Newspaper Page Text
NO. 30
VOL. 62.
First Paok— New AdrallMmniti. Comrutmi-
Smoko iAkT-I-x -I'rcfMent Davis to the Macon
Mernuri il A** .elation- Armageddon. Ftr-
*o ml Point.. Mlm-eUan-Hiux Advertisements.
Third l’A«K.—Humorou*. How lint to got local
news. Hadn't noticed. Shocking ; raged)'.
Miscellaneous and Legal Advertisements.
I'Ol'M II Paok.—Editorial and I’lil Ka|.].a
Notes. I iiorgia News.
1'lKTl Paok —Ixo.l Department. I.ocal Adver
Sixth Paok.— Destnirtimi of the World. News
It ms. A Child Queen. Miscellaneous Ad
Skvkxtii P.vo*.—A Molher’s Dream of Her An
gel I lies v.m, (Poetry). Tlie Preservation of
Mount Vernon. Ladles Column. Miscellane
ous Advertisements.
KioiiT't Paok.—Agricultural Department. Mis
cellaneous. Advertisements.
n> Indl *f Us 19U Cssltry.
Barham’s Infallible
IlwsTsvlttlsto maw Brastrkold.
•r Piles, vtn a nr* It Mlbh,
List aadhasa Ms lull—lilt
V very desirable property in the heart of the
City of Athens, consisting ol a lot on
Tlintnoa street, 80 feet front by 100 feet in
depth, with n fire-proof
on it, £3 feet, front, by 54 depth, with an
and a Water Tank, supplied with spring water
by u pipe. Tho property is admirably adopted
to any fight manufacturing purposes ; n'so for
a Dyeing or Soap making establishment. Us
convenient location and water supply furnish
the best facilities for
in the vitv. For further particulars apply to
W. 0. KEMP, or
April SSrd-tf. W. L. JONES.
To tb.© Merch.aa.ts
brated Flouridg Mills, and would be pleased
to liave pon call ot my office mid examine goods
and prices:
LEBANON MILLS, Nashville, Tcnn.
Russelsville, Ky.
april23-3m. K. B. LUCAS.
3tnsical Notes.
Anit^si, Ga., April 30th, 1878.
Our citj? was again favored with
one of tbpse delightful concerts last
last Tuesday night, gotten up bv our
own band! Tho pieces were all hap
pily selected and finely delivered.
Truly tbe-Jiest. talent of our city was
e were
especially impressed with the singing
which w^i simply splendid. The
people of Athens have much to be
proud of ill th<ir Mtesica! ttilent which
is second to none ih the Soulh. To
be eminent as a innsitiun is an ac-
*)t bqnstqd by-few. i We
!HBg apwiltjliiuaek or his
m «JR|Wfti«M»hur he cor-
^ thMsp.^bBvcyseise,
i, and as a
Municipal Tax Sales.
TILL lie sold before the Court-bonse door
. j in the City «f Athens, Clarke county,
Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Juuc next tho
following property to-wit:
One house and'lot, two acres more or less,
owned by N. L. Barnard, in 4th Ward, groin
ing lands of C. II. Chandler and James A.
Evans, and fronting on Prince Avenue, in the
City of Athens, Gs.
Also at the same time and place, one house
aud lot owned by J. C. Jackson, in 4th Ward,
fronting Hancock Avenue, adjoining lands of
A. M. Hunter. Hartwell Jackson and others, in
City of Athens, Go.
Also at the same time and place, one house
and lot in 1st Ward owned by Joseph Bird, ad
joining lands ot' W. A. Carr’s estate, ’ in the
city ot Athens, Ga.
Also at the same time and place, one house
and lot in 1st Ward owned by Edward Gleason,
adjoining lands of Mary Baker, Mary Gleason, 7.""/ " _ ” """
and others, in the city of Athens, Ga. displayed 111 tllC best light. \\
Also at the same ti'me aud place, one house “
and lot in 1st Ward, owned by W. W. Royal,
fronting on Jefferson Road,* and adjoining
lands of Miss El za Bailey and ' ’arr cstuti, in
the City of Athens, Ga.
Also at the same time and place otic lio 'se
aud lot in 3rd Ward, occupied by W. Hudgins,
Trustee .or wite and children, framing ou
Bobbing Mill Road, boiiuded by Rock Spring
Avenue and lands of W- Hudgins, Trustee, in
city of Athens, Go. . „
Also at the same time and place, one lot of j COUipIlSml
land, two acres, on Barber street, in 4th Ward, i ’■ „» ai <• ...
owned by J. B. Smith, adjoining lands of II. j ha y bOgstofo * or .LU peiUOH 18 CXCIUd-
R. J. & C. W. Long and others, in the city of |,l»* for lm.iutina al^ukt -A!... u n:..
Athens, Ga.
Also at the same time aud place, one. lot, two j
acres more or less, in first Ward, owned by
Mrs. Mary A. Nichols, adjoin jug lands of W.
A. ’LVlniucUc, K. L. Bloomfield and others iu
the city of Athens, Ga.
Aiso at the same and place.xmis’llonse mid
lot, owned liy UctUe Adams. (ColA in
3rd Ward, adjoining lauds of Allred Hunter,
col, Kuox Institute and M. Ik-all, hi city of
Athene, Ga.
Also at the same time aud place, one house
and lot, owned by Juda Brown, (col.) 8rd
Ward, fronting Broad street, adjoining holds of
Dan. Brydie, .Simon Murks and others, in city
of Athens, Ga.
Also at tie suite tiuiu and place, one house
and lot owned by Edward Harden (oul.) in .3rd
Ward, adjoining lots of Hill Few. Sallie Ilol-
sey and others, in city of Athens, Ga.
Also „t the same time and piece one bouse
and. lut owned by Win. Heard, (c.vl<d -in tat
Ward, adjoining Miss Bailie Rellum, Frank
Spruulding and olhsis, iu city of AtbeWy
Also at the same time and place, one house
and lot owned by Adline Upson (col.) Srd
War d, fronting on Rock Spring Avenue, ad
joining kinds of A. I,. Dcnrnig, Patrick Smith
and others, in city Athens, Ga.
Also at lint Run. i mi j .»nd plan-, one house
aud ul in first Ward, owned by Jus. WiL.ins,
(col.) adjoining lauds o< W. A* Talmadgc, es
tate of lieu. Jennings, (col.) uud others, iucity
of Athens, Ga.
Also at the same time and place one house
and lot in 3rd Ward, owned by AuruGrant, ad
joining lands of Dr. James A. Cummack, front
ing Broad street, in city of Athens, Ga.
The above will be sohl to satisfy tax fi fas
issu d by May r aud Council ot * the city of
Athens, Ga.
Ciiikv or J'olu'k, Athens, Ga.
May 4th, 1878-id.
flEORGIA—Clarke County.—
Whereas, Rnfus K. Reaves applies to me
for letters of Guardianship of the property in
Georgia, of John W Martin, aud Thomas P.
Martin, of the State of Texas, Miners of W.
Martin oi said Stut of Texas, sa.d Miners liv-
' ig, each under fourteen years ot ugc.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
concerned to show euusc at my ouicc, > n or
before the second Monday in June next, why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under my bund, at office, this 4th
day of May 1878.
ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinarv.
ble fpr boi
tainly is
His true,
■v “
uatiti'c* wit
gcueral tiifcj^ ,ati^yo^ t .^ rti g W .u
lence hi not
others be fiisoqcu^g^ yvlto. lijtve not
been so fckunatv, for the limit to a
pets n’s cttiacitjr when engaged in a
good cause! anti baelcei^ by firm prin-
ciples with determination and jierso-
ventncu’ t^a^flL lt^a ueyor vet been
particular of music does this
cheating and swindling, or in other
words putting up a job at it county
meeting* Aias Joins and Smith
how the mighty has fallen.*
Somebody signing Itimscll’ M, in a
correspondence to the Watchman,
says that lie also tore Jerry Ritch
in-half and threw him away. We
saw Jerry here when we got back,
not *oi ii inhalf nor is he running for
Congress. After getting all the new
subscribers to the Banner and eol s
lecting some money we wondered
our way to Ciayton in Rabun county.
The lawyers and newspaper agents
were invited by Col. A. J. West to
dine at his house above Talulah Falls
and on the direct route to Clayton.
The Colonel in liis’ usual style made
all feel good by giving us a good
dinner at ibis place! We heard of
Mr. Estes, who liad*niisterioiisly dis
appeared from Clarksville a few days
before. It was Tomifl th^t Van had
made a flank movement on the news
paper men and had started out on an
eittii ely new liue of getting np sub
scri tiers.
We reached Clayton ulter dark
and was soon all right .pt the Blue
Ridge Hotel. . We mn<jc an open
attack next day for, ^lew.subscribers
and money, and fouud things better
than any where »;e had been. All
the fanners scented ,’.ci i),e doing well
■ Vi'-
hold good. We may go further in
this connection and say that it never
will be reached by man but is only
perlected by the Angels iu Heaven.
However, imperfect wo may be in
this as wo are in every thing else,
nevertheless, a good musician besides
•affording great enjoyment to others
aud infinite pleasure to himself, is an
ornament to society and a blessing to
mankind. This is shown by the
groat good that has bi en done in the
advancement of religion by the efforis
of such musicians as Sankey, Bliss,
Philips, Fish and numbers of others.
Let us then be zealous in encourug-
ing and promoting the progress ot
this useful yet delightful science so ns
not only to be benefited ourselves but
also to afford as a good example to
others, our own success.
Oslin Lodge, No. 348,1 O. G.T )
Clarke county, April 20th ? 1878. )
When friends grow sick and lan<_er-
ish; when hopes are crushed, and beat
ing hearts are stilled; when death enters
a household aud takes a much loved
one away, how sweet iu such bouts
of saduess to feel that “earth hath no
sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.”
To look beyond the dark present to
the future where all is bright, blessed,
thrice blessed is the Christian’s hope
which brings earth’s darkest clouds
with silver linings, glittering with the
bright radiance from eternity’s snore".
In hours of human desolation it is
so sweet to pause and think that a
kind father “ doeth all things well,”
and though we sigh for loyed ones,
whom we shall see here no more, yet by
the grace of God, and trust in Jesus
we shall nut-, them again in the sweet
by and by.”
Whereas, our pinch loved brother
Cranford Alexander was called from
earth’s labors on Alarch 3.0th, 1878,
and taken to his h’cuveuJylmme. Be it
Resolved, That, t|je Oslin, Lodge, of
Good Templars deeply grieved for {ha
loss of our beloved brother, w;hpse
presence we shall so much mis^.
Resolved, 2. That we wear .the
the usual budge ot 'mourning for our
brother, and that a page be kept on
mil- lit*
aiul have .ttfife-jirbspcctiriahead ipr a:
good crop. If the Northeastern
Railroad would extend lo Clayton it
would opon up a fine country that is
now idle fur the want *d transporta
tion. There is splendid mining in
Rabun and Habersham. We were
shown some specimens - of gold by
Capt. E. P. West and from appear*
ances he has got a bonanza. The
only things of much importance in
court was the trial of Young McLean
tor murder. The jury made a miss
trial. So the boy will have to stay , " * SL ‘ lo mteinpi to plod
in jail C> months longer. He has »j trough the summer without first
handsome face and. is only about J4 jkeing shod at .SneadV sf on empo-
years old. During the trial while nu,,,> -
Resolved 3. That this lodge do most
cordially tender to the grief stricken
farm y their kindest,sympathy in ibis
sad hour of gloom.
Resolved 4. That the city papers of
Athens be requested to publish tlyis
preamble and accompanying resolu
Signed by committee, J. S. King,
L. H. Nichols, W. J. Archer and ,J.
M. Deli
\M rir# V
Arc now prepared to show the finest selection of Sot x
GOODS, at the lowest prices, ever offered in this city-
We mean just exactly what we say. We have all the latest
novelties in Spring Dress Goods, from 5 cts per yd. up.
Black Alpaocas. good stuff, at 18 cts and up.
Black Gros Grain Silk, at .90 cts. and up,
and everything else in Ladies Dress Goods at hard times
0 A SIL prices.
300 CUromoH.
10 dozen IV se Partouts, in good variety.
10 dozen Picture Mats the most beautiful
ever brought to Athens.
Panel Pictun.u.
Illuminated Mottora.
Photographs of Statuary, etc.
Just received and for Bale cheap at
niay7 tf. Burke’s Book Store.
J|i ■■■■ ■ aad Morphias hahtteared.
Ul lUm zst
I i \
\\ r e , an Spit the most particular buryer that comes to mar
ket, as util* good* are all fresh from market this, spring. We
closed out everything of the kind last winter and have a new
stock froin beginuitisfo end. .
We can say the.sume thing about every department iu our
stocks. Tlur Shoes'! re new. Our Hats are fresh. Notiins
are pvett. Cassimcres arc elegant, Cottonades are go*!
;pid «ywytliing pleasingly low.
Lincu Handkerchiefs, 50c doz. Coats Thread, 5 cts.
Ladies 1 Hose, 50c per doz. Hats, 60c. etc., etc.
Ladies' Fans, 2 cts. eaili. Parasols, 10c. each.
aud every department toasts ot. just such low figures,
wc want is simply a call and wo will surely please you. All J gentlemen.
Respectfully, &<*., RELbL &LiAIsK —War in Turkey ended—but Snead
- april 30-tf. AtheilF, Gil I 8till KlhilioesCheap;
Next Town, ahead where they
loan u dollar and chalk it down till to
morrow, for a bottle of MERRELL’t?
Heapatine for the liver. Tim enor
mous expense ot importing the ingre
dients of this great liver medicine into
this country, is why our Druggists,
Dr C. W. Long, &' Co, Athens Ga,
sell but one sample bottle to the same
person for ten cents; but as there are
fifty doses in the large size bottles, it is
cheap enough after all at two cents per
dose, for a medicine that has never
been known to fail iu the cOre of dys-
pepia atid all diseases of the fiver. It
lias never failed in the cure of liver
coinnl.iiiit when taken as directed, no
matter of how long standing disease.
It cures Chills and Fever, Constipa
tion oi the Bowels, Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint. Sample Bottles ten
cents; regular size, filty doses, $1.00
—The silver bill has become as
i popular in American finances as
I Snead’s fashionable spring ties .for
Editor Southern Banner : After
a pleasant ride over the N. E. R. R.
& Air Line I reached the beautiful
little village of Clarksville, and from
appearances around the town nature
ccftaiuly must havo tried lo see if
one hill could not be made higher
than another. Court was iu full
blast, His honor Judge Rice on the
bench, with the usual; amouut of
lawyers ou.tbe inside, and an unusual
amount of newspaper agents and
politicians on the outside. Clarksville
has some improvements going on.
We notice a new hotel, the Alegany
House,, undergoing repairs, and uo
doubt will be kept in splendid style
for summer boarders. Miss Clifford
A. Stanford having just returned from
the North will no doubt run the
Alegany House in the most approved
style. Mr Speer the leader of tfre
independent movement made a speech
and as usual pitched into the organ
ized democracy. Proxies :»ii*T his
;4wo figure-heads that he hat> to rep
resent county meetings to elect
delegates, Maj. Jones and Capt.
Smith. Poor Jones and Smith, you--
whose names have been banded dowu
from.lime immemorial, is it not hard
that the last crowning act should take
Col. Marlor was speaking the inside
of the court house gave way and
came very near being a serious affair,
every body was scared out. of their
wits txcept the Judge who sit as
calmly and unconcerned as if lie had
been fining a fellow for playing seven
up. Speer made his speech to the
democrats of Clayton, and from all
appearances tho independent move
ment earne to a stand still in Rabnn.
_ _ __ P-
I. O. of G. T.
Liberty Lodge, No. 456,1. O. G. T.
At a recent meeting of the above
name .l-odge the following officers were
elected for the ensuing term ending
August the first 1878.
J. C. Talwr, W. C. T.
Miss L. J. Tabor, W.V. T.
VV. R. Meroney, W. K. 8.
W. A. Tabor, W. F. H.
1). W. Hutcherson, W. T.
C. A. Wilder, W. C.
R. L. Wilder, W. M.
Mrs. C- E. Wilder, W. T. G.
W. F. Wilder, W O. G.
The Lodge meets ou Saturtlay be
fore the secofid Lord’s-day in each
month at 3 o’clock, p. m. and on Sat
urday before the -fourth- Lord’s day at
7 o’clock, P.11.1
—*• Is there a man with “ sole” so
dead that never unto himself 'has
said ” I’ll buy my shoes at Snead’s?
—“Go where the twine wood-
bineih ’’ and don’t go home until fir. t
having purchased a piir of those box-
toed gaiters at Snead’s
A XOVKI. rjCATl'Ut. ,
Presents itself to those who use
Parker’s Hair Balsam, in the discovery
of its rare and remarkable merits.
Many have written us expressing their
delight in the fact that it works like»a
charm. Its disinfectant properties jn
chemical combination rendering, it
healthful, cleansing and healing are
bearing fruit, and the beautiful hair'it
produces, with the clean, healthy scalp,
entirely freed from Dandruff aud fi
ling hair, are achievements for which
we havo reason to feel proud. A
patron assures us that he has us&l
twelve different Hair Preperations arid
that Parker’s Hair* Bitfsam. surpasses
them all. To hair that has become
gray or faded, it restores that beauti
ful natural color of youth, and produ
ces a vigor and luxuriance that sur
prises every one. Buy a bottle from
your druggist, Dr. R. T. Brumb\,
and test its merits
KY4.RT VOfUER ... %
Will greatly add to her own strength
and comfort by the free use of Parker’s
Ginger Tonic, while its invigorating
properties that soothe the nerves and
induce refreshing sleep, are imparted
through the milk to her nersing batik,
making the little one quiet, contented,
cheerful and happy— the best wa,y .(o
make the fretful child a “ good baby.”
It is aiso a moat comforting remedy
for the Aged, the Feeble and Conval
escent: it builds up and sustains,
the strength, seothe the nerves, ban
ishes melancholy, and is incomparably
superior to wines or liquors, while it
docs not intoxicate. Boy from your
p:'+- •’
, , .. . . druggist Dr. R T. Brumby, a $L0D
^ dissect you before a j events it Incomes necessary tor yourjhm^ ora snmple bottle at 15 ctg^
—When iu the course of human
cuts it becomes tieeesaary for your
gaping public and accuse you two of j household to lie shod, go to Snead’s, j aiiifteat ita merits.