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On Easy Terms at
Jackson furniture company. fpjl|l
whlaski County Singing Convention Held
p Great Session at Old Evergreen Baptist
Church Saturday and Sunday,
April 30th and May 1 st.
The follow ing superb singers and
organists united to make the fourth
session of the Pulaski County Sing
ing Convention a great success.
J. F. Fleming, W. H. Jones,
J. D. Fcagin, J. S. Lacey,
hi. W. Cooper, Bartow Barker,
mL W. Smith, C. D. McKinney,
H. B. Lashley,
J.F. Worthington
Mays, Mr. Baitman,
FT,. D. Goodman, J. L. Stephens,
D. C. Joiner, A. H. Jones.
M issPearl V aughn, M iss MarthaLy al s,
H. B. Lashley, J. 11. Mays,
J. D. Feagins.
One of tfie finest gatherings and
most enjoyable occasions ever held
in Pulaski county was the All Day
Singing at Evergreen Baptist church
Saturday and Sunday, May Ist
and 2nd. This old Antebellum Struc
ture erected in 1844 midst one of
the most beautiful oak groves in all
the country was crowded and sur
rounded by twelve or fifteen hund
red people hailing from all parts
of and beyond the county repre
senting the best and staunchest
citizenship of all this country. It
is needless to say that the singing
was especially good participated in
by the various members of the
County Singing Convention and
some who were not members.
These singings are great things to
bring the people together, mingling
friendly and fraternal greetings with
beautiful songs and praises to the
Great Creator. They bring about
a better feeling and a broader chari
ty for our neighbors and make
us better, broader and more useful
men and women.
A most orderly, gentlemenly,
and ladylike crowd was never gath
ered together anywhere, at any time
or at any place. Enthusiasm,
fellowship and good nature seemed
to permeate the entire crowd. The
quiet demeanor and reverential at
titude of this gathering seemed to
indicate that these people had come
together to promote the higher, pur
er and loftier elements of human
nature, and to pay loving tribute to
the Great Creator of all things. It
seemed to lie the idea of some peo
ple that our good and noble breth
eren composing the members of
these Singing Conventions gathered
these big crowds for a Sunday frolic
and picnic, never was there a
baser slander. From Saturday
morning until Monday afternoon
an almost continuous song of
praise seemed to go up from this
old historic church, and nature it
self seemed to lend additional in
spiration with all of its beautiful sur
roundings in that lovely spot where
nestles old Evergreen church, shrin
ed in the tender memories of bygone
days and standing as a silent wit
ness of the faith of a people whose
unsurpassed manhood and glorious
womanhood should ever be an in
spiration to coming generation and
nerve them for deeds befitting the
noble heritage bequeathed to them
by as brave, gallant and chivalrous
men, as noble pure and lovely wo
men, as the sun ever shined upon.
You talk to me of the “Georgia
Cracker” and I will tell you of a
homogeneous people, through whose
veins flows the purest blood of the
caucascian races, uncontaminated by
the putrid strains of the dregs of
Southern Europe and the orient.
You tell me of the piney woods
farmer, if you please, and speak of
him in a contemptuous or slurring
manner, and I will tell you of a peo
ple whose genius has been retarded,
and whose opportunities have been
submerged by a great civil war, but
who have arisen like the phoenix
from the ashes, and are coming with
a leap and a bound, and are making
this beautiful land of ours blos-som
like the rose; and it does not take
the genius of a prophet to lift the
veil of the future, and place before
our admiring gaze the garden spot
of the world; whose resources are
unlimited, whose climate is unex
celled, whose people are incompar
able, and whose future bids fair to
out class any section of this great
Republic in civic, industrial, moral
and intellectual prosperity.
When Rome was at the heighth of
her glory, it was considered great
er to be a Roman than a King. The
great genius of Caesar blazed a path
of glory for his people, unsurpassed
in the history of this world. Hj
was called the “Father of his coun
try” and “imperator” from which
comes the modern title of emperor,
and w r as made dictator for life.
His person was declared sacred and
even divine; his statues were placed
in the temples; his portrait was
struck on coins; and the month
Quintilius was named Julius in his
honor. The inseparable fame of
Rome and Caesar more enduring
than brass or marble, will be en
shrined in the hearts of all who
love the heroic, for generations to
come: but beneath our sunny skies,
and in the new world whose beacon
light of liberty shined forth to ill
umine the path way of civilization,
and lead nations from the darkness of
the middle ages to the glorious light
of individual liberty, there arose a
leader greater than Caesar; our own
Washington, who placed bin time and
fortune at the disposal of his coun
try, and went down to his grave,
the greatest exponent of individual
liberty the world had ever seen:
and later on, when the great con
stitution of these United States was
violated by a usurping majority,
there arouse another greater than
Washington, the immortal Lee, who
placed his all on the altar of duty,
and bequeathed to his countrymen
the noblest name in all the annals
of this world.
Georgia Cracker! It is up to you
to maintain this glorious heritage.
You are the descendants of the Hills,
Stephens, Toombs, Cobbs, Gordon
and a long line of illustrious state
men whose fame will endure, when
the monuments erected to their
memory will have crumbled into
dust. They have told us that to be
a Roman was greater than a King,
but I tell you being a Georgia
Cracker is greater than a Roman,
and upon your broad shoulder rests
the welfare of the empire state of
the sunny south, and from your
quick brain, strong hand and noble
heart will spring an energy that will
place Georgia in the front rank of
all the states of this union.
Organize and maintain greater
and better singing conventions. It
will help you to cultivate brotherly
love, friendship, charity, while you
render praise and homage to the
great god who made us, and as we
gather around the long tables just
groaning with everything good to
eat this great country affords, and
for which Pulaski county is noted, it
will remind us of the universal
prosperity and proverbial hospital
ity of our people, and make us glad
that we can occasionally leave our
homes, commune with natures God,
Council Proceedings.
Mayor and Council convend in
regular meeting and on roll call the
following were present:
Mayor W. M. Wynne, H. F.
Bullard, E. Cook, Sr., T. L. Bailey,
J. A. Fausett and J. C. Urquhart.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Appeal case of F. W. Shelton
charged with disorderly conduct
heard and dismissed.
Motion carried that bond com
missioners appear before next coun
cil to show cause why they haven’t
made report .
The following bills read and order
ed paid.
Freight $ 73
Telephone .. 3 80
Freight 80 63
W. S. Hogg 12 00
T. D. Walker, Jr. 2 00
Pay Roll Light and Water.. 490
W. M. Wynne & Son 5 90
Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co. 325
No further business council ad
J. E. Cook, W. M. Wynne,
Clerk. Mayor.
Shelton to he Tlried Jlgain.
The case of City of Cochran against
F. W. Shelton, which was appealed
to the city council, was tried in
open council Tuesday evening. The
mayors decision 1 icing reversed, the
case of disorderly conduct was dis
missed. Immediately after the trial,
Shelton was re-arrested under differ
ent charges, and upon furnishing
sufficient bond, was released pend
ing hearing in mayor’s court next
Rockalyte Paint is equally adapt
ed on iron and steel bridges, tele
graph poles, piers, ship bottoms,
smoke stacks, stand pipes, iron and
steel girders, gutters and coping,
iron fences, boiler fronts, for water
proofing tunnels, subways and gas
reservoirs, or in fact anything re
quiring an A 1 Paint. For sale by
Cochran Lumber Co.
Foley Kidney pills are antiseptic,
tonic and restorative and a prompt
corrective of all urinary irregular
ities. Refuse substitutes.
Taylor & Kennington.
and drink in the inspiration that
comes from the fresh air, the sunny
skies, the beautiful woods and golden
heart of a people, whose homes are
consecrated to God, ever open to
their friends, and never closed to the
Local Items.
The stockholders of the Cochran
Oil Mill and Ginnery held their an
nual meeting Tuesday. The same
officers were re-elected.
H. M. Wynne left for Brunswick
Tuesday, on his quarterly watch in
spection trip.
Mrs. W. G. Clark has move 1 in
her new residence on Beech street.
Hon. Z. V. Peacock visited
Hawkinsville Tuesday.
Mrs. Dave Harvard and Miss
Gladys Harvard were shopping in
Macon Tuesday.
T. R. Hendricks, of Macon, is in
the city this week.
The merchants and business
houses are closing their doors at 6
o’clock p. m. by mutual agreement.
R. 11. Peacock has purchased an
Oakland 30 horse power roadster.
Don’t fail to see us before you
have any painting done. We carry
a large stock of the best paint on
the market. Cochran Lumber Co. J
Rev. C. M. Dunaway is holding
revival meeting in Eastman.
Dr. L. B. Kennington visited
Macon Sunday.
J. J. Blount left Cochran in auto
mobile for Indian Springs Tuesday.
We have bargains in some beau
tiful glass front doors, both stained
and plain bought before the price
advanced. Cochran Lumber Co.
With the grand opera stars auto
mobile races and flights of aero
planes. Atlanta should lie a very
attractive place this week.
Mrs. Kathryn Ruff has returned
to her home in Atlanta, account
If you want a nice table, mantel
piece, porch swing or mission porch
set. Call on Cochran Lumber Co.,
they manufacture them.
Prof. Leo H. Browning has been
requested to act as judge of liter
ature and declamation and Miss
Annie Wynne as judge of music in
the Eleventh District Convention
J. H. Mullis, Jr., spent Monday
in Macon.
Foley Kidney Pills contain in
concentrated form ingredients of es
tablished therapeutic value for the
relief and cure of all kidney and
bladder ailments.
Taylor & Kennington.
Miss Mary Weems, of Atlanta, is
with Miss Alice Daly as milliner the
balance of season.