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j r- 1 r
Baseball Results j
i i
Champion Wins From Challenger By
Wide Margin. Tendler Groggy in
Thirteenth Round. Leonard
Scores Knockdown.
YANKEE STALll'M. NEW ’i OUK \ nul J <•"
CITY.—A llthc-llmhed young nwn,! around M
hair slicked back, walked Into t‘:e round, Tr
ring here Monday nigh*, the light- the same
weight champion of the nor!d and
the same young man fifteen rounds
later again stepped through the
rOi*es. still the lightweight -ham-
• pion of the world, after whipping
Lew Tendler, the challenger for
the title.
Benny Leonard, the champion.
Bhowed just what sort of chain* ; tiXii,
pion ho really Is, when he went ! nroug!
through the fifteen furious rounds ^ 0 g (1
with Tendler. winning decisively
nnd leaving absolutely no doubt • ”°' vc '
for nian. i
ini*. After
• la
n to
ho had fought
was slow, tur
ned to have lit.
take* the hard
that the champ
the unprotect-
II the
.eonard before. H
ibly slow, and sec
le inclination to
Igfct arid lift jolt*
van throwing Into tl
d parts of hits body
Tendler Been;
of the flghUn,
oath round was reached,
r, in Justice to tho b aten
rnuut be onld that bo took
te al mori punlshincnt than
Hpoctatora saw. Leon*
topped bitting him. In
every round. I
•w York f.n 28
eveland 41) 42
St Louis 45 43
j Chicago 42 42
Philadelphia 42 45
Washington 27
York 50 21
Pittsburgh .
ckbiago ...
Brooklyn ..
St. Louis ..
Boston ...
Charlotte 14
s"art an burg 11
Macon ...
by tll,! ttrnn |Columbia
■ | most or
'jard nev
tha he is the greatest fightc
his weight in the work.’
Tho grace of Hie swan, the
ping of the fox, the ferociom
of tho jaugunr and tho spot.. ...
the striking cobra were nil com- j Practically every round. Leonard
blued In the general make-up of ! hit T ndb-r three tfinefl to the
the champion. f challenging once, *unl there Is no
Starting with tho sound ol• th« I mau th| , wllk ., v , ;Uc world who
bell, Leonard started after Ten-I
dler nnd with tho possible excop-| tan S P°* j enny Leonard such an j
tlon of the first round won overy Rdvnntagi and thep win. At least'
aound easily, with somo doubt nr. j Ilof ull(,c " I
to the first.
1623, tho year which will hi
prize ring, had no terrors for Lot
nnl. Hu talked into the ring with
,tho air of a man who know., he
Is master of the situation—and he
most certainly was.
In tho last fight between tha two
Tendler had Leonard ‘out" on his
'feet, but Leonard came bncy and
won tho decision. !u this fight,
■ Leonard chose a different stylo of , dh r r
flighting. Jnstead of waiting for
.' Lew to start the fireworks, Benny
loomed Impatient for the bell to
bring them to the center*
Leaping Out like n panther, Leon- ‘-Bn.
Leading by
the fiirt twelve rounds, tho champ
jumped into the thirteenth with the
iutrutlon of ending the fight if
possible, lie slammed and rocked
Tendler with both hands until it
Gccmed that Teiulb _ bound to
fall, 'f’cndlir appeared groggy at
Itila rtarro and a moment later
sank to the floor fum a right to
the jaw and hard left to tho body.
L' onnrd stood an 1 waited as Te:i-
u the rosin while the
vild with a kno *kout
in sight. However. Lew managed
to collect his wits and stood the
gulf until the Mid. ’ ■ • • badly
beaten man, though, and Leonard
ia still the champ an liu ought to
ball man. Nash scums headed
brilliant career In college on
the diamond, gridiron and
track and tho college that gets
him w ill he must fortunate.
There nro many others on tho
Washington outfit who nro almost
on a pay with tho thruo named and
the team is one of the best bjil-
* Thursday afternoon Coach Bill huaeU
‘White’s man eating Bulldogs wJJJ tar a
Mice out on Sanford Field and
battlo'wlth tho fust Wnshing-
Washington, on paper, looks to
one of the best In this part
the state and a winner over
urn will make the Bulldog’s stock
ke a big jump upward.
) tho 1 Washington team nro anted and fastest around here
stars ns the Hill brothers, j Washington cornea to Athens
rt and Meriwether, both of | with au enviable record for the
em old Tech stars. For four j summer, so fur, and they have no
these two boys were thorns j Intention of haviug this record
the sides of the Bulldogs and | marred by a defeat at the hands of
oy have lost none of their ic-m- : tho Bed ami Black aggregation,
ability. Albert Hill was one of i -Bill White vus rather reticent
greatest athletes Tech ever as to whom his pitching selection
ed out, while hl.j brotbe* wib a j would be. In fact he wouldn't say,
noncl star of tho first water, f but tho chances are that young
n tho Washington Irnr.i the*v , Nelson, tho freshmun twlrler will
also a .youth named Nash Ho (occupy the mound In ■this gnme.
star In big school circle s j iu Fred Sale was slated to hurl
t year-ami Is ready to *tcp right ! tho game Wednesday againut Nevt
i the collegiate ranks right ti« »v. i Holland. m
ntaural born athlete. ; The game with Washington will
i was a star fullback on the toot* j start promptly at four fifteen
l lteam at Washington High dr.;*- I with tho admission prices thirty-
hts high schools and a crocs i wive end fifty cents.
/ Manta 2; Nashville 8.
Mobile 17: Little Bock C,
New Orleans 3; Memnhbt ;
Birmingham 14; CbnUnnon
game ployed.
•®t. Louis 7: UincJnnatl 7.
Now York 8; Phllartelohla 4
f’hlcaco *12; Pittsburgh 2
Only three gomes scheduled.
Aegusta 2: Greenville 1.
i-boiiotto 4; Spartanburg 0.
• nlumbln r,: Mo con 4.
A Manta at Nnnhvlllo.
Birmingham rt Chattanooga.
Mobile at Little Bock.
New Orleans at Memphis.
New r-leans of Memphis.
Vr w York nt Philadelphia.
Washington *»t Boston,
f’levelond at St. Loulo.
Detroit at Chicago.
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
( hlragu at Pittsburgh.
Only two gnmoa scheduled.
Athens Visitors
Among those visiting In Athens
Tuesday wore A. M. Mender, At
lanta; J. W. Grlffeth, Savannah,
(la.; W. A. McKoy. Portsmouth,
Va.; Harry F Analey, Atlanta.
Charles A. Kllburn. Macon; J.
•Mi. Haley, Ashtmrn, Ga.; Win.
Bradfor<V Atlanta; J. P. Picks,
Atlanta; T. B. Son w right. Atlanta;
W. L. Bowen, McRao, Ca.; O. L.
Heath, Atlanta; Dr. G. E. Miller,
Jacksonville, Fla.
Miss Ruth Miller, Jacksonville,
Fin.; J. A. Dllbeck, Atlanta; Doug
las Wier, Baltimore. Md.; Leslie
Lewis, Atlanta; II. CL White, At
lanta; John Prumley, Sanford,
Flu.; i\fl H Evans, nnd Mrs.
Kvuns.-Orlumlo, Fla.
E. II. Baldwin and Mrs. Baldwin,
Bowling Green. Flo.; Edith Andor
ran, Lakelnn f Tfa.; C. Evans.
Gun I). Dank, /MlA^tn; R. E. Hall,
Milos, Frankfort, ! In the game scheduled on Novem- TT4F OLD HOIVIEI TOWN
»>« r m GamesvlUe. Fla. A return * * * a - 1 * av-rxsaa-i a v »» * i
is offered the Baptists next
A. L. Gallagher. Atlanta; E. C. year. tlio' battle to be staged on
Mauldin,, Lavonia; M. E. Wilson, i ,0<:al grounds.
Atlanta; W. A. Smith. chatfa- Mercer's greatest enemy. Ogle-
nooga; W. O. Martin, Atlanta. thorpe, will have the advtntage
r, [gained by playing on their own
d l on November 10, when Rob--
mo in four seasons the Baptists
'>k last year's game by a 18-16
Mint, and either team looked like
inners from the start.
October 6—University of Geor
in Athens.
xr tt ,*7,' t * • October 13—Furman University
New Head Coach Arrives m Macon.
At Mercer. Plays Geor-; 19-earap »>nnin g m
Jtia in Athens fin; OctO-' »7-B‘rrnlnsh„!i-
the foothail schedule forjthe Mer
cer University ole/ -i was made;
'V! >nday by Stanley Robinson, new
head coach nt the * aptM Instill-
nnd Black team this y ,»ar shows j
»e met on the opening day. Oct-
'*rr fi. wh"n tlm Universltv of
Borgia Bulldog* will he duty oil In
\M’or*\ 1 nsf yn»r the -Mer crlnns
• nre badly handicapped bv n crij
-fed term and the AM-eninns ra
c- Ccach Cody’s charges by
fuijwwrtcrs hope that tl
m-e nnd Bii
ih stronger this fall, nnd that
score —*11 slew -tl-* difference
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