Newspaper Page Text
......... t 0 °-
14, 1880.
* rats* n» for the DaBv__
i now playing seven
jroake it.
Jrady has made another
eh at a Boston ban-
to, night. li .onto
t done to restrain Henry.
rlH become pock-mark-
i before long.
I Constitution’s ticket
ruwjcv notyet will doubtless been fullyju, *“*v be: Hen- “**-
and Grover Cleveland.
"— ---^bie lawyer
„„aof New York, and
be known by ; repute
- our readers; but he
y raem. to have sufficient
to be the tail of such a kite.
■ Sj_
Th. picture o. Senator H.r*o«
------ p hi. white m tb.
Heaven to save the
lent who would
rules, and the
_______„tHarrison turning
»Democrats in seven months
'cause they were Detno-
i Mr. Cleveland turned out
ans in four yen re, furnishes
) to sicken unto death even
** is it is dissipated by their
h the
m.’S’ i&sss£ sso that the legislature
sach party. The Democrat* are
right and they know it, and
lo not mean to lie down and let
Republicans walk over them.
t the Montana Demo¬
te the good wishes of every
J fair play in the country, irre
spectire of party,
* have confirmed the
_ r ___ j» that there are few great then
left in the Republican party. With
all its leaders gone, and no new ones
in sight, the period of its decadence
appears to be at bond. With none
to to guide guide It, it, it it will, will, if if let ietnlone, accom¬
plish its own destruction. Under the
leadership of Mr. Harrison it is pret¬
ty test in the mire. Already suffer¬
ing from a dead weight, it. received a
tremendous blow at the late State
elections, and unless some life is
speedily breathed into the inert mass
a renomination will hardly be worth
Mr. Harrison's trouble.
There is a breezy suggestiveness in
wBd Western ways which is calcula¬
ted to waken up Eastern ideas and
methods. A Dakota
r^Wooo t recently appeared at
> in gold and green-
bsckfl into her gown. There
she she was, was, take take her her or o leave her, match
her, if you can, a thing of $8,000
beauty and a joy while the money
lasted. Of course shegot a husband;
and Lochinvar was there t a sweep her
off to the parson. The incident is
suggestive of startling possibilities.
‘ proposes to himself to
eras, let him have the debutantes
adopt the Dakota idea. A belle
whose gown is brilliant with coupons,
gold eagles, real estate deeds and
stock certificates will be a wild sne-
ty. ODt ’
Mr. MeAIlisterj^iew York’s " nbstantial giddy
q nri girS the vosaw Lochinvar of the
East a
for 40
I from ret»C M*S
. tCo.-*GMttemro:-I 0.. Jaa. 10,1887.
»of medicine
tie efl
rib. wit b aa
I ran H»Ue
1 takert ae-
Roger Q. Mills. It was interrupted
with frequent rounds of applause
that shook the foundations of the
Hotel V.ndome an.) popping of
npagne corks m
whitewash off the ceiling in great
flakes of snow. At its close, the
four hundred solid business men of
Boston, who bad come to eat on the
occasion of the annual banquet of
the Boston Merchants’ Association,
and hod remained to hear, with one
accord burst into tears and clamber¬
ing over chairs and banquet board,
. grasped the great orator’s hand with
voices husky with enthusiasm and
wine and pronounced it the greatest
effort they had ever heartland and grand- re¬
gretted that their sires
sires had not lived to see the only
really great man who had sfver ' been
in Boston. Vr
It was an epoch making speech,
like the Balias, Texas, affair. That
was a year or so ago, and the people
of Balias have never been the same
since. They go about yet, with the
dared sense of a man who has tied a
string around bis finger and forgot¬
ten of what it was to remind him ;
wit h a dreamy air their ears are turn¬
ed to the east, if mayhap they may
again catch the sweet strains of a
voice that never ceases. They seem
to a stranger like a man who has
had the giimmtr of au idea and fuil-
ed to catch it. But what
they failed to find, the robust vigor
„f the ^ eW England mind, which was
able to 8urvive the vagueness of
Emerson and claims to understand
the meaninglessness of Browning, has
gathered in with one fell swoop. So
far as New England is concerned, the
race problem is solved. In Boston
there is no more a Southern ques¬
tion. Soothed by the gentle winds
blows, the
mind of the Massachusetts states¬
man will be no longer sectional and
narrow, bnt will blossom and bour¬
geon Into a vast—er, something—
that shallcover and embrace a whole
united country under its beneficient
shade. We shall not be surprised to
hear thut almost Henry Cabot Lodge
is persuaded to be a Democrat.
It was a great speech—so great
that all other events of the banquet
are thrown into insignificant obscur¬
ity. We believe there was another
gentleman, by the name of Grover
Cleveland—from New York, we think
—who made a few remarks that the
Associated Press reports make out
to be the event of the occasion. But
everybody knows that the Associa¬
ted Press is biased, partisan and
bigoted. When we want anything
that is absolutely reliable and im¬
partial, we always seek the Atlanta
Constitution’s specials, audit is from
that son tee that we have gathered
our impressions.
There is nodonbtaboutit: through
his own paper, “he himself has said
it, audit is greatly to his credit”—'
that he should have the courage to
be so frank in such a delicate matter
—that Henry W. Grady is a very
great man.
Mr. Matthew Stanley Quay is the
Boss of Bosses. He can raise more
money for Wanamakering, do a big¬
ger business in “blocks of five,” and
manage politicians of the graceless
variety, big and little, with more
audacity and skill than any other
Boss that ever arose in the party of
Bosses Harrison dreads him as he
-does contagion, but he eowere before
him nevertheless. The old Senators
and the old Representatives at Wash¬
ington, who have won reputation in
the intellectual contests of the last
few years, naturally dislike subordi¬
nation to the voiceless and penless
boodler who has suddenly leaped
upon their backs from the local
obscurity of Pennsylvania.
A Lady’s C hMfti of Marrying.
Every woman baaacbaeeof “catch¬
ing a husband,” bnt it is conceded
that young ladies between twenty
and twenty-five years of age are more
likely to draw the matrimonial prizes.
However it is not an onusnal of lady thing who
to hear of the marriage a century
has passed the three quarter *-
knijfk. _______ YW Yet, enervated how can a and woman, tormented weak
dispirited, by diseases to her hope
common sex,
to become a happy wife and mother?
Qf course she cannot; yet Favorite by the mag¬ Pre¬
ic aid of Dr. Pierce's
scription, all these obstacles are
swept away. As a powerful, Favorite invig¬
orating tonic, Dr. Pierce's
Prescription imparts strength to the
whole system, and to Mm womb and
and its appendages, “worn-out,” in particular. “run¬
For overworked, teachers, milli¬
down,” debilitated
ners, dressmakers, seamstresses,
‘shop-girls," house keepers, musing
mother, and feeble women boon, generally, bong
it tfneqnafed is the greatest earthly appearing cordial
as an
and restorative tonic.
..Bltw blood" is still an
"■ MV'
teranees to the
lie. he s me same oiu Ktrovvr < «*»•
J in 1 annnrBntlv in iirivfttf hr be WAR
in pnbliclite. Whet. he believes that
there's anything wrong about a
measure or an institution, he doesn’t
hesitate to tell it, even if the expres¬
sion of his sentiments be sure to in¬
his own immediate odium or
His strictures on the
G. A. R. are certainly more apposite
than they would be welcome, and of
a smaller man than Cleveland
would havecarefully eschewed mak¬
them. But Cleveland iB not of
genus “small man,” as his letter
will go some way to attest:
New Yghk, Oct. 24, 1889.-E. W*
Esq.-Dear Sir: Applica
tions such as you make in your letter
ot the22d inst. are so numerous
that it is impossible to comply with
them au. all. You xuu ask ubk that mut Mrs. mro. vre Cleve- ...
Amy of Pennsylvania, of the Republic, and Department that
you state
the uiv purpose putpum? of ui the tut? fair iair is m to w increase iucir«8c
the charity fund of what the post. idea is
I do not know your aB
to the thing which we should send,
and do not cure to assume that any-
4-kfnn ** s b l 1. it AAn4.Ski.4it contribute 4r% to
value .»—. the — for be which of the especial fair
to cause
is to be held. Bnt it is so refreshing
in in these the G. days, A. R. when is often the good prostituted that is
to the worst purposes, to know that
at least one poet proposes by its ei-
fort to increase its efficiency as a
charitable institution, that I gladly
send a small money contribution in
aid of this object.
Nq one can deny that the Grand
ed Army of the by Republican Republic has demagogues been play¬
for Upon partisan and yield¬
purposes, has
ed to insidious blandishment to such
an extent that it is regarded by
many good citizens whose patriot¬
ism and fairness cannot be question¬
ed as an organization which has
wandered a long way from its avow¬
ed design. Whether this idea is
absolutely sentiment correct only or exists, not, but such wfll a
grow and spread unless within the
organization that its something is done partis¬ to
prove objects selfish. are not
an, In unjust and
this country where the success
of one form of Government depends
upon the patriotism of all our peo¬
ple, best the citizen. best soldier Yours should be the
Gboveb very Cleveland truly,
Dirt, Debt and tbe Devil.
A. distinguished divine calls three
D’s, Dirt, Debt and the Devil, an an
would matched be trinity he of evil. avoid If a man all
would be happy, happy, be must must ovoid <UJ
This calls to mind still another D:
a “G. M. D.”; in fact, Dr. Pieree’s
Golden Medical Discovery, the uniail-
ing Tung remedy for consumation (which
is lung scrofula), ..........._________________ in its early stages, the ...
as well-as for chronic cutarrh in
head, and nutritive, tonic and blood-
purifier, and builds up the strength reduced
and flesh of those who are
below the usual standard of health in
a most marvelous way. It allays ir¬
ritation and subdues the worst fing¬
ering coughs. Guaranteed to benefit
or core in all diseases for which it is
recommended, or money paid for it
8 ■ More than oue-lmLTof tiieehtirch prop¬
erty of Chicago—about S5.000, 000—be¬
longs, it ia said, to the Roman Catholics.
Their parochial schools are attended by
48,000 children — mom than one-half the
school population of the city. Their
church income is about 81 .000,000. Next
to the Catholics are the Methodists, with
church property amounting to 81,350,000.
Congregational churches come next, with
a property of $1,125,000. One Congrega¬
tional church supports more mission*
than any other jingle church in the city
One Fact
Is worth a column of rhetoric.said as Amer
can statesman. It is a fact, established by
the testimony Sarsaparilla of thousands does of scrofula, people, that salt
Hood’s core
jhenm. and other diseases or affections aris¬
ing from impure also state orlow condition of tbe
blood. It overcomes overcomes that that tired tired feeling,
creates a good appetite, and gives strength
to every port of f thesyst 1 Try it. (c)
hoop ’3 4
yen cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every ane needs n
good medicine tfffilMil Is purify, MM vitalize, and enrich
the ■
Peculiar *»$ *» «• gunx
on appetite, and tones tbe digestion.
I eradicates disease. Tbe peeoliar
cf the vegetable remedies toed give la
KSSlSSrit To Itself
If yon have aaada np ]
bn? Rood’s Bamparffiadn net 1 --
* -*• — “e “e*
100 Proro
well, no repetition of the
r occurred. &a
atssS! 1 *S»V 8
■ 5 E
irertaa the .kto fuiraod .mooth, »„d rer-
The ,
r them.
. Andover. Ma
Cutioura Resolvent
The new Blood ~------ Pnrifler^and ------- purest and^ lU.tbW bent
CcncoHA t _
Soap, an «t-
tkwfdnsT externaily, instantly
^ itchin^fe • permanently awfei» core g;
lo«»ofbair from pimple to serofam
^everywhere. Price, Ccwccw. sOc.
8 o*r» 35 -; resolvkjj£$ &***■ l. Prepared by the
PoTT *“ <******»>
mr Send for “How to Cn« Skin Dtoeanen,”
04 jrnges. 50 Uluetrations, and 100 tentimw
Absolutely i>«re.
__Hip. m-
Ordinarv’* Adverbzemenis.
Ellis has applied to me for leitere of adtein-
istratior on the estate of Jane Freeman, late
of said county, deceased.
Let all persons concerned show rouse before
the Court of Ordinary, at my offiee, by tan
ss,** a^asaassas
lata of said county, deceased. be¬
Let all persons concerned show cawse
fore the Court of Ordinary at my office in
Griffin, on the first Monday in January appliro-
next, by tan o’clock a. m., why sueh
$ 8 . 00 . BOND, Ordinary.
late of said eonnty, deceased
Let all persons concerned show cause be¬
fore fore the the Court Coart of of Ordinary ordinary, at ai,my my office omre in m
( \ RDINARY’8 OFFICE—SPAinwo Cottw-
I J tv, GnonoiA, November 2d, 1889.- •—H C
Burr, executor of Rhoda H. Doe, filed represrots and
to the Conrt in his petition, du y en-
tered on record, that lie has fully administer¬
ed Rhoda H Doe’s estate.
This is therefore to cite all persons concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why Bald exeratarsbould
not be discharged from his administration,
and receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in February, 1S90. '
$6,15 E W. HAMMOND. Ordinary.
/SEORGIA-SrALDmo AJ Rnfns A. Thrower, CotrsTV— administrator Whereas, of
Thomas Throwtr, represents to the Conrt is
his petition, duly filed and entered onreeord, Thomas
that he has fully administered
Thrower’s rotate. 4
This is therefore to cite all persons concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to riio w cause, if
an? they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration,
and receive letter* of dismission on the first
~ “rgyaSeiOL
tXJas. FTEOROIA—Spambso Copstv.—
O. Matthews, admiuir-
• Josephine wovuunw Padgett, • —o represrots to v we- y
in • his X - petition, ■ »:A.S ^ HI — duly 1 n I61 | filed A J wnA and entered Mlta on rec¬
ord, ord. that that 1»4 has fully administered Josephine
av’b est-fitp. toriteaH
__is therefore persons show concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to cause, if
any they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration.
and receive tetters of dismission on the first
-$6.1!).' idayin January K. W. HAMMOND. 1890.. Ordinary
■ALDiNG Comerr.—Whereas
Imimstratorof Jam Thrash .
Court in hte that petition, he has fully duly
|L.-. on record,
is therefore ^ to rite aB persons con¬
fined, kindred and creditors, to show canse,
.1 any they ean, why said executor should
not h* dto-harged from bis administration, first
and $a^' receive tettaw E^T/itAMlibND, Of dismission on the
New Advertisements.
Dissolution Notice.
ss^sssij^%%xs The co- partnership heretofore existing be
ing » m £& m rS5&Li£ 5 T.. 2 S
nets and liabilitiro of the firm.
, J. D, “h) Holm aw,
, u
Coder New
■■j- f;::
i has been a first-class , w v eWiS0 i*-*____J-- —
Iod of floor rooin of
j hm been done
oil cloth
Department never so well stooted
GOODS ---------------- ore marvelooe], taantitol an ^jj
; 5.—Stock I MS
is with and would be glaMo^e his friends HP - y&M
in us s 1
66 and 68 Whitehall and 1 , 3 , 5 . 7 , 9 , 11
Sheriffs Sales.
‘uTX’.'Kl^ legally ^iliy notified, notified.
session will lie
Also, at the the same same time time and and place, ]
BUiO eob} OIWIlOUW one house and lot in tbe city of Griffin.
containing one-lanrthol an acreol land, with
improvements thereon, boonped on th* north
byMontgomei by Montgomery King, on the east by *--- Warner
Hall, south by Solomon street, and on the
went by H. T. Brawner. Levlerf on and sold
as tlm property of Esther Wood, the to satisfy 1001st
a tk tiuiftiw Justice Court touri fl u fa ia issued iobucti from
made by C, J. little, L. C„ ond turned
over to me. Tenant in possession legally
notified. will be
Also, at tie same time and place,
sold one heavy drop rnnsp horse mis, about
ford to satisfy one mortgagefl fa issued from J.
Spalding Superior Court in favor oI R.
Powell, -Administrator of H. R. Chambers,
^^lso^attLrometimeMdplace, 4-100 of land situated and willberoid. lying
45 acres in
ing 3d district of originally Henry now Spold- of
tbe the County, County, Georgio, ueorgio, said saia laaua innun being oetng and part pan. oi
lots No. 124 and 101 insaid district conn
ty, bounded on the east by tbe the right south of way by
of theCfntral W.W. railroad, Woodruff, on the by
lands of Mrs. on west
W. P. Manley, and on the north 1# land 08 of
W. T. Freeman, said land bring 622 ft strip wide of
the south side of said lots and fret
and 2185 feet long, said lands being the set
apart to F. J. Freeman as his part of es¬
tate of Jane A. Freeman. Levied oh and
sold as the property ot F, JL Freeman to sat¬
isfy one fi fa issued from the County Conrt
of Spalding County in i- favor ----- of the Pendleton --—3-—
Gnano Company vs. F. J. Freeman. Tenant
a possession legaUy notified. wifi $ 6 .
Also, at the same time and place, win be 1*
gold the following property, to-wit: the west
hall of lot No. 41, containing 101% acres
of land more or less, also fifty acres of land
off of the north end of lot No. 8, running
the whole length of said lot, also lot No. 84
containing 202% new* of land, more tot
or -fm. «*na row boh of
No. 28, containing 101% acres of land
Georgia. ««*•««
13X22 Gnanolki.vs, GuanoCo. Joseph PnU-
favor favor of of Pendleton Pendleton
es, pointed and other out by fi plaintiff’s fas in my attorney. hands. Property Joseph
Pullen, tenant in possession, legally $6.00," no¬
tified. and will betolc
Also, at thesame time place,
the oneundivided sixth interest In the foBow-
ing lands to-wit: 202% acres of land more or
lew. heing 85 acres off lot No. 112 and balance
off of lotNo. 118, bounded northby lands of
John Coleman rotate and D. P Elder, east by
lands of J J Elder and lands of the rotate of J
1 B. Elder, sonth bj lands of 4 M Coleman, and
•'.•.•.••c,. „ KW *r. / gonxn *•' dj ibbqb 01 ■: - •> » wwsaai ijtftrijihr the_4ti
***4 by lands of D P Elder, in apitiding ■■ - jaltlingCbun-
trktof originally Levied Fayette and asfSrfe now sold the
Georgia. — - *' 1 tss * s on as •*’
sued from the jgiH*--||wmf County f. Griffin Court of J.H.Ma- Spalding “ IT
Connty in favor - of . ------- vs. —
It notified. $6.00.
R. a, CONNELL, Sheriff S. C.
ailc Remedy
25 ^
For Safe by N. B, Drawry.
• Hand
W , u
Also nice line of 1
before tiuyin
m, .
1 J'nnsually Handwime k«f
and Overcoa\
Beaut Styles an<T Fabrics.
HATS! WOOLEN sweetest Line of UNDERWEAR! Cravats ]
And Just the
jar- Tall for Charlie Wolcott, or Louis .Vitro, who will give yon thelatrot points t. ^ ,
(Prickly Aak, Poke *oot aad
PhysicanaendorseP. P- P. »*«!*»-
of sU
zs5iVRrv~- clnansing properties of P. P. P„
IMseases. Ecsems. Chronic
Bcsldbead, etc., etc.
P. P. P. G » powerful tonic end ro
excellent sppitimr. bulldlna np ihs
astern mridfr, Hpt »• wert mid J8ATAHSAE. 1
feeble, end fed tedly fry P. P. *g end f
■ wm mm
. .Jew Advett
and the NTIBSEKY
which ,, n,...
nutrition, and by a careful ----
the fine properties o! weH-sriected Cocoa,
fatal shaft porel L.
with sim
frsme- dy
Chemists. London, England.
. -
a . .
Orcan amo Piano Co.
j f fT A T VflWit. "T I'HIC Tfi GO
MODEL large and handsome rase $99 «
solid black walnut. Price
STYLE quarter, _ —, . —.. tor ten qnarMi quart propertf
when organ becomro
2244. of person hiring. MraraflH
The M « son t Hamli*
tone and
PIANOS. to stan in..--...
Ul li*,.'.’; 5!®i:
' '' M I
Organs and _ _ Pay-
; m
nov28dAw4« -• _J.j ? •
sr 1 nwi