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VOL. 91i NO. 202
Aaaodated Preaa Serrlca
A. B. C. Paper
Biasle .Copier ■ Conte Daily- I Cento Sander.
(By Auocieted Preee)
ATLANTA—Ragtime to religioue
music will feature the Oeortla
Singing Convention hero next Sat
urday and Sunday, according to an
announcement by officiate. Reor-
gnnlratlon of tho .convention on ac
count of development nleo in on the
P ’Tho’purpose of thi aaeonatlon I*
to promote alnglng ‘ In all forma,"
to lntereat everyone In eome kind
ot singing and to eatabtteh friend
■hip among the member!. The at
■octation alao haw one of its pur.
poses, the making of eentlment of
■ongn one of the prime objeota ol
life, it la stated. •
Among the leaden In the move
ment expected to he pretent are A
j. ghowalter, Dalton, Homer F. Mor
ris. Atlanta; Ben B. Baal, Douglas,
villa; t». Bon» Multlne, Fayette
ville: C. H. Bottome, Atlanta; T.
B. Moseley, Boax, Ala„ O. T. Flam
ing. Carrollton, and J, H. Lipscomb,
SYLVESTER, Oa.—The Worth
county rural rchoola will oped
Monday, October >. Tho total en
rollment for the county It expect
ed to be about 0,000 children.
There are 30 schools in the coun
ty, 37 while and 33 colored.
Stomach Is Removed,
Mended, Put Back As
Man and Doctor Ghat
BUFFALO, N. Y.-Chittl«
with the man on the operating
table Dr. Hana Fineterer of the
University ot Vienna removed
the patient’s stomach, per
formed a minor operation- on
the organ and replaced it. In
a clinic for Buffalo surgeons.
Tho patient wan fully con-
scloua throughout the the op
eration nearly two honra.
Dr. Flntterar explained that
special treatment ot the solar
plexus deadening the nerve
centera made an anaeathetfo
unnecessary. Physicians ex
amining tbe patient eald he
■uttered none ot the neuel
after effecte of shock.
Dr. Flnsterere clinic me
one of aoveral by eminent
practitioners In observance ot
the completion of tho Buffalo
City Hospital.
LIVERLY, Ga.—wells and de-
terns In this section are drying up
as the result ot the prolonged
drought, according to complalnti
voiced here. Many families, it la
said, are compelled to carry their
drinking water a considerable dis
tance and others are hauling water
tor their stock from the river. Late
planted chops, especially corn,
have been damaged, according to
Is Tlgw Prepared to %mder
Service of High Character
In the Hands of Expert Operators
i Guaranteed for Six Months
Permanent Waving
Phontf No. 1809 For Appointment
W. C. Munday, Jr., Is Edi-
tor-in-Chief of College
Weekly This Term.
The first 1923-24 Issue of the Red
and Black, Georgia University
weekly, le off the press and has
been mailed to the students The
Issue Is a splendid one, le well
balanced with oollege news, and In-
dlcatee that this paper will he well
up to the high standard of previous
William M. Munday, Jr, la edl-
tor In chief and tba other members
ot the staff are:
W. O. Cooper, Jr- Flret Aieo-
elate editor; Carlton B. Colquitt,
Second Associate editor; Alfred X-
Davie, ooctal editor; H. B. Breen,
exchange editor. John McOehaa
Business manager; D. H. Breen,
Assistant business manager; Tom
Gray, Circulation manager; H. D.
Shattuck. assistant circulation
manager; Elroy Du Puls, assistant
circulation manager.
Staff Reporters:
H. B. Sanford, H. H. Brown H
C. Ebcrhardt, “Doc” Byne, DeLacey
Allen, M. D. Sanders, May McNaer,
Stanford, Albon Hatcher.
Largest Freshman
Class in History
Of the University
The Thaltan Dramatic dub of
the University has selected Its new
members for the present acholaatle
year. Two tryouts were conducted
by tM old members of the club,
and the directress. Miss Ma Nila
Bulloch, one for the boys and an
other for the co-eda.
The new male members for the
cast nr<: Andrew Klngery. Gray-
mon.Summ!t. Judson Smith. Bruns
wick, John McKenele. Montexumn,
Carlton Moll, Athens. David 8nel|.
Ing, Athens, Robert Travis, Sevan
nnh. Bill Eyier, Savannah, Tom
Merritt, Maean. "Hswktye” Stokes,
Atlanta, HcrstOiel Smith. Bartow,
Harry Middlebrooks. Eatonton,
Lester Hereto it, Tlfton, Bill Glenn
Athens, William C. Munday, Allan
t*. . A ,
The female member! "elected
from the co-eds nrs: Misses Cal Re
McWhorter. Athene, Mathyleeg
Dowdy, Commerce, Peggy Bakes
Royaton. Betty Vaughan, Carterr
vllle, Martha Clark.
Freeman Jolka Macon, la presi
dent ot the club end Leek Mar-
shall Is business manager.
The old members are, Dowdie
Pierce, Brooke Johnson. Chariot
Anderson, Tom Close. Colquitt Car.
ter, Alton Hoech, John Hooch,
Rosemary Whitaker, Bessie Parr,
Annie Laurie Wler, Dorothy Mo
ran, Sarah Maddux, Rose Bush.
The first will be given thla tall
lust before Chrlatmae.
Of Surpassing Excellence in Quality and Style.
Suede Pumps-Side Goring
Black, Browns, Greys
$10,00 to $11.85
For College Girls
Oxfords and Strap Pump
$6.95, $7-50, $10.00
e Hpyelty Strap Tumps
Suede and Satin
$6.50, $7.50, $10.00
Strap add Tie Suedes
Log Cabin and Autumn Brown
$8.50, $10.00, $11.85
Patent Leather Venetian Ankle Strap ^- 50
The largest Freshman class
which has ever been enrolled
In the-'Unlvereity of Georgia
matriculated this yesr. "ooord-
ing to announcement by T. W.
Reed, Registrar. This class
Includes 710 student!.
The resWtmtlon hooks In Mr.
Beed-a office show that 1,40*
atudenta have already register
ed. This registration, it la
stated, le ahead ot tha rupee,
tlve time lest year by 240.
Included among tha 1,40«
students are 140 tlrle,
Three Students Will Com
pete in Contest at South
eastern Fair Next Week
in Atlanta.
Tha State College of Agricul
ture, Division of Animal Husband,
ry, announces the winners who
have made the stock judging team
ot 1213. They ere J. L. Anderson,
WlnterrtllA I* H. Nelson, Bush,
ness, Fla., J. W. Jackson, Griffin,
and O. Woody, of South Carolina.
Tha competition was keen this
year, as almost every division of
tha College had men to try out.
Since the season opened the men
have been working faithfully every
day. These men are to be con
gratulated on making tha team, as
It la considered to be one of the
highest honors that an Agriculture
student can make.
The team will leave Sunday af
ternoon for the Southeastern Fair,
where they Will compete with tho
Universities of Virginia, Tennessee
Kentucky, Alabama, North Caro
lina and South Carolina.
ATLANTA—Officiate of _
Georgia -deportment of agriculture
are Interested In the experiments
the federal department la making
In the practicability of measuring
crop acreage by means of aero
plane photography In an affort to
rvmove so rar sa possible tue her
ard of errors In crop reporting.
“In recent experiments at Telia
tab. La., In co-operation with the
Army Air Service,” a recent state
ment on the subject received here
reads, “photographs of fields of
ootton. corn and hay were made at
heights ranging from 1,200 to 7.902
fast with the plane traveling st the
rate ot 10 to 30 miles an hour. In
photographs taken at 7.900 feat ft
la possible to distinguish tha fields
planted to the various crop*. With
tha uae of a ’plalntmeter* It ia then
possible to measure)tha exact acre
age in the different fields shown
In tha photograph*
I "Tha camera used le automat!
cally operated and token a picture
7x2 Inches In else, etch exposure
at an elevation of 7,090 feet show.
Ing an area of approximately on?
square mile. In a three-how
flight It la. possible to make a con
tinuous record of more than fW
square miles.”
Experiments In thla direction win
be continued next year. It it stated
If the new method • found to be
practical. It may be used ae an ad.
Junct to present crop reporteni
Program for the state
tlon of the Georgia Dental Society
le nearing completion under direc
tion of a local committee.
Tba_convention will be held la
Atbeaa November 7, 3,1. Tbe pro
gram will Include speakers of na
tional reputation and promisee to
be ot general Interest
Georgia Cracker
To Hold Contests
Tbe flret contest- of the year Is
announced by tbe “Georgia Crack
er," the Unlrerelty'a literary and
humorist magaglne tamed month-
The flret contest announced
... a Price for the best drew.
Ing and 113.00 for the second beet
to be submitted by December let
Drawings must be humorous and
may be accompanied by humorous
title. -
Other coetgsts ot a simitar nature
will he eubmltted later.
JACKSON, Gar—Prominent wo
men In Jackson and Butte county
are Inaugurating a campaign to
urge the women to register and
take part In the elections next
year. Few women here 110X6 voted
£Michael Brothers
^ s ‘ - L - 1 ' ’
'THIS STORE grows more interesting daily
to the shoppers •who desire Fine Quality in
“Merchandise that is Correct” at prices that are
reasonable and the lowest possible.
The section of Ladies and Misses wearing apparel announces a most
comprehensively complete display of the newest models in Coats and
Wraps. Never 'was the Coat a more, important consideration of the
well dressed woman-~Never was our department better equipped to
supply the demand 'well.
Coats of Rich Pile Fabrics
Such as Maruella, yerona, Lustrosa and 'Velmira in the latest of
luxurious-Colors, are creations of great beauty. Adorned with collars of
Mole, ‘Viatka Squirrel and Fox.
$69.50 to l$147.5
Sports V/ear Coats Cloth Street Coats
Flaunting a flare of saucy smartness and
fashioned of Camel’s Hair, Desire Cluth
and Tvreeds. In rich outdoor colors and
mixtures, stripes and plaids.
*16 75 to *67™
For handsome day wear are coats of Ve
lour, Arabella and Brytonia. Many are fur
trimmed, all are very good looking in
Browns, Blues, Kit Fox and Black. ,
*19 50 to *49
Larger Style Frocks Stunning Sweaters
Are here for Madame who finds greater
comfort in frocks cut with more fulness
than is usual. Sizes 40 1-2 to 50 1-2 arein
Satin Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Poiret Twill
and Tricotine. ^
*27™ Up
Silk Hosiery
That promises a greater mileage and a
handsomer appearance comes from such
makers as Holeproof, McCallum, Gotham,
Kayser, Phoenix and others. You can
match your shoes at Michael’s.
*2°° Pair
Of an attractiveness never before quite
achieved in Knitwear, are here in a variety
of styles and new colorings. Brushed Wool
Coats are in particular favor.
s 3 m to ! 15
Ture Linen Towels
In an extraordinary sale, at prices about
half their value. All have designs suitable
for monograms. Some are hemstitched,
others left for hand hemstitching, scal
loped, etc. o /,
Guest Size 56c
Large Size 96c
Christmas is not so.far away for you who delight your friends with gifts of your own
making. The department devoted to fancy work was never more complete in its assort
ment of lovely pieces.
Luncheon Seta -. 65c to $1.25 Bed Spreads with Floss .. $3.95
Buffet and Vanity Sets .... .. 45c to 95c Linen Laundry Bags a 85c
Pacific Package Pieces. Royal Society Pieces.