Newspaper Page Text
InvMtigaU Todays
To Regular 8ub«eribara
Investigate Today!
To Regular 8ubeeribera
$1,000 Accident Policy Free
$1,000 Accident Policy Free
Daily and Sunday—13 Cent* a Week
A*,delated Press Service.
Here’s the Way It’s Done
For Monday Only
Probably you’re wondered hoar news of what's going on at the White House gets around the country ae
quickl*- Here’e bowf Mangua John eon, new Minnesota senator, haa Juat finished talking - with -Prealdenl
Coolid$re and the "boys” of the press are plying him with questions. Those few young men write for news
•siociaUone that reach the entire oountry. *** ;•'* v
Regular $2.60 grade' made bj
and Onyx, lisle garter tops h
toes. Colors Black. Brown, C
f Every weapon carried In the 1
i production was made entirely by
1 hand. There are 2.0d0 apeara. 1.500
j swords, 2,000 shields and 600 dag- *
I sera.
j Saddles and trappings were!
i made for hundreds of horses, all T
hand-made and hand-sewed 1 . f
In making an extra duplicate of
the standard '.used by King Richard
I, In his Crusade to the Holy
Lands, 300 pounds of Iron were
An army of 10.000 extra people
Is being employed in various
scenes at va^ous times.
The prodigal use of hand'-wcijc
on all effects In "Douglas Fair
banks in Robin Hood,” Is not a
careless extravagance but serves i
to Illustrate the absolute authenti- j
city of he produclon. for in lie*
peilod depicted machinery was lit- {
tie used, metals and almost all
materials being worked by hand.
oAt prices lower than we have been able i
to offer in mote than six years. Table an
Household Linens of better quality are sale price
for one week only at figures amazingly low-
buy freely.
The camera staff work from a
platform built of selected spruce
and airplane xg’re, with an area of
forty square feet, weighs only 400
pounds, and can be assembled by
four men in seven minutes.
Twenty thousand yards of heavy
velvets and rich cloth material
were used in making the 2,500 cos
tumes worn by principals, players
and extras.
More than a thousand wi^s. each
made of human hair, are worn by
members of the cast.
•More than one thousand pairs of
shoes Wfce required for the pro
duction. and but one pair could be
made from the hide of one shee'p.
The entire stock of three tanner
ies was taken in supplying these
Somotla’.ng of an Idea of the big
ness and general scope of Doug
las Fairbanks’ latest photoplay
s. usation, 1 “Douglas Fairbanks in
UGobm Hood,” may <be gathered
from the summary of facts given
In-re with, or this last word In j
Fairbanks super-features, which Is
coming to the Colonial Theatre.
November 19 and 20, matinee
3:15; evening 8:15, under a
United Artist* release, a host of
ciiM'neers, architects, artists and
Our regular $3.00 grades, that come
from Beaton, Holeproof, McCallum. Van
Raalte, Mojud and Gotham. Either with
plain or wide French seams in Black
White and all the new shoe and sports
wear colors.
Chiffon Hose
$2.98 Pair
Twenty-two expert, delved end
studied In the necessary re.earch
work for accurate designing of tho
colossal .ete. -
I.[bratie. the'world over were
ransacked by thoee experts for au
thoritative facta In aaaortalslng
the historical data tl*t all might
be presented truthfully / to the
Our Entire Stock with No Reservation
£Meaning that for this week you may select at a saving of
One-Fifth Off the regular low prices from our whole stock of—
NAPKINS—Plain, embroidered,/hemstitched, in al! sizes.
PATTERN CLOTHS—Plain, scalloped, hemstitched, in all sizes.
MADIERA—Italian Filet and Cut Work, Embroidered Crash Linens in all shapes and
sizes, from tumbler mats to large dinner and luncheon cloths. In other words our
entire collection of
Ostrich Egg? Nix! Mushroom!
All Silk Blouses
Half Price
Your choice of our entire stock of lovely
•Ilk blouses and waists and you pay
Just, half Um original pricing..
Fine Hand Bags
Two hundred and fifty ton* of
material wont* Into the castle walla.
More than fifteen acre* of studio
property are In uae for the princi
pal Meta. *
The king’s caatle set covers two }
and one-half acre* and la .310 feet J
in height! The tytedoj fa 620 |
Of real leathers, plain and tooled. All
ahapea are here including the smart
boxes. Colon Black, Brown and Grey.
.Values to $3.60.
Bathrobe Corduroy
Plain 95c yd
feet long. ’
In building tibe castle 178.000
square feet of wall board, plaster
board and button loth were re
There are eight castle t**wp<e.
If these towers were water tanks,
each would hold 276,000 gallons.
The castle is surrounded by a
moat, built from historically cor
rect specifications, broad enough
and deep enough to sene as a gen-
250 Pairs Cotton Plaids $2.79
Good $3.60 Blanket, in Rooa, Blue, Gray end Ton Plaids.
100 Pairs Wool Finish $3.59
Beautiful Plaid and Solid White Wool finished Blanket,.
For small and double beds.
100 Fancy Blankets $4.59
Pino single Wool finish Blankets in blocks, plaids and
Jacquard desgins. $6.00 values. '
50 Pairs Wool Blankets $6.00
Fine plaid Blankets in Rose. Blue, Tan a;td Grey. $8.60
25 Pairs Fine Wool Blankets $10.00
Extra quality 012.50 pure Wool Blanket, in plaid.,
Cotton Satine Covered $4.50
Fine Comforts, light weight, covered with good quality
Satine. Value $6.00.
Wool Mixed Comforts $5.95
$7.00 fine Comfort with Wool and Cotton 'filling. Cov
ered with fancy Satine.
Lambs Wool Comforts ,.. $7.50
Excellent grade of Wool covered with fine Satine in
lovely designs and coloring. Value to $9.50.
Extra Wool Comforts $9.50
Regular stock price, to $11.50, all filled with fine pure
Lambs Wool and corecrd with handsome grade of
nine barrier against the,taking of
this Htronfhol& ^
The royal bsnquet romn in the
fatale is the largest* room in the
"orld, being larger even thaf the
ion course of the Pennsylvania
Sts Von In New York city.
Eleven canvas pavilions* were
hunt, each oue forty feet in height.
The muslin diffusing system—
u «ed to diffuse light—fa bigger
than tho combined "big tops" of
the world’s greatest circus enter
Chiffon fBroadcloth
$2.95 Yard
48 inches wide. Paris first, then New
York adopts for smart afternoon weir,
Gowns and wraps, dresses and coata of
Broadcloth. This special quality here
in Black. Brown, Tan, Grey, Rose, Red.
in Cleveland, O., where little MIm Loin
found thin Riant funguii, weighing five end
.•lab: is fcci- very, back yard. U’l edible, too
blocks and solid White with colored borders.
22 Pairs Pure Wool Blankets ...... $1250
Blanket., that sell in regular stock to $16.30. All fine
Silk Covered Wool Comforts $15 and $19.50
Down Comforts Special . $19.50 and $22.50
Eyes and Heart of the ZR-1
lovoly qualities fer single and double beds.
All Other Blankets Less 10 Per Cent All Other Comforts Less 10 Per Cent
Ladies Pure Wool
Sweater Coats
Michael’s (food'
Plain and Cut Cornered ’
Regular Prices $4.06 to $5.75 Sale I
Regular Price. $0.00 to $0.93 Sale <
Regular Prices $7.50 to $8.50 Sale >
Regular Prices $2.50 to $2.75 Sale $
Regular Prices $3.50 to $3.95 Sale $
Siu 63x90, Regular $2.35 ....*. Sale 3
Size 72x90, Regular 32.50 Sale 3:
Sire 81x90, Regular $2.75 Sale $:
All Large Size
Regular 16c Each Towels $1.49 l
Regular 25c Each Tawels $2.49 E
Regular 35c Each Towels 33.49 U
Regular 40c Each Towels $3.89 I)
Michaels yoocfwear
Fine quality of atyliah sweater of ex
cellent values. Here in all sisev from
36 to 40 in colors Black, Navy, Brown,
Peacock. Cardinal and Buff. $3.00 i>
way below the value of them.
Size 03x90
Size 72x99
Size 90x90
Site 90x108
Size 81x90. H. S.
Cases 42x36
Costs 42x36, H. S.
A Choice Collect tea of
Xmas <£Music
for Soloists and Choira
Special discounts to teachers, cbolrt
j and organizations.
GUEST SIZE—Values 76c to 3100 Sale SCc
LARGE SIZE—Values $1.25 to $1.76 Sal# ICc
EXTRA LARGE SIZE-Values $1.75 to $2.00, Sale $UI
Plain. White and Fancy Colored
49c, 59c, 79c, 89c
Captain F. R. McReary standing at the wheel in the control ear of Undo Sam's "made In America” Zep*
Juat befora hopping off from Lakeburat to attend the international air meet at 8L Loula, ■