Newspaper Page Text
Wc clip the following items from
the West Point Press:
It is rumored that a railroad will
be built from West Point to the
West Point Mills.
A few cases of typhoid fever among
the colored people of West Point, but
so far no cases of typhoid fever
among the whites.
If our people would pay more at¬
tention to their wells the per cent of
sickness would decrease. Not one
well in ten is half kept.
Mr. J. W' Johnston is well pleased
with his purchase of of property in
West Point. Mr. Johnston and his
family will become citizens of West
Point about the ist of December.
The reader who never pays for his
paper is the man who reads closest,
and finds more faults than the spot
cash subscriber. Paste that in your
We have good reason to believe
that if all persons indebted to Mr. J.
Freisleben will come up promptly and
settle their accounts Mr. F. will soon
be able to resume business without
,dlov/i tt it single creditor to suffer.
Padlock street merchants expect
uupvov cat in the way of a well. A
* it e umo . will be put in and then
:n wdl be no more use to kick a
a W. M. Hairston, of Long Cane
. . rented Mr. W. A. Poer’s new res
iua on East Side and will soonre
r »ve hi amily to West Point. Wc
/arm welcome to Mr. H.
. «■
is C/on8iimption Incurable ?
Head tins: O Ji Morris, Newark, Ark.,
says, . t Was down with abscess of 1 niiRR,
an<l friends and physioiana pronounced
an inourable oonsunaptive. Began
Uikmg Dr Kiugs New Discovery for Con¬
sumption,mu now on ray third bottle and
able to oversee the work on my farm. Is
the tiuost medicine ever made. I P Jesse
Middleware, Doontur.O , says:“llad it not
been for Dr Kings Now Discovery for
Consumption 1 would have died of lung
troubles Was given up by doctors* Am
now in she best of health. Try it. Sam^
p!o bottles free at Cook Brothers.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well knowu
nnd so popular ns »o noed no speoialmens
lion All who have used Electric Bitters
sing 1 lie same song of praise —A purer
medicine does not exist and it is guaran¬
teed to do all that is claimed. Electric
Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove pimples, bcils,
salt rheum and other affections causod
by impure blood.—Will drive malaria
from the system and prevent as well as
cure all malarial fevers.—For cure of
headache, constipation and indigestion
try E’entrio Bitters.—Entire satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50
eta and $1 per bottle at Cook Bros.
* ^ I ——1
Effect of Warm ohysieian llayi and Cool that Slight!.
A leadMig writes he has
noticed war u days and cool nights always
affect the bowels, and suggests some pre
ventative remedy. l)r Biggers Huckleber
V Cor iul is tne one.
Another Cashier.
Mr U M Fairer of the Merchants Bank,
Atlanta, says to have money it to sive it.
In the use of Dr Biggers Huckleberry Cor
dial for nil bowel troubles he saves doctors
tills and prevents a panic of suffering.
Fas I N CuRE F.iaf BEATtl.
Chaplain flail Write* the Following: Re¬
markable Letter.
From the Albany N . K, Exprest. * ,
For many years my wife iiad been
the victim of nervous dyspepsia,'of the
chronic, distressing and apparently in¬
curable type from which so many of her
sex suffer, languish and die. It was all
the worse because the tendency to it
was inherited. She had been under the
systematic treatment of many of the
best physicians in New York anelBrook
lyn and elsewhere for twenty years with
only temporary relief. In fact, there
were few, if any, kinds of food that did
not distress her, so diseased, sensitive
and torpid were all the organs of diges¬
tion. The usual symptoms of dyspep¬
sia, with its concomitant ailments, were
all present—bad taste in the mouth,
dull eyes, cold feet and hands, the sense
of a load upon the stomach, tenderness
on pressure, indigestion, giddiness,
great weakness ancl prostration, and fu¬
gitive pains in the sides, chest and back.
I have often risen in the night and ad¬
ministered stimulants merely for the
sake of the slight and transient relief
they gave,
Intermittent malarial fever set in,
complicating the case and making
every symptom more pronounced and
iutense - By this time the pneumo
gastric nerves had become very seri
ously involved, and she had chronic
Gastritis, and also what I may be al¬
lowed to call chronic intermittent ma
laiial fever all at once. For the latter
the physicians prescribed tire good, old
fashioned, sheet-anchor remedy, Quin¬
ine gradually increasing the doses, until
—incredible as it may seem—she actu¬
days in succession. This could not
test. The effect of the quinine w'as,
if possible, almost as bad as the two¬
fold disease which was wearing away
her strength and her life. Quinine
poisoning was painfully evident, but
the fever was there still. Almost every
day there came on the characteristic
chill and racking headache, followed
by the usual weakness #nd collapse.
About this time I met socially my
friend Mr. Norton, a member of the
firm of Chauncey Titus & Company,
brokers, of Albany, who, on hearing
from me these facts, said: “ Why, I
have been through almost the same
thing, and have got over it. ” “ What
cured you?” I asked eagerly. “ Kas¬
kine,” he said, “ try it for yoi.r wife.”
I had seen Ka. kine advertised, but had
no more faffh in It than I had in saw¬
dust, for such a case as hers. Mrs.
Hall had no higher opinion, yet on the
strength of my friend’s recommenda¬
tion I got a bottle and began its use
as directed.
Now' recall what I have already said
as to her then condition, and then read
what follows: Under the Kaskine
treatment all the dyspeptic symptoms
showed instant improvement, and the
daily fevtr grew less and soon ceased
Side by side these diseases
vanEiied, as side by side they had tort¬
ured their victim for ten years—the
dyspepsia alone having, as I have said,
existed for twenty years. Her appetite
improved from week to week until she
could eat and digest the average food
that any well person takes, without any
suffering or inconvenience. With re¬
newed assimilation of food came, of
course, a steady increase in flesh, until
she now looks like her original self.
She still takes Kaskine occasionally,
but with no real need of it, for she is
well. I consider this result a scientific
miracle, and the “ New Quinine ” is en¬
titled to the credit of it, for from the
time she began with Kaskine she used
no other medicine whatever.
If you think a recitai of these facts
calculated to do good you are welcome
to make them public.
(Rev.) JAS. L. HALL,
Chaplain Albany, N. Y., Penitentiary.
P. S.—Sometimes letters of this kind
are published without authority, and in
case any one is inclined to question
the genuineness of the above statement
I will cheerfully reply to any commu¬
nications addressedto me at the Peni¬
tentiary. Jas. L. Hall.
' Other letters of a similar character
from prominent individuals, which
stamp Kaskine as a remedy of un¬
doubted merit, will be sent on appli¬
cation. Price $i.oo, or six bottles,
$5.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent by
mail on receipt of price.
The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren
St., New York, and 35 Farringdon
Road, London.
The finest line of Toilet Soaps
ever exhibited in Hamilton just re¬
ceived at the Drug Store. tf
Will be kept at the Drug Store for
sale. Persons wishing it in quantiser
please give me notice in time to have
it shipped.
I respectfully tender the public my siu
cere thanks for the very liberal patronage
extended to me during the year 1886, and
respectfully solicit a continuance of same
for 1887. Specialties. Obstetrics, Chronic
and Piiyate Diseases. Will ktep also a
full and complete line of first-class Diugs
at the lowest prices possible lor pme goods
and hope that with an experience of thirty
j ears in the practice of medicine to give
entire satisfaction.
Very respect fully,
S. G B1LEY, M. D.
000- WHY HOT!-oao
1 ncorporat«l by theLegislatu re of
Vsv., and indorsed by leading busi¬
ness men and State officials. Indi¬
vidual instruction. wUat others T» teach aching by by theory Theory and Actual
practice containing full information and only. Catalogue
testimonials free.
Address J. (1. DUNSMOltE, JI.A..President, Staunton, Va
onlv two young ladies to the room; splendid faemty ot
rxperi«aeed teachers. Session begins #nd Monday
in September. For particulars or Catalogues, address
J, T. rA TTEIiSOX, PresLexington, Ay.
FAULTL1 n y FA V - m l iU:
(F A'-\ m ’l
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CUif!V«08 i
GA. i. „
W. C!§j
g *S- •CgipjW V.: 1 m
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m k ; l|
Wf miF
r a- 6 »
Torpid a: ai u atTr. Lirer, Biiliousnees,
Malaria, Cl til is nnd Fever, Jaundice and
all cornplai i from a diseased liv^r.
Dispt'pfit and indigestion in all its forms
Sick heada ?h« and nek stomach. colic and
asthma when dependent Uj on indigestion
and a disordered nonwh
Dr. E. C. Hood , one tried and most
effective prescription, rsed by biro for SO
years in practice for di oa*e of the liver
It promptly cures and prevent* CONSTI¬
PATION, however ob*t ; nat« and ti^cblc
some yWd- to the cur ive power of Hoods
Eureka more direct! • , rd certainly than ft
any other remedy in u e. It has been
most effectively ter d -or this, and J vtth
out doubt a perfec t huu cbold m aiobm
HT X XllVlJr A TT 1 R
HOOD’S All/V/l/ U
y» f v w\ *-» war K a
n.l l K H.
No remedj acts so delightfully and effect¬
ual! ■ ne< a household remedy
Hood A’ Ei reku.
Hood’s E ka Ip .ithout a rival in the
freatmtnto sdl tho? s.T -ei o;ia. Suih is
our confide ‘d iu 1 the •.•rePiiaUo» that wc
oh allonge ? (F’TDD» ‘O’; so t‘< >iB pounu
anything er '0 ciever t>iec U
has given ui ided^ u i on, and 001
challenge is tou upon ho experience
or inte.liuei pat o*’
Dr N. J Pie.-id of the Eag !
& Phenix M.'g Co., t Con « > us •. ora.**
writes : ‘T have use,! Hood s Eu .1 lor ?
number of iear fi in m family. ; • 1 o*ou
S’’der it a vaJoatde family me t • .ue and I
do not kesit.ite to say it is all h- claims
for it.
Messrs M D Aood & Co — G u*i<.men
1 have tr ed Hood’s Eureka Li 1 or Medicine
well and I unhesitatingly pronounce it the
best medicine I haw «. ver used t-o inval
nable do I regard it that l keep ft supply
on hand all the time 1 hereby commend
it to all as a most ~ffk ; nt. sf.iuji'vcb 1 '
and reliable btroseho.c ie tv-'
Put up ie b and dr v form *■ \ Id
by all drug-, i- at ’0 and SI a cote.?.
M. />, HOOD a OO., Ma ./T
Ooliimbus^ (» a.
Oglethorpe St , Columbus, Ga
Duals® Im
Rai;@ 1 mm I
Old Cot on, Ileini>. ■* uni y
Rope B-ggiag, Ynrs, '
Bee; vva.t Old Mated.
Cotton in £ 006 A BO nd Cotton See|
Ordt s io .rapping paper tai
paper bags fi ed ai - 2 - notice.
1 xit r,
Su k Headt/rhe,
SSSfir Dyspejisift,
C 7 *ills Cf-tlil Jt' *V 6 Yn
l&ngt for and Hues..
gen era l debt i ty or
feeling »