Newspaper Page Text
Tim BAiongufflitAU. 'Arraus 'mown
Freshman Schedule
Includes Best Teams
Opening Game Will Be
! -With Prep School Outfit.
; f Hard Scnedule Is Out-
, f lined By Coach,
With the time for the opening
the football season of 1923 draw
K JU'ttjr, the schedule for the
■Jnlvereity of Georgia Freshmn
jenm haa been made public.
jm ^ !e University turned out one
lit tUo lM »t Freshman outfits In
‘ she flewth last season nnd It looks
sm though the team this year will
Wk* inhr» than up to the standard.
* S Tile first year man play five
, rtbarttSMif the Southern Conference
jknd others with strong prep or
f ijilgh school teams. No games havr
, «>eon^ s^heiluled for November 3
1 Jir 10. ns the Varsity plays Auburn
* n Columbus on the first named
Into, white the 10th Is home-corn-
ng da>* Jn Athens for the Alumni.
| 'frlnylng here on the 10th Ik the
I &Jnlvcr»kjr of Virginia.
C Tip* -bout terftns In the South,
Timodg th'e freshman outfits have
cheduled. among the charn-
ionship Florida team, Auburn
Mnbanla and others.
The sthdlliila follows:
* R October 6—Reserved for strong
? IjPrep or High school team.
! I Oct. 13.—«rieinson in Clemson.
/ * Oct. 20—Auburn In Auburn.
4J Oct. 27—North Carolina In Ath-
Nov. 17—Florida In Jacksonville.
Nov. 24.—Alabama In Montgom-
The opening game
ilthcr Riverside. G.
Ugh or Richmond Academy ns the
meats for the Junior Hulldogs.
r*»o team h being coached by
'aptain Bachman. United States
^Jnjiy nnd a former All -American
j>layer with Ohio tSite.
Firpo Trains
Rusty Bed’s Rollicking
Rookies Rush Recklessly.
Into Lead By Beating
Baseball Results
iubs Won Lost
w Orleans.... 73 41
Rome—American and Englishmen
visiting iNly soon will lose the aid
of the many shop signs and notices
j hitherto worded in the llngut^ST!u*a
vhlclr passes for English In this land.
Birmingham .
Memphis ...
Nashville ...
Little* Rock
r*ct. {(By J. W. Firor County Farm Agent' tconsiderable damage to beans ln ( Tb? Italian sliopkeep
*>41 | I’armers, generally; are very much |counties north of Clarke. The Mexi* tlonalize all his slgr
581 'encouraged over the cotton outlook, jean Bean Beetle belongs to a Iarg<
•618 jDuring the last five weeks cottongroup of Inrecta commonly called
Improved greatly, having put on | “Lady Beetles.” Moat spech
- ..347
ting -
J greatly, having put «>n|--I,ady Beetles.” Most species of this
►p of frpit. H this set- fgroup are beneficial, but this pseeles
can be kept, undamaged |<Mexican Bean Beetle) la very inju-
ncbit three Weeks, It
ield will be twice as
is last year.
floston 35 7
3flOV31 AT1VS
orgia Star Dusted Off
By Allen Clan 2 to 0.
Chambers Works Wed-
I BUFORD. On.—An old team
bate In the person of Fred Hnle
tied to halt the victory flight ol
K p Buford HlioetnakerB here Tues-
jr In their engagement with
irternvlljo nnd fnllcd. 2 to 0. It
in Buford’:! necond victory out of
roc games With Cartersvllle. Th«
ams play here again *Wed*
“'"iwJay. and Thursday stage tho
Deluding game at Gainesville.
Bole was opposed by "Brown
ilule", Kmlth. who allowed but
nvo bits - and retired nine hntterr
la the strike out route. Bale was
nine bits and fanned
2 ' 60 .464
Lui s Angjl Firpo,' “Wild Bull of iV, v j s 31,
tho Pampas.” having knocked oht \ | f IM |g BCin V.
Charlie Wcincrt at Philadelphia, 1 ,- OHta 2b. .!
now turns to training for his bout pt ru i| ~ r ('
with Ucrupscy for j the world’s Lumpkin c'f
heavyweight title.. | daughter
■ '— •! Higdon’ sf. ...
thV fourty and oni In the sixth.
. Ht^vcnsOn played n dazzling
BUford scored
resulted In two. eeemlngly «ure trffr
l*‘lng 4 turiiffl lnldouts. Dutto, wh»
performed i iti, CftrtersvUlo’s
garden, nipped out two hits bl|t
of four .tries."
Buford came near scoring In the
eighth, when Cannon doubled, but
his ionmnintes were unable to
ndvopre him to the home station
Crce Davenport,’ Kxnu Mettle and
Capt. Crow, who Is lending the
Shoemakers In hitting, got two hltt
each out of four tries.
Andy Chambers will probably
hurl for the Allen clan Wednesday
and Is likely to he opposed !»>
Htevcns. star moundsnian of the
visitors. '
Heore by Innings: R
Cartersvllle .. .. 000 000 000—f
Buford ’. 000 lot oox-u."
Butteries: Bmith and Johnson;
Totals .
.18 2 f. .1
McWhorter «h\i Qood
29 .3'
New Orleans at Mobile.
Memphis at Nashville.
Little Rock at Chattanooga.
Birmingham at Atlanta. ?
Benton at St. Louis. ,
New York at Detroit.
Philadelphia at chh-.'vrn.
Washington at Cleveland.
°t. Io)Uls nt Boston.
Cincinnati at Philadelphia.
Only two games achodtPed.
Birmingham 7. Atlinta^l.
^New Orleans 1. Mnlnh 7.
Little m l rain
Memphis 13. Nnslivllb' *•.
Waahington-St LouH. rain. '
Only one came scheduled.
St. ILenis 8. Boston 2.
Ch'eapb’ !>, Brooklyn 1.
: Cincinnati 7. Philadelphia 5.
PitUburfg 9. New York 5.
Auguala 3. Macon 0.
Gaston|u 5. Chnrlotte 3.
irani bui
Rcp< rrs ‘ come front sections west
of us that tho cotton cntlpillar has
made its appearance In many cotton
fhMs. The use of ealeium arsenate
lr, fighting the boll weevil will also
prevent damage from thl» insect. II
It sh- uld appear here.
A nujnber' of farmers throughout
the county have been sowing bur clo
ver f'» r an early pasture 5 next spring.
In f-nwlng bur clover mix the seed. In
the bur. with stable manure and drop
of abo
ntftics. Now is tho tlmo
in Ital
he new ruling, a
i-t at the enulvale
very letter In n
r German sigu..
homesteaders reclaim
23,000,000 ACriLS OF LAND
WASHINGTON - Public lands
totalling 23,022.630 acres have been
transferred to homesteaders during
the past two years. A Department
of Interior summary shows that
word them (t h e number of patents Issued for
1 this area was 110,330.
adopt j Were all of these tracts gathered
l the tax rate Is j n tc one district, it would have an
t of one dollar for area ns great as Muffsitchuntts
J-Ingllfdi, French New Hampshire, Maryland and
Connecticut combined.
ahead of Seed!
Soil to yijtlff
mors are getting
1 this fall, by turning the land
is to be seeled. This should bo
d lately. Alfalfa seed need n
seed bed, consequently the soil
t« I* broken a sufficient tlmo
time to permit the
I become firm.. A.
r f>t farmers In tho W! at er
ection got together and ordered
of lime for use on alfalfa seed.
Is tho season for Forehead In
ns. Fse permanganate of pot*
drinking water and epson salts
•ventivo measures. Apply 10
nt cnrbolnted vaseline to scabs
•rted birds. One pound of salts
mature birds nnd enough of the
iganatc in drinking
art high-grade Calcium
LONDON.—The British Air Min
istry experts are at work perfect-1
Ing an airplane engine capable of)
developing 1,500 horsepower, whiqh
will be the largest ..known. Two
iTlal engines aro nearing cornplG-
trr>n and will soon be tested.
The new' giant of the air will
have six cylinders, each develop
ing 250 horsepower.
If the present experiments are
successful the experts will begin
work on a 12 cylinder engine to
have moro than 3,000 horsepower.
Airplanes fitted with three such
engines will* be capable of devel
oping upwards of 9,000 horsepower,
nnd will carry ,120'passengers at'
100 mMcfi an hour.
Plenty of Money to Lend on Real Estate
Commission 3 per cent, over $1,000)
10 per cent up to $1,000.
Lav offices phone 167$.
40S Holman Dldg. Athens, Georgia
South Atlantic’s Majestic Hotpl
Fireproof—American Plan—Baffling, Dancing, Pishing
Sea Food a Specialty
Rostiflnol-Kemp^ A Perry, Prop’s.
run to Sale unit Alford.
run-AGO ^ »rh.. mirmritr.i
reader wotim rather have u ti
recount of pirates or shooting sc.
in .the Arctic than even h b
story, d( cl;tree Nrtthan It. Levin
nsslHtspt«librarian of the Chlcugi
Public Library, who has been stud;
Ing the tfiste.M of the general read*
‘•*rhat does not mean thnt tb
I°ve story (him become unfasblo
able." Mr. Levin added, "ft mean
rather that at vacation time •
body temporarily,forgetH his desfr.
to get on In bis own bushier
personal affairs and prefers
rend about cinnarflon-colored
ages of tin- South Seas or trap
ping wombats in the wilds of Aus
cnvillo 2.
“I’ll say the fellow who
invented Coca-Cola
surely knew what it
takes to quench thirst”
The perfect drink tented at
cool and cheerful placet with
a smile of wefcvme -1 ox. of
Coca-Cola syrup pita 5 on. of
ice-cold carbonated water in
the thin 6-oz. glut, stirred *til
ate sparkles come to ahead,
at the top.
NEW YORK—Luis Angel Fi*i»d
Argentine heavyweight ehnllenger,
Tuesday slgp.ed with Tex RJchnro io
fight Ilirry Wills, New Orleans
negro, next April In Buenos Air ‘S
regardless of tfie outcome or his
♦ •tie match with Jack Dempsey at
tho Polo Grounds, September 14.
Richard said that he had not yet
discussed tho match In detail with
Paddy Mullins, tho negro’s mana
ger. but exopectod no difficulty in
obtaining his signature to terms.
Firpo signed" two contracts one
to apply In case of victory over
Dempsey nnd the other In the event
be Is beaten. •
Mullins' Condition.
5iE\V YORK— Shortly after Tex
Richard announced today that he
had sluied Luis Angel Firpo t<
fight imrry Wills, negro heavy
weight. In Argentina, next April.
Paddy (Mullins./Wills mnnngcr. de
clared that he 'wouldn’t even think’
of signing tip with the South Amer
Iran unless the latter took the 11
tie from Dempsey on September
14 at the Polo Grounds.
Athens Visitors
1 tart calcium nrsenato
U t>a r t hydrated lime.
• It Is Important to mix thoroughly
nnd then dust on plants in the same
wav that pure calcium arsenate is
dusted rn cotton, but care should ♦*«•
taken not to get the dust too heavy
oil any plant.
Calcium arsenate alone, tliat ■ Is
without being mlxt with sulphur and
Urn*- <>r lime alone, will bum the ten
der foliage- of Wan*.. Arsenate of bind
dnsl > wftl ,al*o' bunf the follngt when
applied pure. Paris .green Is more so.
vote on bean foliage than ell her of
the other poisons (petitioned.
The Mexican Bean lieotk* Is
Insect la tills section, it has d<
i L
Delicious and Refreshing
Among those visiting In Aihenf
Wednesday were Mrs. Charlet
Stokely. Montgomery, Ala.; Mrs
James Wilcox and son, Birming
ham: Mrs. F. S. Cnoledgc, Mont
gomery, Ala.; H. M. MotJck, Mi
ami, Fla.
Charb-s Harper. Greenw’omV. H
J. J. ITrgh, Jacksonville, Fla.;
Mrs. L. Barker, Atlanta: I»r. J.
W. Bradley, Macon, On.: Mrs
Carrje M. Padgett, Miss Lenr
Chauncey, Gnippsvllle # Cla.
I*. D. Hunt, B.'dtlmore, Mr.; W.
Harris, H. C Voss, Ituguluna,
Mr 'and Airs C. A. Stephens
Columbus, Oa: E. W. Bailey, Char
leston, B C.; Mr. and Mrs. K. C
Taylor, Franklin. La.
Mrs. W W Yates. Spartanburg
c.: R. A. Coles. Atlanta: B. J
H I)eLoach, Chicago; W. E. Fq»v
Atlanta; H. F. Adams, Bos
A. A. Dwight. Cincinnati; W
H. Jewell. J. W. Ijyrd, Atlanta.
W. A. McKey, Port’smouth < Va ;
B. A. Lovena. Atlanta; D. H* Can
trell, Rome, Ga; E. IL Walton. At
lanta: C. B Reed, Atlanta: T. L
Stunts. August-. Gn.; Frank Cos
grove, Atlanta.
M. C Gardner. Atlanta: J. Clyde
Yeargan, Chicago; C. W. Miller
Atlanta; Miss Frances Flcklen,
Washington. Ga.
CHITA, Russia—Something new
In the strike line has been* demon
strated litre..
Cafe WorlfA-s Went on strike and
then proceeded to monopolize tar
bles In the cafes where they had
been employed, spending five nod
six hours at a table over on glass
of tea. This method shortly
brought the cafe managers to
A Worth-while Reputation
The head of one of this country’s great manufacturing insti
tutions ^ays:
‘The man who builds and the man who buys arc both
beneficiaries of reputation. To the one it is a continuous
spur and incentive—to the other, the strongest of all
guarantees that what he buys is worthy.”
' fj -
Patronize the manufacturer or merchant who has a reputation
for honesty and fair dealing. Such motives must actuate the
.consistent advertiser. The man who invests real money in build
ing a reputation for himself and his merchandise cannot afford
to risk any of it by taking unfair advantgae of his customers.
He must retain the good-will of the buying public. Without this,
his business cannot succeed.
- ■ • ij
Every time he advertises he puts his reputation in your hands.
His products or the wares he has for sale must make good. His
service must be as advertised:
jh That 1s why it pays to read advertisements, to deal with ad
vertise^ and to buy advertised goods.
Yes, It Is Worth Your While to
Read the Advertisements
■ A- . . . ■ > . L . .