Newspaper Page Text
By Olive Roberts Barton
» day
* fielc
“Another Adventu re!” Nick Cried.
Well!” said Former Brown one, It was addressed to the Twins,
as ihe walked through the com
"Dear TwJi
? 1T0 be continued)
field. ‘Its getting pretty late in the i .. J>I<>apo como to niy palaco as
fall and 1 think this corn Is d-.-y i EC on as you get this. I Iwant you
enough for husking. Tomoriow I'll J to go south to Dixie Land,
hitch Charlie and Bob to the wagon j j
and well take down tin- torn* ! "Another adventure” c*r'er Nick,
ahocks and haul the corn In. Then i -j told you soj” sa’d Mister
I’ll invite all my neighbors over Dodger. "I'oinc! We’ll say goodby
and we'll have a busk-bee and my j i° ou/ friends here and bo fcolng"
wife \e'll have cider and doughnuts ;
for them.”
Farmer Brown was talking to j
himself, but three pairs of sharp' 'COPENHAGEN. — Lieut. Crum-
little ears hoard' every word hej r . ne of the United State Air Ser-
■aid. } vice bus left herq for Greenland
Nancy looked sad. ”If Farmer to Investigate the possibility of
Brown takes away nil the corn-'using the Danish Crown Land af
•hock., he'll take /our house, too " fbo stage tor the eventual Amer-
ehe said, "and where will you live . P‘ 111 tnilltary seaplane attempt to
this winter, Mister Dodger?" ! crus » ttc Atlantic nost ' aummu
. ; “Why, i'll go rest for a spell" l,ro n, - s ' L '" Vork England. It Is
answered the little fairy fellow! planned to use I-abudor, Oroon
cheerily. "I'll go hack to the fa’f- l"d, lePlsnd and the Kaero Islands
lea’ Hotel In Falrlyland whore most
of the fairies stay when they aren’t Lieutenant Crunmne also will
working. 1 haven’t seen my friends ' vi * 1 Iceland and the Faero Islands,
for a long time and It'll
good to have a good
Mister Tatters ami Mister Skv Bow j
and Mi'ster Tingal'ng nnd Mister ;
. Scribble Scratch and all the others j
I haven't seen for so long.”
“But what will the Squcaly-Moo !
people do without you?” asked ,
Nick “Will they be safe?”
.MANILA.—Hereafter judges of
the Philippine courts will be
qu'red to make monthly Inspetv
thins of the jails in their respec-
lo , .. # . i tlve provinces to which they sen-
Snrel" snswere. the little fairy, rollvl « ll!( t an ,f 9ub .
man. stuffing; hi. oh corn-cob pipe mll , r rt t0 t|,e secretary nf
nto bl. pocket -Its only when j jr ,. co „ mtl „ n8
they are out of doors they need to j . jj s
be looked after «o much. When | * .
they are Indoors, ns they wUI have „ * '**/ if SRflft rZo time
, to be mostly from now on. they are L, 1|w rr .,, llcn of RmklnE Ul0
! SSfclSt %Z" Colt "can't; tlons has fallen Into disuse.
. squeexo tlrough the orchard fence
1 and make himself sick on sweet { MUSICAL SHOWS GIVE WAY
apples. And Mister Hawk 1ms j JO SHAKESPEARE IN BERLIN
gone south for the winter. I guess UEIlL!?f.—Shakespeare figures
for I haven’t seed hint lately; so j j rojninently **n autumn offerings
the chickens and ducks won’t bo „f Berllrt theatres, most of which
In danger, either.” I have abandoned the sketchy mu-
; “Well. If you go. we’ll go. too| H i c al comedies which drovo legltl-
dcclarcd Nancy. “I mean we can’t j mate drama out of the German
stay In Squealy-Moo Land by our-! capital* throughout the summer.
• selves." j “Merqjmnt of Venice,” "As You
j; "I was Just coming to that.” | Like It/ ’“Merry Wives of Wind-
} nooed Mister Dodger w',th n my»-:j,or” ad “Midsummer Night’s
* terlous rinile. “Useful people arej Dream” are already b<« ng offered
never out of a Job, my clears.” jin four theatres and "Macbeth,"
He reached' /nto his pocket and j “Othello," and virtually all of the
pulled out a letter. “I found this j tiest known Shnpespcareau trage-
on the table when I came in today** Os are scheduled for production
he aald. "8llve<r Wing, the Fairly later at the State Theatre and va
Queen’s messenger, must have«ri OUa independent playibouso*.
brought it wtllo we were out."
' CHAPTER 15 ' _
Etorj by 0*1 Cochran. Drawing* by Lm Wright-
S, As soon as Clankcr was out of sight ngsin. Jingo and Jack came
out from behind the curtain. Then Jingo ran out of the room and
shortly returned with an oil ean and some tool,. After much work
they finally put Clutter Legs' arm nnd log back again and he was at
. good os new.
"Thanks, very much,” smiled tl(c metal ntan. “Anil now I’m going
to go back to my place and stay there." Jack watched him walk care
fully over to the spot near the metal horse nnd then he noticed that
the room was getting dark. "It’s time to light that big lantern!”
shouted Jingo.
lantern ha
un that table and you <