.
Mias Mary Hart leaves Wednes
day for Washington, where she will
vlelt her njinL Mrs. J. E. Williams.
Mias Ella Hart wll( Join her there
nnd together they will accompany
Mre. George L. Freeman of Tole
do, Ohio, to Philadelphia, Atlantic
City. New York Buffalo and Ni
agra Falls.
catur; Jack Belcher, Montlcello;
Marion Sima. Dalton; Frank Naah
Washington: Nat Hancock, Jeffer
son; Ed A) fiend, Sparta; Edgar
Ratcliff*, Quitman; Henry Math
ews, Fort VaUty, At 1:30 then
will .bis luncheon to the visiting
superintendents and principals.
Oertrude-SUth. Mts. Edith SSSrWMME
ting' contest will be held in. Pea.
body Hall at 8:00 p. ro- Affirm.
*tivt in room 20, negative in
room 22. Only one team can en
ter the preliminary contest from
a district.
All Contra tents in Athletics art
to assemble at the University
Gymnasium at 2:46 p. m. The An
nual Track will b* bald on San
ford Field at 3:30. Then wUl be
no admission to the Athletic meet
Athletic pine will be awarded all
contestant* with the compliment*
of Mr. Clark* HowaU- At 8:00
there wUl be a dinner given in hon
or of the viaiting Athletes. The
Maic Contest will be held at Lucy
Cobb, time 8:30. The twelve
best High School Musicians in the
State will be entered. Following
this contest, Mrs. Milder Mell will
give a recaption to contestants
and viaiton- No adminion.
AU contestants* officers, super
intendents and principles are re
quested to ba in front of Peabody
Hall at 11:46 Friday morning, a*
it (* the with of the Univeriaty
authorities to gat a picture of ev-
ry one connected with the Aeaoeia
9:00 a m- meeting of the Allo
cation (Continued) The Annual
Debate will be held nt twelve
o’clock, and then the most impor
tant part of the meet, the deliver}
M'ss Charlotte ■ VPlajaad,
Charlotte. N. Cj and Mias Jose
phine Conners, of Birmingham, will
be the gnesta of Mias Luulae PhIn
lay fer the Georgia Common'.went
da area.
The many friends of Mias Pearl I e
Hammond will be glad to learn
that her condlton It Improved af
ter an operation for appendlcltle.
Mr. John White Morton in at
tending the commencement exer-
ctsen of the Eplaeopal High ochooL
Hla son, Mr. George Morton le
valedictorian of hla class..
Mr. Percy Tuck has been called
home from .El Paahv Texas, by the
of his mother, Mrs. Arthur
Tuck at the Athene hospital.
Lthena h
Mi's Lorraine Jarrell has left
ictrola Homes
(Are Happiest
for New York city, where she will| u f cupa, metala ^nd prizea
And we can make yours happy with a Victrola
as we have made me majority of homes in this
section. Come in and look over our splendid
Victrola stock. We know you have favorite
music-j-we will play it for you on the Victrola
best suited to your home. You need *not feel
obligated to buy, but if you do, you will find
our terms, and our service, mighty attractive.
Victrola Department