Newspaper Page Text
f r,! eminent filnation in point of nsli -
C7u:>- r Jewries. —Colvin’s Monitor.
beat: at PtlfamaqUoddy , have captur
ed a Britifb Jhip , detected in infring
ing lbs embargo laws — lt was Jaid
John Bull behaved pretty gruffly — but
was forced to Strike the Royal Flag
to the American Stripes.
N. York Daily Adrertifer.
BritiJJ? outrage and murder !
By feveral gentlemen from the
eailward, we learn that a Britifh ar
med fehoonrr landed a number ot
men cn an Iftand near Caftine, where
a quantity of dower had been de
ported, over which a guard had
been fet by the Collector. The
‘Englifhmcn fired upon the guard,
killed one man by the name ot
Laurens , and ft T k him in the ftream,
took another prifoner, and carried off
ihefljur. Upon information given
to the Colieftor, he employed a
vefthl and a number of volunteers,
Who failed in purfuit of the En
gliflimeh, and found them at anchor
in Fox-IQjnd-thoro-fare (fo called.)
The Englilhnien inftantly cut their
cables and crouded all fail ; but were
loon overhauled, vefTel and crew
taken, an i carried info Caftine,
where they were under examination
on Friday lift; when our informant
left that puce— E. Argus,
We are not furprifed that Great
Britain could wifh to reduce the
patriot!fm of the American people,
and their aft'efthon for their country,
conftitutidn and union ; for, on a
relaxation in our sfFe&ion for thefe
important points, depend her in
fluence and the eventual profpeft: of
fucceeding in counfelltng our coun
feilors, and depriving our fenacors
cf wifdom, and thereby turning all
our refources into her own coffers ;
being a nation o f merchants,- n “p
is always the ordef of the day with
them, but we are really furprifed to
find many American merchants ad
vocating the exsennon of her pow
er, when they well know that the
Englifti trade alone, receives more
money as balance from this country,
than all the profit made on cur
trade to every other part of the
world. No merchant would think
If m a good cuftomer by whom he
fh >uid lofe more than.aU his gains
frerry, every other ; and yet iuch,
in a national point of view, is the
cafe with this country in her trade
to the Britifh poffeflions. Under
the prefent circumftances, we muft
exueft Great Britain will be feeking
dominions In the* weft, theeaftis
becoming fait untenable, the two
great powers, Rufiia and France,
with Perfia as an ally, or fubjeft
muft fo far controul the India pof
feffions and trade of England there*
t thaTlhe neceffory Englifh army and
I navjal forces to profrft: that trade
Wfll toft more than it will produce,
‘** of courfo it muft be abandoned, and
being fhut out of nearly all Europe,
(he mull find new worlds for con
* qurft and rade, or ftarve and fink
me navy in the world on
her hack. Deteffor.
, TST ~
L N INE months after date appli
cation will be made to the Inferior
Court of. Jackfon county for leave
to feil one Lot in the town of Jef
ferfon, lately occupied by Doftor
Thomas Carfon, deceafed—to be
for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of the faid deceafed.
* September 6, 1808.
Medrs. ivTDonx ell id Hat ris,
Behold a huge Mountain in la
bour, and at length, brought forth
a Mo Life. !
Behold the Jobbernowl Buck-
Cricket, (alias G. T. Watkins) has
been in labor thefe five or fix weeks;
and has at length, brought forth—
Ifuefiion —And what is it ;
Anfwer —A pack of lies.
And as I conclude the paltry raf
cal, from his paralogy, is near a:
his laft, I fhall conclude with his
Epitaph, without entering into de
tail of the numerous fallehoods he
has after ted.
Here lies the captain with large red
Here lies the raFcs!, a plunderer of
Here lies the captain that lov’d to
drink rum-
Hah, fays the Devil, come captain,
Here lies the captain that was maf
ter of language—
Here lies the Icoundrel that fovere
to advantage—
Here lies the captain that plunder
ed Crap—
Here lies the villain that ne’er bro’t
him back—
Here lies the captain who his hon
or did .pawn— ~ m
Here l*es the rafea), his boner —a
Here lies the captain ad fnug in his
Here lies the icoundrel, poor hor
fes may reft—
Here lies the captain, may his name
ever ceafc—
Here lies the brave villain, who,
bound to the peace—-
Here ileeps his body fecure in its
His foul arid Eg Croppo in hell—
Here lies the captain they won’c
have in Heaven—
Here lies uie raicai ike devil ha3
December 13, i3cß.
Jk HE fubferiber re fpe ft fully in
forms the public, that he intends
carrryingon the Saddling bufinefs
in the town cf Athens, where he h i
for fale, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s
Saddles, Saddle-Bags* V-dices, pla
ted and common Bridies, £?c.
All kinds of Waggon-Gears made
and fold at Hs (hop; he makes
Coach and Chair Hainefs of ail
kinds, Light-hdrfe-tnen’sCaps, &:c.
Anv kind cf Needle work can
be done in the fubferiber’s family.
Th le who choofe to faver him
in either of the above branches,
may depend on being gtneroufty
dealt with.* —Pork, Corn, Cotton,
Fodder, and any other produce ufu
aily uted in a family, will be taken
in payment, but he would give pre
ference to Cafti.
December 15, 1808.
ON the road leading from A
thens to the Seven-ifiands, between
Capt. Fid'iers and Murder creek,
* red Morocco Pocket-book ——
The fubferiber’s Indentures are in
the book, together with feveral o
ther papers—he hopes no perfon
will trade for any of the papers in it.
Should any perfon find it, they will
be hsndfomely rewarded by leaving
it with Mr. E. Bond in Waikinf
viile, or the fubferibar in Athens.
December 16.
On Thurfday the 26th day of
January next, will be fold at the
houfe of the fubferiber, in Clark
county, a part of the perfonal pro
perty of William Mitchell, jr. de
ceafed, confiding of Books, one fet
cf Surveyor’s inftruments complete,
and fuedry other article?, coo tedi
ous to mention.— Perms cf the
foie made known on the day there
All perfons having demands a
gairil the Glare U rN c above nam
ed William -Mitchell are rtquelled
to render r A 4 me atrefted accor
ding (n E'v, and thofe indebted to
faid ef. /r a e req-jtiled to make
iir>ri;c .a * pavmer r.
Deccr her 33, 1808.
A gned traft: of land containing
ifo2 1 2 acres, lying in old Wilkin
fon, within half a mde cf the Long
Bit if, on the Oconee river, num
ber 321. The terms may be more
fully'known by applying to Obed
Baker in Clark county near A i.cus.
Dec. 8, tBcB.
At T cr‘ y;,./, *: the county of Cgle~
tl /■■■ on the fecond Saturday in
e j'..h:-u7y next, between the ufual
hours :
r i t -
j; WO th ufand pounds of mer
chm \ l h. and Cotton, levied on as
the pr - j>c t : v cf Wingfield l lamner,
to lati L Lid Hamntr’s tax, and
the u\ oi Pleafant Walker, de
ceafed, for *tlie year 1807, and
pointed out by faid Hamner —tax
due, 16 dollar?, 5912 cents.
Conditions Cafh.
, ColieiTcor.
December 6, iBcB,
Py John Smith , Clot k cf tics Court
of Ordinary for faid county.
WHEREAS Ann M‘Gee and
George Cliftin have applied f<n*
1 t;crs of adminiftration on the Ef
tate or James M‘Gee, of faid county
Tk.p ave therefore to cite and ad
mb nil- all andfmgular the kindred and
creditors of jaid deceafed , to fe and
ap] ear at my office % within the time
preferi, ; by law , to Jloew cavfe {if
any) why Jaid letters fhould fot be
granted. .
* Given und rmy hand this \Qlh day
0 ld‘ cumber , 1808. *■
800 1 S/Lf SHOES. \
THE Subforiber refpeflfully in-.
forms his Friends and the Public
genera!*’;, Pat he h-as juft received
a frefh fupply of boots and (hoes,
which he i3 now opening—they ate
ss follow :
Fair top boots.
Fa’ft: tops,
Fine fhoes,
Second quality ditto,
Bo>s ill and 2d quality ditto,
Ladies kid & Morocco fi ppers,
Children’s bootees,
Ladies fhoe-bows, &c. &c.
The Tayloring be fine fo carried
on as ufual, intheneweft falhionand
with pundluality.
All kinds of produce taken in
pavment for work done in Ms fhop.
N. B. An Apprentice wanted to
the Tayloring bufinefs—a lad from
14 to 15 would be preferred.
Athens 3 December lc, IBcB.
In the Superior Court, Putnam county „
rule nisi:
U PON the petition of C. B.
Strong, rounfei for the plaint.ft’, it
is ordered, that unitfo the foid Hen
drick'Lumkius pay into the
of the Cicrk cf the Superior Courc
before the expiration of twelve
months the principal, intern, tmd
coft of faid lb it, the laid
to be and is hereby foreclofed, 1 J
that this rule be inferred in one of
the public Gazettes of this fta;e, at
kail once a moron for the term of
cine year, or ferved on the mort
gager, or his fpcciai agent, at load
fix months bef r.e the money-is di
rected to be paid.
Extract from the minutes .
September 17 tb, 18^8.
N O r I c E.
wILL b*’ f- Id. in tlie town of
Jeifirlon, all prooer'v belong
ing to cht eftate of John W. Grgg?,
deceafed—the lal* ro cc*s;;;cnc.e
on the :4th day of-D mbr o xt.
Ofl-./Oer 2i, 1808.
C A U T I O N.
Whereas I give my note of liand
to Charles Parks of Jackfon ccuntv,
far 20 dollars, pay A ‘ l ift Cliriic—
mas; I do hereby,fon* on ail per
fbrss from trading for foid note, as In
was frauduler.tly obtained, and arii
determined ? ;,t 10 pav the fuoo.
Clark county. Nov. 3, 1808.
***— “■ 1 “ ■>"*■■■■■ ...
N O T I C E.
ISfINF; months afterdate appli
cation will be ma L- to rhe honorable
Inferior Court of rhe county of
Clark, for leave to fell a trael of
land m laid rmihty, On the wa'ers
ot Cedar creek, contain rig fi/e
hundred 400, rn -re or Lfs. beinT
the real .eftate of Wilft im Puryea.-j
deceafed, and whereon the fubici’i
b.°r now lives—the fame being for
the benefit < f the heirs and creditors
of faid deceaf and.
An ni r.
Oiftbber 20, iBo3.
ISIINE months from the date
hereof application will be made to the
Inferior C ortof Jackfon, for leave
to fell'2oo acres of land; lying on
the Pond Fork f rhe O -onee river,
the property of Thomas M.ugan,
deceafed ; to be fold-for the bene
fit of rhe lieits and creditors of foid
John Carmc; ia';l>
Auguft 6, 1808.
TVriNE months after date apol 1 ’
Lx cation will be made to the
Inferior Court of jackfon County,
for Five to fell three traCA lard,
viz : —two trafts lying on the
Nor tie F rk of the Oconee, one or
whir h tor< tins 200 acres, the other
192, one b t lying in the 14 h dif
tr:L: ot Ba.d .vin No. 64 —to ’
fold for the benefit of the beirs/and
ere it rs Micr-aU Borders,/Bcc.
MARY BORDERS, E/ecuttlx.
JOHN AOivLnkvSj /Executor*
July j, 180S.