Newspaper Page Text
Seventeen Yean of Satisfactory Service. Strong Companlea.
Prompt Adjuatmenta.
Phone Three-Four-Five
ATLANTA.—Senator George- W. over the recent eection held there
Lankford, of Lyons, chairman of on the question of whether the city
the legislative committee which I should' adopt the commission form
recently investigated the state de- ' 0 ( government
partment of agriculture, la con- The commlsslon an<1 c „ y a0 .
ager form won by n large major-
sidering seriously the question of
whether he will enter the race for
United 1 States congress In the
twelfth district next year.
Congressman W. W. Larsen is
the present holder of the position
Mr. Lankford may decide to seek.
Mr. Larsen resides in Dublin and
has held office several times. He
la expected to be a candidate for T
Representative Burt was one of
the leaders in the house directing
the passage of the local hill which
authorized the election. Little fac
tionalism has resulted from the
campaign and election, he said.
By _ i.H1
Marjorie Daw
Representative Calvin Parker, of
Ware county, lost no time in leav
ing Atlanta after the legislative
committee appointed to invest!'
gate the department of agriculture
With fall winds again blowlnc
away, the annual sight of several
boys flying kites from the capito!
grounds Is attracting the atten
tion of officials and clerks.
For a number of years the small
boys In the neighborhood have in-
completed its work. Before va(U , (1 the cap)tol ground's to try
— *“ "' ,l l ’ l “ out their new lies. Old timers In
the budding refused to acknowl
edge the arrival of fall until tjie
kites make their appearance each
The open space, free from as
many wires and opst« founds In
other sections, is the attraction
drawing the boys to the capitol
leaving, however, he to!d
Mends ho was not “worried with
politics" and was •‘not expectng
to be worried.”
‘.Several Waycross citizens, In
cluding the representative, have
built homes on Dover Island, be-
S een Brunswick and St. Marys,
ere they sjiend their spare time
fiahing and hunting.
TRepresentative Burt, of Dough
erty, was a visitor at the capitol
this week and his chief comment to
newspaper men and legislators was
that everyone in Albany Is happy
17Vic and 20c lb.
Steak .. .. .
20c and 25c lb.
80c and 35c lb.
Slew .. ..
I0c lh
Sausage .. .
15c and 25c lb.
Ham ■
tOe and 45c lb.
Sliced Bacon _
....... 40c lb.
Fish -- .. .
15c end 25c lb.
822 Water Street
Phono 381
Attorney General George M. Na
pier will leave Sunday for Chicago,
where he Is scheduled to be In con
ference with other attorneys gen
eral in the United States tqf the
purpose of discussing the gasoline
price situation.
Governor Walker several weeks
ago requested Mr. Napier to in
vestigate the gasoline price situa
tion in Georgia with the view of
curing reductions if the prices
hern were too high.
The attorneys general In Chica
go will discuss Information they
havo received in their Inquiries
and. if possihlo, adout a uniform
prugram of action, Mr. Napier said.
MUNSTER, Germany—the schoo
system of the little Westphallsr
1 town of Oelde, near here, has been
(placed almost entirely upon h but*
{tcr.harley basis. The pupils pay
, their high school fees In fata and
grain which in turn ore “spent” foi
| school maintenance purposes
i Children from Oelde are assessed
I a pound of butter monthly, while
pupils from the country dlstrlctr
may pay either In butter or barley,
forty pounds of barley a month
The proceeds thus collected have
gone to assist in buying the school'*
winter coal supply and to reim
burse, In part, the teachers who
gratefully receive butter or barley
In preference to the constantly de
preciating paper mark.
Dine Today At Costa’s
You’ll enjoy the meals and service—bring along
the wife and family, or friend.
Special Dinner Menu
Also a la Carla hervice
Everything New, Modem, Up-tu-Datc.
Phone 698
Marjorie Daw is now ready
to go shopping in dear old Ath
ens^ and the lure of October,
S nM«fi month of ail the
year suggests the lovely fall
season, with nature busy with
her paint bruch splashing har
gorgeous colors over woodland
Qcenes and painting the great
horizon in dazzling shades. One
begins to feel that we too must
bedeck ourselves in tha soft
warm colors displayed in lux
urious winter apparel so dear
to the feminine heart. Evsry
thing i4 in full swing for a
rushing season, and tha shops
•re running over with lovely
We flit from store to store
and rack our brains with what
must we buy, howl when and
where. Marjorie dotes on the
beautiful end artstic, and goes
through the stores overy day,
aha feels fully equipped to fell
you many valuable things
through her shopping column.
Oh! yes it will taka several
weeks, but today has been giv.
on her this) happy privilege
by a galaxy of business houses,
so she comes again after a real
long vacation.
To be systematic probably
’twill be most advisable to
commence our shopping tour
alphabetically, and I will carry
you through nine or more stores
to give you an idea of what is
in store for you and me.
Now that school days are al
hlgh-tlde and the kiddles need new
hats you must go to the W. T. Col-
linn Co., for the Madge Evarf*
production. All discriminating
mothers know it la the hat of al'
hats for children from six years
| for every room in the hourfe, rich
mahogany in bedroom suits and llv.
ing room, elegantly upholstered in
oriental tapestries, with Just as
many articles in walnut, old Ivory
and oak, from tne best factories,
where the durability is combined
with the urtistic.
Here you may furnish your
home from the kitchen to the draw
ing room, be it a bungalow or man
sion. Three stories are packed to
overflowing with the last word In
furniture, modern and antique.
Many odd pieces to add a touch
of comfort and elegance to yout
living room or any other room
Here too you will'find some ex
quisite mirrors, pictures, a splen
did line of heaters, these cold crisp
nights and days call for ona of
those stoves. And trunks large
and small, wonderful wardrobs
trunks as well as steamers.
The Vlctrola department is most
complete. Those alluring records
—the very latest add such a har.
mony that enlivens the home these
winter evenings. Some snappy and
jazzy, just what the age demands.
The Dorsey Furniture Co., need*
no Introduction, Just a message to
let you know they are better pre
pared to serve the public.
The Palace theatre, splendid in
structure and artistic in furnish
ings Is keeping pace with th«
timer, and Is most worthy the
high place it has won in the hearts
of every body. Like the olden stan
dard bearers, may It lead the mo.
lion picture to an Utopean land
where it will claim a. niche with
older and finer arts.
Tho managers of the Palace have
recently installed a $5,000.00 screen,
which Is the very latest and non
Injurious to the eyes, and is f
great asset to the lovely play
house. We feel very proud of out
benutiful theatre which would
grace any larger city, and wi
know we are getting the best pic-
tures on the road, true there are
some better than others, but we
Mr. Bock will tell you they are
Mayberg’a pretty little shop, with
a splendid line of
and being one of a chain of stores
makes it possible fo r the manager
to offer many splendid bargains In
his complete and very desirable
stock of goods, bright, crisp and
new. A line of very stylish and
beautiful dresses are now on sale
from $12.95 to $55.00. These arc
marvelous values and must be seer*
to be appreciated.
The nobby Jersey dress is most
popular and greatly In demand,
they are becoming and smart and
adored by everyone.
Here you will find a handsome
line of coats, marked remarkably
low, ranging from $19.95 to $$115. j
In response to a number of in
qulrlea and out of town friend, and
acquaintance, a. to Juat' wher*
the/ could find tha Fashion Shop
where everythin* 1. a. br!*ht and
clean a. a new pin I will eay fol
the benefit of the public It .land,
out in charm and Individuality at
the corner of Claytoii and Jack,
eon atreeta. A thing of beauty
and a Joy forever. Athena had an
opportunity to see aome gorgeoui at the Fashion show la.l
Monday night at the Palace the
atre worn by a group of the moil
charming college belles.
It was proclaimed by the public
In general to havo been one of thr
loveliest events
wltnessd In
Mr. Brock will tell you they are | Athens or elsewhere,
better prepared to make these pop - • Messrs. Sam Funkenstein and
ular prices, as they have so many | Milton Lesser, the owners of the
stores with headquarters in New ! Fashion shop are to be congratulate
York. Ld on the beautiful shop and ths
snlendid array of lovely garment'
Mayberg has established quite o » they aro displaying at such
fine business and Is happily lined rcaionablo prIc e*. They have a
varied stock of Ready-To-Wear.
up with the best stores on Claytot
street. They carry a fine line o
sweaters, warm and well fitting al
sizes and grades.
non I or ('iiiiiii cm —- * . . ’ - . , . . ^
to the rub-deb. Maybe you oren’l | pet our share of the best and when
aware that the Collins Co., carry
full line of these beautiful hats.
I went shopping with a youne
mother not long ago ,her lovely
little daughter, six years old, madr
her own selections, and out of the
dazzling nrray she chose a Madge
Evans which rulted her perfectly
nnd was most becoming.
The Madge E*ans carries a guar-
antes of unquestionable charm and
beauty nnd fit for a little Prlhceae
The Madge Evans hat Is one of
the splendid ride lines of this well
stocked store. The millinery de.
partment Is one of the largest In
th4 state under the direction of
Miss Ida Murray of long estab
lished fame. Hats of regal beauty,
ftyle nnd workmanship, tailored
and plumed, smart and exclusive.
Coming down from the third
floor you may take In the Ready'
To«We§r on the second floor.*
Wonderful assortment of dresses,
suits nnd coats.
At last we reach the ?«**•♦ f!cor
rilled with notions. Soft kid gloves*
dainty handkerchiefs, sweaters
novelties all stjHcs and variety.
Gorgeous combs studded with Jew
els amazingly lovely. Hosiery in the
latest phndea and finest tecture.
Bags headed and bags leather for
every day In the week, whether
shopping or calling. The W. T.
Collins Co., Invites the public to
visit their store of good good*
reasonably priced, and the best of
everything In their line. |
we* do, the houta Is packed. Some
one told Marjorie Daw some of our
moat enjoyable and finest pictures
are on Monday nights, and the
crowd Is always smallest. True we
can't go to nil, but It i|i well to
know these things. You; may al.
ways count on a rush Thursday
and Friday as a special Is always
featured. Now that Mr. Gldley
promises an additional feature In
vaudeville acts, wc predict even
greater things.
It is a genuine pleasure to see o
fine picture, and we all appreciate
the fact we have auch a great
opportunity of seeing so much of
the world thrown on the screen In
such picturesque loveliness which
otherwise we would be deprived
of. Long may tha Palace live in
all Its glory and unrivaled beauty.
Their silk lingerie Is very lovely
quite In keeping with the other
lino of beautiful articles.
House dresses in substantial fab
rics are In reach of the most lim
ited purse.
Mr. Bock come to Athens from
Atlanta, and extends
happy courtesy to the
smart dresses for services and ev.
ery day wear, after dinner gown*
and gorgeous evening dresses,
where a wealth of !>eada
troduced or fur trimmed Just as
the model demands.
Orent warm coata In cloth and
fur trimmed, or the splendid fui
coats which severely cold weather
calls for.
The last word In exquisite silk
...« same underwear, severely plain or trim*
publio a; | mod. silk hosiery, the very best
| arid those elegantly fash,
toned negliges, some all lace and
georgette nnd others made entire*
ly of silk. This Is a new firm own
ed by men well experienced It
their splendid line of business.
They report the most encourag
ing sales, with the promise of t
very wonderful season. They are
equipped with the best of every*
thing aa well as the good wishes
and congratulations of thjer hosts
of friends.
Did you say you wanted Ready-
To-Wear? Well why not come with
me to Davison-Nlcbolson's big
store running clean across'a big
city block filled as full-as possible
with a stupendous stock of more
things than one, but as they are 1
specialising thla season In one of
the biggest and finest lines of
ladles ready to wear, well se* wh»t
is to be had for the Individual anc
the public In general.
When you sire In the shopping
district of the city you cannot fail
the handsome new store ol
the Dorsey Furniture Co., the cor.
f Clayton nnd Lumpkin, stand
ing in great splendor, where th«
spacious and handsome windows
The McGregor Co.'s Book 8tor«
is one of the city’s greatest at*
sets, supplying the stupenduous
needs of the great Institutions ol
learning with additional Unit
quite indispensable. The business
world has found the Corona type
writer one of Its many specialties,
finding its place ,ln all avenues of
life. The merits are manifold, with
u splendid record of durabllty.
Th company gives a cordial invL
tation to every one to see this ma
chine before purchasing elsewhere
Another specialty—carrying an
undisputed guarantee Is the artistic
bowl of bulbs, Just to give a touch
of springtime when the days grow
cold and drear.
These bowls make such a pretty
gift for yuletlde, get them now and
they will be blooming In good time
and carry with them a fragrance
of loving friendship.
Marjorie Daw was asked to mak<
honorable mention of the Coronr
typewriter and the bulbs which
arc arriving dally.
Everyone knows what a
proclaim the superiority of thej p i ete line of books and fashionable
finest and best !n the great line stationery Is carried here. pena
of goods carried by this old and I pencils and nil minor articles nec.
substantial firm. What a tempta* j essary. Sporting goods for the col-
lion to house keepers, now that th* j| e g e boy, sweaters warm and dur-
house cleaning season demands so able, the latest novels end mags,
many necessary articles. sines In an endless stock. Office
If you need rug* here you will supplies, pictures and frames and
find a splendid variety, but above:various supplies too numerous to
all thlngn the superb line of fur* devote so small a space to.
nlture will satisfy the most fasti-j This splendid store speaks for
dlpue. Furniture built for service Rreff more forcibly than 1 could
nnd durability, up to a standard ever do, however extravagantly m
demanded by the public, furniture | feeble pen might describe.
Marjorie Daw has long decided
Athens has never had a * finer 01
broader field for buying any and
every thing. We saw lots on the
first floor when we took the ele.
vstor up to ‘the second landing, and
in every direction you |tre fasci
nated with the endless variety
King Tutt claims the hand of China
still guides Fashion in the bright
array of colors Introduced here and
there perhaps a sleeve or waist or
maybe a panne!. The rich soft
tec tures are expressed In the com
plete line of dresses tailored 01
otherwise. Gorgeous evening dress
es in a wealth of beads sparkling
and shimmering In exquisite de
sign. Elegance and richness in
those fur coats and the cloth coa*
as well, fur neck pieces, and every,
thing ml-lady demands.
The splendid array of love!)
bath robes In corduroy colorful anf
beautiful soft and luxurious.
A great line of silk underwear
all the delicate tints with film:
faces, a big line of goodu In tbit
laces, meeting fully the demands of
the large and small purse.
Blankets and elegant comforts Ir
tbs varying shades of the brightest
Hats that are here today an£
gone tomorrow where the nlmbh
fingers of the work room followini
the call of the things most beautl*
A very large and complete stocl
of rugs, curtains and everything It
that department. Trunks too, th'
very best aa are ths many aid*
, lines I haven’t time nor space t<
you about.
The oriental trend encourages the
wcuring of costume Jewelry and the
use of gorgeous beaded bog fl and
to find an elaborate, and elegant
line of there accessories go
to the Flckett Jewelry Co., for
they have a dazzling array ar
gorgeous as a mid-summer rain
bow. Trinkets of varied design
and effective workmanship with
a handsome stock of lovely sllve
ware, glass and China.
The store is one of the most aL
tractive on Clayton street.
They carry a rich line of flat
silver, silver goblets, pitchers
frays, dishes In the latest designs
and all sorts of servers and odd
pieces for Wfcdding gifts. Mr. Fick-
ett Is now In New York replenish
Ing their store with the latest lh
everything their line demands.
8parkling cut glass and the most
exquisite China have a room sep
arate and distinct —reflecting
their bright radiance In the mlr-
rors and glass shelves, looking for
the world like sparkling sunbeamr
from every nook and corner. A line
nf beautiful pottery Is here intro,
Rings for the children, and Jew-
ailed ones for the grown ups. DJb
417-421 Southern Mutual Building
A largo amount of local fonda now on han£ for li»p^i,t,
Disbursement on Cit/ Property.
Some people eat to live and others
live to eat, Is a well worn adage
handed down from time immemor
ial, at any rate it Is the greatest
essentia] of life and after a stren.
uous shopping tour one of the de
licious meals at M The Pines” brings
a happy satisfaction which to be
fully appreciated must be eaten.
Mrs. C. N. Hodgson and Miss
Annie Florence Powell are giving
to the publls a very delightful and
homeliko Cafateria, where every
thing the market affords Is Includ
ed In the elaborate menu three
times per day.
The home grown products from
the fertile fields of Cathedral Pines
are brought In dally, with the de.
licioua milk and golden butter from
the fine dairy, know*n far and near,
as absolutely sanitary fitted up
with the most perfect equipment.
Nor Is this all, for who does not
enjoy flowers In our pathway, and
the brightest blossoms adorn the
table and grace the big window*
every day and al ithe time. Friend
gather here In happy companion'
ship. College boys from all over
the state find It homelike, and mos*
enjoyable. Here they banquet and
take advantage of the many charm
Ing features not found in every
Cafateria or tea room.
There Is always a most generous
supply, nnd rates most reasonable
The Pines Is numbered among
the good things of Athens situated
upstairs on the corner of Colleg-*
avenue nnd Washington street
where a cordial welcome is always
Beer and Pretzels Have
Kept German Prince
■ Popular Since War.
The 8tyle Shop owned and op.
era ted by Miss Susie Wells needs
Introduction for here her suc
cess speaks worlds of praise nnd
sincere, appreciation of her artistry
and skill In millinery, w-hlch 1s to
bo found In her shop, nestling
amopg the notable business house*
on dlayton street. Miss Wells has
tnMen her place with older resi
dents in the onward march of the
business world In her advance
rtyles nnd very beautiful hats
models carrying the mark of well
known and established houses,
passport to the, most ultra and
fashionable society, *^1*0
distinguishing Individuality
creative of a busy mind nnd nrtls.
tic taste. The latest models In
sport hats, dressy hats, and huts for
every occasion.
There can be no doubt that ou
tumn has nrrived in this cozy shop
gay and colorful In Fashion 1
demand, superior In workmanship
Miss ’ Wells takes pleasure
showing you her stock of millinery
and it 1s amazing what a world ol
pretty trimmings and lovely hats
can be. stored In her little shop.
Long experience and a love for
her work has fitted! her specially
for her chosen profession If It may
be so termed.
The fall season- calls for hatf
abpve all things, and what Is more
dear or highly prized than a new
(By Associated Press.)
BERLIN.—Beer end pretzeli
have kept Max Egon, prince of
Furstenberg, popular In the mrs-
tenbeTg district of Baden since the
revolution upset the old aristoc
racy. The prince owns a brewery
and a pretzel bakery, which he
has operated personally, and he
has not allowed prices to soar be
yond the purses of {his neighbors,
nmong whom he mingles on a
democratic basts.
The prince bears the reputation
of making the best beer In Baden.
He Is a friend of former Emperor
William and frequently visits him
at Doom castle In Holland. His
ancestral costle stands beside the
great spring which Is the source
of the Danube River, which finds
Its way Into the Black Sea after
2,000 miles of wnadering. Tne
prince has accepted* the change in
the social scheme In Furstenberg
with good grace. Frequently he
throws open his castle grounds to
the public and visits his humble
nejghbors in their homes and helps
them solve the financial problems
brought about by the collapse of
the mark.
Southern Baptists Get
Ready For Program
of Activity;
on. to wear with our wlnt,
St, W it sport, dre.ay or what not,
hero you will one or many
to ault every occailon and feel
sure you have choa.n wisely and
moat satlrfactorlly.
until ne*t week, with the pfomlie
of many lovely olaee. to tnir. j s
while shopping and I can aiiuri
you many thrill,, and great bar.
gains await you.
mond and' platinum brooches, u
wel a. eolltalre and cluster ringa
watches for all humanity. Wrist
or otherwise, plain o r set with
nure white atonaa. Why Individ-
'ill**. when everything a first das,
•ewelry store calls for Is here
with n brilliance of the loveliest
md most elegant.
Competant engravers, and Mr
Flckett to grind your glams for
both young and old and he la aure
to fit you. Boon the Chrtttma.
stock will be on display to suit the
moat fastidious, but you may be
sure you will find every thing rich
rare and beautiful.
Dinner 50c
Cream of Chicken Soup
Baked Chicken, Sage Dressing
Turnips and Greens
Fried Com
Candied Yams
Bell Pepper Pickle
Muffins and Hot Biscuits
Mince Meat Pie
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
Supper 50c
Fried Chicken, Cream Gravy
Irish Potato Croquettes
Macaroni and Cheese
Sliced Tomatoes
Hot Biscuits
Banana Gelatine
Coffee, Tea or MJk
50 Cents
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA.—With the five year
program of the 75 Million Cam
paign concluding In 1924, prelim
inary plans are being considered
looking to- the future of Southern
DailjCst co-ojjerativo work fefter
tho expiration of this Initial move
Dr. M. E. Dodd, of Shreveport,
La., chairman of a special com
mittee authorized by the Southern
Brptlst Convention to recommend
a proposed program for the future,
ihaa called ,a meeting of this com
mittee' for Nashville, October 24.
The committee Is composed* of
representative pastors, laymen and
women from the various states of
the Southern Baptist Convention
territory, and it Is their hope, It
wan* stated, to be able to outline
suggestions for campaign that can
lm laid before the various state
conventions this fall for their con
sideration, prior to a final report
of tho Southern Baptist Convention
at Atlanta next iMfey.
While the committee baa takes
no action on any matters as yet.
Mo general opinion appears to be
that the program will Involve an
objective for a brief period of
years, with on every-member can
vass of the local churches every
year in support of a budget to
carry out this program according
to officials. It is considered cer
tain that there will ho no pledges
covering more than a year’s time,
it was stated.
ROMES—The commune of Pre*
dapplo, where Premier Mussolini
was born, recently acquired the
house of hie birth and gave it to
him. He was present at the cere
mony. and the people acclaimed
him deliriously.
In the crowd was a woman still
unmarried' who, years ago, said to
Musollnl ns he wooed her with the
dmpetuority of youth: "We sri
ooih as poor as poor can be, and
If we married we should only brins
Into the world beings equally poor
to suffer and want It is better
that we agree to part” "By
Marjorie Daw b'ld. . fond adieu ” P,led Mu “° ,,nl -
ricane" la the title of a school
paper recently iuued by the .in
dents of Robert E. Lee Institute,
here, its staff being compoied of
both male and female atudenta
Odessa Crawley was elected
edltor-ln-chlef for the year. The
other officen are a* tallow*: An
nie Scrocaina, aaeiatant editor;
George Delia., bualncss manager;
William Janea, circulation man
ager; Roselle Barton, aaeiatant
circulation manager: Mary John
son, exchange editor; Midred
Zorn, alumut editor; J. C. Nor
ton, Joke editor; Alfred Britt loo* 1
editor, gad Hugh Kelley, ~
Road Banner-Herald
Want Adj.
LOS ANOKLKS—The framework
and planking of a craft which h*»
withstood tho street of years and
which la believed to bay® h*® 0 u,ed
centuries ago by Chinese or Span*
Ish explorers or pirates, have been
uncovered many feet beneath ths
earth’s surface at Los Angeles har.
bor In excavations for an oil stor.
ago tank. I
feet I"
The boat, less than,forty feet in
length, with high aide*, la hu* 1 *
•a heavy, thick wood. Some of tne
timbers are hglf rounded, aa Is ,h *
case in many old Oriental ves
sets. Metal used to fasten
of the craft tot^h.-r had rusted
away. The construction of the ship
indicated that It was not built by