Newspaper Page Text
They Can’t Get In,
• _ -*■ ■ , and so must stay outside.
-'. Our window and door screens
• ~ y^ m quito taxon comfort altogether
II You Want to Make “Home Runs,”
use hats picked out from our jr
large stock. For a good r/W ''" i*'"'"
game—fair to both sides —let *”
your baseballs hail from here, £l| ". *?**
too. They re reliable, as is
all our assortment of every- .zfc&fiE. y-yr
filing for baseball—masks,
IPeacock & Fausett.
Cochran Auto Company
Repairs all kind of Machinery. They make a
Specialty of Repairing
Guns, Pistols, Bicycles and
(sr work will Receive Prompt Attention.
Give us a call. We do First Class Work at
Reasonable Prices.
Clint Soloman, Manager.
She Quit Her Husband
Because he Forgot to Buy
her a Sack of A. J. L.,
Self Rising Flour From
j. e. cookT
He has a Fresh Line of
Canned Meats, Olives,
Pickles, Peanut Butter,
National Biscuit Company’s
Crackers and Cakes.
Fresh Meats and Ham
Always on Hand.
Purser School Items.
The fanners of this section are
about through planting. They are
sorry to see the cool weather on ac
count of their crops.
The many friends of Mrs. Martha
Bryant, are glad to say she is im
Messrs. Deese and Armstrong, of
liongstreet, attended the pienic at
the Purser school house last Satur
Mrs. J. J. Faun and children, of
Cary, spent Saturday and Sunday
with parents and grandparents.
Misses Janie and Maggie Hinson
and Maude Taylor attended the pic
nic Saturday at the Purser sehooi
house, and were the guests of Miss
Donic Holland, Saturday night.
Jessie Searbough preached at the
Wynne school house Sunday after
J. B. Hinson made a business
trip to Dublin Monday, and was
accompanied home by J. P. Don
Joe Purser and Miss Julia Sand
ers were seen out riding Sunday af
We are glad to say Mrs. S. D.
Purser, who has been very sick, is
better now.
Mr. and Mrs. R. .1. Holland vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allen,
Grady Hinson, who is working
for Brandon and Dreyer, at Hawk
insville, spent Saturday and Sunday
with home folks.
The sing at Charlie Hinson’s, Sat
urday night, was a grand success.
Misses Carrie and Henrietta Hol
land and Pora bee Purser attended
preaching at Frazier Sunday.
School closed Friday at the Purser
school house and had a picnic Sat
urday. A large crowd attended.
All reported a nice time.
Mrs. Jim Arnold is improving af
ter a serious attack, of fever.
Misses Jessup and Coley have re
turned home after finishing their
8. D. Purser made a business trip
to Cochran Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall Jones attend
ed picnic Saturday. Violet.
For More Than Three Decades
Foley’s Honey and Tor has been
a household favorite for all ailments
of the throat, chest and lungs. For
infants and children it is best and
safest as it contains no opiates and
no harmful drugs. None genuine
but Foley’s Honey and Tar in the
yellow package. Refuse substitutes
Taylor & Kennington.
News from Empire
R. F. D. No. 2.
The cool winds which we have
been having for several days have
done the crops much damage.
Look out Mr. Farmer, you don’t
have to plant over.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis spent
the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Hill, Sunday.
Miss Inez Grimsley spent last
Friday night with Misses Ruth and
and Nannie Williams.
We were very sorry that Miss Mat
tie Walters, had to leave her school
Monday on the account of being
very ill.
We are very glad to see Little
Miss Ida Hart back at school after
a short illness.
Misses Mattie Floyd and Erma
Grimsley were the guests of Misses
Ruth and Nannie Williams Sunday.
We are glad to know that J. J.
Just Received a Shipment of New
Shapes and Ribbons for Mid-
Summer Wear.
Also some Attractive Automobile Scarfs and
Veils retailing from $ 1.00 to $1.50.
Come and select one before they are all gone—
You know that Mrs. Moody always gives you
good Value and Quality.
Mrs. M. E. MOODY.
“The Milliner.”
Why Not
Get the Cream?
When you trade with W.
M. Wynne & Son, you
get the Cream of the Best
Things to Elat. Prompt
Delivery Always. tj[Ph one
288 when in Need of
Groceries, Ice and Beef.
Little’s baby is better this week.
Hope it will soon be well again.
Ernest and Alford Davis and
William Allen visited Davis school
last Thursday afternoon.
Miss Marion Davis spent Satur
day and Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. D. J. Kimberly.
The school picnic was quite a
success; a large crowd attended.
Everybody reported a good time.
The Davis school will close the
6th of May with an entertainment
the last night. Everybody is
invited. Come and bring 15 cents.
We are very sorry to hear that
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Grimsley are
very ill. Trust they will be up
again in a few days.
Ernest and Alford Davis attended
the singing at Miss Ruth Simmons’
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Brannon and
daughter attended preaching at
Frazier Sunday.
Fred Hogg and Miss Ida Sanders
were seen out driving Sunday after
Miss Addie Lee Brannon is spend
ing a few days with Misses Namer
and Leila Goody, this week.
Miss Mollie Davis spent Friday
night with her cousin, Miss Manel
la Floyd. Blue Eyes.
What Everybody Wants.
Everybody desires good health
which is impossible unless the kid
neys are sound and healthy. Fol
ey’s Kidney Remedy should be tak
en at tne first indication of any ir
regularity, and a serious illness may
be averted. Foley’s Kidney Reme
dy will restore your kidneys and
bladder to their normal state and
activity. Taylor & Kennington.
Farm Loans Negotiated
Amounts, S3OO to SIO,OOO
Time, - - - 3 to 10 Years
Huggins Building
Hawkinsville, Georgia
All kinds of Legal Blanks can be
be found at the Journal Office.