Newspaper Page Text
— *—
« Prop’r
•>!’* .................. Per Annt ...... w 100-
J -
ine 20, 1880.
iperol Spaldrag Co
r tqsar* lor-the flr*t
* forwwb toss B ter ,0an m» l
itii-auudfrthif " hnv*
..Y-^ameratesaeforiheDtov ^
e Alarm Foraker has tieen norni-
Hor governor of Ohio another
Little Breeches suits the Ohio
~’e better than any ofber man
1 find .......'
«»., . _
Arnold, of Albany, has at
>p, omted collector of in
enue at Atlanta in plaie cl
r. Dave Freeman trade a
hi for the place, but didn’t
..ementhns been stared in
atti to dose all churches in
»d August each year in future,
’1 give everybody a vacation,
$ if Baton gfife ahead any he can
s rushed backward in September.
... th's summer and see how
iy swimmers are drowaed. The
i who can’t swim takes no risks.
M On Jx dlteent occasions last
winter I was tempted to suicide."
toys CbaHes Butler of Reliance, -'but
OU each occasion the feeling went
away soon after I hod some
chicken salad.” Paste th’s '
A Kentucky man who was dying
ilone left his will in lead penci’ oh the
bead ol a wb»sty barrel, and it is
held to be valid. The only thing he
left, however, was a gallon of whisky
la the barrel, and that isn’t worth
fosquitoes are so plentiful in
__jeago that a couple of lovers fit¬
ting on the back steps of a resident e
OU WabaBh avenue were bitten 350
times in thirty minutes. They didn’t
mind it, however—in fact, they didn’t
know they had received a bite until
an hour after.
thieves and recovered 350
V--------- -----
fidt>eriutendeut of police he would
1 letter proposing marriage to u
.stile, N. Y„ girl remained in
>afc-tajl pocket of the proposer
egbt months, he supposing it to
mvwbeen mailed. When he finally
d!i<J mftil it she wa« married, but she
gave her husband the shake and
eloped to far off Connecticut,
Joseph Strong, a man of 40 con-
feesedon his dy'ng bed in n New
hospital the other day that he
«en married sixteen different
____Ain the last seven years, and
thatjhe believed all his wives to be
living. He wanted to make them all
y, he said, but death claimed
c- its own.
doiumbusEnquiw SunrT’Mr Hen¬
ry W, Grady’s speech at. the Wash¬
ington and Lee University was very
pretty, prettv. but but is is Mr. Mr. Gfrody Grody practicing prnctio ug
in favor of a protective tariff. How
ton can he he harmonize hnrmonize the the two two positions positions ? ?
.......... WSTme ,|®0 tv’s 1111 1
W* offer One Hundred
ramot fse cuiwl by
ra™ W^knonu , Toledo, Toledo F.' O, O
A year*. «*d tSSJeL tefiev* him J
.....,.Ooa. transac- OftnA.
flnaucially able fo carryout any
* ttirir firm.
WholftsaJe Druggtste,
iBXAN t MxnviN. Who Wale
, Trimlo, 0.
, CWiier, Toledo National
, Bnd*mU™‘e' .
** he blood sur-
Testimonials •* ‘ sent sent free. free,
Sold by all Druggists.
L Very Lnrg- ;e Percentage
people are troubled
ying, troublesome
complaint called
net ^of
in-, ton yee.
,w graduate*,
District Bara
nt a voung roan,
not a gradate, was.present in the
clerk s office, and he, like the others,
stood In the crowd and took the
oath to support and bear allegiance
w to the MIB VUIWU United States, oumww, »MU and well wou and auu
; at - bfullv discharge the duties of the
o« te o».>*hIa m abo , rt *0 enfr,
book, and then pat’ent’v waited for
ktaprtUfcate, ,SSj and «*VW, *.*>•*»■ W I*r
-ISS-" it. any /or
opened his «pee >h to the
delegations that viaitc 1 h : m 0.1
day with the declarations that Aus
^in w as, u common with otherpow
ers - do»ng the utmost to insu-e the
peaceful development of the Europe.
an Situation , Emperor Francis J osepli
closed by saying that the special
credits for wb'eh he had asked the
Imperial Lefc : «iaturf*woold be de-
voted to strengthening the army, be-
cause the general steuatkn was still
unsafe. Th-s is a sample of all re-
cant announcements of Europeau
continuita’, po.eutates, which
amount a*mply to the expression of
hopes for perce with expectations of
wa r—to come they know not when,
The strain cannot last. Between
disarmament owl ge ieral conflict lies
the onlv alternate of the future;
,t¥» w. htnwajaw,
Dr. Scott, held a $1,200 clerkship
in the Pension Office, taough inefl-
pacijbated from doing active'work
The President removed him to the
White House, end a lady clerk who
has long been in the Government
se/vice appi'ed fop the vacant posi¬
tion. She was told it was reserved
by the President as a personal mat-
ter and an old lady of tin?
From the big subjects comprising
a,! tha w^ht, P'ob «n.» o. r. «kk*_
the co mniencem* orators have
been dlscrss'rg ftnai ?rng ard
ap~.-oi.b v® it «»M «M> that
Fame wou’d sm’le upon them with
fond avd permanent'ioy; bin in xl is
co’d and somewhat hca.tless wo "id
long weds do not always uchiev e
g ory, add ranltlt-udcs of eloquence,
in spite of the giowiug se loences and
rounded periods, go down “unwept
uuhonored arid unsung."
I* Won't Baxk BhXad.—... t l other words
Hood’s SavaapaviUa will not do imposs .ssibif-
U0OU1 ouvu t/uu not be
in the •ram't.
The Soutbern Sltiif tlon
Has asswrri been a puzzle to the President,
* ’ be statesmen have
„„„„ opmions through
the press and on the stump. A ques-
“’lA tion of - * still greater ..... 1 *““■--“ moment is lu how
shall I rid myse" of malaria. The
question is easily answered if you will
IUUU » OBiffluya aaiuio, hi. of
anti-periodic and stimulant the
;ge. It will purify your blood, (
you an appetite and make you
like yotisen remedy again.’ sold by all of
This is your
druggists at 50 cents and $1.00
bottle. '
For sale by E. R, Anthony.
Ingenious Mode of Advertising.
Tbo agent* for a certain kind of cough candy
distribute circulars ou which is stated the fol¬
lowing puxtle: “What number can you take,
and when yon divide it by two, three, four,
fivd or six you will have one over, but when
dividod by seven nothing will remain!" The
circular goes onto say that if a person can-
not sol vo the puzzle he should buy a box of tho
candy, when the agent will hand him tho
right number on a slip of paper. The meth¬
od* of advertising are not yet all exhausted.
—Scientific American.
B. B. U. (Botanic Blood Balm.)
It you try thisrem’edy yon will say as many
uvuern others have said, that, is the best blood puri- *.....
fier ami tonic. Write Blood BaimCo., Atlan-
ta, Ga.. for book ol convincing testimony.
’ Atlanta, Ga. (West End),
J. P. Davis,
u *i,tly cured me»f rheumatism and sciatica.’’
m *‘t h ^ r aud^mterimd 1 ""^"’^
amUcrofnia. »ud ecrofote. B. B. B B. B. cured them.” the m_”
rn W
cured me 1 lmd beer troubled several years.”
A. Spink. Atlanta. Ga., says: ‘‘One bottle
of of B. B. B. ». B. B. compieimy completely cured curea my my cnuo»M effildpf ecze- ecze-
laa” *
Another Cure of Rheumatism.
uentieuien—t uaa rneumansin lor
uvee over ljix »■ v - -Ttofs, y iuiu and last umi May may was was
taken down and confined --*--- to ray bed. K ~ ’
and My legs the and color feet were badly swollen
of a red apple, and I
was in a fearful condition. I heard
'alter rose Koot
«uw the seeing
what formula ingredients were—a* the
is on the bottle-I ootfehnl-
=:S -S£5
ia * 01 Irw o* th «
and L.* University Lex
PM#. Wfteethig V «- was‘enlarged of the of at Trustees the re¬
ceflt Board
by the addition of a profresoreinp of
equity, commercial; constitutional
and international law, and Hon. J.
Randolph Tucker was elected to the
Potion. In accepting it Mr. Tucker
* '
announced his pe munent retirement
'* ) £- During his long term of service
"* W " h ^" ** ’TT"?** °!
House recewteg great attention
throughout .....™ the Union. .. ...... It .. is „ to
teaching the nature of onr constiuK
tional system that lm wid now, it is
it«flora understood, fcnnrf. itIva give fii« lbs ftlftfrf chief ntteritfcvn. attention.
**I come bach,’ be said when bis elec¬
tion was announced, ‘ to this univer¬
sity after years of separation, and I
have come to stay. I purpose to de¬
vote the residue of my life to teach¬
ing young men who assemble here
the truth of our consticacioml sys¬
tem, which my experience in public
afters shows to be essentiel for the
protection of our institutional l'ber-
ties." In fnrthevance o! bis purpose
it is h : s intention to embody in a
book for the use of law students bis
views of the Constitu^'on in its pres-
entform. Tbat’documeut is not. n
Mr. Tucker’s opivtoi’, an absolute
compact whose restrictions upon
eml ino P‘ vt -
The complicated diseases brought
nous nature. Heed such symptoms
as loss of memory, universal lassitude,
heart troubles disease, and kidney general complains breaking do liver
a wn
of health and strength. least When exertion thus
afflicted, when the
a uuraru, uw jmoin?'iauic miiTu^icu-
A >«<t a niri. m ? w .
r ,
philadolphiu. but his life is not all de-
voted to the accumulation of weatlh.
gf “T?” His country place at Jenkin-
.. is the apple of oae of iiis eyes.
Ilia flowers, hts cattle, absorb and him tho beauti¬
fying of the place as com¬
pletely does when the store. out of He town entertains as business liber¬
ally, and there is a hail fellow free¬
dom and jollity about him that are
contagious. lection of He and has orchids, a splendid and col¬ his
rhododendrons are fa&oua in the
neighborhood.—Pittsburg Bulletin.
There’s blessing in the bottle on whose labe
we can read .........—........ ■...... : --------
Dr. Pieree’S Favorite Prescription, for the
woman Who has'need
Of a remedy for troubles none but women ever
’Tis her best and truest friend, and happy
thousands call it so, of suff’ring that
As they think of years were
their before it came,
Bringing bless them the balm of healing, and they
the very name
of this wonderfully, and deservedly,
popular remedy for the various ills
woman is heir to. “Favorite Pre¬
scription” is the only medicine for
women, sold by druggists, under a
positive guarantee, from the manu¬
facturers, that, it will give satisfac- will be
tion in every case, or money
refunded. This guarantee lias been
Old Wlue* In SavdmisJ:.'
Some of the oldest families here
have .Madeira nearly a century old.
One gentleman has several lots of the
famous und All Saints’ Madeira, imported the great
in 171)1 1703, the year of
flro in Savannah. Two the pipes great-grandfa- imported
that year, one for
ther of the late William Gibbons and
one for the father of Nat Heyward,
a prominent South Carolina planter.
The Under night tho of bluff the fire by one mistake, pipe und was left the
AfUcr other w.oa was burned upon it non f.hp. the hnv. bay. Tho The
pipe turn,, ider the -..v bluff was — divided «...— be- —
tween Gibbons and Heywarf as tbe
only fair way of settling their loss.
The geiitloaian who now has several Gib¬
bons’ lots of and the wine Heyward’s bought it descendants from
eighty in'the years after its division. Then
there famous Hunter wine, im-
ported about tho same time. Some of
it is still in the hands of friends of the
family. iamiiy. The mo lato late iur. Mr. uo Do Renne, rvenno, who wnu
inherited sotno of this wine, was often
offered $100a ov^rTwen'ty bottle for it. 'lots“Imported One gentle-
man ,—«... te*. :„,„™t.,i
ffolll the old Madeira house of Newton
Gordon Irom ‘ 1S02 to 1S80. Savannah Sa '*
irt acen-
Criticising a Vowng L; dy.
"She would be a pretty girl but for
sfexsKJsa ‘
Gnaney- of. oil, w ’fie
disposed myself, but Used I caught to
.i.i* way wftv mySCII, DUb A caugxn-on i lo “ uie in
Georgist—^"What was it?’
Charley—‘‘Simply blood eruptions.
v —-----—„ y
matem so ted that you could hear
bun hoUer clear across the county
every time he moved. a. Hetned it re and o «<4
yon know what an athletic athletic old old gent gent
or is now. if somebody pointer t she ould would only
give Miss them Daisy afterward*. a AH the drug
«<»ree sell it. ]■■■■■ >•
XtStA v .
The Chief Beacon for the great »uo
«** of Hood's SarsapariHals found in the
article itself, it is merit that wins, arid the
ifSed for it. is what and
^ giyen to this medicine a popularity
sale greater than that of any other sarsapa.
Merit Wins SMJSMS
Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt
Eheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That
Tired Peeling, creates an Appetite, strength¬
ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System.
Rood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all drug¬
gists. $1; six for fid. Prepared by C.L Hood
ft Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Rase.
Ti tfsPiUs
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray St* New York.
: ,rr
■m s. iiw .iui ; ^v ......-................ ■.■i-'. -" --- ---- '
' In xn 18881 loan i comm contracteA Blood Poiton
icnrediric cured mo entirely, ood hasretmned. no sign <
j the dreadful disease
Jan. lu, '69. Hobbyvilte Ind.
My little nwm niece had u»u white w«»m> w/eBtog
> such an extent that she was time. eon-
d to tho bed nieces fpr of a bone long
_ ;e than 80
‘onto! 1
and put l»r on S.B.S. and she is'--
up and active and In as pood health, as
: \ any child. Slies Aknw GxKStam.
Feb. 11, ’89. Columbns^Qa.
Book on Blood Swirr Disease* Srsctvio sent Co. free.,
Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga _
liIPPMAN BBQS., Wholesale Agents, Sa
vannab, Ga. !une25d&wly
nee i i/j, B tjbIi Elec u ric Comoai'y, „
Cleveland, Ob o. he and is hereby aatuorhsed
to co.'siauct, maintain, repair and
upon or .’./< •at er er the „ce oublie put streets, a,!’
otaer drri ppb-ic uacee ______ iniuecitvof G n
i\ d g .be te-,n of five (5) yee p&.s from
■ 4 p,,« of the oateage of this ordiaaei
It .an n{ wi e, or o^her^e'ect:-c co-dueborr
iiOge.’A vita a’! i eceissaiy feeders acd ser-
vice w* •ea, o' gAe eleciric coaductore, fri be
uveo fo ■ theiiia Mehin-y wiasionof light and electricity for the
po, .K>s* of jf fur fur power. *
Sec. 2. Said Said -i«- or lines of wire may be
Jevn nlaced ulaced upon upon public public poles poles places, places, e e -ected -ected und under ia ia e i-----— ground,
1 or - or or or
o the e'ection of said
tteeome. and for chat period shall alone be
en i tied oc autho rized to maintain and oper-
f .e within the limits such of said city sueh line or
Iires to be need for o n-pose
Ssc. . 3. 3. Tbai; That the tbe co con T act foriighvirg the
Lt ee^s or t le cifcy to b catered tered into into by by said
com oany with theci the city, when this ordin
is accepted accepted oy ay said said company', company,; is hereby made
a pa.. and portion )ortion of of this this ordinance, ord
Seo. 4. Within ithin ten ten (10) (10) days days from the pas*- shall
”------said company
rith .he city CJerk of Griffin, and and
wje.i so accepted this between ordinance tile city shall and oper¬ th<
ate as a cod o-act
said company, its successors and assigns.
8ec, 5. Th’s ordirance shall be of fu*l force
as soon as itshall be adopted by said Mayor
and Council of the city of Griffin and puolish-
i in the Gkffin News and Sun.
8cc. 6. AH ordiuan
inces heretof
finance, be
*y a iled. ,
jle c ; tv i;eep any goods, wares, me -chan-
mm o' any kind or description on the sice-
wr*!:s of said city rearer than four leec of
Wat* • o' side walk on e'the: side.
Be it u ther o’-dabied and passe, 1 That if
any pe soa shall violate thiso-d Innate they
shall be
mmmm ead they sinU be tried be.*oretne Judge of
()-> .*• d rf [ er er the the passage of this Ordinance
..-8i«Biw. be m. Iaw;-.’l •«—,» for any pe won, eith-
°*L g sut °!T for a.’other, to 4
8Vi shall
'her surer, r a ,: ceDSe for which they pay
S SUB! O* o’ $25.00 per per day. day. P-ovided, P-ovi. , this —
._____ construed sSa’l not be so as to ap-
residc.’t '.icchants, who ids/ buy and
>m as o.ber me-eband’se. Nor agents of
ocma'infeeiurers, ..,'hoselito w
s only. Any one viola J >g this ordi.
narce shall pay a flue not to exceed one hnn-
corflic.’jg w’th this are hereby
OTTHE^^llI .......
Si —— —1
July Sheriffs Sales.
the ■ ue C Vto-wit: jitsi
p ‘ r. One d black bull .about five six years old, o.d, one
white speckled ox ahout years and white one
ox about fire year* old, one
spotted bull aoour k.^,,u years old, one log
cart, two two-horse wagons without bodies.
U' ied on and sold to satisfy one fl fa issued
J°e. Mkfnson * placewillbe sold
Also, at the same time and
of land No. 85, containing 202% acres
east by land of W. J.EUls, south by the Sa-
sold to satisfy one fl fa Issued from W. Spalding Stanley
Superior &FsJU*heps«M Court in favor of Prank
Receiver’s Sale.
By virtue of an order granted 13th, by Jude J88S
James in the matter 8. Boynton of McCone, on May Wallace the A Co
Court, win D® sold owore the loewreaouwuour first Tuesday in
of July Bpalding next, tho county, following oh property of J. L.
Vaughn: '
lie ai one
w’est, north g county, and >«.»'> by land* .v»v, of JohD — Connol¬ — —
east Mi
ly, on the south by Zion camp ground. building
Also, the one story residence frame
with five rooms, with lot of land containing
twelve acres, in Creswell, the Spalding north by county, public
Georgia, bounded on
road, known as the Griffin and Fayetteville
road, on east by said road and Baptist
church lot, oh south by lands of J. W.
Vaughn raughn and ana a. B. F. t . Norton norton and west by J. W.
Tf~««kn W: Trtwnsn T 5ST of >, f&r Kola t
iNNELL, Receiver.
Ordinary’s $dvertisemenis.”
i^r applies to Wja* me for letters of late Dismission ol said
ob tlw eatafee of Woodward,
C °Lct ail before
persons concerned show cause
the Court of Ordinary, at ray office, by ten
o’clock ber a. m.,on why the such first letters Monday of m dismissiou Septem¬
* I »”'ib" 0 ‘ “'/T'HiUMOm,
ty, GkoR ia, May 31, 1889.—A. J. Mad¬
dox applies to me for letters of Dismiseion as
guardian of the An' -
), why such 1*
n °S8.W) graDt R'w. HAMMOND, Ordinary
/ABDINARY’S OFFICE— Spalding County,
V/ Geoegia. May 31,1889.—To Goodin, the cred¬
itors and next of kin of Nicholas late
of said county, deceased: You Conrt are hereby of Ordi¬ no¬
tified to be and appear at the
nary by ten o’clock a. m. on the 1st Monday
in July next, to be held atmy office in Griffin,
then and there to show cause why the admin¬
istration of his estate should not be
tion on the estate deceased: of Martha A. Malaif, late
of said county,
Let all persone concerned show cause before
the the Court Court of Ordinary, nary, at at my my office, offi. by ten
o’clock • • ■ a. m., oi i the *• * first * ** Mondi lay ministration in July
next, why such letters of adra
should not be R“ ited.
|3.00. . HAMMOND, Ordinary.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given Assembly that application of the State will
be ^jomued^whonto^reEi^teeBaTeof*eri^ made to the General bill
of Georgiafor the passage of a at the Julj
adjourned malt malt session liq liquor* t within three miles of
nous uoua and and cWhiu 1
Union Union Baptist Bagtist Ch Cabm. district in
Spalding County.
Notice'of Local Legislation
Notice M hereby given that- application will
be made to the General Assembly bill of the the State July
of oi Georgia Georgia for for the the passage passage of of a a at
adjourned session malt liquors to prohibit within the tl three sale of miles spirit- of
uons and t
Teampn Baptist Church in Cab: >ins district in
Spalding County.
Notice of Local Legislation
sSHSSS adjourned session prohibit the sale of spirit¬
uous and malt iiqnore within three mile« ol
Midway Methodist Church in Akin distrii
Spalding County. •
Notice of Local Legislation
Notice is hereby given that application will
be made to the General Assembly of the State
of Georgia for the passage of a bill at the July
adjourned session to prohibit thesaleof farm
products in the county of Spalding between
snndown and sunrise.
Notice of Local Legislation
Notice is hereb- theG------- ■by General given Assembly that application of the State will
be made to
of Georgia for the he passage passage of of a bill at the July
Notice of Proposed Leg is
Notice is fiereby given session that a of bill the will Legisla¬ be in
troduced at the summer Spalding
ture to authorize, the county of
sixteen thousand dollars (316,000)
ss . ss a . Sm
notified ‘ dtopresentthran i L. ELLEDGE, at once Administrator, in legal form
t A.
frrnelli w6.-f8.70. ColumbuSr Qa
Under New Management.
6. DANIEL, Prop’r.
>n+ »'.«-»I *11 fruih*.
world, with ell tbe ettochment*.
■ will fttoe scud fre*e* complete
ttty and a»k valuable that art
Hurt we yoft
B ae»d, to thoee who
ESti li
(CONSOLIDATED* ilAY 26, 1889.)
More Value V .
To Advert i
■ * • ^o; -v. • ; v -a-'''-'-
In proportion to prices charged, than &nj
other medium In the South.
■ — m :— v 11m
With the combined circulation of two old
and well established papers, it charges the
prices of only one.
It is published in one of the agricultural,
commercial, manufacturing and railroad
centers of the most progressive State in the
South, with a large and intelligent surroud-
ing population and extra facilities for dis- ?
trihntion. *
Being a first-class newspaper, fully up to,
all demands of the times and the require-
ments of its constitueiicy, it Is read not only *
nearly every family in Spalding Count#,
but in the eight surrounding counties, with
a good general circulation in the State and
other States. _ |
and covers it completely.
Prices low. Write for rates anti sample
copies of Daily and Weekly to' ,
Griffin, 0ft.
■ *
Omcx COUNIBSIONZK or AomicoLTOXX, Awbbm. *«•' |
O i. * B amuuok, Secbctabt CuLTiVAToa Publish iso Co. • ft,, ffirnwH
. . . »
. l)c,f Sir:-l tin and do mo.thawtilr recommend Tn Sovthon pr#
journal of mperlor merits. It ihould be in |WJ .
of Alabama as a farm very *’ F ’ BOLB.
oretsive sgricnltari.t. Very truly youw. •’
300,000 Readers I Established 1848. Leading in 18801
ii mm in and Dim vahhb.
A’ TT'A’N TA, (3-EOIRX3-X-A.,
Now laa. Its yorty-sewerttlx TTea,r of ZF’ia.'tollca.tloaa..
agriculture andth* tndn»«rial ptocn* of tho wlA
The reeotnlsed organ of Southern
a guaranteed circulation in every Southern and We*U» State.
A BRILLIANT corps of writers.
1 Tho editorial ooryt of writer* and contributor* i* unxurpa»*ed, lf Preridont edualled, of ^ to t *'* Gdtrfia t ^ *^*^ SW»
Bar publication in aU tho Union. HON- W. J. UORTUEN1. the “^g* *** *
Agricultural Society, and a practical farmer ofthe moit thorough
always iiutructive to fanner*. DR. DANIEL DEE i* not only on* ofthe
ed agricultural journalist in the country, but he was for four n*tn L
Washington, D. C.. smd later, Professor of Agriculture at the GeorglaSUte UBiveis y.
R. J. REDDING is the able and thoroughly equipped Assistant
the BUte of Georgia. W well as an experienced writer. Paor. J. S. NBWMA Zit* ^
Alabama 8Uto Experiment SUtlon. and sUnds in the fron trank of ** ri * a>> ** 1 ° («-
eles eovereverydopartaent of fkrm management and household work, m g |„ a «
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