Newspaper Page Text
(NOTE:—Wo published an article
last week favorable to increasing the
taxes foT school purposes and we deem
It fair to the peoplo to allow space to
tho other side.)
It is a dangerous thing to try to fool
the people. Tho method employed by
the Chairman' of tho School BonTd to
mislead tho peoplo and force on them
a charter amendment increasing tho
taxes which the peoplo of the town
think unwise at this timo should bo
condemned. He says tho School Board
is our “Trustees,” who want to carry
■ ent our wislicB. Our “Trustees” should
be fair and honest with the peoplo
(their wards.) A
Without going into detail tfye ®air-
man haB dominated the Board ait by
'mass meetings which ^only bid crowd
were given an opportunity tipbe heard,
the whole truth about our finances were
withheld, he has porsuaded tho “City
Fathers” to call an election on the
19th day of ^December, 1923.
The question is not whether we will
have better schools. The only question
•is. how to raise the money to moot tho
expenses of the schools ns they now are
and make certain improvements. So,
this is not a matter of Bentiment, It
is a matter of business, of finances.
This- should be - solved by taking the
business men and women intoypur con
fidence and giving them all tho facts
and reach a wise solution, not by call
ing mass meetings and giving them a
jjjart of tho truth; not by trying to in
Eihence the parents by propaganda you
are having tho teachers .“hand ottt
through the school children,^ Wo do hot
Understand, that the tcaqjiers at^-dm
•’ i))oy*<i, to wds^'Monfey and ongggo in
-politic*; They are to teach the children
s|d certainly the children.should not be
jfetMgW in their studies by paving all
iter the domination of the School
Board.' We think the teachers could
win .the respect of the Board and main-
-tain ’ their self-respect by lotting tho
matter of raising money alone. Tho
teacheys need not be worried, because if
the takes are raised the Board is com
mitted to employ good (1) teachers, so
they say. They claim in mass meet
ings that we have poor teachers because
wo hhvc no money to employ good
teachers. Therefore, you need not
worry, because tho Board is going to
. employ good teachers when they get tho
money. See! w
In order to vote intelligently the pco-
Mr. Vptcr, do you know the amount
of tho indebtedness tho out-goinglf ad
ministration handed over to tho
that it tkrn
*17,000.00 dj
Hose, etc.,
you know thai^jifl^Jibl^pBWRbtednesB
in the sum of hmking a total
this amount $8,000.00 must be paid this
fiscal year, in nddition to the interest,
in th sum of $15,420.00, mnking a total
of $23,420,06 -'ffiat you must pay in
.ljk>4f Dq you. know that onr present
bdndod(.u<(i*btttdness is more than 7
per cent Wihe^otai value uf -the prop
erty of tho city, which is approximately
tlireo and one-half millions of dotfttkjl
and that undor no circumstances and
for no purpose an additional bond issue
could bo voted, inasmuch ns a munici
pality may not vote bonds in excess of
7 per cent of its total taxable property t
Ho you know that for the past throo
years that the total taxable property on
tho dlgost has decreased $850,000.00,
and this on personal property nlono,
oud why?
Why didn’t our “Trustees” tell us
about these things? The debts of a
city must be^paid by its tax payers.
An individual may concol HI8 debts in
bankruptcy, but a CITY cannot.
The Board says that they will have
only $29,000.00 for the support of the
•schools this yoar and thpt the expense
of running tho schools Will amount to
$35,000.00 and that, they lack about
$6,000.00 having enough money uhd that
th’o only way to got it is to raise tho
taxes. Atlanta’s schools needed about
$200,OOQ.OO this year, just as they have
needed the same apiount for the past
several years. They raised tho money
ithout increasing the taxes.
Mrs. J. E. Edmondson, of ’^Omple,
Ga., died about soven o’clock Tuesday
morning at tho homo of hy*- daughtor,
Mrs. J. H. Mosloy, in Tallapoosa.
Mrs. Edmondson arrived in TallV
poosa Sunday afternoon for a short
visit with her had plan
ned to go lnteif^^^^^Kher two sons
in Annintoy.'_J^^^^^MP\> 'clock Sun- __
shington, Dee. 13.—There will be
ral mail deliveries on Christmas
tho Postoffico department an-
ced Wednesday.
fjjity carriers will deliver until 12
| and then stop for tho day, ro
es of whether they have comple
te® 1 ' their. Tounds, according to ordors
the Postmaster General.
at intervals, un-
er. dtjaWiinn Tuesday morning.
jN’Wfwi' well known in her home
' Yrinuty of Carroll as well as in Haralson
county and also in Polk county, whero
she was horn. She had a host of
friends who join the borenved sons and
daughters in their griof.
Mrs. Edmondson lived at Temple for
about forty years. Sho married man;
four sons
ft in Mt.
;ev. S. O,
arm el Moth:
iouth, officiate
merits "could not be mad# to Obtain the
necessary money to run 0)ir ftahools, if
it is necessary ttf have that money, but
why’ shouldn’t expenses be cut down?
Why apt. cut out electric Tanges, and
tho touching of cooking? Why could
not "about eleven typewrite**, stenog
raphy, book-keeping, business courses
and sewing machines and tenchers for
: these Ithffiffes be eliminated? It might
be well to tench tlieso things if wo had, but are they essential to a
public school? Could not some of the
grades be consolidated, as some of tho
teachers arc tolling tire cihldren will
* Continued on Pago Four
years ago and to th:
and five daughtc
Funeral service!
dgy aftqi
Mrs. Edmoridion is survived by heft
four sons, W. W. Edmondson and -T. M.
Edmondson, of Anniston, Ala.; J. W.
Edmondson, of Pell City, Ala. and G. C.
Edmondson of Temple, Ga., and five
daughters Miss Elizabeth Edmondson,
of Tomple; Mrs. J. H. Mosley, of Tal
lapoosa;. Mrs. J. K. Cochran, of At
lanta; Mr?. C. R. Carmichael, of Tert‘
pie, and Mrs. J. W. Mosley, rif Bir
mingham. She also loaves twerity-flVe
living ■'grandchildren and two great,
grandchildren.—Tallapoosa Journal.
In th* District Court of th* Uni'
States fop the Northern District
Georgia. Northern' ■ Division, i—
Bankruptcy. No. 9605.
In the Matter of Thomas A. M
To thp Creditors-of the,sab
of Carrollton, R. F. D., in the
of-CanrStip **htTW*]
Themns McLebd was duly adjudged i
bankrupt and that tho first meeting of
the creditors 1 of-the said bnnkrupt will
bo held at tho office of the Roferoe in
.Carrollton, Ga., at tho hour of 9 A. M.,
cm tho 22nd day of December, 1923, at
which timo tho creditors of the said
bankrupt may attend prove their, claims,
examine tho bnnkrupt, elect a trustee
nnd transact such other business ns may
properly come before such meeting.
At Carrollton, Ga., this tho 11th day
of December 1923.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Uncle Sam’s round-the-world cruise
usually requires as a preliminary ah en
listment in the Navy, but tho scenery
is just the same as in the others.
i tho Golden Rule Circular a suc
re s? It is a success. Some may Bny,
‘h tow do you know it is a success?”
nro some of tho facts that will
up our statement..
ft December circulars increase ovor
imber was moro than ono thousand,
then wo did not liavo enough to
round. We had a number to call
ho office ami ask for a circular.
I think, is proof enough that tho
liar is growing populnr.
Dr. Hamrick Returned
Home Thursday Night
Grand Master J. D. Hnmrick returned
homo Thursday night from Macon and
Savannah where ho spent Tuesday nf-
ernoon at tho Masonic. Homo at Ma
con. Tuesday night ho installed offi-
ers of Mabel Lodge No. 26, F. & A. M.
ml Wednesday night at Snvnnnah ho
installed officers of Clinton Lodgo No.
54, F. & A. M.
Money is irhe Root of all Industry!
You are not only benefiting yourself by
starting a savings account here. You are
doing your bit to promote the industry of
the country.
Your savings will he wisely ^invested in
productive enterprises, ahd if it is loaned
to local business men, the benefit you de
rive personally will probably be far greater
than you realize.
Do not allow your savings to lie idle, put
your money to work.
The First National Bank
CarfBllton, Ga.
,10-room house, water, lights and
’Suicncos, close in—suitable for two
s, or boarding house. Will sell
change for farm.—W. T. Stovons.
District Court of the United
fpr th* Northern District of
Northern Division. — In
nptcy. No. 986.
Matter of Duffle Horton, Bank
the Creditors of tho said Bankrupt
if 'Oarroilton, Ga., in tho County of
fcrroll, said District:
fOfico is hereby given that on the
day of December, 1923, tho sail
Hor.ton was duly Adjudged a
It nipt arid that the first meeting of
Veredltors Of "tljo said bankrupt will
#1(1 at the office of tho Reforoe In
llton, Ga., at tho hour of 9 A. M.,
the 82nd day of December, 1923, at
, -time 'the creditors of tho said
#. may attend* prove tlioii
txauine t&o bankrupt, elect 1
bid tiilmi «ue?»
l\jnay property- come before'
mooting. „
At Carrollton, Ga., this the 11th da*
of December, 1923. -
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Wo nro authorized to nnjiounco W.
B. Richnrds ns a candidate for Comma,
sionor of Roads and Revenues of Car
roll county, subject to primary election.
Mr. Business Man, why not make
your nppoal for holiday patronage
through the columns of this newspapor?
With every issue it will carry your mes
sage into tho homos of tho best people
tho community. Dbn’t blame tho
people for flocking to tho storo of your
competitor. Tell them nbout your nice
holiday goods and If your prices are
right, you will got the business. Ad
vertising pays whon you use space in
this paper.
Judge Norman Officiate*
At Recent Wedding*
Southern May Double
Track To Carrollton
The Southern Railroad will double
track its lino betwoon Atlnnta nnd Bir
mingham. It is reported that there
uiay be a possible clinnco of following
tho Bankhead Highway from Villa Rian
to Carrollton, Howdon nnd Heflin, Ala.,
letting tho present roadbed by Bremen
Tho peoplo of Carrollton nnd sur
rounding country aro doing their best
this year to help 11s by shopping onrly.
Wo have been crowded for to last two
weeks, and "wo fool suro that when
Christmas Eve comes wo will bo ablo
to tako caro of tho Into ones without
tho usual stnmpcdo nnd overflow.
Wo still huvo a large variety of high
grade Holiday merchandise to select
lrom nnd it is moving fast. A few
moro Velocipedes, Coaster Wagons and
ChHdron’s Rooking Chairs nt reduced
prices. * ‘ Shop Early. ’ ’—FISHERS 10c
November 17th, Miss Snvaunah Johns
to Mr. Alex Clinton.
November 25th, Miss Ruby Jennings
to Mr. Walter Sailors.
December 8th, Miss Lnvada Hall to
Mr. Chnrloy McIntosh.
Docombor 9th, Mre. Dool, Miller to
Mr. W. T. Godbeo. 1 •
December 12th, Miss Annie Loo Tb6m-
•isson to Mr. Grover Bloodworth.
The mistletoe and holly dr© next in
lino for general attention.
AH honor to tho man who earns Ids
living by honest toil. He, it is, above
all others, who is always pulling for
bettor things. Ho is always on the
front soat of tho community band
wagon. He is the first resident to greet
tho stranger and tell him that he is vis
iting one of the. best towns in the state.
Ho. is ready to fight, at tho drop of a
hat, tho fellow who willingly runs down
tho community's best along with its
worst. Also, there is something inspir
ing in this follow’s coTdlal Invitation
to the chronic cronker to “move some
where else.”
A leading producer has announced
that film salaries are going to bo cut.
It wouldn’t bo a bad idea to also cut
some of the films while they arc about
Of Sweet Florida Oranges in Bulk on
Track Tuesday and Wednesday,
December 18th and 19th
Attractive prices in bushel lots—especi
ally attractive prices to merchants *
X in larger quantities.
Great variety of fresh Candies and Nuts,
Walnuts, Brazil Nuts and Cocoanuts.
Boxed and barreled Apples.
Brock-Cobb Grocery Co.
.... a
A dollar bill in your pocket is worth more fo grou - ’ if" ....
than ten dollars in some one else’s pocket because i £ .
it is in the RIGHT PLACE. j ' i
Much depends upon the place. Even a’.better'
place for the dollar than in your pocket is to haVe it
on deposit at our Bank, because it is then safe. Otirs
is the right banking place for you because We £re
always glad to accommodate you and our facilities
are of the very best. It pays to be connected with
a modern bank like ours.
“A Witham Bank”
Roopville, Georgia
The Best Interest of our County,
The Best Interest of our Town-
are the ends for which we are striving. We have no
other interests to serve—and we believe the direct
route to develop all enterprises is through AGRI
CULTURE—the basis of our whole prosperity. • f j
Better planting seed; better bred stock and poul
try \V.ith vision of and determination to reach a cer
tain !goal.
Any farmer who has pedigreed cotton seed for
sale is requested to give us hjs name, address, kind
of seed and quantity.
A. K. SNEAD, Pres. L. S. S^S, Vice-Prea.
GRADY COLE, Cashier.