Newspaper Page Text
claim, to
i by being .
• earnest and
ay atal.
to our
duties in
S a-guietr M
e unobtrusiue omu -w
| Sfimeral lirectora
Apples, Apples
Nice Big, Red
10c Dozen
5-10-25c STORE
We Give Trade Coupons
Anto«. Tractor*. Tracks
346 Broad St ATHENS, GJL
I The E. club was delightfully en-
I pertained at “H|ldom Inn" last
{week. The color schemes were or
ange and black. Ghost stories
told' and many interesting contests
were given. Misses Louise Bed
idingfield and Lucy Badges v
winners. After this a silad coj
was served. The members of 1
club are. Misses Willie Toole,
Lucy Bridges. Nellie Scott. Louise
Beddlngfleld, Thelma Stevens.
(Margaret Miller. Bernice Johnson
and Dorothy Collins.
The Gamma Lamba Tau club
i was delightfully enterta’ned
I Misses l^oulse Walters ana Franc
es Sanders on the evening of Nov.
1 iit. This society was organized
io beginning of the school term
ith the following officers: Miss
,oulse Mallory. Savannah, prcsl
dent: Miss Elizabeth Rankin. LI
tlionia; vice president; Miss !<ou-
Ise Kelley. Lflburn, Ga., secretary;
Miss Josephine Walters, Americas,
treasurer; -Miss LufMe Charlton,
Savannah, mascot. Other members
of the club are. Misses Lucy Grace
Parsons. Grace Carroll. Ethel
Hagley, Frances Sanders, Louise
Walters, Eva Tillman. Sara Fran
ces Northcutt, Mary Grace Kehrer.
Mrs. E. W. Robinson and son of
Atlanta visited Miss Frances Rob
inson for the week-end.
Miss Fay Tucker of Winder
spent the week-end with her sis
ter Miss Fannllu Tucker.
Wss Marguerite Davis of the
University of Georgia visited
friends here Friday.
The Si Sigma club held its first
meeting October 21Rh for the pur
pose of electing new officers.
• Those chosen were: Misses Lo
thare Klck*'ghter, president; Nono
Mao Stanfield, vice president
i Reva Meadows, secretary
treasurer; Louise Breedlove and
Mamie Crawford, reporters. The
next meeting willjbe held in Nov
A dinner was given Sunday night
in honor of Mfss Thelma Wilson.
Those Invited were: Misses Lou-
(j iso and Lulu preedlove, Beatrice
f Beauty for Girls
Youth for women—Let me show you how
By Edna Wallace Hopper
w.Fur 40 years I have been
molts beauty. Sow, at the age of
62, I am the most talked-about
woman In America as an example
«.f perennial youth
The reason Is this: My mother
itnd 1, many years ago, searched
iln- world to find the be»t beauty
lo Ip* W existence They multiplied
my beauty, and I l>ecnme the rage.
They have kept my beauty to a
iti-md old age.
I am convinced that these help*
can bring like results to millions.
Anil I have decided to enable all
u» get them.
« 1 do about what you do. Hut
the difference is that I employ tht
best helps science knows.
You use clay, perhaps. Any .wo
man who omits It does herself In
justice. But you Use cruilo and
jnuddy clays which I quit years
ago. .1 use n modem day. white,
refined and dainty, A clay i*er-
, Yscted by 20 years of scientific
t lllne I call my White Youth
JCUy. it is fully ten times ns
jftetant us ordinary clays. Thi
Jtew complexion thut it brings
«umates and delights. Many wo-
!men In 30 minute* seem in drop
den years. L
f Clny brings rosy, cieur
V» II ,ak-» the (ihikp. <.,!■“»> rleon.uil Ihe root. ,t m-
iuckbeud, ind hlemi.h,., ,, f I have brouaht beaallful
lbn» Ibe .kin, rm„l«l. :,ll „„„ | h«‘r In eoimtleM friend, *«!*■»
nnd wrinkle,. The women who' ">™ ,hl * ! ‘"' ,ho<1 - « c0, ‘* «•
'employ it stand nut in every, c * n,M " nd , , „
•efryd* i AI1 druggists and toilet count
MMtetvny White Youth <May 1* a
.si^M^Clay—the last word In fac ial
eUljfs, It brings muIUplle«l results
The cost I* R0 cents and $1
cr»amr, no doubt i
a fortune to sec ure tin- best
i in existence ,
My Youth Cream Is i cold mam
containing both lemon and straw
berry. Also oil the best that science
knows to fatter and feed the akin
- I apply It after my day. Also
as a night cream. Alap daytimes
as h powder base. It is ever-
present, to whiten, soften and pre.
serve my skin, I have never
known another cream which
brought any like remits.
I clean my* akin with my Facial
Youth That Is a liquid cleanser
which I found long ago In France.
Now leading beauty experts every
where employ It.
It contains no animal, no vege
table fat. 1 The skin cannot ubsorb
It. But It enters the pores nnd
ettun* the skin to the depths.
Nothing else In ull the world cun
dean the skin as this does.
My Facial Youth sells for 75
cents. The Identical formula, of
fered by great beauty expert, ts
everywhere sold at $3.
My hair Is my greatest glory. Jt
I* thick nnd lustrous, and grows
finer every yenr. Never have 1
known a falling hair, Dandruff or
gray hair.
This is dun to my Hair Youth,
which Franc# perfected for me. I
apply it with an eye dropper, di
rectly to the scalp. It keeps the
ers supply the beauty helps I
Go try them. Each will bring you
rich rewards. I am very glad to
enable you to get them. Edna
Wallace Hopper. Buslmws ad
dress. Wuukesha, Wis.
Note—Miss Hopper is now play
ing th«f Pantage* Vaudeville cir
cuit the Western States.—Ad
Parks, -Clara Walker and Christine
A delightful partyi was given
this week In honor of the eigh
teenth birthday of (Miss Helen Wil
kins. .\f'ss Wilkins received many
beautiful gifts. After games were
played a delicious salad and Ice
course was served.
The N. B. club was delightfully
entertained at a Halloween party
in the past week. Those present
were: Misses Helen Wilkins. Mary
Digby. Edith Brown. Dunnie Eller*
bee, Roxano Hughes. Sue Mabel,
Rebecca Gnann. Margie Robertson
and Elizabeth Berry.
Mrs. C. E. Wright aud Miss Mar
garet Wright were the guests
Sunday afternoon of Miss Ruby
Misses Betty Morton, Josephine
Holliday and Clara Overby visit
ed Mrs. Howard Abney of Athemi
Mr. Charles M. Neel wi
guest of Misses Deaea Wilson and
Ruth Bowen Sunday.
Mr. R. P. Quattlebaum of Winder
spent the week-end with ' his
daughter ay.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker of
Winder visited Miss Fannllu Tuck-
• nat Sunday.
The T. G. M. cub was organized
last week. Tn* club was enter
tained first l>v Misses I*ols Wald-
Victoria Cubbedge and Julin
Wasrlin. Other members are, Myr
tle Baldwin. Ada Mott Burt, Helen
Gibson. GIppie Craig, Mamie Bur
nett. Mary Lou Bailey and Mamie
Mrs. E. Runion and daughter
Inez from Commerce were guests
of Miss Sarah Vemer Sunday aft
•Mr. L. W. Verner, Jr., head of
the state highway department of
Georgia from Young Harris war
the guest of bis sister R^'ss Sarah
Verner last week.
Mr. and Mrf. Charles S. Wil
liams of Lawrencevlllo wero the
guests of Miss Mary Williams Sun
Mm. O’Farrell and Mr. James
Colle were the guests of Miss
Florence Colle Sunday.
Miss Sarah Gordon had as her
guest Sunday her brother, Me. Bob
Gordon of Clifton Forge. Va.
Miss Siappy entertained at the
I/nger Longor Lodge Sautrday
afternoon In honor of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Siappy of Fort Val
ley. Those present were: Misses
Helen Lathab. Lota Ruddell, Agnes
Orr. Lucy Bell Corley, Mary Hall,
Annllu Meyers,’ Nettle Smith,
Grace Smith, Mary Dyer, Lucia
Storey, Mary E. Williams, Mary O.
Williams, Marion West, Noomle
Bolfng, Grace Dunstan, Lois and
Ida Mae Waters. Nellie Shlflett,
Sarah Gordon, Addle Vance, Lil
lian Milton, Carolyn Sams. Jeanett
Cooper, Katherln Roberts, Miss
Bullock and others. The color
scheme of the Halloween colors
was carried out and a delicious
salad course was served.
Miss GIppie Ort)'g visited Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Williams of Athens
Among the happiest occasions
witnessed recently at the State
Normal School was the Halloween
party given for tho girls of thlro
floor Gllmev Hall. The spacious
ball was beautifully decorated nnd
the lights shaded with the Hallo
ween colors which cast n weary
glow. The girls were attired in gay
and Rhostly costumes aud a real
wltchle" program was given. Two
prizes were offered Miss 'Mary
Frances Stovall, of Appalachee and
Miss Dorothy Lane of Monticelln
were the winners. As thhe party
drew to a cloae every one was In
vited to one of the large rooms
where regular Halloween "goodies’’
weer spread on tables covered with
bright autumn leaves, after which
all returned to their rooms with
best of good wishes for tho witches
who bring us Halloween. Chair
mans of the different committeees
were: Misses Vlrgifa Flannery,
Leila Maude Pace and Tnllie
Mrs. Cl B. Henry of Calhoun, S.
visited her daughter this week
Mrs. H. D. Joiner nnd daughter
Alma of Dudley and Mrs. Roy
Froat of Wrigbtsvllle were guests
of Miss Frances Joiner Saturday
and Sunday.
One of the most enjoyable
events of the week was tho party
given by Misses Mary Daniel and
Ruth Bowen Saturday night in
honor of Miss “Bill” Collins birth
day. The room was beautifully dec
orated in pink and white chrysan
themums and crepe paper. After a
number of games wero played a
The table wa adecorated' with a
delicious salad course was served,
beautiful birthday cake. iJ$’bs Col
lins was the recipient of many
beautiful gifts. Those attending the
party were: Misses. Bill Collins,
Mary Daniel, Ruth Bowen, Flor
ence cross. Ethel Westbrooks.
Edith Copeland. Mildred Hannon,
Helen Murrah. Louise Glisson,
Mary Burson, La Baca re Barnett
and Ethel Guest. *
Sister of Colonel
Gantt Dies Here;
Funeral Sunday
The frii-mls of Col. T. Larry
Gantt and Mrs. Lammie Hodge*
will regret to learn of the death
her home here yesterday of
|||p L. Y. A. Blackwell.
Mrs. Blackwell wa* a ulster of
Col. Gantt and Mr*. }Iodg<e, her
sole survivors.
Mr* Blackwell was stricken last
Monday night and up until then
was in splendid health The fun
eral services will be conducted nt
Hartwell this afternoon and in
terment will be tn the Hnrtw-ll
cemetery. Mrs. Blackwell came to
Athens from Elberton and ha*
made her home on Harris street
for the last three years.
Read Banner-Herald
Want Ads.
Almost One Hundred Years Old But
Picks 1,000 Pounds of Cotton Is
“Grandma” Venable of Jackson Co.
NICHOLSON, Oa. — Beginning iacting
Monday night of next week. Rev. | tion solicits tho attends
II. C. Sorrow of the city will con
duct a series of services here at
the Fire-Baptized Holiness church
These services will bo held every
evening at 7 o’clock and will con
tinue indefinitely. He desires tho
co-operation of all Christian in
this meeting and urgps the at- ,
tendance of the pubi'c at each ser- j
Last Sunday afternoon, Ralph I
Cole of Commerce and Miss Junia
Webb of Nicholson were happily'
married. Rev. Mr. Culberson of; Ta,< e
Commerce officiating. This ro-
mace has covered a period of j \
soveral months and the wedding; l’* 11
came as no sudden surprise to the j a
friends of the contracting parses ! Ralls occasionally
Mr. Cole Is a prominent young i u«>t» d authority, who tells us that
gentleman of Commerce, the son j ll
was a visitor here TltursdUr
evening of last week. tMVs. Vena
ble is in her 91 year and during
this fail has n'cked near a thous
and ]>ojnds of cotton. She doesn’t
need the aid of glasses to thread
needles and do fancy work. Hei
i health is good and the faith snu-
president. This organiza-! retains in her .Maker is wonderful,
of all; Rev. <\ I. Whitley of Koygtou.
here among relatives this
from the Gate City.
Mrs. C. H. Smith and family of
Crawford were among the visitors
here Monday of this week.
YWCA OPENS j forts. The building I, a i&.ndM
NEW BUILDING ,,.,., „„d i. well ru.ul.boa end T
B!!’IVVUI fir. Tl, „ 1 ., .
building of the Savannah
A. was officially opened
cently with vesper *«
Thanksgiving of the
have made- the new bull
\ sible through their untiring "Tr.
J forts r Th- hnlMI«» I. - _2v
young i>eoplo at Its meetings. { the pastor of the Fire-Baptized
"Grandma Venable' of Brockton , liol - esi church, will preach'hc-re
Saturday evening, Sunday morn
ing and evening. The pubife is
vited to attend these
Hallowe’en was fittingly ob
served bore among the young peo
ple. Miss Wflimt Lord and Mrs.
Lucile Alien entertained. Wednes
day and Saturday evenings with
pleasing results. s
Yes. we have no aeroplanes, but
one flew over the city Friday aft-
i -.noon of last week advertlslnng
Athens’ “trade month.” From the
* Tablcspoonful of Salts if
Back Pains or Bladder
is Irritated.
. ... , , . , . • Ainens iruue IIIUIUU. rm*u
h your kidneys by drlnkinj, j oWegt f j owll to the tiny tots w
ch day. «w o(ll to witness the flight and are
be ll talking about It.
Owing to the very disagreeable
weather. Rev. X. T. Lancaster of
^tathan did preach at the Baptist
eh"rch last Sunday.
Prayer services have been an
nounced at the Congregational
; Holiness . for every Fridaoy evon-
: ing. You are invited to attend.
The approach of winter has
rich food forms acid*
of Mr. and Mts7 Will Cole, and ahs ; which almost paralyze the kld-
n host of friends throughout this! ,,pvs ,n the ! r effort s to expel it
section that are interested in hie | ^ r * >m ‘He tHood. They b«coni« slug-
marriage. Mrs. Cole, the charming i ,,m, weaken; then you may
young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | w, *h a dull misery In the
[•’•rank Webb of Nicholson, Is high i ,iillT ' oy r<, Pl° n .sharp pains in the
Iv esteemed by her many acqutfn- • hark or p,ck headache, dizziness,
tanren in Jackson Countv Th P ><»ur stomach sobrs, tongue is coat-
newly-vert a"* have the beat Wishes " nd wh »" 'he wrather la bad broueht in many things. Among
of friends for a happy life In tho I yn !’ ,mv f rheumatic wlnges. JThe ,
future. They will make Coipmero, / ; , 1 rln ‘ - , f ,s • fl " of 'edlment Dor.
! the ciwfnnels often get sore and ir-! Messrs C- H., J. F.. and H. B.
ritated. obliging you to seek relief Barnett were here front Atlanta
two or three time* during the night. I with homefolkg fbr the week-end
To help neutralize these irrltat-j Rev . j t ft. SaHors of this city.
preached nt the Congregational
west of Nicholson. This enterprise
r'» F™?° r fl "? nc! , a ! '° S * r - , '.h.rt"'inltn"from any pharmacy he
Stapler and will add largely to- Tnlir „ tnblMp0 „ nfl . l „ KlMF
wards tnaU'ng Nlcholaon a .hip- Kat , r b , fnrP . hrr.akfa-t for a f
ping poln of northenat Oeorgla. „ nd yoar kidney, may then j
hoped that the undertaklns , iirt r ,„ 0 . TbiB r„ n .„u» ’ .all, l»|
will soon bo a reality. Win from the acid of grains nnd i
Quite a ew pupils were Uded’ t°, innon Juice, combinrd with lithln. I
tho Nicholson High School Mon-| in(l ha- bPrn IlfSPd for
bringing the total up to eighty- | IP jp and stlmulaie sluggish
five. Tho faculty is succeeding kidneys; also to n utmii*.
,y s 1 Holiness chyrch, Saturday evening.! Sw'oVnra hr?iu^ y
1 of > Mr. Keltn Uewallyn 0ml family!
their future home.
We understand that T .T. Stap
ler, a prominent farmer and busi
ness man of our city is planning,.. tn h£> .„
to ,et out a poach orchard Ju.t I ^ ]npv , an( , f| J ah P of( | hp bodJ .
te. g» t four ounces
of Jefferson -were among tho vis-1
Hots here one day last week. I
Mr. Otho Howington of Lexing
ton was u weok-end guest of rela
tive* and friends here.
Mrs. E .S. Hawks has returned
. homo front Atlanta where she was
aiinrirish ! * ue3t of relative* a few woeks. I
^ Bimi „ uv , iii<itt iur and Georgia Lord}
well with the work and trusts thta | arid* In the system *.> they no
the entire enrollment will soon bo long**- irritate, thus often nliev-
llsted. Nicholson needs a larger hug bladder weakness,
school building and we tyust that) .fad Salts 1* inexpensive: enn-
the next year will find plans roa ■ j imi injure and mnkes a delightful
lured by which It can be greeted , effervescent lithia-water drink. By
Nicholson now has a II. Y. I*. U.. all mean* have your physician ex-
recently organized at the Baptist amine your kidneys nt least twice
church, with Mrs. Bessie Sailors > a year.—Advertisement.
‘Bring Your Feet To—
Baul Hadaway Sh
And buy the best with quality BUILT-IN, not RUBBED-ON. I have always given my cus
tomers absolutely solid all leather reliable Shoes. Remember, our goods are brand new, our
second year in business. No shelf-worn old stock, left-overs and out of date styles to offer
were in Commerce for tho week
end among hoinefolks.
Mr. Bob Smith and family of 1
Commerce wore voting here 1
among relatives last Sunday.
Mr. Ilowcll Wood has ‘returned! . . . •
home from a few weeks* stay with j International Man Order Company
friends in Murphy, N. C. j DBrARTM»:vr t 2M/a Chicago
, Mrs. Fannie Harvey Is visiting |
Ladies* Black Suede Pump* ... 85.00
Ladies’ Log Cabin Suede Pumps $5.00
Ladies* Brown Kid Suede Strap
Pump* .. .. .. .. -- .. .. $5.00
Ladles* Brown Kid Oxford* — $5.00
LaditV Black Satin Pump* .._ $5.60
Ladies* Patent Croa* Strap
Pump* .. .. $5.00
Ladies* Sport Cnlf Oxfords ... $5.00
Ladies* Black Kid Oxfords ... $5.00
Ladies' Two Tone Tan Oxfords . $5.00
Ladle*’ Brown Kid Pumps 85.00
Ladies’ Black Satin Pump* .. $3.50
Li.d if s’ Black Patent Pump* .. $3.50
Ladies*. Sport Rubber Heel
Oxford* __ .. $3.50
Ladies’ Black Strap Pump* .. $3.50
Ladies* Tan Two Tone Oxford* S3J»0
Ladies* Satin Sport Heel Pun:ps $3.50
Ladies* Tan Strap Pumps .... $3.50
Ladies* Sport Heel Patent
Pump, .. .. $3.50
Ladles* Black .Kid Oxfords ... $3.50
Ladles’ Tan Sport High Shoes . $3.50
Mtn’s Sport Ton Shoes ..
Men's Tan English Shoes — _
Men's Black Dress Shoes ....
Men’s Combination Tan Shoe*
Men's P. 1. Bluchcr Dress Shoes $5.00
Men’s Shoes for Old Men .. _
Men's Extra Wide Dress Shoes $5.00
Men's Sunday Black Calf ;. .
Men's Storm Rubbers .
Basket Ball and Gym Shoes
Hammer .
Speeder ..
NuEuet ..
Pennant __
Meteor ..
Comet .. .
- Price II.2S
. - Price 81.50
.. Price 88.00
- -- Price 8150
. .. Price 88.00
.. Price 88.75
Try My Beautiful $2.00 Pure Silk Hose, Any Color to Match Shoes Choice
Ladies' Tan Calf School Shoes $2.75
Ladies' Black Kid Shoe* .. •
Ladies’ Common Sense Shoes
Ladies' Tan Calf Sport Shoes
Ladies' Tennis Gym Oxfords
.. 95c
Lxdies’ Storm Rubber*
.. 75c
Indies' Hquse Strap Slippers
Ladiea' Dress Strap Pumps .
Ladies' Rubber 1 Sandal* .. . .
Ladies* Tan Sport Oxfprds ..
Ladies' Patent Pumps
Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords ..
Ladies' Tan Strap Pumps -.
Ladies’ Black Patent Sport
Ladies’ Black Strap Pump* ..
Ladies* High Low Heel Shoes
Men’s Army Shoes .. $2.50
Men’s Black Work Shoes .... $2.50
Men’s Scouts, solid leather ... $1.95
Men’s Lion Brand Army Shoes $3.00
Men’s Army Munson Last 53.75
Men's Lion Brand Scoutg .. .. $2.75
Men's Tan Light Work Shoes _ S3.00
Men’s Best Lion Brand $4.00
Men's Hunting Boots. Lion
Brand >. $7.50
Buy Your Husband a Pair for Xmas.
They are not Keds unless
the name Keds is on the
Ladies' Pure All-Wool Felt House Slippers, Any Color Choice 95c
Boy's Army Shoes, Munson feast
—$2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.75
Boy*' Basket Ball Shoe* .. .. $1.25
Boys' Scouts $1.75 ind $2.00
Boys' Dress Shoes
—$2-50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4J)0
12 to 2 .
12 to 2 .. .
- -- • 82.00
12 to 2 . .
12 to 2 .. .
12 to 2
12 to 2 .. .
.. S3J10
9 to 11
» to 11
.. 11.75
9 to 11
.. .. .. $2.00
9 to 11
9 ID 11
9 to 11
5 to 8
.. .. _ $1.25
5 to 8 ^ .
.. 8L50
3 to 8 ..
5 to 8
-- ... - 88.00
5 to 8 ..
- .. .. $2.50
Come, brinK every member of the family here for Shoes and Save on Every Pair. Our prices are lower than other sale prices.
You come and J udge, ho one to urge you to buy. From 50c to §4.00 Saved on Every Pair!
Paul Hadaway Shoe Company