Newspaper Page Text
raw BANNEit-numLn. Athens, ceorct*
Season’s Greatest Sensation At
t The Colonial Theatre Wednesday
“Her Temporary Husband” Tonight Showing; Thos.
They’re Mighty Glad Mr. 1923 Is Gone
Meighan, Everybody’s Favorite, ’Tuesday:
Kenneth Harlan, Colleen Moore, Milton
Sills, Elliott Dexter Coming.
Scene from “The Last Warning” at the Colonial Theatre Wednesday Evening* January 2nd.
Ni> one will 'take me serfoUfcly "You will ask ftie,“ continued Mr. tux! swift moving Will automatical,
mid Mr. James Hushes with u Huxher “In what way l. think that |y rid himself of rxrtti, tie ah. it
. . .. .. mystery play* can have curative you don’t believe thlr, try It v'mir.
.mile, hut . The „ lmp „. * |f Wo ,„ take .
have discovered the best nwtho. Melodramas require awlft thinking, pass It along to yotir friends,
to reduce excess fjerh Is to take in They are full of motion. They Adapting myself to a* melodrama
a mystery play. 1 have dlscbver- necessitate that the player adapt ke*i»r. me In the pink of condition.
p«l this fact by actual experience himself to speedy changes of mood. This mi|eh In certalii; n 0 play in
.. K -The t .st posture, voice and expres- the history of the Modern Stage
through my w rk in Th *fon. Huc f, multiple demands on requires so much physical and
Warning" coming to the Colonial a dingle Individual naturally re- Imaginative dexterity ns Thomas
theatre Wednesday and I can prove quire"hi* alertness.. energy and Fallon’;* remarkable mystery hit,
my statement by reference to the swift movement. And the person “The Last Warning.*’ Seats on salr
actual scales. wjio Is. rontirpfelly about, energetic Jowcra Cigar Store.
Speaking of the champions c 4 ‘ 1923. how nkmit so mo cf the ex-boys and girls? You don’t suppose
John McGraw, who lost his “master mind” title in the world rerics, is sorry to se c 1923 go, do you?
Welker Cochran, who Watt bumped off by Willie IIoppc in the billiard play-off, certainly isn’t. Nor is
Molla Mallory, who was dethroned-by Helen Wills, the youthful tennis star from tho coast.
Johnny KUbane, who held the featherweight title longer than any other champion, fell by the wav-
side during the year. Jesse SwecUer, the golf champion, also found 1923 a hoodoo year, as did Bill
Roper of Princeton Bob Fisher of Harvard, two “Big Three” coaches who experienced miserable
years on the gridirons. The race between Papyrus and Zcv for three-year-old honors was a rough voy- f
age for the English hor?e froth dvery angle. Yes, there Was joy for some in 1923, but misery for many
world beater* when it comes to ex*
edition ,and manipulation. The
famous '’Bronze \Bennty” chorus,
noted for Its effective pep nm t
speed, is one of-Ur* features.
One Night
Saturday, January 12
The big joyous . musical furore
that delighted New York's 400
and wea society's fad for two
yean at the 03rd Street Music
Hall, New York City.
Erring Pastor
Asks Prayers
Dr. Caleb Ridley Sends
Touching Letter to Mem
bers of Former Church.
“Shuffle Along*-’the big colored
rppslcnl comedy which set New
Yorkers In n whirl of Jazz and
syncopation, cornea to the Colonial
theatre one night, Saturday, Jan
uary 12th.'
The cast is composed entirely of
negroes, and Is a wild riot of jatx. I
pep, tuneful melody, laughter and
fun, of the style so peculiar to the
Southern tradition.
1 The plot of the play la carried
out ns no other In musical com
edy has been, in that it centers
arourui a.. Mayoralty context by
three office aeekers'. two of which
are partners In a small . grocery
rtore, and the manner In which
they conduct 'their campaigns, and
finance It nre the.oignnls for the
gales of laughter that follow one
another throughout .the action of
the bill.
The plot Is not .allowed to In
terfere with the syhcopffted action
which' comes in tile form” of’en-'
semble dumber*, solos, trioa. duet* j
startling dances all .the way from
the classical tp the jatslcal, all oil
which la enhanced by a remark
able Jaag orchestra which features«
a "hnhy” at the traps, that Is a
Sylvia IJrcamer Palace Tonight.
A picture play with a laugh in
; every foot of film is to »be the
offering at the Palace Monday.
It la “Her temirorary Husband’’
a faree comedy, based on Sidney
Paulton’s famous rtuge success of
the same title without doubt the
greatest comedy of Its kind -ever
produced .
Made on the same extensive
scale a* a picture of tho rno^wl’
oun side of life, tjjis fnreo comedy
Is something more than a hedge
podge of gags. It Is a plausible,
convincing story, ludicrous In . the
extreme yet not overdrawn.
Everyone who enjoys a lOtgh
will enjoy nnd appreciate . “Her
Temporary Husband."
The story treats with a girl .Who
must marry within twenty-four
hours to earn a fortune. Eager
for the money but not for the bus
band that goes with ft, 'the girl
plana to marry an old man who !*
not expected to livo mors than a
few months. A
She goes through with the .cere
mony,- later to find that the chap
she marries la very, verK- vnich
hero this season, Thomas Mciglian
will bo seen In “Woman Proof* hi
the Palace Tuesday. The produc
tion, which was directed by Alfred
E. Green with the assistance of
Mr. Ade, is . excellent In every \Tiy
and all who saw- Mr. Meighan ' in
“Back Home and Broke” will -be
delighted with this ( latest screen
Mr. Meighan Is seen In this pie
ture ns Tom Rockw'ood a civil en
gineer who Is required - by the
terms of his father’s will to marry
within five years after the latter’s
death In order to Inherit an estate
of a million or more. HI* brothers
and sisters who are bound by the
same command are ready to marry,
hut Tom falls, to find a woman
ATLANTA, 6*.—Declaring that
hi. nerve, hed completely broken
under tbs itrnln of his church I»n*-
torate and a natlonu! lecture tour
for the Ku Klux Klan. Dr. Caleb A
Ridley, former postof th* Central
Baptist church, has. addressed a let
ter to members of the church ask
ing their prayers and forgiveness.
l>r. Ridley formerly held the posl
tion of Imperial Kludd or chaplain
of the klan.
Several months ago the Baptist
Ministers’ Association of this city
withdrew fellowship from Dr. Rid*
ley. Later ho resigned as pastor of
fh- < ’• ntrnl J pn-i - II.- i •
now under bbrtd' to answer to the
Fulton country grand Jury on a
charge of drying an nutomoblle
while Intoxicated. ,
"Of my friends, I ask no Indul
gence, I want no mnuldln word* ol
sympathy," the letter stated. “I
crave but three things—your pa-
t|i-nci., your prayers, nnd your for
glvcncss. Let Judgement be defer
red until tbta better self of' mine—
that self which you have known at
w « li and loved—shall have a, chance
to again reassert Itself.
“For ten lonesome,years 1 hnVe
fought against this hour—ronic-
time* winning nnd sometime* low
ing. I have not fought a good
fight, but I have fought a hard one
U’b.-never I have loosened my hold!
on that hand with a nail print in 4t
1 have gone wronr. He knows and
fte loyes and Ha will forgive. 1
worship at III* cross this Christ-
mas tld*’\
Two other plans are considered
lii one case, voters would mark
their first, second and third
choices. Tho preferences shown
could then be used If no candidate
had' a ciear majority over all. Bui
the plan most favored is something
bodies, tt Id equally right no*- to
conscript. Wealth to w'.po *out the
.war debt.!
Whan Premier Baldwin, with a
safe Conservative majority, dis
solved Parliament and went to tfio
country on a piotectivo tariff plat
form, it wat hoped' Labor would
get a black eye. With Lloyd
George and Asquith patching up
their differences, It was hoped the
Liberals would once more at least
take second place.
But they didn’t. The Conserva
tives got 204 members, Utmr got
102. and the Liberals 140. Labor
therefore once again finds itself
the second party in strength. Not
only that, but nq party has a ma
jority over all. So another election
la Imminent, .
Scats on S^JevAUJowers,
? r* * ‘ January 11th.
PRICES: First Floor (for while
people), $1.59, $2.00—Balcony
(for colored), $1.00, $1.50 and
'$2.00—Gallery (for colored), 50c
and 75c.
Hke tho French. If no candidate
has .a clear majority oyer all. the
two having the highest votes would
run again.
It Is easy to see why. The old
parties think In a second ballot all
tho members of tho old parties
would unite against the Labor can*
dldateg regardless of whether ihe
man running was Liberal or Con
Thu following . table, showing
how many members to (Parliament
Labor has elected' In the last quar
ter century, give* a vivid picture ol
how tho progressives have tslnf-d
in Great Britain nnd why tho old
parties are frightened:
Margaret Meric in “Blossom Time”
In “Blossom Tftno,” the musica 1
comedy problem has been solved b>
Messrs. Shubert and the solution
seems simple,—so obv.'ous that the
wonder grows that it was so tardi
ly reached. No more will juxx as-
sail the car* of the lnrge public
which yearns for melody, for beauty
in its. musical faro. .The Shuberts
have revealed a promised land,
where C’muslcul comedy mean*
rytbfh, grace, musical intelligence
“Blossom Time’’ is a three sot
musical comedy whose score was
admirably adapted by Sigmund
Romberg from the melodies, ot
Frans Schubert. The pled* has had
a tremendous vogue In Paris, Vien
na, Rome and London, and It will
undobtediy duplicate Us European
success in this city, as It did In
New York, where It ran for two
COLONIAL THEATRE, Wednesday, January 2nd
Coming here direct and indict from a record-breaking fun in New
York, Philadelphia and Chlcapn—“The Thrilling Erent of the Sea-
ion"—With Janie. Hughe., Ruby Blaekburn, William n.nley,
Gwenllyn Burroughs and a cast PRE-EMINENT, Doughs Gordon
in The Richmond.Timei-Diepatch .ays: “The lut naming it to go
to aea this well-written, well-played melodrama of by and for the
dSkija W^fc.SENSATlONAL «^jj£
. 118,002
. 448,80S
. 532,807
. 381,024
. 4.348,37f
Uve old parties proteat many
Labor members were,elected by
mlnorlflea. For tnatance, in North
ampton, Mlsa Margaret, Bonfleld
was elected on 15,656 votes. But
the ConsccVatlved got 11,520, and
Leaders in business
Expect. Prosperity
During Next Year
8820,000.600, an Increase of I206J
000,000 over the corresponding pe
riod of 1»28. with indications thui
the year’s total net fncoqj# would'
reach $1,000,000,000.
Freight traffic reached record-
breaking proportions, the weekly
car loadings excelling the million
mark more than 20 times. The In
creased efficiency' In loading and
moving cars was shown by an In-
create of approximately 30 per
cent in net ton mllea over 1922
Huge sums were spent for new
equipment, the purchase of whict
was financed largely by ehort
term obligations known as equip
ment trusts.
NEW YORK.—Leaders in the
field of business nrid banking In the
United States aro looking forward
to « prosperous year In If24.
Forecasts for next .-year's trade
prepared by sumo of the lending
industrial and ftnane’ial exeent'-ves
Of the country, generally breathe
tie spirit of OpUmlrin'. Opinion
among them to virtually unanl-
hm'um that the udopUo of Secre-
'■try Mellon’s tax reduction Pro*
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK—Business !hf the
United 8tatea during 1928 was good
In most lines, with the outlook for
1924 regarled as encouraging by
many business and banking leadi
or*. While/opinion la divided n»
to the extent which domestic busi
nesa ha* suffered by the unset
tled economic condition of Europe,
there 1* a unanimity of opinion
among Industrial executive# that
a satisfactory solution of th«
troublesome reparations problem
would stimulate b^slne* and In
create industrial activity In thh
country. '
Freed from t he heavy expenses
entailed by the prolonged shop
men's strike and the loss of revenu*
from the miners’ strike, which
caused enormous losses In 1932.
the ratiro&dg generally enjoyed n
prosperous year. Net Income of
Clua* On* roads for the first ten
months of 1923. Che latest figure*
available, totaled approximately
“It is precisely whst the genera! public will understand §nd appr«-
ciate. Fascinating, romantic—a most engrossing thriller, it is » n
irrepressible thriller.”—Alan Dale, N. Y. American.
PRICES: 50c, J5c. $1.00, ,$1.50, $2.00—Plus War Tax.
Scat Sdtw Now At Jowcrs* Cigar Store.
t-tam would be a gteat stimulus to
business and industrial activity.
While It Is admitted that the un-
settler Eureopon economic situa
tion has an adverse effect on ship
ping and the copper and wheat
_marketa. it ti generally agreed that
BtoJooj not control domestic bosf-
^^Miere is nothing in sight to
^^pae apprehension for the near
future, in the opinion of B. H.
Gary, ohrirman of the board of di
rectors of the United Staten Steel
Corporation. Next year, he said,
should lie a better year than 1923, h was characterised by a
marked revival of bufinees follow
ed by a |k€-riod .of decreased sell*
vity, and then a peripd of'renewed
optimism and cautious buying.
“As an Indication of our confi
dent In the business future of the
cciinfn*/ ’asserted Charles M.
Scha ah. rhatnaan of the* board of
the (.till* hem Steel Coiporstlon,
••I would po«.vt’ oat tte fact that
onr corporal Jon 1b rpendhg $2* -
000.00b to perfect its facilities for
t ruing out steel and steel «rod-
«i< t at tii«* low ••--,» possible prices
at Ov.r Lackawanna plants to fluf-
falo ”
“Business men.” Mr. Schwab
added, “should be very much
li-; rt< tied by .the soundnor* of the
vf-WK «\pr<s>*-<l (»>’ I’resident
jdge In Ms initial message to the
cou; try. I feel the president, 10 ^
remarkable degree, has voiced the
o|4iii<> i of the American people
and that rnndreaa ‘cannot disregard J
his suggestions.” *
COLONIAL — Next MondayfNight
Mail Orders Now. Seats on Sale Thursday.
The Messrs. Shubert’s Musical Sensation
The Baltimore &
Ohio railroad resumed dividends
on Us common stock during th*
year, th* N*w York Central In
creased Its nnnual dividend from fi
to 7 per cent, and tho Gulf, Mo
bile and Northern declared an in
Itlal dividend of 1 per cent on its
preferred stock. The Louisville A
Nashville railroad declared a stock
dividend of 621-2 per cent.
Palace 8pecial Showing Tuesday
ration, Coleen Moore and Milton
SUls, Elliott Dexter and Mryfle
Bteadmnn, “Flaming Youths Com
edy, “The Old Sea Dog.”
Saturday, Ruth 8tonehouse In
“Lights Out.** Comery “Over the
strand ” ’
Mohdny nnd Tuesday (Special)
Earl Williams and Mg caet’ lfi the
deep re* special “Maatere «f Men”
Monday Comedy, “No Perking.”
Tuesday Serial “Pnradhpe.”
Wednesday. Constan i. ceBInhey
“A BUI of of Dlvorecemnt” Com-
dive—a youthful admirer who had
lirgufscd himself and changed
ptace* with the proposed bride
groom at the last minute.
That I* but the barest outline of
the plot. Complications :ollow
1 to spoU all the plans of tho Rock*
I wood family.. These are finally ad*
- justed In a romaiftic manner as the
picture proves.
t The production Is excellent In
every respect, the character por
r truyal* highly artistic and the sit*
i uatlons extremely intrestieng.
‘‘Woman-Proof’ Is a distinctly
worthwhile contedy, which none
I should fell to see.
Monday, Owen Moore and Sylvia
i Dreamer “Her Temporary Hus*
l band”, Comedy, “One Dark Night”.
Tuesday, Tho*. Meighan. “Wo
man Proor News Views.
Wednesday Kenneth Harlan In
The Broken Wing.” N*wa Event* 1
TPhuraday and Friday, Special', <->„r *nc ronwi King,
i Showing, this season’s greatest sen*; Fighting Skipper” Extra,
LOUISVILLE. Gal—Local police
believe (Key ore .about to capture
the ring leaders of a robber gang
which , has beeft opccat'nf In and
around'Louisville for a long period
of time. Recently a negro boy was
caught while taking things from
rooms In a hotel and was arrested.
Since the arrest of the boy due?
have developed which i>o(nt to oth
er arrests In the immediate, future*
It Is thought that the hoy was only
one of the smalt ones In the gang
and that a regular band is operat*
Ing the t numerous robberies.
VALDOSTA, Ga.—Following the
•wallowing of some- of the powder
from a Christ mas firecracker, lit
tie Catherine Brown, aged five, of
this city died within an hour. She ,
had Immediate medical attention i
which was unable to save her life. ,
dying quickly even though ehe <
■wallowed only a small portion of
• . It is hardly r.cccscary to jnoriLthan nU'n*
lion that marie name “BlossoiurTin 1 ®
give the date it will play a city ami a sell
■f. oiffc is assured—get your seats early,. d°nt
WW , delay—you may not bo able to get » n >*
IK Coming direct from a r0tur ^ f
^ \. mrnt at tho Atlanta Theatre, Attanta
—where the critics agreed it W*
attraction to play there in t0
tlio on® attraction of the season yonf^j 0 ^# ** n
«BBS. ‘ : -
PRICES: $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, 75c and
50c—£lus Taxi I
the powder.
She—t heard you aJnring in
your room this morning.
He—Oh, I sing a little to kill
She—tYou certainly have a good
wpapon.—Tit-Bit* (London).
In ancient Rome married' men
had a right to Ifie best seats at
the public games.
Among the natives o
.Africa there la a genet
In the split-fouL One
llfvef In- three sonla—oni
head, niiotber In the ator
a third In the big toe.