Newspaper Page Text
FA6E TMWtt ■ “ ■»
Offlca tlM. — By MBS. ALICE ADAMS
Parham-Woodall Wedding Will Be
Brilliant Event of September 20th
and Mra. .William Clyde Woodall NOTES FOR
| or Columbus. Ho 'ittcnded- the I BIBLE STUDY CLASS
j University and is a nebmer of tbo 1 V\’e are accustomed to reading
SlRtna Nufratornlty a n d haa many| t he r „„ lm(1 , n order to find In
close friends hero. Mr. Wtwdall la | ^ „ omo „ prc „, Ion ot our 0 wr
aaaodated with hla father mu*!*,. .arrow, or devotion; and nwn>
vnclo, Mr. Walter J. Woodall Ini ol , hem arc the expression of per-
tho Industrial Index in Columbus I ^al experience. But many other,
I nml a member ot one of the most HfB nallonal (n character and
rrondaenl families. I should bo atudled from that vlow
—0B— j point. Take for example, th*
WILSON-YORK WEDDING | Thirty-Third Psalm. This Is a
ABBEVILLE. S. C.-Thursday
rvcnlng, Sept. 6th at nine - o'clock
Mias Annie Bannon left Satur
day for her home in Washington
D. C„ after a visit to Mrs. Walter.
Jones. s
Dr. and Mrt. 8. V. Khnford.
Messrs, Hhelton, Homer Reynold*
and Charlea Sanford are spending
few days In Franklin, N. C.
Mr. Frank Pahnlslno, Mr. An
thony Comarato of Cincinnati, Mr
Thaddoun Blnokstock of Atlanta,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Carrntt of Car-
trrsville. Mrs. James Clnclola nnd
Mrs. Chas. Cinclolo of Gaines
ville have returned to their homo,
after attending the funeral of Mra
l M.^ F, Costa on Thursday.
Thi marriage of ‘Miss- Doris cola, Fla., Howard Newbourne of
(Icrtriido .Parham to Mr. Allen Me- . Klberton, Madison Nfnhnfeen and
GctsCfc Woodall of Columbus will j Alfred 1'arliiin of this city .
bo a,lovely social event of Thurs- The ushers will bo Mcssr. Hercy
t half after eleven o’clock at the ' £ .1" "L b d Dob Hay
Cental Presbyterian church. | tmi 0 Ethel Ciydo Woodall will
Reverend Mr. S. J. Cart-1 lie- tho dainty flower girl and
3 wi * 1 The charming Master Billie Woodah ring bearer.
^ bride will be given In mar-! mi inu»n ...m
young bride will bo given In mar-! out 0 f town visitors ....
riagq? by her father, Mr. Henry j be here for the. interesting nuptials
i Parham, anu attended by a which will center state wido inter-
srouplpf attractive girls who were Q*t. The lovely young bride-elect
tea at Brenau College, :§ qnc of Athens* most charming
MlwrSn^t Gecner of Buford will a nd' popular girls, tho only daugh-
be u«fd of noncr and tbo brides ter of Mr. If. J. Parham and tho
maid# willi be Miss Nannie Lee_j a t 0 Mrs. Parham. Every cduca-
i'autUcn of .this city, Mias Nan tional advantage has added to *ier
Linthicum of Atlanta, Miss Genie many personal graces, she grad-
Clalr Norris and Miss Elizabeth uatod f ro m the High school, later
l’ekor of Columbus. j attending Brenau College where
The groom will be attended by I she was a member r.t the Alpha
Mr. Leo Frfeeman of Decatur as Gamma Delta Sorority and grad-
best man and'the 'grooma'*nen wilj, uated In c«ratory.
be Messrs. William Gunn of Pensa- Mr. Woodall is the sdn of Mr.
?n historic Warrenton church Miss
Gladys Wilson of Abbeville wuf
wedded to Mr. William York of :
High Point, N. C.
■ IE5I
Every Day a New
Seson’s Special
Harry Myers
“The Brass Bottle"
Magic, Mirh, Mystery, Magnificence!
‘The French Doll”—Thursday
The church was softly lighted fi, cg | ng> ringing
with candles arranged in cluster*
on trill pedestals and beautifully
decorated with old English Ivy ani
Carolina Mors d-iped against i
background of white. From th«
corners of tho church, garlands o'
moss were brought together oyer
the 'rostrum on which tho bridal
party stood, nnd whero those gar
lands mot a white basket of ^osc
petals was suspended.
Promptly at nine o’clock Mlsr
Vic Howie, accompanied by Mis;
lt#th Howie on the piano, sang “A,
Voice That Breathed o'or # Eden.'’
Then followed Schubert's "Sere
nade” by the pianist, after whlcl
Miss Vic Howie sang ‘‘When God
Mnde You."
To the stfnir.s of Lohengrin’*
"Bridal Chorus’ 'the bridal party
entered a#d took their places:
Ushers, John Lomax and LowrP
Wilson of Abbeville. Groomsmen
James Coble of Greenville, S.
and Charles Bcyd of Gastonia. N
C._ Bridesmaid* Misses Mary
York of High Point N. C., and An
nie Wllsorf of Abbeville, grooms
men. Henry Krimts of Greensboro
K. C., and James IV. Wilson ol
Abbeville; bridcrinaids Misses
Mildred Wilso nof Abbovllle and
Lena Stevens of Cary N. C.
The bridesmaids wore *>eautlfu!
gowns of green and Inventor chif
fon crepe and carried baskets *
yellow chrysanthemums tied wit!
Mrs. Julius T. Dudley, the brlde’i
aunt, of Athens, Gd., matron ot
honor entered aiono wearing
lovely gown of blue crepe with
sliver trimmings and carrying nr.
armful qf yellow chrysanthemums
< Monday and Tuesday
Western Thriller
“The Miracle
Trailing African
Wild Animals
Human life was constantly risked in
photographing these ferocious animals.
Jhe groom, accompanied by hir
beat man, Alber( Coates of Chape’
Hill, /N. C., entered and took hie
place at tho altar.
Then came the thald oL honor
Miss Mdry Garce Wilson, sister ol
the bride, wenring a handsom
gown of coral crepe, elaborately
bended nnd carrying white erhys
anthemuAns, followed by little
Mary Grace Cochrane dressed . In
blue mallne, trimmed with silver
Vlbbons, sprinkling rose petals li
\i.xr |raxC.‘. of the tTiiZ.
The bride folowed, leaning On the
arm of her father, mvely In her
exquisite wedding dress of satlr
crepo. From a collar of real Incc
tho train of chiffon and crepe war
draped, shirred, and caught with
clusters of orange blossoms. From
a mandeau of orango blossoms, the
veil was softly arranged and fell
In graceful folds about her youth
fill figure. Her only oranmenl
was a platinum diamond pin, the
gift of tho groom. Sho carried e
riiower bouquet of bride’s roses
and IHlea of the valley.
The impressive ring ceremony
ns performed ■by Rev. H. C. Fen
nel. the Hfc-long pastor of the
hrlilc. and at tho close a gibbon at
tached to the suspended baskol
was pulled by the matron of hon
or and shower of rose petals fell
upon the young couple. During th<
ceremony "Souyfnlr" Was softly
played by Miss Ilowle, and Men-
delstiohn’s •'Recessional*' as the\
party left tho church.
After the ceremony, an Informs
reception was held at the country
'home 6t the bride’s parents. Mr
and Mrs. Wilson were assisted In
graciously receiving their gufests
by Mr. nnd Mrs. 15. E, Green o<
Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Mtrker.of Troy, S. C.v Mfc and
Mrs. Julius T. Dudley of Athens
Ga.! Mr. and Mrs. W D Wilson and
Miss Beside Lee Cheatham of Ab
beville Mr. W. C. York of High
Point. N. C., the father of the
groom was nn honored guest, at ths
wedding and reception.#
Miss Eilna Rherrer and Mr. J. V
Lomax of Abbeville presided ovei
the Bride’s Book which was hef
Grandmother’s memory book dated
Refreshments were qerved by
Mrs. Margaret, Cox, Annie Mabry
Malvina 1’arker, Margaret 8 we ten'
bert, Wooarow Va., and Elisabeth
After the.jreceptfon^ the bride and
groom left immediately by autorao
for a wedding" trip via Chapel
Hill N. C., Washington, D. C„;
New York and Boston, ending at
Cambridge, Mass., where they will
b«s, at home after September 20th
t|on of worshipers take part elthei
in vocal or silent praise.
Dr. Moulton gives as a title the
first lino of vorse 12; "Blessed are
the people whose Ood Is the Lora.*
The chorus sings the first four
verses. Tha the first semi-efterur
through verse
eleven. . Next the scond semt
chorus takes up the strain and
continues through the words, Tt
keep-them alive in famine. Final
ly. the chorus begins with “Our
soul hath waited for the Lord,*
and concludes with the last linn
“According as we have hoped In
Try writing the Psalm with the*'
divisions and note the gain in ef«
Psaldm twenty/ and twenty-one
constitute a war-anthem, the form
er before the battle, the seconds f-
ter the victory. First comes 'V
invocation of the rtople, "The Lnr<
answer thae ip the day of triable’
through vdrso five. The. King re
sponds In Sho words of verse 6, and
the People ngaltr sing, ending with
nn invocation.
After the victory the King *x>
presses his gratitude and oor.fl- _
dence in God, through the first [ mal School
seven verses; .and the people re
spond "Thy hand will find out o|!
Mias Annie Love Thorntqi
spending the week end in w)
Miss Maurine Neal Is sp.ndLng
the Woek end In Comm^cc.
Miss Martha Earnest- return***
from Savannah Saturday where
rbe has been visiting her jmnt*
Mrs. W. T. Knight. .
Fall Week” Opens
inJ! I Winter Programs
Gn Screen Here
Miss Bess M. Baird qf Pori-
land, Ind., who studied all summer
at Columbia has returned to iter
duties at the State Normal School
Miss Lena McOinley
of Africa, will be shown again by
special request nt the Strand the
atre. This is a picture that not
only every child will enjoy but a!’
This hr really a won*-rfiH 'Jc-
15c Quart; 50c GaUon
Just M-ccivo'I shipment Wlittc
and Yellow Bermuda Onion Set^.
to plant
ture and the ecbooJs couJil ;o nf ARMAFY
bctt.r than to a4vl»a every Jtu.le.r- Cl 11/vil.lY» I HAK.MLI
Cor. Clayton and Jackson
School Officials’
Meet in Co]umbus
On September 10
COLUMBUS, Ga.—The first’of
feastern regional mcctftice wfcielr
aro to be held by the city and
county school officials in fourteen
different cities and towns in the
state wlil be hold here Monday,
September 10. The meetings ore
to be held to discuss Important
chances that are bcinu planned in
.the work to bo done by tho state
I school supervisors 1 in the future. |
■Tell Week’ ’at the, Palaco tre-
atre opens Monday and a week ol
special pictures Is assured thd pa
trons of this theatre, the program*
to he featured throughout the win
ter by the very latest nnd best
pictures obtainable, regardless of
This week, there le an array ol
highly Intereallng productions on ,
the screen at the Pstaee. Monday | Similar meetings are to he held
York arrived Saturday to make Atli there’s “The Brass Bottle” with this month in Albany, Americus,
ens her home and will he v.lth her I Harry Myers and Barba La Marr, McRae. Macon, Augusta, Stntes-
eistec Mira Agnes McOinley nf the Tuesdny, -Mother|glnw'* With Oas- boro, Waycross, Tiftcd, Atlanta,
General hospital. | ton Olara and Ruth Clifford, Wed. I Athens. Gainesville, Romo and
—88— „ j nesday Ha that wonderful aclrras I Blue Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Morgan of At- M »ry Carr In the “Custard Cup"| "•*
lanta and Mrs. R. W. Gunn „f, and Thursday and Friday, Just look! FIRST WOMAN TO
. to-,. Me. Murray in the “French Do,,.’ ATTORNEY IN
New Fall Modes in Hats arc
arriving daily. Pattern Hats,
$5.00 to $25.00. Velours, Fell*,
Duvciyne and satin Sport juts,"
$2,00 to $10.00.
Miss basic
Crawfordvliie are gu**tg of their
slater, Mrs J. R. Caudle.
Miss Eleanor Adams of 'Eaton-
ton who spent the summer at Co
lumbia college has resumed het
duties as teacher at the Rtate Nor*
last line, “So will we elng aad
praise thy power.
The circle* of the W. M. S. ol
the First Bautlst church will meet
this week os follow*:
No, 1 with Mia* Nettl* Jon#* on
Lexington ^road, Monday ut 4
.No. 2 with Mrs. A. C. Hancock,
Wednesday at 4:80 o'clock.
No. 8 In the church parlor*
Thursday at 4:80 o’clock.
No. 4 with Mr*. W. M. Hartman
Catawba avenue, Thuraday at I
No. 8 with Mrs. Frank Llpscomf
Monday nt 5 o’clock.
No. < with Mrs. H. V. Head
Monday at 4:80 o’clock.
No. 7 with Mrs. Ben Epps on
Epps bridge road ‘Monday at ♦: It
No. 9 with Mrs. C. N. Walk*!
Monday at 6 o’clock.
No. 10 with Mrs. A. M Hobb*
Monday at 4:30 o’clock.
ye. It Mr*. C. a! LsrM
Thursday at 5 o'clock
No. 12 with Mrs. Cobb ftnrli
^Thursday at 5 o'clock.
Queen Holden, of Athens, and Mlsi
McKee, of Johnstown, Pa.,_ the
guests of Miss Carolyn Beckham —
Dr. N. G. Slaughter Is In Cleve
land Ohio, attending tho American
Dental Association.
her latest, best and most expen
Saturday "The Law of th* Law
less” with Dorothy Pnlton closes
the week.
Friday, the 14th, the greatest on
Imal picture ever/ made, that nro-
duccd by Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Luke Hayvis the first woman at
torney cvcrvto argue a case in any
Thomas county court. Sho repre
sented Mro. J. J. Stephens before
the court of ordinary in a rccc it
cm#* lm‘e. She argued vigorously
Johnson of Chicago Jn the Jungles and forcibly and woft.
Without injury or
irritation by the.
daily application of
0-50-DRY 1
Tin's preparation is
a boon io e\h>ry~*
nbman so aff/icicd
Miss Pansy Moore
228 Vi Clayton Street >
Mr. and Mrs. Will Griffeth o:
‘Watkinsvillo were viators here Sat*
Tho friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hor*
ace Ritchie will be pleased to learn
frt the Improvement of their little
daughter Margaret from a recen'
Mrs. Owen Coleman and chtldrer
of Augusta are expected soon to
visit Dr. and Madam Lustrat.
Misses Natalie Bocock and Otey
VJnvcent who have been spending
the summer In Europe were due to
land Saturday on tht> Zealand.
Chapter K of Emmanuel church
will meet with Mrs. John E. Tat-
madge Wednesday morning at elev
en o’clock at hsr horns on Prine*
Misses Margaret and Louis/
Mqrton are Expected to land
New York today or Monday on the
Baltic after a charming tour of
three months through Germany
Switserland,' England, France an#
Italy and Scotland.
Judge and Mrs. Hamiifon Mc
Whorter are visiting relatives In
Washington, Ga.
Mrs.' James White has returned
from'Hendersonville where she has
lieen spending the summer.
Mr. nnd Mra. E. 8. Rylee joined
a camping party Tuesday neat
Carlton for a most enjoyable bar
becue. .
Mrs. E. R. Hodgson, Jr., and Mis;
Marjorie Hodgson have returned
from their summer home near Hen
Miss Wirgl nla p*art«yl er of De
catur who have boon the attractive
house guest of Miss Blanch Callo
way has returned home.
Miss Elisabeth Curry and Rupert
Jr., have returned from a visit to
relatives in Florida.
Mr. and Mra Rufus Turner are
spending the week end in West
minister, S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl WAllace have
returned from a visit to Monro#
and Rutledge. '
Col Arthur* Flatau and Miss I;
Stella Flatau leave this week fot 1
Chicago where Miss Flatau will en- *
ter the university.
at 60 Klrklnnd street.
beautiful display of wdddlng
•rifts evidenced the esteem In
which this popular yoan^ couple ]f
Mrs. York Is the oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Wil
son. and is a graduate of the Wo
man’s College of Due West. 8. C
She has.been a teacher of expres
sion In her native state, and latci
in Greensboro, whero she met‘the
groom, and-w#here ^iier winning
norsonailty has won her stores of
Mr. Tork Is the son of W. C
York of High Point, N. O. He
graduated from the University o1
North Carolina in the cHs of
1916 where he was prominent In
college activities, being president
of the Renter class, head of Stu
dent Government and Inter-Col-
1(>£ la to Debater. After a year at
first lieutenant in the Coast Artil
lery during the World War. and
two years in teaching history and
directing athletics in the High
school of Greensboro, N. C, he en-
Metal doth promises a -great Satin and taffeta are the mater-
vogue for evening wear in Paris ials chosen for young girls' even-
thia coming season, but Is not cx. ing and dancing dresses. They
pccted to be popular at thc' ex-'may be embroidery or ruffle trim-
i — — —* --- - - apense of brocades or embroideries., mcd. Ribbon Is used to decorate
stered the Harvard Law School r The embroideries are becoming them in every rrrtrfhfo fjsMirli 1 \
from which he wilt receive ihe de* Chinese and Indo-Chtnete now— as tounces, rosettes, ruffles and)
Egyptian patterns arc quite for- 1 gashes. . ^ ' - f .
gotten. j Of the gowns sketched, one is
Embroideries may be ot beads, {of silver doth beaded with rhine-;
too, apd it is quite the thing to stones, the next of ruffled satin,
have one's gown beaded in jewel* the third of brocade and *atitij :
like designs. jeombined. :
tree of I* L. B. In Juqe 1924.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lawler have
taken possession of Mr. Chnriir
Joel’s a tractive home Univer
sity Drive.
This week y<)u will have an opportunity to buy Congolcum
Rugs considerably cheaper than the regular price. This salo
will last for one week only. Many pretty patterns to choose from.
Congoleum Art Rugs
9x15 feet $20.00
*9x12 feet $16.90
9x1014 feet rfl $14.75
9x9 feet .. $13.00
7>4x9 feet .... ... .. $10.50
6x9 feet .. $8.25
' 3x6 feet I. .. $2.15
3x4*4 feet $1.75
4*/ 2 x9feet $3.50
18x36 inches . , ., 50c
Without Border
9x15 feet $12.00
'9x12 feet
-IxlOi . loot
feet . . .
,7.*4x9 feet .-
6x9 feet •., .
3x6 feet .. .
3x9 feet.. .
414x9 feet .
. $7.25
. $6.00,
. $1.80
Davison-Nicholson Co.
New Style Slippers
That Are Now in Demand
Just Arrived
Iaw Cabin Suede
Otter Suede
Black Suede
Brown Suede
THEY come with goreing on side; also
with Front Fancy Straps, with kid leath
ers to match.the suede.
Block Heels
T-ow Spanish
Heels *;
And the quality we guarantee is equal to
shoes priced at somewhat higher.
These are some of the
season’s best
styles, and it will be a pleasure to show
them to you.
Hosiery to match all the new shoe shades,
made by Gotham Gold Stripe, a guarantee
of satisfaction.