Newspaper Page Text
“Rustle of Silk” !
A Stirring Romance*
Palace “
Se4n visiting Mr». C. M. gn4lllnfc
?he la upending: sometime with he
nother, Mrs W. J. Morton and hsi
rlends will be delighted to learn
he Is Improving, from her recent
illness. 1
little will be.glad to know lie It
doing nicely after nn operation foi
appendicitis at the-General hospi
ute. Just long enough to thorough
ly scald the tomatoes but pot long
enough to cook them “to pieces."
Lift the tomatoes from the ketth
with.a slbtted spoon, putting them
into sterilized Jars. FIJI to over
flowing with Juice from the ket
tle and seal Immediately, strain
the remaining Juiee in the preserv
ing kettle. Reheat and.pour, Jntr
Sterilized jars aTTfl This U
excellent for soup and is a great
convenience when wanted. If cel
ery and onions art- at hand ado
these cut in small pieces before
straining. Let cook several min
utes to extract the flavor. This
makes a well seasoned soup read?
and Mrs. David Shanks, Col, an-
Mrs. William Kendricks. Mr. an*
Mrs. Gordon Carson and childrer
of Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. Henr
Hull and little ’Henry .Tr., of Jack
sonvllle, Fla.. Mr. and Mrs. De
hrney Hull, of Dublin^ Mr. and Mr#
Phillip Weltner. Dr. and MrH. Ma
rion Hull and Miss Mnrion Hull o
Atlanta, Prof, and Mrs. J. C. Har
rls of Cave Springs ahd daughter
Mrs. Margaret Baird and Miss Ak
nes Harris, Major General an
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nickerson
Misses Nina and gusan Scu«
have returned from a week
visit at Lookout "Mountain.
Mr. and Mra. Ben Link and
Jr •• left Wednesday for A tin
City and New York for a vlsi
about two weeks.
Mrs. A. W. Power* of Atlanta I;
he guest of Mrs. A. O. Dudley, o«
Milledge avenue, v
Office 1201
Mra T W Palmer la spending
while at Turnervllle
Residence 832
Read Banor-Hcrakl
Want Ads.
The frlenda of Mra, Joe Warnei
ind Mlsa Tesale Warner will re-
:ret to learn they are leaving Mon-
lay for' Carleaton, S. to mak<
their home.
j Household Helps
ton. D. C., Mrs. Annie Harria Jane
of Ortortown, Senator and Mar
W. J Harris, Washington, D C., an<
daughter. Mlsa Julia Wheeler Har
rls. Dr. and Mrs. Seale Harria nn
Miss Josephine Harris of Blrmlng
ham, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Garret
of Bartlesville, Mr. and Mra. Georg
T. Harris, of Atlanta. Mrs Wllllan
rope and Miss Collie.Hull of Wash
ington, “ “ ‘
You Can Depend on
Mr. and Mra. Herbert Heater o*
Monroe visited here Tuesday.
Mra. Almond. Miaa Ruth Almond
ind Mra. Sidney Gainea w*re visit-
ora here Tuesday from Elberton.
The woman who would serve her
tomatoes economically during thr
late summer and early fall will
buy them by the basket rather
than by the pound. Uae wlmt if
needed for .-the table and can th< j
rest. All foods are cheaper bought
in large quantities and tomatoer
are so easily taken rnrp of that it
pays to purchase them in pecKi
und half bushels. *
canned tomatoes can be served
in so many different ways that th<
averago family seldom tires oi
them. And In the winter- when
fresh vegetables are so scarce and
so h|gh prioed -tomatoes obca a
day or three or four times a weel
help to keep the food bills dowi
and the family In good health.
Dieticians consider tomatoes
quite as high 1 In valuable vltamMet
as oranges. They give tomato
Juice to babies In place of orange
Juice these days.
Tomatoes are canned by tho op
en kettle method or cold pack. If
wanted for salad the cold pack
method Is more satisfactory as the
fruit stays whole. If canning two I
or three cans at a time it ia per
haps quicker and easier to use
the open kettle method.
Mrs. E. R. Alexander
Died Here YVcdensday
- Mra. Eleanor II. Alexander, ago,
78, formerly of Dawson, Ga.. diet
at the home of her daughters. Mrs
C. B. Daniels and . Mrs. Maggie
Stockton, 1(10 Barber street her
Tuesday nl^ht at 10:30 o’clock, fo]
lowing n short illness.
A prayer service was conduntei
nt the residence Wednesday morn-
Ing- by Rev. J. W. Lynch and the
body was shipped Jo Tin who n vP
tthe Control railroad Wednesday
afternoon where funernl and in
torment will he conducted. Dorsey
funeral parlors In charge.
Mrs. Alexander was the widow o
the late Captain J. M. Alexandei
of Dawson and had recently ma<h
her home here with her daughters
She was n member of the Presby
terian church. Besides her twr
daughters here, Mrs. Alexander !•
survived by two In Dawson. Mrr
Sallle Crouch nnd Mrs. M. J
Williams nnd three sons, Georg*
R. Alexander, of Jacksonville; w
L. Alexander of Dawson and J M
Alexander of Albany.
Mrs. Alexander had visited Ath
ens several times and will b-
mourned by a Inrge number n
friends and acquaintances.
Hill .street.
Miss Hull will he given in mar
riage by b**r brother, Mr. Detoney
Hull of Dublin. <'It* pl.t in L. T»
.Miller of Fbrt McPherson will of-
»th- j ficiate at JJie beautiful ceremony.
>n j Mrs. Gordon Carson of Savan-
__ i nab, sister of tho bride will be
| matron ot honor and/Silas Cullic
f j Hull ot Washington, D. C., will he
! Major Harris will hr nttrrulrd
J | :>y. Ills ht'other Senator William J
! Harris of Washington, D. C. a/
The marriage ot Mitts Leila May
-Hull and Major Hunter Harris vvil
he a lovely social event of this
evening of state wide Inter*.-
the home, of the tride-elect’s r
er. Mrs. rtdsa Deloney Hull
for good merchandise and good prices
The friends of
Strange Jr., of Winder will be glad
to learn that she Is doing nlcelj
allowing an operation at the Gen
eral hospital.
Mrs. -Barrett phinixy and little
laughter. Laura Anne nre expect
?d home the latater part of th
week from Chattanooga.
D. C. and others.
A very happy and lovely event o
Sunday was the beautiful surpris*
dinner party honoring Mrs. T. W
Powell at which n4r daughters
Mrs. C. N. Hodgson, Mrs. Grad:
Thrasher, Mrs. Ling of Sanders
vllle and Miss Annie Florence Pow
ij«-ll entertained in celebration of
their mother's birthday at th*
Pines, Th«* Able was exquisite!:
Tho ribbon bearerp will he little
Misses Rosa affd Carolyn Carson o
Savannah, Frances Nortlicutt and
Noll Johnson. The ceremony wJP
l*c followed by a 0 lovely reception
after which Major and Mrs. Har
ris will have for a trip to New
York to spend two weeks.
Many distinguished guests hnv*
arrived for the interesting neca-
.hicli promises to ho one o
Mrs. C. E. String*** of Atlanta I
/(siting her sister, Mrs. Sam Pin
25t and, 75$. Packages Everywhere j s p
New Cream Gently
Thb B. Y. P tT picnic will be i
very enjoyable event Satut'day eve
nlng at the old waterworks and th«
party will leave (TTh l*riqce avenu*
Baptist church at 0:30 All mem*
hers nre cordially Invited am
asked to bring a lunch. *
Mr. W.-P. Glover formerly of thl:
city hut recently of Blrminghnn
hnfc again taKeti up his rcsidenc-
here nt 290 Mlllidge Circle, and
has his niece Mrs. Rnrpsey Thomp
son nnd her husband of Hawkins*
ville living with him.
Wipe tomatoes clean. Put In a
large pan nnd flour boiling watei
over them. fTet stand till skin
wrinkles. Remove from water
and slip skins. Cut large tomatoes
in quarters nnd small ones ir
halves. Put In preserving^, kettle
allowing'1 teaspoon of sitlt for
close at 2 o’clock.
Why Let Wrinkles Add Age to
Your Face When They Con Now
lie Easily and Quickly Banished?
Want Ads.
N O longer need women dread the
tragic lines that foretell the
end of youth! For scientists have
perfected n marvelous new cream
whirl! actually lifts away every'line
nnd wrinkle.
Even after the first few days’ use,
the face np|H>ars years younger lonk-
ing. And it's so easy nnd simple to
use. Just press n small quantity of
this wonderful new cream into the
wrinkle folds, let it remain for a
short while, then remove it. No
matter how many different treat
ments yojtjhave tried without re
sults, jodjjwHl fOm-eely,hdM-e‘your
ryes wlrtt y«t see liownfhli'Wy Hi?
wrinkles‘jlis.’ttfH'ar. Not only you,
hut yvurqfriends, will ho amu/.ed /it
the wondstful improvement in your
Thursday 8 to 1 O’clock-MICHAEL’S
nnteeil to Lptitsh ench and every
wiistlef |i*»* matter how deep-seatisl
it r:n*j he. «»r your money will he
instantly refunded. A special bank
iLipoidt-of flti.notr protects this guttr-
auteo, so you don’t rislr u penny.
Get It Today
Surely'nothing will more quickly
rt»h a woman of her natural attrac
tiveness than' tired Jinos nnd wrin-
kh s. Rut n*>W there is no excuse for
ilium. Dmniuo Wrinkle Crentn proves
it. In spite of its wonderful qual-
► iilPVfflnd 'ipmdly'Ingredients Doiuind -
Wrinkle.Dreams cost only a small
amount -for a tube lasting many
it .. - ’
Comer of Comer will he Interested
to learn she leaves with her daugh
ter. Miss Allle Comer for Hunter
vllle. N. C., to make her home
where Miss Comer wll Reach In th*
Miss Margaret Com
Guaranteed to Remove Every
This new discovery in called-
Domino Wrinkle Cwun. The rental
it bring*4nrfemnrkab!e results is1ir h
enusrrrvu* right f«» the
cause of wrinkles, removes it iq r a
jhnnr fan imanSHW
and airHf ’ does so rMi lino is
smoothsd away, as- if rny a magic
High school.
•»r will teach at Mt. Holly, N. C.
Mrs. A. D. Smith of Birmingham
was expected today to visit Mr
T. 8. Melt for the Hull-Harrlr
wedding this evening.
Cnpt'.B. IX' Miller of the TT 8
army-. Chaplain 22nd Infantry, sta
tihrthd at Fort McPherson Is th»
guest of Major nnd Mrs. A. L. Me
Coy for the Hull-Hnrrls wedddln.-
ihis evening ^nd will officiate a'
beautiful ceremony. ,
Domino Wrinkle Crenni is gunr-
You’ve Never Known a Dollar to Buy So Much
Full Fashioned Silk Hosc.$l Pair Chamoisctte Glove/
Jus thi^ik of itl Thursday, 8 to 1 finds |2.00 silk hose at $1.00 the Regular $1.2 P >. Thursday, 8
pair. Colors, black, white, brown, beige, red, green and grey. You’d 1, pair (or $1.00. Fine qua
better come early. wrist length in black and wt
Ladies Hand Bags'Were $2 to $3, Now $1.00 rhiMiWs Dr-wi r-
rbumlny, 8 to J. your choice «t »1.00 ench of fine leather and
fancy hamlbaga worth to $3.00 each. Blacka, browns, and tana , r?,. iSB
in new shades. ifcfc*
Household and Table Glass Sets $1.00
Fine sets worth $2.00 each, Thursday, 8 to 1, for $1.00 Tlumlday' S^to^ ^1 OO^^n
Household sets, 7 pieces, $1. Table sets, 13 pieces, $1, Bcrfry W-Wntton length and
3 mixing bowls, soap and but- Bowl and 6 saucers. Covered' oisette quality. Color*;, si
ter dishes, measuring cup, lem- butter dish, sugar and cream, grey *nu white,
on squeexer. ** pickle nnd bonbon dish.
„ , . Kiddies Spo rt Sox
Keep Moths Away Fine Real Hair Nets »ursday, 8 t, j, $i.oo fo
Thursday, 8 to 1, 1 Torino Bag Thursday, 8 tof, ten neta for P“ lr *- ?’ hrcc len|rt ^
nnd 100 carda for $1.00, Value Begulor Hie each. Fashion- ! r ,,l * c,< > t> row " “ nd Ponn* (
$1.25, and reaHy moth-proof. n ettc, Venida and Southe T siotte, fancy tops. .
vftp and fringe, nil colors. 1 J Jj i /ill
Voile or Dimity Blouses Ladies’ Lisle Hose
Regular $2.50 values. Thursday Ladies’ Separate Pants Regular J»)K Thur.- lay
B to 1, $1.00. Truly lea* than Regular 08c pnlr. Thursday. 8 }• P- 00 it-iT ,
cost of material alone. to 1, two pairs for $1.00. Fine quality In block, wMto i
quality, knitted. Style-open scat brown,
with wide knee.
Dr. nnd Mrs. A. O. G Rlchardsor
and Mr Robert Richardson lekvr
Friday for Indiana, Ohio nnd Ken
tucky to spend several weeks.
On Sale at H. R. Palmer & Sens, Citizens Pharmacy,
Royal Pharmacy
Mrs. T. P. Stanley ha* returner
■«m Mountain City where she ha-
Alarm Clocks
Worth $1.75 each. Thursday
to 1 buy them for a dollar. T
run and ring on time. .
Mrs. R. O. McCarty nnd Mlsr
Martha Rose J^cCarty ot Birming
ham nre the guests of ,Mrs. J. Y
Cn rlthers. *
Fitrite Lisle Vests
Thursday, 8 to 1, five for $1.00.
These are summer weight knit
vesta of good quality. Usually
30c each.
Mr. nnd lira. Fletcher Baxter am*
Mlea Lily Baxter of Atlanta nr-
-Ive Thursday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. E. c. Jackson.
Mlsa Mary Owyn of Atlanta l»
the giieet of Miss Annie Florence
Huck Towels
Usually 12c each. Thursday. 8
to 1, 1 dozen for $1.00. All
medium aite with red cord bor
Mr .aqd Mrs. Vernon Hall o'
New York who are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Webb went to Atlantd
XVedneaday for a vlait.
The friends of Mr. Oscar Davi
son will regret to learn of his III
nea aat the Oeneral hoepllal.
Mr. J. c. Hutchins, Jr„ has Join'
1. Also 3 1-2 yards pretty Cre
tonne for $1. Regular 35a yard.
Freahen up the home cheaply.
Fine Kimona Crepe
Thursday, 8. to 1. 4 yards for
$100. Regular 32c yard. Pretty
colors and designs. A rare good
Colord Suiting
Thursday, 8 to 1, 6 yaida $1.
Regular 29c yard. 30-inchca
wide In all new shades.
Fleisher Wool Yarn
Regular 25c bBl!, Thursday, 8
to 1, five balls Shetland floss
for $1.00. Every color wanted is
Fine Brassieres
Thursday, 8 to 1, for i
Long brasaieres for low
corsets and girdles with 1
elastic inserts
Stamped Pillow Cases
Thursday, 8 to 1, pair for $1.
Finn quality and beautiful de
signs for, embroidery. H. S.
points or scallopi
YVhite Linen Scarfs
Thursday,"!!1, for $1.00.
Beautiful pure linen runners
with laceacdges.
Stamped Napkins
Regular 25c each, Thursday, 8
to 1, six for $1.00. Hade of lin
en finish Indian Head, all neat,
simple dcsigne.
Infants’ Blankets
Regular 75c pair, Thursday, 8
to 1, two pair* for $1. Finks
and Blues. Fine tor bed, car
riage and bath lilanketa.
Judge and Mrs. E. K. Lumpkin
Mr*. Steven ITpaon and Mr. Bry
an Lumpkin leave Thursday after-'
noon for Atlantic City, Saratoga
Drastic Reduction White Shoes
The entire stock is to be sold at prices that are in most instances
Less Than Half.
Your Choice $2.95 and $4,95
\ Values to $12.50
And you find values such as you’ve never seen before.
Mrs. J. R. Cook and young sor
Lamar of Cleveland. Ohio, Mr*. L
L. Mlddlebrooka and Mra Fltx-
hugh Heard of Covington werr
guests of Mr and Mrs. Wolvet
Smith and other relatives thl
Betty Compson
Conway Terle
25 lbs Sugar
Cloth Sacks... ... . .t
10 lbs Sugar
Cloth Sacks
Armours Box Bacon,
1 lb. sliced . \
Qt. Jars
Peanut Butter
o i
, Brookfield Fresh Guaranteed Eggs, g?#*
3 lbs. NOO-NAME <M ftE
Coffee ... ... .. f * oU3
^ (Real ffesh roasted, hiph jrrude)
1 lb- NOO-NAME tea,
Fancy Orange Pekoe .
(Why pay more, this is or
ie of the best) . :