Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Tramples on Oglethorpe, 20 to 6
Stellar Work By John Fletcher, Joe Bennett, Kilpat
rick, Taylor Star As Bulldogs Whips Petrels.
Maurer Fails to Shine. David Scores
Oglethorpe Touchdown.
In a beautiful game, with Georgia’s Bulldogs out-
"rushing and outcrurfhing, and led by the inspiring
'onslaught of “Big John’’ Fletcher, Oglethorpe’s
"Stormy Petrels” were defeated Saturday afternoon.
Georgia’s register showed 20, and the wearers of the
Orange and Black had exactly six points for their
; Georgia showed a marked improvement in her
play, over the previous Saturday. Both defense and
yffense worked well, and Georgia won a most de-
ierved victory.
was unsuccessful. Score, Ga. 6;
Oglethorpe 6.
Georgia's second score came In
the third quarter, Bennett punted
sixty yards, to Oglethorpe's one
nfchsHann Murk Anfhnny
| was in there fighting also. His ap
pearance gave the team moral
itipport, (and considerable phy
sical support also.)
Adrian* Maurer, Ed David, and
Six were In the lime-light for the
visitors. Maurer was cautiously
watched, and was not allowed to
get away^und in his placo step-
d David. David carried most all
the defensive burden for the Or
ange and Black, and heaved some defeated commerce Htgh here FrI*
nice passes. Mx received several. b thcscore of 33 to 0. The
o mill nlnvoil n irnnn VfliTin | - , , , . . ... ,
i game was hard fought, although
Commerce was unable to make a
WINDER* Oa.—Winder High
The Bulldogs first downs totalled
-ten, Oglethorpe was held to 4.
Two of the visitors first downs re
sulted from penalties.
The Georgians * started a deter
mined drive for Oglethorpe's goal
yard line, the ball falling dead,
Morris then panted thirty yards,
and Kilpatrick returned* it to his
during the lmt part of Urn Initial j oppoI1 enri, twenty yard line. On
period, the quarter ending with the next play, Fletcher skirted left
Georgia In possession of tho hall j end for a touchdown. Bennett
on Oglethorpe’s five yard line. To kicked goal. Score, Ga. 13; Ofllt-
brgin with, Morris' kick was i thorps 6.
blocked by Captain Bennett, and I Off-tackle bucks, by Randall
Moore recovered on Georgia’s forty and Fletcher, carried the oval
'yard line. Line smashes, with! from Oglethorpe's forty yard line
Fletcher and KJlpatriqk alternate to their ten yard lino, and Fletcher
fng. and a twenty yard run by j went off right tacklo for his third
Tletcher pnt the ball on the visit- j touchdown and the last scoring of
ora* five yard line, as the quarter the day. Captain Bennett sent his
.dosed. I second attempt for point after
. Not to falter along tho way,! touchdown over. Score, Ga. 20;
tfetcher at the beginning of the \ Oglethorpe 6.
eecontf quarter, carried tho boll j Fletcher, Kilpatrick, and Randall
over In two successive bucks, from,carried off honors in’ the Georgia
ithe five yard line, and tho try for i backfleld. Steady and consistent
goal after touchdown was unsuc- gains were made by this trid.
-ccssful. Score, Ga. 6; Oglethorpe
g. Thle was the only scoring dur-
finf the first half.
IHpfeJMua which netted eighteen
line bocks, at the be
ginning of the second half, allow-
<'l Oglethorpe's only marker.
David carried the ball over, and
Morris In his attempt to kick goal
Windham made a neat run also
and showed great promise as a
back. »
Captain Bennett and Taylor dis
played an excellent brand of ball
at their poaltlons, nailing the vis
itors for losses, time and again.
Captain Bennett blocked two klckn
during the game. J. D. Thomason
put up a nice gfme at end, as did
passes, and played a good game.
Oglethorpe attempted the «amt
pass which netted a touchdown
against Tech, but it worked’ with
little advantage on tho Bulldogs.
Another pass recalled the Geor-
gla-Dartmouth game IP 1921, when
coach Robinson hurled 1 one for
fifty yards. The pass was thrown
by Morris, and David was on the
receiving end.
This game was the final local
apearance of the Bulldogs until
tho Virginia game here on Novem
ber tho tenth.
Next Saturday Captain Bennett
will lead the Red and Blackers
Into tho Yale Bowl, for a game
1th theyiorlhern Bulldogs.
The lina-up follows:
Thomason Nix
L. E.
Taylor Justus
L. T.
Anthony Campbell
L. G.
R. Day
R. O.
Bennett (Capt) ......
R. T.
R. E.
R. H. B.
F. B.
v Referee: Springer (Penn.)
Umpire: Powell (Wisconsin.)
Head Linesman: Strapper, (Ga.
Tlmo of quarters: 15 minutes.
Substitutions: For Georgia. Nel
son for Butler, Clockley for
Fletcher, Oliver for Thomason,
Randall for Cleckley, Fletcher for
Kilpatrick. Thomason for Rlch-
nrusonardson, Kilpatrick for Nel
son. Windham for Randall, Car
michael for Bennett. For Ogjo-
thorpe, Crowo for Justus, Roberts
for Corless, Justus for Crowe, Kil
gore for Albaugh, Harden foi
Campbell, Altmugti for David.
Want Ads.
first down during the Initial half.
The superiority of Winder High
wag noticeable from the beginning
of the game, and the visitors never
“Red” Perry starred for Wihder,
running eighty yards for a touch
down after three minutes of play,
and later in the game intercepted
a Commerce pass and ran through
the entire Commerce aggregation.
Wilson, at half, and Captain Camp
at full, also played nice games for
the locals, both scorring a touch
The entire line for Winder show
ed up well, only Davis of Com
merce clipping of any neat gains.
Winder will journey to Gaines
ville next Friday for a game vHfch
the Gainesville High School.
Gainesville defeated’ Marietta High
by a large score last Friday*'and
a hard game Is expected.
; Alexa Sterling Is
Defeated in Title
Match By Westerner
By Hal Jackson
Georgia’s Bullpups defeated
Riverside in Galnepvllle Friday, la
a game replete with thrills, by a
score of 20 to 0. This game prised
the lid off the present season for
both teams.
The Freshmen outplayed River
side in every department of .ho
game, holding Riverside to several
first downs, while they annoxoo
approximately one doxen.
Tho entire Freshman squad
made the trip to Gainesville, twen
ty-odd participating In the affair
The showing made by the Fresh/
men was splendid, the work of
all being above par.
The lineup for the Freshmen fol
lows: Howard, left end; Mapp, left
tackle; Rogers, left guard; Wilder,
center; Forbes, right gasrd;
Chambers, right tackle; Jobnspn,
right end; Morton, quarter, Nich
olson. left half; Hebble, right half;
and (Curran, full. Lcickle, Holts.
Groves, Fleming and several oth
ers saw service in the battle'.
The Freshmen play Auburn next
Captain Joe Bennett won the
toss and chose to defend the South
goal. Morris kicked off to Kil
patrick on hlft 18 yard line who
returned 15. A short pass Kil
patrick to letcher Incomplete. Kil
Patrick jabbed right tackle for 4
yards. Bennett punted to 35 yard
line to Morris. Oglethorpe’s ball
on her own 35 yard line. Kilgore
fumbled but Maurer recovered for
an eight yard gain. David failed
at right tackle. Kilgore faUed
there. Morris booted 40 yards, the
ball falling on Georgia's 15 yard
line. Fletcher hit center for 5
Butler knifed left guard for 3. Ben
nett kicked 35 yards to Morris who
failed to return. Petrels’ ball in
mid field. Kilgore got 3 at center
Maurer lost 4 at left end. Morris'
kick was blocked by Bennett and
Moore recovered on .Qeorgia’q 40
yard line. Kilpatrick **ut off left
tackle for 5 yards. Fletcher got
center. Kilpatrick skirted
left end for 3 yards and first
down. Fletcher got 4 at center.
Kilpatrick hit tackle for 2. He
skirted left end for 4. Moore got
one at center. Fletcher smashed
left guard for six yard* and first
down. Butler got 1 at center
Fletcher failed at right end. He
then knocked off 4 at left tackle
In two bucks “Big John* 'got ten
yards and first down. Ball on Og
lethorpe's 9 yard line. Kilpatrick
got 4 at left end. The quarter end
ed with the J>all on Oglethorpe’s. 5
RYE, N. Y.—The Nationals Wo
men’s Gplf Championship, so long
the property of the east and south
went west Saturday ar Miss Edith
Cummings, plucky Chicago tri
umphed over Miss Alex Stirling ol
New York, a native Georgian who
had held the title three times.
The western gir 1 won by n
margin of three up and two to
play after a tense and brilliant
struggle in the thirty-sixth hole
final rounds march at the West
chester Bultmore Country Club.
Georgia Tech 10: V. M. I. 7.
Mercer 6: Furman 8.
Yale 53: North Carolina 0.
Army 20; Florida 0.
Michigan 36; Case 0.
Lafayette 0; Pittsburg 7.
Cornell* 884: Susquehanna 0.
Navy 13; Dickinson 7.
Harvard 53: Rhode Island 0.
Trinity 7: Worchester Tech 6.
Maryland 3: University of Penn
The Fairway
Another Scandal Is
About to Start in
Baseball—M a y b e
Entries are being signed up
for tho fall play for tho Gov-
•rn-oro’ eup and tho tourna
ment committee it anxious for
a largo number of tho Clover-
hurst golfers to ontor. ,
Play will begin in a fow days
and tho entrance blank has
been posted.
ington and Lee University was' of
ficially declared off Saturday
when the latter team refused to
play against Charles eWst, star ne
gro half-back on the Red and
Black team for the last three years
and winner of the ,national pentha-
thlon championship at Philadelphia
lata year.
Read Bancr-Herald
Want Ada.
(By Associated Preti)
BOSTON _ District Alton,,,
O’Brlon of Suffolk county .aid Sat.
urday that ho had bc*un the In.
Mitigation of the owner,hip and
management of bot& American and
National League, upon the peti.
tion of So,ton citizen,.
■(he District Attorney aa|d that
thd petition alleged that a fraud on
the part of both clubs In the mat
ter of transferring of players wai
perpetrated, 10 as to have an effort
on the ultimate winner of pennant.
In each league.
President Christy Uattehewion
of tho Boston Bravea said that to
far as he was concerned, the own.
ershlp or the Braves courted the
Investigation. A, to the tradea, h<
eald that they had made but one
trade and that was beneficial fa
the Boston club.
’Saturday at Opelika.
qA Powerful Ally
business man will find that a connection with the GEOR
GIA NATIONAL BANK is of great assistance in furthering
his best interests.
Identify yourself with this strong, growing bank. Our facilities
for handling business in your home state, America or foreign
countries, are amply sufficient
Georgia National
Athens, Georgia
Lavo’nia. Hartwell,
Royston. Winners
In Prep Games
LAVONIA, Oa.—Lavonla de
feated Cornelia 105-0 In foot
ball here Friday aftornoon.
HARTWELL, Oa—Hartwell
won her lecond* tune of the
eenaon here Friday by defeat-
Inc Toccoa did).
ROYSTON. Ga — Elberton
went down to defeat before
the Royaton High football
team here Friday afternoon.
The score was *6-0.
Future Opponent
Of Athens High
Defeats Marietta
At Gelneevllle, Friday afternoon,
Onlneivllle High School defeated
Marietta High School 40 to 0. In
November the Athena High School
plays Che OalncerUle team and
frnm the outcome of the gome
Friday It look, a. If Athens High
will Have a bard time with them.
That score should make the Ath
ena High team reallte that the
Galneeville game will not be an
easy one and therefore train and
work even harder the before.
yard line.
Fletcher amnehed tackle for 4,
and then went over for a touch
down. Bennett failed to kick goal
Score Georgia 6. Oglethorpe 0.
Thomnaon kicked off to Hamrick
on Oglethorpe’s 30 yard line. David
fumbled and recovered. Maurer
got 1 at left end. Morris punted
to Georgia's 38 yard line, tho ball
falling dead. Moore lost 2 on bad
pass. Kilpatrick failed at the left
flank. Moor? minted to Nix on his
own 35 yard line. David lost 5 al
left end. Pas* David to Nix In
complete. Taylor threw Maurer foi
7 yard los*. Morris then punted
to Georgia's 43 yard lino,
delayed buck Fletcher c
rixht tackle for « yard*. Butler
got 3 at right tackle. Phflpot got
,4 at left tackle. First down. Ball
on Oglethorpe's 44 yard *ino. Nel
son substituted for Butler. Kil
patrick got 5 at right end. Cleck
ley loot 3 at left end. Pass Thom
ason to Rlchardeon grounded. Paaa
Pbilpot to Kilpatrick grounded
Philpot kicked 40 yard* to Morris
the ball fell on Ogcthorpe'a If
yard line. Maurer running from t.
punt formation got 18 yards at
right cr.d. Msnrci lest 2 at *:■;>;
tackle. Kilgore got It s *ack thru
right guard. Georgia was penal
i.n/i r ' ... .A.
Perdue 39; Wilmington 0.
Rutgers 44; Villanova 0.
Ohio State 24: Wesleyan 7.
Chicago 10; Colorado 0.
West Virginia 28; Allegheny 0.
MarysvJIel 14 ■. University o!
Tenn 14.
Virginia 9; University of Rich*
mond 0.
V. P. J; 7: Davidson 0.
citadel 226: Ersklno 0.
Presbyterian College 7: South
Carolina 3.
Syracuse 61; William Mary 3
Quantlco Marines 14; George
town 3.
Penn State 16; North Carolina
Stftte 0.
Princeton 16; Johns IT6pk!ns 7.
Illinois 24; Nebraska 7.
Wisconsin 7; Coe College 3.
Minnesota 20; Ames 17. ~
Wake Forest 41; Guilford 0.
Auburn 20; Birmingham South,
ern 0.
Alabama 56 Mtesisrippf tk
Lehigh 28; Getysburg 6.
Dartmouth 6; Maine 0.
Swnrthmorc 6: ITnsinue 0.
renter 13: CarsoA Newman 0.
Tdxas 51. Phillips 0.
Indiana 0: Depaw 3.
Notre Dame 14; Lninhn-1 O
Vanderbilt 27; Howard 6.
Rprlnghttl 13: Fort Leaning ?2.
Trinity 54. Randolph 0.
Mississippi A. & M, 28; Milsaps
Clemeon 32; NewbenVo.
Southern Eleven
Refuses to Pl^y
W. & J. Saturday
Ised 5 yards. First down, Morris
got 4 at center. A pasa Morris to
Nix gained 3. '.The ball went over
Kilpatrick got 3 at center.
8cora» Georgia 6} Oglethorpe 0.
Morris kicked to Georgia's 5 yard
line to Kilpatrick who returned 27
yards. Ball on Georgia's 33 yard
line. Georgia penalised 5 for off
side. Kilpatrick hit left tackle for
Nelson fumbled and Cousins
recovered. Pass David to Nix net
ted 18. David got 5 at left tackle.
He carried it thru the line for a
touchdown. Morris failed to kick
Score Georgia 61 Oqlethorps 6.
Morrlfi kicked off to Moore who
returned to his 32 yard line. Nel
son hit center for 4. Kilpatrick
went around right eal for 11 and.
first down. Kilpatrick failed asj
(By Associated Press)
scheduled football game between
Washington ft Jefferson nnd Wash-
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CLUBS— W. L. Pet.
New York 07 63 .047
Detroit ,..
St Louis .
Chicago ...
Boston ...
.81 69 .460
81 71 .587
74 76 .488
.. 74 78 .467
88 83 ,423
67 84
01 90 .404
New York 96 66
Cincinnati 01 61
Pittsburg 86 67 .518
CWeaso 81 69 .644
81 Louis 77 73 .618
Brooklyn 74 78 .487
Boston 61 100 .348
Philadelphia 48 102 .386
Chicago g; Cleveland 3; Chicago
7; Cleveland 4, second game.
Ph ladelphla 1; New York 3.
St. Lodi. 3; Detroit 12.
Philadelphia 4-1- Boston 6-4.
New York 3; Fn-klyn 4.
Pittsburg 7: Cincinnati L .
KgWOI; St. Louis C.
did Cleckley. Bennet kicked
yards to Oglethorpe's 8 yard line.
Morris kicked 35 yards to Kilpat
rick who returned 16. Fletcher
skirted left end for 33 yards and o
touchdown.* Bennett kicked goal.
Score Georgia 18; Oglethorpe 6.
Morris kicked off tb Nelson who
returned to bis 43 yard line. Ran
dall got 9 yards over right tackle ‘
Randall got first down here. Nel*
rpn over le.'t guard 1. Pass Moor*
to Fletcher Incomplete. On a
double pass Fletcher got 18.
was hurt but resumed play
Fletcher 2 over left guard,
quarter ended.
8cors, Georgia IS; Oglethorpe 6
/Randall got 11 and first down.
Georgia was penalised 15 for hold
ing. Ball on Oglethorpe's *85 yard
line Randall 4 at left tackle.
Fletcher 16 at right end. Randal)
lost 1 yard at right tackle. Moors
duplicated his feat. The ball went
over on Oglethorpe's eighteen yard
lint. Maurer failed on a triple
pass. Bennett Mocked Moris' punt
and Rlchui Json recovered on his
owq 23 yard line. Randall got
at left tackle. Randall got 7 and
firri down at rlgnt enc. Randall
got 6 more at left tackle. Fletcher
■maahed tho lino for hla third
touchdown. Bennett kicked goal
8eore Georgia 20. Oglethorpe 6.
Randall kicked off to Maurer
who returned to his - 33 yard line
Albaugh failed. Ball on Oglethorpe
S3 yard line. A 60 yard pass Mor
ris to David placed the ball, or
Georgia's 20 yard line. Albaugh hit
the dust for a 6 yard Iosk after
fumbling. Taylor made the taekle.
David to Nix incomplete
Pass Morris to David intercepted
bv Randall'who ran to hia 85 yard
line. He was hurt but ran off the
field. Whindham got 3 at left end
Ha added 11 at the ««me place
trst down. Nelson 5 at left, end
sff ? st Kstc?. 7mm
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