Newspaper Page Text
, 1923.
l lLi - IKl «UJ0 ADAM8 — Ruid.nce 832
ESlliant event
lpf tli*' loveliest weddings ev-
Lrrinc ,n Monroe waa that of
* WiJlieP^oblnaon and
Clronla Cox, which
\v-iDiesday evening at
| dock the First MethOdlet
i, was most beautifully
■ted f“ r tty<^r\oqpaalon.
during commencement laat week. |ham, Ga. __ _ _
The feature of me exhibit waa I Mlaa Irma Floyd, of Statesboro, IH. C. Hunter. Mias‘Ernst’s moth
• conk.* at poi lin de.lgned for|Oa. _ . jer will be pleasantly remembered
the Centenlal of the founder and I Mlaa Carolyn Martin, of Ozark,
were illustrative: of the varloud de-|Ala.
partmenta and Activities qf the) Miss Virginia Turner; of Barnes-
school. # * j vllle, Ga.
The prize was awarded to Miss! Miss Martha Berner, of Macon,
Lucille Haywood of New Orleans|G».
with honorable mention for the! • Miss Elizabeth BUtch, Of States*
design- of Miss Phoebe Ellis of At-1 boro, Qa.
lanta. 1 Lambda Chi Alpha,
A study of Miss Mell at her! Miss Sid Crawford of Holly
desk, by Miss Maud Tolmaidge, re-1 Spring, Miss,
celved much favor.ible comment.) Miss Elizabeth Beverly, of Thom
The prize for the b-3at drawing, a Lasville, Ga.
self portrait, was fdven to Mbis I Miss Charlotte 8ull!van, of Sa-
Kathleen Morgan. The awaxdl vannah, Ga.
for the best poster wfas selected by | Mia* Eugenia Brooks of Mon
Ignrtj a Gordon and Mr*.
c-lmhdeller were
1 wiili smlloxj the dark
iax , n leaves forming
rmitr t.^t to the white
in d. The choir loft was
trith palms and ferns,
} r n ,r il a background
I rh i.i.lelabra with white
tap'll. Interspersed with
I baskets of lilies.
they took the train for New York,
Washington, Atlantic City and
other Eastern citlefe.
After June 20th, Mr. and Mrs.
Cox will be at home at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nunnally.
• Among the out of town guesta
present at this banutlfu! wedding
were Miss Leila Grimes, of White.
Plalm, Miss Frederica Boatright, of J the votes of the teachers, that ofltreal, Canady.
Cordeli-, Mr. Russell Michael, of I the best drawing was decided by | * Miss Billie Akin
Jacksonville; Fla., Mr. Palmer [ th ® head of the department.
Blackburn, of Atlanta, Mr. and I —ffl”— .
Mrs. Russell Bridges, Miss Eu-[ GEORftlA coMMENrWMPN-n
genia Bridges, Mra Padgett, Miss COMMENCEMENT)
of Brunswick,
o'clock the brid-
(1 the church to the
0 f .Mpndelssohn’s Wedding
Pir:< canie the ushers,
Ilar/ey Kelly and Willlr
jjesnrs Morris Kelly and
Walker, entering from thr
t the front of the church,
the bridesmaids entered |
Frances Hancock, Miss Lillian
Traynham, Mr. Brewerton. of At
lanta, Mr. Jernfgan, Mr. Walker
Jernigam of Dalton. Mr. and Mrs.
V. J. Moss, Mr.i and Mrs. Mc
Bride Howell, Mr and. Mrs. Walter
Hodgson* of Athens, Mr. Walton
Strogler and Mrs. Tudle Stone
Robinson, of Oxford .and others.—
Walton News.
Sometime, somewhere, when the
task is done.
When the race Is over and the
victory won,
hr flush" the choir loft i We can rest by ttye side of the
joined by the grooms- ! beautiful stream,
entered from the ride en-|Flnd peace and bliss and joy su
The*** wji>rgrouped within j promt*.
Miss Katherine Whlttenburg of
Decatur, Ga.
MJsji Gene Wise of Fort Val
ley, Ga.
Miss Polly Field of Boston. Mass.
Mies Anna Hod,tea, Birmingham.
| Lei! *
linen -was gowned In
rdio^ J^alfed chiffon,
nidi I arc* and orchid vel-
i H*"lf n <'«»x wore blue
ptalnted chiffon, lace
and with a Touch of or-
\ Lillian Cox wore orchid nc-
i plaited chiffon with trim-
- and blul velvet rib-
In rn.-w accordion plaited
with lace and a touch of
ridesmaids carried bcautifu!
iloned bouquets of gladioli,
ess and anapdragons in th»
hades, with tulle,
iroomsmen were Messrs.
Michael," at ..Jacksonville,
ft. Wheeler? Hhrry Arnold,
no ,nnd t ' Blackburn,
f the officiating ministers,
iarles L. Bass, of Atlanta,
and tobk Ills place be-
*r, maid of
She wore a
r*r pink chlf-
•1th a sash of
ribbon. She carried
j Hester
| entered
! carried
r^pm flpwers similar
led by the brldes-
l Sometime, somewhere, when
bid farewell
To thore we've known and loved so
May it be without a tear or sigh.
As wc wave the watchers a sweet
Sometime, somewhere, when
last word's spoken.
And the cord Is loosed the pitcher
When ’our barque sails out to the
To that Port of Peaces bliss
When the curtain so frail at last
rings down.
And we pass from the stage
May wc find there awaiting a ce
Icstial crown,
Won through trials, crosses and
strife. ’ ,
May there be with us no sad
When the shadows ring the <
nlng bells,
And we join the glad ’ chorus
Angles fair,
Singing sweet hallelujahs on th
golden stairs.
Sometime, somewhere;
Wltn friends and loved
mansions white,
r*iy lmia-OusiicvglTterfBfoctoa rttra wuds of ’pur- IK# -at -last
have flowed.
Cross ^he mystic river ws have
I frocks of pink rhlffnw ]flC0
1 carrying wreaths of pink
. next ffiRIRr
bride entered with her
Walter S. Robinson,
i met at the altar by the
I with his best man, Mr.
J Cox.
Iwremony was performed by
falter 8. Roblnpon, assisted
. Charles f>. gmss.
btiful In her
mbe of white chiffon over
| trimmed with rose point
I seed pearls. The misty
veil, which fell to the
been rowed.
Sometime, somewhere, we will say
To friends who dwell beneath the
With a hope most sweet to meet
Beyond this vale of tears and pain.
Here'* q,hope most sweet to friend
and foe;
As we journey along to the myatle
Of the train; was held In We say goodby for a little while,
coronet of rial lace To meet again on some Fairer Isle.
May. 1921,
Dedicated to Miss Mildred Ruth
blossoms. She carried
^ bouquet of valley lilies. The
ornament was a string
Rift of. the groom. .
ride and groom left at 10:30
Atlant^*^ jfrom there
better when
i Benton’* Bread
[weather i, hot, don’t
energy out
“Ii let' us do it for
If you cannot allow
•re ; two other
1 b»kcrie» In town,
[bakers bread.
;nson s
The circles of the W. M. S. of
.the First Baptist church will meet
this week as follows:
: Circle No. 1 with Mra
I Paynes, 295 Rutherford street,
, Monday afternoon at 4: SO o'clock,
i Circle No. 2 with Mrs. Paul Had
I away, Thursday afternoon
I o'clock.
• Circle No. S with Mra Duncan
• Burodtt, Thursday afternoon at I
Circle No. 4 with Mra. A. D. .WII
Ham,. Thursday afternoon at I
Circle No. 6 with Mrs. Prank
Lipscomb, Monday afternoon et (
o’clock. .
Circle No. i with Mrs. W. A. Bol
ton. Thursday afternoon
Circle No. 7 with Mrs. Morton
Hodgson. Monday afternoon at I
I Circle No. I with Mrs.' E. J
•O'Kelley. Thuraday afternoon a
<6 o'clock.
Circle No. , with Mrs. E. H. Dor
aey Davie, Monday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock.
Circle No. II with Mrs.
Lanier, Thuraday afternoon at I
Circle No. 11 with Mrs. Cobb
Pavla, Wednesday afternoon
5 o'clock.
—O— ,
The Lucy Cobb Art Department
hnvlng completed a most success
ful year, held their annual exhibit
Button iHoles
Any Material—All Styles
~ • and Colors. ,
Work Is Guaranteed.
312 Hdlman Bldg.
Plana for the social, side of com
mencement at the University oil Ala.
Georgia are rapidly taking ishape I ..
and' present indications are ttuit|
the season this -year will eclipse I GRADY AVENUE^
past years. One hundred tind I SOCIAL CLUB
twenty-five glrla from Atlanta, Ma-) ENTERTAINS HUSBANDS
con, Savannah and Augusta and! A very delightfully planned so
other places have been invited tolclal event waa the beautiful party
the damps that are to bq ‘given I at which the Grady Avenuo Social
Friday, Saturday. Monday, Tuea-1 Clpb entertained Friday evening in
day and Wednesday nights. Eight I hono rof the husbands at the home
of the fraternltiea at the lnatitu-|of Mrs. J. C. Hlggenbotham.
tlon are to give hotiae parties dur-r Many lovely garden flowers
Ing the last three days of com-land foliage plants decorated
mencement. The girls that havelYooms attractively. The enjoyable
been Invited by th* different fra- I features were four tables of Rook
ternltles are: land a measuring party followed by
Phi Delta .Theta ■ delicious refreshments. The pret-
Mlsses Louise Hays; Iona Mc-[ty party was one of the week's
Kensle. Elizabeth McKenzie and I brightest social events,- the guest!
Francis Felton of Montezuma, Ga. I Including the members and thelf
Misses Virginia Gunn, Marian | husbands.
Elliott, Eva Hall, Martha Lowe, of
Misses Jennie Johnson; Ruth Me-1
MIlian and Irene Shepardson.' of | M
Atlanta, Os.
..Mi., RuEy Hunter.
Lu '. iUe hooper will return
C, T *ft«r .pending the
n Crecn.boro. Mias
hoiM Coopcr wil * “oompany her
Mrt. Dranch Boeock of Baton
Rouge la visiting her mother, Mra.
A. J. Lyndon,
Mian Leila May Hull leaves Sat--
urday for Richmond, whero she will
h* a member of the summer school
faculty at tho University of vir'
glnla for six weeks.
Mias Mabel Nicholson Is spend
ing several days at Blue Ridge
Camp, Black Mountain, North Car
olina. She was chosen to repre
sent the Vesper Society of the
State Normal School—Oconee En
Miss Carolyn Fullllove, Virginia
Athon, Mabel Nicholson and Grace
Wells, of the State Normal School,
*re «t home for the summer.—Oco-
,nee Enterprise.
Mrs. Elliott Fears, of Athens,
was the week-end gAest of her
mother, Mrs. Emmett Robison.—
Oconee Enterprise.
Mrs. William O. Frederick left
Saturday morning for her home In
Louisville Ky., after a week*s visit
to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Col. and Mrs. William R.
Misir France. Rc.bbln, Mcrldl.n, IM* M*!-”- D. Edward, and
I Major Thomas H. Munroe win be
Misses Huliett Humber end I ho™* quests at a basket diimer,
Georgia Lumpklfli. of Amerlcus, | dance and swimming party given
q a I by members of the Association of
Mias 8ara Srultli. Barnesvllle. I the Army of the United States at
G(U I East Lake Mopday evening begin-
Min Jenin HUtoon, New Tork « 7 o'clock,
nnd Miami Fla I The members of the Association
belts Tsu Delta land their lady friends are Invited
Misses Francis Parker and Caro- | MC , h to bring a basket for the oc-
llne Brown, of Augusta, Ga. Icaaion. Dancing and swimming
Misses Carrie Foy Yarborough, | w, ** be ® n J°y*o-
Mary Tuller. Labra Pearce; Mar-1 AH reserve officers and «“Of-
caret Middleton. Atlanta. Ga. «««■• who are not members of the
Misses Sara Morehouse, Lila I Amodatlon are also. Invited to at-
Sims. Josephine Beeselleu. Peggy I tend.
Stoddard, R.tU Coney. Savannah, i jq H N80N - M ITCH ELL
Miss Francis Wood, Cedartown, HNVJJATIONB OUT
Ga I T*** following Invitation Is
Mbu Marjorlo Jackun, Butt., wrr '"««•< throughout
Mont I tn® stats,
MI« Joyce Kertn, Delhi, La. Mr. Lucy Wimberly Johwon ro
" SS^t’&SSSS.S
M.M Margtrct Miller, Plcrro, B. ^Annl.
Murd.tufh, Btrtow, kng. Jun. ^r-'
’ Ktppa Alpha I .hallrillc, Ocoryl.
Mliiww LuW Lowlt, Sophie Street! „.“™
nor Reid, of Savannah. Ga. ,
Misses Frances Marcum and
Margaret Crane, of Columbus, Ga. .
Ml.. Delta Mlehl.r, Chitt^pb I Wood!.wn^ trom^ ^
Zm Katherlno Ktrd. Augurta, »>“ •» ‘"Mr «“«»■** inTlud '
♦fra- Ida Clyde Clarke, editor of
Pictorial Review, who was a dia-
i tlngulshed visitor In Atlanta dur
ing the recent biennial council of
Women’s Clubs, sailed from New
York Tuesday for Swedish govern
ment. Five other noted American
authores sailed at the same time,
also gueSs of Sweden's govern
ment- to attend the educational
conference In Stockholm.—Const!
homo by Miss Annie Wler (Poelei
and Miss Jessie Moore for a visit
Wilkinson Will
Address Boys
Dr. J. C. Wilkinson, pastor of tho
First Baptist church, will addrou
the Y. M. C. A Sunday club this
afternoon at three o'clock. Dr
Wilkinson Is a lover of boy, and
delights being with them. Hit ad.
dress is certain to attract a large
crowd. Ho will talk on "Taking
planning a very enjoyabl. all-
r tea for Tuesday afternoon at
I tho homo of Mrs. Pet* Brown on
Mra. T. P. Vincent nnd Mias
Otlo Vincent have returned from
Atlanta and Dccature.
Dr. and Mra. Joaeph Btewart,
Jr., are apsndlng today in Atlanta.
Tho friends of Mr. Spencer Cola-
man will he glad to hsar ho la con-
valaaelng from a recent lllncas. *
Mra. Julius A. Myer and daughter
Sylvia, are visiting, their parents,
Mr and Mra. M. Farbstdn. Mr*
Myer will he remembered aa Mia,
Hlnda Farbatsln. •
Mr. and Mra. Charles Fellows
and ton, Harold ot Atlanta, arc
guoitt of Mra. tCX 8. Fellowa.
Mist Mollte Stewart of Dawton
la the gueat ot her titter Mra
Harry Davit on Prince avenue.
Mra. F. W. McRca and Mra. Her
bert Peeler have returned to At
lanta after a Halt to Mra. H. H.
Peeler, they were accompanied
We take great pleasure in announcing
the re-opening of the STRAND THEATRE
on Clayton Street on MONDAY, JUNE
18th. The Strand Theatre is one of the
handsomest, cleanest and best ventillated
little theatres in the south. Our program
Hvill be the best pictures at all times.
Ml** ™oa.a, «• SoMING EVeSV
Ml» Catherln# Martin, Omr*, Thur.
A MU. Sara Fender. “JUm
bmitn, uamwrvinc, i i n Ai„ n ,i.i n . VOII w hi h«v* tn
Mlaa Nell
w McSr^urt.."?. I» ““>• Th. mln.trcl prom-
Mias Rphhte Mcf*!"' *$“*’’* laea to b« the reat treat of the
all indlcatidna you will have to
buy ticket* early In order to get-
I year In Athena.
Mra. a N. Boyd and Mra. J. A.
Wotten of Union Point vialted
Mlaa Lealle Baker. Brunawick,
Mlaaea Bvelyij Wllliama and
Kail* Mltehelb Wsycrow Oa
Mlaa Jaanotto Murphy, Macon, her#
Ga. I .
cw I Mra. R. C. .Bodenfleld of Lake.
- „ t**?I ■ffi.w ™.t "f Mu, T
aon and lath Wjlllama, Columbue I 0 q Qrady avenue.
Mrs. Dick Bure? and children are
Visiting relatives In Buford am
Louisa Orayblll. Eleanor
Wrtght. and Alls. Danforth,
Auguste, Oa.'
Mlaaea .Mary Anns Lipscomb.
Kolae-Allen. Theodore Owens and
Mtrgarat Oresham. of Atlanta, Oa.
Misses Christine Theamar
Ethel Thomas, Savannah. Oa.
Mra, M. H. Conway bai returned
from Atlanta.
Mlaaea Tl.h McCaw and Mary I daughter of *hS, iSSl'mC. are
rr it ^r^w-'pSuc*, I «* Brook..
” I Mrs. Harry Parr and children
,phlM Connora Blr -1 Have returned from Cochran,
mlnaham. Ala. (
Mlaa Batty H.lharlngton, Phlla ; | M ra. Margaret Stockton la apend
dolphla. Pa.
Slams Alpha Epallan.
Mpa Paulina Ware, Irena Thom
I log the week-end m La von la.
Mr. and Mr*. Talmadge Allen and
xs. Rebeksh Harmon, Marlon I young daughter have returned from
Smith and Mildred Fraser, of At-| CoraeU a.
lanta, Oa.
Mlaaea Claudia Jackson. Dorothy I Mlaaea Mery Combee and' Inea
Jackson and Eleanor Smith, of I Crouch of Atlanta are gueat* ol
Valdosta, Oa. , I Mrs. C. B. Daniel.
Mieses Susanna Miller. Lull.
Young and Nell Anderson, of Co-1 Mra. Oallle Richards of Atlanta
lumbua. Oa. I Is spending tho week-end with Mr.
Mlaa Billie Akin, of Brunawick I and Mr*. Harry Richard*.
° Mlaa Margaret Wriaht, of Augna-1 Mr. nnd Mn. ® B. Attoway and
ta, Oa. I I aon are week-end gueate of Mra.
Mlaa Elisabeth JoneA of Wnynea-lw. P.iMaion.
boro. On. I —[5J—
Mlaa Fannie Lou Rawlings, of Mrs. S. T. Hood nnd Mn. W. N.
Sahdersvllle, Oa. I Dickson, of Jefferson wore vlall-
Mlsa Louisa Hinson, of, McRae, |orti here Saturday.
Oa. —B—
Mlaa Oladye Palmour, of Char- Mlaaea Mary Sue and Doris Hood
lotta, N. D. , I motored to Kldgabury, N, C., laat
Mlaa Mildred Brock, of Llvlnt-1 week to vlelt Mrs. Fannie Carpen-
aton. Ala. Iter, and from there will go to Char-
Mlas Emily Devi* • ot Atlanta, | lotto to vlelt MVe. John Thurmond.
Oa. _
Mlse Elizabeth Hall I* visiting
relatives In Atlanta.
Mlaa EUsebelb Buchanan, Atlan
ta. Oa.
Mlaa Eleanor Wright. Ayguitx
Jutla Buckland and Fran
cis Welch of New Haven. Conn.
Mlaa Gertrude McClelland, of
Montreal Canada.
Mlaa Louisa Johnson, Kew Oar-
dm*. N - T ' _ _
A. T. O.
Mlaa Louise DalUa, of Led rente
Miss Nancy Hill, of Washington,
Mrs. Rota Parker, Mrs. Thomas
Baldwin, Mleeea Hazel Hodgaoa
and Elizabeth Ashford and
George Parkar motored to Atlanta
laat Tuetdey.—Madisonian.
Dr. Jack 8waff0rd ot South De.
koto It the gueat of hit sister. Mr*.
W. L. Hancock.
Miss Jeanette Ernst, of Raleigh,
N. C. will arrive Monday mom
Cool Tub Frocks—Unusually Large ^
^ Selections Afford Unusual Savings
ant alngham— '
Add a flay llttla organdy* a shear voile, a buoyant Bingham—
•r any on* of tho other many atylea of Summer Frocks here,
to your Summer Frock llati, and t>* assured that for every
Inch of attractiveness you are getting unusual price attrac
tiveness. It li a very comprehemtve selection of all the lead
ing! Summer Frock styles. We cannot begin to describe the
:harm of these Frocks—a quotation of prices will bo sufficient.
To appreciate these values, you must see them.
Charming Normandy Voile Oresses In lovely colors and
atylea, priced at 16.50. These dresses are easily worth 112.50.
Lovely Linen Dresses In pretty colors and styles, 96.50.
Tub Silk Frocks $16.50 and $18.50
Many ef the bast dressed women on fashionable atreeta and
club verandas are wearing cool Tub Silk Frocks these June-
days, and no wonder for they are certainly smart. This sell
ing Is rtmarkabla for Its many styles and Interesting varia
tions ef trimmings, which In most cases are quite simple.
Striped and plain habutal and pongee styles are smartly mono-
grammed. Crspo de Chino In many pretty styles Includes
some with pleated panels.
^ Shantung Drum specially priced 914.96. 10 different styles
Wattling Suits—Attractive Modes for
1 Vacation T)ips
Whether you decide to make your beach
Sale of Silk Tetticoats V % Trice
tA ui..k ..a Tii* wiiu in different atvle
to w.ih Suit, and Tut Silk PettlMlt. to
doubi. penal. Slightly >h.p wlltd, .tharwl*. pertret to «»•>.
Khaki Knicker Suits Priced at ...
Kh&ki Middy Blouses Priced at .
Khaki Knickers, all sizes, at
.. $4.50
,. $1.98
.. $2.95
*eo our Bathing Suit* before you select; Displays feature
many extremely smart wool Jersey Suits In two*plece and
•na-plsce styles, these latter ones being fa athletic styles In
all.wool Jersey, specially priced 93.9S to 912.50.
These are the Bradley Suit*.
Sweaters, that Are Attractively
‘“Different” .
Thar* Is a unique smartness about these Sweaters that
rsmevea them far from the commonplace. Then, too, they-
ar* Just the right new colere-thoso ultra smart ones being
worn by fashionable women In great style centers. Their
uelght too Is Important. They are sheer, cool and very cool
looking, comprehensively Including many different weaves
and textures. We especially feature fibre silk jacquette
styles In plain colors and Oriental patterns, at 95.00, 96.50
Tub Blouses Particularly W^ice to
Wear with Sweaters and Suitr
Thara’a many a clever touch on tho front* of these Blouses
that makes them particularly nice to wear with sweaters and
suits. You WUI find nothing nicer In BIouso affairs anywhere,
we fael sure. Handwork that emphasizes sheer traceries of
drawnwork In block and ether designs trims many Peter Pan
'collared modes. Other* ar# dainty.In tiny jabots edged with
Irish ar val lace and tiny tuck*—92.60, 93.50, 94.60.
New Pongee Blouse In sport models to sell at 93.96, 94.95
and 99.99.
Summertime Favorites, Silk Capes
Underpriced to Faciliate Quick Sale
T* hava p light weight Cap. ready to atip over the Summer
frock n«w m.ini a Mil a> w.ll a, a re.lly flat-
Urine thins for ntret women to wear. There Capos aro of
flat crepfc Crept d« ChlM, C.nton and Roihanara. Some are
lined with printed .Ilka. Each Cap. to an excellent value
combining an unueu.t low price with ityle and quality value.
The reaaon'a favorite colore and atylleh cordlngi, tucking.,
tr. and tuck, ar. praient In thl. Cape event.
Specially prlcid 114.75. »ts.50. tl>.95 and *24.50.
Special price, on all Woolen Cape,.