Newspaper Page Text
L A special song service take^
* the preaching service at
g Harris church tonight,
tober. 14, beginning at 7:30
§ o’clock and will last one or two
l hours. We will have songs by the
[children, songs by the young peo-
I pie, and.songs by the ladies. Also
^aome special selections of song« by
fthe board of stewards such a*
*■- "My Latest S*:i Is Setting Fast,”
' and songs by the audience.
£ B. Dunaway will preside over
the serAze and everybody is cor
dially irwited to attend and take
part in
i service.
oently , * lacerated baby here
scratched Its mother on the eyelid
and produ ted an entirely success,.
ful vacciiu ttion on the toother.
WlLbEB Di5N. Eng.—A woman
told t:ho m arbitrate ht-re that she
threw a cup at he * husband and
unfortunate Ij lilt the baby In the
eye. , I
j President Roosevelt,
Edison and others.
J “Caesar Is truly a master mlr.d
I of modern crystal gazing."—state
ment by Professor Zand's.
“Caesar, the Elovcatl, Waadv
of the World, Is to my mind one
hundred years ahead'of the times."
—Statement by Mr. X, the mao
with the radio eyes.
“Caesar is the werdest, most
uncanny mystery ever presented to
Thomas A.
Caesar, the Great, Will ......
Annonr At thp Colonial public''—Statement b.v Madam
Appear Al Uie ^oioniai 1 jfcta., tbo Famoua French Pbren-
For Three Nights Com- ul ^ ist .
monoin Mondav "Caesar, In a claBs by hlmaelt.'
mencmg iVlOHUtty. -Statement by E. Bamberg. the
sixth generation.
are youmoney-i
f~‘ Men whp could afford*tlothes extravagance are the
on<* who ni03t appreciate the saving quality of our
suits. Their up-hill climb to prosperity has given
*djL, them real ideas of value.
Young men, who are on the way up, will find that
wrw both their appearance and their bank account profit
trs*- 1 through wearing them.
rrA Excellent in fabric and style, they give so much for
a moderate price.
1 $25.00 to $50.00
Special Values in
2-Pants Suits
HJ.Reid Co
Clayton Street ■> . Athens, Ga.
Caesar, the man who knows 1dm.
self, was born and rearedVn Man
dalay, India, of English and French
parentage, his father being an of
ficer in the British service, and
f*om childhood* up had an oppor
tunity o; studying the arts and
I mysteries of the famous Hindoo
‘ wonder workers, apd has devoted
his entire Jfe to the study of the
mysterious cult.
He has ap^earel? In all the prta^
clpal theatres In every English' 1
speaking country in the world, and
has been commanded to appear
and give performances before the
crowned heads of Europe. There Is
no doubt a packed house will greet
jhlm on Monday night then he
opens an engagement for three
nights v^tli a special matinee Wed
nesday to whichladtes only willibe
The Man Who Knows
"Caesar Is undoubtedly one of
j the Greatest Psysfcs the country
1 has over seen.’ —Statement by Mr.
Dunnlnger, the man who read the
[minds of President• Harding, Ex-
"For two yearrl have been a
betic sufferer," writer, p. B. Papas,
“I could not\ eat and my eyesight
itegnn to fall. A friend told me
about wonderful ’Ekslp.’ After flv»
weeks my appetite began to re
turn. 1 can cat now three square
meals a day and almost see as wel
as formerly.
"Ekslp" is the wonderful dlrcov.
cry for treating diabetes without
dieting. A book entitled. “Eat and
Get Well,’ is being distributed free
If you suffer or know anyone af
flicted with diabetes send for thii
book. Do not delay ns edition Is
limited. Write M. lUchart*. Dept
322. 320 W. 42nd St., New York—
Ready Money Always
—READY When Opportunity Comes
—READY to Buy a Home
—READY to Invest in a Farm f
—READY to Buy Necessities ?
Money deposited with this bank is ALWAYS READY MONEY
—No other investment or disposition of it that you can possibly
make or find will pay you good interest and at the same time be
iii r ;
so that your money w
need it.
be available in cash so readily when you
At least a part of everybody’s property should be in
the form of a Bank Balance—And this is the best bank
in which to deposit it.
We offer perfect safety, cordial attention at all times, and you!
money will be READY MONEY on deposit here.
Every accommodation is extended by this bank to its
customers and depositors that is consistent with sound
Georgia National Bank
The Allen R. Fleming Post No.
20 had Its regular monthly meet
ing In the parlors of The Georgian
Hot^l last Tuesday night. Several
Items of business were called up
and disposed of, among them the
election of officers.
Due to the fact that several of
the members are In attendance at
tfte national convention In 8an
Francisco, Fleetwood Lanier pre
sided over the meeting and the fol
lowing officers were elected:
A. T. Levle. commander.
A. I. Almand, vice commander.
F. O. Miller, re-elected adjutant.
H. T. Abney, re-elected treasurer.
Lee Bradberry, historian and
Fleetwood’ Lanier, re-elected
service officer. —
H. C. Kytle, sergeant at arms.
Each of the'' new officers has
done a great deal of work for the
post. All of them were instrumen
tal In putting the state convention
over In .Idly of this year, the larg
est that has been held In this
Mr. Levle Is to bo congratulated
upon attaining this position within
a year after becoming a member.
It is evident of his untiring efforts
in the Interest of th*t post, tie was
general chairman of the entertain
ment committee for the convention
and has eerved on a number of
other Important committees.
The in. ul post ‘ • endeavomg to
sponsor rome of the troops of the
l oy Scout organlzatimis -.f the city
and the new cor. mender nsst-Tis
that a great deal of emphasis will
be brought to bear upon that work
since he has been Instrumental In
Scout work In Athens and knows
that It Is a worthy cause and the
Legion could’ spend Its efforts In
no wiser way.
A committee will be appointed
at an early date for tho purpose of
planning an Armistice Day pro
gram. The eleventh borne* on Sun
day this year but the occawon
thould not bo allowed to pass
without remembering it with qome
form of appropriate exercises.
letters from
the people
Athenian, Chairman
State High School Asso
ciation, Announces Top
ics For Discussions.
D*. Joseph S. Stewart, chair
man of the State High School As-
sociation, announced Saturday the
topics fof discussion in the twelve
district high school conferences* 1
to be held October the 28th toi
November the 17th.
The conferences are under the j
immediate direction of the district
association. J. H. Furks of Mad*'
ison i 8 eighth district chairman.
They bring together for an
evening and a day the city a id
county superintendents, tho high
school principals and teachers ot
the district. Tlje place of holding
the conference is decided by the-
district committee.
These conferences have been
held for a number of years, and
have proved very valuable in the
development of the high schools:
The topics for discussion fol
1. The accredited High School)
and its relation to the County Ju* j
nior High Schools and Elemental .
2. The recent Supreme Court
decision relating to County Com
missioners levying school taxes
and the independent city systems.
3. The state aid to rural high
school pupils and how it works in
my county.
4. Relating the high school to
the community. t
5. Selling high school education
to the community.
6. The teacher : training classes.
7. Routine matters — records,'
reports, daily schedules, faculty,
committee, janitor service, secur
ing text books, school equipment,
the library.
8. The new athletic regulations
and how they are working.
9. The accredited school bulle
tin, 1923. ' I
10. Uur experience with tests I
and measurements.
U. Affiliated organizations—
P. T. A., Woman’s Club, Rotay-
ians, etc., Chamber of Commerce
and the Schools.
12. For Sunday night or Friday
night mass meeting—
(a) The Home.
(b) The School.
(c) The Chprch.
(d) The Social Environment. %
Instrumental and Vocal Music.
WINNIPEG.—A fossilized oyster
b'lfevetf by scientists to bo a relic
of the pre-glaclal ages, lias been :
■ a ’unearthed by A. G. Shearer, plow- ,
- }mg the top ot a inti at Pope, Mani- ;
I tolm.
Dr. R. C. Wallace, professor of,
igeoiogy at the university of Mind- .
, toba, stated that, to all proba-
I bility, Shearer struck a rock, car
ried by the ico of the glacial ago
nnd belonging to a period mH
z' Won* of years earlier than the Jce
q£ age, as there Is. now neither liver
ilttick Touring
1'uick Roadster
Late Model Chevrolet Touring
These cars have been repainted, have good tires an
ih, excellent condition. They will give anybody
service with little expense.
tor lake near Pope.
Eli pei
Quite on enjoyable occasion Is
anticipated for Wednesday eve-J
nlng . when the Classic City Comr I
292, Woodmen of the World will
nlve an Tentcrtnlnnklbt at Wood
man hall.
Tho public is cordially invited
The other two Woodmen's ramps
located here are invited to attend
the entertainment and bring the
.ladies along. Members of the
Clasic City Camp are naked to’he
present at aeven thirty In order that
a business session may be held lie.
fore the entertainment which be
gins at eight. _
Special entertainment has beer
arranged to amuse nil and there wilt j
probably he some dancing. Ladle*
urged to bring boxes. Men
To the Banner-Herald:
By way of preface lot me say that
I am a member and well-wisher of
the church. I want to see all the
churches prospering and living to
gether In brotherly love as becom.
eth the members of the one great
household of faith.
But things are going on In
church circles in Athens that must
cause angels to weep. Instead of, suppmecl to buy them. But wheth
loving each other nnd helping each j er with or without a box, all are
other, some of our lending churches I asked to come,
nre robbing each other, and of j Refreshments will be served nftej
courre disturbing the cordial fra- J the entertainment. The
ternal relations that ought to ex. rion will probably be n most en-
Ini. 1 Joyabe one nnd a arge crowd Is ex-
Our good women are righteously ‘ Pected out Wednesday night,
indignant when some other good r *'
(?) woman by paying a large wage Brantley- M C C a 1 I
hires away their cook or butler. I» t
the principle different In the rase : OlttrilC
church that hires another i
church’s organist? Or nre we to ]
take the position that church, like j Crowds on the streets and at
corporation *’ha« no soul.'' and) Sanford Field tittrln gthe Georgia-
do with impunity what no self re- Oglethorpe • football bame were
specting woman can do ns an Indl- given » ri!j'and kteU umuzeu by
! the pt .formance of a Star touring
wrong principal, any- j car driven by John R. Brantley and
*o lend the , J. P. McCall, salesmen for the City
wouldn’t it ; Gargge and Motor Co., local dls.
Driving 3-Wheeler
Isn’t it
iw, to hire iierrona
worship of God? Am _ __
be 1 >etter to go back to “the good ! trlbutors for tho Star and Duran"
old days" when we had no organe [ cars.
and organist* nnd paid choirs,
everybody sang; wing with the
spirit and ’.he understanding, mak.
Ing melody In their hearts, if not
always with their voices, unto God 7
—X. Y. Z. ’
Ani! Klan Faction
Blamed For Bombing
Chicago Building
CHICAGO.—Anti-Ku Klux Klan
taction, here were blamed by po
lice with bombing a. two-story
hrlek bnildinif on tho South Side.
The buddint was badlvXdamaitcd.
It was the second bombing nt-l
The tubular backbone Kivea such
riklifty to the (ramo that even
w*ith a front wheel removed, the
Star car wUI operate satisfactori
ly with the trout axle held over ti n
Indies from the ground—held' only
by the rigidity of tho cnr. Ingen
uity plays a great part In suceufa,
and Messrs. Brantley and Mc'iili
decided to have a little fun and
at the same time demonstrate m
the pubi'c the wonderful Durant
tubular backbone construction
used .he Star and Durant cars,
oml chose a duy when they would
get tlie benefit ot .. hlg crowd.
With Brantley at the wheel nnd
McCall as a passenger they tra
versed a large part of tho streets
of the city, taking in the environs
tributed'to anti-klan force, lie™ 01 foM. <" “ Star touring
during the past two days I from which the right front wheel f
The building bombed win occn-' c,r from thelr * lockro °m«. and
pied by G. A. Penrose's drug
store. Penrose told police lie was
an officer in the klan. He said he
had recently received several let
ters charging him with being a
klansman, and ordering him to
leave the neighborhood.
T»o dejri ago a building occu
pied by the Forcum Press, pub-
damsged by a bomb explosion.
This building was also
hail been removed.
They, were constantly hailed ,'n
their rounds and told that they had
"loat a wheel." hut aa they drove
lereoaly on, the informant realised
that U wasn’t "tost” nor was it
necessary. It prored conclusively
that the Star eoaM bn driven on
three wheels, and the car was
Ushers of a Ulan organ. Was badly greeted with tmnntrtous »pc!*a:i:
' ■***■ ‘ ,»od to how- firmly established In
os a prodnet of
CAESAR—And Company of European ArtisjEa.
October 15,16,17—Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday #
Prices 25c 50c and 75c
Including"'War Tax.
To him the past is like an open book, the future I
like a crystal. Ask him the questions nearest your J
Shall I be successful? Shall I sign the papers?
Shall I receive a letter soon? Should I sell my busi
ness? Will the person ever get well! Shan X win
my lawsuit? Snail I marry the fair one or dark
one? What is my greatest fault? Shall we ever
make it up again? Shall. I act mv - wish? Why
does my friend not write? N Shall I be lucky in the
lottery? Will my health got better? Hew long
shall I live? How many children shall I have?
Will it he* a boy or a girl? Have f any enemies?
What profession shall I follow? .Shall I take a
journey soon? Is my friend true to me? When
wi'1 he return? Who wrote that nnonymous letter?
When shall I marry? Is my/ judgment correct?
How socn shall I make n change? Can I trust him?
Does he love me? What arc his initials?
Has been known for many years and practiced by the seers'of India nnd the peopld'dP • ’
Egypt- By going into the libraries ami art institutions you will find historical pagps d
of those far eastern countries aid become convinced that Crystal Gazing is something
that has been known for ages.
* Special Matinee Wednesday for Ladies Only. ^
World Series BASEBALL
GAMES play by play. Last'
night a lecture by Gov. Pin-
chot of Pennsylvania. Every
evening wonderful concerts
and entertainments..., _ „ o»# in3 o.
With your own Radio set you can choose just what you wisf} ( ttr.
hear. You can choose the place from which you wish to haarp
Any point of the compass is at your finger tips. Tune in to New
York, Chicago, Omaha, Fort Worth, Cuba. - ! T'.„
Phone 711 or Write Us for Further Information.
Prices for Complete Sets
$75.00 and Up
nO vf
POR that Hallowe’en party or other social fu.Ktions during the* se&sofr, ftT: ’ 1
* special FAVORS bought at McGREGOR'S will be most appropriate.
J n We have had much experience in supplying these essentials for makiatg'
Jtese affairs a success. ' ^10498
A Large and Beautiful Assortment of Hallowe’en
and Other Novelties to Choose From
You will find copies of the current number of nil your favorite magazines on sale
here, together with a large list of the most popular fiction—Harold Beil Wrlght’e new_
book—"THE JUNE WITH THE IRON DOOR" is among them.
College Pennants, School Pennants, Gift Ilcoks, Art Noveltica, and Lota 111
M. Other Things That You'll Be Interested in Are Now Being Shown.
A Few Copies of the History of Athens and Clarke-Count
on Ham? -Price $2.00
The McGregor