Newspaper Page Text
H air Like Mine
Has come to thousands in this easy way
By Edna Wallace Hopper
I found
-the 8 ol| of the hair. And all the
/Prance, many years
ngo, the greatest hair help science results come through reviving tin
has discovered. My mother used It,‘roots.
57 she. had hair like mine
today. I '
I have ua*d It- My hair Is tht.
awl of millions. It grows finer
ery year. I have pever had fall
ing hair or dandruff, never a touch
«>f gray. And now, at the age of G2
hair that most glrlr, envy,
have supplied this help tc
ties# friends, and It brought
them like results. 80 I am eon-
in u^d that it means to millions
?uch hair nr'.«^aHot come without
And I iJim going to Kelp those
millions get it. \
This formula, perfected by French
experts,, is .based on lifetimes of
hair study. They gave
I call this formula my Hah
Youth. I apply it with an eye drop
per directly to the scalp. This
takes but a minute a day, and it
does not muss the hair.
One feels at once Its cleansing
stimulating action. And my owi
hr.Ir -bows what It does for hah
he ;llh and hair beauty.
Every dealer sells my Hair Youth
under guarantee. If one bottk
fails to delight you, he will return
your money. I want every woman
Without a penny of rlfk, to learn
what my Hair Youth does.
Etlnn Wallace Hopper's Hah
Youth Is supplied by all druggist!
dandruff Which stlflp the hnh
They check the hair growth
and destroy the hair. They choke
the pigment which gives color to
the hair.
Thus it cleans the scalp, then 11
stimulates and fertilizer. Hair,
thrives under v these conditions. Just
as flower* thrive In a well-kept
garden. « •
It cannot harm the hair. It doer
not affect hair color, natural or ar
tificial. It deals only with the scalp
these,and toilet counters. Price, 50> and
for-H**amazing results. I $1 with eye dropper,
ombats the hardened oil and*youth Cream, based i
my Facial Youth—my famous
liquid cleanser. Also my White
Youth Clay—the last word In facia]
clay. My Beauty Book comer, with
Try my Hair Youth at my risk
Do it now. The results are too fine
to miss. Then I think you will want
the other helps which did so much
for me. And nil of them are now
at your command, Edna Wallace
Hopper. .Business address. Wau-
ke.-ha, Wis.—Advertisement.
Read Banner-Herald Want Ads.
Georgia W. C. T: U. Asks
Better Housing Condi
tions in State Pris
on Camps and
(By Associated Press.)
pertinent of prison reform of th
Womuns' Christian Temperance
Un:on in Georgia is doing excellent
work in this state, according to the
report of Mr*. P. B. Griffith, Eas
ton ton, chairman, prepared for de
’ livery at the annual meeting bf the
| organisation here.
! "We seek to improve, through
suggestions to officials, housing
conditions of prisons and camps,”
raid Mrs. Griffith. “We are inter-
er.ted in the pfcrolled aftd dis
charged prisoners, aslsting them tc
get work and to provide for their
families. Wo often assist the fam
ilies of prisoners by placing tht
children In school and hospitals and
providing clothing amt house rent
••We stand for the honor ayatem,
the wage system, Industrial train
ing, farm colonies and the parole
system. We urge women guards
and physicians for women prison
ers and police matrons at city lock,
ups and stockades. We also arc
Interested In Improving play
groundr, libraries and other com
munity diversions that make for
the rate guarding of our young
“Many of our workers and local
iuperintendents have co-opferated
with the state bureau of public
eifare In visiting Jails, making
suggestions and of&rink recom
mendations. as to screening and
other sanitary measure* so neces
sary to healthful living.
•A very definite activity of this
department for the past three years
has been interest In tht boya of the
Georgia Training School for Boys,
at Mil ledge vllle. We have *mth-
ered* them with leters from moth-
hearts; we have sent them
good literature and other gifts at
Mr*. Griffith urged greater In.
terest In the work of the depart
ment and further development of
its activities.
ALBANY. Ga.—At a recent elec,
tlon here voter* ratified the bill
passed by the* general assembly in
Augusta providing for commission-
city manager government for Al
bany. Beginning the first week i»»
January this form of government
will go into effect The fight foi
the commission-city manager plan
went Into the courts and even to
the United States supremt court
and the bill ratified was a com.
promise measure on which both
local faction* agreed.
May MacAvoy in Big ince Special
“Her Reputation” Palace Monday
Dorothy MacKail, Glen Hunter, Milton Sills and! egg bears the likenes of the sun,
Anna Q. Nilsson Coming.
AMERICUS, Ga.—Much attention
has been attracted to a freak egg
brought Into Americas by J.
Ponnigtnn, n farmer living neal
Anderson vllle. The shell of the
You’ll never walk
out of this store
_ . unsatisfied
< i—
a . v
—because we’re uncommonly well equipped to care for the doth--
ing requirements of every man/who values a good appearance.
See the smart, new season^ styles. Suits and Overcoats in abun
dance. Distinctive ne>v models for men and young men. They
are all
The finest and most representative assortment we’ve shown in
ydsrs. New colors, new fabrics, new models, unique patterns.
M sizes.
Ilee morris
Corner Broad and Jackson Streets
May MacAvoy Palaeo Special Monday.
For the flrM time on record a
realistic picture ot the In.Me
working, of the newapaper .tame
haa been filmed.
Her Reputation," by Thomaj a.
ince. at the Palace Monday Special.
Here 1» a picture w h ich cet l.e
viewed by anyone connected with
the new.paper profession wlthoul
fear of aeelng dome Inconsrul.y,
produced by a director who La.
never seen the inMde ol a new*
paper Oflce and who doeen t even
know that hand pru.u h*™ been
plot oi
Her Reputation'
n *May McAvoy give. a remark
front "home *on
’ h e W r h °we r dr/dV -» = .
victim of a newepaper ecanoiu,
W1, "fS:.Tor ,n of' 0 ”e’’“pa£
which hu ruined her Ilf-,
develops in, rapid atrldea.
abandoned by big dalllee.
reel in every detail, ten.,
dramatic nltuntlone-the Plot ®i
-Her Reputation" I* refreshingly
McAvoy-.'spanieh dance, are ex
ceptionally fine while the OP*” 1 "*
ecenee on en old Spanish p nn -
tlon of New Orleans have been ie
plcted with uaueual eherm.
Lloyd Hughes playa the part of
(fin cvnicaL eon of the newspapei
editor who etarte lnveetlgatlone
concerning the girl. The unueua
way In which the two young pen
pie meet, are parted and brought
together again, how each la the
embodiment of what the othei
hatee. how through It all theli
great love eweepe away everything
else—make each successive scene
In “Her Reputation" more absorb
ing than the last.
There are few If any picture fan.
who did not aee the epoch-making
production of Rex Beach’s novel of
adventure in Alaska. “The Spoilers'
made ten year* ago by William 8*.
lig. It is «afe .to say that every-
one who raw that picture will
want to aee Jeaae D. Hamptons
new screen version of it made at
the Goldwyn atudlo* wider the di
rection of J>mbert HlUyer, and.
that everyone who did not see the
first plcturlaatlon will make cer
tain of sowing the nevf one. I*
will be seen nt the Palace theatre
for two day* beginning Thursday.
There la perhaps no American
novel of the century which lends
itself more readily t6 ecreen treat
ment It picture# vividly the ad.
ventures, hardships, the rampant
greed and the devotion which were
so forcibly brought out among the
people taking part In the great
Klondike gold rush. It la filled to
the grim .with Juat auch rapid ac
tion, big dramatic momenta and
strenuous conflicts ae acreetj pa
tron# delight in. It# producer
•pared no expert## and no pains, In
tasking this new production #■ far
In advanc# of the first screen ver
sion of the atory as that plciiu*
wo# In advance of other featun
productions of lta day.
The cart la a notable one. In
cluding Milton Sills, Barbara Bed.
ford. Anna Q. NU»§on, N«fih Beery
Robert Edeson, Mitchell Lewis
Wallace MacDonald, ord Sterling
Robert Meklm, Sam d# Grasse
John Elliott Louise Fatenda, Kat.
Price, Rockliffe ellowes, Gordoi
Rurtsell, Albert Roacoe, Tom Me-
Quire'and Jack Curtis.
Starting this wsek the Paine*
will present surprise vaudeville at
tractions on Thursday and Frida)
nights at the. o'clock performance
Many new novelties have beer
booked and some of the bigger
surprise# are in store for the Pal
ace patrons. This will be extr:
to the big special features o»
Thursday and Friday nights at th>
Palace Theatre. ^
Ijj Monday: May McAvoy In Specl
Ij-al Feature, **Her Reputation.*
q Comedy: The Week End Party.*
!i Tuesday: Dorothy Mackaill li
The Fair Cheat". Latest Newr
Wednesday: Glen Hunter, "Pur.
itan Passions”. Worlds News Vlewr
Thursday anil Friday (Special
Rex Beach Great Story “The Spoil
ers'* with Milton Bills, Anna Q
NUsson. Larry Semon Comedy: •
“A Pair of Kings."
Saturday: Harrison Ford anf
Doris Kenyon, The Bright Llgty f
Monday: Bill Patton (Western)
The Battling JJuckaroo". Comedy
School Dazes."
Tuesday: Douglas Fairbanks In
“Shooting Thru.” “Beasts of Para
dise", Extra.
Wednesday: Neal Hart (Western)
“The Devils Bowl." Comedy: “The
Thurrday: Alice Calhoun “Th
Angel of Crooked Street*"
Friday: Harold Lloyd "Dr
Jack." New Series “Leather Pugh*
Saturday: Win. 8. Hart (West
ern) “The Barggln."" Wm. Duncar
Serial Extra.
Extra attractions at Palace
Thursday and Friday nights at f
P. M.
Merchant Swallows
False Teeth While
Laugking At Joke
(By Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS—L. ‘Friedburg
merchant of Commerce, Texas, was
resting easily In a hospital Thurs
day while surgeons were trying to
ascertain Just what anecdote It
war that caused him to laugh
enough to swallow his false teeth.
Friedburg was laughing heartily
when his teeth suddenly disap
peared. friends said. He was
rushed here and they were re.
moved from his stomach and placed
them where they belonged.
lowing appointments are announc
ed by (he Southern Railway Sys
tem; E. R. Oliver, freight traffic
manager. Washington. D. C.. suc
ceeding E. H. Shay, elected vice
president In dbarge of traffic ; J. E.
Fltswtlson, executive general ag
ent at New Orleans, and resident
vice president of the New Orleans
and Northwestern Railroad com
pany, and the New Orleans Ter
minal company, succeeding Mr.
Oliver; L. B. Smith, general east
ern freight agent. New York, suc
ceeding Mr. Fltxwllson; J. L. Cox,
assistant general freight agent at
Charleston, 8. C„ succeeding Mr.
TT7HY separata youth and old
VV ago with a deep and ever
widening, abyss?
iloom ot youth and the
the rays being shown by raised
marks while the sun Itself is in
dented and somewhat softer than
the other portions of thp shell. It
was said. Peultrymen of Americut
have placed the egg in an Incuba
tor and much interest is being
shown In whether the marking* or
the shell will have any bearing
the chicken produced*
Dean Parker Named
On Board to Help
Negro Ruralists
(By Associated °res*.l
ATLANTA. Ga.—Dr. F. • N
Parker, Dean of the Candler School
of Emory Unlv relty. has been ap.
pointed to the board of trustees of
the Jeanne* Fund. This Is a fund
known as the “Necro Rural School
Fund,'* founded April 22. 1307.
Miss Anna T. Jeannes, a member
of a rocie’y of Quakers, of Phila
delphia, purposed to leave her for
tune In some worthy enterprise
After much consideration It was
decided to apply the working
this fund to country schools and
especially in the employment
teachers, trained in handiciaft In
are reported to be moving rapidly
I In Clay county, where receiver* for
tiha jlsorm. Peanut Growere Co
operative Association have been
kept buhy grading and sorting pea
nuts. The Association allows mem
bers to draw $75 per ton and prac
tically all hankJkin/the county have
handled Borne or the Association's
receipts, the banks favoring th* or
ganization from the start. A light
yield of from 5 to 20 bushels war
reported by the peanut pickers.
What Should
You Pay?
hardy, ruddy rlow ifOId Ae(C-«ix- ord,r 10 lnUrtct ,h ® ne >' ro lr > *1>«
teet/nnd idxty—ihould bo sopar- ™ r * 1 dls " r,c t- » *ho ways of o
oted only by the .pan of year, and m ” rt «“ t-J l »"4 ««*#™ '»«•
not by yarylns difference, of phyafi ° ut of h.» xrown a ayatem o!
cal wholefotnencu. I Indmtrlal tenchern working with
Vlgoroua old age la within tho' th e ext.nalon plan ,-going from
graap of all. S. S. S. bring, that achool to school. Additional Inter,
bale and hearty feeling back with
aruah. Rich red Wood la the great-
eat enemy of weakening, health un
dermining Old Age. S. S. S. build.
Red Blood Celia. Rich, red blood
courting through your veins aweepa
away impurities that retard tho
proper functioning of yonr system.
Old Age—once a dreaded agony be
come! * vigorous, enjoyable, caro
free time ot life.
S. S. S. Is made of carefully se
lected herb, and barka—aclcntillc-
ally prepared and proportioned.
Welcome Old Ac when It cbm«-
Be ready to withstand the attacks
ot diseases that follow In Its wake.
Meet Old Age with a hearty
handshake. A handshake that
•peak* of well being—of a' vigor
ous, clear thinking, red blooded
constitution. S. S. S. to your boat
friend when Old Age to seen round
ing the corner. Get n bottle and
drive care and worry away. Alt
leading drag stores carry 1L
The largo alto to the moro
' C^-yWakes You Feel
tike Yourself Again
eat in the work has been rtlmulat.
ed by the gifts of Joseph Rosen*
wald. At the present time there
are 260 Jeannes teachers at work
in this field.
Among members of the board of
trustees*'of*ree Jeanner. Fund are
Chancellor David C. Barrow, of the
University of Georgia: George Fos
ter Peabody, Chief Justice Willi
am H. Taft; Talcott Williams and
Robert R. Molton. Among other*
who have served ore: W. H.
Paige, Booker T. Washington, and
R. C. Ogden. Among other South,
erners who have been on th*
Board are: Bishop Bratton of Miss
issippi, and Dr. William P. Few
The newest to be elected is Dr
gamc inspector APPOINTED
BRUNSWICK—Robert T. Bunk,
ley, who for a number of years
has served as an officer in the fisl
and game department, has recent
ly been appointed special Insepct-
or of the department for Brunswick
and adjacent territory.
P*T. b*e*a*« thia^ot
you *11 to havd one. j » hu
Send No Money
KC«l.«MCde. Vi hwi tb« moTTman doitooro I* te you.
Dept. C-613 2953.Van Burt
Take 8alts at First 8Ign Of Blad.
cUr Irritation or
The American men and women
muat guard constantly egainst kid
ney trouble because we often sat
too much rich food. Our blood is
ruled with acids which the kldnpys
strive to ftlter out; they weaken
from overwork, become sluggish,
the eliminative tlrsues clog and the
resujt is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general decline In
health. .
When your kidneys feel Ilk#
umps of lead, your back hurts or
*he urine la cloudy, full of aedi-
•ncot, or you are obliged to aeek
•eUef two or three times during
he night; if you suffer with sick
leadachc. or dizzy, nervous spells, i
*cld stomach, or If you have'rheu
matism when the weather is bad, i
>egfn drinking lots of good soft j
eater and get from your pharma-!
•1st about four ounces of Jad.SsltA
Take a tablesp^onful In & glass of
water before breakfast for a few
lays and your kidneys may then ■
ict fine.
This famous salts la mads from*
he acid ot grapes and lemon Juice,.
•ombined with Uthia, and has beer ;
-teed for years to help flush and
tUmutate clogged kidney* to neu. [
'rails# th* acids In the system so
‘hey no longer are a source of Ir-
-itat!on, thus often relieving Wad-1
der disorders;
Jad Salts is Inexpensive; can-1
not Injure, makes a delightful ef-
'ervescent lithla.water drink and
Xiongs In every home, because no.
*>ody can make a mistake by hav*
T.g s good kidney flushing any
Vne. By all mean* have your phy*
tldan examine your kidneys
east twice a year.—Advertisement I
Two Really Fine Suites i
' $515.00 to $257.00
as pictured. Consists vi GO inch Buffet, 54 !~4t Extanaion Tattle. 38 inch Server, 40
inch Chinn Cue, one Arm and five Side Cbairr. with upholstered scats. THE RAKES. ;
$340 to $227
Similar to illustration. Consists of Low Post Bed, Drcsaer, Cheit of Drawers and
Toilet. The wood to Mahogany. The construction of the best. We only ask that you
•ee. That it to a bargain nt $227.00 can cully be seen;