Newspaper Page Text
By Olive Roberts Barton
Chuckle Chicken had grown up o he does," he sniffed
—In his own estimation! Ti'. at, en off and t'.:e little chicken la)
means that he thought. 1‘Jco many i weak and frightened on the ground.
other people, that he knew mcro “You don’t need a lecture. JJut I
than his elders. ! think you’ve lenrned a lesson. After
When Mlrter CockadootUe Koost I this you’d better listen to wlaer told him that the big brown heada than yours.”
bird f’rcling around so gracefully ! (To Be Continued.)
•fn the sky right over Squeally .Moo | •
Land was a oMckenhauk, waiting j CONFISCATE LIQUOR
lor a chance to pounce down and j STEAMER MADININAl
carry off a nice fat young chicken . BRUNSWICK, G«.—TSiu steam-1
for his dinner—Chuckle just went | or Madinina, now in Brunswick
on picking up hugs with his heal' I harbor, is the subject of libel pro
as though he didn’t hear h’m at al.. jcccding* by th<> government be-
"Just likes to pleach so he |Cau?c 0 f alleged violations of the
does!” he sniffed when Mister customs laws in connection with
Rooster had gone. "As though I [the illegal transfer of over three
dldnt’ know how to tnke care of thousand cases of liquor in the
myself." neighborhood of St. Catherine's
"What’s that you’re muttering'Hound on the Georgia coast. Un-
about?'’asked a voice right beside jder the law the vessel Is subject
*l»lm. to forfeiture, according to the I
Chuckle jumped as though he’d government. The "Tybee,” federal
heard a gun. "Wh—who Is It?” he revenue cutter, stationed at Sav-
gasped. lar.nah is on the - way there to
' Mister Dodger. the good fairy of Hiring the vessel to that city where
SquealyMoo Land, laughed. [the investigations will be contin-
"I was just telling my Lfendtt jue<J. So far as has been ascer-
*lfahcy and Nick, here, that yoti.lained the master nor the owner
-weren’t really as brave ns you pre- of the vessel could be discovered,
tended to be,’ he said. "And you !
aren’t either, or you wouldn’t have 'SENATOR HARRIS WILL
Jumped so just now. I heard what j ASK CROP ESTIMATES
Mister Rooster said to you and II i ATLANTA, Ga. — Contending
you’re a wise fellow you’ll take his , hat the t . otton estimates given
advice and not wander away so fcf , 0Ut by the Department of Agri-
all by yourself. Suppose you’d get j culture are inaccurate and have
away over there In the buckwheat , malted in a deflation in the price
field some time and old Hunter hi Ihe south’s principal commod-
Hawk would make a swoop down | j ty , Senator William J. Harris
and grab you—there wouldn’t be
anybody near to lift a ffnger SB
save you. You’d better stay ’round
where the others om."
But thla advice only made chuck-
deflated ucently that he would
Introduce legislation in the next
session of congress which would
assist in the accuracy of the esti
mates of the cotton crop and in
le worse than ever, particularly as I the report on the ginned and un-
he did not like to be told that he 1 ginned hales. Action on the two
was afraid. I Harris bills which were reported
.v^MPooh!” he’said. “I guess |’m no on favorably by the house in the
baby! I’m not going to bo tied to last congress failed in the senate
■anybody’* apron strings, and 1 because of delay through a filli-
shall go where I please.” . buster on other matters.
- And away went ohuckb?. straight mm
for the tfitant buckwheat field. JUDGES GOT AN EARFUL
But it wasn't five minutes until; LONDON—A father summoned
Mister Dodger and his helpeds t 0 court at Pontefract
beard a faint call for help. | failure to send his seven-year-old
■i "There! I knewMt!" cried tht j riaukhter to school told tho judges
tlrymao. "Chuckle doesn’t deserve
Jit, but we’ll hasp to save him.
Run!" \
/: They arrived Jtur^ In time, for
[Hunter Hawk already had a t.'ght
hold on Chuckle and was Just about | er declared she was kidnaped.
i to fly away. •
• "Now, Chuckle," said Mister Housing In London decreased be
podgor, kindly, a minute later jtwten 1011 and 1121 by OSS sepa'
w hen Hunter Hawk had been drh -«tte dwellings.
justice they ndftilnistered was
"Hatan’s law." He dedured he
could notf obey their mandates.
The girl was committed to an In-
dun trial school Whereupon the fath-
In the Olden Castle
chapter ti .
Stow by Hal Cochran. ^ 0raW.n«a by Laa Wrlfht.
‘‘Oh, this la a terrible fix,” moaned Clatter Lefts, aa he aat on the
floor. “Suppoain* Clanker, the • watchman, ahould come.” Anil he
hail no more than raid it when they all heard the familiar clank,
dank, clank. Jingo hurriedly grabbed Clatter Leys and etood him ur
on one foot.
Own the jester crabbed Jack by the hand and daaheil behind t
rreat curtain, just aa Clunker walked into the room. “Ho, ho!‘‘ ahouted
the watchman, "what s nil this ?*’ And he walked up to Clatter Leg?.
Who war having a terrible time trying to stand still on one leg.
^“Someone baa bamf•,.t. ateal thia- metal man.” continued
(lank.I. I guess I arrived just in time.” Theft be dragged Clanker
.., C .M S , 0Ter t0 , h “ re *? l * r P**co and stood him up.against the wall.
in fix your legs and ami later, he snapped,’adfhfc turned and left.