Newspaper Page Text
/ ’ i *
——■ '
i h
all o ( hr oitiiens'ttBtj^#
examples bi energy iynd
answer to the charges preferred
against him of embezzling govern-
mentfundsdnringhis offloial career,
and intimates that he will also di-
vulge Bpnia very sensational political
nows. f.
The people are taking ml vantage
of the room-making sale Padrick
Mr. Cawly has moved to his new
home and is said to be t good man
nilJ imllioLLt oilison
Batch of New* from Neighboring Count lew
Deemed of Hpeelnl Intercut to ‘
Gnxett o It® adorn,
Mr, Geo. S. McOratiie was elected
mayor of Ty Ty and Mr. J. A. JSof-.
roll of Sumner on Wednesday of
last week.
The Banner prophesies, "It will
not be more than twelve months be
fore the locomotive whistle will be
beard in Moultrie.' 1 .
Sycamore high school opened
with something near fifty pupils,
and is progresing nicely under the
administration of Prof. J. J. Hug
Mr. W. C. Spuriln has sold his
mercantile business at Sumner to
Mr. M. 0. Lemons, and it is rumor
ed he will hecomo a railroad am -
The first quarterly conference foi
the,Sycamore circuit will bo hold
with the. OyoKmeta ohuroh on the
second Monday and Sunday before
Perional and Im’pornoftut Paragraph*—A
Bird** By® View of t he City of Tifton
ttml County of Berrien.
_ It is wonderful—-the bargains at
and valuable citizen.
Concord Snb-Allianco of
county has adopted longl
YlftvyVio?jnnnJ Acrv*
r.ltofofi -T!i»>
® (ViiVcmiuii Ilf
ly||9K owners along the
Western railroad was
gj^RmCapt. II. 11. Tiff’s
BiPcity of Tiftou.
■Ay of last week was the clay
S'for the meeting; but, owing
exceeding inclemency of the
w, it was thinly attended and
_j lengthy and
strong resolutions condemnatory of
the American Book Oompany, which
Padrick Bros.
, Don’t forget that Contractor Hind
itolaims hits a monopoly of tho soliool
book business of the United States.
These resolutions will be submitted
to the Colquitt County Alliance
with the request that they be adopt
ed by that body; they will also be
submitted to the beard of. education
of that county with the request v
that tliCy.ndopt fornse in the schools
of the county other books than
those published by said American W
Boiik Company.' The resolution
guarantees satisfaction,
Mr. and Airs. W. O..Tift were vis
iting in Albany last Saturday.
The culture of tobacco bids fair to
become a very important industry
in this section.
Streams in this section ore swollen
imd almost Impassable, owing to the
incessant raining of the past two or
three week.
Call at the store of Capt. H. H.
Tift and pay your tuition to Mr.
James Carswell, and don’t wait to be
asked for it.
•- t 1 \ . v -. .i
The Gazkttb is published for
"gain" and not. ^kno for "glory.”
It seems bard for some people to re
alize the foot
The editor tenders thanks to the
management of the Brunswick and
Western railway for an exchange of
courtesies for 1892.
Pino $20 dress suits for'$18.80 at
Padrick Bros.
Contractor J. C. Hind will build
you a house at lowest figures.
, Berrien comity court held its reg
ular session last .Monday. Tho in
clement weather clogged its machin
ery bo that yory little business was
.. The Board of Stewards of the
Morfhodist' church met ami elected
Dr. J. 0. Goodman clmtrmauahd
W. 0. Padrick secretory and treas
urer for the year,
Mr, \Ym. Lhzaron, vice-president
churoh at Sparks next Thursday
night and continue through Sunday.
Iter. A. J. Parrish will provide dele
gates with homes during their stay at
Sparks. Let every local preacher go,
and—bi? prompt in attendance.
ItlgraliDO la quick to giro relief In
severe ensos of headache or neuralgia, at
Dr. J.O. Goodman's.
Prof. J. H. Chcsnnttjtif Sparks’
Academy, has returned to his first
love. He says he is going to wrk
and he vvapts the 'people to know it.
He Hit it precisely right when
he chose tho Gazette as a medium
to convey ; the information, for—all
tho people road it. See what Prof.
Cliosnutt has to say in .our advertis
ing columns to-day.
Airs. Bowen, mother of the Bowen
brothers of this city, will move from
Brookfield to Tifton in the near fu
ture and keep house for her sou,
Isaao—ooonpyiug the apartments
The Gazette welt
-finest pine forests in Georgia, if not,
in the Uuited States,and the freights
that would be derived from carrying
the output of turpentine, rosin and
lumber to market would alono pay
for the building, equipping and op
erating the road-in a Bhovt time.
It realty speins to us that the best
interests of the owners of the road,
the beat interests of the people of
Tifton, of Tbomasville, and of those
living along the line in Berrien,
Worth, Colquitt and Thomas coun
ties, demands its Immediate complc-
ti°n. . /
The Gazette iwftully impressed
with the importance of the Tifton
and Thomasv ilk). ruil road, and pro-
boycott said concern.
' ■ ■ ^
Mr. William T. Price, it Justice of the
Pence, nt Itlchmoiul, Nel
flnert to lilt bed last wlat
attack of lumbago; but
plication of Cluntiherisin's Pain Ilalm
onnbled him to got up and go. to work.
Mr, Price says; “Tho Hcmcdy control
bo recommended too highly!' Lei any
ono troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia
or lama back give It a trltflMid thej^wlH
be of tho sarao opinion; * ho TSejtf-Jwihles
for sale by tho 'Won Drbg Store, TiT'
ton, alto Pot ore * Iloiote Cecil, Ga.
Tho Gazette notes the following
marriages which have occurred in
Berrien county recently:
At the residence of 10. Z. Hosier,
on Tuesday, the 10th instant, Air.
Richard Vaughn and Miss Alary
Ithodes, by the ttev. S. W. Brovyn.
At the residouoe of Hon. JosiaL
Purrisli, tho bride’s grandfollmjjJffiS
in March.
Judge W.B. Stallings, of Colquitt
culture this year. The necessary
Bood for four acres have been
forwnfded him.
The Breeze expresses tho opinion
that Douglass will have more mil-
roads in two years than she will
want There ore quite a number
proposing to give bora call,
Tho Dorminoy Mills correspond
ent of the Irwin County News, says;
“The young men of Irwin county
are getting to be bod, they have got
to stealing: but tiiev sav there Jbjiq.
over-his store,
feme* her ns araoBt valuableacquish
lion to the social olroles of the fast;
growing youngcity. XlfflimilHj
the man who
lms nothing'to sell hut muscle must
sell it for very littlo puy. It is skill
that brings the money, and money
brings the comforts, and every boy
who aspires to have more pay than
the ordinary laborer, should learn to
do well some special line of work. A
dollar a day is a small sum to sup
port a family on, but many men get
no more than that because they have
no trades.
The advantage of high-priced,
skilled labor to a city is great in
comparison with the unskilled; The
difference la that the skilled laborer
uiI.. uik return uie
nimrw, in tho uhovo ri tat tod cams, that the de
fendant dooa rurt roHl.le in said county; and it
further anj/cftrlnc- that ho dooa not reside in Haiti
Htato: It Is thcrefnro ordered hy tho Court, that
Wfrviee lie jwr/ecled on tho itofowlum hy the
publication of this order onoo a month for four
months Iwfuro the next term of tills Court, in tho
Tiftok ciapf.ttk, a iiewsjitipor tmbllaboil Inlier-
rl«i tHiunty, (leorula. !
VttKvi.m & lim it, I’otitlunora AttomoTS.
(Irantod: Aun, H. Hasmki.l, Judno »*. v, H.C.
A true extract from tlw mlnutea of Ik'rrlen
ftHporlor Court, petolwr Term, lttfl.
„ . . r l. W, MOOHR, Clerk-
Tlds Novombor 4th, S8D1.
Arrivr \
No. 1 leaven Muf rii'nfieT'arri
inormiiif trains on l, MouthleetoSTSS^HH
K|a, Kant Temmssoe, Virginia and awntguTSt
Map«m and lUmiinKham railroads. *
Ao. 3 leaves Maeon after arrival of incoming
afternoon trains on the Central, Mmith^torn,
Macon aw) .Wthem and Hairak rafltnaiia, and
conneoti at 1’aUtka for rtu luteSBiSantfali
]J?liite In Kiwi and Houth Kloiiib, and with tho
the Ht- dohns ami Ockhnyuha river sUaiuers.
Extends a Most Cordial Invitation
To tho People of tho Town nnri tile. Sim omidln^ Country to I’ny
Him n Visit itt Ills New nml Kiegnnt Store.
Order to Perfect Service.
O KOimiA-IlHiiHin.s County.
W. J. Connbu., ) J.ilx‘1 for Divorce In Her-
YS. 1 i'Jen Huperior Court,
DoNAtoxNKi.i..) OuUihcr Term, lain.
It appearing to tho Court hy the return of tho
BherjlT, in the above stated case, that the defend
ant docs not reside in said county; and It, further
appearing that ho riot* not reside in wild KUtos
It Ih therefore ordered by tho Court, that servloe
bo tmltx'iotl an tho defendant by tboimblfmtfon
of this order once a month, for four inontlisiH 1 ,-
foro the noxt term of thin Court, in the Tifton
Oazkttb, a nowsiiaimr liuhiuib^d in llorrlnn
county, Georgia,
VKKrt.nn & lurnn. I’otltfoticr's Attorneys.
Grnbied- 4 **’‘ " “ *• •
His Specialties will bo
loave I’nlntCn
I( tty
electoral votes for Presidents forthe
past 50 years, raws of postage, logal
;; •• in at 3
“ Vahlost-a 10:13 “ jis»:44 a. i
“ Tifton U;4tj m 1 M i
*• Cordeie i:W i». m. 4 .-ox «.
ArriveMaeon, 4no •• 'daft,
’ No. J leu veil'Vajafta after mlvailai)t \\>irt
dmiiiau from Tamiw and tonneeta at Bam
with ail outgoing afternoon trains on Cctmi
Mouthweaiern, M/teou add Northern, Georgi
Ixoa Tcmu ^e, YlrttUdaand (lixirgluand Mac<
and Jllnuinghiim mUroadft. - >.
no. 4 leaves l*alatku after arrival of. tmj
fn>ii» Mi. Augustine amt imUHa ih KaHtkndiknt
J- lotion and vuiitwct* nt Ma<s,n with ail mi mu
Inonilug trains on Ceidrut, MoutltWsumt. M4»«
holidays in various States, and a
ijUAiitity of useful muoelhmeoos in-
•for/uation that is daily needed.
1‘cnalona to Soldiers and Wid
ows offloSdier*.
Capt Harrison, pension clerk of
the executive department, has sent
ont to the clerk of the superior
court of each county a complete list
of all tho soldiers imd widows of sol
diers residing in each county, as
their names appear on the pension
mono/ and is able
to own a home and raise a family in
So he is a more de-
*« 1 wiitiMiicr a AunrncvH.
Apr. II. llAKi’Ki.b, Judge h. c. h. 0.
A true extract from the luliiutcx of Rt-riien
Sujxirlor Court, Ootobor term, 18UI.
Ih W* Mnuuttf Clerk.
TltU Novemlrer 2nd, 1801.
a decent
sirablo citizen. Groat effort should
be made to iucrease the number of
suoh citizens by encouraging the
special lipes of work in which they
engage and by encouraging boys to
learn good trades.
Another thing about skilled and
There is no House in Town having such a Complete Assortment and
Carefully Selected Stock of Goods,
He ortlM nearly urocjUiIBg welch conallUito * general „( Dry (lw„!>, Nntlnn*, n M ij-
icerlCT, ate. !l(» «lw:k I. all fresh ami a visit to Ma' More will l*s mutually twnufloial ui imr-
lutV anil SnIU* 1
ujtnjuhnl train butween Atlanta and Waabl
All tmlns arrive and dciwkrt fn>m union dei
it Mjicoji and IVdarka.
KU-gant Bleeping cars will bo run ou trains
,1 and No. 4.
For further Information aindy to agon to
jnncUnii nolnts or to .
I.. J. HAR1118. f.. C\ CANOVA,
unskilled lubor is that skilled labor,
having a monopoly in its skill, can
protect itself, while unskilled labor
is at tho mercy of whoever sees fit to
employ it
Skill is the thing that counts.
Everybody should climb upward.
The crowd is at the bottom. There
is plenty of room at the top.
ConlAln. On* Wandnd Raelpre f or ma*.
Inc dellclou. Canily choaply and qulaklv
at homo. Thl> bookUtlvaaam?atom*
nao f enora; store*.
Georgia Fanners.
Col. Nesbitt; the State Agricul
tural Cotnmiesioner, has the follow
ing to say regarding tbe condition of
thfi farmers of Georgia :
“Although two good cotton crops
have been made, the general depres
sion among all classes is painful to
contemplate. The comingyear will be
a hard one for farmers, and more es-
JVXitcliell Graskins
ii. nrnxH, jm, mCn/ii
Trav. raw. ^»t, Maetm. (Im'l A*t,
■V C. hSAlT,Tn»« MaiwSvr.
Ml I Sl
it is tho duty of the clerks of the
superior courts to deliver this list of
pensioners to the grand juries.
The grand juries will inspect and
examine the lists, and report on the
same in their general presentments,
Sohsiult in Effort Janjii
SOmwn! Bf.vViuNH.'
S?W ft. m.
«#0 “ MoOvCe.....]
? **»*' « “ Ujwllft
10A« •• Moutwllw...
JM “ « CttUmlw
•ti® ** “ '•...Yatcuvllte,...,
Pttfi “ “ ’‘...TlDmuMiim,.,,
“ : l Tb«nd* W m*
Kkkph’.i Feu. Scm.v Ok-
stating whetherall tlte persons whose
nuiiics aptiear are entitled to receive
The clerks of tlie courts will
transmit to the governor a copy of
that portion of the presentments of
®ie grand jury which refers to ma
sions, and ;tlm govcinor will then
ciiuise Additional proofs to be .given
,fu all are reported as
Unless the n^w^s supported by
-#& f ii4tory‘ !Wp -it sB) be disal-
i j edges of ttm superior courts
required «iute|/Jte new tew to
C. H. Coi.k, ) Libel f«>r IN vote® In Jk rricn
W. i HuMtrktr CnctrL
J Ootolior Term. 1891,
D Wjitowing tst the Oneri by tho mlurtt of the
SlujrlfT, in tlio ftlwYfe Atalerf tlmt Urn tlcfcml-
nut <1om not mide In mb! county; am) it f*nUMr
ftnraariug tbftt he do» not nmidtt in MtUl RtftMu
U la there for a nrdrtt*<] by the Court that Mervk®
ho nerfcvUxl au Uiwclc-femUttf by tbe imMfrmiftm
of tbls ordcr once « month, for four month* t*-
fore tSio next term of tbh Court, m tho Tipton
fiJSSUgL*Jfwrtper iwimatoa lu
r&Au& tore«. IVtllirnwr', -Utoreyy,.
llranUHl: Ai:u. ri. IIa^.ku,,.liiilyos.c.B.O.
A uti« Mltact fn,m Uw lalnarea ul lfarrlan
fluiairtov Court. October t*m, u»i.
„ . , ■ O. w. M/war, Cl<rk.
Tliki awtmlwtSiH), ism.
Pints Perfumery, School Books ami Stationary
Ar. Aart tinmgft!; Lr.
Ountn'tl tu in t/uhvn
l. 6. & V. It. R- tor
*tk3, ML Atiiftwiino am
U fnrMavftn.wh, Mtllrtl
P. H. K- for Americas,
: N. It. H. for JrtftdUon
•Ante lifyimil;
UlkN^cvlbc ntul Jg
of Every
Twelve Month's Support.
O Y.( IA—n m m *rc joptnifr.
To ftll wham it tnfty conerm s Tho, ftputwiaora
epfNsinteo to mt «j*rjrt s twelve aujnmn
b; tho wi.byw ami mJn./r clifWren «.f Mxlwlm
McMillan, late coiinuy. tlwMuu il, <;nt of
UU maui, hxv® ftletl tHOir report, ami I will vnnn
h**o» tin* wutw ttft'f»6nm at my ofttm in K**U-
vfti« on kb® Um Monvlay in FchmHty iityNt.
Given under my bAtwi and.-oflieial ftlgftatnfc, this
JMtf-wbor i>vth t Wui.
Iran be served with
to Prof.
f. M. fljiCIZU, oj(linSr)',
Kidney arid*
and Rtteuton
Leave to Sc'1.
nuoftoiA—Vuuttm Coi;vr.,
Til all when It way enurem; M .t.Crlwr,
aiiwarer atUm f»taaMrf,minlfl Orlnof, »te«l
MW remit, dareawa, siwkre amitmq«tt« l» lire-
!*( (»rm, /ur time !« »»lt tlM. I-"'", jwfeluilliiMri