Newspaper Page Text
Brinson Briefs.
J. J. Archer of Thomasville was
over last Saturday and Sunday, to
the delight of his many friends here.
Mr. and Mrs, D. K. Talbert are
being delighted with a visa from
Mrs. Talbert’s mother who lives in
Mrs. H. H. Brinson was called
last week to the bedside of her moth
er who was ontioally ill at her borne
at Bluffton.
There was a delightful entertain
ment given Monday night at the
home of Mr. and MrB. J. II. Neel; it
was well attended.
S. J. Warren has begun the erec
tion of another neat residence near
the A. C. L- depot. His now mill is
also progressing rapidly.
S. W. Freeman and Misses, Ona
and Olga Freeman of DonalBonville,
spent Sunday with the family of Mr.
J. II. Brinson of this place.
Miss Mattie Fundoi burk who has
been teaching school near Moliae-
ville, spent Saturday and Sunday
with her parents in this place
Miss Willie McCulley left Mon*
day for Uuthbert where she re-enters
Andrew Female College, at which
institution she made aa enviable re
cord last year.
A. G. Perry is a new addition to
oar business men. He is now run
ning the store recently operated by
W. W. Williams, He and his esti
mable wife are welcomed to Brinson.
Arch is a clever fellow and will
make many friends.
W. W. McCulley of Umatilla Fla.
accompanied by his uharming daugh
ters. Misses Willie and Winifred, ar-
riyed last Saturday and are slopping
in Brinson where Mr. McCulley has
business. He has been in the tur
pentine business in Florida, but re
cently sold out to S. J Warren. Wo
understand that Mr. McCulley may
return to JSrinson to live; whioh will
be glad news to his hundreds of
friends here.
From Climax.
Sheriff Sales.
Georgia—Decatur County:
Will be sold before the court house
door in the citv of Bainbridge, Ga., dur
ing the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, on 1st Tuesday in No
vember next, the following described
property to-wit:
Sixty-two and one-half a ires of land
off of tne south side of lot of land No.
323 in the fifteenth district- Levied
upon ae the property of Frank Close to
satisfy a fifa issued from the September
term 1903 of the city oourtof Bainbridge
in favor of Mrs. K. A. Oliver vs. Frank
Also at the same time and place, one-
half acre of land in the city of Bain
bridge bounded on the west by prop
erty of Ed Oliver, on the east by prop
erty of Laura Grant, on the north by
property of B, B. Bower, trustee, and
on the south by the original south land
line of lot number 280 in the 20th dis
trict The said half acre being thir
ty-five yards wide east and west; and
seventy yards long north and Boutb.
Levied upon as the property of Charles
Wooten to satisfy a justice cowrt fifa in
favor of I. Kwilecki s. Chas. Wooten.
Lew made and leturned to me by H.
B Brockett constable. This Oct. 8 1903.
A W. FOBDHAM, Sheriff.
The Honorable Board of County
Commissioner- of Roads and Revenues
for Decatur County, this day fixed the
county tax rate at live milla for the year
190.1, for the following purposes:
Court house and puolio
building, $1.00 on the 1,000
Bridges an Ferries.
1.60 “
Corn er.
04 “
80 «
60 “
Non resident witnesses.
05 » <•
30 “
General fund,
16 “ "
It. a. Lyti.b, Chairman.
Job H i.ilpin, Clerk.
Notice I
G.otr,i.—Decatur County:
Nniice is hereby given that
sealed bids will be received for the
hire ol the misdemeanor convicts
ot Decatur county for the year
1904, on the first Monday in No
vember 1903 The board reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
J H. Gilpin, R. A. Lytle,
Clerk, Chairman
Milton Guilford is back from At
J. C. McCaskill, was over from
Bainbridge, Monday.
D. L. Curry lias returned from a
pleasant trip to Tallahassee.
Paul Trulock, spent Sunday most
delightfully, in Whigbam.
Walter Calhoun visited his broth
er at Lapine, Ala., the first of the
The friends of Miss Emma Powell
will be grieved to learn of her con
tinued lllnoss.
Will Jeter who has boon desper
ately ill for the past several days is
mueh better at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Parker, who
have been visiting relatives in Whig-
ham, have returned home.
Conductor Jack Terrell, haB charge
of Chattahoochee, division train dur
ing Conductor Looklin’s illness.
Mrs, E. B. Townsend, who has
been spending some time here with
relatives left last Wednesday for
Mrs. S. E. Clinard, of Colquitt, and
Mrs. Hunter of River Junction visit
ed relatives here the latter portion
of last week.
Road Notices.
Oorgta— Decatur County:
C. T. Mims etal having applied lor I
opening and establishing of 11 now put
road, conuminclng m,ar tho main brk
acroas Attapnlgns crook noar Harrell's n
In tho Climax district, ami on lot of la
number IM In tho 19th land district, s
running thonco inn southwesterly dlroctl
until It Intersects the district line betwt
the nineteenth ami twentieth district, a
thence south along said lino through 1
land of W.W. Harrell, <). \v. Boyce, w
Mims. Mrs. Whltely, C.T. Mluis, O. A. Ui
an and W. T. Nicholson ami terminating
It Intersection with tho Bainbridge and 1
lakassee road, near the residence forme
oecnpled by the family of Mm. Jake Blou
lhe total length of said proposed road
about rout miles and the width ;|0 feet,
ttce is hereby given that said appllcatl
will he finally granted on the tlrst Mom'
In November h«» next, If no aumeiont ca\
'S Shown to the contrary. Witness the h
orahic blard of county commissioners
romls ami rcvonucsof Decatur county,
J. 11. GlLl»»N,0lerl
Cteorgltt— Decatur County:
J. M. Moms ot tvl having apnlletl fov
opening unit establishment ot .1 new pi
roiul uomn.enciutr ut the lluwthorne n
e.uiutv line, there Intersecting with
I lumntsv tile road. -aid road to run a
line through the lands of J. 11. Harr
John tirlner,.1. M. Moss. Kerry Moss
tinner, Jim l'ko-on, Mr-, w j. Taylor,'l
Pinson, Wight Bros.. Ed Malov, Jack
eii-ami tl. V. Elkins, length ol said row
Jug two uml one I.nir miles. Notice Is I
by given Hint said application will he 11
granted on the drst Monday 111 Note-,
i . m- -..Undent cause Is shown t,
eolltlarc■ Witness the honorable hoar
.anility eommtasloiicrs or roads and
lines ot Decatur ecu my,
JOKll.UlLPlS. Ch
STATF. OF G BORGIA—Decatur Countv.
S. M. Godwin ) Libel for Divorce, in
vs > Superior Court of De-
A. J. Godwin. ) catur County. Filed
September 16th, 1903.
The defendant A. J. Godwin, is here
by required, in person or by attorney, to
be and appear at the next Superior
Court to be held in and for said county
of Decatur. State of Georgia, on Tues
day after the first Monday in November
next, then and there to answer the
plaintiff’s libel tor divorce, as in default
of such appearance the Court will pro
ceed according to the statute in such
cases made and provided.
Witness tho Hnnornble W. N. Spence,
Judge of said Court, this 17th day of
September, 1903.
C. \V, Wimberley, Clerk
GEORGIA—Decatur County:
John Murkerson, ) Libel for Divorce,
vs > Decatur Sup. Court.
Lettie Murkers'n ) Filed Sept 12, 1908.
The defendant. Lettie Murkerson, is
hereby required, in person or by attor
ney to be and appear at the next supe
rior court to be held in and for
said couuty of Decatur, on Tuesday af
ter the second Monday in November,
next, then and there to answer the
plaintiff’s libel tor Divorce, as in default
of such appearance the court will pro
ceed aocording to the statute ia such
cases made and provided.
Witness the Honorable VF. N. Spence,
judge of 6aid court, this 18th day of
September 1903.
C. W. Wimberley, Clerk.
Minnie E. Barbree ) Libel for Di
ve. 1 vorce. Decatur
John Tilden Barbree. ) Superior Court,
May Term, 1901.
Verdict for total divorce 12th day of
November, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that on the
31st day of August, 1903. iho under-
sigded filed in the office >he dork of
the Superior Court of Decatur county
an application for removal of the disa
bilities resting upon him under the ver
dict in the above stated case. Said ap
plication will be heard at the term of
said court which convenes on Tuesday
after the second Monday in November,
1902. John Tilden Barbree.
Newly Renovated
Clean Towels •§• Sharp Razors.
Good Service.
l'crmaueutly located over lticka' Drug Store
Special Attention given to diseases
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Tliroat.
I Bainbridge, - - Georgia’
GEORGIA—Decatur County:
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition of H. C. Allen and F. R- Gra
ham, respectfully showeth, that they are
residents of said county, and that they de
sire for themselves, fraccessoiB and assigns,
to be incorporated as a bodv politic ami cor
porate iinocr the name of “THE ALLEN
COMPANY,” and by that name to sue and be
sued, transact all business as hereinafter
prayed, have and use a common seal, make
contracts, borrow money and create suen
evidences of debt as the corporation may
desire, to secure tho same by mortgage,
deed, deed of trust, or other securities upon
its property and franchises or any part
thereof; to buy, lease or rent, own and sell
real estate and personal property of every
description; and to have and exercise all
such other powers as are specified by the
laws ol Georgia, and aa may be necessary to
carry out the purpose of this Incorporation,
Petitioners show that the particular busi
ness to be carried on is to do a general real
estate business, to buy and sell real estate,
either on commission or otherwise, to rent
perty, own abstract books, and to fnrn-
abstracts from same to any property
they may desire, to act a9 agent for any per
son or corporation, to act as attorney in fact
in such instances as they may desire, to own
stock in any company they desire and to
vote same, to buy and sell any kind of prop
erty whether real or personal.
The principal office shall be Bainbridge,
Uoorgir. with the right to establish such
other offices in or out of this state as they
may desire.
The capital stock company is ti»,000,00 all
paid in, tho shaies ol the value of $100.00 of
the nutnbtr of fifty shares.
The period o! incorporation is twenty
j’cars with privilege of renewal provided by
Wherefore, petitioners pray that this po
tion may be filed and recorded as provided
by law, and when tho same has been pub
lished as provided by statute, that an order
ir be passed incorporating petitioners
cr the name and style, and for the pur
poses and with the powers herein set out,
This Sept. 14th, 1903,
F. U. Graham,
Attorney for Petitioners.
Filed in office Sept. i4th, 1908.
The most up-to-date plaoe in tbe^ity.
ft The only place where you can get a mixed drink „■ u
Meals at all hours. OYSTERS^]
I Private Dining Rooms. Come and make this
The Best Whiskey on Earth.
wE. Blumenstein, proprietor.
GEORGIA—Decatur Couuty:
1 hereoy certify that tte above la a true
and correct copy «f the original petition for
ohurler of the “The Allen Company,” now
on tllo In my office. This 8ept. I4th, 1906.
Clerk Superior Court,
State of Georsia—Decatur County:
Mrs. Jennie Knight >
ys. n Libel for Divorce.
Henry B, Knight. >
The defendant, Henry B. Knight, is
hereby required, in person or by attor
ney, to be and appear Rt the Superior
Court to be held in and for the County
of Decatur on Tuesday after the second
Monday in November, next, then and
there to answer the Plaintiff’s com
plaint, as in default thereof, the Court
will proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable W. N. dpence,
Judge of said Court, this 12th day of
August, 1903,
C. W. Wimberley, Clerk.
STATE OF Georgia—Decatur County:
Mrs. John Harper 1
vs. > Complaint.
Sam B. Harper. )
The defendant, Sam B. Harper, is
hereby required, in person or by attor
ney. to be and „;>pear at the Superior
Court to he held in and for County of
Decatur on Tuesday after the second
Monday in November, next, then and
there to answer the Plaintiff’s complaint,
as in default thereof, the Court will pro
ceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence
Judge of said Court, this ’.2th day of
AuguBt, 1903.
C. W. Wimberley. Clerk.
State of Georgia—Decatur County:
Mrs. K>M, Nicholson 1 In the Superior
ys. > Court, May
E. A. Stewart. ) Term 1903.
It being represented to the Court by
the petition of Mrs. K. M. Nicholson
that by deed of mortgage dated the 18th
day of December 1901 E, A. Stewart
conveyed to the said K. M. Nicholson
the west half of lot t*f land number two
hundred and fifty-nine in the Nineteenth
District of Decatnr County, Geoigia,
containing one hundred and twenty-five
acres, more or less, for the purpose of
securing the payment ot the promisory
note made by the said E. A. Stewart to
the said K. M, Nicholson due on the 18th
day of December 1902 for the sum of
oue hundred dollars, which amount be
sides interest is now due and unpaid. It
is ordered that the said E. A. Stewart
do pay into this Court by the first day of
the next term the principal, interest and
costs due on said mortgage or show cause
if any he has to the contrary, or that in
default thereof foreclosure be granted
to the said K. M, Nicholson of said
mortgage and the equity of redemption
of the said E. A. Stewart therein be for
ever barred, and that service of this rule
be perfected on the said E. A, Stewart
according to law.
W. N. Spence,
Judge S. C. A. C.
A true copy from the minutes cf this
C. W. Wimberley. Clerk.
Georgia—Decatur County:
By virtue of au order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in No
vember 1903, before the court house door
in SAid county between the legal hours
of sale the following real estate situated
in Decatur oounty towit:
Oue hundred and twenty-five acres of
land off of the south half of lot No. 989:
all of lot No. 288 except 15 acres in the
northeast corner of said lot. One hun
dred and fifty acres on the west side of
lot No. 287, east one half of lot Jfo. 317,
Two hundred and fifty acres more or
less, beiug all of lot No. 312; all situated
iu the 01st district of said county, con
taining altogether eight hundred and
eighty five acres mure or less.
The above lands are well situated and
adopted to cultivation of tobacco and
located in and around the tobacco sec
tion of Decatur county. About one
hundred acres of line hammock land
that has never been cleared, and about
three hundred acres of well improved
land with dwelling houses and cut houses
in a good settlement. Terms, cash.
J. H. Emanuel.,
Administrator of Estate of D. A.
Campbell, Deceased.
Motel TUHammai
J. S. McREE, THOS. 0’E
Roofing'a specialty.
All calls given prompt attention.
F. A. Preston,
Tinning, Plumbing and Gas I
SSc Qunsmithing and Sheet Meta]
of ail kinds.
Old roofs repaired and*repainted.
Orders solicited.
F. A. Preston,
Troupe Street.
: !
Harness, Collars, Bridles,
and anything in the Harness Line
can be found at
On North*Broad Street,
Also carry Harness Oil, Soap
and Axel Oil, Heavy Team Collars.
Repairing Done Neat and Prompt at
Reasonable Prices.
Repaired as good as new; we do the word.
IF NOT, we will make it do so. 200®
Blank Keys just received—all sizes '
Bring us your Bicycles for repair 5.
Phone 181. STANSEL BROS- "
Bainbridge ; : : Georgia.