Newspaper Page Text
In SXCemory of
j4unt Susan Walker.
As the la*t rays of the sunsets
radiant glow disappeared behind
the western horizon on April 2tth,
the gentle spirit of aunt Susan Wal
ker looked its tether and took its
flight to the great beyond.
fn t!»e <teith of this good old wo
man, the community feels a genu
ine an i sincere Itereavemeiit, for she
was indeed a frien I to every one
and sfH-nt her life in her humble
way relieving the sick and distress
ed an d smoothing the paths of those
in trouble.
VVe can contemplate her life with
pleasure and profit. Her simple
child-like faith, molest, unpreten
tious life and unselfish devotion to
humanity, won for her a place in
the hearts of those of her generation
and an entrance into eternal rest
aid peace. She represented the
finest type of the simple hearted,
true and faithful ante helium mam
mies, who are too rapidly passing
into history a d will soon only l>e
known in tradition and song. Only
the real Southern man “to the
manor born” can appreciate the
patience, gentleness and loyalty of
those good old mammies who were
never known to betray their trusts.
I am assured, l but express the
sentiment of every one in our com
munity, when I extend to the hus
band, Old Man Joe Walker, our
tendcrest sympathies. He has passed
the 7 tth, mile post and his face, too,
is turned to the setting sum, hut we
wish for his continuance with us
many days.
Hi> life and example, like his
good wife’s has been worth much to
his race.
During the troublesome times, im
mediately after the war, he publicly
announ-ed (when importuned by
some of his race to run for the legis
lature) “1 do not know anything
about government affairs The white
people of this country have always
been kind and good to me. 1 will
vote as they vote, and trust them
until I die.” He lias never voted
anything but a democratic and pro
hibition ticket.
With the exception of'one or two
years after the negroes were enfran
chised they have taken very little
interest in politics in Walker’s dis
trict and then they invariably voted
with the white people.
1 cannot recall a -murder trial
from this district in forty years nor
a dozen felony eases in this time.
There has never been the slightest
race trouble, though it is one of the
most populous negro districts in the
country. lam sure their financial
condition equals any section of the
county or perhaps the state.
We believe this very satisfactory
race condition has been due largely
to this old man and several good
colored men in the district. We
have penned the above linesas a just
tribute to two old colored people.
One has passed over the river and
the other lingers hard by. It is our
earnest desire to let the old man
know that his life, on right lines,
has been appreciated by his people,
which will give him comfort in his
lonliness and nerve him to continue
his work until lie too, will he claim
ed by the reaper. T. D. Walker.
The High Cost of Living.
Increases the price of many ne
cessities without improving the
quality. Foley’s Honey and Tar
maintains its high standard of ex
cellence and its great curative quali
ties without any increase in cost.
It is the best remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough and
all ailments of the throat, chest
and lungs. The genuine is in a yel
low package. Refuse substitutes.
Taylor & Kennington.
A nnouncements.
For Representative.
I ask this nomination at regular
democratic primary, trusting that
each man will vote for the candida(£
l*‘~t qualified to represent the public
interest, waiving for that public
duty, lioth friendship for me, and
grudge against anyone. Pledge no
man; vote convictions.
If the choice fall on me, I shall
try to deserve the honor of your
tru-t, as elected agent, by referring
! all special measures of doubtful ap
| proyal to a final vote of the people.
Joel T.
For Representatiue.
I hereby announce myself as a
| candidate for Representative, sub
ject to the rules of the Democratic
I primary.
If elected to this office, I shall
use my best efforts to represent the
county in its l»est interests, and so
licit the votes <>f the people on that
| basis. L. A. WiniMM.K.
For County School Commissioner.
To the Voters of Pulaski County:
I am a candidate for the office of
county school commissioner and
will appreciate your sup|x»rt. If I
am elected my policy will lx- “Truth,
Justice, Equity and the Golden
Rule.” Respectfully,
W. T. Dyak.
For County School Commissioner.
I take this opportunity to an
nounce myself for county school
commissioner of Pulaski county. If
given the pla-e, I will look diligent
ly after the welfare of the schools
throughout the county.
You cannot find a man that will
appreciate your vote more than I.
Yours to serve,
F. B. Ashkll.
Ready for Use.
It is always ready to apply, does
not thicken nor settle as do other
paints, and requires no stirring or
thinning. It is perfectly elastic
and forms a firm, durable coatihg.
For sale by Cochran Lumber Co.
Cotton Mills News.
Mrs, Jessie Cameron’s baby has
been quite sick, hut we are glad to
learn is improving fast.
The singing at Mrs. Ben Chap
man’s, Sunday night was a grand
Lewis Chapman took Miss Alice
Hunt home Sunday night.
Mrs. Mollie E. Wood and daugh
ter, Miss Thula have lieen v.siting
Mrs. A. S. E. Jones, this week.
Miss Ollie Poole is spending the
evening with Mrs. Ben Chapman.
We have some nice beans coming
up but think the chickens will eat
them tip.
Mrs. J. Me Donga 1 called on Miss
Allie Poole, Sunday evening.
Miss Maude Bateman visited Mrs.
Nichols, Sunday. Violet.
Commander Julius A. Pratt
Post No 143 Dept HI, G. A R.
Mr. Isaac Cook, Commander of
above Post, Kewanee, 111., writes:
1 For a long time I was bothered
with backache and pains across my
kidneys. About two months ago I
started taking Foley Kidney Pills
and soon saw they were doing just
as claimed. I kept on taking them
and now lam free from backache,
and the painful bladder misery is
all gone. I like Foley Kidney Pills
so well that I have told many of my
friends and comrades alxrnt them
and shall recommend them at every
opportunity.” Taylor & Kennington
tA Little Different , from
the Rest am the
Who Are Wearing
The “Clothes Beautiful”
Made and Designed By
Schloss Brothers & Co.,
of {Baltimore and York .
There’s a certain indefinable air of style and
elegance about these Master Tailored Clothes
not found in others.
A Little More Tone. A Little More Class.
A Little More Distinction.
A Whole Lot More Service and Yet They Cost No More
Than the Ordinary.
$15.00 to $45.00.
And All The Rest That Goes to Make a Well-Dressed Man.
The Stock is Superb--It is Complete. Every New Style in Shirts
and Neckwear is here. The Newest “kinks” in Hats and the
latest in Oxfords and Half Hose. Come and look Them over.
A New Lot of Ladies Velvet Pumps just Received for $3.50.
You ought to see them, they are the Latest in Style and Looks.
Welcome—thrice Welcome.
Burning cinders, sparks, etc.,
will not ignite Rockalyte Paint, and
wherever it is used it will retard the
progress of fire instead of acting as
a fuel, as is the case with most
paints. For sale by Cochran Lum
ber Co.
Davis School Notes.
The people are planting their
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Floyd visit
ited Miss Kennie Floyd, Sunday af
Miss Mattie Floyd was riding in
a rubber tired buggy Sunday after
Boisy and Freddie Floyd visited
Wilbur Grimsley, Sunday afternoon.
Freddie Floyd ate dinner with
Boisy Floyd, Sunday.
Oakley Walters has been in our
school two days in this week.
Miss Molly Hart had company
Miss Claudie Lee Lucas spent
Tuesday night with Miss Luddie
Mrs. Fannie Floyd picked her
geese last week.
We are going to have a picnic
Friday. Everybody is invited.
Freddie Floyd.
A large lot of two and four light
window sash at bargain prices.
Cochran Lumber Co.
Sewing Machines and Organs!
Drop Head Sewing Machines $12.50 to $15.00.
Standard Sewing Machines, Agts price $55.00, only $22.50.
Standard Sewing Machines, Agts price $60.00, °nly $27.50.
Have one Organ worth $65.00 time price, will sell for $28.50.
Would also be glad to show and price you White Goods,
Percales, Figured Lawns, Linens, Linenes, Embroideries,
Laces, Underwear, Waists, Etc.
Big Lot Ladies Trimmed Hats. Shoes and Slippers.
Prices Reasonable on Everything.
Has Built up this Business
Practice has made it a Habit with us.
Come and let us show you