Newspaper Page Text
• '• '~h' .. • •. -1-IX
V ; ;; f
Adopts Many
most movie producer*, two year* ago
appended It to contract* as a flnan*
clal precaution.
When, last November. Miss Chad-
wkk'* optional contract waa renewed
liy Oolilwyn Pictures, she felt that
morality amendment was not
l.tndlng. and. being otherwlss dlssst-
ir.fled, challenged the entire pact in
court. The Oo'.iJwyn corporation -n
the other hand felt that Miss Chad-
yjfk’a defection was based on com-
- - Fhe wasn't 4
HOLLYWOOD.—Helene Chadwick's
tilt .over the once widely heralded
movie morality clause cost her dine
months of screen Idleness at the er.’.i-
cal period In her career. She h*s J^st
resumed work.
Now, don’t Jump to conclusions—
Helene of the clear eye. fetching smile
.end Irreproachable conduct Isn't the
kind of girl deserving either the gull-
ance or scrutiny of a morals monitor.
Ilut she. together with, scores of ither
prominent players, was formally sub
jected . to the -behavior clause when
>r, II. 11. Allen IrvcertMc cap) of
.••f. Va.. who has attracted atten-
i because of hi « ndoptlnn of many
x crls. is under arrrrt In Holly-
•I. Calif.,' *>n a Mann net chars*)
>rn to in I’ittsbuv)?. Dr. Allen Is
founder of a school for poor
intain boys nnd girls. Most of his
pti-d daughters are about 1? or IS
r» old, officials- say.
plaint that ene -»•••*
enough publicity and waa dlegruntled
with her salary.
COM MO DAT I ON.8 In China. You
don't h?\p to run all over towa'ln-
qttiring for your rooms. Ballyhoo
men from tlie different hoatelrlea
inert lacomlng boats. Here are some
of the runnera on the pier at Kow
loon. opposite Hongkong, meeting
fhe 8. 8. President Madison of tho
Admiral Oriental Line. The banner*
they're carrying, together with tha
Inscriptions on the sampan*, all be
speak to the steerage passenger* th*
good qualifies and rates of tbdr re
spective Inns. 1
Mascot ot Invading Net Stars
Power In Autos I
Villa Death Dream Now Shattered
Poverty Forces War Hero Widow to
Sell His Many Medals
2.100 517 2.735 5.470
2.500 670 2,830 5.700
2.600 593 2.965 5,930
.S00 638 3.190 * 6.380
3,000 6SI 3,420 6,810
3,560 798 3,990 7.980
If speedmeters registered mo
mentum developed, rather than
speed, some fast drivers would appre
ciate what terrific force they are di
No more will the woman motorist
have to ^calt on man to Jack' up her
Irf “for a chango tires. For Wal
ter S. Josephson. of New York,
scientist, has Invented a source of
energy which will do the work with
the least possible effort. The energy
comes in steel flasks, as a highly ex
pansible liquid, and eserta a tre
mendous force by the mere turnlnr:
of a knob opting tho controlling
valve. Mirs Crace Krueger, of New
York. Jh here shown operating a spe
cial Jack with a small bottle stored
Mrs. R. C. Clayton, one of tho quartet of English tennis stars now
playing In Amerlcu, proudly displays ''Bongo," stuffed dog mascot of tho
team, at Senbrlght, N. J.
Dog Weeps Sadly, Refuses to Eat
Making It Up
you reaUtedhe power and weight
t your automobile ps you ride
thly along the highway?
n-.iyln— and if you know what
r mount to—you ran also
j the -duu^r lurking within*; ,vehicle. were it not un-
cur irontro!. ^
• puiilag yocr car equals th*
u.*J rtftllng^/farco from 29 to
:str. according to tho rating of
ivitlusl motor car. To realise
nnv-noity of this, think of only
great force
iintuitively dingy .ve-
automobile, weighing
- .. 11 . t l,> .MAI-A fl.llll
CHIHUAHUA, Mexico. — rancho untenanted.
Villa wanted to be hurled here. He It stands In a cemetery In tha
had a dream of being great In death, heart of tho capital of the state of
an well as an outstanding character In Chihuahua, and may be scon for
LONDON.—'Honored ..and Idolised
during bia life; now almost,.complete-
a h:'t or a mtlo more. Oaiy toot of the horn warns
■r of this oncoming force, yet
r yut»—controlling !t—nor the
:rian—thrcntehc-l by It—think
Immensity. * _
Would n-allze Dancer,
ou did;-you'would always keep
ous r-ye on tfib road ahead and
uly hamt on the wheel. And
•lentrlan would always egpreb*
I caution In crossing the
Lincoln’s Road
addition to the force developed
the engine, there Is another
moving automobile.
“ 4 *~**t—-- • - jigcs.'
PORTLAND. Ore.—Jlggs^ like many
men and women, bad but one real
friend In the world. And to him
Jiggs clung with a tenacity that sur
prised even his. bulldog nature.
'‘Bulldog nature" Is no metaphor.
Jiggs Is a bulldog. An English bull
well-formed, thoroughbred.
And his one friend *M "Bluebeard”
McPool, a big. gauht old man. grim
Forty years ago John Cowans
first Joined the Brit it It army ard
a hen the World War broke out he
was made quartermaster general of
all the British forces.
When* the war was over the g**nJ>
ml brrJnte III. H<- had to go Into
debt to pay his doctors’ hi Is. for the
'war had played havoc with his
flo.t-Oi estate.
A ray of
for heruism
^ motion continues, makes it so
■<>ch harder'to OtOO.
To point j)tj| th»- momentum dc-
' '°Pcd by" various automobiles of
stious sixes, tho Cleveland Safety
ouncll has prej-ared * a table of
On the sixteenth day tha socleb
could stand it no longer. Jiggs' ah
feet sorrow struck the minor tcalea <*
their heartstrings. They took the
dog. now a bag ,©f skin and bones, to
call,on McPool at the Jail
Jiggs saw hla friend, and crept
aero** the ronerrte Boor. He mug*
kWI into McPool's arms.
rami' when swards
I** irg handed our. 1
!ne lor something
But while others wore made neb:**
and given huge money grunts, Cow
ans was knighted.
He died a few months ngn. There
was a large military futnral. kino
words and then complete forgetful-
and - taciturn.
Jiggs ahed real tears—and so dl«|
McPool, and others who stood about,
nnt wanting to sea. but fasetnattd by
the sight of a. dog weeping;
They brought Jiggs food, and ha
gulped It down, j
The time to go came, and Jiggs ha4
to be forced away from hla loved on«*
But the dog will be taken Into the
home of an official of tha Humana So«
clety, and every few days will be aU
towed to visit McPool. who must
serve at least #0 day* and than work
out a fine of fSOO. whlfh may keep
him In the better part of a year. *
Which Is being punished more—Me-
Poo| or big best frl-.uJ, J
McPool. *o th* court* said, made
bootleg whiskey, and sold It. He was
thrown Into Jail. And Jiggs, dimly
understanding that disaster rapidly
was overtaking him, waa led away to
the Humana Society kennel. I
The wblow struggled along for a
While, But her circumetanci ? be
came worse. She had litt'e left’other
than the medals which her husband
hml won. So she put them up for
•ale for the money they might bring-
The premier offered Lady cowans
an extra pension from the civil list*
amounting to <500 a year, to he paid
quarterly. She Immediately refused.
A number of influential men, deem
ing ghe nation ungrateful are trying
to nmtfh amend#. Bat Lady Co-rage
aaya R la .too late, ^
M'Poot didn't come that first night
to feed him. And Jiggs wondered.
Ha didn't eat what tha kind offlclala
of the ooelety put before him. He
wanted only the one person in all tha
world he knew was his friend.
For It days this continued. Jigga
refused to eat. A dull, melancholy,
sinking sensation belied him. He suf
fered what; so many humane suffer
when they are Inwardly Hurt and
A unique marker te the memory of
Abraham Lincoln has been dedicated
nt Carloek. 111. Aa a young lawyer,
Lincoln pasaedr slotijr tho road on
which the above memorial stands It
is. a column’of concrete surmounted
hr a porta it of the, emancipator la
These youngsters. Dora Sc huh, if, and her cousin, Heins Berchert,
traveled all the way'front, Merlin *o Minneapolis ilfrbr thcmsclywa <.Thd