Newspaper Page Text
&BER 40.
Woman’s Literary Club”
Mrs. Graves on Thursday
The interesting program
of a paper on “Mario and
i Miss Evergiline Bower. A
Irs. Pew on “Adelina Patti.”
by Mrs. 0. C. harroll on
i and one by Miss Fleming
anora Duse, representing
art of today.”
ower is spending the winter
Means but she sent her pa
wns a most excellent one
of pleasing incidents in the
the two great Italian
gers. It was read by Miss
the corresponding secretary,
niing manner which added
its instructive value,
bib is only two years old
tly a study club, but the
ure enthusiastic and are
up with other clubs iu pro
! 1.21 " ■ .
laities are hereby warned
lilting, fishing, or in any
|iy trespassing on the follow-
jot land, situated, lying and
the ‘27th district of Decatur
id the same being enclosed
foods pasture: Lots Nos. 211,
and 230. I will prosecute
les entering upon or in any
[.passing upon the aforesaid
Tins March 26th, 1901.
|0 horse power engine and
a great bargain. Will trade
or horses. Address A. S.
| Wliigham, Ga.
L'ineiit has just been reach-
signed whereby the world’s
trotters, Croesus und The
are scheduled to race at
i Beach some tune in Ati-
raee will lie decided in
of a mile each, and for a
$12,000, the winner to re-
300, and the remainder to be
the loser.
Candler did not borrow that
P. for the payment of Geor-
lie school teachrs as staled
York dispatches. The
of paying them out of the
low in the treasury is one
ft ate Treasurer Park is not
decide and lie has refused
fie warrant drawn for that
Tha question is now be
moans for adjustment and if
purer is sustained in his opin-
Mpidofial. Day was beautifully cel
ebrated here yesterday. An apprJp
riate program had -been arranged b\
tile lady officers of the Association
which was most successfully rendered
in every detail. At 4:30 in the
afternoon the procession formed on
Broad street and was led to the ueni-
etary by the 4th Regiment Band.
Col. John D. Harrell in a fine gray
uniform mounted on a handsome
oharger was master of ceremonies.
The procession, in due order of
march, was composed of a large n. in
ber of citizens, the Bainbridgo Inde
pendents, the cadets of the Georgia
Southern Military Collegd ami school
children,Till in showey uniforms ami
holiday attire. With the excellent
music furnished by the band, the
scene inspired each one with the
spirit to do honor to the day and the.
cause it was set apart to commemo
rate. Arriving at the oemetary after
due honors were performed by both
of the military ‘organization!!, the
children and every body else engag
ed in the beautiful ceremony of.
strewing dowers upon the graves of
our cherished heroes including also
ail those who participated iu the
The exercises were continued at
the opera house last night, but on
account of the short time before go
ing to pn-Rs, it would be hard for us
to give e\en a fair synopsis of the
beautiful program rendered. Suffic
ient lime being given it wot.11 be our
pleasure to speak'm detail of the
beautiful music discoursed by the
band,.the appropriate prayer of Rec
tor Mill, the excellent vocal and in
strumental music executed by till the
ladies and gentleman, the elegant in
troductory speech of Mr. A. II. Rus
sell, and above all, of the masterful
oration of the occasion by Rev. W.
L. Richards.
rn by Cn
Several years ago, as the story' The Silhouette Party to be given
goes, a Methodist convention of some a t, Hie Armory next Monday night is
description was held in Efcwson, Ga. expected to eclipse all of the ehiei-
One of the delegates, a minister, was tainradnts recently enjoyed by the
shown over the town by {lie of the public. There will be several novel
and amusing features introduced that
will be highly enjoyed by every one
A very large number of the silhou
ettes of well known people in the city
have been secured and an opportuni
ty will lie given to everybody to
indenlify the persons they represent.
A bean'.if ul picture is to be awarded
to the person making the largest
number of correct guesses on the list
of silhouettes presented. This hand
some picture is no v on exhibition at
the Grenada Drug Store.
The entertainment will be under
the management of Mesdaiues Graves,
T. S. Hawes-and Bivings, for benefit
of the Presbyterian oliurch building
fund, and they will be assisted by
other ladies equally efficient m mak
ing the whole affair a most enjoyable
A small admission fee of 25u will
be charged for the entertainment
including delioious refreshments of
strawberries, ereurn, cake, etc. It
is to be hoped that every body will
attend and thus appreciate the
efforts of these ladies to make a s
cess of their enterprise iu behalf
bsth.ay notice. of a most laudable cause
“You seem to have a very nice
town,” remarked the ministerial del
egate, “but 1 am surprised to see so
many barrooms here.”
“Yes,” replied the guide, “wehave
several, and one peculiarity is that
every one of them has three doors.”
“Ah, is that so ? Why arc so many
doors needed V”
“The front doors are for the Prim-
ite Baptises, the side doors are for
the Missionary Baptists, and . the
back doors are for the Methodists.
And they do say that of the back
steps are worn clean out—“Headless
Mail,” in Cutlibert Leader.
Married at the residence of Mi.
Little, on Sunday evening last at 4
o’clock, Mr. Guss R. Stnbhliug to
Miss Mamie Little, Justice Kerr of
A number of friends of the parties
were present to witness the ceremony.
The Search Light along with a
host of others joins wishing them
m. oil happiness.
Following is a list of Jurors drawn for
the May Term of Decatur Superior Court
1901. which convenes iu this city on the
second Moday iu next month.
Grand Jurors.
Robert Donalsou, Drew Roberts, J. S3
Thomas, 11. L. Maxwell, H. J. Paulk, J.
B, Butler, D. IV. Kelly, T. P. Harrison.
’A. J. Truklok, S. A. Belcher, A. K. Bell,
i. Strickland. \V. B King, W. G. Puwell.
S. J, Warren, J. G. Evans, II. C. Pinson,
W. O. Jones, li. A. J. Uich.C. T. Mims.
G. B. Alday Sr., Thomas Parker, G. K.
Hodges, S. D. ill Her. D. S. Swicord. T.
O. Harrison, J. B. Laslie. Mart’ll Harrell,
IS. A. Wimberloy, J. E. Gobb.
Traverse Jurors—1st Week.
Byron Godwin, Bon Bell. Giaytou Ul
mer, J. M. Sasser. Gurry, Mal-
Lost, strayed or stolen froiu Brin
son, Ga., one dark sorrel more 12
years old, with one white hind ..^qol,
and bla/.e in face. Has bobbed tail
and is branded. Address ITas Mid
dleton, Brinson, Ga.
I will be at the following named pla
ces for the purpose of receiving tax re
turns for 1901.
Recovery iu the morning. Faceville
iu the evening. Monday April 1st.
Fowltown morning. Attapulgus eve
ning Tuesday April 2ud.
Higdon. Wednesday, April 3rd.
Ragans, Thursday, “ 4th.
Wliigham, Friday, “ tth.
Bells. Saturday, “ Ath.
Belchers. Monday, “ 1th.
Lime Sink, morning, Blowing Gave
evening, Tuesday April 9th. ‘
n* coiiststatiOnal rights in ; oolin Smallwood, li B. Whitaker, J. li.
is-s, the teachers will have ! Blour,t ‘ Jas ‘ H ‘ Emanuel \v. E. Atwater.
■ . i . . , j J. M. Valentine, M. Howard, C. (7.
I until this years taxes are.. , ... , \ u „ n » /.,t
i Slander viile, J. A. Speer. D. A. tolien,
More they can receive their j j B L ee, \y <j. Bird. j as . Brown, Sam
tiles the governor sees fit| Brunson. G. VV. Swicord. J. H Hudson.
|w tile money. In the mean-! H- 6. Butler, H. D. Connell, G. J. Mun'-
Iteachers, like everybody else 1 nerl - vn - H - M - Eutanuel. P. A. Jones. D.j
j L. Williams. K. A. Mallard, A. M. harp,
toy to live on and this vex' ... T , ... , ,, r . „„ !
• J. H. Brinson. D W. Lane, -V. L. Jones.
-■mails great loss upon I 0rfty Barnwt . j. y. Gray, T. J. Goleuian, ’
W. K. Boyett.
Traverse Jurors—2d Week.
J. Swindell. J. K. Gholsbn. 1. I.
Thomason. G. H. Cook, Clayton Alday.
J R. Murkison, J. D. Johnson. J. P.
Brown. Paul E.-Tinley, A. J. Callahar,
S. M. Lang. A. E. Dubose. U. E. L. D.vsii-
er. G. P. Wood, J. J. Perritt. Q A. Phil-
i the city must he immedi- lips, H. C. Bean. B K. Gihs/ni, J F. J o-
tont-.nued. Ordinances impiose a! lar. A. C. Broum, ^ - b- Hornsby, B.
or violations and the marshal • H Gibson. Joseph Johnson. G. H. Wi,-
tnstructed to'make a case a-1 iiains, Cuy Harrell. T. W. Dollar. Elias
Harrell Jr,. J, S. Orverstreet. Joseph
Plte courts should lose
‘sing on the question so
ivernor may
borrow the
■tue of dumping trash, tin
► p iron, glass bottles etc. iuto
Pearce. Wednesday, April 10th.
•Spring Hill, Thursday, “
Climax. Friday, “
Pine Hill, Saturday “
Kendricks,-Monday, “
Spring Greek. Tuesday, “
Steam Mill, Wednesday ‘
DonaUonyille. Thursday -
Iron City, Friday “
Rock Pond. Saturday “
Hecoveiy, Mon. 11
Faceville, Tues. “
Attapnlgus. Wed. “
Higdon, Thors. “
Ragan, Friday. “
hells Sat. ' “
Gliinnx. Monday “
21 Ai.
Whigham. Tues. “
Spring Hill, Wed. May
Pearce, Tliurs. “
Blowing Gave, Fn. ‘
Lime Sink,
Kendricks, Mon.
Spring Greeks, Tues. “
Steam Mill.
Donalsonviile, Thurs. “
Iron City, Fri.
Rock Pond, Sat.
Belchers. Mon.
1 Btji.
Fpwltown. Sat. “
Pine Hill, Sat. “
Will be in Hainhndge two
MRS. /.ll.A li. i.'OiiK »1 VRIUEI).
Mrs Zulu B. Cook, the accomplish
ed! eiJitres- of the Miller County Lib
eral, was ilia r nod at the Baptist,
church in Colquitt last Sunday morn
ing to Mr. Joseph Toole, of that
county. The ceremony was perform
ed by Hon. C. C. Bush, judge of the
county court.
Mrs. Toole will continue at the
head of the o.ditorial department of
'the Liberal and, tinder her new name, ^
will continue to giye Miller county a
good uewspaper.
The Search Light wishes for Mr.
and Mrs. Toole a long life of happi
ness, and for tjie Liberal a continu
ance of its career of usefulness and
Not lost, did you say V .
Oh, no, but gone before,
To wait and to watch
Inside Heaven’s door,
1 loved her long,
And I loved her well,
How much, ah only Go 1
Aud my poor heart can tell.
And now as 1 grieve dear Mai. for thee,
And watch for tlly loved form.
Which I'll never more see, [me
loan hut cry to Heaven, O, save ih«m
You me but lost, from our view,
And resting now iu Heaveu’s own pew,
Where with Jesus %
-You’d call us to.
Yes, dear one your
Night is past.
But ’twere sometime illumined
By brightest paths.
Vet now we kuow l
That in Heaven’s portals, ••
You hear the sweet . trains,
Of redeemed mortals.
And we oup for Christ
To make us yhole
.So that some day.
We too, can enter the fold.
When we little guessed,
Death stole iu
And plucked p uu
From our Lruast,
And silently our tears
Fell at dead of night,
While your dear soul
Was winging its heavttlily flight.
And so "Like a flush of the lightning,
A break of the wave,’,
Dear Jlal, yon were called,
To rest, in the grave."
Best -did I say V
Oil, not for long _ '
F^ir was it not a celebration of
Resurrection morn!
So wounded hearts heml low thy ear,
And kno\v*>ouie day somewhere,
By a clearer tight.
Wo will behold an E utter—bright,
Which will give us hack our Mai,
In robes pure and white;
So with a quiet, steadfast love.
Let us strive to r.nch the city above.
-V. E. K.
Died at bis home near Attapnlgus
on Friday last, Mr. Malcolm Small.
. wood, one of the most substantial
! young men of the county. The re
mains were interred at Altapulgn«
on the following day, ami the rit<>
were attended by a large circle oi
friends and acquaintances.
Deceased was a young man ol
about twenty-iwo summers, and held
the full confidence and esteem of the
community in which lie lived. II.
was sick but a few days aud Ins
death was a great shock to his friends
To the bereaved ones the Search
Light extends its condolences and
1 trusts th it in their hour of grief the
! comforting thought of a day to come
may not lie withdrawn from them.
i I have purchased the machinery
and will be prepared to clean all the
rice that may be brought to Climax
tins s.-asou. N. C. Bell.
3 16 6mo, Climax, Ga.
G II Dillard, Bain bridge, Ga., does
"j,7 . . u Will be m Main nnnge two we ure oi fi, a t-class carpenter work, and for the
' ,er * nnS wh0 ^disregard this no- j HarreU r/ H Hftrr ^ ! court except Saturdays. Books will lowest cash figure. He furnishes es-
G H Galdweli J M Herring. J.R.Dulbu-.Cnas Mobley, close June the tenth. timaUs chocrfnlly and executes h.s
«... h. t.ALDWELD, „ , „ . s i A. P. Long, work neatly. Give him a trial.
Chairman Street Committee. I S. J. Barrtneau, £. M. Bates. l
Travelling men tell us that h’lpn-
bridge is the best town in all this
section, and we reeon it’s bo. Gen
tle reader, Baiiibrldge is eomlng.
' It is important tliat every citizen
of Decatur county take the official
organ of his county. The Search
Light is the exclusive official legal
ulvertising medium ot the county of
Decatur and the oily of Ham bridge.
Tne subscription price is tint one
lollar a year, and now is the time to
The Georgia Pine Special tram
took a large delegation from here to
the Chautauqua at Albany last Wed
nesday, among the number were the
following ladies: Missi?s Sharpe,
Morgan, Gremiuer, Bruton, O’Don-
nel, Davis, Edna Nussbaum, Bruce,
and Harrell. Mesdauies, Moliee,
Westcott, Harrell, Chesiiut, T. S,
Hawes, Terrell, Sims, and Ehrlich,
Messers Wheeler, Sims, Ehrlich Har
rell, Herbert Tonge, Bartow Ehrlich,
Craps, Otis Toole, Dave Cohen, Mc-
Tyer, Henderson, Albert McBride
Jr., Perry, Jule Ehrlich and Melvin,
Nussbaum. Besides these were the
members of the Bainbridge Indepen
dents and the 4th Regimeht Band.
The first train took 160 passengers.
Q iite a number also went on the reg
ular schedule train.
First o'asg Job Work executed at
this office.