Newspaper Page Text
417*421 Southern Mutual Building
A line imonnt of local fniufs now on hand for iasedlsU
Disbursement on City Property.
Athens Visitors
i Ache all over?
I yon can quickly taka the stiffness and
f pain out o» aching muscles witn
I Sloan's. Apply ftntly without rub-
I bine. Oat a bottle from your druggist
* totjjy—33 cents.
Sloan’s Liniment—tub pain!
W X Smith, Hartwell. Dr and
Mrs A. A. Lawry, Valdosta: J. 8
O'Neal, Vuldostu T. L. Dennett,
Atlanta; D. T. Cameron. Fitchburg
J. II. Cavanaugh, Midland. Mich.
Dr. A. Meckel 1. Atlanta; A H Wal*
dron. Atlanta; J K. Orr. Atlanta.
Dr P. J„ Watnon, Hwalnnboro; W,
H Lockey. Atlanta; E R Boozer, At*
V I* Rates, J C. Ream. Atlanta;
M F.. Kinney, Macon. C C How
ard. Atlanta; H W McDorman. At*,
lanta; A A. Williams. Jr. Cleve
land, (in.; If. H. Johnson. Macon
Percy It Howe. Ronton. Mass ;
W. A. Collins. Lockport, N. Y.. Mr
am! Mrs. J. Harold Thompson,
Plainfield, X J.: A. E. Jenkins. F. L
j Adams, Jr, 8 I* Sunders. Paul W
i Key and Airs. K«y. W C. Hodnett,
j Atlanta.
Market Gossip
Received Over F. J,
Linncll & Company’s
(fly Leaned Wire)
Washington Wired: Continued
rains in Oklahoma and parts of
Texas and Arkansas caused fur
ther deterioration of cotton crop,
many bolls will probably never
lopen. Picking has largely been
suspended in Oklahoma and great
ly delayed in Arkansas and Texas.
In eastern portion of belt, good
progress wns made in northern
sections where picking had not
been 'completed and that
was generally finished in southern
district*, in Arizona ami New
Mexico cotton picking was delay-
reported scarce in last named
eported scare in last named
states. In California ginning is
reported as making satisfactory
j progress.
National Ginners' estimates gin
ning to November 1st 7,380,000 vs
T. 139.000 Inst year and estimate
October consumption in United
States at 320,000 vs 481,000 for
September of this year and 534,-
Instant Relief
For Raw Sore Throat | geruld.
Rex Morris Birmingham: M. 000 Tor October last year.
Hannah. Greensboro X, C.; M. B j ■■
Parsons. Atlanta; Dr. M. D Huff. |
Atlanta. J C Morris, Macon; J. fl. f
Xorris, Atlanta Dr. A. R. Bruce,-
Gainesville W.; A. Newsome, Fit*-’
At the first lien of i raw, sore
throat nil. on , little Muiterole with [
W n. Brogdop. Buford: J. W. The | Ma | cotton market closed r„rtor»vllIo; F H. Wilson, „ t 33 M cent8 Wednesday. The
.. ...Q^e rifiht to the ^ot with, gentle C |? cTf.^ prcVi ° US
•orenewimdpahL B ’ r KvhLo • tSn, ‘ "hrdluetnolncmfwy
Musterole Is a clean, white ointment I £ Kvnn * : i st * Loul *’ Mo.
made with oU of mustard. It has all J Teague. Augusta,
the strength of the old-fashioned mus
tard plaster without the blister.
Nothing like Musterole for croupy
children. Keep it handy for instant u
ToMother** Musterole Is now
mad* in mildar form for
babies and small children* .
Askfor Children's Musterole. j
85 111 65c in jars & tubes‘.hospital size, $3. J
Reuben Walker of Clarke
Fined $20.00 in Whiskey
Case. Flournoy's Case
Continued. Peterson For
feits Bond.
Open High Low Close tP. C.
Jan. . 33.25 33.78 33.18 33.65 32.50
Mch. . 33.50 34.00 33.35 33.82 32.60
Dec. . 33.65 34.10 33.47 33.95 32.75
11 a. m. Bids: Jan. 33.66; Mch.
33.67; Dec. 33.78.
Open High Low Close P.C.
Jan . 33.00 33.69 32.90 33.52 33.45
Mch. . 33.10 33.79 33.10 33.58 23.59
Dec. . 33.00 33.70 32.95 33.48 33.44
U*a. m. Bids: Jan. 33.42; Mch,
33.55; Dec. 33.43.
35-Cent “Dandsrine" Ooaa Wonders
For Lifsloss Neglected
A g 1 e a my
nuisa of luxu
riant hair full
of gloss, lustre
and life short
ly follow4 .1
genuine tonins
up of neglect
ed scalps with
d»psnd able
• Falling lialr.
Itching scalp .
and the dandruff Is corrected Im-
n i<M lately. Thin, dry. wispy or
f i ling hair fa quickly Invigorated,
taking on new strength, color and
>»uthful beauty. "Danderlne" Is
delightful on thr hnlr: h refreshing,
stimulating tonic, not atteky ot
greasy! Any drugstore.
-the EMILIN0 -AINTfiR*
-In. Fainting and Int.rlsr
Phone 1397, Athena. Ga.
Open P. c. C(o,<
July J07 107
Dm. 105% 105%
May Ill 111%
July 74% - 7574
Doc 76% 75%
May 77% 75%
July 40 45%
Dac. . 41% 42%
May * 44% 44%
The IT. 8. court Is still busy with
cases involving violations of the
(national prohibition taws.
Cases disposed of up until twelve
o'clock for Wednesday were as fol-
Ruben Walker, Clarke county,
fined 120.00.
Carlos Trady, Habersham coun
ty, three months in Jail.
C. A. iPilgram, White county,
Llge Walters. Alden Walters,
Hart count, bond forfq'ted’.
John Thomas. White county, not
H. 8. Simmons, White county
fined 15.00.
Willie Smith. White county, not
guilty; John Roberts, White coun
ty, sixty days; A. J. Stnncel, Al- (Ry Associated Press.)
bert Stance). White county, eon- NEW YORK—The annual wast-
tlnued; Charlie M'x, White coun- figc in Iron and steel is placed at
tv. bond forfeited. Sim Reeso.; nearly $3,600,000,000 by British
White county. $25.00 flue. ; authorities, according to Alfred D.
Will Parkes. White county, dls- Flinn. director of the Engineering
missed; 8on Poferson, Clarke Foundation, in a description of re
count y± bond forfeited. | oen conquests of engineering re-
Pete Roberts, White county, not * ' *•--*-
Open P. C.
Coca Cola
Kennicott Copper .
Studebaker ..
Loew'g Inc x 17%
Bohlen, as well as for Dr. Rudolf
Hartwig, Dr. Bruno Bruhn and Dr.
Otto (festerlcif. members of the
Krupp Board of Directors, and for
Franz Muller, Chairman of Hhc
Workmen’s Council, who are serv
ing sentences under the, same
charge, ha» recently been consid
erably ameliorated. Al! five men
have been removed from their in
dividual cells, where they were
first confined, to separate rooms
in the home .of the prison direct-
certain amount of personal free
dom and freer contact with each
other and with visitors who come
to see them.
—Ask For Trade Coupon*
Seventeen Ye.r, of gggtgjjgjjg, 8tron(t
Phono Threc-Fanr-Fi.,
I stylo importations have come and
gone, the vogue of the blouse and
} skirt has never waned permanent-
j ly b«cause American women have
found that costume both practical
land suited to their type—tall, 4llm,
j athletic and active.
Board of Health Consid-
ersHome For Tubercu-; 01 * down -
losis Victims in Clarke I ~~
County. Record Broken.;
Pendergrass, one ofo the oldest
and most prominent citlxena of
Jackson county, died of paralysis
at his rea'denco in this city Wedr
neajiay morning, after/1 an Illness
ot only a few days.
[ Besides hi* widow he is sur
vived by two sons, Messrs'. Ned
and Phillip Pendergrass; one
! daughter. Mrs. H. I. Mobley, and
! two brothers, Mr. F. L. Peder-
I grass and Dr. J. <Ct Pendergrass,
[ all of Jefferson. He was an uncle
of Mr. J. N. Webb and Mr. “Bob"
Hancock, of Athens.
Mr. Pendergrass was 70 years of
I age, and had been a prominent
_ . . . .. , . ... , merchant here for forty years. He
Saturday la tlwday when Athen, a,ked to help show their ( „ 0I , member of tho Methodist
appreciation for tho sacrifice, the «oldier boy, of 1918 made for, chureh , n( | „ md al member.
America. The most you MdI Rive would not. bg enough. for it doean't Uavln* , mei , „eward for a
bring back eyes or legs or the health. This day is set» aside simply to j onif period,
honor the boys adn to try and bring some little happiess to them. 1
Did* flown*
Use Antiseptic Liquid Zen»
There bone remedy that seldom tails
to (top itching torture and relieve
irritation, and that makes the skin ufL
clear and healthy. ^
Any druggist can supply you «j|b
Zcmo. which generajy overcomes ilfa
diseases. Eczema, Itch, Pimples, ttasl*.
Blackheads, in mot cam, give *»
to Zem.i. Frequently, minor bkmidm
disappear overnight. Itching usual!,
stop, instantly. Zemo it a safe, anfr
septic •Squid, dean, easy to me ad
dependable. It costa only 35c;inntn
large bottle, $1.00. It ia positively nit
for tender, sensitive skins. Zemo Soul
25c—Zemo Ointment, 50c.
Athens housewives are warned 11
not to buy meat untess It bears the
sUmp of the U. S. government or ■
ot the local Inspector. Thle warn-j1
log was Issued Wednesday by Dr. >
Harold Hodgson, chief sanitary of- j
fleer of the health department.
Mayor Thomas’
For Saturday
KUrceag^Ind on November 11 1918
.the great conflict <nded and peaco
and victory was oura. The time
(has come again for observing thin
I Funeral serw'ces will be held
j Thursday, conducted by Rev.
Hakes, with interment in the Jef
ferson cemetery, the hour to be an
nounced later.
! ! viorimis date nnd surety no one win i Banner-Herald Want Ads
j . want to forget those who wero x 00 t0 classify
guiltv; Ellin Larcell, Haberahant,
county, bond forfeited: O. F. Hicks.
A. W. Goldsmith, White county,
bond forfeited.
kred Flournoy, Clarke co';»t;.. . ...
charged m-th having, po.aoutnl tjonby J.VIpond_
Loss of Iron in Year
By Corrosion Totals
Over Three Billions
search in efforts to eliminate the
Mayor George C. Thoman has
Dr. Hodgson stated that Tuesday i tantied a proclamation in reference
74»i 74 | he turned down a cow at the abat- 1 to “Forget-Me-Not" day here next
32% *12' tq'r which was afflicted wUh tw i Saturday and urges every person in
ino iniu I beniclosla. He »ald the animal wa.| the city to buy. the little flowtra
fat and hail the appearance of be-1 Following ta hie proclnmatlon:
Ing In very fine condition but an ! "Neat Saturday will In- a day de-
examlnatlon proved It had tubercu-1 voted to the eale of Kora.t-MeNote
loll, I for the relief of dlaabled a,.Idler.
Dr Hodgson repoMed to tbr l and vetrTnnn of tho World War.
board of health that twenty-seven “Mm. A. 8. Parker. Is chairman
cowa wertf turned down at the | «f «n nrmy of pretty girts who will
abattoir last month in the antc.^H there flowim. the proceeds tu
% mortem examination. He turned the relief nnd comfort of the
down one bog. A total of 784 ani
mals went through the ante-mor
tem examination, and 779 were
post-examined. One hundred and
forty hog livers were thrown awgy
following post-mortem exaralna*
lion. The abattoir slaughtered
more animals last month than any
month since it was established,
' Tho sanitary department report
ed six diphtheria eases in October
and four released. One scarlet
fover case was reported and thir
ty-six case* of measles.
Hugh 11. Gordon. Jr., momher of
the board of health, introduced the
question of bn'ld'ng a home for
extreme tuberculosis patients In
n eiions io eliminate me ----- --
ravage* of softening iron through.
graphitic corrosion. Important rev-* 11 wou,< ) he wortl* ainj lamount ner
elation, in this ficW have been ‘““ry to IwlaUywww
byj uwln rhdl. hrdl ahrduuun urovent aprewlng of the d1,ea,o-
made in a report to the founds-
and veiling liquor, continued.
Wilt Duncan, Banka, continued
Luther Bryant, Franklin county,
thirty days In jail. 8teve Coker.
White county, three months In Jail.
Rube Free. Habersham county, $1
days and Vasho. Tatum, H*K*r
sham county, SO daya.
Qulltlan Cantrell. White county.
60 and 30 days. Tate Chaitq'n,
White county. 30 day* In Juft.
Steve Ash, White county, $160 fine.
.1. D. Ash. White county, two $500
fine* or 90 day* currently. Chub|
York, president of the United En
gi nee ring Society.
“Millions of tons of cast-iron
have been put under ground nnd
under water in pipes, tunnel linings
and other engineering tsructures,"
snnd Director Flinn, "and it has
been observed that certain kinds
of soil and water act upon some
kinds of cast iron, alowly soften*,
ing them so that the objects can
be cut with a penknife Strange to
say, iron thus softened grows hard
again when exposed to the air."
One of the interesting stories
Dr. Linton Gerdlne, president ot
the board,, was requested to in
quire from tho Anti-Tuberculosis
Association what steps have Loon
taken r?n tbla line.
l»«*y* who left home, country and
mate and loved ones to nave clvlll- i
zution, CHrlstlnnity and demo.'
oracy. They went with n spirit of.
loyalty nnd devotion to the cause (
that called across the ocean'* '
typth*. The call wn* freely
maimed end wounded f'ehtlng.for
our country.
“The little Forget-Me-Not* nro
* mall tokens of appreciation but
they represent great sacrifices and
should br purchased freely nnd with
a smile of*love and appreciation
for those to be beneQtted.
"Then fore.
Let me urge every citizen o|
Athens and eviry visitor to the
dty on the 10th to buy of the dear
Kiris nnd women who will offer the
little flowirs for sale nnd thereby
help relieve the anguish nnd nuffer-
Ing of those who gave nil but their
nil for the cause. Buy and buy free
ly. let Athena stand out as a leader
In this work!
Qeorgo C. Thonms. Mayor."
WANTED—Man dark with ex
perience, acquainted with Athens
people. Give age. reference and
experience. P. O. 113, Athens,
Ga. nOp
Dinner 50c
V«Rctbcle Soup
Chicken Pan Pi,
Blackeyed Pea,
Sliced Tomatoe,
Macaroni and Cheu,
Combination Salad
Muffina and Biacuit
Mince Moat i*ie
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
Salt Mackerel or Pork Sauugt
French Fried Potatoes
Brown Pork and Bean,
Vegetable Salad
Hot Biacuita
Coeoanut Pudding
Coffee, Tea or, Milk
50 Cents
FOR SALE—Edison Re-Creation*.
Good condition. At a sacrifice.
Peter Pearson, 256 Dougherty,
Phone 1205. n9p
wered nnd with Liberty or Death 1
Inscribed In their hearts these boys
w*nt foTth to hnttlr against a
mighty force of » mighty enemy.
“Their efforts were crownrd with
tick headsebe, sour atomaeb,
couiUpatlon, oa«ily avoided.
Am odhe titer without calomel
Never sicken or gripe—only 25c
brought to light by the hiatorlcal
months In jail. Harvey Cantrell.
White coonty.'two months and
, 8100 Ine. Lawrence Wellborn. Ra
him county, not guilty. Arvlll Allen.
• 1 White county, continued.
Before and afte** t»*? ceremony, young newly-wed* will find
a little trip pleasant—and cheap.
You-Drive-It Company
branch of the study hat to do with
several wrought iron gun* raised
English man-of-war, sunk by the
in 1835 from the Mary Rose, atv
French ir$ a .battle near Ports
mouth in 1545. Some of the cast-
iron balls, with which the cannon
were loaded, should have weighed
.30 pounds, but actually weighed
(only nineteen, while others that
I * should have weighed 70 pounds
tipped the scales at only 45. On
being exposed to the air they be-
camo red hot and fell to pieces.
j —A*k For Trade Coupon*—
j Dumb-Bells Relieve
i MQnotony of Prison
Life For Von Bohlen
Tho nutrition exfciVt prepared
College of Agriculture, and now be-
by tho Senior Class of the 8tate
Ing shown at th oGeorgfan Hotel
is' creating a great deal of rop>-
ment from the delegates to the
State Dental Society, and' attract
Ing much attention.
The exhibit shows the foods In
the dietary of the average fum/ly
for the various meals, consisting
mainly of meats of different kinds,
bread and coffee, and lacking In
tbe foods which contain the miner
als and vitamines so essential to
health. The foods wb»ch should
supplement the average dietary,
consisting of frnlts. vegetables
and milk are shown alongside thla
Their relation to the care of the'
teeta In the prevention of decay,
dental cares and various other
causes of defective teeth Is brought
out 'n a striking manner.
It is shown through the aid of
4‘hsrta along with the food exhibits
that good teeth are bom .not made,
and that the'only way they can be
preserved i* by eating foods rich
minerals and vitamim<«. and
(By Associated Press)
; DU8SELDORF.—Now that he
.has room to swing his beloved
dumb-bells, the rigors of prison
(life, do far as personal discio ,; ne
U concerned, hold no terrors for
'Dr. Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und
Halbach, president of the Council
(of Trustees of the Krupp firm at j imiperly balancing the dietary.
Essen, who is serving a term orj U was announced that Dr. i'cccy
115 years imprisonment here, im- Howe of the Dental College ot
posed by a French court-martial Harvard University and one of the
for co-responsibility for the riot-, |ea>Vng dental surgeons of Amer*
ing in the Krupp plants last Has- |,. a would address the student# ol
Iter Saturday, wtych resulted In the the University at the auditorium
I death Of 13 Krupp workmen „f the Agricultural College at 11:4$
j Prison life for Dr. Kruno von a . m., Thursday.
Two Quarts 25c
Cor. Clayton and Jackson Sts.
White Mountain Bread,
The Best Bread, Ever
Come by our store and let
us show you how best to
serve it.
Tender String Beans
Fresh Carrots
Iceberg Lettuce
Fresh CocOanuts
New Brazil Nuts
New Pecans
Atmore’s Mince Meat, in
Stone Crocks.
Philadelphia Cream
Extra Select Norfolk
Oysters . . i . .
Jones’ Little Pig Sausage
Parker House Rolls, ’
10c the dozen v
Fresh Rye and Graham
Bread, Made Daily'
Honey Cream Layers
25 ceach
Angels Food Cake
Pound Cake
Fresli Potato Chips, ^
Made Daily
Oly A««orJatrd Press.)
Xj'jw YOHK—A heavy accumu
lation of buying orders over the
holiday Tuembiy, inspired by a big
advance in the prices on New Or
leans and Liverpool Exchanges to.
suited in nu advance of about 1001
points In the local cotton market at I
the opening Wednesday. •
Dectmbcr contracts Mold nt 33.7,1 j
rent H per pound nnd January at-
33.48 cents, both establishing new!
hlfch levels for the aeasonr-
Mr. John Bcllew
Called By Death
Mr. John llellcw, ,1, of
Hnoals died at the residence there
after nn IIIiksm of two days Wed-
no day morning.
Mr. Ilellrw wn, horn In north
riporuln nnd had been Urine nt
Barnett HhoaU only four month,.
»-< nmd. m.„r
1 He I. Rurvlved by hi, widow, Mr, .
« s
guilty Thurwloy with Interment'
following in the Mt. Olive cemr-
™ ,tor oi fit,,
Mthndlet church .will conduct the
f.rrylce,. JUrn.teln Hrother, Fun-
fr ®l Home-in charge.
Survey Shows Skirt
And Blouse Popular
With American Girls >
(By Awoeiated Pre„)
■NEW YOKK-Th. ,<-,wrate <
oIoUno and aklr-f I, the typlci
ro,tume of the Amerlrnn woman
mol Kiri, ncordlne, to the United
Women', Weor League which re-,
men tty completed n' nprvey of the
olutton r,( American feehiun, for'
Foattied by native condition, of
living the ehtrtwntnt ha, been the
favorite coaMnie In thl, country!
from the very beginning of the •
nation', htitory and now remain,)
•rongrat In popular favor, the In-',
veatlgatora found. While foreign
Extra Select Norfolk
Choice Red Snappers
Speckled Trout
Spanish Mackerel
Mackerel Steak
Wholesale and Retail
GEO. A. DIUEN, Prop.
573 E. Broad St.
Sunday Want Ad
- Page
is one of the most inter
esting and certainly
most profitable pages
of the paper.
Thousands of people
turn their attention tG
the Want Ad Page.
Sunday Want Ad
Want Ads.
Right here in Athens we are roasting and blending one
of the finest coffees on the American market?
Last week we held e demonstration at the fair In
Spartanburg and served over 9.000 people with, our cof
fee and wc received numerous compliments that
Noo-Name Coffee
“is the finest coffee that I ever tasted.’’
We have arrangements with some of the
finest cup testers of coffee in the United
We want YOU to drink NOO-NAME
Let us keep our money at home.
Roasted and Blended By
Athens, Georgia
Pronounced “NO-NAME” in Honor of the
TREE That Owns Itself.
Benefit Athens Fair and Odd Fellows Festival
Week November 12th