Newspaper Page Text
His Career After He Lett I The Regular Roster—Par-
JiOiiisiana for Galveston.
[Galveston (Tex.) News. 1
Ailer the battle of New Orleans
Lafitte returned to his cld pursuits,
and being unable to remain at Grand
Terre, removed to Galveston (then
known as Campeachy) island in 1817.
Hero be built a small town, having
ticipants: in the Electo
ral Frauds Who have
Been Rewarded
With Office.
[Washington Post, Dem.]
Of course Mr. Hayes knc .v noth
ing of the frauds that placed him
| in President Til den’s scat, nor had
his quarters in a commodious house j , 1C Ul0 l east personal
painted red, wheie he wa-> visited in i w itli the individuals who perpetrated
1819 hy Colonel W. I). C. Hall (wl.o | them, and yet see how many df them
died here some years since) in Hie h 10 ] )as , na do “ special cases’’ of; Mr.
.■nde <vor to secure his co-operation Xoye ^ who < rivideil the •swngnmoi, L r
.vith Geo. Long in hi* expedition to til0 Floridn thieves, was made Minis-
Mexico, hut without success. | ter to France. Mr. Stoughton, who
Laiitte’s person is thus described : j *" conferred ” with Anderson and
lie was a well formed, nandsome other Louisiana culprits, was made
man, about six feet two inches in ; Minister to Russia. Mr. Knsson,
with lav:
MARCH 1370.
We li:'.vo received, and are now opening, a large and new stock of
Boots, Shoes and Trunks,
Orders promptly filled, and all goods with our "brand warranted.
D. 7. FLEMING <& CO.,
No. 2 Hayne street, cor. Church street.
Charleston, S.C.
m»un. agv jsmtwcr
~v:rr. • h:
mclilC ’■
height, strongly built,
hazel eyes and black hair, and gen- :
orally wore a moustache. He j
dressed in a green uniform aud otter-
skin cap. He was a man of polite
and easy manners, of retired habits,
.c l/ " i< disposition, and of such,
viiming address that his intlucine
v< r hi- followers was almost nbso-
iu'.c. lie locati'd his town on the
•. uitts of Am y’s village, huit a hon-c
which he painted red, and threw up
iriniiid it a fort.
who was one of the visiting states
men, and helped t<> stnal the Florida
vote, was made Minister to Austria,
•' r. McLiu, win confesses that he
helped steal the Florida vole, was
made Chief Ju-tice of New Mexico.
Mr. D.imi-, who confesses to the
frauds that ma it possib'e for
McLiu to steal the Florida vote, was ,
appointed, on iho special request ot'j° V^,
Ilayfs,nyliich ova- “.writic-t) with :i ! F>orIi
blue pencil,’’ a Special Treasury j
Agent. Governor Stearns, who
JAS. _A._ G-TUL1T &c CO., I
xxjcc'mS'L'cV, c;i<;o oia.
Our Stock of Spring and Simitner Dry Goods is now complete, ;
and is ihe largest and best assorted in the South.
Our Mourning department contains everything from the lowest j
price, to ihe finest goods imported. f
Our Black, Colored and Fancy Silk Stock, is universally acknow- j
edged to be the finest in the market, a glance at its contents will j
convince the most sceptical
All the latest Novelties in Colored Dress Goods—“ Chenille Jar- !
diniere, Re?ille Cypres, Beige, Svlphide, Ilovnhy, Victoria Suitings i
Bonnets, designs and effects in Neckware, to be found nowhere j
The liaudsom-st Scarf Laces and Embroideries ever offered to the ’
peopl-- of Georgia or Carolina.
Kvcrv’thiug pretty and desirable in Parasols, and in Fancy Goods
Stock of Linens of every description, Towels, Napkins,
me.. Embroidered Piano Covers.
While Latilte was located mi ihe held the fori while Cowgill and
idand he had five or six armed vess'-ls : Me 1 in stole the Florida vote, was
and a largo number of followers. In ! made one of the Hot Springs Com-
1819 the island was visited by a sc- l mis-ioners. Mr. Cowgill, who com*
vote storm, and several of the vessels j pletetl the theft of the Florida votes,
were driven ashore on the mainland. , was made an United States Marshal.
Shortly after tins occupation one of Thus Noyes, Kasson, McLiu, Dennis,
Lafitte’a men stole a squaw from the
Caranchna tribe of Indians, who
often resorted to the west end of the
island and kept possession of her.
Stearns and Cowgill, through and by
whom the four votes of Florida was
stolen from President Tilden, have
all been recognized by Mr. Hayes as
This so enraged the Indians that “special cases,” and rewarded
•iioy attacked a hunting parly of the j cordingly. \\ m. Pitt Kellogg,
buccaneers and killed two of them, helping steal the vote of Lou:
A i:;ii line ot Cassimeres, Cottonades, Homespuns, and everything i
needed by Country Stores and Planters. .
The only complete Stock of Ladies Underware South of Mason j
and Di'Oifs line.
Ladies and Misses Suits in great variety—Boys Suits (from.3 to 8 j
A full line of Infants Wear, Cloaks Dresses <&e.
Everything will be sold at the lowest price—in fact so low as to j
astonish even buyers themselves.
Orders filled promptly and carefully.
! u ia • urn tiic Indians wen
y L.lhte with two hut
md two cannon, and
usue i wiiieh hi-to 1 two
i skirmish
da vs, wl.en
hv bracin'.
I i.i
, iirniug
as Am
t t: <1
be 11:: • 1 n-
; 11! e,
the Indians were forced to lire to
the mainland, after having thirty
warriors slain.
While at Gt^itd Terre Lnfitte had
•dealt largely in negroes taken from
Spanish slavers, and continued the
business during his stay here, and it
is not a great many years since there
were liviug witnesses that the price
of an able bodied negro was at that
period only $40. In 1818 a despera
do named Brown plundered an Amer
ican vessel, and was pursued to Gal
veston by the United Slates revenue
cutter Lynx, Captain Madison.
Brown arrived before the cutter, and
Lafitte, getting wind of the affair,-
1 ad him hanged on
sinu'e vote ot Stanley Matthews, the
friiii l and repiescntative of Mr.
Ilays. S. LJ. Packard, who helped
KiHogg steal the Louisiana vole,
received the biggest consulate in
Europe. Geo. L. Smith, who forged
and falsified the returns of DeSoto
parish, was made Collector of New
Orleans. Jack Wharton,* who assis
ted, was made Marshal of New
Orleans. Madison Wells, who was
one of the thieves wbqinjiKellogg
braced up, was given ^ho office of
Surveyor of the Port. Tom'Ander
son, who was another * Returning
Board thief, was ke; t in office as
Acting Collector even *ftcr his eon-
I will undersell any house in the United States,
test this, which is to address
a here is but one way to
We have just completed extensive arrangements for furnishing the Farm with all styles of best
Steam Engines, Threshers, Separators, Fan Mills, Reapers and lower,
Turning l’lows, Plow Stocks, Sweeps, Scooters, Shovels, Single and Double Trees, Steel Tapered-
handlcd Hoes, Garden, Field aud Tree Seeds.
Fertilizers the L. and R.
Ammoniated and Acid Phosphides, &e. Seeds mailed free, at 60 Cents per Dozen Papers.
No. 9 Whitehall Street,
e. p, cranxd
53 Wbitsh&U Siraai, Atlanta. o«.
eSr-Tho only Exclusive! Dealer in Pianos and Orman in tlm Smith
lcb5—tf. * " ' ‘ ‘
PLANTERS’' hotel;
Rates Redueed to $3 per Ray.
upon its management by Reducing Rates, and asking of the Travel-
ng Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu
ance of that liberal support they have always given it.
lilt j,, i-]ai d ! viclion °f forgery ami theft
i;ear'the presort harbor improvement j was a 8 P ecial case * Casa,,ave *
work,, then known as “ Little 1,10 ^nnting Board thief,
Campeachy,” and separated from the j " as
larger island by a channel seven or
eight feet m depth. He aiso hanged
another of his men named Francois,
tor engaging in a plot to rob and
murder a Mr. Kuykendall, who, it is
quite probable, visited the island for
the purpose of purchasing'a few of
Captain Lafit.e’s likely Africans.
The United Slates, becoming tired
of Lafilte’s establishment, owing to
the numerous complaints of depre
dations on American vessels, deter
mined to break it up, and dispatched
a naval force under Lieutenant Kear
ney, with orders to see that Captain
Lafitte left. The pirate chief re
ceived the officer courteously enter
tained him sumptuously at the Red
House, and issued instructions to his
followers to prepare to depart. The
buccaneers having everything in
readiness, Lafitte ordered the town
to be set on fire, and, embarking on
the Pri le, his favorite vessel sailed
from the island on the 12th of May, i
1820, never to return. After cruis
ing in the Caribbean Sea for several
years, he located on tho Island of
Mngeres, off the coast of Yucatan,
where, according to the traveler
Stevens, ho died in 1826, leaving a
widow and a hecatomb of turtle shells
to honor his memory.
made Naval Officer. Kenner,
the fourth and last Returning Board
thief, perjurer and forger, was given
a place in the Custom House under
Principal Thief Anderson. Gen.
John M. Harlan, who was one of the
referees in the Feliciana Anderson
case, was made Judge of the United
States Supreme Court. George A.
Sheridan, for helping to keep the
Returning Board thieves still, was
transplanted to Washington and
made Recorder of Deeds. Dan
Webber, who, at the request of John
Sherman, stole the vote of West
Feliciana, was promised in writing a
consulate, but was killed before he
could be appointed. J. E. Auderson,
tor complying with John Sherman’s
request to tho extent of signing a
protest he knew to be false, aud
which was afterwards forged to the
extent necessary to steal the parish of
East Felicina, was personally and in
writing recommended by Mr. Hayes
| for a “ consulship in a warm place
A score of . clerks, supervisors, con
stables, and others who helped forged
or cover up others’ forgeries have all
been provided fur, but these we have
enumerated were “special cases.”
Still we have iio doubt that Mr.
Hayes was perfectly iuuoccut, and
that these appointments were all acci
Indian Compound Cough TVIixture
For the cure of Consumption and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat, I say that nothing surpasses it
for Co’ds and Coughs, and can l>e taken from old age down to the cradle with impunity, and without
danger. Hut the professional world is so full of Aiuhiguotisncss and Egotism, that anything put be
fore the public as a safe and reliable Remedy for certain diseases is scoffed at and pronounced worth
less and a humbug. I say try it before you condemn it, as I will give you the names of every herb,
«V<*., that it is composed of, which you can examine at your leisure:
Vitcllus Ovi, Ainydalus, Mel. Pi’nus Palustris, Andromeda, Arborea, Arctium Lcppa, Inula Hele-
nium, Marrubium Vulgare, Antennariu Marguritaceum, Durchwachshencr Wasserdost, Cephalanthus
Occidental!*, Symphytum Officinale.
It is prepared at my office, No. 5f> Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga., whore it can be had in any quantity.
If any one using it will say that it has done them no good, return the bottle and get your money re
Life and Money Saved by the use of the Southern Remedy !
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and Cutting
Teeth of Children!
And no mistake. Examine the following certificates, which are enough to satisfy any reasonable man,
woman, or child, that it is not an imposition palmed olT on the peop'e. To prove it, get a bottle, and
use as directed on the bottle, and you will be satisfied that it is all that is claimed for it. It is pre
pared purely from vegetables a medicinal property.
The Union Trust Company have
purchased the Port Iloyal railway at
public outcry on the Gill inst., for
the sum of $500,000.
Atlanta, July 1st, 1S74.
DR. BIGGEUS—Dear Sir: In the use of your Southern Remedy in my family, I have found it the
most pleasant medicine for children to take, and the most satisfactory to cure I have ever met. I have
used it now for several years, and never aUow myself to be without some of It on hand, and its imme
diate use saves all trouble and danger. I have always felt if you had no other claim to the pnhlic con
fidence than this specific, it alone should give it to you, and both, fame and fortune added, if you
would only sufficiently advertise it to let the world know its healing power and benefits.
Respectfully, o. O. LOCHRANE.
The above is from the Ex-Chief Justice Supieme Court of Georgia.
EUREKA 1 EUREKA I (I hare found it. My wife and twochUdren wero down with Bloody
Flux. We had twodoctors, as good as any in the city, and found norelie' -
while teething, was expected to die for two weeks, when being induced to
ON and after April:
Remedy, the relief of each was marvelous, and areat present Ling well. I tried it on myself for the
same disease, and it proved a success. c. C. DAVIS, Atlanta
For sale in Athens by
i try Dr. 1
I tried it t
v,. C. DAVIS, Atlanta, Ga.
Twenty million Hollar- is the esti
mated wealth cl the 89,090 Jews in
New York, where the^ are ten times
more numerous than in Jerusalem.
DAVIS. | 5 Every
SAPP I & body in
Broad Street, Over Mandcvillc’s Jewelry Store.
1S78. § P R NG 1878.
1st, onr SPRING OPENING will take place, when we will be prepared to
i most extensive Stock of MEN’S, YOUTH’S BOY’S and CHILDREN'S
ever before exhibited in this city. Onr stock lias been purchased under the present decline of
Goods, and the benefit thereof is tendered to onr numerous patrons. We enumerate prices of a
few lines of Goods. 100 GOOD CASSIMERE BUSINESS SUITS AT $9. 200 GENUINE
CHEVIOT SUITS at $10, $12 50 and $15. 300 BLUE FLANNEL (Genuine Middlesex)
from $10, $12 50, $14 and $15. In onr Dress Suit Department, we are prepared to show genniaa
English and French DIAGONAL SUITS, ranging from $12 50 up. Worsted suita in endless
variety.* In addition to the above, we have a first-class Stock of
Qonts ]T ULrnisIilrig (}ooas,
which for prices and quality cannot be excelled in the State. Wo still continue to offer onr spe-
cialty, CNLANDRIED SHIRTS, a’ $50c., next grade 75c., extra fine $1. Hats and caps in all
the latest styles. TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, etc., etc. Extending onr thanks to ourpatronsfor
their generous patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuance of the same, when we shall
endeavor to offer them inducements which will surpass all our former efforts.
Very Respectfully,
N. B. In addition toour regular Clothing Department, we have made arrangements with ou^
New York Custom Tailors to make suits to order npon short notice. Guaranteeing a saving o*
25 per cent, from the regular prices charged by tailors. OH.AS. STERN,
ap9-Sm * Broad street, opposite College Campus, Athens, Ga.
Subscription for the Banner
For 1878.