Newspaper Page Text
FBUUY. OCTOBER 26, 1923.
Legal Advertisements
i llOHGIA—Clarke County:
To the Superior .Court of
C-icnty'.- :
The petition of ATHENS MAN-
said Thomas Jarrell agreed to
pay the said principal amount of
said note, together with interest
thereon as above stated, ami
WHEREAS; the said Thomas
Jarrell has failed to pay the in
terest on said note, and has
failed to pay the principal on said
s ,artfully shows: 'l NOW THEREFORE the said W.
1. That it was incorporated by i H. Harris declares the whole
order of the Superior Court of amount of said indebtedness due
Clarke County on April 16, 1904, and by virtue of a power of sale
for a period of twenty years, with (contained in aforesaid deed, he the
the privilege of renewal. | sa id W. H. Harris will sell before
2. That th echarter of petition-1 the Court House door id said
or will expire on Apri 16, 1924. Clarke County on the first Tues-
That under the original day in November, 1923, between
charter of petitioner N the capital
stock of said company was fixed
a t the amount of $125,000.00, with
the privilege of increasing the
same to any amount not exceed
ing $250,000.00.
2. J?hat‘The charter of petition
er was amended on October 18,
I<»0G, by order of the Superior
Court of Clarke County, under the
provisions of which amendment
[hi minimum capital stock of the
company was reduced to the sum
of $100,000.00, so that under the
present charter as amended the
caplfnl stock of petitioner is
$100,000.00, with the privilege of
increasing the same up to $250,*
000.00. ^ ■
Petitioner desires a renewal
of its 'charter, to take effect from
the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit:
“Clarke County, Georgia, in
Bradberry’s District, adjoining
lands of Mrs. McElroy, Mugg
Stround, colored, W. T. Lester, F.
Frank Poss, Little Bear Creek, and
John B. Gamble, lying about one
mile north of Bogart and being a
part of the Peter Damr.on (col.)
place; being the same property as
that conveyed to Jack F. Jackson
by J. M. Hodgson, as administra
tor of Peter Damron, deceased, by
deed of record in Book 3, Folio
394, in the Clerk’s office of the
Superior Court of Clarke County,
Georgia, in March, 1907, and con
taining ninety-five and 93-100
the date of the expiration of its
ent charter, for an additional
period of twenty years, with the
privilege of subsequent renews! as
provided by law.
(5. Petitioner desires its charter
amended sb as to authorize its
capital stock to be increased to an
amount not exceeding $400,000.00,
said capital stock to be increased
from time to time by a majority
vo »e of the voting stock of said
corporation up to the maximum
amount hereinbefore stated; such
increased capital stock to be com
mon and preferred, either or both,
and in suck. proportions as a ma
jority of ib* voting stock of said
The above described tract of
land will be sold by the said W.
H. Harris, for the purpose of
paying principal, interest and all
nnaf n# no i/I sola inclllrlitw* Atfrtr.
(95.03) acres, more or leaf.
company may fix and determine.
7. Petitioner files herewith
certified abstract from the min
utes of said corporation showing
that the application for this re
newal and amendment to said
charter has been authorized by
proper corporate action.
WHEREFORE, petitioner prays
that its charter be renewed for an
additional period of twenty years
from the date of the expiration of
its present charter, with the priv
ilege of subsequent renewal, and
that its charter be amended as
‘•■■reinbofore set forth.
By A. G. DUDLEY, Pres.dent.
Attorneys for Petitioner.
RESOLVED. That the President
of this company be and he is
hereby authorised to apply in the
name of the company to the Sup
erior Court of Clarke County for
a renewal of the charter of the
company fownn additional period
of twenty yiats from the expira
tion of the present charter of the
corporation which was granted on
the 15th da-jf of April, 1904; said
application to be made by the
Fre.diMt in-the name of. the cor
poration (n due time to secure the
renewal of said charter before the
piratiori . j Of the term of the
charter heretofore granted aaid
company. 1 ' ,
RESOLVED further, that when
application,' is made for the re-
newal of >atd charter, the same be
amended so a* to authorize on in
crease In the capital stock of the
corporation to an amount not ex-
eroding Four Hundred Thousand
(8400,000.00)" Dollara, sold capital
.took to be Increased from time to
time by a majority vote of the
voting atock of aaid corporation
up to the maximum amount here
inbefore itated. Said increased
capital, stock to be common and
preferred, cither or both,
such proportions
of the voting *
pany may 1
the majority
stock of Baid com.
and determine.
GEORGIA—Clarke County
I, B. s. DOBBS, Secretary of
Athens' Manufacturing Company,
do certify that the foregoing la a
true abstract from the minutes ot
said corporation, .howins a reso
lution which was .unanimously
passed by the holders of the en
tire capital atock of said corpora
tion at a meeting of the stock
holders' duly held on tho 2nd day
of October, 1923.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my/offlcial hand and af
fixed tho; corporate real c f said
company, thia the 4th day of
October, .1923.
B. S. DOBBS, Secretary.
Filed in office, thia the 4th day
of October/1923.
Superior Court, Clarke
aunt/, Georgia.
‘ l—Clarke County:
CRAWFORD, Clerk ol
ar Court of aaid county,
that the foregoing is a
- of tho original applica
tion ofv-Athens Manufacturing
Company fay renewal of and
amendment to ita charter, »» the
same appekra of file In my office.
WITNESS-my official hand and
seal, thia the 4th day of October,
1923. of:' l
("Merit''Superior Court, Clerku
County. Georgia.
Oct. 6-12-19-26. 00
Clarke: . »
WHEREAS on the first day or
December, 1820, Thomas Jarrell oi
aid State and County did execute
d deliver & W. H. Harris, a cer-
i Security deed to property
hereinafter describcu, which deed
U receded in the office ox the
H.rkfif (lie Superior Court of
*aid County of Clarke in Deed
Book $1, Folio 262; said deed be-
• L w .... n o/irtnin nrom-
cost of said sale, including Attor
ney's fees of ten (10 per cent)
per cent, and balance if any after
said indebtedness has been settled
will be paid to the heirs at lew of
said Thomas Jarrell, who is now
This 29th day of September,
Oct. 5-12-19-20. Nov. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
WILL BE SOLD before the
Court House door ot Club (to Coun
ty in the City of Athens on the
flpst Tuesday In November, 1,23.
between tho legal hours of eale for
cash the following described real
estate, to wit:
A certain tract of land, lying
and being in Clarke County, Geor
gia and In the 220tli District, O. M..
and fronting on tho Athens and
Lexington Road uad about five
miles from AtHens and being a
part of tho Whitlock place and
bounded as fallows: On tho north
by.lands of W. E. Epps, and the
east by lands of formroly W. A.
Jester, fronting on the south the
Athens and Lexington road, on the
west by lands of Wallace. _ Said
tract of land containing Forty-one
and 37-100 acres, more or leu and
being that tract ot land conveyed
to A. P. Winston by deed to E. P.
Whitlock of date November 4,1910
and of record In the office of the
Clerk of tho Superior Court for
Clarke county. Georgia. In Deed
book 8, folio 581, less twelve and
72-100 acres heretofore sold off to
T. W. Wallace by A. P. Winston
and conveyed to R. C. Wilson by
A. P. Winston, said deed of recqrd
In the office of the Clerk ot the
Shporior-WMft for Clarke County,
Georgia, In Deed Book folio
—, reference being had In laid
deed to plat of survey by Benj. H.
Harrow, county Surveyor of date,
November 4, 1910 to which plat
nnd to which deed reference Is bad
and same made a part hereof.
This property Is sold In accord-
linco with an agreement entered
Into by and between R. C. Nunn of
the one part and the Administra
trix ot C. H. Hayes, dec'd of the
other part.
Mr. c. H. Hayee and Joe Nunn
having purchased the above prop
erty and having received from Mr.
It. c. Nunn his Bond' for Title and
Mr. R. c. Nunn now holds the noto
of Mr. C. H. Heyes for $2500.00 be
sides Interest and the said R. C.
«unn having aued the aaid Hayea
during his life. Thle land la being
sold as aforeuld under an agree
ment for the purpose, ot settling
said sum and said Indebtedness.
This 8th day of Oct., 1923.
H. M. RYLEE, Atty.
Oct. 12-19-26—Nov. 2.
Any amount over awf above
amount required to pay tee pit*
clpal, Interest and coat wilt be re
turned to the maker of aSid note.
This the loth day of October,
H. M. RYLEE, Atty. -v
Oct. 12-19.20—Nov. 2.
OBORG1A—Clarke County.
WILL BE SOLD before Un.
Court House door for Clarke Coun
ty In the city of Athens, Georgia, on
the first Tuesday In November,
1923, between the legal hours of
sale for cash tho following de
scribed real estate, to wit:
A certain tract or parcel of land,
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
To the Superior Court of Said
The petition of J. P. CARTER
end s. J. MOSS, of the city of
Athens, Clarke County, Georgia,
respectfully shows:
L That they desire for them
selves, their associates and sue-
cessogs, to be incorporated under
the name and style of THE CAR
INC., for a period of twenty years,
with the privilege of renewal as
provided by law.
2. That the principal office of
said corporaiton is to be located in
the city of Athens, Clarke County,
3. That the object of. said cor-
poration ia pecuniary gain to itself
and ita shareholders.
4. That the particular busi
ness to be carried on by said cor
poration Is, cither for itself or ai
agent for others, the conducting
of a wholesale and retail lumber
and builders' supplies business,
either or both, the buying and
selling of any and all kinds or de
scriptions of building materials or
supplies, the operation of any and
all machinery or equipment wh'.cli
may be necessary or incident to
cither or both of said businesses,
the manufacture or production of
any and ail of said building ma
terials or supplies, and Ihe doing
of any and all other business inci
dent to a wholesale or retail lum
ber and builders' supplies busi
6. Petitioners desire the righi
to own, lease, buy or sell real
estate end personal property suit
able to the purposei of aaid cor
poration and the right, to execute
notes, bonds, conveyances and
other evidences of indebtedness in
the'conduct of said corporation
and secure the same by mortgage,
security deed, or other form of
lien, also the right vo buy, own,
and sell real estate and personal
property. ,
0. The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be Twenty Thous
and ($20,000.00) Dollars, the par
value of each share to be $1002)0.
Petitioners desire the right to In
crease said capital stock to any
amount not exceeding One Hun.
dred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dol
lars by a majority vote of the
common stock of said Company
Petitioners desire the right to pay
tho subscription to said capital
atock in iribney or property taken
at a fair valuation.
7. Petitioner* desire that said
corporation shell have the right to
sue and be sued, to have and uaj
a common seal, and to make such
by-laws and regulations for the
government of said corporation as
may be-necessary.
8. Petitioners show that more
the Superior Court of Clarke
County, Georgia, do hereby cer-
tif that the foregoing is a. true
ana correct copy of the applica
tion of J. 1 Carter and i J. More
for a charter for THE CARTE,t-
INC., as the same appears of file
in this office.
Witness my official hand and
aignature, thia the 11th day of
October, 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
Oct 12-19-20, Nov. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Will be sold before the Court
Houu door in said County, on the
first Tuesday in November, 1923,
within the legal hours of eale, «•
the highest bidder for qaah, the
following described property, to-
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the
City of Athens, Clarke County,
Georgia, with the improvement!
thereon, and being on the South
east corner of Cobb and Franklip
Streets, known ad No. 498 Frank
lin Street and described as fol
lows: Beginning at a point on the
corner of Cobb and Franklin
Streets and running thence in a
southerly direction along Franklin
Street 122 feet to a point; thence
In an easterly direction 116 feet
to a point; thence In a northerly
direction 122 feet to Cobb Street;
thence along Cobb Street in a
westerly direction 110 feet to the
beginning point -on the corner of
Cobb and Franklin Streets.
Said land levied on as the
property of Mrs. Msry P. Cooper,
to satisfy tn execution Issued on
the 3rd day of October, 1923, from
the City Court of Athens, in favor
of The Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the United States
against Mrs. Mary P. Cooper.
Quit-Claim deed for the purpose
it of. levy and sale filed and recorded
' as required by law and due and
legal notice given to the defend
ant and tenant in possession.
This 12th day of October, 1923.
Oct; 12-19-20, "Nov. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County
ALICE POPE having made ap-
plication for twelve months aup-
K rt out of the estate of James
Pope, appraisers duly appointed
to set apart the tame having
fiico their return, ail
than m per cent of the .capital gv Fj._Stephenren
atock has actually been paid in.
9. Petitioners further pray that
said corporation have authority to
wind up its corporat* affairs, to
liquidate and diacontinue the bus
iness of said corporation at any
time that it may be determined by
a majority vote of its atock out
standing 30 to do,
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray
that they, together with their as,
soeiatea and successors, be Incor
pointed under the name and style
aforesaid, with all the rights,
powers, orivllege, sod lmmpnTtlre
hereinbefore set forth, and with
such other right*, powerff prlyil-
gts and immunities as are now or
may hereafter be allowed cor
porations of the same character
under the lawa of the State of
Attorneys for Petltlonere. .
Filed in office, this lift dsy ol
October, 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, Clark*
County, Georgia.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
I, E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk of
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Will be sold before the Court
House door in Said County, on the
first Tuesday in November, 1923,
within the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash, the
following described land, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of lend,
lyfiif and being In Athens, Clarke
County, Georgia, beginning at o
point on the West side of Frank
lin Street eeventy-five feet Nortl
of Meigs Street at tha corner of a
lot formerly owned by Mrs. Vance,
and running thence North along
Franklin Street 103 1-2 feet,
more or less, to property of J. F.
Tibbetts, thence West along Uni
of Tibbetts and Wilkins 196 T-2
feet, thence South parallel with
Franklin Street 105 feet to lot of
Mrs. Vance, thence East along line
of Mrs. Vance 197 feet, more or
leu, to the beginning. Being
part* of lots 97 and 79 in the
the will annexed of said deceased,
will sell at public auction for cash
bn the firs* Tuesday is Ncvcuto
nen wi&tt sale hours before tho
Court House in City of Athens,
the old Home Place of said de
ceased, said tract of land contain
ing One Hundred (100) acres, and
bounded as follows: On South by
the Georgia Factory and Lexing
ton road, on the West by public
road running South from Athens
and Lexington road, and North by
land of Mrs. Dean and on East by
N. B. Davis estate; tha land to be
sold lies in 220th District, said
County, and is place occupied for
years by the widow, Mrs. J. A.
Davis. Sale to be had for tho
purpose of distribution among
the legatees under said will.
Administrators, etc., ot Pryor
Davis, Deceased,
Oct. 12-19-20, Nov. 2.
concerned are hereby required to
•how cause before the Court of
Ordinary of said county on the
first Monday in November, 1923,
why the said application should
not be granted. 0
This 12th day of October, 1023.
R. C. ORB, Ordinary.
Oct. 17-19-20. Nnv. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County
Will be sold at the court house
door in said county on the first
Tuesday in November, 1923, with
in the legal hours of sate, to-wlt:
Ail that certain tract or parcel of
land lying'and being inlaid State
and County, nnd in Puryear’a
District G. Ms on the new Athens
and Lexington road, containing
Thirty (30) acres more or less,
bounded on the North by a settle
ment road, connecting the old and
new Athens end Lexington roads,
survey of the Town of Athens,
McWhorter recorded In Book 18,
page 454, in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Clarke County.
Lexington road and landa
Tones; South by lands of U. H.
Javonport formerly, now aold to
Eugene Tribble, and on the West
by the new Athens ohd Lexington
road and particularly described as
follows: Beginning at a corner
near a bridge on the new Athens
road, same being the South'West
corner of this land, and running
thence along the line dividing thia
land from the said Davenport
lands, N. 63 1-2 E. 19.20 chs. to a
comer near a bridge on the old
Athens and Lexington read, thence
N. 48 1-2 W. along the old Athens
and Lexington road dividing thle
land from landa of Jones, to a
corner on the settlement road
where 'this land comers with lands
of James R. Tuck, thence along
the line dividing this land from
lands of James R. Tuck to a cor
ner on the new Athens and Lex
ington road, thence S. 33 1-4 E.
along said road to the beginning
oorner near the bridge, and la a
S irt of the land conveyed to John
illups by deed of J. T. Plttord,
•aid deed dated November 14th,
1917, and recorded in deed book
n nd w U Qf d J Bcrib * , i ‘k* xfftll 0 ? “23,” pag* 290, office of the Clerk
G. F. Stephenson to Marco* P. .# atnSriar Court of Clarke
cording to the statutes in such
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
cases made^and
O.’w! ABNEY,
J. P. CARTER, County of Clarke.
Petitioners. Mollle Lichtenstein having ap
Filed in office, this ilth day of piled to the Ordinary by petition
October, 1923. - asking that Howell C. Erwin mad
E*. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk. Aaron Crihen as executors of tho
GEORGIA—Clarke County: eitate of 8. Sloman, deceased, late
1, E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk of of said county, bo required to make
the Superior Court of Clarke to her a deed to a lot ot land In
County, Georgia, do hereby certl- the City of Auguata, Richmond
fy that the foregoing Is s tru* county, Georgia, on the south side
and correct copy of the applica- of Ellis street between Thirteenth
tion of \V. Pr Brooks, O. W. Ab* street and Fourteenth street,
ney, G. A. Booth, R. A. C. Ray, known and designated as Num-
J. P. Carter, and their associates', hers 1336 and 1338 Ellis street.
for a charter for MERCHANTS’ having a front on said Kills street
PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION OF of 34 feet 0 laches more or less,
ATHENS, GA., sg the same ap- ruoning back of oven width 182
pears of file in this office. feet more or le$s, and bounded’ as
Witness my official hand and follow*:
signature, this the 11th day of North by Ellis street; east by
lands ot Mrs. H. H. Hester, south
by lands ot Patrick, Thomas and
October, 1923.
.Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
Will bo sold on the flret Tuei
day In November, 1923, before the
court house door, laid state and
county, during the legal hours of
sale to the highest and best bidder
for cssh, the following described c °ben, exotmtore, and Joeepb Slo.
property man, solo heir-at-law of the •
One iron safe. tats i of the aaid 8. Sloman, de-
Said property levied upon as the ceaeed, to bo and appear at tho
property of the defendant, E. G. November term, 192$, ot the Court
Fambrough, to satisfy a judg- of Ordinary of Clarke County Oeor-
ment issued in favor of F. G. Me- fit, and show caush, If any they
Entire and against E. G. Fam- have or can, why the aaid execu-
brough and A. H. Shannon. tors should not be required to
Thie October 10, 1923. - make' aaid deed as prayed for by
W. E. JACKSONr Sheriff, the said Mollle Lichtenstein, pe-
Oct 12-10-26, Nov. 2. tltioner.
E. C. ORR, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Will, bo sold on the first Tuei- STATE OF GEORGIA,
day in November, 1923, before the County of Clarke.
Court House door in aaid State To All Whom It May Concern:
and County, during the legal hours George Arnold and Carrie Ohols
of sale, to the highest bidder for ton having made application for
on the East by fte old Athens and , ,> .. . , , n,™,,.,. . ,
Lexington Aad and land, of W
All that tract lot or parcel of chan Arnold, colored, late of said
land, situate, lying end being in coonty, deceased, this is. therefore,
the 220th District O. M., Clarks to cite all persons to show chase
Comity, Georgia, and more fully |„ th’o Conrt ot Ordinary on tho
daecribed an follows: flret Monday In November, 1923,
Being Lot No. One (1) of the t0 Bbow cause, if any thsy can.
subdivision of Phillip Neely Home wtgr permanent Letters of Admin.
Pl«e In said District and Coonty, Miration should not bo granted
and bounded *■ follows: upon the estate of the said Chan
Commencing at a rock corner, Arnold, deceased, to ancli person
on public road,_ leading from near „ th e Coort Dur <ee m Ip
point tn the absence of an agree
the feildence of John Tuck to the
Gum Corner, and running thence
S. 29 1-2 E. 54.00 to a rock
thence S. E. Course 10.15 to
rock; thence N. W. Course to
rock; thence N. E. Course t*
rock; thence N. 11 1-2 W. 11 to
rock on tho aforementioned public
road; thence West direction aloni
the said road to the corner o
commencing — containing (70.05)
Said land levied on as the prop-
ty of Marcus P. McWhorter to
satisfy an execution is shed from
the City Court of Athens, said
State and County, on the 20th
day of May, 1922, in favor of The
Georgia National Bank of Athens
against Hugh H. x Price and Mar
cus P. McWhorter. Written notice
of levy given defendant in fi fa.,
and tenant in possession. Deed
for the purpose of levy and sal*
tiled and recorded In th* office of
the Clerk of the Superior Court
of sold County before levy mode.
This th* 8th dsy of October,
W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff.
Oct. 12-19-20, Not. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
By virtue of power and author,
ity contained in the last will of
Pryor Davie, late of eald County,
deceased, ihe undersigned as ad-
ministratora de bonis non, with
Upon motion it was ordered by tho Board of Commissioners of
Rosas and Revenues for Clarke County, Georgia, that the following
’, 1923. Oac Hundred and sixty (160(1)
tax levy bo made for tho year,
per cent, on State Levy. Eight mills or $8.00 on each $1,000.00.
It was further ordered by tho Board that the following levies be
made /on State levy for the year 1928, and that tho same be collected
situated In said county, and in the j |,y the" Tax Collector for the' following Coonty purposes, to-wit:
partlc- County levy, eight mill* or $8.00 on each $1,000.00 of county taxable
ruice*/ liunurca t*iia'™-'"", “
lam given by said Thomas Jarrell
to the said W. H. Hams, saM
note being dated Deeember lst,
1120, Herfjeg Interest from date
»t tho rate of 8 pee " nt 9 er in * 2 n .'
Hum, and due December 1st.. 19*K
WHEREAS In ssld deed, th*
City of Athens, and' more
ularly described as follows: Being (pro]
on the west side of Barrett street
and joining lota of J. B. McClure
and J. C. Fowler and containing
one-halt acres, more or less,
fronting 105 feet on Barrett street
and running back two hundred and
ten feet Joining land with Mc
Clure and others being the proper
ty deeded from J. H.T. McPhereon
to E. O. Fambrough of this late.
Being the property deed T. H. Bar
rett to J. H. T. MePhorson, re
corded In Book Z. Z . folio 172.
Tho above property le sold by
authority given under a power of
attorney to Mrs. D. W. McGregor,
date of deed being 16tb day el
November, 1920. and being record
ed in deed book 21, page 172 of
the records of superior Court for
Clarke county, Georgia. The power
of attorney authorises tho holder
of said note upon default of pay
ment of principal or Interest to
sell the abuve property to the high
est bidder after advertising prop
erty for thirty days in legal Ga
rotte of Clarke County, Georgia.
The above security deed wua
given to secure $1000.00 principal
being evidenced by u note of even
date for that amount. The note be
ing dun November 16, 1921 bae re
mained la default as to principal
and Interest since May, 1923. Now
the bolder ot aaid note and deed
exercises her option and declares
the said note, principal end Inter
est. due and payable at once.
Tho above note was signed by E.
O. Fambrough and the above prep-
O. Fsmbrough and the above prop- 01iu Vp.f r1919.nn
erty Is sold as thepeoperty of E. O. Sept. 21-28, Oct. 5-12-19-20.
fal Indebtedness 52% on Stst* Levy $49,312.17
Buildings 2% on State Levy 1,890.62
Bridges ) 2% on' State Levy 1,896.62
OfficersJSaiaries and Fees .. 11% on State Levy .'. .. 10,431.42
County Executive Officers
Salaries tad Fees
Non Resident Witnesses and
Extra Service
Maintenance Expense Court
House .. — ..
Juron %. .. .
Poor .,
Quarantine and Sanitation ..
Lawful Charges .. .. ,, ..
of Superior Court of Clarke
County, said land levied on as the
property of Eugene G. Tribble to
satisfy an execution issued on tbo
9th day of October, 1923, from the
City Court of Athens, in said
county, In favor of R. G. Davis
and against, the ssld Engent G.
This October 11th. 1923.
Sheriff, Clarke County, Georgia.
Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2.
0% on State Levy
1% on State 1 Levy
GEORGIA—Clarke County
To tho Superior Court of Said
The petition of W. P. BROOKS,
A. C. RAY, J. P. CARTER, and
their associates, respsctfully
1. That they desire to bo in
corporated under the name and
ENS, GA, for a period of twenty
(20) yean, with the privilege of
renewal as provided by law.
2. That the object of said as
soclatlon is to provide cioeer fel
lowship and co-operation among
tbo business men of tbo city of
Athens, Georgia; to safeguard and
servo the intefeet o! business
men; to establish a uniform and
businesslike reporting and collect-
in; eystetj; and generally to ad-
esKJt the beet interest of the
memkuci of said association and
to exercise the powers of a credit
3. That said srwjlation de
sires to hold meetings, take action
as a body, through committees or
through its officers or, employees,
and by other legitimate mesne
carry out the objects ubov# stated.
2% on State Levy
6% on Slate Levy 5,089.87
0% on State Levy .. .. ,, 5,68987
7% on State Levy 6,038.18
12% on State-Levy 11,379.7.7
10% on State Levy .. .. .. 9,483.11
40% on State Levy 37,932.44
160% $151,729.70
Total State and County Levy Thirteen mills" or $13.00 on each
$1,000.00 on County assessed valuations. Total assessed taxable values,
as shown by digest $18,960,220.00. Upon motion, it is further or
dered by the Board that any surplus raised by any of the above levies,
if necessary be applied to any lawful charges against the county.
The County Board of Education having recommended to thie Board,
that a local tax of Four and one-quarter (414) mills or $445 on each
$1,000.00 on all taxable property within the county of CUrke without
the incorporate limits of the City of Athens, be levied to supplement
the public school fund In accordance with Section 2 of the Acte of the
General Assembly of 1906 and acta amendatory thereof; It la there
fore ordered by the said Board of Commissioners, in pursuance of said
recommendation and in pursuance of an election held and carried
under tho lection above referred to, that a tax of 414 mills or $4.25
on each $1,000.00 on all taxable property of the county of Clarke
lying without the incorporate limits of the City of Athens be and the
same is hereby levied, and that the tame be collected by the Tax Col
lector of aaid County, in conformity with the law.
Chairman Pro Tern.
Cleric, Board of Commissioners ot Roads and Revenues for Clarke I fixed by the Board of Directors.
County, Georgia. | WHEREFORE, petitioners prey
That said association desires
that right to hove and use a cor
porate seal, sue and be sued, plead
of Mrs. Elisabeth Meyer, Exerfif
trix, and against John Nedy,
George Johnson, and Peter Neely.
Legal notice given tenant in pos
Sheriff, Clarke County, Georg!*.
Oct. 12-19-20, Nov. 2.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Alfred D .Bailey, having In prop
er form applied to me for Pec man-
ont Letters of Administration on
ttte estate of Alfred B. Bailey, tote
of ssld county, this is to dto all
and angular the creditors and next
of kin of amid Alfred B. Bailey to
be and appear at my office within
the time allowed by law, and show
csutOf any they can, why per
manent administration should not
be landed to Alfded D. Bailey on
i*!d estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 11th day of October,
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
be necessary and proper for th*
purpose* of its incorporation.
Thst it msy make such by.
laws as may be necessary and
proper, from time to time; that it
have the power to borrow money
and Issue notes, bonds or other
evidences of debt and to secure
the same by deed, mortgage or
other conveyance.
6. That the powers of tho cor
poration be exercisable by the
Board of Directors except when
otherwise specified in the by-laws.
7. That the principal oftire of
said association shall be in Ath
ens, Clarke County, Georgia.
8. That tha capital stock be
Five Hundred ($60000) Dollars,
par value of $5.00 per ehare, with
the privilege of increasing said
capital to any amount not in tx-
ceis of Twenty-Five Hundred
($2000.00) Dollars by a majority
vote ■ of the Board of Directors.
That the corporation have also the
privilege of collecting dues and
uiirasments from its members *s
for un order of incorporation ac
GEORGIA—Clarks County.
To All Whom it May Concern:
R. E. Johnson having In proper
Ms ! purchase’ Uke*by'glft*or lo^ SPP^ToVe for'p.rm^
real and personal property as may
estate of Perty Johnaon, late of
■aid county, (Ms to to die all and
singular tha creditors and next of
kin of Perry Johnson to' bo and
appear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show
cause, If any they can, why per
manent administration should net
he granted to R. E. Johnson on
Perry Johnson's estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 11th day of October,
R. C. ORB, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
To Ail Whom it May Concern:
W. R. Booth having In proper
form applied to me for Permanent
Letters of Administration on tho
estate of Mrs. W. R. Booth, tete
of said county, this Is to dto all
and singular tha creditor* sad
next of Un of said Mrs. W. R
Booth to bo an appear at my of.
flee wtthlu the time allowed by
law, and show cause. If any they
cen, why permanent admlnietratloa
should not be granted to W. R.
Booth on eald estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, thia 12th day of October,
Henry Juckaon, and west by tends
ot Patrick Walsh, In pursuance ol
a bond for title made by the said
8. Sloman, deceased to the said
Mollle Lichtenstein In hla life
time; the eald Mollle Lichtenstein
alleging that she baa fully met her
obligation* In slid bond.
Thle is to notify the eald Howell
C. Erwin and the said Aaron
meat ot the heirs.
This October 6th, 1123.
R. C. ORR,
OMUftty of Clark* County, Ga.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
To tho Helra-At/tetw of Emmett
J. Hale, Declared:
Mrs. Mary L. Hale, ss assignee
Seventy and Sixty-five Hundredths! and transferee dad holder ot a cer
acres, and fully marked and de- tala bond for title executed bj
fined In a plat of the subdivision Emmett J. Halo during hi* Ufa to
of ft* Phillip Newly Horn* Plsc* j. h. Lowe, has made application
made by W. M. Crane on tbs 8th to the undersigned as Ordinary of
day of November, 1902. said county for an order requiring
This being the aame land dc- tho administrators of said deceas-
rcribed in a deed executed by estate to make and deliver
Phillip Neely to Peter Neely, *J a „to her a deed to tho real estate
Tl ?. tt “’ ■ f 1 r ,;» ld . MM bond for title
•Jilted being datcd Dcccmbcr y nown „ Iot , Noe. 3. 4 and 6 of
v£ tt, ° kObdlftaieg of said deceased's
office of We Cleric of Uie Super- hutf, ln Good Hope. Walton Coun-
for CourtofCterko County, tJr QeorlUi M rally set forth in
**»• “ "Sr w 'her petition as of file in this of-
And being the earns property *
d.t n .d° n Anrd Ton «™ therefore, required to bo
Ltlte Johnson, by deed dated April appe>r at tb e conrt of Ordin-
authorized to sell said property at
public outcry in accordance with
the power of sple contained in said
deed. That said J. H. Phillips, ha*
failed to pay said note when due.
Said sale will be made and *
conveyance of said land will b«
made to the purchaser or pur
chasers, all in accordance with tho
terms and provisions of a power
of sale contained in said security
deed. .
This October 12tlu 1923.
Tula October 12tha mi.
COBB & COBB. Attya.
Oct. 12-19-26—Nov. 2.
I Athens’ Neighbors 1
I !
MONTICELLO.—Th. peanut
grower* of Jaaper met last Sat
urday to discus* and arrange
prices and picking.
Mr. and Mr*. Albert Albert Os-
corn and children narrowly escaped
death when their car crashed into
a tree.
Tho New* say* that the man
who makes up his mind to suecesd
will do so It matters not what do
attempts. So applies growing cot
ton under ,bo!l weevil condition*.; '
It has alway* been said of tha
Primitive Baptists that they ; p^y
their debts, and they are
upholding their reputation, -''.’ f ;
rlion, 18 years of age, who live* kt
Auburn, was Instantly killed whin,
he fell across a running saw at!*
«aw mill where he was employe*.
Mrs. Janie Rutledge, 64 years okf,
died at her home Logansvllls. |
Iverson Russell can hi* car lr|o
a motorcycle ridden by Cleveland
Clayton. The latter had n foot dit
off. The motorcycle had no h**ll-
Hght. yjj
Bailiff Jim Johnson of OwWMmi,;'
was fined $200 nnd given {lx
months for having liquor In ils
HOMER—Mr. B. . Voyles, one ol
Mnysvlllo best citizens while pre
paring to attend church, wa*
stricken with paralysis and died
Mr. Ira,VoylOs, died at his home
near Dry Pond, two weeks ago. He
was stricken with paralysis.
A man ln Grove River ,;
bought on average mule
nnd eight bale* of cotton
pay for the animal. You
buy a better mule with
of cotton and tho seed.
Wright 1 * mill, on
river was built in 1850 and ha* '
in continuous operation ever (
since. ■ f . •
Yates, cotton enumerator of
Banks, says the county will mak<
1000 more bale* of cotton this year
than last, and which mean* thaf
Banks will make between five and
six thousand bales.
The editor of the Journal s*y«
Ire made n trip to Athens recently
nnd the only bad stretch of road
he struck was through, the town of
agrase-s s&^ sat.
def.nH.nt in fl f*. a John- Sbif te.^ day ot October,
son, to satisfy * fi fa issued frem
the.Cjty Court of Athens tofavorf"' R c onn ,
Ordinary Clarke County, Georgia.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
Will be aold at public outcry be
Thla tlth Hay of Oetober, 1023. fore tho Court Ilouso door of Bald
, W. E. JACKSON,, county, on the flret Tuesday in No
vember 1921, between (ho legal
hours of sale to the highest and
heat bidder for CASH, tha follow
ing described land to-wlt:
All that tract or parcel of land
•Ituato and lying In the County ot
Clarke, State of Georgia, City of
Athens la said county, ln that part
of dty known as East Athens,
fronting Northwest on Strickand
street, and bounded on northeast
by property or Mary Carrie and
Charlotte Whitehead, on tha aouth-
rest by prowirty ot R. T. Whlto,
oh the southwest by property of N.
C. Ferlote and more particularly
deiferibod aa follows: Beginning
at a point on Strickland street at
the southwest corner of tho prop
erty of Msry Carrie and Charlotte
Whitehead and running along said
lino-a distance of one hundred
feet, thence southwesterly along
lino ,of R. T. Whit* property fifty
foot, thence northwesterly along
Una of Parloto property one hun
dred foot to Strickland street,
(hence northeasterly along Strick
and atreet, fifty feet Being the
same land as described in deed
tram N. C. Perlote to O. J. Tolnas,
recorded In Book It, Page 225 Rec
ords of CUrke County, Georgia.
The above described land mu
conveyed to the undersigned, the
Commercial Bank of Athens, a
corporation, by J. H. Phillips, by a
security deed dated 19th day or
April 1920, and recorded in the of
fice of th* Clerk of Superior Court
of CUrke county, Georgia, on the
13th day of April 1320, In deed
book 29 FolI6 129; said security
deed Jielng mado to secure th* pay
ment of a nolo for $160.00, that day
executed, said note being due No
vember 1st, 1920, and bearing In
terest from maturity at tho rat*
of g per cent per annum. The sura
or $100.00 ha« been tald on said
note and the renewal note Uken
for the balance ct $50.00. said note
dated November let, 19W, and due
November lat. 1121, bearing lnter<
est at the rat* of 8 per cent per
annum after maturity.
Said security deed provided that
If default should ho made tn the
payment of aaid note then the un
dersigned, the Commercial Bank ot
Athens, a corporation, would he
Ladies’ Home Journal ■
now $1.00 per year. Give
us your subscription to
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