Newspaper Page Text
in Japan!
of coal next Winter?
If so, our advice to buy'
necessary. If not—ju3t thi
h/»y, Jr., whose father Is credited
with Introducing telegraphy int<
Japan ,1a reported dead ip Yokoha
ma where h eowned an /importin;
fcouse, according to a cablegram
received by a relative here. Thr*
Abbey children, ichnrd, Barbara
Kathleen are also reported Jq have
. The marital bonds that wer<
shattered in North Carolina Iasi
year alrmJkt doubled the number
In 1916, although less * thnn r
thousand moA marriages were per
The available figures tabulated
•by the Census Bureau ar« subpec*
to correction. They show: *’
North Carolina 22,191 marriage*
k florence^Coal Company'#
given a life
th8 hom^ In
his daeth this
n»l daughters.
Fall Season Week At Palace and
j gram Little Nell Gallaway, } the
I "Queen of Jaiz” will offer a 'pro*
l rn 1 ■ rp f • * llf 1 'gram new and full of real Jazz
Strand theatres this Week jm|.
vaudeville will be extraordinary
a eenle from a brass bottle ! oft* is prmenied at the roaular ad-
All :\ew season S reature ( ln be j,™ been confined for ) mission prices for Wednesday night
^r'to • Be Shown This
which he has been confined for (
{man/thousand years. The genie \
; in gratitude for his release show- * “
j era the architect with favors which. , FALL SEASON WEEK
■ owing to the circumstances and! AT THE
the change of customs during the j • -*- PALAACE
period of the genie's imprisonment,
prove embarrassing.
The story is an extraordinary
intermingling of modern London
and King Solomon's court of six
thousand years ago; the genie.
BarbaKy-ta Marr Palace Monday.
', vpalace Monday speciail
•"Me Kraus Bottle,'' .Maurice Tor-
Bffin^{(l»ntas(lo comedy ■ drama
from the, noel of the same name
by .15*Amloy, English author, will
be-the‘screen novelty featured at*
the’Palace Theatre Monday.
it InwnJWted by an all-star cast,
S lijvtUtlWg Harry Myers, Erpest
mBEorrenw, charlotte Merriam and
I Bdn&viDLa Marr. tin* story re-.
volven. nrourj the adventures of a night nt n great expanse
st ruggling young architect who re- management. On ths er
MONDAY: Harry Myers and
Barbara La Marr, “The Br;as Bot-
tle.” Comedy: Charlie M'iJ:ray, in
“Th<> Fiddlin’ Foc.Lt*
TUESDAY: Gaston Glass and
Ruth Clifford; “Mothers in Law'.’’
with ail his powers of materializa- j Worlds News Events,
tlon. accomplishes the seeming im- » WEDNESDAY: Mary Carr “The
possible with a wavs of his hand,
but unfortunately is unfamiliar
with the needs of modern times.
The story is one that can best be
told by th e mar vela of pohtography.
It is described as • delightfully
refreshing lale with many a smile
and all of the splendc* of the days-
of old.
“The Brass Bottle” is directed
by Maurice Torneur and presented
by M. C. Levee, ft is hailed as the
screen innovation of the year. In
addition to the players already
mentioned others prominent In the
cast are Tully Marshall, Clarissa
Selwyn. Ford Sterlings Aggie Her
ring and Ed Jobson.
The Palace will present an Wed
nesday nlgrit nt the 9 p. m. per*
formance extra to the big picture
program Suprire Vaudeville which
will consist of the presentation o
H, Rtrirkbimi the world great
•st blind musical wonder; Mr
Strickland is a musical genius arid
has been secured (or one-.-perform *
Southern Divorces an ‘ , 15,7 IS: ' 2 com
Increasing Faster
Than Weddings
■•nl run.” Latest News Views.
Murray New Sensation. “The
French Doll." Comedy, Al St. John
“Young and Dumb.”
SATURDAY: Dorothy Dalton in
“The Law of the Lawless.” Hall-
ror.m Boys Comedy.
ry carey, newest western sensa
tion. “The Miracle Baby.” Monday
Comedy. “Tut-Tut.” Tuesday Se
rial. “Daniel Boone.”
j (Western) “The Girl From Rocky
‘ prii^t.” Comedy. “West is West”
FRIDAY: Big double show:
Special retur nengngement. “Trail
ing Wild African Animals.” Leath
er Pushers.’ Extra.
SATURDAY: Wm. Fairbanks,
(Western). “Sumlog Trail,” Wm.
Duncan, “Steele Trail.”
Palace Special T hurtday and Friday
My Secrets v
Of beauty are yours now, if you wish
By Edna Wallace Hopper
made myself a famous beauty
E that beauty brought me glory
avo kept that beau*-y to a grant'
After 40 years In tho lime*
ht, I still look a girl of 19.
fact* are due to helps 1
through yearn of world-wide
^ They arei I bel>ve, thr
v help* In rxistsno. Nc
pow has, in othe* ways, at
t any Uke results.
; have had these helps pro-
I and placed whertf nil-may get
And I hope to see them
to millions tho benefit
beauty helps comprise- 3?
factors. But great , ex<
ive combined them In foui
And all are sold nt
which eve r y girl and
White, Youth Clay. A
d clay, vastly morn ef
ordinary clay*. A
by French expert*
i of sclent ifles'udy
Youth Clay brings a
clear and
Wm and
who once
wil lever go without IL ft
ZO cents and 31.
youthful bloom
Cream lx a cold'cream pro the
dse you
| bo^H ip It- the beat ; akin helps
1 they know.
Apply it after the clay. Al o »:?
it as a night cream, also daytime
us a powdet base. Ke»p it ever o
the skin to feed and whfcc-n. firr.
soften and protect. The pried I
60 cents.
My Facial Youth is a liquid
cleanser, now used by leaning
beauty experts the world ov«i. It
contains no animsl, no vegetable
fat. The skin cannoty absorb it.
So it cleans to the depths, then de-
ports. And the dirt and refus*
nothing else can reach comes with
ft Great beauty experts marge
tl tor IL Mine sells for 75 eents.
My glorious hair Is due !o mj
Hair Youth. It Is heavy .silky, lus-
trous, and grows finer every year
Falling hair, dandruff ii,d ^ra$
h experts have
hairs are unknown to me
My Hair Youth is applied witn an
eye dropper, 'Jrectly to th? scalp
It does not muss the hair. It keep*
the scalp Uke a well-kept garden
where hair roots can flourish,
costs 50 cents and $1 with
All druggists and toilet counter*
supply these preparations, exact!;
as-I use them. My Beauty book
comes with each. They will bring
you rich rewards. If you want
(pore beauty, longer youth, the**
ways sclene-s knows tc
— a - .get them. Edna Wallah Hopper
straw- J Business addrss, Waukesha, Wis —
Coolidge Expected to Fol
low Policy of Late Presi
dent in Remedying. Con
ditions There.
ATLANTA, Oa.—The administra
tion* of the late President Harding
inurked "an era of progress" at
the Federal Penitentiary Atlanta*.
“Waited City"—and under Presi
utnt Coolidge the same policy 1:
expected to bo continued, accovlin:
to Good Words, a riewspaper ’»Ub-
llshed at the institution. t
"The strides made during thi
past two and a half years have beet
epochal, _ftt Past In Atlanta, uni,
deserve particular commendation,’
It Is staled. \
“Strenuous endeavors have beer
marie to remedy many things^ Th*
problem U too great, however, ti
justify weighing one man In tht
balance npd judging by what re
ns to be accomplished. Withyu
a deep sense of Christian charlt:
and good will nothing ut all can /•*
Hero la th^ problem: ~ •*'
“A large number vt, men from al
strdta of society live Jiere ln closi
confinement. * Homo, avo educated
others barely read and ’writs; man;
illiterate. Here a feeble lit
tolled, there art indifferent one:
mnny of average* intelligence; :
large r with nNfaJse philoNo
phy of life; somo burdened b>
tnlnta of heredity: hundreds more
less embittered, and quite n
number with sound conservative
»as who deserve n beter fate.
"Does this picture differ from
one that could bo drawn from ofy
average community? Not at all!
"What J.i the policy tlenmnded by
the puplio in regard to them?
5««j -*i* inunus nn ey«
an *yc; n tooth for nf tooth;
their pound of flesh and the satis-
fntrion of r-ivenge. Tl»o dea^e com
plPted and 'Jusllet-’ satiated, (hey
would st-nY 111(01*.- felldwman. »r
treat >d. o it into the world with thi
admonition to 'make good’ am
attune for sins committed. In oth
:• words, they 'thtow tho atone.'
"There Is nlao, happily, a sane:
.sediment. Without it, clvilizatioj
»nd christlanily would not have
EurvlVed the^ prestnt day. It says
*\\ ardt-n, you are. jn charge o
th-se men. Do what you cat? t*
mould our of thtim citizens o
charboter, of aspira ion, of wortl
hii.. anibitlo.;. Teach them th-
»!ue of- loyalty and of high Ideals. 1
"Governme* ,s in the’ past hay.
been r.'ore o less committed to th
Policy'’J fcUiyjoclr. b Ut they have
from time to (imc. appointed mer
committed tb tho ideals of tht
Subscription to
Red Cross Relief
Fund is $2,000,000
WASHINGTON—Karl y report:
from Red Cross headquarters Fri
day tndlcato that subscription, t.
the 15,000,000. Japanese relief fun«*
were nearing the $2,000,000 mark.
File Suit Against
The Collyers Eye
Charges in Paper
Wife of Former President
Gets Estate of $100,000;
Father Receives $50,000
and Home.
MARION, Ohio.—Thn will of the
late President Harding filed (or
probate Friday. le*iv«?s Mrs. Hard
ing a life estate of 3100,000, the
Harding l\ome on Mount Vernon
avenue here and a half interest
in the building owned by tho
Marion Star. The total of the
president’s estate cannot bd de
termined until appraisers report.
I)r. (}. T. Harding, father of the
late president, was
estate of $50,000 and m
which ho lives. Upon his
reverts to his sons and
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, D.' C.—Djvorcei
are increasing more A*pldiy”in th*
southern states than are unarriage:
acebrdfng" to statistics fmkde pub'
He by the Department of Com-
m«*ret». based on information gath*
er« d by the Census Bureau. Sev
eral of the far western states, or
the other hand, *now decreases
Nevada being an exception. In that
state more divorces were granted
Inst-year than the number of mar
riages. The middle western state'
ab-o showed Increases in 1922.
pared with - 21,337 marriages and
663 divorces ln 1916.
Louisiana 21,665 marriages and
1,731 divorces in 1922; and 18.04C
marriages and 1,343 * divorces in
Alateuna 1922—25,295 marriuges,
2,637 divorces; 1916—25,453 luar*
rlages, -2,26$ (livorec#.
Arkansas 1922—20.740 marriage*
4,033 divorces; 1916—24, 634 . ma;*-
riagoi, 3,747 divorces.
Kentucky 1922—26.922 marriages,
4,042 divorees; 1916—23,1889 mar
riages, 2,981 divorces.
Utah, 1922—5,233 marriages, 604
divorces; 1916—5,096 marriages;
661 divorces.
’Frisco Importer
strange fish measuring 4 1-2 feet
around the head and 12 feet long
has been caught by a trawler off
the northwest coast of Ireland. Thai
mouth is bottle-shaped and tooth
less, but tho body resembles a
I?4 49 YEARS
'LONDON.—In all tfc^
as relieving - officer
field. Norfolk, Board oi'Gu
H. T. Capon didn’t have u
tloo, he said. Recently he j.
his first chance to get a*ay from
Have You Noticed
the recent articles In the papers
as to the probable
NEW YORK—Player. Snmm,
Benne and Pat Duncan of the Cin
cinnati Reds filed suit for 350.00C
damages each (Wfffnat the Collyer*
Ej-e. '-Chleacn /ports puhlicatinn
which recently charged that they
had been ai/prorched by gambler*
seeking to hive them throw a
iwith the New York Giants.
-V- - 7 ;\ =
. Monday Starts Our
Annual Sale of
FURS and
Prices are decidedly lower for this sale than you could
buy at any other time.
The assortments are large and complete, with a range
of prices to suit any pocket-book.
Furs are shown in large and small pieces in all the de
sirable kinds and colors. a .
• x The most unusual assortment of fine fur coats ever
displayed in Athens, made of the finest furs in all lengths,
and detachable skirt giving a short and long coat in one.
These coats are lined with beautiful silks, some hand
somely embroidered. Made of genuine Hudson Seal, Gray
Squirrel, Sealine, Coney and combinations.
To give you an idea of the saving offered in this sale
we mention a few of the coats. A real Gray Squirrel Coat-
for $595.00, the regular price $850.00. Hudson Seal with
detachable skirt for $325.00, regular price $450.00. $85.00
regular price for $55.p0.
Lynx, Fox, Stone Martin, Baum Martin, Silver Fox,
Canadian Kit Fox, Squirrel, Mink, O’possum, Skunk,
seal, Sealine. Every desirable fur is shown. ..
a Purchase in this sale will prove
This Sale Will Continue For
1 ___ . ~ *
. - ... ■