Newspaper Page Text
The State Press
E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND.
Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Dol
ars at the end of the year.
One Dollar per Square for the first insertion, and
Fifty cents for each subsequent insertion. Liberal
irrangements will be made with those who advertise
by the rear. JOI J WORK.
Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and
one of Gordon’s celebrated Power Presses, we are
prepared to do any kind of work in this line with
neatness, accuracy and dispatch, at moderate prices.
[Frum the Parii Noos.]
Grat whoop skurt,
Yu arc a projeck I’v long trid tu sec,
So 1 kood tel what yur mad uv ;
I’v otin seue the mity swel yuv mad
In the etretes, an’ hav evin obzervid how yu
M»»d slim gals plump But nevir betuor,
Not in mi iif, had setch apreshios lookc
At you without the jillin..
Glorious fixin!
Whatplezurs yu must fele, and,
O, kruky! what glories behold.
As yu dangil roun the waste uv
Sum fur made and keep her koole.
Preshus site'.
I fele good allovir, so I duz
A* 1 think and reiieck on yur nis possishon.
Oh, that I was a wbal or mown tin of stele,
Or bias, so tba kood make me intu whoops
To go roun fa; e wonin's fui m ;
So 1 kood sale frum stop tu stor,
Hand henjoy bevm bon berth;
So I tmte proteck pore delikat omans
From the ravajisot snaix and insex,
An kepe rude men from goin
Whar tha got uo biznis.
Woodn’t that be fine?
The thot o’ setch a splendid siterashon
Maks me pheel all ovir in big spots.
An’ makes mi burnin hart
Trob with cuuwulsuns.
Oh, molasis and winegar!
J no no siterashon I’d rathir hav—
Itud bebeturnor goin to a sho.
Fur won wood fele godcali the tim.
An' uot pa a du in cd sent nuther.
Oh glorious predikament!
I blev I’ go an do like that teller
What we rede about in the Bibil,
And get into Jana's bellie and
Swaller a wbal, and bekutn his bon
()v mi bon, an mi bon uv his bon,
So tha can nianerfacter me into whoops ;
Yes, that’s the ven thing
I’ll do it shore ! gode-bi I’m gon.
lIOSE W<m|i, Solid Mahuganv, Veh : .
1 Cheap Veneered Mahogany (* »!fins. Al a
k- Metulic Cases, superior to the old styles.
Old Pattern Metulic Cases at lower prices.
jtllM l. -ts T. G. WOOD.
Chalybeate Springs,
rpHLS Establishment ix now in perfect order for
1 the reoeption ol Visitors Siiw • »n 1
have radically changed the appearance ol i.iy place.
In effecting this, I haveetidea.orcd to re aniny u.v
Building in such a manner as will comiuoe m -t to
tiie cumeuiencu and comfort of my guots.
are in Good Repair, and an ample supply <>t pi:--- a u
ter in readiness. The entire campus is >ittiuiud <>u
the North, and between two prominent mountain',
from whose granite tops pleasant breezes conhnualh
blow. The place being thus situated, is rarely \ isit
ed by a temperature too torrid to be pleasant.
Preparations have been made fur a generous pat
ronage. My Hotel is in gnod repair, ami I shall spare
neither means nor labor to furnish un table with the
very best the country affords. Immediately on tie-
Campus we have Four Springs —Chahbeate, Sul
phur and Freestone. From Chemical analysis, the
Chalybeate Spring contains Nitrate Putash, Sulphate
Iron and Sulphate Alum; hence it has become not
ed as a remedial agent of great value tu nil th<-e la
boring under the following maladies: Chronic Di- (
arrheea. Dyspepsia, Kidney and Eruptive Diseases of
every character.
To all those who are generally debilitated, it is (
earnestly recommended, from whatever cause the
debility may have originated. It is an invaluable
remedy for a great many of the diseases to which
the female constitution is subject. To those who
have not, and wish an appetite. I say
Come and Drink at this Fount of Nature*
To all those who are seeking pleasure, pleasant
temperature and pure air. we emphatically say “here
is the place.” We have had visitors who have been
to the various Watering Places at the North in quest '
of health, who found no relief until they came to these ;
Tub Chaltbkxte Sphixuh arc situated in Morri
wether county, 20 miles from Geneva (on the Mus
eogee Railroad, i also the same distance from Th-mas- ■
ton, (the terminus of the Barnesville A Thomaston
Railroad.) There will he a Daily Line of Coaches, tn
and from Thomaston, on the arrival and departure of
the cars. Stages leaving Thomaston at l . past 4
o'clock, I*. M.. and arrive at the Springs at \ past S
Aiwo a daily line of Stages from Geneva.
I also take the liberty hero to state that the
WARM SPRINGS are in readiness for the accom
modation of visitors. They are only 7 miles from
the Chalybeate, to and from which there will be dai
ly coaches.
Permit me to return grateful thanks for the past
patronage, and extend a cordial invitation for the en
suing season. ISAAC CHENEY,
june 3-ts.
NOW is the time for those who intend visiting the
Watering Places and attending the various .
Commencements to buy Drkss Goods, cheaper than
they ever saw them. W. W. Parker 4 Co. will sell
at COST their entire stock of Si mmer Dr ss Goods.
which contains every variety of the most bu»hi<>na
ble Styles, and said to be, by tar, the Handsomest
Stock in Macon. Our facilities enable us to buy as
low any othei House in the trade, and the present
Stock having been purchased at exceedingly low
rates, the public may relv on getting bargains.
We are not in the habit of constantly advertising i
Goods at Cost, and as we intend what we say we feci
xswured that su'h an opportunity is now presented,
as may not occur again.
june xviii W. W. PARKER 4 CO.
For Hire.
AFIRST-Ratc Seamstress and House Servant.
Apply to Messrs. C. Campbell A Son or
july xv THOS. IL KING.
Late with M. I). Barnes, | Late with Dav A Mansenet
Watch Makers and Jewellers,
WILL open at their New Store, Ralston’s —»
Range, corner of Cotton Avenue and
Cherry Street, about the lat of October,
beautifal and well selected assortment of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Mu
sical Instruments, Fancy Goods,&c., A c.
An examination of which they would most respect
fully solicit, feeling confident that they will be able
to offer everything in their line calculated to please
the taste of even the most fastidious.
Repairing of every description executed in a man
ner that will guarantee satisfaction, by the best work
men in the South.
They hope, by offering choice and elegant Goods,
<nd by strict attention to basinets, to went a liberal
of public patronage
Jtwte WeiS
Grain Cradles.
RANTS wire braced Grain Cradles, 5 and 6 fin-
T gers, warranted blades for sale by
BEST Silver Steel Scythes, S y the Sheaths, Scythe
Sharpeners, Grass Hooks, Sickles for side In
MERY’S Celebrated Overshot Wheat Threshers,
j Brown's Virginia Threshers wiihStraw Scpara
ratora for -.dnby NATHAN WEED,
may 20
Horse Powers.
SINCLAIR’S Seven Horse Powers, Whitman’s
Virginia Lever Powers, Emery’s Rail Road Horse
Powers, in Store and for sale at manufacturer's
prices by NATHAN WEED,
may 2
Wheat Fans.
RANT'S Celebrated Fan Mills, Clinton & Son’s
\ I Fans, all sizes, from 20 to » dollars, for sale by
. jo N \ TII \N WI ED.
Oat Cutters.
SELF-SII ARPENIN Straw and Shuck Cutters, Sin
clair’s Patent, Georgia Cutting Boxes, for sale bv
may 20 NATHAN WEED. ‘
Grain Sieves.
\A7 Cloth, Rakes, Leather and Rubber Bands,
y V Corn .Mills, Corn Shelters, for sale bv
joav N \TH AN WEED.
> Halting Cloths.
I JOLTING CLOTIISof all numbers and of the best
> anchor brand, for sale bv
Cotton Avenue, Macou 9 Ga.
Jii IF.
■= *
— 1; 1
Sus;ar Mills, froi* l 330 to $l5O.
I 'HOM \ '.r un.l iq. -.- ! l-atter, i.r. l Caslii
I ainl Mn iiiiierriu general june vvii-tl
"W 0030 ’ S 3
IS a place of great attraction t«» all h-versos the
Beautiful. “Am here reigns supreme,’’ and the
liuudrc is ul handsome and lovely f.iceson e.\h;!iition
show not only the skill of th • \vtists. but makes it
on-- of the must pleasant re.-m ts in Macon. None
should i.dl to pav a vi-it to this wel; known cele
’ bta‘-d PALACE OF ART. ast imshing low price- at .. iiicli Portraits are
taken at this Gallcrv, and tin* be.tutv tiiev po-sess
: is v. underfill.
rtIOTOGR n ils
; I' Daguerreotypes of deceased persons taken as
u ell as from life.
As low as at any other Gallery and of superior quaL
if Gall ,i. i see. June ■
Bargain! Bargain!!
r j’’HE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation, Saw,
1 Grist, Flouring Mill and Wool Carding Ma
' chine, situated five miles south of Knoxville, Craw
-1 ford conntv. ami eight miles north of the South
Western Rail Road. The plantation contains seven
hundred acres of land, well watered and well tim- '
' bcred, located in one of the healthiest portions of
(’rawford co., surrounded by excellent society, with
' the facilities of a church am! school within one mile.
The Mills - Saw, Grist, Flouring and Wool Carding
: Machine, have been recently re-built, ard are in ex
-1 cellent condition, situated on a never-failing stream. <
On the plantation there i< one hundred ami fifty acres
| of cleared land in a high smte of cultivation, with a
comfortable framed dwelling, and other necessary out
buildings. Attached to the premises is the privilege
! of saw Timber on «•><> acres ot land, for the use of the
i Saw Mills, Any person wishing to make a protita
; ble investment would do well to cull on the subscri
her on the promises. JAMES E BRI CE.
apr 2‘»-tf Crawford co., Ga.
On and tutor July 15th.
I’ EAVE Macon p. m., and 9.45, a. m.; ar- '
j rive in Columbus a. m., and p. m.;
Leave Columbus 4a. m. anil 3.45 p. m. Arrive in
Macon 9.50 a. m. ami 9.1 s p. m.
I.eave Macon 9.45, a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.0 Sp.
m. Dawson 5.2" p. m.
Leave Albany p. m.» Dawson 1.40 p. m.— .
Arrive in Macon p. m.
Tri-weekly Accommodation Down, Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday. Up —Tuesday, Thursday and (
Loaves Macon 7.12, a. m. Arrive at Dawson 5.20 ’
p. m., Albany 4.51, p. m.
Leave Albany 6.20, a. in., Dawson— Arrive at
Macon 3.13, p. in.
Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomasville
and Bainbridge, Ac., connect with regular trains ,
at Albany. Also from Dawsun tri weekly to Cuth- .
bert. Fort Games, Ac.
At Macon connects with Trains on Central and Ma- ,
con A Western Rail Road.
Passengers from Columlnis and the West for i
South Western Georgia or Florida should take the
1 4., a. m. train, at Columbus. Both trains run on
I Sundavs.
FARE from Albany via Savannah to New York by
1 Steamships in Cabin, 1F24 25. Tickets can be procur
ed from Kail Road Agent, Albanv.
[ julv xv Superintendent.
Notice to Shippers.
Softr-Western R. R. 1
Macon, July 12, lssß. I
SOUTH WESTERN Rail Road in now completed
and in operation to Brown’s Station and Daw
son. Passenger Trains passing over it in connection
I with Albany Train daily. Freight Train, at nresent. '
i between Macon ami Dawson, tri weekly. Kate of 1
i Freight between Savannah. Augusta. Macon and oth-
I er points, and Brown's and Dawson's, will be the .
j same as between those places and Albany.
All Goods for Cuthbert and places West of Dawson.
' should be shipped to Dawson.
j lllvxv GEO. W. ADAMS. Supt.
■' ' Citv papers c..pj ,
IT AVE removed to their new Store in Waahing-
1 ton Block. Mulberry St ret*, where they arc
now prepared to exhibit their Fa and inter stock
of Clothing and Furnishing goods.
Their stock comprise every article necessary to a
gentleman’s Wardrobe of the latest styles and best
manufacture, and by weekly importations from New
York will be kept constantly complete during the
j season.
Also, Youth’s and Boy’s Clothing, Trunks. Va
lises. Carpet Bug*. Umbrellas, Ac. Their facilities
i are such as to enable them to have special orders for
I garments filled within a space of IV to 14 days, with ;
fit guaranteed and stvle unsurpassed by anv house.
<MI 20
Crockery, China,
I WOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of '
. Macon and surrounding country that I have a
food stock of China Dinner and Tea setts and Granite i I
tinner and Tea setts.
English China Tea setts from $3 5" to "0 per «
. sett. A large lot plated Castors, ranging from $4 W j
each to S3.VO. Tea setts from ?•;’> u" to 00. | 1
I Ice Pitchers. Ac., Ac. A fine lot China Vases. Sev
j eral setts tine French Glass. Bureau setts for tables. 1
Fine Bohemian Cologm s. Plated Butter ami Sugar ■
Dishes, Cigar Stands, Fluid Gas Lamps for standing, ’
suspending; side ami Billiard Lamps, Camphene
Lamps, side and suspending, a common and tine ar- ,
tide. Kerosene Lamps, cominou Lard Lamps, Brass (
Girandoles, Plated Knives and F<» ks, Tea ami Ta- i
hie Spoons, common Black Tea Pots. Brown Stone
Tea rots. Brown Spittoons, China Spittons. Chinn
Toilet setts, common Toilet setts, a large and well as
sorted stock of Glassware. I have about kim,» dozen
common Tumblers for Merchantsand 3<»<>dozen Gob
lets for Merchants, also a large stock of Granite and
common Earthen ware. As 1 import my stock of
Ware and buy my Glass principally for cash at Auc
tions in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ac., I think
I can sell here at New York pricesand give my cus
tomers satisfaction.
Thankful for past patronage, I now presume to so
licit the same in future. R. P. McEVOY.
As I have a great many calls for Chandeliers fur (
Churches, it is probably b< st to let the world know
that I have never made any profit out of anything for
a Church, hence all orders tor Lamps for Churches ;
should be sent at least 5 or 6 weeks before they nee<l '
them, so as to enable me to get them from the Facto
ry. Ido not intend keeping stock on hand for that
trade, but will as heretofore get them out at Factory
prices for Churches. R. P. McE.
?!”• 29 | ,
\ \7"E arc offering and intend to offer for a season, 1
A ▼ the most extraordinary inducements to those
desiring to purchase
for the Cash. Our stock is large, and selected with
the greatest care, and tu cash hovers we would say, ,
give us a call as we intend to make it to your inter
est. The low figures at which we have bought eur
second Spring Stock, enable us to promise this with
perfect confidence.
may G-ts W. W. PARKER A CO. '
Matting! Matting!!
I r r A O those who find their carpets rather warm for
1 the season, we would say, call at Parker’s and
j you will find a most desirable article of Matting, all
i widths and at very low prices.
■ if W. W. PARKER A CO.
Land and Negroes for Sale.
(\NE Plantation in Worthcountv, lying on "Jones’
. / Creek t about 16 miles from Albanv, and 12 from
Wooten’s Station S. W. R. R.. • containing acres,
about 3o<> cleared and in a fine state of cultivation. |
Also, the following some of which
join the above, Nos. 134, 155,15»’», 119, 150. 1'.'],194 and
l'.»G, all m the 15th Dist., and lot 275 in the 7th Di»t.
Worth tcounty. Also, 173 in Ist and 2"< in the 14th ,
Dist. Lee; also, 47. $2 and 3<» in the 12th Dist. Early |
j county ; also lot 290 in 3d Dist. and 4fh section Cher- <
• okee ; also, lots 3 and 4 in Block H city us Albany; ;
j also half acre lots No. 3 and »• in 5 acre range city of
' Brunswick, (known as Ac.i lomy Jots.) Also, several *
families of verv likeiv voting negroes. Terms accom -
‘ inodr.fing. Apph to * A. J. MACARTHY.
may > ' • ■. < .a.
Will be taken fcr a short thnr
N3H 8 F!N£ ACT GALLiftY.
I’wanted by the Dozen,
Superior Photographs
V Large business with small profits is what vr*
wisli; we do not expect to get uch in one year,
! or three years, but are content to work and wait, and
I by still taking be; ter, cheaper, and mere pictures than
anv one else we hope finally to succeed.
(’ail at the old stand, Trianguhir Block. Our rooms
• are newly furnished, and are cool and pleasant and you I
j can while awav an hour in examining our numerous
' specimens of tine and beautiful Pictl’hes.
’ june x-ts
Kennedy's Family and
/ \NE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Sacks Kennedy's
A I Family ami Excelsior Floor. 3<"' sacks othei
brands Superfine and Ex’.ri Flour. Just received
and for sale by McCALLIE A JONES,
mar 2 : i
Author's Cans and Jars.
IUST re c e i ve d a
large lot of Ar - •! •"■ ’mU
. thor’s Tin, Earthen and JJ. ’
Glass Jars, for preserv- - ’
' ing fresh fruits, \ ege-
tables, tomatoes Ac., at
House Furnishing j MlJy
Store, Cherry Street, .j^ 1 , a ’• j
Macon, Ga.
Just Received.
SILVER Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Berry
Scoops. Soup Ladles, Ac., Ac. Ivory Handle
Plated on Steel, Table Cutlery, 11. ('. Silver Lever
Watches, Mathematical Instruments, Land Chains,
Ac., Ac. E. J. JOHNSTON A < O.
June 3-ts
IT'ANS of Linen Ac., wholesale and retail; a large
lot. Travelling Satchells, Basket- Ac. For sale
!by june 3-ts E. J. JOHNSTON A CO.
t City papers copy.
(\NE Solid Silver Tea Service of Elegant
" Design and Finish, Silver water Dippers, Ac.—
Just received by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO.
I june xvu
Just Received.
■W- J. TvT’ELT : IO~2'’S
I JEERIGEH ATORS of all kinds.
I k Ice Pitchers Bratnnia and Plated,
Massor’s Ice Cream Freezer,
Austia'a *’ “
Water Coolers, also. Ice Picks,
Plated Castors, Spoons ami Forks.
Anther's Self Sealing Cans, Glass, Earthen and Tin,
of all sizes,
Upright, Plunge. Shower and other batbiug appa
ratus, on hand and ready for use.
Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Trays, ’
ami innumerable variety of fancy and useful articles,
cheap for cash. may xix-3m
Sugar Cured Hams.
CASKS Chandler A Co.'s celebrated Sugar Cur-
• ) td Canvassed Hams,
' ;50 do choice Tenn, clear Sides. Just received bv
. julv OU- McC\ A
Tennessee Hay.
r r'HIRTY Bales Prime Tennesse Hav, just rec-n ed
1 and for sale by McCALL)E A JONES.
mar 25-ts.
m:\KY lo.WK,'
195 Broadway. N. Y
I> \RTICCLAR attention given to the execution of
orders for Rail Road supplies and eouipinents.
Being agent for the Manufacturers of nil the leading
articles, he can furnish them al the Factory prices
free of commission. References.
New York—E. Whitehouse, Esq., Banker ; Messrs.
Henry Colt A Son ; Chas Day, Esq.
Macon —T. R. Bloom, Esq.; Dr. Robert Collins.
Savannah -Wm. Duncan, Esq.
june 3-ts
days after date application will be made to |
O the Hon. the Ordinary of Crawford county for
leave to sell the real estate of James Avara, deceased. .
, late of said countv, ; th® widow’s dower excepted. ’
l This July 6th, 1859. ELIAS D. DOSSEY.
I july xv Administrator.
WHERE a second installment of Elegant Gems in
all kinds of Goods are being opened at such 1
Smash down Panic Prices
as to create such an infiu.x of trade us heretofore un- <
paralleled in Macon. If Novelty ot design, Ele- <
gance of style, Durability us Fabric Unparalleled i
and Cheapness, constitute* an inducement for trade 1
and patronage then their reputation is established I
upon a firm and substantia! basis.
To enumerate what they have would be an endless 1
task, therefore, come, see and examine for yourselves.
Remember their store on Cotton Avenue, Macon, ’
Geo. apr • <
I " H ' V sign, comprising every Shade and col-
or, can be fowttd 11 '
apr •?.' ROSS. (‘(»LMAN A
Mantillas, Mantillas!
VERY Style of the above article, at prices to suit
purchasers, can be obtained at
Marseilles, talm \s \m» < \ps, t< ■. Mioses
a;.r 29
Conferred upon the Ladies by wearing Ross, Cole- :
MAX’ A Ross’ .
With the
1 PATENTED April 14th, 1 and first grand pre
mium awarded to the Manufacturers, Douglas 4 i
Sherwood, and which has been decided by Medical
men the most beneficial garments fur ;
ladies’ use, the weight being onb/ 12 ounft* Call and
see them at ROSS, COLEMAN 4 ROSS.
apr 29
Dry Goods
I A DIES and Gentleman of Macon and the sur- •
j rounding country, were you aware that we have
just returned from New York with the second »tock of
At a thirty per on all kinds of Goods. <
from prices twenty days back? If not call, see and i
examine; for instance we wish to show you our Ele- j l
gant fast colure 1 Jaconet Muslins, at from 1" to 12 i <
cents, English Prints 9to loetp., Gents’ Linen Hand- ]
kerchiefs. Is to 2" cts.. Rich Silk Drosses, now styles i
at a pattern, Handsome side Striped Dreases, ■
12 yards patterns, and fast colors at $1,25; Beautiful I
Mourning Muslins at from 10 to 12 l ._, cents, and in fact j
every thing bought from Boston met chants and as- ,
signees sale so cheap us to astound even the jobbers \
of New York thremsulves. These facts can be sub- ’
stantiated bv calling at
ROSS, COLEM AN 4 ROSS' Bazaar nf
Fashion, Cotton Avenue, Mac. G 1
HAVING spent a portion of three successive years I
in this city, during which time he has limited !
his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re-i
spectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon
and the surrounding country, in ail the branchesof
his profession. Ofhce on the South-onst coiner of rd I
and Cherry streets, over Asher Ayres' new Grocery I
Store. dec 31 ’ |
Bacon and Lard.
!?■' ' ■ I’. ■ ■ C! Ifan >. Si lei
U .J Sho'.ihVi -, i ■ Wire-. No. 1 Leaf Lard, in
More end to arrive, f reek-’-. n-ts McCAT.I.TF A JONE'S. I
Ga, Planter’s Pure Corn
*) *I 1 ‘ ‘ ; ' V -
Now received di.eet fium tiie ’• * iufacturera and fur
.de low by M. JA LI .1 aJ ON ES. j
t;< iy ; I
Bolting Cloths.
J "US" received tl.e celebrated Dutch anchor Broad, 1
oil nnmbera—at I>w price* br J
nmy « J. B. 4W. A. BOPS. |
si'Rl .G STOCK Ol-
Cnder jßaktoTt'* Xcic Conceit Ilan.
\RE now offering a Splendid Stock of Good.-]’’’®
. in their line, consisting of the following : LJL
Spring Silk Hats. “
Black Cassimere Hats.
“ Pearl " **
Soft Felt ‘‘ "
Men’s Blue, Brown and Black Silk and Velvet Caps.
" Linen and Grass Check Hats.
" Panama i Extra Fine)
" East India t new article) •* j i
“ , Extra Leghorn ami Floridas.
Boys’ Straw Caps, Fancy Leghorns and East India 1
< Fine, i
Youths’ Leghorn, cheap and fine i .
Straw Goods for Children, from 2" cents to i
Men’s and Boys' Palm Leaf Hats, by the dozen.
These Gootk are al! of the latest variety and style, : 1
and will be sold cheap. ’ apr xv •
Fluid Gas Lamps.
{HAVE jn<t received a lot of the above Lamps con- :
sitting of Hand l amps. Suspending Lamps, Par- ' j
lor Lamps, and Billiard Lamps. It is unnecessary 1 ■
. for me to say anything about tins Lamp, as the Press j
of our city has said all that I could say. It is also ’
suitable for running through Houses or Factories, on 1
the same principle as Gas.
tt RP. McEVOY. '
A \ r ILL be paid for tin* apprehension and delivery j
to me. of one AVilson Galloway, who was at
the March term of the Superior Court of Twiggs '
countv, sentenced to five years imprisonment iu the !
>t;Penitentiary, for an assault with intent to mur- I
der Andiew J. Smith, on the seventh day of October i
last, and who made his escape frum the jail of this :
* county on the night of the eleventh inst. Or, I will I
pay fifty dollars fur his apprehension and confine- j
inent so that I can get him. Officers generally are >
requested to keep a diligent look out for the scamp. !
JOHN RAILEY, Dep. Sheriff.
Wilson Galloway is about forty years of age, and i <
. about five feet eight or ten inches high, thick set and i
; square shoulders, weighing about 150 or 6u pounds, ;
i high cheek bunes and grey eyes, of a yellow complex- I
ion. somewhat resembling a Mexican, is a brick ma- ■
! son by trade, ard sometimes works at carpentering
1 lives with a woman that he calls his wife, by the name :
! of Angelina Humphries and has two children.
JOHN R A ILEY, Dep. Sheriff.
• Marion, Twiggs county, Ga., April 12th, 1858-tt
S; \i \ i (OUS wi’ i”. 'h<■ < fS£ Bai >O.
Hams, Side* and Shoulders,
3,(KMi lbs. Jowls. In store and for sale bv
M. < \ 1.1 IE A JOX:rs
Has been »aid of
V NEW and splendid patent Soda Water Appa
ratus. is now in perfect operation at the Drug, j
Chemical snd Perfumery House of George Payne’s,
where the choicest Syrups are used, made with best
fruits, also the justly celebrated "Cream Syrup,” pre- ,
pared every morning with fresh Cream richly and del- (
; icntely flavored.
This apparatus is of the las! and best improvement
! of the ug«‘. it is perfect, and not tn be compared with
the old i-tvle in the preparation of genuine Soda Wa- ,
ter. free from impurities, do lead or enpper pipe used
in this apparatus, and tiwavs cold, ana no finer es
tablishment any where, in this or any other country. .
May 13th, 1858,
I’.iper Doll*! Paper Dolls!
VT BOARDMAN'S "Washington Block Building," i
»large assortment of Paper Dolls.
I nim x: -I M. lit’AIIDMAN-
Ga. Pl’ters' Corn Whiskey.
ONE HUNDRED Barrels Ga. Planters’ White ;
Corn Whiskey.
| 50 barrels Smiths, Oldßor.rbon, Robertson county • <
and other brands whiskcv, tor sale bv
mar 25-ts ’ McCALLIE 4 JONES. 1
Fashionable Hair Dresser,
At the Redding House, Macon, Ga.
fTMIE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens
I of Macon and strangers passing through the
city that his well known establishment is still in op
eration at his old stand, where he is ready to accom
modate his customers with Hair trimming, Shaving,
Shampooing and everything else in his line in the
best style of art. He otters for sale. Good Bay Rum,
Progler’s Hair Invigorator, Knight's celebrated
Hair Restorative, Fine Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Ra
zors, and all similar articles needed fora gentleman’s
toilet. Hot and Cold Baths can be had at the reduc
ed price of 35 cents. Also, wigs and Toupees made
to order on short notice. He solicits a continuance
of the liberal patronage which he has heretofore re
ceived. M. LOH.
july t*-8m
Congress Water, Burning Fluid,
I’atcnt Medicines, Champbeue,
Medicine Chests, Saddle Bugs,
Instruments, Dye Stuffs,
Glass, Paints,
Putty. Hops.
And Medicines of nil kinds for plantation and fam
ily use. Physicians orders will receive careful atten
tion. apr 22
For Rent.
r T , IIE Dwelling Appartments in the State Bank
1 Building, will be rented the next year to a repu
table family.
Also, several Comfortable Dwellings on College
Hill. All in good repair.
Oliice in Washington Block.
Medicine Cases and Books on Domestic Practice
for sale. july S-Mn
1 B ARENTS. Guardians, ami the public generally,
\ isiting the city during commencement, are re
spectfully invited to call at PUGH'S FINE ART
G ALLERY, Tri vxoi lar Block, and examir e his Pic
tures. Those desiring anything in the way of a Por
trait, can be accommodated here with any style they
choose; and every likeness will be warranted to
phase and will be taken cheaper than at any other
gallerv in the citv. None should be without like
nesses of their friends.
Seize the shadow ere the substance fade.
Let nature supply that which nature made;
And if you'd have it done to nature true.
Be sure that vou call on J. A. PUGH.
I july <tf
Is now receiving a large and entirely new stock of
To which he invites the attention of the public.
i xv
Straw Hats at Cost.
will find every quality and style <f r fc'
I biraw Hats for Y- uth and Gent« at LJEL
C. B. STONE'.> Hat Store,
july 8-im Opposite the Lanier House.
Royal Bengal Plaid Hats.
Jl’*T received, something entirely new for("'fi
Gents. Also, Fr.shionalde Black (■':!•-■ inter
and : Ik Hats, to suit the most fastideuus, nt *”
C. B. STONE’S), opposite ;he
july S-im Lanier House.
rnris. d. findi.ay.
*l' r •9oeeet.aotoei.QPj a
• '
npilE Proprietors of this establishment would re-
1 spectfulh call the ait-, utiun of tlr-se contempla
ting the erection of Sttam Alillt), tor Sowing and
Grinding, or for anj' other purpose whatever. The
superiority of the work has oeen, and will be, a suf
ficient guarantee fur an extensive and increasing
patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit ol
Tools, Patterns and Machinery, afford facilities f>r
the expedition of wurk possessed by no other estab
lishment in the State. Our prices and terms will
compare favorably with that of any first olavs North
ern establishment. The following comprises a list ot
Machinery, Ac., for tiny portion of which we will be
pleased to receive orders, viz :
Steam Engines. Boilers, Snw Mill Machinery, Circu
lar Saws, Mill Gearing. .Mill Stones, of best qual
ity tor Corn and Wheat, Water Wheels, a
great variety, Gin Gear, all sizes,
Iron Railinga, for Cemeteries,
public and private Build
ings, 4c., of W ronght
and Cast Iron em
Strength with Beauty (if
Sugar Millsand Syrup Boilers* ail sizes. Columnsfor
Stores, Churches. Ac., Ac., Gold Mining Machine
rv, with Double and Single acting Force
anil Lift Pumps of any required size.
Shafting with Turned Pullies, from
the smallest size to nine feet Di
ameter, Cotton Press Irons,
Cotton Screws, Mill
Screws and
England’s Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, and
other Rai’. Road Castings. All work warranted tube
equal to the best made elsewhere.
oet 17
HAS just opened a full assortment cf most beauti-
. ful and recherche Gr« nadine an«! quaraile Barege
Robes-a-quitle. Black Spanish Mantles, Cloaks and
Mantillas of French Lace, also a choice assortment of
mourning Good*, such ns Dresses, Mantles, Thread
Lace Capes. Crape Collars and Sleeves, Ac., also
travelling Goods together with a full stock of Em
broideries, Ribbons, Dress trimmings, and all other
Goods in her line, and will be happy to see the Ladies
at her store ; Triangular Block, next door to Bostick
A Kein’s Store. mar 25-ts
Corn, Meal, Peas, &c.
IJMVE HUNDRED Bushels Tennessee White Corn
" Cow Peas.
100 " Fre«h Ground Meal.
I'.M) •• Oats, p'or sale hr
mar 25-ls McCALLIE A JONES.
watches; jewelry;
Silver Ware, Fancy Goods,
Piano Fortes, Violins,
ARE offering our entire stock of the above,
> > with an innumerable rarietv of other new and
desirable Goods, of ihe best quality, at lower prices,
for cash, than ever before sold in this market, until
the Ist of March next.
Our stock is very large. ?»nd well selected, and
well worthy the attention of ail those who wish fine
and good Goods at exceedingly low prices.
N. B. All those indebted to us will will more than
ever oblige us bv an earlv settlement.
Macon. Jan. 21, ’sß—tf
(.corgia, TAl i or corm.
Present the Honorable Henry G. Lamar Judge of i
said Court.
Archibald Hobbs, )
vs. > Libel for Divorce, 4c.
Lenora Ann Hubbs. )
I T appearing to the court by the return of the Sher- ;
iff. that the defendant does not reside in this coun-
ty, and it further appearing that she does not reside
in this State, it is on motion, ordered, that said de
defendant appear and Answer at the next term of '
! this court, or that the case be considered in default '
and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and that this or
der be published in some public Gazette in the State
for four months before the next term ot this court. I
JAMES T. MA) Ally for Libellant. |
A true extract from the Minutes of Taylor Supe
rior Com t. Aptil Wrm, ifc 3,
.1 \Mi-S T II \RMG\. ( i’k
( ’ I'Oiit.i A.t mu <<»r.l ( omty.
*1 Wherea*. Chapman, Administrator on
the estate of Samuel Chapman late of said county, :
I deceased, applies to me fur letters dismissory iroin j
his said administration. These are therefore" to cite
and admonish all and singular, the heirs and creditors
of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within
the time prescribed by law, and shc.w cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted.-
Given under mv hand and official signature this 6th
day of April, 1858. JAMES J. RAY,
aprxv-Gm Ordinary.
/ 1 EORGIA Crawford ( oi-ntv.
\ I Whereas. Thomas Stripling, Administrator de I
buni* non with the u ill annexed of Samuel Com
mander, of said county, deceased, applies to me for let
ters of dismission from said administration as afore- ■
said. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and '
singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to
be and appear at my office within the time prescribed t
! by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said
letters Uismissury should not be granted to the said
applicant. Given under mv hand at office this Uth
May 1858. JAMES J RAY,
I may xix Ordinary.
/ i EOR<>! A-Cran ford County.
’ I Whereas, William Luckett and Rebecca Lock
ett. Administrator, and Administratrix on the estate
:of James Lockett deceased, apply to for letters ut j
1 dismission from said estate.
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the heirs and creditors of said estate to be
anti appear at my office with in the time prescribed ,
by law. and show cause if any they have, why said ■
letters dismissory should nut be granted.
Given under my hand at mv office 11 Feb’ry ,
feb xviii’ JAMtS J. KAY, Ordinary.
/ 1 EORGIA Cranford ( <>n >!- .
V I Where is. Mrs. Ki. Dickson, applies to me for
letters of Administraton on the estate of her de
j ceased husband, Joseph N. Dicxson, late of said
j county.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
■ singular the kindred and creditors of said dcc’d to
show cause at niy office within the time prescribed by i
law why said letters should no* Le granted.
Given under mvhnnd and official signature, this
June 30th, IS5’. ’ JAMK.sJ. RAY, •
' july s-ts Ordinary* j
z GEORGIA Crawfbrd
y I Whereas. Henry N. Britt applie- to rae for h
i tors of Administration on tbe estate of Meson Miller,
Into of Raid c<>nntv deceased.
Thene are therefore to cite and admonish all and 1
•ingulai the kindred and creditors of said deceased, j
1 to be and appear at my office within the time pre- I
; scribed by law and show cause (if any they hare) why :
■ said letters should not be granted.
I Given under mv hand ut office, this Vth dnv cf Ju
. Iy. I’3. * JAMES J. RAY.
| julyxv Ordinary. 1
j WILL bo sold on the first Tuesday m August next
before the Court House door, in Hawkinsville Fulas- ’
ki county, within the legal hours of sult r ihe fuilow-
' ing property to-wit :
Lot of Find No."- 1 , in the 4th Ib-t. of Pulaski conn- j
tv ; levied on as the propertv ot Charles Hall to sat- j
■ Bty one li tn from Ri.hmmvl Snpetlor Court, in fa
\o' nt George Hastings A Co., vs. Charles Hail.
I J '.J MILPS BEMBRY. Sfieriff.
FtmxsKrsnsKira sai i. .
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next.
1 before the Court House door in Hawkinsville Pulas
i ki county within the usual hours of sale the follow- 1
. ing property to-wit:
r Two lots of land Nu. thirty-eight, - n S) and one hun
dred and seventy one, <171) ni the fourth district ‘
of originally Dooly now Pulaski county ; levied on 1
as the property of Lemmon Dunn, to satisfy a ti fa i
from Randolph Superior Court m favor of John Stand- '
I ley, vs. Lemmon Dunn. Pointed out by P. F. D.
■ Scarborough and M. Pollock.
Also, at the same time and place one bay horse
Colt; I evied on as the property of William S. Cutts,
' to satisfy u li fa from Dooly Inferior Couit, in favor
‘ of Allen H. Green, vs. William S. Cutts; transferred
by A. H. Green to Allen S. Cutts, and by A. S. Cutts ’
to Harmon Knight. Property pointed out by Har-
1 mon Knight.
Also, at the same time and place, ore House a:.d
Lot the propertv of Theophilus Williams, number |
! not known, but known as the place whereon T. Wil-
I liams now lives, to satisfy four Jnstace Court ii fas I
] one in favor us K S Mauhkn. vs Theophilus Williams '
and Mathais Moor; one in favor of G. B. Bridger, vs. |
Th < Williams; one in favor us Mathias Moor,
i vs. Theophilus Williams; and one in favor of Clarke
4 Phillips, vs. Theophilus Williams. The first, sec
ond, and third pointed out by the Plaintiff's, the
fourth bv Defendant. Levies made and returned to ;
■ me by Tucker Maulden, Constable.
' Also, at the «snme time and place, one House, os
, the property of James Hill, where Hill now Ines; •
I pointed out by Carruthers 4 Bozeman. Levy made '
and returned tome bv Tucker Madden, Constable.
july one E. A. i’OLLOC’K, Dep. Sheriff. I
8188 P(K|T»(i\! D .MORTG kGES kLEN.
\ A ’'ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September
\ > next, before the court house door, in the (. ity of
Macon, that tract or parcel of Land, situate, lying and
being in the City of Macun, county of Bibb. State of ,
Georgia, being according to the plan of said city, a
part of lot number four (4), in square number ser- '
ent -on i 17 ■, and being that portion us said lot inclu
ded within the following bounds. t.»-Wi!: commenc
ing at a point on Fourth Street, thirty-thc feet from
the al.'cv nnd running along said Fourth Street) one J
hundrc-l au<l five fret, thence running in a direct line I
one hundred ami five feet to the rear of said lot, thence
one hundred and five feet along the back of said lot •
towards the alley aforesaid, and thence running in a i
direct line one hundred and five feet to the starting
point on Fourth Street, so as to include the Dwelling
House occupied by Alexander Richards, and the
kitchen.'smuke house and other out-buildings on said i
lot appurtenant tu said dwelling; levied on as the
property of the defendant, Alexander Richards, to
1 satisfy two mortgage fi fas issued from the May term 1
, of Bibb Superior Court, in favor of Wm. S. Willi-
ford. Treasurer, &c.. for the use of the Bibb County, I
i Loan Association vs. Alexander Richards.
' Also, at the same time and place, that portion or
j parcel of land situate, lying ami being in the City of
1 Macon, and county of, and known and distin
guished in the plan of said city as part of lot number
. (4), in square number seventeen (17 >, being that por-
I , tion of said lot contained iu the following described
• bounds, to wit :--commencing ut the mouth of the
alley which divides sai l lot from the Presbyterian
, Church, and running thence thirty-five feet front on
Fourth street, thence one hundred and five feet back
to the rear of said lot. thence thirty-five feet in a di
} rect line to the alley aforesaid, and thence along said
allev, one hundred and tire feet to the starting point. I
I Said propertv levied on us the property ot the detend
ant, Alexander Richards, to satisfy one mortgage fi
fa issued from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of W.
S. Williford, Treasurer 4c.. for the use of Bibb coun
ty Loan Association, vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at the same time and place, that tract or par
cel of land lying, being and situate in the city of Ma
; con, Bibb county, known and distinguished in the
1 plan of said city as lot number three" \8), in square
, seventeen (17), and further known as the Mansion
House lot, containing one-ha’f acre, more or less; I
i levied on as the properev of Alexander Richards to ,
satisfy two mortgage fi his issued from Bibb Superi
or C«mrt in favor of Edward J. Stowe. Treasurer, 4c.,
' vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at the same time and place, that tractor par
cel of land situate, lying ana being in the city of
Macon and county of Bibb, and known and distin
guished in ths plan of said city as lots No. three and
four < 3 and 4 . in square number seventeen (17). with
all the improvements thereon ; levied on as tlieprop
erty of the defendant, Alexander Richards, to satisfy
one mortgage fi fa issued from Bibb Superior Court, 1
in fas or of Wm S. \\ illiford, Tr ■ surer. Ae., vs. Al
j exander Richards. T. W. BRANTLY, Shenff.
: June 3
More Light.
JUST Received, a lot of the best and latent im
provement in FLUID GAS LAMPS, deci l* dly
the best Fghtyet invented. Call and «<»» them, us
, tlicv are only to be seen to beapp c. is u.
june xvii Next to Mrs. Dessau’s.
\GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the
Ordinary of Crawford countv, June Term, JBSB,
will be sold before the Court House door, in the
I’owu us Ktioxviile, on the first Tuesdav in Octo
ber next, the interest of John Cruchfieldf deceased,
in and to a certain house and lot, lately occupied by
Thomas Cruchticld us a Grocery ; the interest of said
deceased being one half of said house and lot. Sold
tor the benclit of the heirs and creditors of said John
Crutchfield deceased. Terms made known on day ut
sale. Julv 22nd, 1858*tf
the Estateof John Crucbiield, deceased.
/ 1 EORGIA-Crawford Comity.
\ I Whereas, Griffin G. Oneal and John W. Atwat*
t-•;•. apply to me for letters of Administration on the
I E tale ut Griffin Oneal la!e of said aounty deceased.
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all andi.
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
iu be and appear at my office within the time pre
' scribed by law, aud *huw cause, if. any they
why s ud letters should not be grafted the said ap
plicants, Griffin G. Oneal and John W. Atwatter.
Given under my Land at office, July 19th, 1858.
july 22 J AMES J. RA Y, Ordinary.
< E.N'i'R IL R \t E ( (H USE
For Sale.
r rMIE Subscriber offers for sale, the Central Rarr
I Course, located two miles and u half from the
City us Macon. It comprises about two hundred
acres of land, is in excellent repair, and is provided
with ail the usual buildings and appurtenances of t>
Course. The location is pleasant and would inak
healthful country residence; though the PropriC
would prefer that it should be sold to some indrvidu. 4
or Compauv m h«» would keep it up as a Race CouMe.
It will be sold on reasonable terms.
H. T VOW E1.1.. Proprietor.
For Sale.
% PLANTATION and tract of Land in Glyna
county, containing about 4,500 acres, situated
at the head < f Turtle Rii er which is navigable to thia
point for vessels of 100 tons. The Plantation is well
settled and consist .- of about 500 acres of cleared ham
mock. ami as much more uncleared. The remainder is
Pine 1 and valuable for timber and wood, convenient
to the river, and not more than 16 miles fiom Bruns
wick. The tract is capable of being advantageously
divi ! d into two »>r <” en three parts, and is intersect
ed by the Brunswick A Florida Rail Road. This land
mav be bought at $3 per acre. Applv to
niay 27 -3m A. M. SPEER.
npRE Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and adjoin-
JL ing counties are respectfully invited to call and
' examine my stock us China, (Ilass and Crockzr.t
Ware, next door to Mrs. Dessau’s on Second Street.
I intend t • keep at all time ß a good stock of Good",
and will sell them as low ns they can be bought any
where in the citv. A liberal share of patronage ia
regretfully solicited. R. R. HUTCHINGS.
City papers copy. may 20-ts
Fewer Numbers than any Lottery in the
Only 15000 Numbers! 1699 Prizes!
Capitals of* 830.000.
53.000 &c.
Smallest Prize Thirty Dollar*!
Tiokcts-W $lO. Shares in
mb ™ iEfflrm
By Authority of the State of Ga.
W. C. DAWSON & CO., Manngen.
Drr wa at Macon, Ga., August 2nd, 1858, in public,
under the sworn superintendence of Comtniuicncr*,
i Jos. Waterman and E. C. Bulklcy, Esqs.
Pxi~e« Payable without Deduction.
1 Priz- ofsßo,ooo
1 “ “ 5.000
1 M “ 34K»0
i 1 “ “ 2.V<X)
5 “ “ S,UOU
5 “ “ ~ 70U 2,500
£'.» “ 20<» 2,000
65 “ 100 6,500
l‘«U “ “.... io S,(KM)
i.’UO “ 8045,000
1 Prizes amounting toIU7,UOO
Whole Tickets 310, Halves $-5 Quarters
We ask particular attention to our schemes drawn
on the Havana Plan only on the Ist and 15th ot every
month and ask >» comparison with any other Lotteiy
,in existence. Ihe plan is so simple that every one
1 eau understand it and it has fewer numbers than any
other Lottery, and therefore, the chances to draw
Prizes arc better. Fcr instance: Ibero is in onr
I a, and all < then on tbs
same plan range from ib/ COto oo,ovo Numbers.—
Those Lotteries on the combination plan never have
less than 75,',>50 Numbers and Prizes are subject to u
deduction of 15 per cent., while iu our Lottery there
; is uo deduction on Prize*.
Plan of the Lottery and manner of Dra tying.
Slips of Paper of exactly the same size and printed
with numbers from 1 to 15,000 which correspond
with those on the Tickets are inserted in Tm Tube*
and deposited in the Number Wheel. Similar slips
on which are printed the amounts of the different
Prize* are also inserted in Tin Tubes and de
posited in the Prize Wheel. When the drawing
take-* place, (which is alwavs in public,) the Num
; her Wheel is revolved and a number drawn from it;
at the Mnne time the J’rize Wheel (containing the
Prizes from > '*• to $ is also revolved and a
Prize drawn from it. The Numbers are recorded
and the Prize drawn with each Number is credited to
that Numlipr This operation is continued until the
Prize* are all drawn out. after which the Numbem
: drawn and the Prizes are called over by theCommi*
sioners, and are certified to by them, and a copy ot
the drawing is sent to pach person holding one or
mere Tickets. The 1500 Piizea of $Su mentioned ip
the Scheme, are determined ty the last figure of the
Number that draws the Capital Prize. For insfan'e
—«ay the t ’apital Prize is drawn to number 865, all
th >?e Whole Tickets ending with sareenfi!led to S3O.
Halves and Quarters in proportion. It will thus be
readily perceived that one Ticket can draw two
Prizes'—say 13,305 draw s s..’(’oo it is also entitled to
<• >. became it er ds with the same number that enda
the Capital Prize. One Ticket in every Ten Whole
Ticket* where the Number* end consecutively with
1. 2. 4. 5. '■«. 7, 8. 0, is obliged todraw s»u beside#
the chance todraw one of the Capitals.
We are thus particular to demonstrate to those
who derire to try their luck, that our Lotteries are
bet’er channels of investment than any other Lottery
and far better than cottun speculation. Purchasers
can have Tickets ending with any Number they may
■•elect. If for ins-once, you select ten whole Tickets
ending with Number 7. you pay |inp for them should
the Capital Prize end with 7. you are entitled to S3OO
' besides the chances of drawing one of the Capitals.
BOGUS LOTTERIES - As there ere many Bogua
Lotteries in existence in the United and as
maftv of our Patrons are unacquainted with ua, we
would respectfully refer them to the following parties
for our re-oectabihtv and rrwpcnsibilitv.
Hon* OVID G. SPARKS. Mayor’of this City.
T. R BLOOM. Conon Factor Macon, Ga
BELL. PRENTISS A CO . Savannah. Ga.
J. S ANDREWS 4 CO , New Orleans, La.
All Prizes of flWOand under paid immediately af
ter the drawing, others at the usual time of 30 da/b.
No Prize less than three times the cost of the Ticket.
Ou the l’t of each month a 81'? scheme with Capitals
of 30.00-> will be drawn, and ou the 15th of each month
« *5 scheme with Capital of 15,000 will be drawa.
Persons sending money by ma ; l need not fear its be
ing lost. Orders punctually attended tz. Commu
nications strictly confidential. Notes cf sound banks
taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers
should older immediately. A-idre*s
W. C. DAtVSON 4 CO.. Managers,
july xv Macon, or Savannah. Ge.
practice in the courts of Appling. Coffee
V > Ware, Clinch, Charlton. Camden, Warne an
Glynn of the Brunswick Circuit, and in the* Courts
of Lowndes and Berrian es the Southern Circuit.—
Particular attention paid to the sale of South Georgia
Reference*—Judge A. E. Cochran. Brunswick, Ga.
Judge Peter E. LoVe, Thomasville. Ga.