Newspaper Page Text
The World’s Greatest Laugh
Six Reels ^ of Mirth
and h. schenck w;zbs* Thrills
All Children Under 12 Years of Age 10c
Bring the Kiddies. *
In a Riot of Songs
“Three Times As Funny As His Two Reel
Comedies.” —San Francisco Chronicle
“Buster Keaton has made the funniest picture of his career.”
Quinn Martin in the New York World.
“Keaton’s Best and Funniest.”
J . t —San Francisco News
I Mr. William Riley
week In Elbert coun
friends and ^relatives.
• on
Miss Essie Clark left Saturday
for Asheville, N. C., where she has
accepted a splendid position to
teach. j
Mrs Frank Bell Is away on a
short vacation, visiting her brother
. Congressman Bell of Gainesville,
— Residence 832! n, *° r * ,at,ves * n Cleveland.
““ Mrs. Frank Culloughs and Miss
Monday to visit Mrs Gordon j | rene Du bo re are back In Athens
Hlght. They were accompanied by j after a week's stay at their rcspec.
JIM Hines who will be there for I live homes In Lincoln county.
1 —ffl—
qj.__ | Mrs. Gordon Carson at Savannah
Friends of Mrs.' Dnrllnn Bell l« spending a few dny| with Mrs
Rosa D. Hull and Mrr. Hunter
x Sarah Lowe Wler Is plan- nines w
" hnnutlful Halloween P«V wt(k ,.
ritlay evening which will be
i ry il< lightful social Interest
le f. of the' First MAhodiat
i will meet Thursday after-
at 4 o’clock with Mrs. Mar-
ay nard. A fyll attendance Is
W. M. lUllls spent the week
a Htephrfgg/
L. Hi Hilton, Frcnk Bell and
Robert Blount spent Sunday in
Mllledgeville. _
vievigm nave ucni completed and
beginning at 10 o’clock the attrac
tion! will be ready to entertain
the large crowds certain to at
The officers of the fair are J.
T. Pittard, president; F. C.jChan-
“flT"-'* | she is Still ver^ rick, and thut her ~ — dierj secretary-treasurer; T. N.
,B ------ orient the wiek end In Kathleen. I ! (£ me economic ,. Mrl . c M . Bol .
ton, liome economics; Mrs. James
W. Morton, program and recren
tion; H. B. Dunlap, poultry
Tied Johnson, grounds.
Mrs. U. J. DuBose and Mrs. R.
I Dulluse and little daughter Ger- f ’
aldlnc of Lisbon were visitor* in
not care a anap about royalty and 1 d-red rears ago at her
urday and Sunday in Athens, vis
iting his two boys, William Ful-<
cher, Jr., and E. D, Fulcher,
R. E. Barfield spent Sunday in
*Doc” Byne and Charlie Ander
son spent Saturday in Gainesville.
‘Bebie" Tatum end Fred Kent
motored to Atlanta Saturday.
Much intereit is centered in the pensea of her count, Oesa Matuucn
Trill bo held at the school house |and Louise of Saxony,,actually In
will be held at the schoou house | penury on a beiKtrly i
Friday, October 26. ,descrtbed as “a little old woman. I
Arranjremchts for one of the|<" »<••** apendlnf I
best community fairs ever held in most of her daya In prayer In
Georgia have been completed and
quiet living at aoma Italian water*
Ing place. But the Income In marts
that equalled 110,000 or »16,000 a
year a dosen yean ago Is now no
more than n few franca a month.
So Louise of Saxe-Coburg-Goths,
in a Paris hotel, Is considering Oho
offer of a casual American ac
quaintance to give-her tho money
to pay tho funeral ex*
penses of her count, Gena Mattitlch
"Slick" Dasher and Jerry Me-
Lce have returned from Gaines
ville where they spent the week
pomp and ceremony, and “waating
her time runti'ng np to Berlin to
see what the city folks-were do
ing.” Instead! she devoted her ef
forts toward the education of
young women, and compilation of
a cook book wihleh, was her chief
aim In life.
Henrietta Davidls began her
cooking expertmenta about a hun-
liome pn Wengern near Witten
the Ruhr. An a girl sho became
famous locally for her cookerion
and the people often came f„r
miles for a taste of her home made . ... .
bread and cakes. And In those
■lava wlinn thorn u-iu nn nntf>rf»In.
days when there was an ontertale
ment tn the neighborhood won.
was always passed around that
Henrlete Davidls’ dishes were to
be a feature of the event
Germany Dedicates
Humble Monument
In Woman’s Memory
Athens Sunday.
Mrs, Julia Smllh of Elbert coun-
ty is visiting relatives In the city.
- i£ _ Miss Oreltn gandlford's friends
S J Funkensteln will be glad to learn that ohe has
Michael. fon Bhe la back In Athens and will
be here nnother week before re
turning to Cartersvllle.
Mr. M. F. Flckett hit*
from New York after n
trip of two weeks
Mrr. Edward Brown of Washing,
ton D. C.. who in being delightfully
entertained In Atlanta nrlve* 8at-
urdny to visit Mis* Annie CrawfArd
Among those vlsltnlg In Athens
Wednesday were J. II. Shear, New
y«»rk City. W. Y. Manchester Char
lotte, Ns C.; W. O Jones, Elberton
R C. Wilson. Atlanta;
Sclple, Atlantic W.
urdny to visit Mis* Annie CrnwfArd ^^jjj^ju^ (}H . p p, Leake. At
nnd will be very cordially welcom-. ,. imn Mr om | Mrs. W A Blood,
ed by her hoeU of^devoted friends. | worthi Orungeburg. 8 C
T. II; Nickerson nnd Mr*.
Nickerson motored to Rome
Messrs. Bob Blount, Frank Bell,
L. H. Hilton and Bill McMichael
I spent the week-end in Millcdge-
in its
But each is different!
i one—upturned, a
Illustrating the
lere are two New
fork styles just re-
:eived in our girls’ ^,j ie one _ U j, lul ,mu, »
mt department. Each r ; c ^ V elour; the other,
lemonstrates the drooping of brim,
:!iarm of simplicity made from polo cloth,
is achieved by an ex- These arci . indicative
, el - designer. Each of our tailored styles
loasts a ribbon trim- in
far Little Ladies
hey are especially styles, too—exquisite
esigned for school affairs of so ftcst v ’^‘
rear and will with- vets and satins-bnL
tand the daily serv- liant with t0 “ ch ff°*
hand embroidery
after the Paris man
or. A. O. Rlchnrd. and Mr. T H n p 1)upcan , Atlanta: P. F.
Nlckeradn left Tueaday for Bfv(ancr () . ||r(c Atlanta ; w. E Starnea,
to attend the Eplrcopal Conference A ,| anta ; jv K Oldham. Lexington
—W--’ 1 k>- • A * P. Nell, Macon, Dan Wood
Mr. Jack Wooftnr of Atlanta l« at Lou |.. ( j mce Martin. New York
expected, Saturday to epend the j
week end with hie iwrente, Dr and T ,, ,Atlanta: 1 C Cog-
Mre. T. J. Woofter ~ '
I burn. Marietta, Oa. C. L. Deadwy-
ler, Atlanta J E. Sheffield. Atlan
ta E I Randle, Columbue, Ohio
Campus Chatter
Mr. BUlie Young spent
week-end in Gainesville.
j C J.*H. Still, Columbia, 8. C. 8
11 J W Still. Barnwell, 8 C.; W. It
»j 7.a\i Jr.. New York Ity: J. B Boyd,
—- Thomson, Gn; W D Rhoads, Ma
tron. James C'Tipon, Atlanta, J. 8
tne^vVebb, Greenwood, 8. C.
1 (1 rorgo B. Shale, Rochester, N. Y
Messrs. Nowell Briscoe nnd p c Baldwin. Atlanta.
Ernest Camp, Jr., spent the week-,
end in Monroe.
J. W. Kitchersid
Mr. Henry Walker attended the
house-warming dunce of the new
S. A. E. chapter house m Atlanta
Mesira. Eugene Kelly and Fcl-
kcr Lewis spent the week-end
•ith parents at Monroe.
bare chapel.”
The premium list has been
printed and issued, several copies
reaching Athens. The program in
cludes judging exhibits from 9 to
10 10*, formal 1 k * n
o'clock; a ]
ground of »..* .—
fair will be held; demonstrations j
of exhibits, poultry show and car*-)
nival. iA
The WinterviUc Community
(By Assooiatsd Press.)
.MUNSTER.—Every school girl
and every woman In Germgny
knows the name of Henrietta Da-
vidls, bat It was not until recently
that the government officially ac
knowledged her aa one of the coun
try's benefactors. Numerous monu
ments to the memory of Empress
Victoria. Queen Louise and Ka!ser>
in Augusta Victoria, the former
Kalser'slat e wife, have been erect
ed in Berlin, Hamburg and other
centers but in the old days the
government never game. Henrietta
judging exnioits xrom v government never game, nonnsno
)*, formal opening at 10 DevidU even jt passing thought—
;; a pageant from 11 to 12; j Henrietta came from very humble
strations; dinner oh the* parentage, and it Is said she did
i of the school where the _
Gon and Come wficn You Please
You arc assured of a car in «?ood condition when you drive
onrs. Phone 661.
Club will serve barbecued haih and
meat at reasonable prices. I
The pageant will be as follows:
“A Child Shall Usd Them,’’
history of Wlntervillo School.
Episode 2. Early Strug
gles of th» Schools.
Episode 2. Past. “Consolida
tion of Two Schools."
Episode 3. Present. Present
status of school and its effect
upon tho community.
lire -»!*l
ment will have an exhibit of
different kinds of work done by
the girls of the department. There]
will be exhibits of sewing, cook
ery, child care and homo planning,
id there will be demonstrations
• some of the girls.
In connection with the woman-
work department there will bo
exhibits of cookery, canning, sew-
embroidery; while a bet-er
Miss Ruth ltae spent the week
end with Miss Sarah Maddox at
■ Soule Hall.
Mr. Roland Griffin* spent the’
week-end in Atlanta.
Misses Jim Turner and
, ginia Truslon returned Thursday
11 from Rome where they attended
the convention of the Federation
of Women’s Clubs.
When Run-down or Re
covering From A Pros
trating Illness, Here’s
Good Advice.
Miss Mattie
the week-end ,
Canon, Ga.
Ridgeway spent
t her home in
Miss Frances'.Walton spent the
week-end with Miss Mary Glover
at Soule Hall.
Mr. Rowland Griffin spent the
week-end in Atlanta.
Miss Lorraine Jarrell spent the
week-end at Soule'Hall.
Miss Calista McDonald spent
Saturday at Brqpau.
Spencer Rockwell spent Satur-
day’and Sunday in Atlanta.
Jimmy Dowling spent Saturday
:d Sunday in Gainesville.
Mr.''William FuWsor spsnt Sat-
DUDy snow ia w wu , ,
babies judged a. to the physical
development of the child.
Alone and in Want
Louise of Saxony
Faces Final Years
Atlanta. Ga—‘ During a time
the */lu’ epidemic, In a ‘ mining
town ^n Tennessee, I found It nee
ersary to close my store, that I
night act as nurse. There wer* n
;reut many case* there at that
time.' Wo found Dr. PiercNj's Gold-
n Medical Discovery to be the beat
.onlc for convalescent patients
They all gained strength rapidly on
this treatment.
"My own cate was no exception
The •Golden Medical Discovery’
gave tone to the digestive organs
nnd enriched the blood, with the
result of restoring me to a genera!
healthy condition."—J. M.Kitcher
sid, jr,4 Whitehall Bt.
Obtain the Discovery In ^»bl»t*
or Ihtuitf at your nearest drug
store or *end 10c to Dr Pierce’s In
valid’s Hotel in Buffalo. N. Y^ for
trial pkjf , or.writ# for free medical
advice.—Ad vertli
(By Associated Press.)
MONTREUX, Switzerland.—The
escapades of some royal ladies ot
Europe in the days before the war,
romances in some cases and in
othera just plain scandals, nave
pursued their more or less thorny
paths of recent years without at
tracting much attention. People
have had more important things
to think about. But now more
lightsome topics find room for
discussion, or the end of some wo
man’s search for happiness will
revive memories of the “beautiful
princess’’ who, a score of years
ago, left the beaten tracks and
went off at a tangent looking for
love in a cottage.
Today the rate of exchange on
German marks is showing up a* a
big factor in the final chapters oil
the lives of more than one f suchj
.-Aitinni Sn tnmr a% HIT.I'ks WCl'C,
woman; So long as marks
good, the allowances paid by gen
erous families anxious to preserve
what was left ol the ancestral
Women s High Grade Footwear
Just 300 Pairs of Good, Stylish
Up-to-Date Low Shoes
Taken from our regular stock and grouped together
at the low price of
$4.95 a Pair
Shoes that formerly sold to $12
All style heels. All materials. In Oxfords and Straps. A real bar
gain at this price. It will pay you to invest in several pairs.
Clayton Street
Kfl&saifl mm
--Ifr m ■ i