Newspaper Page Text
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Soft jglgjkv Peaches.
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W. Marsh
. 1 „ Daily. „
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’ Notes,>nd News From This and
Adjoining Counties.
ifii »•? * m .
figSSSKS* He wrote her * verse with a rensuous swing,
A token hi« unit to embolden. *.. V £
Now end and dejected the youth wanders
round: it.
He to crushed—there is none could searched deny
h her window he
id. he
good for freshness,
telling how to apply it.
werubeid at DeVotie chapel
E. W. Doe has returned from a
trip to Indian Springs.
J. 3. Mangham took a dying trip
to Senola on yesterday.
Thoa. Hastings toot a trip np the
8.6. *N. A. R. It. yesterday.
Judge C. H. Johnson went to Borne
yesterday, where be will spend a few
Howard and George McCall, of Ma¬
con, are spending several days with
friends in this city.
J[. H. Ringer says he thinks it all a
mistake about a depnty marshal be¬
ing shot In Pika.
Misses Myra and Milledge Wamble,
of Warm Springs, are visiting Miss
Addie Stephenson,
When Cupid gets tired of hunting
with bow and arrow he spreads a net
with the meshes of a hammock.
Miss Mattie Briscoe, after an ex
tended Yisit to- Mr. and Mrs. E. 3.
Fleipister, returned home yesterday
Col. and Mrs. E. W. Beck are
.fending some time at Indian
Springs lor the benefit oICol. Beck's
s " d
oil nvHI iipiivf. i u ycstcrufty• It was
raadebyR.D. Cole & Bro of New-
nan. _ BM
Mrs,J. Draper, ■ Jr., of Oxford, Ala.,
dib has been visiting w ftgfc*)J. Mrs. returned J B.
Barnes for several days,
home yesterday.
Mrs. Hair, Misses Ellen andSallie
Hair andMisf, May Faille left yester¬
day morning to attend the Chautau
qua, at Salt Springs.
Miss Minnie Long, after a
pleasant visit to Miss Susie Stewart
of this city, left yesterday for her
SC ,t Hurteboro, Ala.
tion is called Ho the adver-
tisement of Mercer University in this
issue? It will be noticed that tuition
iafree for the coming year.
s George Seymore and Brown Mil¬
ligan thought yesterday was a good
day to catch fish already cooked, the
water beta* nearly warm enough.
Owing to improvements being
made at the court house the County
Alliance, which was to have met
there today, will meet at the City
Misses Jessie and Stella Simpson,
after a delightful deli, visit of a month to
tbeir.uncle, W. B. Hudson and fami
ly, left for their home at Cuthbert
yesterday morning.
Judge W. C. Beeks went to Borne
yesterday to attend the State meet-
Knights of Honor today,
of Which he is one of the past grand
Ayer’* Hair Vigor has long held the first
place, aa a hair dwaning, in the estimation of
the pnhJie. Ladies find that this prepara¬
tion gives a beautiful gloss to the hair, and
gentlemen use it to prevent baldness and cure
humors in the scalp. ~
HnetiC' vester
leaving in
toon for
-True and not True” will be the-
begin at 8:16. Everybody cordially
invited, A special welcome for
,trang«ra in the ritj.
There was an ice famine in town
yesterday, neither of the two dealers
being able to supply custonfrrs.
This compelled the fruit men to use
ventilated 4 cars, which it is thought
may bs better for the Elberfca than
Miss Cleora Bowdoin was seriously
kicked by a horse on Monday after¬
noon, inflicting a bad ent on the
right temple but fortunately not do¬
ing serious injury. The hold backs
on the harness were loosened, allow¬
ing the buggy to run into the horse,
which caused it to kick.
Thomas Stephens, a workman at
Ayeeck’s factory, had the misfortune
to have one of his thumbs split open
with a rip saw yesterday. The piece
of timber he was sawing was thrown
with great force across the building,
narrowly missing Mr. Aycock’s
We are informed by Bev, B. J. W.
Graham, who spent yesterday in the
city, that the general meeting of the
western district of the Centennial As¬
sociation has been changed from Hie
4th Sunday in July to 1st Sunday in
August next. The meeting wBJ be
held at New Harmony church, Upson
county, beginning on Friday before
the 1st Sunday.
Col. F. D. Dismnke spent Monday
in Atlanta mid says that President
Dubignon, of the State Senate, will
be down here during the Horticul¬
tural Convention and probably half
or two thirds of the members of tbe
legislature. Everybody wants to
see the favored spot which the expert
ment commissioners decided to be
the best in Georgia.
Our efficient postmaster, being
despondent at the approaching expi¬
ration of his term of office, and further
depressed by the heated term, at¬
tempted to commit suicide yesterday
by swallowing half the centents of a
pale pink watermelon, tout at last
accounts was still alive, although
somewhat feeble. Out of considera¬
tion for his family, we forbear men¬
tioning the unfortunate gentleman’s
Ex-Governor Boynton and wife
have just returned from a trip north.
They attended the Boynton associo-
tion and family reunion, which met
at Salem, Mass., the 26th and 27th
of June. There were present two
hundred members of the family. Dr,
John Boynton, of Syracuse, is prest
dent of the association, and Major
Boynton, of West Point, vice pres¬
ident. The mayor of Salem colled
on Governor Boynton, and took him
and lis wi f e for a drive over the city
and to all places of interest. From
Salem they went to Boston, Syracuse,
Niagara, Albany, and by New York
home. Judge Boynton is now hold¬
ing court at Thomaston.
Word* cannot express the gratitnde which
people leel lor the benefit done them by the
use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Long standing
eases o! rheumatism yield to this remedy,
when all other* fail to give relief. This medi¬
cine thoroughly expels the peison from the
Sunday afternoon two negro boys
got in a boat and went out into
Lewis’ mill pond, at Montezuma, for
the purpose of taking a wasp nest
nearly as large as a man’s hat which
was fastened to a tree. When dis¬
turbed the wasps became furious,
and commenced stinging so terribly
that tbe smaller one jumped out of
the boat to avoid them and was
drowned. Instead of trying to save
his companion, the larger boy pad-
died for the shore in search of help.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Braises, Sores, Dicers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chamied Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, frequired. and It positive¬
ly cures give Piles, perfect or nopay satis action, is guar-
teed to or money re
funded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale by
E. R. Anthony.
Advice le Mothers.
Maj. Winsi/Ow's Hoothikc SiEUa
for ohildron the teething, female is tbe presetiptio
of on* of best nurses au
pbvsioians iu the United, States, and
has been used for forty yearn with never
failing snooess by millions of mothers
for their children. Duriug the process
of teething its value incalculable
It relieves the child from paiu. cures dys
asi“S. 4 arw w %
What fishisinoet valued
A Large Lot of Consigned * '
Sis, Coats aid Tests,
at our store and most be sold at in¬
voice Onr^rernJar ~ prices. 1 “mr stock will be sold
siock win no
at ACTUAL COST from this date
to Aug. fit
*^ 22
in Oils, we are honest In what we
say- Yours, &©.,
<J. H. WHITE, JR., * CO.
Hardware, Stoves
And Farming Implements.
-lo|— -T
Have jugt received a nice line of CEDAB BUCKETS, POT-WABE and
★ * ★ PISTOIeS ! PISTOLS! ! ★ ★
mr Come and see me.
The New* aa Gathered Over Georgia
In Meriwether county so far this
year tbe deaths number 117 negroes
and 58 whites.
Julian Perry has been offered
fil,000 for the site of the Cordele
springs, at Cordele, bat won’t sell at
that price.
John Blalock, of Hoschton, is tbe
owner of a phimomenal pig. It i*
three weeks old and was bora with¬
out a tail—without even a sign or
suggestion of a tail.
The postoffice at Alford, in the
Core, Meriwether county, has been
discontinued at the request of the
postmaster. The mail for that place
will go to Woodbury.
Prof. A. Jacoby, of Hawkinsville,
died Friday, after a protracted ill¬
ness of fever, aged 66 years. He re¬
sided in Savannah some years, and
was well-known throughout the
State as a proficient teacher of in¬
strumental music.
The alliance men of Macon and
surrounding counties discussed
the guano factory and oil rafll at
length at a meeting Tuesday, and
appointed a committee to formulate
a plan to organize a company. Sev¬
eral thousand dollars have already-
been subscribed.
Atlanta Journal: “Yon need not
think that Judge Marshall Clarke
does not get off his dignity some¬
times, for he does. I met a young
lady at Cumberland who told me
how he bad been made to ‘root tbe
peg’ in a game of mumbly peg last
summer. Just fancy the dignified
judge on his knew, with his mouth
in tits grit, i trying to bring up the
] peg!’”
The transition from long, lingering and
rSoch aaiufni sickness to robnsthealth marks an
in the life of the individual. Such a re-
markable event is treasured in
it to that so much to heard In in pratee praiss of^Elwv o
trie Bitters. So many feel they owe thdr res¬
toration to health, to thenss of the Great
Alterative and Tonic. If yon are troubled
with relw'lfru^oTlSS^ittore^B^t any disease ol Kidneys, Liver or Stom-
50c. and $1 perbottto at E. B. Anthony’s
H. T. Hamtnack, of Crawfordvillc,
•ays one half pound of fat meat cut
into a gallon of corn meal dough
and fed to fifteen hens will five the
owner more eggs than ew&kien from
the-same number of hens. He save
it will never n fail and be is surprised
at the people
scarcity of hen
in small quant
lay rapidly.
; ill
I 1
- ;; ---the--:-- I
$r 2i atr tzri tt&z* r
Centre of Your W
f >; is’-* I - x-; ''m
akMrswttiBaKBsftas*. will do.
covet. This we
- •
. ^
A „ • QjSL 1 7,r ,
*■' | ■* j ■« >4*$ jw ■%%. >"&' y J
There the buyers will be gathered togetherjto secure 1
offered by • '% -> -
Thursday .Bevenue Collector’ Ware
raided the premises of the govern¬
ment still of »Walcon county, which
recently suspended work. He found
plenty of evidence that the still had
just been in operation. A raid was
then made on the house of A. T.
Smith near by, and they fouad
barrel of fresh whisky in the smoke
house. It is alleged that F. L. Phil¬
lips and James Rome made the illicit
whisky. Two large coppers and
everything else connected with tbe
distillery, together with the barrel of
whisky, were seized. All three of the
men were arrested.
Every Night I Scratched Until tee
Skin was Raw.
Body cvered with acalee like spots of mor¬
tar. An awful Spectacle. Doctors useless.
Curs hopeless. Ent irely eared by the Ctm-
ccra BjotEsm jn fire weeks.
I am going to tell yon of the extraordinary
change your About Ctmcvax the 1st of Remedies April last performed I noticed
on me.
some body, red bat pimples thought like nothing coming-out of it until all over my
time later on, when it began to took like
spots in layers, of mortar accompanied spotted on, with and which itching. came I
would seratch every night until I was raw,
then the next night the scales, off being In formed
meanwhile, I were all scratched the in again. the vain
did consult doctors country,,
bnt oi without I aid. happened After giving np advertise¬ all hopes
recovery, in the tofsee an
ment newspaper abont yonr Ctjticcea
Remedies, and purchased them from my
druggist, lief. I began and obtained notice almost that the immediate scaly re¬
to erup¬
tions by gradually and have dropped oB fully and disappeared had
one disease one, toen cured. I
the thirteen months before I began
taking fire the Cvnccnn Remedies, cm My ig lour or
weeks was entirely cured. disease
was edema and psoriasis. I recommended
the CxmcvBA Remedies to all in my vicinity,
and I know of a great many who have taken
them, and thank me for the knowledge of
them, with scaly especially mothers their who heads have bodies. babes
I erupt.on In on words the and
cannot express thanks to
you|or what My body Cimctnu covered Remedies have seaies, been
to ms. was with
and I was an awful spectacle to behold. Now
r skin is as nice and dear as a baby’s.
Slept. 31,1887. GEO. COTEY, Merrfi, Wi,
Feb. 7,1888.-—No trace of the disease from
which I suffered has shown itself since my
erne. G.C.
Cuticnra Remedies
itching, Carre every burning, species scaly of agnoniiing, and pimply humiliating, of
the skin, scalp, and Mood, with leas of hair,
scales ami all and humors, blotches, eruptions, sores,
crusts, whethcr-simpie, scrofulous,
orcoutagious, when phyrieiada Mid all other
Sold everywhere. Price, Ctmcunx, 50c.;
Soap, 35^ Resolvent, fl. Prepared by the
Potteh Dsiro and Chemical Corpouation
Send tor “How toCure Skin Diseases,”
Mjmgre, 50 iBnstrations, and 100 testimo-
Chest Pains, Soreness, ______ Wsak-
^^gy p^'h* v’^nd'fnfla^iotioV reliev-
toUeons tes C^v^axt Anti-Pain
New M Stare. : T;
Two mow we^. to cto» out the immwae frtoe, in order to- mnie a
iu business and secure more room.
We have knocked prices down, now we want to
that you will never get a chance to buy Dry Goods, Cloihing, things J !
and Hats as we are now offering. We Are doing big
we sum it up by saying --'•** - " '-C»
Prices Are Paralyzed
Prices marked below will leave erorj.thing behind—A CLEAN WALK¬
Read! Read! Read l
1 Case of Handsome Calicos slaughtered at 5 eente a vard. Other Jiouses
are selling the same at 7 cents a yard. At NEW YORK STORE.
houses 1 Case of 6 beaufcifnl emits yard. styles Calicoes at 4 cents a " At ya"?,isameotiiw NEW YORK STORE.
at a
2 lots of Raid and Striped Ginghams will be closed out at 5 cents a yard.
Considered cheap at 8 crata. Com. ^d «then-K*®-*^
2 lots of 10 emits Dress Jinghams Will be c,08 ^ t ^^YC^K^ tSrE
1 lot of Fine Zephyr Stripe Ginghams, new 1 to sold at 8 ?f
cents reduced from 12% eente. At NEW YORK, STORE.
All our 8 and 10 cents ChaiKes will be dosed 01
1 lot of French ChaiUes, rich designs,40 inches wtae,willbe sold at 10 cte.
Marked down from 15c. At NEF YORK STORE
1 lot of Handsome 36 inch wide Dress Batiste, will be closed out at 8c. a
yard. Reduced from 15c. At NEW YORK STORE.
and 1 case White will be Lawn convinced. at 7e.-wdl worth 10c. Come At NEW and YORK ^ w]tet STORE. we offer
1 ease of Cable Cord at 6c.-weU worth 10e.^
1 case very fine Sheer India Linen Lawn at lOc^mtaced^^||i 0RE
Handsome line of Laces and Lace Flouncing. If you want Swiss Emb’d
Skirting and Hamburg Edgings at prices that will paralyze competition,
call at once as we want room. AtNEW YOB& STOItE.
2 lots Fignred.Batiste, perfectly fast colors, new styles, only cheap. 5c, a yard,
reduced from 8c. This is your chance to get a handsome dress
All our English Sateens will be dosed out at 12%o.; NEW reduced from STORE. 15c. an
18c. At YORK
3 lota of French Sateens, latest styles, will be dosed ont at 25c. a yard;
reduced from 80c. and 35c. a yard. At NEW YORK STORE.
2 lots of new styles English Sateens, that we sold at l()c. a yard, will be
dosed out at 6c. Call and get you a few dresses as they will not last long
at the above price. At NEW YORK STORE.
Shoes! 2500 yards Sea Island, edge slightly damaged^ f wttl^W ShJes! closed outatJ2c.
Now is the timeif yon are in need oi anythingin t
must be closed out in order to make room. Con® , . ..... „
sellection. You can get the best value for your money and have ,
choice'from the largest stock in Griffin. . ' ! ;
Boys Button Shoes, size from 12 to 2, fl,25, reduced from $1,50. Boys
Balmoral Shoes from size 12 to 2 at*1.25, reduced from #1.50. -
Ladies Opera Slippers will be closed out in order to make room.
1 lot Ladies Opera era Slippers Slippere at at 45c.; 45c,; reduced red from 75c.
1 lot Ladka Opera Slippers at 65c.; reduced from 90c.
1 lot Lai dies Opera Slippers 75c.; reduced from ™ $1,00.
1 lot t Ladies Ladies Opera Opera Slippere i ‘
A full line of Gents’ Fine Shoes from $1.25 to $5.50.
duced from $1.50, , At N.
If you want a Brogan Shoe call and see our $1.25 Brogan.
Beautiful line of Ladies Shoes from $1.00 to $5.50, which we j
pair. At NEW YORK I
Ladies Slippers, Opera Newport Ties, Oxford Ties,
moa min toe*, from 60c. to fAOO, At(