Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1923. "
pAR!S —Newspapers all over th«
w ja be represented at the
,ir game* of 1924, now little
than six month* away. The
mniftte in charge i* arranging to
re for 4000 ytporter*. Two v hun.
application* tpr telephone* at
L colombe* Stadium have been
He already, otta h hundred more
expected. V*..!.
£lrl» and women throughout
United States will take an active
Part In the coming "National For.
get-Mc*Not Day" of the Disabled
American V.eteraija ot the World mi.'
War, according to National Adju-
,tant Ramond A. Lata nee.
Newark shoe* for men era the most remarkable combina
tion of style, quality and value at the price in America.
Five million people wear them. They sun the exact dupli
cates of 97,98 rad 910 stylet shown elsewhere. Try o
pair! NOW!
•fUurorit Sftee SteneaCtt
TWbrnsl.CUla el tUm Sunt la ike.UaM $UM» 9
Athena, Ga„ Store, 151 Clayton St, '"Next to Kress.”
, All Newark Stores Open Saturday Evening to Accommodate Customers.
Try It on the roed—fill up your tank
i before starting.
■ Teat Jt—Then You'll' KNOW.
On Cold Mornings
Customers have told us of some marvelous
mileage made on tours when they used.
MoPeP. We’d like to hear from you.
We Are Independent Home Dealers
And We Appreciate Your Buaineae.
Phone 895
Corner Washington and Lumpkin Streets
\ Prince ahd Meigs
Reduced Rates To Atlanta
1 » fc ’i
| Account
jutheastem Fair
Tickets on,’ sale October 5th to 12th. Final
limit, October 15th, 1923.
One and One Half Fares for the Round Trip
J. P. B1LLIUPS, G. P.. A,
Atlanta and West Point Railroad Co.. Western Railway
of Alabama, Georgia Railroad.
the banner-ubralp, aniExg. Georgia
Children Cry-for
Eight Counties j
Have Efficient Poultry
Organizations. Others to
Follow Soon, Says Wood.
The value of poultry on Georgia
farms has increased more than
•$1,500,000 during the . past yo**r,
according to J. H. Wood, professor
of poultry husbandry at the State
College of Agriculture, who with
hl« assistants, has been extremely
■busy- helping In the organization
of county poultry association!
throughout the state.
Thirty-eight counties now have
efficient poultry association^ and
many others are asking our
slstance In organising,*' states Prof
Wood and the number of assocla*
tions Is only limited by our Ina
bility to serve all those who
asking for our help. It Is expect
ed that the county associations
will soon organise into a state as
soclation for the purpose of mar
keting poultry and poultry pro.
Co-operative hatcheries have
been a financial success In ever;
Instance this season and have done
much to Increase poultry produc
tion. Several ten thousand egg
hatcheries' have been purchased
during the few months and It is In.
teresttng to note that while the to
ut capacity of large Incubators
last year was only 190,000 eggs, re
ports show that machines have
been ordered for next year with •
toUl capacity of 600,000 eggs. Even
with this enormous Increase only
enough chicks will be produced to
give each farm eight chicks each.
ratlre carload sales,
details of which have been worked
1e Marketing Department
>llege, have helped the
poultry industry enormously. More
than 160 cars of poultry have been
marketed during the past year at n
saving of about $60,000 to the par
ticipat(ng farmers. The effect of
»s have been manifold;
price* have been higher than ever
before, and the small producer hat
enjoyed the same privileges as the
large producers."
ood sUte* that while the
growth of organisation, spirit oi
co-operation and increase in pro.
duction of all phases of the Indus*
>en phenomenal, it is only
a beginning, Judged *by present In.
MOTHER:-, Fletcher’s Castoria is
a pleasant, harmless Substitute for
Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teeth
ing Drops and Soothing
Syrups, prepared for Infants
and Children all ages.
To avoid imitations, always took for the signature of
Proven directions on csch Picksgr. Physicians everywhere recommend it
Mrs. E. R Hodgson, Jr. chairman
of the Clark* County Antl.Tuber* * *
culosls Committee, Thursday was let-
elected a member of the executive
commute of the sUte association.
Dr. E. W. Glldden, superintendent
of the sUte tuberculosis sanitari
um at Alto, was elected president
of the sUte association In an en
thusiastic meetlLg.
Tuberculosis is killing 127 per
son* In Georgia for every one that
scarlet fever I* killing, Dr. W. A.
Davis, statistician for the state
board of health, told the nssocUu
tlon. He reported that 2.100 per
sons had died of this disease In
Georgia In lilt but that more pre
caution* are taken to prevent
•prtad of scarlet fever and more
money 1* spent to stamp it out In
Georgia than to eradicate tubercu
The Most Critical Part of Youe cells which, by
Anatomy and Physiology
You are a wise man or woman it
you under**awl >our colon and keeo
it In ptrf-v. working order. Heahh,
happiness, vigor and long life are
the gifts which an active colon glvi
you.—and a lasy colon takea away.
But. back to our question:—What
Is your colon; where is your colon:
why Is your colon? Listen attentive
ly for only a minute and you may
learn- something that may add twen
ty years' to your Hfo. I
Your colon Is the last five feet of
your digestive canal. It la your peer,
erage system: your garbage
speak. Keep It clean and you are
well* and happy: let It stagnate and It
will distill the poisons of decay, ter
mentation (gas> and putrefaction Into
blood, poisoning your brain and
nerves so that you are restless. Ir
ritable and blue; poisoning youi
heart so that you are weak, listless
and lasy; poisoning your lungs so
that your breath la heavy or foul;
poisoning your stomach and digestive
organs so that you are bloated, belch
ing end uncomfortable with gas pains;
poisoning your blood so that yoyr
skin looks yellow, sallow and un.
healthy^ poisoning every part and or
gan of 'your body, through your
blood, making you look and feel old
and ugly long before your time; mak
ing your jolnta and your back stiff
and rheumatic, your eysa dull and
your brain sluggish.
By the perfect law of Nature, your
colon should empty Itself three times
day,—within un hour after eat-
Does your colon work that well?.
If not. It has lost IU tone. ' What do
mean by tone? Your colon la a
con tt action
empty the colon Just as you would
squeeze a rubber hose jdpe. These
•muscle fibres should contract three
times a day—within an hour after
Clarke County.
To the Superior Court of Said
Tho petition of OTTUMWA
PANY reapectfully ahowa:
That It la a corporation created
by order ot thla court on the 13th
lay ot March. 1920.
Under ita original charter, aa
granted by aald order, thla cor
poration had a minimum capital
stock of $164)0000, with the priv
ilege of increasing aame to any
amount not exceeding $100,000.00
by a majority vote of the etock-
holdera, aald etock being divided
Into aharea of $100.00 each.
By proper corporate action, tak
en in pursuance of the privilege
granted In the original charter and
In compliance with Ita terms, the
capital stock of aald corporation
has been Increased to $204)00.00,
all common stock divided into 240
shares of the par value of *100.00
each, and thla la the amount of
Ita present capital .lock.
’Petitioner desires that Its pres
ent charter be amended in the fol
lowing particulars:
First; That IU corporate name
be changed from Ottumwa Coca-
Cola Bottling Company to Iowa
Coca-Cola Bottling company, aad
that, In accordance with aald
change of name, that part of para
graph one of ita original applies-
.h.M., mmmAIn* **mf>A IHllli
amended to read as follows: "The
business to be carried on bv aid
corporation is that of manufactur
ing, bottling and selling Coca-Cola
ind other soft drinks and carbon-
tted drinks ot all kinds &i$d do-
icrlptlons, the buying and selling
•f syrup of all kinds and the manu
acturlg ahd selling i of syrup of
all kinds. Petitioners desire that
said corporation have the right
ind power to sell soft drinks and
yid syrup of all kinds at wholesale
tion for charter reading “and made
a body politic'under the name and
style of Ottumwa Coca-Cola Bot
each meal. If they do not contract,$ t |j ng company” be amended Jto
they have lost their -tone,—their raad .. aw j a body politic an
But, there Is a practically perfect
remedy for lasy, flabby colons. This
remedy quickly restores the tone, is
absolutely harmless and decldede'y
to take. Clip this article
and take It to your druggist. Tell
him to give you a bottle of Colotone,
the colon tonic. It wip cost you one
dolar If you are pleased with It,
nothing If you are not pleased with
|t,. for every druggist has been In.
structed to refund the price and ask
questions If his customer Is not
thoroughly satisfied.
But you will >be delighted with
ColOtone for It will make you fe»l
like a different person. Your eyes
wii Isparkle wtih vitality and alert.
your brain will be dear and
active; your complexion will bg fresh
and transparent, reflecting the pu
rity of your blood; your digestion will
be thorough and your appetite keen,
for your food will taste delightful and
will agree with you; you will sleep
apd awake refreshed; your system
will be full of vim and vigor; you
will feel younger, stronger, vigorous.
—you will enjoy the pleasure of llv-
Get >ktaited on Colotone today.
Nearly 1 'every person over twenty.!!v*
or thirty yean ot age. and many
youngeV, need Colotone more or less.
You will be simply delighted with It.
Colotone cannot possibly do you any
harm—It can only do you good. Try
tt onour guarantee. It 'Will help
hollow muscle. Its walls are made,you HVe long, Well and happily.—Ad
up of long, muscle fibres or muscle vertlsejnent.
Dr. GUdden stated that machln.
sty tor following up the cases ot
persons discharged from the state
sanitarium In order to prevent re
currenc* of the disease, la badly
needad In Georgia.
Mother of Mrs.
Hillsman Dies
Friends of Mrs. Elba Hillsman
will regret-to learn of the death of
her mother, Mrs. Rebecca J*ong ot
Macon at her home there Wednes
day night.
Mrs. Long was the widow of'tht
late Patrick Long and waa born
In Marlon county April 9. 1844
She ha^ been a resident of Macon
tor more than tf **y
Surviving he r are three sons and
one daughter, E. L. Stirling and
A. J. Long, ol-Macon; D F Long,
of Florida, and Mr*. W. C. Wright
of Amerlcua; two slaters, Mrs
Mattie Joeey of Americu- and Mrs
Edna Hillsman, of Athena. Also
29 grandchildren and nine great
HEIDELBERG, Germany.—Many
buildings In Germany which prior
to 1914 were used for making im
plements of war, ammunition or
devoted to turning out supplies for
the army, are now manufacturing
sporting articles for the various
games which are more popular to
day than at any other time In Ger
many's history. The erase for out
door sports has reached propor
tions never dreamed of in prewar
CALCUTTA—India win be one of
the competitors in the Olympic
games to take place In Parle in
1924 If plans Inaugurated by Lord
Lytton. governor of Bengal are
rarried out. The governor has
called a meeting for the purpose
of forming a Bengal Olympic Com
mute in connection with India's
proposed representation. Governor!
of several other provinces are act
ing similarly.
SAY “BAYER” when you buy. Insist!
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds * 'Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuralgia' Rheumatism
Accept only "Bayer” package which contains proper directions.
Bandy "Bayer” bon, of 12 tablets—Abo bottle, ot 24 and 100—DruggbU.
a*Me ft Ue end. ear. of Over UeertaBr. of UmomtlnrUmUr of faWrltaeld
Excursion Rates to the Southeastern Fair
Atlanta, Ga.
Make your party from among your frlond.—five of you can
go very cheap—SO down to the Southeastern F»ir at Atl.nU
—ice the F»ir—atay for the «utomobile rmete, the bone
race.—lec the midw.y— your btuinoM in Atlanta—
talta your tlmo. ' , ^
Rent A New Car—You Drive It
It It cheeper—more convenient—you con here longer to .Uy
tnd a better time by going in one ot our car. th.n you can
/ you go on train,.
140 E. Washington St. Athens, Ga.
der the name and stylo ot low*
Coca-Cola Bottling Company.”
Second; That such of your po-
tltloner’a present corporate powers
ss are set forth in paragraph tour
of IU original applicaUon for char
ter be Increased and broadened by
amending paragraph four of Its
original application for charter toj
that the same shall read as foltowi,
“The business to bo carried on by
said corporation la that of manu
facturing, botUng and selling Coca-
Cola and other toft drinks and car
bonated drinks of all kinds and do-
r.cripUons. the buying and selling
of syrup of all kinds and tbe manu
facturing and selling of syrup of
all kinds. Petitioners deslra that
said corporaUon havo the right
and power to sell soft drinks and
syrup of all kinds at wholesale and
retail, whether made or bottled by
It or by others, also the right and
power to «dl soft drinks and
syrup, both for luelf and aa agent
for others. Petitioners desire that
aald corporaUon hare the right
and power to acquit*, own, Tease
and manage all kinds of realty and
personality 1 suitable for the neods
of said corporation In the operation
of IU business and also tho power
to do any and ail other things (In
cidental and appropriate,to tho,ex
ercise Of the powers "herein set
forth;" and that all of tho powers
just outlined shore ho conferred
on said corporaUon.
Third: That the present capital
stock' of said corporaUon bo In-
creased to $300,000.00, and thal
said corporaUon havo tho privilege
ot Increasing tho same to any
amount not exceeding $600,000.00
by a majority vote of tho stock
holders; and that In accordance
,wlth this change that part ot par-
graph five of IU original applicaUon
for charter reading, "The capiUl
stock ot aald corporaUon (ball be
$164)00.00. with.tho privilege ot In
creasing the same to any amount
not exceeding $100;000.00" by
amended to road "Tho capital,
etock of said corporaUon shall ha
$300,000.00. with the privilege ciit
Increasing same to any amount not
exceeding $600,000.00."
This applicaUon for amendment
to said charter ban been antbnrixed
by proper corporate action; nud
your poUUonor attaches bento,
and flies along with this petIUon,
a certified abstract from tbo min
utes ot tho corporaUon, rib owing
that this applicaUon baa boon au
thorised by proper corporal# ac
tion; said abstract being marked
Exhibit A."
WHEREFORE, petitioner pray*
that this court grant an amend
ment aa above tot forth to Ita
present charter.
Attorneys at Law for Qttumwa
Coca-Cola Bottling Company.
Athens, Ga., Oct $, 1923.
An especially called inerting of
Stockholders waa swiii iuuay. The
entire capital stock being repre
sented In person and by.proxy. On
mationdtwas unanimously resolved
that all noUcea with respect to this
meeUng or any adjournment of
same be and tho same are hereby
waived. *
The minutes of all preceding
meeUngs were read and approved.
On motion the following resolu
tions wore passed:
of SecUon One ot the charter read
ing “and made a body politic undet
the name end style of Ottumwa
Coca-Cola Bottling Co." bo amend
ed to'read, "and made a body poll-
Uc under tbo name and .tylo of
Iowa Coca-Cola Bottling Com
Section Four reading “the bualness
to be carried on by aald corpora
tion is bottling Coca-Cola and oth-
soft drinks and carbonated
drink, of all kinds and descrip
tion., tbe baying and nulling of
•yrbps. the manufacturing and bot
tling of noft drinks and the sale of
•ame by wholesale or retail, tht
purchase and owning of all nec
essary machinery, bottle., trucks,
wagons and realty neccaa<iry and.
proper In tho conduct of tho b isl- j
ud retail, whether made or hot
tied by It or by others, alto the
right and power to tell soft drinks
tnd syrups, both tor Itself and at
igent for others. PeUtioners de
tire that said corporaUon hare the
right and power to acquire, own,
lease and manage all 1 i .is of real
ty and personalty suitable for the
aeeds of said corporaUon In the
jperation ot ita business and also
the power to do any and all other
'hlngt Incidental and appropriate
to the exorcise of the powers hero
in set forth."
.art ot Section Five of tho charter
reading, “The capital stock of said
corporation shall bo $16,000.00 with
the privilege of Increasing the
tame to any amount not exceed
ing $1004)00100," be amended to
road, "The capital stuck ui mi'.J
corporaUon shall be $300,000.00
with the privilege of Increasing
tame to any amount not exceeding
officers be and the same are here
by directed td make applicaUon to
he court to grant the foregoing
imendmenta to tbo original char
ter of this corporation.
There being no further business
tho meeting adjourned, uubject to
the call of the secretary.
I. W. A. Sams. Secretary of Ot
tumwa Coca-Cola Bottling Com
pany, do hereby certify that the
.'ongoing Is a true and correct ab-
ttrnct from the minutes ot said
Witness my official signature
and the seal of aald corporation,
this October Sth. litS.
OEOROIA—Clarke County.
Clerk's Office. Superior Court
Filed In office tbls 15th day ot
Odtober, 1923.
Cleric, Superior court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
OEOROIA—Clarke County.
Clerk's Office, Superior Cpurt.
I. K. J. Crawford, clerk of the
Superior Court of Clarke County.
Georgia, Mq thereby certify that
the foregoing is a true copy ot the
application of-Ottumwa Coca-Cola
Bottling Company for an amend
ment to ita charter, a* aald appli-
Morton. Kaln, Cook, Fowler, no-
land, Hatcher, MOUfean, Nicholson.
Bell, Andrews, and Du f fey.
lit i l
Dr. John E. White, president of
Anderson (S. C.) College for Wo
men nnd pastor of the First Bap
tist church In that citg, will he the
preacher at a revival series to be
gin at the First Baptist church here
Sunday morning. . ;f
Dr. White la one of the leading
ministers In the Baptist denomina
tion and his meetings are certain
to attract large and Interested
Arrangements have been com
pleted for the music for tho ser
vices. A corps of uahera will lie
at each meeting ready to serve the
crowd and accommodate them with
the smallest degree of delay and
everything for the convenience of
the crowds will be done.
“Can Hold Out As Long
As Opposing Forces
Doj” Says Mrs. Stokes
(Continued from page, one)
a drawing room filled with friends
sho could not be more calm or
gracious. She takes her seat at the
tablo, opposito her accusers ns if
she were sitting down to a hand
of bridge, or waiting for a cup of
And whllo the lawyers get ex
cited and* tbe judge calls order K
while Stokes himself confers with
bIs lawyers or gets up for a stroll
In the corridors, whllo the witness
es get muddled In their testimony
and the reporters take busy notes.
sho maintains the most Impersonal
interest and tho most stocial calm.
Is the one person at the trial
who is composed nnd apparently
Under no nervous strain. She
smiles frequently, and never dur
ing a whole clay did I see a look
of scorn or anger, no matter what
was being brought up against her.
"Because,” she explained with a
smile, "I believe in justice. I be
lieve In Right
"I believe in BELIEVING In
Justice and right no matter how
unfavorable things look. If you
aren’t guilty, a million witnesses
and a million dollars can’t make
you so, can they? So why worry?
"Of course, it Isn’t pleasant to
I H m .. listen to what I havo to in court.
cation appears on file In my of-1 It’s like an unpleasant problem
Mcc. Witness my official signature .play, or a bad chapter *
and the seal of said’ court this
12th day of October, 1923.
Clerk/* Superior Court, Clarke
County, Gorogia.
Freshmen Leave
Sat. For Clemson
Georgia's Bullpups leave Satur
day morning at 7:45 oyer the Sea.
board for Clemson, where they
play the Clemson Freshmen Satur*
day afternoon.
The team will bo accompanied
by Captain Bachman. Professor
Payne, of tHe University faculty,
and Manager Reaves.
Twenty men wIK' make the trip
on ihe train, and If It !» possible
two automobiles will carry around
ilx other players.
The Freshmen have been working
bard for the put week, getting in
fine trim for the Saturday game
Clemson reports a strong team tbi»
year, but the Bullpups ara deter*
mined not to let this game blur
their record.
The men making the trip will, in
all probability be chosen from the
following: Johnson, Howard.
Forbes, Groves. Luckie, play, Hand
Crowley, Mapp, Chambers. Wilder
Sherlock, Curran, CarroU. Hdllls,
book. If it were true, it would be
too terrible. Hut it’a Just fiction.
and I take It as such, with full
confidence that the Jury and the
world at large will be able to dis
tinguish between fact and* malic
ious fancy.
"I can hold out ns long as the
opposition does and I’m going to.
I’ll clear my name before the
world and before my children. If
the case lasts for a month. I'll not
break down or lose my courage. I
promlso you that.”
tkftB gUm. Eft*/ $• iaw mm
•* dftctori of. S ■
•tttftd cl L-wntM”. Ora hw wrMa, “I wraU
Iftiker kftfft ■ hw dfofm cl Eamw Am • wU$ «mI
el fiMBcal”.
Fira hr edm ud ptaai—mms bscfc ■ ft
A went ho*» Jip—.
Read Baner-Herald
Want Ads.
of Presses
Crepe DeChine and Poirets
ncu of bottlora, and the 'loin? of
all thine usual, necessary and
proper In the manufacturing and!
selling ot bottled .oft drinks," he I;
Here is a Wonderful Offer—Canton Crepes,
Satins, Crepe de Chine, Poiret Twill
Dresses in many new and pretty styles.
Each one a splendid value. Worth to $25.00.
Sizes 16 to 42 ..
.. $14.95
All Wool Shaker Knit School
i Corner
\\ Clayton
ley and