Newspaper Page Text
rrnVESPAY. OCTOBER & 10211
MACON—Mercer University will
conduct a course in literature this
year under Professor Joseph Rob
inson, nQcbrdinit to ajtnbpjpb^mo^l
here. The program for the course
was outlined as follows: ~Fall term
the modern Stove!; Winter term.
sections haw. fafed*. fine;, com
crops, butf the" drought cut the
crop in other sections.
Sunday afternoon wt drove over
the newly built Jefferson road„
and as far oa completed it is one
of the best driveways in the
county. A fairly good topsoil rosd
has been built from • where the
cement ends to the county line.
Engineer Nicholson says the gov
ernment will not assist in further
work on this road until the grade
crossing on the Gainesville-Mid
land Railway Is abolished, and
work is delayed until some dispo
sition is madp of that < railway.
Mr. Nicholson says they have now
66 convicts and are putting all the
county roads In condition for
Around Athens |
Reduced Rates To Atlanta /.
On Thursday and Friday ot this
week a eery great treat is in store
for our citizens at the Palace.
Tho management has secured the
famous picture, ‘‘The Circus,"
that has had such long in
'the large cities. Jackie Coogan,
I he child prodegy, will appear as
the leading character. This an
nouncement should pack the house
during these days. As an extra
feature another fine picture ' will
he. given,. Our people should show
their appreciation by liberally
patronizing the Palace and Strand.
Some thriTlen are ort this'week
also at the Strand.
modern drama, and the Spring term
game auu flak thinned out.
modern history.
Mr. Goolsby at ArnoldsvIUe. has
gone Into the business of raising
Danish hares and supplies the curb
market with them at $1.26 a pair.
He says they are larger than the
Belgian hares and Increase rapid -
ATLANTA—There were slightly
lee Hthan S.000 students In all jun
ior high schools ,ln Atlanta when the
schools opened for the fall term
It is expected that
Southeastern Fair l
ly. A female given birth to from
two to a dozen every thiity daya.
They are cheaper to raize than
chickens being fed on any kind t)f
waste vegetables.,
•Mr., Vaughn, a leading young
farmer of Banka county near thtf
Hudson river, says they will make
In hie section the full half of an.
average cotton crop, and corn,
peas, etc., are simply grand. ■ B
■ays farmers are getting In fine
Hon. J. D. Price aajr^ the pro
moters for a cotton mill vialted
Dawapn, Oe., to Ipok Into a loca
tion. The town eeiected a site
here thia week. .
late enrollment! and complete fig.
urea will bring the dotal' to' .light
ly more than 5,00<t.' . ■ . v ■, }
Tickets on sale October 5th to 12th. Final
limit, October 15th, 1923. ’ ( 1
One and One Half Fares for the Round Trip
V, J. P. BII.Ul'PS, c. P. A„
Atlanta 1 and West Point ,Railroad Co., . Western Railway
i of Alabama, Georgia Railroad.
Yesterday we had a talk with
one of our largest and best farrri-
(ers, who is a clear-sighted and
conservative man. He sajfe wHile
some farmers, like O'Kelly, Hulihc,
Abney and Howell, will make good
crops of cotton, they are excep-1
tions and not the rule. The crops I
have lost heavily by the weevil
and dry spell and when gathered
will be a disappointment. But it
is now demonstrated that we can
grow cotton under boll weevil con
ditions. Taken as a whole crop3
are a great improvement on last
year, and they were made without
tymmne reddgvh EYE
The Hodgson Oil Company, or'v.T
worth $50,000 and told the parties
they could have it for 110,000. and
If this price did not satisfy them
lead Banner-Herald Wants
tlcmen replied that It was cheap
enough and so Dawson will have
a four million dollar cotton mill.
Why cannot Athens do something
like this?
Prof. Fowler, of Pennsylvania,
who has tho place in our Agri
cultural College filled by Prof.
Payne,_ has rented the handsome
residence end store of .Mr. Flor*
ence, on Prince avenue near the
Normal/ School, and also has
charge,of the branch post office.
Mr. Florence .came to Athens from
Wilkes icounty and has done some
good. woVk improving our city.
Dr. Ileynolds, of Lexington was
I stood upon the shore of the
ocean, and watched it'a hol
lows rot rest,
I compared the glory of man to
♦hn ppalm nf eon ft* at mV fdof
in. tho city Monday. Tho doctor
says he ran eight plows this year
and only planted about fifty acres
r merica r s:Home Shoe Polish
In cotton. In thle he enye he made
a mintake for he hae a flno crop
and had he pul In more cotton
would have mado money on his
farm. Tho doctor ,.y. we can
nuroiy raise cotton under boll wee
vil conditions by proper methods
and effort. Mr. “Dutch" Willieml
of WlntervIlM, eays be waa In n
'dry streak this year that cut off
; his crops, but he thinks he lz
! good for n bale to three acne. He
I hae two fine farms near Wlnter-
I thought of the Oreat Creator, the
Whiter of ocean and land, '
.Who' established, the rivers nad
- fountains, and marked ’the
oestlny of man,
Who wreuzht' with the hand of the
crucible of time,
Took theace fhe gold ee ho found
It. end fashioned an image
■The'smart shine—the ttreiy-day shine for
thrifty'people who know’s the
little things that count big.
The Shinola Home Set is a household ncces.
sity. Makes family choc shining easy, quick, and
economical. Genuine bristle dauber and, .big
lamb’s wool,polisher. • ,, •*} . ij -‘ j
‘•’The Shine for JSBmM ",
Other Uses
Cleans floors.
Clean* pots and puna.
[for £ood soap
' Hjj» proper fat-splitting
strength for good soap.
That man In his struggles may
heed, avoid the curse of his
folly, find a balm for his need.
I saw the gray and tbe giddy hll*
lariously wining an0 dining,
Unmindful the fate awaiting, upon
couches of ease reclining.
Makes lya hominy.
charlio Hodgson says they havo
'completed two miles of a road In
ii'llipi' vi ■
tho Flatwoode an Oglethorpe, lead
ing from the National highway to
ward Phtlmonth, nnd four more
miles will give that ecctlon a flno
road. {The coat of building thle
highway wan $600 a mllo. Mr
A, apeclor la watching tho issue
with features colder than Ice.
As ono who Is sare of hit victim,
», when the Dragon has loaded
the dies. .
With reckless abandon he arouses
. the rolentlees devils of hat,
Juggllec with the dice of chance
Rcmovt. paint.
Removes oil and
Dejlroys By-eggfc
Removes spots
from windows, «*tc.
'Cleans motor car
er'e clay lids been' discovered In
the FMtwood. nnd a sample sent
to Washington for analysis. It Is
a valuable mineral.
box has ahandyiidy—one'tvrrrand the covei
[forauta>ni®lnte taiaicn.
with'the tramp that waits at
thcgaWi’* >•«.< .». mi i. v
. J \
■aw a; lover ot Juatlca ns he
boldly encounters tho strife,
ri.w. In Mrlw with tho tyr
ant, holds honor deorer map
Ilfs. '
travels that lofty highway
ing'engine power.
^dways demand the good'oldreliable
have trod.
He acknowledges no invisible, rule,
save the rule ot Almighty
His deeds are those of a brave
men, hie work n Joyful task.
What he does Is done In the open,
and never behind s mask .
He champions the cause of the
right, ever scorning the wrong,
In helping to shield the weak be
answers the call of the strong.
As I looked out over the ocean, I
knew what his fate would be
When the send- of thl. Ufa had
drifted back Into eternltlb's
That which is gold cannot periahj
rerd= Thursday. Oct. 4 =think
it we see the cotton crop is short and we have loaded our store with Fall Goods, we are
to sell this stock at a great sacrifice, so this is ypur chance to get ready for the Fall
we have a big line of Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wea^MUlinery, etc.
We have some great specials but owing to Hen’s Large Size
tbe space we are unable to itemize them, so Handkerchiefs
come and see for yourself. 1 -
T HE smoke which passes up'the K ifi / ’v' \%
chimney from an under-draft ff - \1
r stove or range carries away with 5 . /fi N\ ■
it 60 per cent of tho heat value of the ft / )[(' i/V> /■/ 1
fuel. It contains fuel gases which arc % (YIJ H V ; . W
practically the same as those which gas % iAi //vi V-T-, r\ #
companies sell at $1.25 to $2.00 per 'J /!/' \ #
thousand cubic feet. ^
® Cole's Hot Blast combustion, by'
burning theso ‘ fuel gases, with the '
smoke, will save you 1/3 to 1/2 in fuel, |
as it has 'done and is doing in thou-j
! sands of homes. ^ ,
f^RoU stiff paper Into a long cone and (tick How touch your match to this amoke'an?
a naU or pencil through the middle for a see how it bums, This shows how Cole’s
handle. Touch a match to the large end. Patented Hot Blast combustion ctopa fuel
held downward. Tim black .moke wiU poor wsate b7 burning the valuable gazes and
out the email end.. .This is incomplete com. smoke which other stoves and ranges waste
bustton. up the chimney.
Spool Thread
J00 on Spool
’ Bleaching
Necessity, price, yd.
Ladles’ Dress Shoes
$6.00,1 odd lizes
Necessity price
Oconee Heights Social
and Personal NewB
Mr. Tom Fowler It In Florida,
when he will spend the winter.
Her. W, L. Jolley is spending the
d*x in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. 8. Askew of Jefferson
was the guest of friends Sunda,
Oconee Heights Community
Council will meet with Mrs. James
Friday afternoon, rvompUy at tout
Tho friends of Mrs. J. Archei
will rtgret to hear ot her illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Alexander
were In Jefferson Ssnday as the
Good quality, neccaaity
price yd. \
Ladies* Better Shoes
Neccaaity price
Curtain Goods
Necessity price, yd.
Ladies' Work Shoci
Necessity price
Mattress Ticking
Necessity price, yd.
Mens Work Shoes
Necessity pries
|cns with Iter sunt, * Miss I.ucy
Bryant, who Is III at tho home ot
I Mr. Coke Talmadge.
I Mrs. John Hood'has returned to
Commerce after spending several
daya wtth/her parents.
The friends of Mr. W. P. Brooks
are glad to know be Is Improving
from n recent operation.
Mr. Saab Calls way ot Washing:
ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Randall
Callaway Inst week.
The County 8unday School con
vention will be held at Baggn
church Sunday. October 14. Every
one la Invited to attend.
SPARTA—Large sheds are under
construction to house exhibits an*
other arrangements are going for-
I ward for the opening of the Han*
cock county fair here October 29.
The sheds will take the place of
tent* Used in previous years. Many;
different cpmiuUPitU* have Indicat
ed that they will have Individual |
exhibit., j
Necessity price, ’yd.
ranges 1n one; a splendid coal range for winter, when a
warm fcitf h>n to desirable., and an improved gas range for
summer, go you can do your cooking and baking in a
delightfully cool kitchen#
This range burns either get or coal and to changed
from on* to tbd dthir in a Acock!.' Or gae may be used
Cor baking while there is n coal fir* in the rang*. Gas
cannot-be turned on until the oven door ia opened —a
“aafety-Artt”feature not found in any other gas-coal rang*
Cooking top has four coal Uda and four gas burners,
with aimmer nod fighter.
Oven burner does not stand above oven bottom, re
ducing baking space, as in other gas-coal ranges. There
is nothing to-remove when burning coal
We want you to see thee* splendid ranges. Never
mind whether you are ready to buy a new fhng* right
now or not—com# anyway.
Men’s Dress • Shoes
Odd sizos, necessity price
Men's Better Dress Shoe*
Noceasity price
Men’s Underwear
/Fleece lined
Necessity price
iad street . ^ iri , Athens, Georgia
441 Broad St.
^NextDoor to Piggly Wiggly
—. —t.
Ladicn' Stocking!
All colon, necessity price
.09 •
' Men’s Work Shirt.
Necessity price
. Men's Socks
In all colors, necessity price
Mens Work Shirt*
Better grade, necessity price
.69 '
m Hand Towels
B Nctcusity price
I f‘ 09
Men's Overalls
In all sizes, necessity price
1.00 ’
r.vli% Slip-over Sweeter.
Ncwcik hettems, necessity
V price
Men's Bell Grade Overall*
Necessity price
Men’s Hi' Grade Sweaters
Ncc<u*ity price i .
Ladles* House Dressem’
Necessity price
Ladies' Over Blou.cs >-
and Waists
New styles, -■"•essity price
Apron and dresa Ginghams,
Necessity nrice, yd.
Day and Night
Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone
00 Office Georgian Hotel 00