Newspaper Page Text
1 1 1 _ , Inum, and due December let, 1921
al Advertisements whereas in, ,,m dearth.
said Thomas Jarrell agreed to
pay the said principal amount of
said note, together with interest
ORGlA—Clarke County: „_. v . |
_the Superior Court of- Safd thereon ■* above sUted, andl
ou n t,y: WHEREAS, the said Thomas
J *rrell has failed to pay the^ra
PftCTCRING COMPANY re- terest on said note, and I
HI ahowa: failed to pay the principal on said I
That it was Incorporated by no te.
order of the Superior Court of NOW THEREFORE the said W.
Clarke County on April 15, 1904, H. Harris declares the whole]
for a period of twenty years, with (amount of said indebtedness duel
tne privilege of renewal. (and! by virtue of a power of sale
SB*—'--^ ' j sJ .1 1 .
That th echarter of petition-,'contained in aforesaid deed, he the
cr will_expire on April 15, 1924. said W..H. Harris will sell before
under the original the Court House door in said
charter of petitioner the capital
stock of said company was fixed
at the amount of $125,000.00, with
the privilege of increasing the
same to any amount not exceed
ing- $250,000.00.
2. That the charter of petition
er was amended on October 18,
1906, by order of the Superior
Court of Clarke County, under the
provisions of which amendment
the minimum capital stock of the
company was reduced to the sum
Clarke County on the first Tues
day in November, 1923, between
the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit:
Clarke County, Georgia, in
Brad berry’s District, adjoining
lands or Mrs. McEIroy, Mugg
Stround, colored, W. T. Lester, F.
Frank Poss, Little Bear Creek, and
John B. Gamble, lying about o
mile north of Bogart and being
part of the Peter Damron (col.)
est, due and payable at once. (the Superior Court of Clarke
Any amount over and above; County, Georgia, do hereby cer-
atnount required to pay the prfn- tify that the‘foregoing is a true
clpal. Interest and cost will be re- and correct copy of the'apphca :
turned to the maker of said note, tion of J. P. Carter and 5*/{•
This the 10th day of October .for a charter fo> THE CARTER*
H. M. RYLEE, Atty. I INC., as the same appears of file
MRS. H. M. RVLEE, (in thig office.
Oct. 12-19-26—Nov. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
To the Superior Court of Said
The petition of J. P. CARTER
ahd S. J. MOSS, of the city of
Athens, Clarke County, Georgia,
respectfully shows:
1. That they desire for them
selves, their associates and
■essors. to be incorporated under
Witness my official hand end
signature, this tKe 11th day of
October, 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2.
the will annexed of said deceased, businesslike reporting and collect-
GEORGIA—Clarke County
Will be sold before the Court
House door in said County, on the
first Tuesday in November, 1923,
within the legal hours ofgsftle, tv
of $100,000.00, so that under the {place; being the same property as
present charter as amended the (that conveyed to Jack F. Jackson
apital stock of petitioner is I by J. M. Hodgson, as administra-
the name and style of THE CAR
INC., for a period of twenty years,
with the privilege of renewal as
provided by law.
the highest bidder for cash, the
following described property, to-
Ail that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying being in the
2 Tl,./the principal office ofjgjfj?'
shid corporaiton is to be located * n ». reMi* and heimr on ^the South'
.he city P of Athena, Clarke County,
Ue ° rp Ti,«f th* _ K 2 0 „ f .# ..jj Streets, known as No. 498 Frank-
That the object of Mld. cor-J^ str ^ t tnd deicribed M fol .
*100,000.00, with the privilege of (tor of Peter Damron, deceased, by poration is pecuniary gain to itself i. Beffinnine at a noint on the
increaaing the aame up to *250,-|decd of record in Book 3. Folio and lta_ahareholdera. , . v _ , of cobb andFrmklln
Streets and running thence in a
000.00. (394, in the Clerk's office of the
*6. Petitioner desires a renewal i Superior Court of Clarke County,
Jta charter, to take effect from Georgia, In March, 1907, and con-
.... of ine expiration of iU
present charter, for an additional
period of twenty year#, with the
privilege of subsequent renewal as
provided by law.
6. Petitioner desires its charter
amended so as. to authorize its
capital stock to be increased to an
amount not exceeding $400,000.00,
iaid capital stock to be increased
■from time to time by a majority
vote of the voting stock of said
40Eporation up to the maximum
amount hereinbefore stated; such
increased capital stock to be com
mon and preferred, either or both,
and in such proportions as a ma
jority of the voting stock of said
company may fix and determine.
* 7. Petitioner files herewith a
certified abstract from the min
utes of said corporation showing
That the application for this re
newal and amendment to-sAld
charter has been authorized by
proper corporate action.
WHEREFORE, petitioner prays
that Its charter he renewed for an
additional period of twenty years
* from the date of the expiratipn of
its present charter, with the priv
ilege of subsequent renewal, and
that its charter be amended as
hereinbefore aet forth.
taining ninety-five and
(95.93) acres, more or less.
The above described tract of
land will be sold by the said W.
H. Harris, for the purpose of
paying principal, interest atid all
cost of said sale, including Attor
ney’s fees of ten (10 per cent)
per cent, and balance if any after
said indebtedness has been settled
will be paid to^the heirs at law of
sai4 Thomas Jarrell, who is now
This 29th day of September,
Oct. 5-12-19-26, Nov. 2.
That the particular busi
ness to be carried on by said cor
poration is, either for itself or m
93-100 for others, the conducting
or a wholesale and retail lumber
ahd builders’ supplies business,
• By A. G. DUDLEY, President.
OEORQIA—Clarke County.
WILL BE SOLD before the
Court House door of Clarke Coun
ty In the City of Athena on the
first Tuesday in November, 1923,
between the legal hours of ealo for
cash the following described real
estate, ta wit:
ano ouiiocrs supplies dubhiwb»
cither or both, the buying and
selling of any and all kinds or de
scriptions of building materials or
supplies, the operation of any and
ull machinery or equipment which
may be necessary or incident to
cither or both of said businesses,
the manufacture or production of
any and all of said nuflding ma
terials or supplies, and ^he doing
of any and all other business inci
dent to a wholesale or retail lum
ber and builders* supplies busi-
PetitToners desire the right
to own, lease, buy or sell real
estate and personal property suit
able to the purposes of said cor-
poration and the right to execute
notes, bonds, conveyances and
o*her evidences of indebtedness in
the conduct of said corporation
and secure the same by mortgage,
Lfecurlty deed, or other form of
certain tract of land, lying lien, also the right to buy, own.
and' being in Clarke County, Geor- **t*te and personal
Attorney!, for Petitioner.
RESOLVED. Thet the President
of this company, be end he la
hereby authorized to apply In the
name of the company to the Sup
erior Court of Clarke County for
a renewal of the charter of the
Company for an additional period
'Of twenty yean from the expira
tion of the present charter of the
' 7. as..- .......
corporntlon which was granted on
the 15th day of April, 1004; said
'application to bo made by the
{President in the name of the cor
poration in due time to secure the
femoral of said charter before the
Expiration of the term of the
Jjharter heretofore granted said
WJlVED further, that when
Ipplicalion ia made for tho re-
[ewal of said charter, tho same be
Intended so as to authorize an in-
Ireaso in the capital stock of the
orporatlon to an amount not ex-
feeding Four Hundred Thousand
'$400,000.00) Dollars, said capital
tock to be increased from time to
imp by a majority vote of the
Joting stock of said corporation
jp to the maximum amount here-
adtefore stated. Said increased
capital stock to bo common and
•referred,, either or both, and In
Juch proportions os the majority
If the voting stock of said coni'
luny may fix and determine.
F.ORGIA—Clarke County:
I, B. S. DOBBS, Secretary ol
tliens Manufacturing Company,
i> certify that the foregoing is e
abstract from tht minutes ol
corporation, showing a rcso-
1 Which was unanimously
assed by the holders of tho en-
capital stock of said corpora 1
at a meeting of the stock'
>rs duly held on the 2nd day
[f October, 1923.
In witness whereof, I have here-
into set my official hand and of-
' the corporate seal of said
_ mpany, this the 4th day of
OCtu'iM t . 1923.
B. S. DOBBS, Secretary.
■ Filed in office, this the 4th day
nf October, 1923. ,
j Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County. Georgia.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
|, I, E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk ol
^ Mil Superior Court of said county,
& jBo certify that tne foregoing i> •
true copy of the original applica
tion of Athens Manufacturing
MWomnany for renewal of and
{F'Huendment to.its charter, aa the
same appears of flit in my office.
■ i WITNESS my official hand and
deal, this the 4th day of October,
fti Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
r County, Georgia.
Oct. 6-12-19-26.
. said
gia and In the 220th District, G. M..
and fronting on the Athens and
Lexington Road and' about five
miles from Athens and being o
part of tho Whitlock place and
bounded as fallows: On tho north
by lands of W. E. Epps, and the
east by lands of tonnrety W. A.
Jester, fronting on the south the
Athens and Lexington road, on the
west by lands of Wallace. Said
tract of land containing Forty-one
and 37-104 acres, more or lose and
being that tract of land conveyed
to A. P. Winston by deed to E. P.
Whitlock of date November 4, 1910
end of record In the office of the
Clerk of the 8uj>erior Court for
Clarke County, Georgia, In Deed
book I, folio 631, lose twelve and
73-100 acrea heretofore sold off to
T. W. Wallace by A. P. Winston
and conveyed to II,C. Wilson by
A. P. Winston, aald deed of record
In the office of tbe Clerk sit the
Superior Court for Clarke County,
(Marti*, la Deed Book folio
. reference being had In said
deed to plat of eurvey by BenJ. H.
Barrow, county Surveyor of date,
November 4, 1010 to which plal
ana to which deed reference is had
and same made a part hereof.
This property Is sold In accord
ance .with an agreement outered
Into by and batween R. C. Nunn of
the one pert and the Administra
trix of C. H. Hayes, dec’d of the
other part.
Mr, c. H. Hayes and Joe Nunn’
having purchased the shore prop
erty end haring received from Mr.
R. C. Nunn hie Borftf for Title and
Mr. B. C. Nunn now holds the note
of Mr. C. H. Ilaycs for *3500.00 be
tides Interest and tht said n. C.
Nunn haring suad the eald Hayes
during hit life. This land It being
•old as aforesaid under an agree
ment for the purpose of settling
may be necessary
said turn nml'eald Indebtedness.
■nils 3th day of Oct, 1133.
H. M. RYLEE, Atty.
Oct 13-19-26—Nor. 1.
and sell real catata and personal
6, The capital stock of said cor
poration ■hall be Twenty Thous
and (*20,000.00) Dollars, the par
will tail at public auction for cash
on the'first Tuesday in November
next within sale houre before the
Court House in City of Athens,
the old Hems Place of said de
ceased, said tract of land contain
ing' One Hundred (J00) acres, and
bounded as follows: On South by
the Georgia Factory and Lexing
ton road, on the West by public
road running South from Athens
and Lexington road, and North by
land of Mrs. Dean and on East by
N. B. Davis estate; the land to be
sold Ilea In 220th District, said
County, and is place occupied for
years by the widow, Mrs. J. A.
Davis. Sale to. be had for the
purpoae of distribution among
the legatees under said will.
Administrators, etc,, of Pryor
Davis, Deceased.
Oct. 12-19-26. Nov.-ft—
That said association desires
that right to have and use a cor
porate' seal, sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded; also the right
to lease, purchase, take by gift or
otherwise, hold, and convey such
real and personal property as may
be necessary and proper for the
purposes of its incorporation.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
ALICE POPE having made ap
plication for twelve months aup-, u ibii „„ ...
port out Of-the estate of Janies1 .oration be exercisable by the
. „. That it may make such by,
laws as may Le necessary and
proper, from time to time; that it
have the power to borrow money
and issue notes, bonds or other
evidences of debt and to secure
the same by dec4, ravage or
other conveyance.
That the powers of the cor-
southerly direction along Franklin
Street 122 feet to a point; thence
cei inch tu a jjcmiu,, micikc
an eaateriy direction 116 feet
to a point; thence in a northerly
direction 122 feet to Cobb Street;
thence along Cobb Street in a
westerly direction 116 feet to the
beginning point on the corner of
Cobb end Franklin Streets.
Said land levied on ee the
property of Mrs. Mary P. Cooper,
to satisfy an execution issued on
the 3rd day of October, 1923, from
the City Court of Athens, in favor
of Tho Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the United States
against Mrs. Mary P. Cooper,
Quit-Claim,deed for the purpose
of levy and sale flisd and recorded
1 1 L.. 7 .'.J .1 ..J
M. Pope, appraisers duly appointed
to set apart the same having
fiieo their return, all person,
concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the ..Court of
Ordinary of said county on the
first Monday in November, 1923.
why the (aid application ahould
not be granted.
Thia 12th day of October, 1923.
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
Oct. 12-19-26. Nov. 2.
aa required by law ahd due and and being in said State and Coun
GEORGIA—Clarke County;
Under and by virtue of an order
of the Court of Ordinary of said
County, there will be sold at pub
lic outcry on the first Tuesday in
November, 1923, before the conn
house door in said County, be
tween the legal hours of sale, an
undivided three-fourths interest in
the following described property,
to-wit. ... ... ,
All that lot of land, with im
provements thereon, situate, lying
t t ! Ctnta a nil I’niltl-
Board of Directors except when
otherwise specified in the by-laws.
7. That the principal oflice of
said association shall be in Ath
ens, Clarke County, Georgia.
8. ..That the capital stock be
Five Hundred (*500.00) Dollars,
par value of *5.00 per share. w:th
the privilege of increasing said
capital to any amount not in ex
cess of Twenty-Five Hundred
(*2300.00) Dollars by a majority
vote of the Board of Directors.
That the corporation have also the
privilege of collecting dues and
assessments from its members as
fixed by the Board of Directors,
legal notice given to the defend
ant and tenant In posseaiion.
This 12th day of October, 1923.
Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Will be (old before the Court
House door in said County, on the
first Tuesday in November, 1923,
within the legal hours of sale, to
the higheet bidder for <caah, the
following deecribed land, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of lend,
value of etch share to Im *100.00. lying end being in Athens, Clarke
Petitioners desire the right to in- County. Georgia, beginning at.a
crease said . ospital et«k to any point on the West .if. of Frank-
amount not exceeding One Hun* lin ^Street^ieventy-five feet Nonl
dred Thousand (*100,000.00) Dol
of Melgi Street at the corner of a
lot formerly owned by Mrs. Vance,
and rurthlng thence North along
ty, and fronting on Park Avenue
in the City of Athena, for a dis
tance of 86 feet, and extending
through with an equal width for a
depth of 105 Icet, said lot begin
ning on the Park Avenue property
line at a stake at the Northwest]
comer of said lot and running
southerly along Park Avenue 8u
feet to a stake; thence in an
easterly direction 165 feet to a
stake; thence in northerly direc
tion 86 feet to a stake; thence
westerly 166 feet to the beginning
comer. Thia property being known
at No. 170 Park Avenue and be
ing a part of Lot No. 5 of the
Fred J. Orr survey as showni by
plat recorded in the Clerk’s Office
of the Superior Court of Clarke
County, Georgia, in record of
Franklin Street 103 1-2 fee£ Deeds Book 2, page
Mrs by a majority vote of the
common stock of said - company ^
the ^subscription* to* said* capita* | more or less, to property of J.F. “This "interest be sold as the Qct ]2 _,
stock in money or property taken Tibbetts, thence Weet along line property _ of Rabun, r "” l “ * nd
- - of Tibbetts and Wlikina 195 1-2 rfe u j 8e Fowler, mini—
feet, thence South parallel with u me the other one-fourth
Franklin Street 105 feet to lot of interest, which betonge to Mrs. J.
Mrs. Vance, thence Eaet along, line t Fowler, will aleo bis sold, thus
“* ** *“ 1J s n tlu> ' niirntlMNJsf* tVlG €11*
at a fair valuation.
7. Petitioners desire that eaid
corporation shall have the right to
sue and be sued, to have and ue«
a common seal, and to make such
by-lawi’and regulations for the
government of eaid corporation a*
8. Petitioners show that more
of Mrs. Vance 197 feet, more or DU £| n g to the purchaser the en-
less, to the beginning. Being r ire interest in thie property,
pert* of Joto 97. and 79 In the This October 12thyl923.
..... in the
survey of the Town of .Atfiefi*,
than (10) per cent of the capital
and fully deicribed in a deed from
•tock hai actually been paid in
9. Petitioner* further pray that
said corporation have authority to
wind up its corporate affaire, to
liquidate and diacontinue the bus
iness of said corporation at any
time that it may be determined by
• majority -vote of ita itock out-
standing so to do.
WHEREFORE, petitioners, prey
thst they, together with their ee-
seriates and aucceeeon, be Incor
porated under the name and etyie
aforesaid, with all the rights,
powers, privileges and Immunities
hereinbefore set forth, end with
•ueh other rights, powers, privil-
ges end immunities ae are now or
may hereafter be allowed cor
poration! of the same character
under the Mwi of the State of
Attorneys for Petitioners.
Filed In office, this 11th day ol
October, 1023.
Clerk Superior Court, Ckrke
County, Georgia.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
I, E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk of
G. F. Stephenson to Marcus P.
Guardian for Rabun, Corrie and
Louise Fowler.
McWhorter recorded in Book 18, Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2.
page 464, in tho office of the !
Clerk of the Superior Court of GEORGIA—Clarke County
Ctarke County. will be eold at the court house
Said land levied on as the prop- door in said county on the first
•rty of Marcus P. McWhorter to Tuesday in November, 1923, wlth-
satlsfy an execution issued front in the legal hours of sale, to-wit:
ths CityjCourt of Athens, said All that certain tract or parcel of
State and County, on the 20th land lying and being in said State
dey of Mey, 1922, in fevor of The and County, and in Puryear s
Georgia National Bank of Athene District G. M, on the new Athens
against Hugh H. Price and Mar- and Lexington road, containing
cus P. McWhorter. Written notice Thirty (W) acres more, or less,
of levy given defendant in fl fa., bounded on the North by n settle-
•nd tenant in possession. Deed ment read, connecting the old and
for the purpose of levy and sale new Athene and Lexington roads,
filsd and recorded in the oftlco of on the East by the old Athens and
the Clerk of the Superior Court Lexington road and Mnds ol
of said County before levy made. Jones; South by Mnds of U. H.
Thie the 8th day of October, Davenport formerly, new sold to
xod by the Board ot Directors.
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray
for an order of incorporation ac
cording to the statutes in such
cases made and provided.
, O. W. ABNEY,
R. A. C. RAY,
Filed in office, this 11th day
October, 1623.
E, J. CRAWFORD, Clerk.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
I, E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk
the Superior Court of Clarke
County, Georgia, do hereby rti-
fy that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the applica
tion of W. P. Brooks, O. w. Ab
ney, G. A. Booth, R. A. C. Ray,
J. P. Carter, and their associates,
for a charter lor MERCHANTS'
ATHENS. GA., as the some ap
pears of file in this office.
Witncs* my official hand and
signature, this the 11th day of
October, 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
19-26, Nov. 2.
Qpunty of Clarke. : ,i
To All Whom it May Concern-
George Arnold and Carrie GhOI,
ton having made < application ,I
permanent..Letters of Adm|„V“ r
tion to be Maued on (he
Chan Arnold, colored, lam 0 , ..?*
Ail that tract, lot or parcel of j toTlte’ a*l°persons^i^sho here(ore '
land, situate, lying and bring in ’in the Cour* of Ordln!^ W tause
the 220th District G. M., Clarke;fir, t Mond“i to ? 0,1 ,h «
County, Georgia, and more fully t6 show cause 1 if N ^.l ^ r ' 19J 3,
rfescrlhod aa follows: _ cause, it any they
ing system; and generally to ad- GEORGIA—Clarke County:
vance the best interest of the| Will be sold on the first Tues*
members of said azsociation and dey fn November, 1923, before the
to exercize the powers of a credit {Court House door in said State
association. and County, during the legal hours
3. That said association de-jof salq, to the highest bidder for
sires to hold meetings, take action cash, the following described prop-
as a boriv, through committees orjerts, to v.'it;
through its officers or employees, ’ * ‘ *
and by other legitimate means
carry out the objects above stated.
described as follows:
Being Lot No. One (1) of the
subdivision of Phillip Neely Home
Place in said District and County,
and bounded as follows:
Commencing at a-rock corner,
on public road, leading from near
the residence Of John Tuck to the
Gum Corner, and running thence
S. 29 1-2 E. 54.50 to a rock;
thence S. E. Course 15.15 to a
rock; thence N. W. Course to
rock; thence N. E. Course to a
rock; thence N. 11 1-2 W. 11 to o
rock on the aforementioned public
road; thence' West direction along
the said road^ to the cornet of
commencing — containing (70.66)
Seventy and Sixty-five Hundredths
acres, and fully marked and de
fined in a plat of the subdivision
of the Phillip Neely Horae Place
made by W. Crane on the 8th
day of November, 1002.
Thta bring the same land dp-
rcribed in a deed executed by
Phillip Neely to Peter Neely, aa
Trustee, for said Lula Johnson,
said deed being dated December
17. 1902, and bring recorded in tne
office of the Clerk of the Super
ior Court of Clarke County, Geor
gia, In Deed Book W. W., Page M.
And bring the eame property
conveyed to Gcopge Johnson by
GEORGIA—Clerks County.
WILL BE SOLD before the
court house door for Clarke County
in the City of Athens on the lint
Tueeday in November, 1923, *
Eugene Tribble, and on the West
by -the new Athens and Lexington
road and particularly described as
follows: Beginning
OEORQIA—CMrke county.
WILL BB SOLD before Un.
Court Houie door for CMrke Coun
ty in the city of Athene, Georgia, on
the flret Tuesday in November,
1323, between the legal hours ol
•ale for cash the following de
scribed reel citato, to wit:
A certain tract or parcel of lend, ■ Ptxzperty values,
situated In sold county, end in tbe W*>. Indcbtedneti
City of Athene, and more partic
ularly described ee followa; Being
ou the west aide of Barrett etreet
end Joining Iota of J. a McClure
end J. c. Fowler end containing
one-halt acres, more or Ions,
fronting 106 feet on Barrett etrecl
and running back two hundred and
ten feet joining land with Mc-
W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff.
Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2. /
——■- follow,; Beginning at a corner
ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE near a bridge on the new Athens
GEORGIA—CMrke County: road, sapic being the South West
By virtue of power end author- corner "of this land, and running
ity contained in the last will of thence along the line dividing thia
Pryor Davis, late ef said County, Mn(l from the said Davenport
deceased, the undersigned as ad- lands, N. 63 1-2 E. 19.20 chs. to a
miniatratora de bonis non, with corner near • bridge on the old
Athens ahd Lexington rand, thence
„ COUNTY TAX LEVY-1923 ^d 48 uLVn 0 ^d th div°idia A g t u,u
^U^n motfoa it was ordered Igr the Board of Compitikmere of ], nd f rom Mnde of Jones, to a
corner on the settlement road
Roads and Revennea for Clarke County, Georgia,^ that the following
W 1 » l yfr tor »» y«*S MM- ft"' .i 180 *) rtrtte thia land comers with land,
per cent, on State Levy. Eight mOU or *8.00 on each *1,000.00. 0 » j snua R. Tuck, thence along - . , . . .
was further ordered by tho Board that the following levies be the line dividing thia land from I ?! d interest, being evidenced
made om State levy for the year 192*, and that the same be collected |. nd , of Junes R. Tuck to a por-l 1 ^2. note *.f or WO-00 **'•>.
>— ** w» ... , / | IhPHa nflux worn (Ariae r
luusur.y in nwemuer, itw
tween the legal hours of sale for
cash the following described
•state, to-witi jlfz .- Anil;
A certain lot of (and i
■City' of Athens, Clerks County,
Georgia, on the Northwest comer
of the intersection of Hancock
Avenue and-Finley Street, laid
lot having a frontage of Fifty
(60) feet on Hancock Avenue and
running back with a uniform
width One Hundred end Four
(104) feet within eight (3) feet ol
the back parallel line of Hada
way’a property; being bounded-on
the North by said back line, Easy
by Finley Street, South by Han
cock Avenue, and on the West by
Marion Holbrookes and Is- the
same property bought by Deupreo
Hunnlcutt of R. L. Pope and cor-
veyed to him .by deed'dated 18th
of July, 1916, and recorded in
deed book 16, page 451, office of
Clerk of Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia, and ia the same
property deeded to the said Pope
by deed of D. I. Mulky, said deed
dated October 12, 1908, and re
corded in deed book '‘4,” page 560,
office Clerk of Superior Court, of
CMrke County, Georgia.
The above property is* eold by
authority given, under a power of
Attorney to Jno. S. Keese, date of
deed being 14th dey of November,
1919, and being recorded in deed
book 27, page 293 of the recorde of
Superior Court of Clarke County,
The above Security Deed was
given to secure *1600.00 principal
MU (>»
by the Tex Collector for the'followin'; County 'purpose!,' to-wit' n*er“on“then«r *Ath«i» and* Lex-i S 1 *** “® te * w * r » of n0 ' ,!S
5f“"h y .!!, V ? , .'. ,i * ht mnh or W '°° on *» ch *1.°00'0° county taxable fngton road, thence S. 33 1-4 E. cSlInraT/^ha'^inLl^t* and* th«
•i.m* amLt mm) fn fK* hsirinnino'! o* to® contract and tnat
_ - „ — ti% on State Levy
Buildings 2% on State Levy
BjJdgea i. •• on 8tat « t**7
Officer* Salaries and Fees .. 11% on State Levy ..
County Executive Officers
Salaries and Feea 9% on State Levy ..
Non^Reetdent Wit^iW 0 " SUt * ^ "
Extra Service 2% on State Levy ..
■vn joining lanu wun Me a *i n Jg* 0C * *(*»“ Court ...
Clu re and otbera being tbe proper- on State Levy ..
ty deeded from J. II.T. McPhciU V. ’.•/.7 7 7% In luu uS !.
Quarantine and Sanitation .. 12% on State Levy ..
Lawful Charges 10% on State Levy,..
R°*de 40% on State. Levy'..
to the beeinninc' oaaeuce oi mo contract ana tnat
..*49.312.17 neer *the* bride, end ia a lth * t “P 0 " * n y " ote remaining in
1 comer near the bridge, end u a, . . n.„.
along said mad
11896.62 tSTtaSd ro»“v&d*to iohn]“j°r more than thirty dayr
1.896.62 mitavta Kw rinni nf j t piitaril [that then each and every note
0,431.42 7eod drt^ NowJbef ^ 14th! L s ^““.,^ c0 .T e .c du ?.?? d I Ml X ablt . al
Lula Johnson, by deed dated April
14, 1921, recorded in Deed Book
32, page 498, In said Clerk a Of-
fj ce<
Said property levied upon and
to be sold as the property of. the
defendant in fi fa. Geow John
son, to satisfy a fi fa issued from
the City Court of Athens in favor
of Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer, Exwu-
trix, and against John Neejy,
George - Johnson* and Peter Neely.
Legal notice given tenant in pos-
"^"'llth dVE. 0 JACKs'0N?'
Sheriff. Clarke Couilty, Georgia.
Oct. 12-19-26. Nov. 2.
Wfoy permanent Letters of IitaS
letration should not be Zl
upon the estate of the .aid t'h,?
Arnold deceased, ,6 such p er ^
aa Uie Court may ,ee fit toT n ”
point in the abaened of an acre?
ment of Uie heirs. ‘ eree '
This October 6th. 1923.
Ordinary of’cMr^Conmy G>
OEORQIA—Clarke County,
T J. , H.le H ^ t e^ W ° f Erara «*
“ d t m n »f«f*o I and*holder of a re”
tain bond for title executed h,
Emmett J. Hale during ,tii 3 ^
J. R. Lowe, haa made apnllcatinn
to the underalgned Z
“ ,d ooooty tor an order requiring
the administrators «f said dereas!
eds estate to make and deliver
onto her a deed to tha real estate
described !e- ^7“ * ;
.h° Wn Kjf 'I 1 ’ No *- and 5 or
the eubdlvlalon of .aid deceased',
lands In Good Hdpe. Walton Coun-
ty. Georgia, aa fully set forth In'
flee P ®‘ 1 0n “ of ,n ° 111 this of.
You are therefore, required to I*
and appear at the court of Ordls
ary of said County on the f| r „
Monday In Noyember, 1933.
show cause. If any ynu may have
why said order should not b.
granted aa preyed.
_, . prayed..
This, the 1st day of October,
OEOROIA—Clarke County.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Alfred D .Bailey, having In prop
er form applied to mo for Perman
ent Letters of Administration on
tho estate of Alfred B. Briley, late
of said county, thia M to Cite alj
and angular the creditor* and next
of kin of said Alfred B. Bailey to
be and appear at my office within
the time allowed by taw, and riiow
cause. It any they can, why per
manent administration should not
be gamted to Alfded D. Bailey on
said estate. ,
Witness my hand and official
elgnaturo, this 11th day of October,
R. C. ORR, Ordinary
- R. Ci ORR,
Ordinary aarhe County, Qeorrl.
OEORQIA—Clarke County.
To All Whom it May Concern:
R. E. Johnson having In proper
form applied to me for Permanent
Letter, of Administration on the
estate of Perry Johnzon. late of
•aid county, this is to rite all and
singular the creditor* and next of
kin of Perry Johnson- to be and
appear at my office within the
time allowed by tow, and ehow
cause, If any they can, why per-
manent administration ahould not
be granted to R. E. Johnson on
Perry Johnson's 'eitate.
Wltneis my hand and official
signature, thie 11th dey of October,
B. C. ORB. Ordinary
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
To All Whom It May Concern:
W. R. Booth having In proper
form applied to me for Permanent
Letter* of Administration on the
estate ot Mrs. W. R. Booth, lata
of aald county, this Is to cite all
and aihgutar . the creditors . and
next of kin of said Mrs. W.
Booth to be an appear at my of
fice within the time allowed by
law, and show cause, Iw any they
can, whjpwgrmanent administration
should not be granted to W. R.
Booth on arid estate.
Witness my band and official
signature, thia 13th day ot October,
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
OEORQIA—Clarke County.
tvs:: bo sold at puhllc' outcry be
fore the Court Houae door of said
county, on the Unit Tuesday In No-
vember 1923. between the legal
Uie ,highest and
best b|dder for CASH, the follow
ing descflbed land to-wit:
All tbat tract or parcel of land
situate and lying in tbe County of
Clarke, State of Georgia, City ot
Athens in said county, In tbat part
of city known as East Athena,
fronting Northwest on Strickand
street, and bounded on northeaq
by property of Mary Cerrle and
Charlotte Whitehead, on the aouth-
eaat by property of R. T. Whim,
on the southwest by property .of N.
S' , p ®v°! e “ d m °ro particularly
de:|:ribed as follows: Beginning
at a point on Strickland street at
the aouthweat comer of the nroo-
“f* 7 C,rrie A"* 1 Charlotte
Whitehead and running along said
I,™ * distance of one hundred
feet, thence aouthwesteriy along
7* °/. «• J' White property fifty
Itoi' n °ribweeterly along
el 1 "*. of . Pertoto property one bun-
Tired feet to Strickland street,
thence .northeasterly along Stride*
and «treet, fifty feet. Being the
aame tand ae described In deed
from N. C. Perlote to O. J. Tolnas
recorded in Book 10, Page 335 n» c .
ord * of CMrite CenaArToeorgle.
* b0 , v ® 6*ecribod land was
conveyed to the nnderelgned. the
Commercial Bonk of Athene, e
corporation, f>y J. h. Phillips, by a
An% * ed w d * ,ed ,#,h °f
April 1920,and recorded In the of-
* h « Clerk of Superior Court
i rke count y- Ceorgla, on the
13th day of April 1920, in deed
deed he? FOl, a 18,; ** ld eeenrity
deed being mode to eecnre the nay.
exMnt°ii* “to f0r ,1 * 0 00 ' that day
executed, seld note being due No-
to E. O. Fambrough of this 'ate.
Being tbe property deed T. It. Bar
rett to J. H. T. McPherson, re
corded In Book Z. Z.. folio 172.
The above property Is eold by
authority given under a power of
attorney tc Mrs D. W. McGregor,
date of deed being 16U> day ol
November, 1920, end being record
ed In deed book 31, page 173 ol
the rccorda of Superior Court for
CMrke County. Georgia. The power
of attorney authorizes the holder
of said npte upon default of pay
.. 6,689-87
.. 5,889.87
.. 6,668.18
.. 11,379.73
— 9,483.11
.. 37332.44
I CMrke:
NWHEREAS on the Tint day of
December, 1920, Thomas Jarrell of
sun! State and County did execute
and deliver to W. H. Harris, a cer
tain Security deed to property
I'm-matter deecribed. which deed
js recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
aald County of CMrke in Deed
31, Folio 262; eaid deed be-
. given to seepre • certain prom-
lory note in toe principal sum ol
Hundred (*130030) Dol
lar,: given by slid Thomas Jarrell
to the said W. H. Harris, said
note being dated December lit, utit . u
1U20, hearing interest from date (exercises her option ancf declares I
the rate ot 8 per cent per an-1 the aald note, principal and Inter-
...Total State and County Levy Thirteen mills or *1*30 on’ each
-*1360.00 on County assessed valuations. Total assessed taxable values,
u shown by digest *18366,220.00. Upon motion, It is further or-
dered by the Board that any surplus raised by any of the above levies,
,f be applied to any lawful charges against the county.
The Countjr Board of Education having recommended to thia Board
that a local tax ef Four end one-quarter (4)4) mills or *436 on each
p0030 on ell taxable .property within the county ef CMrke without
interest to It* ln »n» r *‘* limit* of the City of Athens, be tavied to supplement
* it* P 0 ? 1 * •'h* 01 fund ln accordance with Section 2 of the Acta nf the
Urine ,tron' P*"*™! Assembly of 1905 end acta amendatory thereof; It fa that**
Using iron fore ordered by the said Board of Commtselomn, in punuance of said
recommendation and^pnnuance of an election held and carried
ment ot prlndpei or Interest to
•ell the ebuve property to the high
est bidder liter advertising nrop
erty for thirty days In legal Oa-
setts of Clarke County, Georgia.
The above security deed was
given to secure *1000.00 principal,
being evidenced by a note of even
date for that amount. The note be
ing due November 16, 1022 has re
mained in default is to principal
and Interest since .May. 1**3. Now
! !. tl |!! ,ler ..° t **}f "°** *; d , d6ed Clerk, Board of CommlzHonei
exercises her opUon sad declares I County, Georgia,
jibe said note, principal and lnler- Sept. 21-28, Oct, 6.12-19-26.
undw ‘ h *..*Si! 0 " * b0T * 1 " , * rr * d t0 ' of 4)4 rallh or (436
im each *130030 on all taxable property of the county or'cierke
limits of the City of Athens be end the
Xi d 7 d ^d ^rdtS^^ nitr“‘^r^rClioC.^’SaT.e^
• n “ recdraea in aeea oooki * n n» M duo rWomL-.v
<V,,mfv «ld lend ililed on M the in8 thl * Mot « °" th « 15th of *» ch
1396.62 property of d Eugen® a Tribble^SVmw”toe* ‘hSldi’""^. id
Mtfafy an execution i-uvO or. the def * u,t ’ now th ® holdcr of »« w
9th day of October, 1923, from the
City Court of Athens, in said
county, in favor of R. G. Davie
and against the said Eugene G.
This October Uth, 1923.
Sheriff, CMrke County, Georgia.
Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2.
GEORGIA—CMrke County:
To the Superior Court ot Seld
The-petition of W. P. BROOKS,
A. C. RAY, J. P. CARTER, and
t h 4 I r associates, respectfully
notes and deed exercises his op
tion and deciaru the entire amount
principal and interest, due and pay
able at once
Any amount over and above
amount required to pay the princi
pal, interest and coat will return
to the maker of said note.
This the tint day of October,
H. M. RYLEE, Attorney.
Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2.
GEORGIA--Clarke County.
Will be told on tho first Tues
day in November, 1923, before the
'court houae door, said state and
That they desire to be In- county, during the legal hours ol
anln Ia tiin L Inkut amA V. — — A L!J
lying without thef noorponte
lame le hereby levied, end that the same be collected by the Tex Cc!
lector of raid County in conformity with the law.
• . Chairman Pro Tom.
rated under the name and sale to the highest and best bidder
ylo of MERCHANTS’ PROTEC- for cosh, the following described
ENS, GA, for a period ot twenty One iron tefe.
(20) years, with the privilege of Said property levied upon as the
ronevral ae provided by taw. property of the defendant, E: G.
2. That the object of said aa- Fambrough, to satisfy a judg-
•octation ta to provide closer fel- ment issued in fevor of J. G. Me
nMmud co-operation aiMBg Entire and agaiait E. G. Fam
ine business men of the city of brongh end A. IL Shannon.
0( Roads and Revenue* for, Clarke jAthmi Cro^a; Vo aatoguard’and TiPoSS&n, fm
■ servo the interest u f buslnei- W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff. tltto
Jmen; ;to establish a uniform and Oct. 12-19-2C, Nov. 2. ^ i
County of Ctarke.
Mollle Lichtenstein having ap
plied to tbe Ordinary by petition
asking that Howell a Erwin and
Aaron Cohen as executor* of tha
estate of S. Sloman,'deceased, MM
of eaid county, be required to make
to her s deed to a-lot-of land In
the City of Augusta, Richmond
County, Oeorgta, on the south side
ot Kills street between Thirteenth
street and Fourteenth street,
known and designated ee Num-
Iwni 1336 and 1333 Ellis street,
having a front on raid Ellis street
of 34 feet 6 Inches more or lees,
running back of even width 132
feet more or leae, and bounded' ae
North by Ellis street; east by
lands of Mrs. H. H. Hester, south
by lends of Patrick, Thomas and
Henry Jackson, and west by lands
of Batrlck Walsh, In pursuance ol
a bond for title made by tbe said
8. Sloman, deceased to the eaid
Mollle Lichtenstein In hta life
time; the said Mollle Lichtenstein
•Raging that the baa fully met her
obligations In said bond.
This M to notify tbe said Howail
c. Erwin and tha 'eaid Aaron
Cohen, executors, and Joeeph Slo-
man, sole heir-at-Mw of the es
tate of the aald 8. Sloman, de
ceased, to be ejut appear at tbe
MriWomka. lam '«■** zk. /v
“V nd ‘ h ® r.n«W.iTqf.take"
for the balance of *59.00. aald note
dated November let, 1920, amt due
an in m, 22 r * te qt 8 8®* c ® n t' P®>
annum after maturity..
tf^rW**# W2y |d ed Hint
” d *'“''‘./hould be mad* ln the
not ® ta«n the un-
dcrnlgned, the Commercial Bank of
Athens, a corporation, would be
™,hn° ri " d . *° ** n u,d Property it
public outcry In accordance with
V7P°»®r of (ale contained In Mid
J"* “ ,d J - H. Phillips, bit
fell*d to pay said note when due.
Said sale will be made and a
conveyance of aald land will be
made to the pnrehaner or pur
chasers, ell in accordance with tho
terms and provisions of e power
deed* 8 COD ‘** n ® d I" (hid eeenrity
TWo October 12th, 1923.
Oct- 12-19-20—Nov. 2.
State College Is
Winner of Dairy
Products Prize
Honors In the Dairy Product*
section of the Southeastern Fair
went to the State Collere of Agri
culture according to advices Juat
received here.
The college won first prize on
Print butter over a large number
of entries, and came second only to
the Decatur Creamery on tub but.
ter.. First place on the dairy pro
ducts exhibit constating of cottage
se, mlllt, butter and creim al
eo went |o the college.
November term, 1123, of tbe Court
of-Ordinary of Clarke County Geor- ^ _ T ,
gla, nnd show cause. If any they Zv£V!i nl
have or can, why the said execu- the
tor* should not be required to
•make said deed ns forayed for by
the said Mollle Lichtenstein, pe*
Prof. V. H. Mnrlatt, Cheese
Specialist at the CoUog* of Agri
culture was In charge of the ex.
hlblt of dairy products nnd Prof-
Harlson of the ‘Hairy Department
K. C. ORR, Ordinary.
'ot the -UnlvuoUH